1199 News. National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees. District 1199 --> 1199 News 20 Century British History --> 20 Century Br Hist 21st Century Policy Review --> 21st Century Policy Rev 21st Century Science & Technology --> 21st Century Sci Technol 25 Weekend Build-It Projects --> 25 Weekend Build-It Projects A Common Place --> Common Place A Current Bibliography on African Affairs --> Curr Bibliogr Afr Aff A Guide to Educational Programs in Landscape Architecture --> Guide Educ Programs Landsc Archit A Journal of Church and State --> J Church State A Journal of Emergency Medical Services --> J Emerg Med Serv JEMS A Medicina Contemporanea --> Med Contemp A Quarterly Bulletin of the Computer Society of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering --> Q Bull Comput Soc IEEE Tech Comm Data Eng A&M Suppliers Directory --> A&M Suppliers Dir A.A.G. Bijdragen --> AAG Bijdr A.I.B.S. Bulletin --> AIBS Bull A.I.D. Evaluation News --> AID Eval News Advances in Meteorology --> Adv Met A.M.A. American Journal of Diseases of Children --> AMA Am J Dis Child A.M.A. Archives of Dermatology --> AMA Arch Derm A.M.A. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology --> AMA Arch Derm Syphilol A.M.A. Archives of Industrial Health --> AMA Arch Ind Health A.M.A. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine --> AMA Arch Ind Hyg Occup Med A.M.A. Archives of Internal Medicine --> AMA Arch Intern Med A.M.A. Archives of Neurology --> AMA Arch Neurol A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry --> AMA Arch Neurol Psychiatry A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology --> AMA Arch Opthalmol A.M.A. Archives of Otolaryngology --> AMA Arch Otolaryngol A.M.A. Archives of Pathology --> AMA Arch Pathol A.M.A. Archives of Surgery --> AMA Arch Surg A.M.A. Journal of Diseases of Children --> AMA J Dis Child A.R.A.G. National Newsletter --> ARAG Natl Newsl A.W.R. Bulletin --> AWR Bull "AA ; l'Architecture d'Aujourd'Hui" --> Archit Aujourdhui AACE Journal --> AACE J Aachener Kunstblatter (DuMont Buchverlag) --> Aachen Kunstbl AACN Advanced Critical Care --> AACN Adv Crit Care AACN Clinical Issues --> AACN Clin Issues AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing --> AACN Clin Issues Crit Care Nurs AADE Editors' Journal --> AADE Ed J AAHE Bulletin --> AAHE Bulletin AAHS Journal --> AAHS J AAIH Newsletter --> AAIH Newsl AAII Journal --> AAII J AANA Journal --> AANA J AANNT Journal --> AANNT J AAOHN Journal --> AAOHN J AAPG Bulletin --> AAPG Bull AAPG Memoir --> AAPG Mem AAPG Studies in Geology --> AAPG Stud Geol AAPPO Journal --> AAPPO J AAPS PharmSci --> AAPS PharmSci AAPS PharmSciTech --> AAPS PharmSciTech AARCTimes --> AARC Times AARN News Letter --> AARN News Lett Aarsberetning - Kobenhavns Universitets Medicinsk-Historiske Institut og Museum --> Arsberet Kbh Univ Med Hist Inst Mus Aarsberetning - Kobenhavns Universitets Medicinsk-Historiske Museum --> Arsberet Kobenhavns Univ Med Hist Mus Aastaraamat - Eesti Teadusliku Seltsi Rootsis. Annales - Societatis Litterarum Estonicae in Svecia. Eesti Teaduslik Selts Rootsis --> Aastaraam Eesti Tead Seltsi Rootsis "AAUP Bulletin; Quarterly Publication of the American Association of University Professors" --> AAUP Bull AB Bookman's Weekly --> AB Bookm Wkly ABA Banking Journal --> ABA Bank J ABA Journal --> ABA J ABAC Journal --> ABAC J Abacus --> Abacus ABB Review --> ABB Rev Abbottempo --> Abbottempo ABC Décor --> ABC Decor Abdominal Imaging --> Abdom Imaging Abdominal Surgery --> Abdom Surg Aberdeen University Review --> Aberdeen Univ Rev Aberdeen's Concrete Construction --> Aberdeen Concr Construct Abhandlungen - Austria, Geologische Bundesanstalt --> Abh Austria Geol Bundesanst Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Chemie, Geologie und Biologie --> Abh Dtsch Akad Wiss Berl Kl Chem Geol Biol Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik, Physik und Technik --> Abh Dtsch Akad Wiss Berl Kl Math Phys Tech Abhandlungen und Berichte (Deutsches Museum (Germany)) --> Abh Ber Dtsch Mus Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums fur Volkerkunde, Dresden --> Abh Ber Staatl Mus Voelkerkd Dres Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften --> Abh Gesch Med Naturwiss Abhandlungen zur Theoretischen Biologie --> Abh Theor Biol Abhigyan --> Abhigyan Abitibi Impressions --> Abitibi Impressions Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal --> Aborig Isl Health Work J Abortion Research Notes --> Abort Res Notes Abortion Review --> Abortion Rev About Campus: Enriching the Student Learning Experience --> About Campus Abr-Nahrain --> Abr Nahain Abstract and Applied Analysis --> Abstr Appl Anal Abstract Book - Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy --> Abstr Book - Pittsb Conf Exposition Anal Chem Appl Spectrosc Abstract Book - Research Center for Medical Biotechnology --> Abstr Book - Res Cent Med Biotechnol Abstract Book (Groningen) --> Abstr Book (Groningen) Abstract Book (Ottawa) --> Abstr Book (Ott) Abstract Book (Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials) --> Abstr Book (Romanian Conf Adv Mater) Abstract Book / Annual Meeting. Association for Health Services Research. Meeting --> Abstr Book Assoc Health Serv Res Abstract Book, Final Program (Ottawa) --> Abstr Book, Final Program (Ott) Abstracts - Geological Society of America --> Abstr Geol Soc Am Abstracts - Society for Neuroscience --> Abstr Soc Neurosci Abstracts & Reviews in Alcohol & Driving --> Abstr Rev Alcohol Driv Abstracts of Completed Research - Naval Health Research Center --> Abstr Completed Res - Nav Health Res Cent Abstracts of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology --> Abstr Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology --> Abstr Gen Meet Am Soc Microbiol Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer. Classe des Sciences Techniques. Collection in 8 --> Acad R Sci O-M, Cl Sci Tech, Coll 8 Academe --> Academe Academia Peruana de Cirugia --> Acad Peru Cir Academic Emergency Medicine --> Acad Emerg Med Academic Exchange Quarterly --> Acad Exch Q Academic Journal of Second Military Medical College --> Acad J Second Mil Med Coll Academic Journal of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences --> Acad J Sun Yat-sen Univ Med Sci Academic Leadership --> Acad Leadersh Academic Medicine --> Acad Med Academic Pediatrics --> Acad Pediatr Academic Psychiatry --> Acad Psychiatry Academic Psychology Bulletin --> Academic Psychol Bull Academic Questions --> Acad Quest Academic Radiology --> Acad Radiol Academy News (Milwaukee, Wis.) --> Acad News Academy of Educational Leadership Journal --> Acad Educ Leadersh J Academy of Management Journal --> Acad Manage J Academy of Management Learning & Education --> Acad Manag Learn Educ Academy of Management Review --> Acad Manage Rev Academy of Marketing Science Review --> Acad Mark Sci Rev Academy Review of the California Academy of Periodontology, United States Section, ARPA Internationale --> Acad Rev Calif Acad Periodontol Acadiensis (Fredericton) --> Acadiensis (Frederict) Acarologia --> Acarologia ACC Current Journal Review --> ACC Curr J Rev Accademia Medica --> Accad Med Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Fondazione Leone Caetani --> Accad Naz Lincei (Rome) Accademie e Biblioteche d'Italia --> Accad Bibl Ital Accao Medica --> Accao Med Accident and Emergency Nursing --> Accid Emerg Nurs "Accident; Analysis and Prevention" --> Accid Anal Prev Accountability in Research --> Account Res Accountancy Ireland --> Account Irel Accounting and Business Review --> Account Bus Rev Accounting and Finance --> Account Finance Accounting Business & Financial History --> Account Bus Financ Hist Accounting Education --> Account Educ Accounting Forum --> Account Forum Accounting History --> Account Hist Accounting Horizons --> Account Horiz Accounting Review --> Account