Hu N, Huang Y, Yu Z, Zhang T, Liu D, Lee MHandling- or digestion-limited predators: the role of body mass and habitat complexity in predator functional response MEPS 725:1-14 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Auch D, Steinen V, Steckhan L, Koppelmann R, Yari S, Mohrholz V, Schukat A, Fernández-Méndez M, Kittu LR, Peck MA
Oceanographic structuring of the mucous-mesh grazer community in the Humboldt Current off Peru
MEPS 725:29-44 | Full text in pdf format
Pierucci A, Suaria G
Abundance and distribution of flying fishes (Exocoetidae) and flying squids (Ommastrephidae) in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean based on a large-scale visual survey
MEPS 725:45-56 | Full text in pdf format
Croll JC, Mudde QD, van Kooten T, de Roos AM
Growth as a measure for environmental conditions and relatedness of North Sea fish stocks
MEPS 725:57-73 | Full text in pdf format
Duncan SE, Fock HO, Sell AF, Hagen W
Trophic ecology of mesopelagic fishes in the northern and southern Benguela Upwelling Systems revealed through stable isotope patterns
MEPS 725:75-93 | Full text in pdf format
dos Santos I, Gonçalves AMM, Carreiro AR, Martins B, Rocha CP, Vieira C, Matos DM, Gutiérrez IB, Rodrigues I, Almeida N, Ramos JA, Paiva VH, Araújo PM
Similar breeding performance despite inter-annual differences in diet composition of seabirds inhabiting a tropical environment
MEPS 725:95-119 | Full text in pdf format
Davies JG, Humphreys EM, Evans T, Howells RJ, O’Hara-Murray R, Pearce-Higgins JW
Seabird abundances projected to decline in response to climate change in Britain and Ireland
MEPS 725:121-140 | Full text in pdf format
Rebstock GA, Dee Boersma P
Sex-specific migratory behavior in a marine predator results in higher risks to females
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Rita D, Borrell A, Víkingsson G, Aguilar A
Alkenone Uk’37 index differs between thermally separated populations of fin whales and krill
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Hütt JC, Corkeron P, van der Hoop JM, Moore MJ
Uncertain bioenergetics of North Atlantic right whales
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Cormack A, Slavich E, Negrete J, Bornemann H, Daneri GA, Rogers TL
Extreme dietary specialisation in adult male southern elephant seals: determining variation between individual trophic diets
MEPS 725:185-199 | Full text in pdf format