Cronin-O’Reilly S, Wells NS, McCallum R, Hallett CS, Tweedley JR, Valesini FJ, Eyre BD
Defaunation by deoxygenation: efficacy and divergent responses of estuarine macroinvertebrates
MEPS 701:17-24 | Full text in pdf format
Orkney A, Sathyendranath S, Jackson T, Porter M, Bouman HA
Atlantic inflow is the primary driver of remotely sensed autumn blooms in the Barents Sea
MEPS 701:25-40 | Full text in pdf format
Indergard MO, Bellantuono A, Rodriguez-Lanetty M, Heng F, Gilg MR
Acclimation to elevated temperatures in Acropora cervicornis: effects of host genotype and symbiont shuffling
MEPS 701:41-65 | Full text in pdf format
Longmire KS, Seitz RD, Seebo MS, Brill RW, Lipcius RN
Biological responses of the predatory blue crab and its hard clam prey to ocean acidification and low salinity
MEPS 701:67-81 | Full text in pdf format
Teramura A, Koeda K, Matsuo A, Sato MP, Senou H, Ho HC, Suyama Y, Kikuchi K, Hirase S
Assessing the effectiveness of DNA barcoding for exploring hidden genetic diversity in deep-sea fishes
MEPS 701:83-98 | Full text in pdf format
Beauvieux A, Queiros Q, Metral L, Dutto G, Gasset E, Criscuolo F, Fromentin JM, Saraux C, Schull Q
Energy allocation trade-offs between life-history traits in the Mediterranean sardine: an ecophysiological approach
MEPS 701:99-118 | Full text in pdf format
Whitesell MJ, Hunter EA, Rostal DC, Carroll JM
Direct and indirect pathways for environmental drivers of hatching success in the loggerhead sea turtle
MEPS 701:119-132 | Full text in pdf format
Johns ME, Warzybok P
Northward migration, molting locations, and winter residency of California breeding pigeon guillemots Cepphus columba
MEPS 701:133-143 | Full text in pdf format
Clark BL, Irigoin-Lovera C, Gonzales-DelCarpio DD, Diaz-Santibañez I, Votier SC, Zavalaga CB
Interactions between anchovy fisheries and Peruvian boobies revealed by bird-borne cameras and movement loggers
MEPS 701:145-157 | Full text in pdf format
Laute A, Grove TJ, Rasmussen MH, Smith A, Loisa O, Fournet MEH
Impact of whale-watching vessels on humpback whale calling behavior on an Icelandic foraging ground during the Covid-19 pandemic
MEPS 701:159-173 | Full text in pdf format