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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 6 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1981 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Bailey, K. M.
Larval Transport and Recruitment of Pacific Hake Merluccius productus
MEPS 6:1-9 | Full text in pdf format

Laurence, G. C, Huntting Howell, W.
Embryology and Influence of Temperature and Salinity on Early Development and Survival of Yellowtail Flounder Limanda lerruginea
MEPS 6:11-18 | Full text in pdf format

Brandt, S. B.
Effects of a Warm-Core Eddy on Fish Distributions in the Tasman Sea of East Australia
MEPS 6:19-33 | Full text in pdf format

Duyl, F. C, van, Bak, R. P. M., Sybesma, J.
The Ecology of the Tropical Compound Ascidian Trididemnum solidum. I. Reproductive Strategy and Larval Behaviour
MEPS 6:35-42 | Full text in pdf format

Bak, R. P. M., Sybesma, J., van Duyl, F. C.
The Ecology of the Tropical Compound Ascidian Trididemnum solidum. II. Abundance, Growth and Survival
MEPS 6:43-52 | Full text in pdf format

Sybesma, J., van Duyl, F. C, Bak, R. P. M.
The Ecology of the Tropical Compound Ascidian Trididemnum solidum. III. Symbiotic Association with Unicellular Algae
MEPS 6:53-59 | Full text in pdf format

Kempf, S. C.
Long-Lived Larvae of the Gastropod Aplysia juliana: Do They Disperse and Metamorphose or Just Slowly Fade Away
MEPS 6:61-65 | Full text in pdf format

Vranken, G., Thielemans, L. K., Heip, C, Van-dycke, M.
Aspects of the Life-Cycle of Monhystera parelegantula (Nematoda; Monhysteridae)
MEPS 6:67-72 | Full text in pdf format

Buxton, C. D., Newell, R. C, Field, J. G.
Response-Surface Analysis of the Combined Effects of Exposure and Acclimation Temperatures on Filtration, Oxygen Consumption and Scope for Growth in the Oyster Ostrea edulis
MEPS 6:73-82 | Full text in pdf format

Hughes, R. N., Seed, R.
Size Selection of Mussels by the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus: Energy Maximizer or Time Minimizer?
MEPS 6:83-89 | Full text in pdf format

Paul, R. K. G.
Natural Diet, Feeding and Predatory Activity of the Crabs Callinectes arcuatus and C. toxotes (Decapoda, Brachyura, Portunidae)
MEPS 6:91-99 | Full text in pdf format

Siebers, D., Hoppenheit, M., Harms, U.
Mercury Influences Uptake of Amino Acids by Marine Bacteria
MEPS 6:101-113 | Full text in pdf format

Williams, W. T., Bunt, J. S., John, R. D., Abel, D. J.
The Community Concept and the Phytoplankton
MEPS 6:115-121 | Full text in pdf format

Newell, R. C, Lucas, M. I., Linley, E. A. S.
Rate of Degradation and Efficiency of Conversion of Phytoplankton Debris by Marine Micro-Organisms
MEPS 6:123-136 | Full text in pdf format

Goldman, J. C, Taylor, C. D., Glibert, P. M.
Nonlinear Time-Course Uptake of Carbon and Ammonium by Marine Phytoplankton
MEPS 6:137-148 | Full text in pdf format

Eppley, R. W., Horrigan, S. G., Fuhrman, J. A., Brooks, E. R., Price, C. C, Sellner, K.
Origins of Dissolved Organic Matter in Southern California Coastal Waters: Experiments on the Role of Zooplankton
MEPS 6:149-159 | Full text in pdf format

Kuiper, J.
Fate and Effects of Cadmium in Marine Plankton Communities in Experimental Enclosures
MEPS 6:161-174 | Full text in pdf format

Blake, J. A., Kudenov, J. D.
Larval Development, Larval Nutrition and Growth for Two Boccardia Species (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from Victoria, Australia
MEPS 6:175-182 | Full text in pdf format