Rev Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal --> Account Audit Account J Accounting, Organizations and Society --> Account Organ Soc Accounts of Chemical Research --> Acc Chem Res Accreditation and Quality Assurance --> Accredit Qual Assur ACE Quarterly --> ACE Q ACES --> ACES ACI Materials Journal --> ACI Mater J ACI Special Publications --> ACI Spec Publ ACI Structural Journal --> ACI Struct J ACM Computing Surveys --> ACM Comput Surv ACM Journal of Computer Documentation --> ACM J Comput Doc "ACM Queue; Tomorrow's Computing Today" --> ACM Queue ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin --> SIGOIS Bulletin ACM SIGSAM Bulletin --> ACM SIGSAM Bull ACM Transactions on Applied Perception --> ACM Trans Appl Percept ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing --> ACM Trans Asian Lang Inf Process ACM Transactions on Computational Logic --> ACM Trans Comput Log ACM Transactions on Computer Systems --> ACM Trans Comput Syst ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction --> ACM Trans Comput Hum Interact ACM Transactions on Database Systems --> ACM Trans Database Syst ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems --> ACM Trans Des Autom Electron Syst ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems --> ACM Trans Embed Comput Syst ACM Transactions on Graphics --> ACM Trans Graph ACM Transactions on Information and System Security --> ACM Trans Inf Syst Secur ACM Transactions on Information Systems --> ACM Trans Inf Syst ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology --> ACM Trans Intell Syst Technol ACM Transactions on Internet Technology --> ACM Trans Internet Technol ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software --> ACM Trans Math Softw ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation --> ACM Trans Model Comput Simul ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems --> ACM Trans Program Lang Syst ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks --> ACM Trans Sens Netw ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology --> ACM Trans Softw Eng Methodol ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies --> ACME Int E-J Crit ACOG Clinical Review --> ACOG Clin Rev ACOG Committee Opinion --> ACOG Comm Opin ACOG Educational Bulletin --> ACOG Educ Bull ACOG Nurses Bulletin --> ACOG Nurse Bull ACOG Technical Bulletin --> ACOG Tech Bull Acoustical Physics --> Acoust Phys Acoustical Science and Technology --> Acoust Sci Technol Acoustics Australia / Australian Acoustical Society --> Acoust Aust Acoustics Research Letters Online --> Acoust Res Lett Online ACP Journal Club --> ACP J Club Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Weekly Surveillance Report --> Acquir Immunodefic Syndr (AIDS) Wkly Surveill Rep Acquisition et Interaction en Langue étrangère --> Acquis Interact Lang Etrang Acquisitions Medicales Recentes --> Acquis Med Recent ACRH [Reports]. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission --> ACRH Rep Across the Board --> Across Board (NY) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces --> ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ACS Chemical Biology --> ACS Chem Biol ACS Chemical Neuroscience --> ACS Chem Neurosci ACS Nano --> ACS Nano ACS Symposium Series. American Chemical Society --> ACS Symp Ser Acta - Unio Internationalis Contra Cancrum --> Acta Unio Int Contra Cancrum Acta Academiae Medicinae Guangxi --> Acta Acad Med Guangxi Acta Academiae Medicinae Suzhou --> Acta Acad Med Suzhou Acta Academiae Medicinae Wuhan --> Acta Acad Med Wuhan Acta Academiae Medicinae Zunyi --> Acta Acad Med Zunyi Acta Academiae Scientiarum Polonae --> Acta Acad Sci Pol Acta Acadiemiae Medicinae Militaris Tertiae --> Di 3 Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao Acta Acustica united with Acustica --> Acta Acust United Acust Acta Adriatica --> Acta Adriat Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A --> Acta Agric Scand A Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica B --> Acta Agric Scand B Acta Agriculturae Slovenica --> Acta Agric Slov Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Chekianensis --> Acta Agric Univ Chekianensis Acta Agronomica --> Acta Agron Acta Agronomica Sinica --> Acta Agron Sin Acta Alimentaria --> Acta Aliment Acta Allergologica --> Acta Allergol Acta Allergologica. Supplementum --> Acta Allergol Suppl (Copenh) Acta Amazonica --> Acta Amazon Acta Americana --> Acta Am Acta Anaesthesiologica --> Acta Anaesthesiol Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica --> Acta Anaesthesiol Belg Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica --> Acta Anaesthesiol Ital Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica --> Acta Anaesthesiol Scand Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Anaesthesiol Scand Suppl Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica --> Acta Anaesthesiol Sin Acta Anatomica --> Acta Anat (Basel) Acta Anatomica. Supplementum --> Acta Anat Suppl (Basel) Acta Anthropogenetica --> Acta Anthropogenet Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Antiq Hung Acta Applicandae Mathematicae --> Acta Appl Math Acta Archaeologica --> Acta Archaeol Acta Argentina de Fisiología y Fisiopatología --> Acta Argent Fisiol Fisiopatol Acta Asiatica --> Acta Asiat Acta Astronautica --> Acta Astronaut Acta Baltica --> Acta Balt Acta Belgica de Arte Medicinali et Pharmaceutica Militari --> Acta Belg Arte Med Pharm Mil Acta Belgica Historiae Medicinae --> Acta Belg Hist Med Acta Belgica. Medica Physica --> Acta Belg Med Phys Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Biochim Biophys Acad Sci Hung Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Hungarica --> Acta Biochim Biophys Hung Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica --> Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) Acta Biochimica Polonica --> Acta Biochim Pol Acta Biologiae Experimentalis --> Acta Biol Exp (Warsz) Acta Biologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Biol Acad Sci Hung "Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series; Botanica" --> "Acta Biol Cracov Ser; Bot" Acta Biologica et Medica --> Acta Biol Med (Gdansk) Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica --> Acta Biol Med Ger Acta Biologica Hungarica --> Acta Biol Hung Acta Biologica Iugoslavica. Serija E. Ichthyologia --> Acta Biol Iugosl (E Ichthyol) Acta Biologica Venezuelica --> Acta Biol Venez Acta Biomaterialia --> Acta Biomater Acta Bio-medica dell'Ateneo Parmense --> Acta Bio-med Ateneo Parm Acta Biotechnologica --> Acta Biotechnol Acta Biotheoretica --> Acta Biotheor Acta Botanica Gallica --> Acta Bot Gallica Acta Botanica Hungarica --> Acta Bot Hung Acta Botanica Sinica --> Acta Bot Sin Acta Botanica Venezuelica --> Acta Bot Venez Acta Brevia Neerlandica de Physiologia, Pharmacologia, Microbiologia E.A. --> Acta Brevia Neerl Physiol Pharmacol Microbiol E A Acta Cancerologica --> Acta Cancerol (Lima) Acta Cardiologica --> Acta Cardiol Acta Cardiologica. Supplementum --> Acta Cardiol Suppl Acta Carsologica --> Acta Carsol Acta Chemica Scandinavica --> Acta Chem Scand Acta Chemica Scandinavica (Copenhagen, Denmark) --> Acta Chem Scand Acta Chemica Scandinavica. Series A: Physical and Inorganic Chemistry --> Acta Chem Scand A Acta Chemica Scandinavica. Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry --> Acta Chem Scand B Acta Chemica, Mineralogica et Physica --> Acta Chem Mineral Phys Acta Chimica Sinica --> Acta Chimi Sin Acta Chimica Slovenica --> Acta Chim Slov Acta Chiropterologica --> Acta Chiropt Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca --> Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae --> Acta Chir Plast Acta Chirurgica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Chir Acad Sci Hung Acta Chirurgica Belgica --> Acta Chir Belg Acta Chirurgica Hungarica --> Acta Chir Hung Acta Chirurgica Italica --> Acta Chir Ital Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica --> Acta Chir Iugosl Acta Chirurgica Patavina --> Acta Chir Patavina Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica --> Acta Chir Scand Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Chir Scand Suppl Acta Cientifica Venezolana --> Acta Cient Venez Acta Cirurgica Brasileira --> Acta Cir Bras Acta Classica --> Acta Cl Acta Clinica Belgica --> Acta Clin Belg Acta Clinica Belgica. Supplementum --> Acta Clin Belg Suppl Acta Clinica Croatica --> Acta Clin Croat Acta Clinica Odontologica --> Acta Clin Odontol Acta Colombiana de Psicologia --> Acta Colomb Psicol Acta Comportamentalia --> Acta Comport Acta Crystallographica --> Acta Crystallogr Acta Crystallographica. Section A, Crystal Physics, Diffraction, Theoretical and General Crystallography --> Acta Crystallogr A Acta Crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of Crystallography --> Acta Crystallogr A Acta Crystallographica. Section B, Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry --> Acta Crystallogr B Acta Crystallographica. Section B, Structural Science --> Acta Crystallogr B Acta Crystallographica. Section C, Crystal Structure Communications --> Acta Crystallogr C Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Biological Crystallography --> Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr Acta Crystallographica. Section E, Structure Reports Online --> Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online Acta Crystallographica. Section F, Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications --> Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun Acta Cytologica --> Acta Cytol Acta de Odontologia Pediatrica --> Acta Odontol Pediatr Acta Demographica --> Acta Demogr Acta Dermatologica-Kyoto. English Edition --> Acta Dermatol Kyoto Engl Ed Acta Dermato-Venereologica --> Acta Derm Venereol Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Supplementum --> Acta Derm Venereol Suppl (Stockh) Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Panonica, et Adriatica --> Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Panonica Adriat Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica --> Acta Dermatovenerol Croat Acta Diabetologica --> Acta Diabetol Acta Diabetologica Latina --> Acta Diabetol Lat Acta Ecologica Sinica --> Acta Ecol Sin Acta Embryologiae et Morphologiae Experimentalis --> Acta Embryol Morphol Exp Acta Embryologiae et Morphologiae Experimentalis --> Acta Embryol Morphol Exp Acta Embryologiae Experimentalis --> Acta Embryol Exp (Palermo) Acta Endocrinologica --> Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) Acta Endocrinologica Iberica --> Acta Endocrinol Iber Acta Endocrinologica Panamericana --> Acta Endocrinol Panam Acta Endocrinologica. Supplementum --> Acta Endocrinol Suppl (Copenh) Acta Endoscopica --> Acta Endoscopica Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca --> Acta Entomol Bohemoslov Acta Entomologica Fennica --> Acta Entomol Fenn Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae --> Acta Entomol Mus Natl Pragae Acta Ethnographica Hungarica --> Acta Ethnogr Hung Acta Ethnologica et Linguistica --> Acta Ethnol Linguist Acta Ethologica --> Acta Ethol Acta Europaea Fertilitatis --> Acta Eur Fertil Acta Futura --> Acta Futura Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica --> Acta Gastroenterol Belg Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana --> Acta Gastroenterol Latinoam Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica --> Acta Genet Stat Med Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae --> Acta Genet Med Gemellol (Roma) Acta Geographica --> Acta Geogr Acta Geographica Croatica --> Acta Geogr Croat Acta Geographica Sinica --> Acta Geogr Sin Acta Geographica Slovenica --> Acta Geogr Slov Acta Geologica Polonica --> Acta Geol Pol Acta Geologica Sinica --> Acta Geol Sin Acta Geotechnica --> Acta Geotech Acta Gerontologica --> Acta Gerontol (Milano) Acta Ginecologica --> Acta Ginecol (Madr) Acta Gynaecologica et Obstetrica Hispano-Lusitana --> Acta Gynaecol Obstet Hisp Lusit Acta Haematologica --> Acta Haematol Acta Haematologica Polonica --> Acta Haematol Pol Acta Hepato-Gastroenterologica --> Acta Hepatogastroenterol (Stuttg) Acta Hepatologica --> Acta Hepatol Acta Hepatologica Japonica. Supplement --> Acta Hepatol Jpn Suppl Acta Hepato-Splenologica --> Acta Hepatosplenol Acta Histochemica --> Acta Histochem Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica --> Acta Histochem Cytochem Acta Histochemica. Supplementband --> Acta Histochem Suppl Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium Necnon Technicarum. Special Issue --> Acta Hist Rerum Nat Tech Acta Historica Leopoldina --> Acta Hist Leopoldina Acta Historica Medicinae, Pharmaciae, Veterinae --> Acta Hist Med Pharm Vet (Beograd) Acta Historica Scientiarum Naturalium et Medicinalium --> Acta Hist Sci Nat Med Acta Historico-Medica Vallisoletana. Monografias --> Acta Hist Med Vallisoletana Monogr Acta Horticulturae --> Acta Hortic Acta Hospitalia --> Acta Hosp Acta Hydrobiologica (Cracow) --> Acta Hydrobiol Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica --> Acta Hydrochim Hydrobiol Acta Hydrophysica --> Acta Hydrophys Acta Iberica Radiologica-Cancerologica --> Acta Iber Radiol Cancerol Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria --> Acta Ichthyol Piscat Acta Informatica --> Acta Inform Acta Isotopica --> Acta Isot (Padova) Acta Koreana --> Acta Koreana Acta Leidensia --> Acta Leiden Acta Leprologica --> Acta Leprol Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia --> Acta Limnol Bras Acta Linguistica Hungarica --> Acta Linguist Hung Acta Médica Hidalguense --> Acta Med Hidalg Acta Médica Hispánica --> Acta Med Hisp Acta Manilana --> Acta Manila Ser A Acta Materialia --> Acta Mater Acta Mathematica --> Acta Math Acta Mathematica Hungarica --> Acta Math Hung Acta Mathematica Scientia --> Acta Math Sci Acta Mathematica Sinica --> Acta Math Sin Acta Mathematica Sinica English Series --> Acta Math Sin Engl Ser Acta Mechanica --> Acta Mech Acta Mechanica Sinica --> Acta Mech Sin Acta Medica --> Acta Medica (Cordoba) Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) --> Acta Med (Hradec Kralove) Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove). Supplementum Universitas Carolina, Facultas Medica Hradec Kralove --> Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) Suppl Acta Medica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Med Acad Sci Hung Acta Medica Austriaca --> Acta Med Austriaca Acta Medica Austriaca. Supplement --> Acta Med Austriaca Suppl Acta Medica Auxologica --> Acta Med Auxol (Milano) Acta Medica Catholica --> Acta Med Cathol Acta Medica Colombiana --> Acta Med Colomb Acta Medica Costarricense --> Acta Med Costarric Acta Medica Croatica --> Acta Med Croatica Acta Medica de Tenerife --> Acta Med Tenerife Acta Medica del Valle --> Acta Med Valle Acta Medica Dominicana --> Acta Med Dom Acta Medica et Biologica --> Acta Med Biol (Niigata) Acta Medica Hungarica --> Acta Med Hung Acta Medica Indonesiana --> Acta Med Indones Acta Medica Iranica --> Acta Med Iran Acta Medica Italica di Malattie Infettive e Parassitarie --> Acta Med Ital Mal Infett Parassit Acta Medica Italica di Medicina Tropicale e Subtropicale e di Gastroenterologia --> Acta Med Ital Med Trop Subtrop Gastroenterol Acta Medica Iugoslavica --> Acta Med Iugosl Acta Medica Nagasakiensia --> Acta Med Nagasaki Acta Medica Okayama --> Acta Med Okayama Acta Medica Orientalia --> Acta Med Orient Acta Medica Patavina --> Acta Med Patav Acta Medica Philippina --> Acta Med Philipp Acta Medica Polona --> Acta Med Pol Acta Medica Portuguesa --> Acta Med Port Acta Medica Romana --> Acta Med Rom Acta Medica Scandinavica --> Acta Med Scand Acta Medica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Med Scand Suppl Acta Medica Veterinaria --> Acta Med Vet (Napoli) Acta Medica Vietnamica --> Acta Med Vietnam Acta Medicae