Ito MA, Lin HJ, O’Connor MI, Nakaoka MLarge-scale comparison of biomass and reproductive phenology among native and non-native populations of the seagrass Zostera japonica MEPS 675:1-21 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Beauchard O, Brind’Amour A, Schratzberger M, Laffargue P, Hintzen NT, Somerfield PJ, Piet G
A generic approach to develop a trait-based indicator of trawling-induced disturbance
MEPS 675:35-52 | Full text in pdf format
Temple NA, Sparks EL, Webb BM, Cebrian J, Virden MF, Lucore AE, Moss HB
Responses of two fringing salt marsh plant species along a wave climate gradient
MEPS 675:53-66 | Full text in pdf format
Jackson GD, Jackson CH, Virtue P, Fluckiger M, Nichols PD
Dietary fatty acid analyses of the squid Idioteuthis cordiformis: further evidence for predation on deepwater sharks
MEPS 675:67-79 | Full text in pdf format
Stortini CH, Frank KT, Ontiveros VJ, Leggett WC, Shackell NL
Maintenance of long-term equilibrium in a perturbed metacommunity of sub-arctic marine fishes
MEPS 675:81-96 | Full text in pdf format
Vallès H, Kramer DL
Microhabitat use by recently settled Sparisoma parrotfishes: ontogenetic shifts and association with algal-gardening damselfishes
MEPS 675:97-112 | Full text in pdf format
Alewijnse SR, Stowasser G, Saunders RA, Belcher A, Crimmen OA, Cooper N, Trueman CN
Otolith-derived field metabolic rates of myctophids (Family Myctophidae) from the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean)
MEPS 675:113-131 | Full text in pdf format
Hunter ME, Beaver CE, Johnson NA, Bors EK, Mignucci-Giannoni AA, Silliman BR, Buddo D, Searle L, Díaz-Ferguson E
Genetic analysis of red lionfish Pterois volitans from Florida, USA, leads to alternative North Atlantic introduction scenarios
MEPS 675:133-151 | Full text in pdf format
Vacquié-Garcia J, Lydersen C, Lydersen E, Christensen GN, Guinet C, Kovacs KM
Seasonal habitat use of a lagoon by ringed seals Pusa hispida in Svalbard, Norway
MEPS 675:153-164 | Full text in pdf format
Nielsen KA, Robbins JR, Embling CB
Spatio-temporal patterns in harbour porpoise density: citizen science and conservation in UK seas
MEPS 675:165-180 | Full text in pdf format
Kunisch EH, Graeve M, Gradinger R, Haug T, Kovacs KM, Lydersen C, Varpe Ø, Bluhm BA
Ice-algal carbon supports harp and ringed seal diets in the European Arctic: evidence from fatty acid and stable isotope markers
MEPS 675:181-197 | Full text in pdf format
Jones RN, Brush EG, Dilley ER, Hixon MA
Autumn coral bleaching in Hawai‘i
MEPS 675:199-205 | Full text in pdf format