Endangered Species Research (ESR) was founded in 2004 by leading ecologist Professor Otto Kinne as a major stage for publications on the ecology of endangered life, its requirements for survival, and its protection.
ESR has grown dynamically and is recognised as a central journal in this vital field. With its Editorial Board of acknowledged experts from around the world, it attracts papers on a wide range of subjects and species. It publishes Research Articles, Reviews, and Notes, as well as Comments/Reply Comments, Theme Sections and Opinion Pieces. (For more details see the Guidelines for Authors.)
Like all Inter-Research journals, ESR maintains the highest scientific standards in both manuscript review and production. All articles are published online with author-funded Open Access. Fees (Article Processing Charges - APCs) are very reasonable and special support can be applied for by authors from poorer countries (see ‘Open Access’ tab for details). The Impact Factor for 2023 (Journal Citation Reports 2024 Release) is 2.6 from 3111 total cites (5-year IF = 2.8), Immediacy Index = 0.5, Eigenfactor = 0.00221, JCI = 0.75, and Scimago ranks ESR in the first quartile in the categories 'Ecology' and 'Nature and Landscape Conservation'. ESR's strong presence in the Social Media is demonstrated by unusually high Altmetric scores — Altmetric reports that '…research outputs from this source typically receive a lot more attention than average'.
ESR aims at providing knowledge needed for practising human stewardship of the vast array of the earth’s species, many of which have become threatened, not least by human activities. Such stewardship has become vital for the future of the planet and is of primary importance for the long-term survival of Homo sapiens. While acknowledging that conservation has to occur at a landscape and ecosystem scale, there will always be a need to focus on certain species whose existence is in particular danger. ESR seeks to publish the best of such research that informs conservation or management.
ESR is international and interdisciplinary. It covers all endangered forms of life on Earth, the threats faced by species and their habitats and the necessary steps that must be undertaken to ensure their conservation. ESR publishes high quality contributions reporting research on all species (and habitats) of conservation concern, whether they be classified as Near Threatened or Threatened (Endangered or Vulnerable) by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) or highlighted as part of national or regional conservation strategies. Submissions on all aspects of conservation science are welcome.
We especially invite contributions that synthesise key areas. Suggestions for Theme Sections on emerging topics of importance are invited. All submitted manuscripts will be subject to a thorough review process involving at least three reviewers. Current acceptance rates are about 50%.
Please submit manuscripts through the online management system or via e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief via the ESR Managing Editor (for details consult GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS).
Criticism and advice are invited (address to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Brendan J. Godley B.J.Godley(at)exeter.ac.uk).
Production schedule
ESR volumes are built online, with articles appearing as soon as editorial modifications are approved by the authors. Production time (final acceptance to online publication) is 4-6 weeks.
ESR encourages and facilitates the incorporation of essential supplementary material –– such as movies or oversize tables, figures or mathematics –– to assist authors in more effectively transmitting their research results.
High quality color illustrations are welcome and will be published without extra charge.
Article Processing Charges
ESR is published entirely Open Access (see the IR Open Access policy for details) under the Creative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY) Licence. Please refer to the ‘Open Access’ tab on the present page for pricing details as well as options for discounts and waivers for authors from certain countries. ESR does not charge authors for color figures or any additional page charges.
Authors, Reviewers and Editors must disclose relationships (e.g. financial, economic, institutional) that may affect the integrity of the scientific process. Please refer to our Conflict of Interest Policy for details.
Inter-Research journals are following the Committee of Publication Ethics advice on neutrality for editorial decisions. In brief, editorial decisions in Inter-Research journals shall not be affected by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race or religion of the authors. Decisions to review, edit and publish shall not be determined by the policies of governments or other agencies, but just by the journals themselves, and are purely based on scientific merit of the submitted work and the work’s fit within each journal’s scope.
ESR is published entirely Open Access under the Creative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY) Licence.
Article Processing Charges (APCs) for publication apply. Copyright remains with the original copyright owners, and copying and re-use is almost unrestricted.The APC is based on article type and date of article submission, so the final APC price is already fixed for APC funding applications necessary prior to article submission.
The Article Processing Charges (APCs) are:
Articles submitted on or after 1 November 2022
Articles submitted on or after 1 June 2021 and before 1 November 2022
No additional page charges apply.
Tax information
For purchases in the European Union, the VAT number of the paying institution must be provided, otherwise VAT will be added at the standard rate for the country of the purchaser. For Germany, VAT at 7% will always be added.
Fee discounts or waivers
Authors of studies originating from countries where limited funds are available for APCs can request to have the APC reduced or waived. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and will require the provision to Inter-Research of specific funding and other resourcing information related to the study. In general a study must have been funded to at least 50% by a country eligible for the Research4Life program or classified by the World Bank as low or lower-middle income. Please apply to Feewaiver before submitting your manuscript.
Creative Commons labelling
Only articles clearly marked with "CC BY" in the top right corner of the front page are published with the Creative Commons by Attribution Licence. The CC-BY option was not available for Inter-Research journals before 1 April 2013. Articles marked "Open Access" or "Free Access" but not marked "CC BY" are made freely accessible to all users at the time of publication but are subject to standard copyright law regarding reproduction and distribution.
ESR is fully Open Access (author-pays model).
All ESR articles are available online and are freely accessible to all users. As from Volume 29 (2015/16), the print version has been discontinued. Thus subscriptions are no longer available.
Back print issues are available for substantially reduced prices; for details write to the publisher.