Vereide EH, Khodabandeloo B, de Jong K
The copepod Acartia sp. is more sensitive to a rapid pressure drop associated with seismic airguns than Calanus sp.
MEPS 730:15-30 | Full text in pdf format
Zhang H, Zhu G, Liu H, Swadling KM
Autumn food availability in Bransfield Strait for Antarctic krill Euphausia superba and the relationship between body size and fatty acid content
MEPS 730:31-42 | Full text in pdf format
Yan Y, Wang M, Wu X, Wang H, Zhong Z, Li C
Mitochondrial and morphological adaptions of Lindaspio polybranchiata (Annelida: Spionidae) in the South China Sea
MEPS 730:43-58 | Full text in pdf format
McClanahan TR, Friedlander AM, Chabanet P, Bruggemann JH, Wickel J, Azali MK
Modeling the spatial distribution of numbers of coral reef fish species and community types in the Western Indian Ocean faunal province
MEPS 730:59-78 | Full text in pdf format
Moreira ALP, de Medeiros PR, Roos NC
Two ubiquitous parrotfishes exhibit distinct foraging ecologies on tropical Brazilian reefs
MEPS 730:79-93 | Full text in pdf format
Xuan Z, Wang WX
Trace elemental and stable isotopic signatures to reconstruct the large-scale environmental connectivity of fish populations
MEPS 730:95-111 | Full text in pdf format
O’Hanlon NJ, van Bemmelen RSA, Snell KRS, Conway GJ, Thaxter CB, Aiton H, Aiton D, Balmer DE, Hanssen SA, Calladine JR, Hammer S, Harris SJ, Moe B, Schekkerman H, Tulp I, Humphreys EM
Atlantic populations of a declining oceanic seabird have complex migrations and weak migratory connectivity to staging areas
MEPS 730:113-129 | Full text in pdf format