Historiae Patavina --> Acta Med Hist Patav Acta Medicinae Legalis et Socialis --> Acta Med Leg Soc (Liege) Acta Medicinae Okayama --> Acta Med Okayama Acta Metallurgica --> Acta Metall Acta Metallurgica et Materialia --> Acta Metall Mater Acta Metallurgica Sinica --> Acta Metall Sin Acta Microbiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Microbiol Acad Sci Hung Acta Microbiologica Bulgarica --> Acta Microbiol Bulg Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica --> Acta Microbiol Immunol Hung Acta Microbiologica Hungarica --> Acta Microbiol Hung Acta Microbiologica Polonica --> Acta Microbiol Pol Acta Microbiologica Polonica. Series A: Microbiologia Generalis --> Acta Microbiol Pol A Acta Microbiologica Polonica. Series B: Microbiologia Applicata --> Acta Microbiol Pol B Acta Microbiologica Sinica --> Acta Microbiol Sin Acta Microbiologica, Virologica et Immunologica --> Acta Microbiol Virol Immunol (Sofiia) Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica --> Acta Micropalaeontologica Sin Acta Mineralogica Petrographica --> Acta Mineral Petrogr Acta Morphologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Morphol Acad Sci Hung Acta Morphologica Hungarica --> Acta Morphol Hung Acta Morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica --> Acta Morphol Neerl Scand Acta Morphologica. Supplementum --> Acta Morphol, Suppl Acta Musei Napocensis --> Acta Mus Napocensis Acta Myologica : Myopathies and Cardiomyopathies --> Acta Myol Acta Neerlandica Morphologiae Normalis et Pathologicae --> Acta Neerl Morphol Norm Pathol Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis --> Acta Neurobiol Exp (Warsz) Acta Neurochirurgica --> Acta Neurochir (Wien) Acta Neurochirurgica. Supplementum --> Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien) Acta Neurologica --> Acta Neurol (Napoli) Acta Neurologica Belgica --> Acta Neurol Belg Acta Neurologica et Psychiatrica Belgica --> Acta Neurol Psychiatr Belg Acta Neurologica Latinoamericana --> Acta Neurol Latinoam Acta Neurologica Scandinavica --> Acta Neurol Scand Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Neurol Scand Suppl Acta Neurologica Taiwanica --> Acta Neurol Taiwan Acta Neurologica. Quaderni --> Acta Neurol [Quad] (Napoli) Acta Neuropathologica --> Acta Neuropathol Acta Neuropathologica. Supplementum --> Acta Neuropathol Suppl Acta Neuropsychiatrica --> Acta Neuropsychiatr Acta Neurovegetativa --> Acta Neuroveg (Wien) Acta Neurovegetativa. Supplementum --> Acta Neuroveg, Suppl Acta Numerica --> Acta Numer Acta Numismàtica --> Acta Numis Acta Nutrimenta Sinica --> Ying Yang Xue Bao Acta Obstetrica et Gynaecologica Japonica --> Acta Obstet Gynaecol Jpn Acta Obstetrica y Ginecologica Hispano-Lusitana --> Acta Obstet Ginecol Hisp Lusit Acta Obstetrica y Ginecologica Hispano-Lusitana. Suplemento --> Acta Obstet Ginecol Hisp Lusit Suppl Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica --> Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. Supplement --> Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand Suppl Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica --> Acta Oceanogr Taiwanica Acta Oceanologica Sinica --> Acta Oceanol Sin Acta Odontologica Latinoamericana --> Acta Odontol Latinoam Acta Odontologica Scandinavica --> Acta Odontol Scand Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Odontol Scand Suppl Acta Odontologica Venezolana --> Acta Odontol Venez Acta Oecologica --> Acta Oecol Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics --> Acta Bioeng Biomech Acta Oncologica --> Acta Oncol (Madr) Acta Oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden) --> Acta Oncol Acta Ophthalmologica --> Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh) Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica --> Acta Ophthalmol Scand Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica. Supplement --> Acta Ophthalmol Scand Suppl Acta Ophthalmologica. Supplementum --> Acta Ophthalmol Suppl Acta Optica Sinica --> Acta Opt Sin Acta Orthopaedica --> Acta Orthop Acta Orthopaedica Belgica --> Acta Orthop Belg Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica --> Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica --> Acta Orthop Scand Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Orthop Scand Suppl Acta Orthopaedica. Supplementum --> Acta Orthop Suppl Acta Ortopedica Mexicana --> Acta Ortop Mex Acta Oto-Laryngologica --> Acta Otolaryngol Acta Oto-Laryngologica. Supplementum --> Acta Otolaryngol Suppl Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Belgica --> Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica --> Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital Acta Oto-Rino-Laringologica Ibero-Americana --> Acta Otorinolaryngol Iber Am Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola --> Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway) --> Acta Paediatr Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway). Supplement --> Acta Paediatr Suppl Acta Paediatrica (Stockholm) --> Acta Paediatr (Stockh) Acta Paediatrica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Paediatr Acad Sci Hung Acta Paediatrica Belgica --> Acta Paediatr Belg "Acta Paediatrica Japonica; Overseas Edition" --> Acta Paediatr Jpn Acta Paediatrica Latina --> Acta Paediatr Lat Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica --> Acta Paediatr Scand Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica. Supplement --> Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica --> Acta Paediatr Taiwan Acta Paedologica --> Acta Paedolog Acta Paedopsychiatrica --> Acta Paedopsychiatr Acta Palaeontologica Polonica --> Acta Palaeontol Pol Acta Palaeontologica Sinica --> Acta Palaeontologica Sin Acta Parasitologica --> Acta Parasitol Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica, Supplementum --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand, Suppl Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica. Section A, Pathology --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand [A] Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica. Section A. Supplement --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand, Sect A, Suppl Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica. Section B, Microbiology --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand [B] Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica. Section C, Immunology --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand [C] Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica. Section C. Supplement --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand, Sect C, Suppl Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica. Supplement --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Suppl Acta Pathologica Japonica --> Acta Pathol Jpn Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica. Section A. Supplement --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand, A, Suppl Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica. Section B. Supplement --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand, B, Suppl Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica. Section C. Supplement --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand, C, Suppl Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica, et Immunologica Scandinavica. Section A, Pathology --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand [A] Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica, et Immunologica Scandinavica. Section B, Microbiology --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand [B] Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica, et Immunologica Scandinavica. Section C, Immunology --> Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand [C] Acta Pediatrica Espanola --> Acta Pediatr Esp Acta Petrolei Sinica --> Acta Petrol Sin Acta Pharmaceutica (Zagreb, Croatia) --> Acta Pharm Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica --> Acta Pharm Hung Acta Pharmaceutica Internationalia --> Acta Pharm Int Acta Pharmaceutica Jugoslavica --> Acta Pharm Jugosl Acta Pharmaceutica Nordica --> Acta Pharm Nord Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica --> Acta Pharm Suec Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica --> Acta Pharmacol Toxicol (Copenh) Acta Pharmacologica Sinica --> Acta Pharmacol Sin Acta Physica Polonica --> Acta Phys Pol Acta Physica Polonica A --> Acta Phys Pol A Acta Physica Polonica B --> Acta Phys Pol B Acta Physica Sinica --> Acta Phys Sin Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica --> Acta Phys Chim Sin Acta Physiologiae Plantarum --> Acta Physiol Plant Acta Physiologica (Oxford, England) --> Acta Physiol (Oxf) Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Physiol Acad Sci Hung Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Bulgarica --> Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Latinoamericana --> Acta Physiol Pharmacol Latinoam Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Neerlandica --> Acta Physiol Pharmacol Neerl Acta Physiologica Hungarica --> Acta Physiol Hung Acta Physiologica Latino Americana --> Acta Physiol Lat Am Acta Physiologica Polonica --> Acta Physiol Pol Acta Physiologica Scandinavica --> Acta Physiol Scand Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Physiol Scand Suppl Acta Physiologica, Pharmacologica et Therapeutica Latinoamericana --> Acta Physiol Pharmacol Ther Latinoam Acta Physiotherapica et Rheumatologica Belgica --> Acta Physiother Rheumatol Belg Acta Phytoecologica Sinica --> Acta Phytoecol Sin Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica --> Acta Phytopathol Entomol Hung Acta Phytopathologica Sinica --> Acta Phytopathologica Sin Acta Phytophysiologica Sinica --> Acta Phytophysiol Sin Acta Politica --> Acta Polit Acta Poloniae Historica --> Acta Pol Hist Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica --> Acta Pol Pharm Acta Polymerica --> Acta Polym Acta Polytecnica Scandinavica --> Acta Polytech Scand Acta Protozoologica --> Acta Protozool Acta Psiquiátrica y Psicológica de América Latina --> Acta Psiquiatr Psicol Am Lat Acta Psychiatrica Belgica --> Acta Psychiatr Belg Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica --> Acta Psychiatr Neurol Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica --> Acta Psychiatr Neurol Scand Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica, Supplementum --> Acta Psychiatr Neurol Scand, Suppl Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica. Supplementum --> Acta Psychiatr Neurol Suppl Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica --> Acta Psychiatr Scand Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl Acta Psychologica --> Acta Psychol (Amst) Acta Psychologica Sinica --> Acta Psychol Sin Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica --> Acta Psychother Psychosom Acta Psychotherapeutica, Psychosomatica et Orthopaedagogica --> Acta Psychother Psychosom Orthopadogog Int Acta Radiologica --> Acta Radiol Acta Radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden) --> Acta Radiol Acta Radiologica. Oncology --> Acta Radiol Oncol Acta Radiologica. Supplementum --> Acta Radiol Suppl Acta Radiologica: Diagnosis --> Acta Radiol Diagn (Stockh) Acta Radiologica: Oncology, Radiation, Physics, Biology --> Acta Radiol Oncol Radiat Phys Biol Acta Radiologica: Therapy, Physics, Biology --> Acta Radiol Ther Phys Biol Acta Reproductiva Turcica --> Acta Reprod Turc Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa --> Acta Reumatol Port Acta Rheumatologica Scandinavica --> Acta Rheumatol Scand Acta Rheumatologica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Rheumatol Scand Suppl Acta Rhumatologica --> Acta Rhumatol Acta Rhumatologica Belgica --> Acta Rhumatol Belg Acta Salmanticensia. Filosofía y Letras --> Acta Salmant, Filos Let Acta Salmanticensia. Historia de la Medicina --> Acta Salmant Hist Med Acta Scholae Medicinalis Universitatis in Kioto --> Acta Sch Med Univ Kioto Acta Scientia Sinica --> Acta Sci Sin Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis --> Acta Sci Natur Univ Nankaiensis Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni --> Acta Sci Natur Univ Sunyatseni Acta Societatis Fennicae Iuris Gentium A --> Acta Soc Fenn Iuris Gent A Acta Societatis Fennicae Iuris Gentium B --> Acta Soc Fenn Iuris Gent B Acta Societatis Fennicae Iuris Gentium C --> Acta Soc Fenn Iuris Gent C Acta Societatis Medicorum Upsaliensis --> Acta Soc Med Ups Acta Societatis Medicorum Upsaliensis, Supplementum --> Acta Soc Med Ups, Suppl Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae --> Acta Soc Scient Fenn Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae Series A --> Acta Soc Scient Fenn A Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae Series B --> Acta Soc Scient Fenn B Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae --> Acta Soc Zool Bohem Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovacae --> Acta Soc Zool Bohemoslov Acta Sociologica --> Acta Sociol Acta Sociologica --> Acta Social Acta Socio-Medica Scandinavica --> Acta Sociomed Scand Acta Socio-Medica Scandinavica. Supplement --> Acta Sociomed Scand Suppl Acta Stomatologica Belgica --> Acta Stomatol Belg Acta Stomatologica Croatica --> Acta Stomatol Croat Acta Stomatologica Internationalia --> Acta Stomatol Int Acta Therapeutica --> Acta Ther Acta Theriologica --> Acta Theriol (Warsz) Acta Theriologica Sinica --> Acta Theriol Sin Acta Theriologica Supplement --> Acta Theriol Suppl Acta Tropica --> Acta Trop Acta Tropica. Supplementum --> Acta Trop Suppl Acta Tuberculosea Belgica --> Acta Tuberc Belg Acta Tuberculosea et Pneumologica Belgica --> Acta Tuberc Pneumol Belg Acta Tuberculosea et Pneumologica Scandinavica --> Acta Tuberc Pneumol Scand Acta Tuberculosea et Pneumologica Scandinavica, Supplementum --> Acta Tuberc Pneumol Scand, Suppl Acta Tuberculosea Japonica --> Acta Tuberc Jpn Acta Tuberculosea Scandinavica --> Acta Tuberc Scand Acta Tuberculosea Scandinavica, Supplementum --> Acta Tuberc Scand, Suppl Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis --> Acta Univ Agric Silvic Mendel Brun Acta Universitatis Agriculturae. Facultas Agronomica. Vysoka Skola Zemedelska v Brne. Fakulta Agronomicka --> Acta Univ Agric Fac Agron Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Biologica --> Acta Univ Carol Biol Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Geographica. Universita Karlova --> Acta Univ Carol Geogr Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis. Univerzita Karlova --> Acta Univ Carol Univerzita Karlov Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Medica --> Acta Univ Carol [Med] (Praha) Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Medica. Monographia --> Acta Univ Carol Med Monogr Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philosophica et Historica --> Acta Univ Carol Philos Hist Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Sectio I, Theologica, Juridica, Humaniora --> Acta Univ Lund Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji --> Acta Univ Med Tongji Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae --> Acta Univ Palacki Olomuc Fac Med Acta Universitatis Szegediensis de Attila Jozsef Nominatae. Acta Juridica et Politica --> Acta Univ Szeged Attila Jozsef Nominatae Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Sociologica Upsaliensia --> Acta Univ Ups Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses --> Symb Bot Ups Acta Urologica Belgica --> Acta Urol Belg Acta Veterinaria --> Acta Vet (Brno) Acta Veterinaria --> Acta Vet (Beogr) Acta Veterinaria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae --> Acta Vet Acad Sci Hung Acta Veterinaria Hungarica --> Acta Vet Hung Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica --> Acta Vet Scand Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. Supplementum --> Acta Vet Scand Suppl Acta Virologica. English Ed. --> Acta Virol Acta Vitaminologica --> Acta Vitaminol Acta Vitaminologica et Enzymologica --> Acta Vitaminol Enzymol Acta Vulcanologica --> Acta Vulcanol Acta Zoologica (Stockholm, Sweden) --> Acta Zool Acta Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia --> Acta Zool Pathol Antverp Acta Zoologica Fennica --> Acta Zool Fenn Acta Zoologica Hungarica --> Acta Zool Hung Acta Zoológica Lilloana --> Acta Zool Lilloana Acta Zoológica Mexicana --> Acta Zool Mex Acta Zoologica Taiwanica --> Acta Zool Taiwanica Actas Ciba --> Actas CIBA Actas de las Reuniones Cientificas del Cuerpo Facultativo del Instituto Policlinico --> Actas Reun Cient Cuerfo Fac Inst Policlin Actas Dermo-Sifilograficas --> Actas Dermosifiliogr Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría --> Actas Esp Psiquiatr Actas Luso-Espanolas de Neurologia y Psiquiatria --> Actas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Actas Luso-Espanolas de Neurologia, Psiquiatria y Ciencias Afines --> Actas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Cienc Afines Actas Urologicas Espanolas --> Actas Urol Esp Actes de Colloques. Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer --> Actes Colloq IFREMER Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales --> Actes Rech Sci Soc Actes Noésis (Paris) --> Actes Noesis (Paris) Actinomycetologica --> Actinomycetologica Action (National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases) --> Action Natl Action Contre le SIDA --> Action Contre SIDA Action for Children --> Action Child Action in Teacher Education --> Action Teach Educ Action Learning and Action Research Journal --> Action Learn Action Res J Action Learning Research and Practice --> Action Learn Res Pract Action Research --> Action Res Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education --> Action, Criticism, Theory Music Educ ACTIONAID Disability News --> ACTIONAID Disabil News Active and Passive Electronic Components --> Active Passive Electron Components Active Learning in Higher Education --> Active Learn High Educ Activités (Vitry-sur-Seine) --> Activites (Vitry-sur-Seine) Activités et Travaux Scientifiques de la Faculté de Pharmacie et de L'Institut de Pharmacie Industrielle de Montpellier --> Act Trav Sci Fac Pharm Inst Pharm Ind Montp Activitas Nervosa Superior --> Act Nerv Super (Praha) Activitas Nervosa Superior --> Act Nerv Super Activities, Adaptation and Aging --> Act Adaptation Aging Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementia Patients --> Act Dir Q Alzheimers Other Dement Patients Acts of the Legislature of the Province of Manitoba --> Acts Legis Prov Manit Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi --> Actual Jurid Aranzadi Actualidad Medica --> Actual Medica Actualidad Pediatrica --> Actual Pediatr (Granada) Actualités Biologiques --> Actualites Biologiques Actualites Anatomo-Pathologiques --> Actual Anatomo-Pathologiques Actualites Biologiques (Paris) --> Actual Biol (Paris) Actualites Cardiologiques et Angeiologiques Internationales --> Actual Cardiol Angeiol Int (Paris) Actualites de Physiologie Pathologique --> Actual Physiol Pathol (Paris) Actualites Endocrinologiques --> Actual Endocrinol (Paris) Actualites Hepato-Gastro-Enterologiques --> Actual Hepatogastroenterol (Paris) Actualites Neurophysiologiques --> Actual Neurophysiol (Paris) Actualites Odonto-Stomatologiques --> Actual Odontostomatol (Paris) Actualites Pharmaceutiques --> Actual Pharm Actualites Pharmacologiques --> Actual Pharmacol (Paris) Actualites Psychiatriques --> Actual Psychiatr Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research --> Acupunct Electrother Res Acupuncture in Medicine --> Acupunct Med Acustica --> Acustica Acustica united with Acta Acustica --> Acust United Acta Acust Acute Cardiac Care --> Acute Card Care Acute Care --> Acute Care Acute Pain --> Acute Pain Ad Astra (Washington, D.C.) --> Ad Astra Ad Hoc Networks --> Ad Hoc Netw Ad News (Surry Hills, N.S.W.) --> Ad News (Surry Hills, NSW) AD Nurse --> AD Nurse Ad Referendum. Infectious Diseases --> Ad Referendum Infect Dis ADA Forecast --> ADA Forecast ADA News --> ADA News ADA Policy & Law --> ADA Policy Law "Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly ; APAQ" --> Adapt Phys Activ Q Adaptive Behavior --> Adapt Behav Addiction (Abingdon, England) --> Addiction Addiction Biology --> Addict Biol Addiction Research --> Addict Res Addiction Research and Theory --> Addict Res Theory Addictive Behaviors --> Addict Behav Addictive Diseases --> Addict Dis Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment --> Addict Disord Their Treat Additamenta Ad Folia Medica Neerlandica --> Additamenta Folia Med Neerl Additives for Polymers --> Addit Polym Adicciones --> Adicciones Adipocyte --> Adipocyte Adiyat Halab --> Adiyat Halab Adler --> Adler Adler Museum Bulletin --> Adler Mus Bull Administration & Society --> Adm Soc Administration and Policy in Mental Health --> Adm Policy Ment Health Administration for Development --> Adm Dev Administration in Mental Health --> Adm Ment Health Administration in Social Work --> Adm Soc Work Administrative Change --> Adm Change Administrative Change (Jaipur) --> Adm Change (Jaipur) Administrative Law Journal --> Adm Law J Administrative Law Review --> Adm Law Rev Administrative Management --> Adm Manage Administrative Radiology --> Adm Radiol Administrative Radiology Journal --> Adm Radiol J Administrative Science Quarterly --> Adm Sci Q Adolescence --> Adolescence Adolescence Education Newsletter --> Adolesc Educ Newsl Adolescent & Family Health --> Adolesc Fam Health Adolescent and Pediatric Gynecology --> Adolesc Pediatr Gynecol Adolescent Medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.) --> Adolesc Med Adolescent Medicine Clinics --> Adolesc Med Clin Adolescent Psychiatry --> Adolesc Psychiatry ADOPT. Asian & Worldwide Documents on Population Topics --> ADOPT, Asian Worldw Doc Popul Top Adoption & Fostering --> Adopt Foster Adoption Quarterly --> Adoption Q Adsorption --> Adsorption Adsorption Science and Technology --> Adsorpt Sci Technol Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal --> Adult Basic Educ Lit J Adult Education --> Adult Educ Adult Education Quarterly --> Adult Educ Q Adult Faith Resources Networker --> Adult Faith Resour Netw Adult Foster Care Journal --> Adult Foster Care J Adult Learning --> Adult Learn Adult Residential Care Journal --> Adult Resid Care J Adults Learning --> Adults Learn Adultspan Journal --> Adultspan J Advance Annotation Service to Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973 --> Adv Annot Serv Colo Revis Statut, 1973 Advance Annotation Service to Delaware Code Annotated --> Adv Annot Serv Delaware Code Annot Advance Annotation Service to Wyoming Statutes Annotated --> Adv Annot Serv Wyo Statut Annot Advance Data --> Adv Data Advance for Nurse Practitioners --> Adv Nurse Pract Advance Legislative Service to Annotated Laws of Massachusetts --> Advance Legis Serv Annot Laws Mass Advanced Cement Based Materials --> Adv Cement Base Mater Advanced Ceramics --> Adv Ceram Advanced Composites Letters --> Adv Compos Lett Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews --> Adv Drug Deliv Rev Advanced Engineering Informatics --> Adv Eng Inform Advanced Engineering Materials --> Adv Eng Mater Advanced Functional Materials --> Adv Funct Mater Advanced Imaging (Woodbury, N.Y.) --> Adv Imaging Advanced Materials --> Adv Mater Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics --> Adv Mater Opt Electron Advanced Performance Materials --> Adv Perform Mater Advanced Practice Nursing Quarterly --> Adv Pract Nurs Q Advanced Robotics --> Adv Robot Advanced Steel Construction --> Adv Steel Constr Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis --> Adv Synth Catal Advancement of Science --> Adv Sci Advances --> Advances Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery --> Adv Tech Stand Neurosurg Advances in Abortion Care --> Adv Abort Care Advances in Accounting --> Adv Account Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research --> Adv Account Behav Res Advances in Acoustics and Vibration --> Adv Acoust Vib Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis --> Adv Adapt Data Anal Advances in Adolescent Mental Health --> Adv Adolesc Mental Health Advances in Agronomy --> Adv Agron Advances in Alcohol & Substance Abuse --> Adv Alcohol Subst Abuse Advances in Anatomic Pathology --> Adv Anat Pathol Advances in Anatomy, Embryology, and Cell Biology --> Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Advances in Anesthesia --> Adv Anesth Advances in Animal Biosciences --> Adv Anim Biosci Advances in Applied Ceramics --> Adv Appl Ceramics Advances in Applied Developmental Psychology --> Adv Appl Dev Psychol Advances in Applied Mathematics --> Adv Appl Math Advances in Applied Mechanics --> Adv Appl Mech Advances in Applied Microbiology --> Adv Appl Microbiol Advances in Applied Probability --> Adv Appl Probab Advances in Artificial Intelligence --> Adv Artif Intell Advances in Artificial Neural Systems --> Adv Artif Neural Syst Advances in Astronomy --> Adv Astron Advances in Atmospheric Sciences --> Adv Atmos Sci Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics --> Adv At Mol Phys Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics --> Adv At Mol Opt Phys Advances in Austrian Economics --> Adv Austrian Econ Advances in Behavioral Biology --> Adv Behav Biol Advances in Behaviour Research and Therapy --> Adv Behav Res Ther Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology --> Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology --> Adv Biochem Psychopharmacol Advances in Bioengineering --> Adv Bioeng Advances in Bioethics --> Adv Bioeth Advances in Bioinformatics --> Adv Bioinforma Advances in Biological and Medical Physics --> Adv Biol Med Phys Advances in Biology of Skin --> Adv Biol Skin Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics --> Adv Biomed Eng Med Phys Advances in Biophysics --> Adv Biophys Advances in Biotechnological Processes --> Adv Biotechnol Processes Advances in Botanical Research --> Adv Bot Res Advances in Bryology --> Adv Bryol Advances in Cancer Research --> Adv Cancer Res Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry --> Adv Carbohydr Chem Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry --> Adv Carbohydr Chem Biochem Advances in Cardiac Surgery --> Adv Card Surg Advances in Cardiology --> Adv Cardiol Advances in Cardiopulmonary Diseases --> Adv Cardiopulm Dis Advances in Catalysis --> Adv Catal Advances in Catalysis and Related Subjects --> Adv Catal Relat Subj Advances in Cell Aging and Gerontology --> Adv Cell Aging Gerontol Advances in Cell Biology --> Adv Cell Biol Advances in Cement Research --> Adv Cement Res Advances in Ceramics --> Adv Ceram Advances in Chemical Engineering --> Adv Chem Eng Advances in Chemical Physics --> Adv Chem Phys Advances in Chemistry Series --> Adv Chem Ser Advances in Chemotherapy --> Adv Chemother Advances in Child Development and Behavior --> Adv Child Dev Behav Advances in Chromatography --> Adv Chromatogr Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease --> Adv Chronic Kidney Dis Advances in Civil Engineering --> Adv Civ Eng Advances in Clinical Chemistry --> Adv Clin Chem Advances in Clinical Pathology --> Adv Clin Path Advances in Clinical Pharmacology --> Adv Clin Pharmacol Advances in Clinical Rehabilitation --> Adv Clin Rehabil Advances in Cognitive Psychology --> Adv Cogn Psychol Advances in Colloid and Interface Science --> Adv Colloid Interface Sci Advances in Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry --> Adv Comp Physiol Biochem Advances in Complex Systems --> Adv Complex Syst Advances in Computational Mathematics --> Adv Comput Math Advances in Condensed Matter Physics --> Adv Condens Matter Phys Advances in Consumer Research. Association for Consumer Research (U. S.) --> Adv Consum Res Advances in Contraception --> Adv Contracept Advances in Contraceptive Delivery Systems --> Adv Contracept Deliv Syst Advances in Cryogenic Engineering --> Adv Cryog Eng Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide and Protein Phosphorylation Research --> Adv Cyclic Nucleotide Protein Phosphorylation Res Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide Research --> Adv Cyclic Nucleotide Res Advances in Cytopharmacology --> Adv Cytopharmacol Advances in Data Analysis and Classification --> Adv Data Anal Classif Advances in Decision Sciences --> Adv Decis Sci Advances in Dental Research --> Adv Dent Res Advances in Dermatology --> Adv Dermatol Advances in Design Automation --> Adv Des Autom Advances in Developing Human Resources --> Adv Dev Hum Resour Advances in Difference Equations --> Adv Differ Equ Advances in Drug Research --> Adv Drug Res Advances in Ecological Research --> Adv Ecol Res Advances in Econometrics --> Adv Econom Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy --> Adv Econ Anal Policy Advances in Electronics --> Adv Electron Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics --> Adv Electron Electron Phys Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics. Supplement --> Adv Electron Electron Phys Suppl Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism --> Adv Endocrinol Metab Advances in Engineering Software --> Adv Eng Software Advances in Engineering Software --> Adv Eng Softw Advances in Environmental Research --> Adv Environ Res Advances in Environmental Science and Engineering --> Adv Environ Sci Eng Advances in Environmental Science and Technology --> Adv Environ Sci Tech Advances in Enzyme Regulation --> Adv Enzyme Regul Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology --> Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol Advances in Enzymology and Related Subjects of Biochemistry --> Adv Enzymol Relat Subj Biochem Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology --> Adv Exp Med Biol Advances in Experimental Social Psychology --> Adv Exp Soc Psychol Advances in Fertility Control --> Adv Fertil Control Advances in Financial Economics --> Adv Financ Econ Advances in Fluorine Research and Dental Caries Prevention --> Adv Fluorine Res Advances in Food and Nutrition Research --> Adv Food Nutr Res Advances in Food Research --> Adv Food Res Advances in Food Research. Supplement --> Adv Food Res Suppl Advances in Free Radical Biology & Medicine --> Adv Free Radic Biol Med Advances in Fuzzy Systems --> Adv Fuzzy Syst Advances in Genetics --> Adv Genet Advances in Geometry --> Adv Geom Advances in Geophysics --> Adv Geophys Advances in Geosciences --> Adv Geosci Advances in Gerontological Research --> Adv Gerontol Res Advances in Gerontology --> Adv Gerontol Advances in Group Processes --> Adv Group Process Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research --> Adv Health Econ Health Serv Res Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research. Supplement --> Adv Health Econ Health Serv Res Suppl Advances in Health Sciences Education : Theory and Practice --> Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract Advances in Heat Transfer --> Adv Heat Transf Advances in Hematology --> Adv Hematol Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry --> Adv Heterocycl Chem Advances in High Energy Physics --> Adv High Energy Phys Advances in Human Ecology --> Adv Hum Ecol Advances in Human Genetics --> Adv Hum Genet Advances in Human-Computer Interaction --> Adv Hum Comput Interact Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics --> Adv Imaging Electron Phys Advances in Immunity and Cancer Therapy --> Adv Immun Cancer Ther Advances in Immunology --> Adv Immunol Advances in Inorganic Biochemistry --> Adv Inorg Biochem Advances in Inorganic Chemistry --> Adv Inorg Chem Advances in Internal Medicine --> Adv Intern Med Advances in