Meadows, P. S., Ruagh, A. A.
Multifactorial Analysis of Behavioural Responses of the Amphipod Corophium volutator to Temperature-Salinity Combinations
MEPS 6:183-190 | Full text in pdf format

Sasaki, H., Nishizawa, S.
Vertical Flux Profiles of Particulate Material in the Sea of Sanriku
MEPS 6:191-201 | Full text in pdf format

Kneib, R. T.
Size-Specific Effects of Density on the Growth Fecundity and Mortality of the Fish Fundulus heteroclitus in an Intertidal Salt Marsh
MEPS 6:203-212 | Full text in pdf format

Azam, F., Hodson, R. E.
Multiphasic Kinetics for D-Glucose Uptake by Assemblages of Natural Marine Bacteria
MEPS 6:213-222 | Full text in pdf format

Thistle, D.
Natural Physical Disturbances and Communities of Marine Soft Bottoms
MEPS 6:223-228 | Full text in pdf format

Zmarzly, D. L., Holland, N. D.
Rates of Food Transport down the Ambulacra Grooves and Through the Gut of Comanthus bennetti (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) Observed in Situ
MEPS 6:229-230 | Full text in pdf format

Gilmurray, M. C, Daborn, G. R.
Feeding Relations of the Atlantic Silverside Menidia menidia in the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy
MEPS 6:231-235 | Full text in pdf format

Parsons, T. R., Stronach, J., Borstad, G. A., Louttit, G., Perry, R. I.
Biological Fronts in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, and Their Relation to Recent Measurements of Primary Productivity
MEPS 6:237-242 | Full text in pdf format

Pentreath, R. J., Harvey, B. R.
The Presence of 237Np in the Irish Sea
MEPS 6:243-247 | Full text in pdf format

Grant, J.
Sediment Transport and Disturbance on an Intertidal Sandflat: infaunal Distribution and Recolonization
MEPS 6:249-255 | Full text in pdf format

de Ruyter van Steveninck, E. D., Breeman, A. M.
Biomass and Relative Coverage of Benthic Algae in the Fore-Reef of Curagao (Netherlands Antilles) in Relation to Production
MEPS 6:257-265 | Full text in pdf format

Santelices, B., Montalva, S., Oliger, P.
Competitive Algal Community Organization in Exposed Intertidal Habitats from Central Chile
MEPS 6:267-276 | Full text in pdf format

Anderson, J. G., Boonruang, P., Meadows, P. S.
Interrelationships Between Chlorophylls, Carbon, Nitrogen and Heterotrophic Bacteria in an Intertidal Sediment Transect
MEPS 6:277-283 | Full text in pdf format

Phillips, D. J. H., Yim, W. W.-S.
A Comparative Evaluation of Oysters, Mussels and Sediments as Indicators of Trace Metals in Hong Kong Waters
MEPS 6:285-293 | Full text in pdf format

Spotte, S., Adams, G.
Pathogen Reduction in Closed Aquaculture Systems by UV Radiation: Fact or Artifact?
MEPS 6:295-298 | Full text in pdf format

Hanson, R. B., Tenore, K. R.
Microbial Metabolism and Incorporation by the Polychaete Capitella capitata of Aerobically and Anaerobically Decomposed Detritus
MEPS 6:299-307 | Full text in pdf format

Johns, D. M.
Physiological Studies on Cancer irroratus Larvae II. Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Physiological Performance
MEPS 6:309-315 | Full text in pdf format

Bell, C. R., Albright, L. J.
Attached and Free-Floating Bacteria in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia, Canada
MEPS 6:317-327 | Full text in pdf format

Reise, K.
Gnathostomulida Abundant Alongside Polychaete Burrows
MEPS 6:329-333 | Full text in pdf format

Cowan, M. E.
Field Observations of Colony Movement and Division of the Ascidian Didemnum molle
MEPS 6:335-337 | Full text in pdf format

Hickman, C. S.
Selective Deposit Feeding by the Deep-Sea Archaeogastropod Bathybembix aeola
MEPS 6:339-342 | Full text in pdf format