Skogen MD, Ji R, Akimova A, Daewel U, Hansen C, Hjøllo SS, van Leeuwen SM, Maar M, Macias D, Mousing EA, Almroth-Rosell E, Sailley SF, Spence MA, Troost TA, van de Wolfshaar K
OPINION PIECE: Disclosing the truth: Are models better than observations?
MEPS 680:7-13 | Full text in pdf format
Hansen C, Skogen MD, Rong Utne K, Broms C, Strand E, Hjøllo SS
Patterns, efficiency and ecosystem effects when fishing Calanus finmarchicus in the Norwegian Sea—using an individual-based model
MEPS 680:15-32 | Full text in pdf format
Zhang HR, Wang Y, Xiu P, Chai F
Modeling the seasonal variability of phytoplankton in the subarctic northeast Pacific Ocean
MEPS 680:33-50 | Full text in pdf format
Hatzonikolakis Y, Tsiaras K, Tserpes G, Somarakis S, St John MA, Peristeraki P, Raitsos DE, Triantafyllou G
Investigating growth and reproduction of the Mediterranean swordfish Xiphias gladius through a full life cycle bioenergetics model
MEPS 680:51-77 | Full text in pdf format
van de Wolfshaar KE, Daewel U, Hjøllo SS, Troost TA, Kreus M, Pätsch J, Ji R, Maar M
Sensitivity of the fish community to different prey fields and importance of spatial-seasonal patterns
MEPS 680:79-95 | Full text in pdf format
Champagnat J, Lecomte JB, Rivot E, Douchet L, Martin N, Grasso F, Mounier F, Labadie P, Loizeau V, Bacq N, Le Pape O
Multidisciplinary assessment of nearshore nursery habitat restoration for an exploited population of marine fish
MEPS 680:97-109 | Full text in pdf format
Politikos DV, Rose KA, Curchitser EN, Checkley DM Jr , Rykaczewski RR, Fiechter J
Climate variation and anchovy recruitment in the California Current: a cause-and-effect analysis of an end-to-end model simulation
MEPS 680:111-136 | Full text in pdf format
Huebert KB, Rose KA, Chambers RC
Simulating fish population responses to elevated CO2: a case study using winter flounder
MEPS 680:137-161 | Full text in pdf format
Hjøllo SS, Hansen C, Skogen MD
Assessing the importance of zooplankton sampling patterns with an ecosystem model
MEPS 680:163-176 | Full text in pdf format
Myksvoll MS, Devine J, Quintela M, Geffen AJ, Nash RDM, Sandvik A, Besnier F, Saha A, Dahle G, Jansson E, Nedreaas K, Johansen T
Linking dispersal connectivity to population structure and management boundaries for saithe in the Northeast Atlantic
MEPS 680:177-191 | Full text in pdf format
Pastor A, Larsen J, Hansen FT, Simon A, Bierne N, Maar M
Agent-based modeling and genetics reveal the Limfjorden, Denmark, as a well-connected system for mussel larvae
MEPS 680:193-205 | Full text in pdf format
Spence MA, Griffiths CA, Waggitt JJ, Bannister HJ, Thorpe RB, Rossberg AG, Lynam CP
Sustainable fishing can lead to improvements in marine ecosystem status: an ensemble-model forecast of the North Sea ecosystem
MEPS 680:207-221 | Full text in pdf format
van Leeuwen SM, Salgado H, Bailey JL, Beecham J, Iriarte JL, García-García L, Thorpe R
Climate change, marine resources and a small Chilean community: making the connections
MEPS 680:223-246 | Full text in pdf format