Black JA, Neuheimer AB, Horn PL, Tracey DM, Drazen JCEnvironmental, evolutionary, and ecological drivers of slow growth in deep-sea demersal teleosts MEPS 658:1-26 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Will V, Stahl A, Ullrich MS
Heavy metal resistance in Marinobacter adhaerens HP15 supports colonization of transparent exopolymer particles during its interaction with diatoms
MEPS 658:47-57 | Full text in pdf format
Rahlff J, Khodami S, Voskuhl L, Humphreys MP, Stolle C, Martinez Arbizu P, Wurl O, Ribas-Ribas M
Short-term responses to ocean acidification: effects on relative abundance of eukaryotic plankton from the tropical Timor Sea
MEPS 658:59-74 | Full text in pdf format
Ottmann D, Álvarez-Berastegui D, Prieto L, Balbín R, Alemany F, Fiksen Ø, Gordoa A, Reglero P
Abundance of Pelagia noctiluca early life stages in the western Mediterranean Sea scales with surface chlorophyll
MEPS 658:75-88 | Full text in pdf format
Brodeur RD, Buckley TW, Lang GM, Draper DL, Buchanan JC, Hibpshman RE
Demersal fish predators of gelatinous zooplankton in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
MEPS 658:89-104 | Full text in pdf format
van Tonder A, Lübcker N, Guerreiro M, Xavier JC, Cherel Y, de Bruyn PJN
Ecology of Moroteuthopsis longimana at the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands, revealed through stable isotope analysis of squid beaks
MEPS 658:105-115 | Full text in pdf format
van der Velde TD, Venables WN, Crocos PJ, Edgar S, Evans F, Rothlisberg PC
Seasonal, interannual and spatial variability in the reproductive dynamics of Penaeus merguiensis
MEPS 658:117-133 | Full text in pdf format
Peres PA, Ferreira AP, Machado GBO, Azevedo-Silva M, Siqueira SGL, Leite FPP
Sex-biased dispersal depends on the spatial scale in a tube-building amphipod
MEPS 658:135-148 | Full text in pdf format
Williams BL, Johnson DS
Role of ecological interactions in saltmarsh geomorphic processes
MEPS 658:149-161 | Full text in pdf format
Fujinami Y, Shiozaki K, Hiraoka Y, Semba Y, Ohshimo S, Kai M
Seasonal migrations of pregnant blue sharks Prionace glauca in the northwestern Pacific
MEPS 658:163-179 | Full text in pdf format
Castro L, Morin V, Tiznado O, Miranda A, Soto S, Gonzalez M
Effects of salinity changes on hatching, hatching-gene expression, and hatching-enzyme expression in anchoveta Engraulis ringens eggs
MEPS 658:181-194 | Full text in pdf format
Camara EM, Andrade-Tubino MF, Franco TP, Santos LN, Santos AFGN, Araújo FG
Scale sensitivity of environmental effects on the temporal beta diversity of fishes in tropical coastal lagoons
MEPS 658:195-217 | Full text in pdf format
Yorio P, Suárez N, Dell'Arciprete P, Marinao C, Góngora ME, Pichegru L, Prosdocimi L, Kasinsky T
Spatial use of multiple jurisdictions by Magellanic penguins and assessment of potential conflicts in the face of changing trawl fisheries scenarios
MEPS 658:219-236 | Full text in pdf format
Christiansen F, Rodríguez-González F, Martínez-Aguilar S, Urbán J, Swartz S, Warick H, Vivier F, Bejder L
Poor body condition associated with an unusual mortality event in gray whales
MEPS 658:237-252 | Full text in pdf format
Jusufovski et al., Vol 627: 207-232 (2019)
MEPS 658:253 | Full text in pdf format