Inter-Research > MEPS > v89  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 89 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1992 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Aronson, R. B.
Biology of a scale-independent predator-prey interaction
MEPS 89:1-13 | Full text in pdf format

Ramón, M., Richardson, C. A.
Age determination and shell growth of Chamelea gallina (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in the western Mediterranean
MEPS 89:15-23 | Full text in pdf format

Ang, P. O. Jr
Cost of reproduction in Fucus distichus
MEPS 89:25-35 | Full text in pdf format

Sime-Ngando, T., Juniper, K., Vézina, A.
Ciliated protozoan communities over Cobb Seamount: increase in biomass and spatial patchiness
MEPS 89:37-51 | Full text in pdf format

Delmas, D., Herbland, A., Maestrini, S. Y.
Environmental conditions which lead to increase in cell density of the toxic dinoflagellates Dinophysis spp. in nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor waters of the French Atlantic coast
MEPS 89:53-61 | Full text in pdf format

Hondeveld, B. J. M., Bak, R. P. M., Duyl, F. C. van
Bacterivory by heterotrophic nanoflagellates in marine sediments measured by uptake of fluorescently labeled bacteria
MEPS 89:63-71 | Full text in pdf format

Flynn, K. J., Flynn, K.
Non-protein free amines in microalgae: consequences for the measurement of intracellular amino acids and of the glutamine/glutamate ratio
MEPS 89:73-79 | Full text in pdf format

Hall, P. O. J., Holby, O., Kollberg, S., Samuelson, M.-O.
Chemical fluxes and mass balances in a marine fishcagefarm. IV Nitrogen
MEPS 89:81-91 | Full text in pdf format

Pouliquen, H., Le Bris, H., Pinault, L.
Experimental study of the therapeutic application of oxytetracycline, its attenuation in sediment and sea water, and implications for farm culture of benthic organisms
MEPS 89:93-98 | Full text in pdf format

Brown, B. E., Zamani, N. P.
Mitotic indices of zooxanthellae: a comparison of techniques based on nuclear and cell division frequencies
MEPS 89:99-102 | Full text in pdf format

Murray, A. G., Jackson, G. A.
Viral dynamics: a model of the effects of size shape, motion and abundance of single-celled planktonic organisms and other particles
MEPS 89:103-116 | Full text in pdf format

Haigh, R., Taylor, F. J. R., Sutherland, T. F.
Phytoplankton ecology of Sechelt Inlet, a fjord system on the British Columbia coast. I. General features of the nano- and microplankton
MEPS 89:117-134 | Full text in pdf format

Fiala, M., Delille, D.
Variability and interactions of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton in the Antarctic neritic area
MEPS 89:135-146 | Full text in pdf format

Findlay, S., Pace, M. L., Lints, D., Howe, K.
Bacterial metabolism of organic carbon in the tidal freshwater Hudson Estuary
MEPS 89:147-153 | Full text in pdf format

Vaqué, D., Pace, M. L., Findlay, S., Lints, D.
Fate of bacterial production in a heterotrophic ecosystem: grazing by protists and metazoans in the Hudson Estuary
MEPS 89:155-163 | Full text in pdf format

Almeida, M. A., Alcantara, F.
Bacterial colonization of seston particles in brackish waters (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal)
MEPS 89:165-173 | Full text in pdf format

Nicol, S., Stolp, M., Cochran, T., Geijsel, P., Marshall, J.
Growth and shrinkage of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba from the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean during summer
MEPS 89:175-181 | Full text in pdf format

Rodhouse, P. G., Symon, C, Hatfield, E. M. C.
Early life cycle of cephalopods in relation to the major oceanographic features of the southwest Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 89:183-195 | Full text in pdf format

Mayzaud, P., Roche-Mayzaud, O., Razouls, S.
Medium term time acclimation of feeding and digestive enzyme activity in marine copepods: influence of food concentration and copepod species
MEPS 89:197-212 | Full text in pdf format

Wolff, M., Cerda, G.
Feeding ecology of the crab Cancer polyodon in La Herradura Bay, northern Chile. I. Feeding chronology, food intake, and gross growth and ecological efficiency
MEPS 89:213-219 | Full text in pdf format

del Rio-Portilla, M. A., Re-Araujo, A. D., Voltolina, D.
Growth of the pearl oyster Plena sterna under different thermic and feeding conditions
MEPS 89:221-227 | Full text in pdf format

Sakamoto, S., Ogata, T., Sato, S., Kodama, M., Takeuchi, T.
Causative organism of paralytic shellfish toxins other than dinoflagellates
MEPS 89:229-235 | Full text in pdf format

Chang, S., Steimle, F. W., Reid, R. N., Fromm, S. A., Zdanowicz, V. S., Pikanowski, R. A.
Association of benthic macrofauna with habitat types and quality in the New York Bight
MEPS 89:237-251 | Full text in pdf format

Huettel, M., Gust, G.
Impact of bioroughness on interfacia solute exchange in permeable sediments
MEPS 89:253-267 | Full text in pdf format

Bulthuis, D. A., Axelrad, D. M., Mickelson, M. J.
Growth of the seagrass Heterozoslera tasmanica limited by nitrogen in Port Phillip Bay, Australia
MEPS 89:269-275 | Full text in pdf format

Thorrold, S. R.
Evaluating the performance of light traps for sampling small fish and squid in open waters of the central Great Barrier Reef lagoon
MEPS 89:277-285 | Full text in pdf format

Rozas, L. P.
Bottomless lift net for quantitatively sampling nekton on intertidal marshes
MEPS 89:287-292 | Full text in pdf format

Visscher, P. T., Diaz, M. R., Taylor, B. F.
Enumeration of bacteria which cleave or demethylate dimethylsulfoniopropionate in the Caribbean Sea
MEPS 89:293-296 | Full text in pdf format

Bochdansky, A. B., Herndl, G. J.
Ecology of amorphous aggregations (marine snow) in the Northern Adriatic Sea. V. Role of fecal pellets in marine snow
MEPS 89:297-303 | Full text in pdf format

Mueller-Niklas, G., Herndl, G. J.
Activity of fecal coliform bacteria measured by 4-methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-glucuronide substrate in the northern Adriatic Sea with special reference to marine snow
MEPS 89:305-309 | Full text in pdf format