Schrage KR, Meyer-Kaiser KS
Fine-resolution patterns of fouling community settlement, growth, and mortality using the CATAIN camera system
MEPS 711:17-29 | Full text in pdf format
Bacus SC, Kelley AL
Effects of ocean acidification and ocean warming on the behavior and physiology of a subarctic, intertidal grazer
MEPS 711:31-45 | Full text in pdf format
Geissinger EA, Bloom CR, Gregory RS, Laurel BJ, Snelgrove PVR
Condition, size, and winter duration affect winter survival probability of juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in a coastal subarctic ecosystem
MEPS 711:47-60 | Full text in pdf format
Ogilvy C, Constantine R, Carroll EL
Spatial variation in isotope values of Hector’s dolphins from the north coast of the South Island, New Zealand
MEPS 711:61-75 | Full text in pdf format
Gulka J, Berlin AM, Friedland KD, Gilbert AT, Goetsch C, Montevecchi WA, Perry M, Stenhouse IJ, Williams KA, Adams EM
Assessing individual movement, habitat use, and behavior of non-breeding marine birds in relation to prey availability in the US Atlantic
MEPS 711:77-99 | Full text in pdf format
Orphanides CD, Jech JM, Palka DL, Collie J
Relating marine mammal distribution to water column prey structure derived from echosounding
MEPS 711:101-119 | Full text in pdf format
Dupaix A, Dagorn L, Duparc A, Guillou A, Deneubourg JL, Capello M
No evidence from long-term analysis of yellowfin tuna condition that drifting fish aggregating devices act as ecological traps
MEPS 711:121-127 | Full text in pdf format
Elliott Smith EA, Szpak P, Braje TJ, Newsom B, Rick TC
Pre-industrial ecology and foraging behavior of swordfish Xiphias gladius in the eastern North Pacific
MEPS 711:129-134 | Full text in pdf format