Inter-Research > MEPS > v685  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 685 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 685 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2022 Inter-Research. Published March 10
Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.
Garcia V, Schilling HT, Cruz DO, Hawes SM, Everett JD, Roughan M, Miskiewicz AG, Pakhomov EA, Jeffs A, Suthers IM
Entrainment and development of larval fish assemblages in two contrasting cold core eddies of the East Australian Current system
MEPS 685:1-18 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Meyer-Kaiser KS, Mires CH, Haskell B
Invertebrate communities on shipwrecks in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
MEPS 685:19-29 | Full text in pdf format

Scheer SL, Sweetman AK, Piatkowski U, Rohlfer EK, Hoving HJT
Food fall-specific scavenging response to experimental medium-sized carcasses in the deep sea
MEPS 685:31-48 | Full text in pdf format

Mayorga-Adame CG, Polton JA, Fox AD, Henry LA
Spatiotemporal scales of larval dispersal and connectivity among oil and gas structures in the North Sea
MEPS 685:49-67 | Full text in pdf format

Díaz-Barroso L, Hernández-Carrasco I, Orfila A, Reglero P, Balbín R, Hidalgo M, Tintoré J, Alemany F, Alvarez-Berastegui D
Singularities of surface mixing activity in the Western Mediterranean influence bluefin tuna larval habitats
MEPS 685:69-84 | Full text in pdf format

Mulders Y, Mattio L, Phillips JC, Lavery PS, Kendrick GA, Wernberg T
Patch dynamics driven by wave exposure in subtidal temperate seaweeds are exacerbated by warming oceans
MEPS 685:85-95 | Full text in pdf format

Lange T, Oncken NS, Svane N, Steinfurth RC, Kristensen E, Flindt MR
Large-scale eelgrass transplantation: a measure for carbon and nutrient sequestration in estuaries
MEPS 685:97-109 | Full text in pdf format

González-Murcia S, Coppock AG, Ekins M, Battershill CN, Jones GP
Effects of exposure, depth and aspect on sponge communities on a coral reef
MEPS 685:111-126 | Full text in pdf format

Barnes AJ, Hill JM
Copper barriers can cause behavioral artifacts in experiments with marine snails
MEPS 685:127-136 | Full text in pdf format

Woods BL, Walters A, Hindell M, Revill AT, Field I, McCormack SA, Cherel Y, Trebilco R
Trophic structure of Southern Ocean squid: a cross-basin analysis of stable isotopes in archived beaks from predator stomachs
MEPS 685:137-152 | Full text in pdf format

Román S, Weidberg N, Muñiz C, Aguion A, Vázquez E, Santiago J, Seoane P, Barreiro B, Outeiral R, Villegas-Ríos D, Fandiño S, Macho G
Mesoscale patterns in barnacle reproduction are mediated by upwelling-driven thermal variability
MEPS 685:153-170 | Full text in pdf format

Twiname S, Fitzgibbon QP, Hobday AJ, Carter CG, Oellermann M, Pecl GT
Resident lobsters dominate food competition with range-shifting lobsters in an ocean warming hotspot
MEPS 685:171-181 | Full text in pdf format

De Leij R, Grange LJ, Peck LS
Functional thermal limits are determined by rate of warming during simulated marine heatwaves
MEPS 685:183-196 | Full text in pdf format

Henderson EE, Deakos M, Aschettino J, Englehaupt D, Alongi G
Behavior and inter-island movements of satellite-tagged humpback whales in Hawai’i, USA
MEPS 685:197-213 | Full text in pdf format