Kuhn CE, De Robertis A, Sterling J, Mordy CW, Meinig C, Lawrence-Slavas N, Cokelet E, Levine M, Tabisola H, Jenkins R, Peacock D, Vo DTest of unmanned surface vehicles to conduct remote focal follow studies of a marine predator MEPS 635:1-7 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Dong K, Kvile ØK, Stenseth NC, Stige LC
Associations among temperature, sea ice and phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the Barents Sea
MEPS 635:25-36 | Full text in pdf format
Wickham SB, Shackelford N, Darimont CT, Nijland W, Reshitnyk LY, Reynolds JD, Starzomski BM
Sea wrack delivery and accumulation on islands: factors that mediate marine nutrient permeability
MEPS 635:37-54 | Full text in pdf format
Jurriaans S, Hoogenboom MO
Seasonal acclimation of thermal performance in two species of reef-building corals
MEPS 635:55-70 | Full text in pdf format
Pagès-Escolà M, Bock PE, Gordon DP, Wilson S, Linares C, Hereu B, Costello MJ
Progress in the discovery of extant and fossil bryozoans
MEPS 635:71-79 | Full text in pdf format
Schwartzbach A, Behrens JW, Svendsen JC
Atlantic cod Gadus morhua save energy on stone reefs: implications for the attraction versus production debate in relation to reefs
MEPS 635:81-87 | Full text in pdf format
Caiger PE, Dean MJ, DeAngelis AI, Hatch LT, Rice AN, Stanley JA, Tholke C, Zemeckis DR, Van Parijs SM
A decade of monitoring Atlantic cod Gadus morhua spawning aggregations in Massachusetts Bay using passive acoustics
MEPS 635:89-103 | Full text in pdf format
Brewton RA, Downey CH, Streich MK, Wetz JJ, Ajemian MJ, Stunz GW
Trophic ecology of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus on natural and artificial reefs: interactions between annual variability, habitat, and ontogeny
MEPS 635:105-122 | Full text in pdf format
Krumsick KJ, Fisher JAD
Community size spectra provide indicators of ecosystem recovery on the Newfoundland and Labrador shelf
MEPS 635:123-137 | Full text in pdf format
Morales-de-Anda D, Cupul-Magaña AL, Rodríguez-Zaragoza FA, Aguilar-Betancourt C, González-Sansón G, Rodríguez-Troncoso AP
Reef fish functional composition and metrics reveal spatial differences in three protected islands in the Eastern Pacific
MEPS 635:139-150 | Full text in pdf format
Serra-Llinares RM, Bøhn T, Karlsen Ø, Nilsen R, Freitas C, Albretsen J, Haraldstad T, Thorstad EB, Elvik KMS, Bjørn PA
Impacts of salmon lice on mortality, marine migration distance and premature return in sea trout
MEPS 635:151-168 | Full text in pdf format
Grüss A, Gao J, Thorson JT, Rooper CN, Thompson G, Boldt JL, Lauth R
Estimating synchronous changes in condition and density in eastern Bering Sea fishes
MEPS 635:169-185 | Full text in pdf format
Brough T, Rayment W, Slooten E, Dawson S
Spatiotemporal distribution of foraging in a marine predator: behavioural drivers of hotspot formation
MEPS 635:187-202 | Full text in pdf format
Randall CJ, Negri AP, Quigley KM, Foster T, Ricardo GF, Webster NS, Bay LK, Harrison PL, Babcock RC, Heyward AJ
Sexual production of corals for reef restoration in the Anthropocene
MEPS 635:203-232 | Full text in pdf format
Edmunds PJ, Riegl B
Urgent need for coral demography in a world where corals are disappearing
MEPS 635:233-242 | Full text in pdf format