It strives for the highest possible quality, quick publication, and a premium standard of technical presentation.
DAO is a transformative hybrid journal. See Transformative Journals in the "For Authors" section.
Print : ISSN 0177-5103
Online : ISSN 1616-1580
Early volumes (more than five years since publication) are freely accessible to all users. They are listed according to the subscription year to which they belonged.
D 3817
Cheung S, Loutet SA, Zaytsoff S, Van Petegem F, Tran LH, Abnousi H
PirA- or PirB-binding nanobodies can protect whiteleg shrimp from the acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease toxin
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D 3819
Bakhmet I, Nikolaev KE, Smurov AO, Levakin I, Ekimov D
Effect of trematode infection on the cardiac activity of a marine gastropod (Littorina littorea L.) in situ and under laboratory conditions
Prepress abstract
D 3820
Dehnert I, Galli P, Siena F, Montano S
Disease assessment in ‘coral gardening’ nurseries in the Maldives and implications for coral restoration success
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D 3821
Praveenraj J, Uma A, Saravanan K, Ahilan B, Gopalakannan A, Manikandavelu D, Kiruba-Sankar R, Kumar G
Characterization of Piscinoodinium sp. associated with epizootics and mortality in non-native and endemic freshwater fish of the Andaman Islands, India
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D 3822
Varisco M, Derisio C, López Rosón T, Ovando L
Spatial variations in the prevalence of the ectoparasite Pseudione galacanthae in the squat lobster Grimothea gregaria in Argentine Patagonia
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D 3823
Barrett CE, Fogelson S, Carlson A, Berliner A, Torres J, Michaels L, Daniel W, Hughes SM, Comolli J, Stilwell JM
Polycystic ovarian disease in aquarium managed cownose rays (Rhinoptera bonasus)
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D 3824
Western JL, Hieb EE, Russell ML, Díaz Clark C, Rotstein DS, Perry SM, Ingrisano A, Carmichael RH, Stacy NI, Bloodgood JCG
Cold stress, heart failure, and esophageal occlusion cause the death of a West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) in Alabama
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last update: September 30, 2024