MEPS is a leading ecological journal publishing research on all aspects of marine, coastal and estuarine ecology. MEPS coverage includes the whole spectrum of species, habitats, biological organisation (cells to ecosystems) and research (fundamental and applied). Priority is given to outstanding research that advances our ecological understanding.
MEPS is a transformative hybrid journal. See Transformative Journals in the "For Authors" section.
Print : ISSN 0171-8630
Online : ISSN 1616-1599
Published volumes are listed according to subscription year.
2025: | 752 753 754 |
2024: | 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 |
2023: | 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 |
2022: | 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 |
2021: | 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 |
2020: | 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 |
Early volumes (more than five years since publication) are freely accessible to all users.
Early volumes (more than five years since publication) are freely accessible to all users. They are listed according to the subscription year to which they belonged.
In-press articles are listed online shortly after acceptance. Prepress abstracts are also made available. These have not yet been fully checked and copyedited and are therefore subject to change before actual publication. The article is however citable as "in press", using the DOI.
M 14784
Meyer-Kaiser KS, Mires CH, Sorset S, Jones D, Mather R
Structural drivers of biodiversity on shipwrecks and natural hard-bottom reefs in the mesophotic zone
Prepress abstract
M 14785
Johnston DT, Humphreys EM, Davies JG, Evans T, Howells R, Pearce-Higgins JW
Current understanding of how climate change affects seabirds varies between regions and species in the North-East Atlantic
Prepress abstract
M 14786
Saunders RA, Ratcliffe N, Farrell ED, Clarke MW
Migration and space use of porbeagle sharks (Lamna nasus) in the northeast Atlantic
Prepress abstract
M 14787
Heße E, Boyi JO, Das K, Jung K, Lehnert K, Piette M, Pinzone M, Schückel S, Schückel U, Siebert U, Gilles A
A multi-method approach reveals long- and short-term dietary differences in individual harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena in the southern North Sea
Prepress abstract
M 14789
Dykman LN, Tepolt CK, Blend CK, Mullineaux LS
Discovery of indirect parasite life cycles at deep-sea hydrothermal vents
Prepress abstract
M 14790
Cusson PO, Bordeleau X, Hammill MO, Pelletier F
Multidecadal changes in home range characteristics of grey seals in a context of environmental changes and population growth in the Northwest Atlantic
Prepress abstract
M 14791
Bowman RM, Brooke SD
Physiological responses of the symbiotic octocoral Muricea laxa to dynamic thermal conditions
Prepress abstract
M 14792
King BGC, Cote D, Gregory RS, Snelgrove PVR, Devine BM, Morris CJ, Angnatok J
Comparing demersal fish and large mobile decapod crustacean assemblages in nearshore marine habitats across a boreal – sub-Arctic gradient using baited cameras
Prepress abstract
M 14793
Wing LC, Wing SR, Kinaston R, Sabadel AJM
Sentinels of change: divergence in trophic niche of New Zealand sea lions and fur seals from first human contact to today
Prepress abstract
M 14794
Reaves M, Powers S, Emslie SD
Using multiple-stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S) to assess past and present Adélie penguin foraging grounds in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
Prepress abstract
M 14795
O’Dell AR, Baxter JM, Moore PJ, Smale DA, Smeaton C, Davies IM, Burrows MT
Anaerobic decomposition dynamics of three kelp species from the North-east Atlantic: implications for blue carbon storage
Prepress abstract
M 14796
Sullaway GH, Cunningham C, Kimmel DG, Nielsen JM, Pilcher D, Pinchuk AI, Stabeno PJ
Impacts of climate change on Bering Sea copepod phenology and reproductive strategy
Prepress abstract
M 14797
Fernández F, Guzmán-Rivas F, Urzúa Á, Landaeta MF, Fusi M, Baldanzi S
Maternal investment of kelp crabs from central Chile is associated with the level of environmental fluctuations and predictability
Prepress abstract
M 14798
Dievart AM, McQuaid CD, Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, Froneman PW
Biogeography, not intraspecific trait variation, determines macrofaunal communities associated with mussel beds
Prepress abstract
M 14799
Buchalla Y, Margulies D, Scholey V, Cusatti S, Stein MS
Food selectivity, diel feeding, and effect of light intensity on prey consumption, growth and survival of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares larvae
Prepress abstract
M 14800
Martin B, Vafeiadou AM, Boon N, De Troch M
Benthic copepod guts as a selective microbial microhabitat in marine sediments
Prepress abstract
M 14801
Pires da Rocha P, Marsili T, Barkai A, Figueiredo I, Dias E, Modesto T, Relvas P, Teodósio A, Graça Aranha S
Remote monitoring of the bycatch of demersal chondrichthyans using video imagery: a case study from a deep-water crustacean trawler
Prepress abstract
M 14802
