Inter-Research > MEPS > v745  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 745 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 745 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2024 Inter-Research. Published September 19
Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.

Vriends BJ, Tummon Flynn P, Quijón PA
Habitat-mediated direct and indirect interactions in a marine sedimentary system from Atlantic Canada
MEPS 745:1-12 | Full text in pdf format

Uth C, Asmala E, Lewandowska AM
Phytoplankton community composition as a driver of annual autochthonous organic carbon dynamics in the northern coastal Baltic Sea
MEPS 745:13-24 | Full text in pdf format

Ladds M, Smith J, Strohm V, Gobler CJ
Acartia tonsa grazing on the harmful dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuminata reduces copepod survival and increases extracellular toxin concentrations
MEPS 745:25-40 | Full text in pdf format

Hirche HJ, Ershova EA, Kosobokova KN, Hopcroft RR
From fringe to basin: unravelling the survival strategies of Calanus hyperboreus and C. glacialis in the Arctic Ocean
MEPS 745:41-57 | Full text in pdf format

Gauci C, Jueterbock A, Khatei A, Hoarau G, Bartsch I
Thermal priming of Saccharina latissima: a promising strategy to improve seaweed production and restoration in future climates
MEPS 745:59-71 | Full text in pdf format

Klein JC, Powell EN, Kreeger DA, Zhang X, Pace SM, Kuykendall KM, Thomas RL
Model estimation of eastern oyster larval performance from food quantity and quality measures in western Mississippi Sound
MEPS 745:73-94 | Full text in pdf format

Walsh KA, Thompson AR, Kwan GT, Semmens BX, Fennie HW, Swalethorp R
Diet and size at birth affect larval rockfish condition and survival
MEPS 745:95-114 | Full text in pdf format

Ogburn MB, Legett HD, Aguilar R, Furey NB, Heggie K, Livernois MC, Richie KD
Acoustic telemetry captures the full annual migration of alewife between Chesapeake Bay and the Gulf of Maine
MEPS 745:115-124 | Full text in pdf format

Munnelly RT, Pittinger BR, Keenan SF, Switzer TS
Benthic modification and biotic associations at natural and artificial habitats excavated by Epinephelus morio and Lutjanus campechanus
MEPS 745:125-145 | Full text in pdf format

Arronte JC, Serrano A, González-Irusta JM
Habitat preferences of Phycis blennoides (Pisces: Gadiformes): environmental factors and fishing-related ontogenic deepening
MEPS 745:147-163 | Full text in pdf format