Inter-Research > AME > v86 > p169-184  > Supplementary Material
Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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AME 86:169-184 Supplementary Videos

Swimming behavior of cryptophyte prey affects prey preference of the ambush-feeding ciliate Mesodinium rubrum

Jiang H, Johnson MD
AME 86:169-184 Full text in pdf format

Supplementary Videos

Video Group S1: High-speed videos of the swimming behaviors of three species of marine cryptophytes.

Video Group S2: High-speed videos of behavioral characteristics of the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum detecting, attacking, and capturing its cryptophyte prey Teleaulax amphioxeia.

Video Group S3: High-speed videos of the cryptophyte Teleaulax amphioxeia reacting behaviorally to the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum.

Video Group S4: High-speed videos of the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum jumping away from the cryptophyte Teleaulax amphioxeia.

Video Group S5: High-speed videos of the behavior of the ciliate predator Mesodinium rubrum after capturing its cryptophyte prey Teleaulax amphioxeia.