Gilman SE, Ober GT, Rognstad RL, Bunnenberg-Ross M, Man T
Geographic variation in vulnerability to warming temperatures in an intertidal barnacle species
Prepress abstract
M 14803
Charmley K, Baker KD, Mullowney D, Robert K
Spatio-temporal mapping of neritic benthic assemblages in sub-Arctic marine ecosystems
Prepress abstract
M 14804
Zvi-Kedem T, Martinez S, Shemesh E, Lalzar M, Guy-Haim T, Sisma-Ventura G, Makovsky Y, Tchernov D, Rubin-Blum M
Shark eggs contribute to the trophic ecology of a cold-seep chemosynthetic ecosystem
Prepress abstract
M 14805
Li C, Liu H
Modeling larval recruitment dynamics of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) with implications for restoration and management of oyster fisheries
Prepress abstract
M 14806
Vanderstichel R, Boyd C, Delargy A, Lego C, Mosher J, Penney C, Sarty M, Stokesbury K
Effect of trap soak times on risk of bycatch from offshore lobster (Homarus americanus) fishing operations in southwest Nova Scotia, Canada
Prepress abstract
M 14807
Balint SJ, Schwartz M, Gray A, Cranston T, Fulweiler RW, Ederington-Hagy M, McKinney R, Oczkowski A
Three centuries of biogeochemical change in a temperate embayment as revealed by sediment core stable isotopes, radiometric dating, and historical ecology
Prepress abstract
M 14808
Kelly TR, Fitzgibbon QP, Sanz Rodriguez E, Stevens H, Paull B, Trotter AJ, Ventura T, Smith GG
Tropical rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus, attracted to chitin biosynthesis metabolite: Implications for understanding crustacean cannibalism
Prepress abstract
M 14809
Balemi CA, Pan S, Shears NT
Broad dietary niche of irrupting subtropical sea urchin exacerbates threats to multiple temperate reef habitats
Prepress abstract
M 14810
Parietti M, Giorgini M, Menna BV, Orlando P, Buratti CC
Seasonal patterns in the distribution of Engraulis anchoita in the North Patagonian Continental Shelf of SW Atlantic Ocean
Prepress abstract
M 14811
Patterson A, Gilchrist G, Love OP, Elliott KH
Climate change could disrupt migratory patterns for an Arctic seabird population
Prepress abstract
M 14812
Yasutake YC, McCormick MI, Spinks R, Donelson JM
Thermal history influences reproduction but not offspring quality in a coral reef fish
Prepress abstract
M 14813
van den Hoff J, Delarue J, Warren V, McPherson C, Lieser J, Achurch H, Virtue P, Miller BS
Origins of natural and anthropogenic sounds into a coastal, seasonally ice covered, Antarctic marine soundscape
Prepress abstract
M 14814
Guerreiro MF, Santos CP, Borges FO, Santos CF, Xavier JC, Rosa R
Projecting future climate change impacts on the distribution of pelagic squid in the Southern Ocean
Prepress abstract
M 14815
Sha W, Tang X, Zhang J, Xu Y, Jiang H, Kan W, Wang M, Wan X, Lu X, Zhu L, Li H, Feng J
Spartina alterniflora and Crassostrea gigas altered the macrobenthic food web by trophic and non-trophic interactions
Prepress abstract
M 14816
Zhu J, Yang Q, Xue M, Yan C, Zhu G
Using fatty acid profiles of mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari to reflect variability in the diet of its predominant prey, Antarctic krill Euphausia superba
Prepress abstract
M 14817
Powers MJ, Schmitz EK, Olvera-Alegria S, Barreto FS
Intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus displays multilevel variation in tolerance to extended bouts of hypoxia
Prepress abstract
M 14818
Kurihara T, Nakano T, Kuroki Y, Uchikawa Ji, Ikushima N, Nasu H
Year-to-year density fluctuation of clam Ruditapes philippinarum linked to wind-induced disturbance during juvenile to subadult stages
Prepress abstract
M 14819
Lizewski K, Alexander A, Steel DJ, Mate B, Engelhaupt D, Wise Sr JP, Kerr I, Rogan A, Rosel PE, Hayslip C, Mullin K, Gordon J, Palacios DM, Levenson JJ, Holmberg J, Hoelzel AR, Wise Jr JP, Baker CS
Change in matrilineal structure over time in an isolated population of sperm whales
Prepress abstract
M 14820
Sobrero L, Chiaverano LM, Puente-Tapia FA, Macchi G, Schiariti A
Predatory impact on ichthyoplankton by Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ctenophora) is size-dependent: an experimental approach.
Prepress abstract
M 14821
Chidsey TJ, Al-Haj AN, Fulweiler RW
Variability in Zostera marina wrack greenhouse gas emissions on a temperate sandy beach
Prepress abstract
M 14822
Dose A, Kennington WJ, Evans JP
Effects of Rutile Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles (nTiO2) on Reproduction in the Broadcast Spawning Sea Urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma armigera
Prepress abstract
M 14823
Ahr BJ, Reyier EA, Iafrate JD, Kalinowsky C, Arendt M, Frazier BS, Stolen ED
Multi-year migrations of four coastal shark species in the Southeastern US: trends in timing and temperature
Prepress abstract
M 14825
Gardiner D, Ramp CA, Sears R, Paling L, Derous D, Bérubé M, Palsbøll P, Kershaw JL
Sexual segregation and stable pregnancy rates in the Gulf of St Lawrence’s minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata amidst environmental changes
Prepress abstract
last update: February 13, 2025
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