Riccialdelli L, Becker YA, Fioramonti NE, Torres M, Bruno DO, Raya Rey A, Fernández DATrophic structure of southern marine ecosystems: a comparative isotopic analysis from the Beagle Channel to the oceanic Burdwood Bank area under a wasp-waist assumption MEPS 655:1-27 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
Allen S, Henson S, Hickman A, Beaulieu C, Doncaster PC, Johns DG
Interannual stability of phytoplankton community composition in the North-East Atlantic
MEPS 655:43-57 | Full text in pdf format
Kwong LE, Suchy KD, Sastri AR, Dower JF, Pakhomov EA
Comparison of mesozooplankton production estimates from Saanich Inlet (British Columbia, Canada) using the chitobiase and biomass size spectra approaches
MEPS 655:59-75 | Full text in pdf format
Nielsen BLH, Gréve HVS, Rayner TA, Hansen BW
Biochemical adaptation by the tropical copepods Apocyclops royi and Pseudodiaptomus annandalei to a PUFA-poor brackish water habitat
MEPS 655:77-89 | Full text in pdf format
Stark KA, Thompson PL, Yakimishyn J, Lee L, Adamczyk EM, Hessing-Lewis M, O’Connor MI
Beyond a single patch: local and regional processes explain diversity patterns in a seagrass epifaunal metacommunity
MEPS 655:91-106 | Full text in pdf format
van der Reis AL, Jeffs AG, Lavery SD
From feeding habits to food webs: exploring the diet of an opportunistic benthic generalist
MEPS 655:107-121 | Full text in pdf format
Grimes TM, Tinker MT, Hughes BB, Boyer KE, Needles L, Beheshti K, Lewison RL
Characterizing the impact of recovering sea otters on commercially important crabs in California estuaries
MEPS 655:123-137 | Full text in pdf format
Yates DC, Lonhart SI, Hamilton SL
Effects of marine reserves on predator-prey interactions in central California kelp forests
MEPS 655:139-155 | Full text in pdf format
O’Shea OR, Meadows MH, Wrigglesworth EE, Newton J, Hawkes LA
Novel insights into the diet of southern stingrays and Caribbean whiptail rays
MEPS 655:157-170 | Full text in pdf format
Becerril-García EE, Martínez-Rincón RO, Galván-Magaña F, Santana-Morales O, Hoyos-Padilla EM
Statistical modelling reveals spatial, temporal, and environmental preferences for white sharks at an oceanic aggregation site
MEPS 655:171-183 | Full text in pdf format
Weil J, Duguid WDP, Juanes F
Fine-scale taxonomic and temporal variability in the energy density of invertebrate prey of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
MEPS 655:185-198 | Full text in pdf format
Blincow KM, Bush PG, Heppell SA, McCoy CM, Johnson BC, Pattengill-Semmens CV, Heppell SS, Stevens-McGeever SJ, Whaylen L, Luke K, Semmens BX
Spatial ecology of Nassau grouper at home reef sites: using acoustic telemetry to track a large, long-lived epinephelid across multiple years (2005-2008)
MEPS 655:199-214 | Full text in pdf format
Dodino S, Riccialdelli L, Polito MJ, Pütz K, Raya Rey A
Inter-annual variation in the trophic niche of Magellanic penguins Spheniscus magellanicus during the pre-molt period in the Beagle Channel
MEPS 655:215-225 | Full text in pdf format
Flanders KR, Olson ZH, Ono KA
Utilizing next-generation sequencing to identify prey DNA in western North Atlantic grey seal Halichoerus grypus diet
MEPS 655:227-240 | Full text in pdf format