International Accounting --> Adv Int Account Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities --> Adv Learn Behav Disabil Advances in Legume Systematics --> Adv Legume Syst Advances in Limnology --> Adv Limnol Advances in Lipid Research --> Adv Lipid Res Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance --> Adv Magn Opt Reson Advances in Magnetic Resonance --> Adv Magn Reson Advances in Marine Biology --> Adv Mar Biol Advances in Mass Spectrometry --> Adv Mass Spectrom Advances in Materials Science and Engineering --> Adv Mater Sci Eng Advances in Mathematical Physics --> Adv Math Phys Advances in Mathematics --> Adv Math Advances in Mechanical Engineering --> Adv Mech Eng Advances in Medical Sciences --> Adv Med Sci Advances in Medical Sociology --> Adv Med Sociol Advances in Mental Health --> Adv Ment Health Advances in Metabolic Disorders --> Adv Metab Disord Advances in Meteorology --> Adv Meteorol Advances in Microbial Ecology --> Adv Microb Ecol Advances in Microbial Physiology --> Adv Microb Physiol Advances in Mind-Body Medicine --> Adv Mind Body Med Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology --> Adv Mol Cell Biol Advances in Morphogenesis --> Adv Morphog Advances in Multimedia --> Adv Multimedia Advances in Myocardiology --> Adv Myocardiol Advances in Myochemistry --> Adv Myochem Advances in Neonatal Care --> Adv Neonatal Care Advances in Nephrology from the Necker Hospital --> Adv Nephrol Necker Hosp Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems --> Adv Neural Inf Process Syst Advances in Neuroimmunology --> Adv Neuroimmunol Advances in Neurology --> Adv Neurol Advances in Nonlinear Optics --> Adv Nonlinear Opt Advances in Numerical Analysis --> Adv Numer Anal Advances in Numerical Heat Transfer --> Adv Numer Heat Transf Advances in Nutritional Research --> Adv Nutr Res Advances in Operations Research --> Adv Oper Res Advances in Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery --> Adv Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg Advances in Ophthalmology --> Adv Ophthalmol Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy --> Adv Opt Electron Microsc Advances in Optical Technologies --> Adv Opt Technol Advances in OptoElectronics --> Adv Optoelectron Advances in Oral Biology --> Adv Oral Biol Advances in Organometallic Chemistry --> Adv Organomet Chem Advances in Orthopedics --> Adv Orthop Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology --> Adv Otorhinolaryngol Advances in Pain Research and Therapy --> Adv Pain Res Ther Advances in Parasitology --> Adv Parasitol Advances in Pathobiology --> Adv Pathobiol Advances in Pediatric Infectious Diseases --> Adv Pediatr Infect Dis Advances in Pediatrics --> Adv Pediatr Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis. Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis --> Adv Perit Dial Advances in Pest Control Research --> Adv Pest Control Res Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences --> Adv Pharm Sci Advances in Pharmacological Sciences --> Adv Pharmacol Sci Advances in Pharmacology --> Adv Pharmacol Advances in Pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.) --> Adv Pharmacol Advances in Pharmacology and Chemotherapy --> Adv Pharmacol Chemother Advances in Physical Chemistry --> Adv Phys Chem Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry --> Adv Phys Org Chem Advances in Physics --> Adv Phys Advances in Physiology Education --> Adv Physiol Educ Advances in Physiotherapy --> Adv Physiother Advances in Planned Parenthood --> Adv Plan Parent Advances in Plant Pathology --> Adv Plant Pathol Advances in Polymer Science --> Adv Polym Sci Advances in Polymer Technology --> Adv Polym Technol Advances in Population --> Adv Popul Advances in Power Electronics --> Adv Power Electron Advances in Preventive Medicine --> Adv Prev Med Advances in Prostaglandin and Thromboxane Research --> Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Res Advances in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane, and Leukotriene Research --> Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukot Res Advances in Protein Chemistry --> Adv Protein Chem Advances in Psychiatric Treatment --> Adv Psychiatr Treat Advances in Psychobiology --> Adv Psychobiol Advances in Psychology --> Adv Psychol Advances in Psychology Research --> Adv Psychol Res Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine --> Adv Psychosom Med Advances in Quantum Chemistry --> Adv Quantum Chem Advances in Radiation Biology --> Adv Radiat Biol Advances in Renal Replacement Therapy --> Adv Ren Replace Ther Advances in Reproductive Physiology --> Adv Reprod Physiol Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research --> Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res Advances in Sex Hormone Research --> Adv Sex Horm Res Advances in Shock Research --> Adv Shock Res Advances in Skin & Wound Care --> Adv Skin Wound Care Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery --> Adv Small Anim Med Surg Advances in Socio-Dental Research --> Adv Sociodent Res Advances in Software Engineering --> Adv Softw Eng Advances in Soil Science --> Adv Soil Sci Advances in Space Biology and Medicine --> Adv Space Biol Med Advances in Space Exploration --> Adv Space Explor Advances in Space Research --> Adv Space Res Advances in Special Education --> Adv Spec Educ Advances in Speech Language Pathology --> Adv Speech Lang Pathol Advances in Steroid Biochemistry and Pharmacology --> Adv Steroid Biochem Pharmacol Advances in Structural Engineering --> Adv Struct Eng Advances in Surgery --> Adv Surg Advances in the Astronautical Sciences --> Adv Astronaut Sci Advances in the Biosciences --> Adv Biosci Advances in the Study of Behavior --> Adv Stud Behav Advances in Therapy --> Adv Ther Advances in Tracer Methodology --> Adv Tracer Methodol Advances in Tribology --> Adv Tribol Advances in Tuberculosis Research. Fortschritte der Tuberkuloseforschung. Progres de l'Exploration de la Tuberculose --> Adv Tuberc Res Advances in Urology --> Adv Urol Advances in Veterinary Dermatology --> Adv Vet Dermatol Advances in Veterinary Medicine --> Adv Vet Med Advances in Veterinary Science --> Adv Vet Sci Advances in Veterinary Science and Comparative Medicine --> Adv Vet Sci Comp Med Advances in Virology --> Adv Virol Advances in Virus Research --> Adv Virus Res Advances in Water Pollution Research --> Adv Water Pollut Res Advances in Water Resources --> Adv Water Resour Advances in Wound Care --> Adv Wound Care Advancing Clinical Care --> Adv Clin Care Adventist Heritage --> Advent Herit Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin --> Adverse Drug React Bull Adverse Drug Reactions and Acute Poisoning Reviews --> Adverse Drug React Acute Poisoning Rev Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological Reviews --> Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev Advertiser's Weekly --> Advertiser's Wkly Advertising & Marketing Review --> Advert Mark Rev Advertising Age --> Advert Age Advertising Management --> Advertising Manage Advocacy Now --> Advocacy Now Advocate (Boston, Mass.) --> Advocate AECA Research in Practice --> AECA Res Pract AEü. International Journal of Electronics and Communications --> AEU, Int J Electron Commun AEDS Journal --> AEDS J Aegyptus --> Aegyptus AeJAMH (Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health) --> AeJAMH Aequationes Mathematicae --> Aequ Math Aere Perennius --> Aere Perennius Aerobiologia --> Aerobiologia Aeromedica Acta --> Aeromed Acta Aeromedical Reviews --> Aeromed Rev Aeronautical Journal --> Aeronaut J Aerosol Science and Technology --> Aerosol Sci Technol Aerospace America --> Aerosp Am Aerospace Engineering --> Aerosp Eng Aerospace Historian --> Aerosp Hist Aerospace Medicine --> Aerosp Med Aerospace Science and Technology --> Aerosp Sci Technol Aerzteblatt Rheinland-Pfalz --> Arztebl Rheinl Pfalz Aerztliche Praxis --> Arztl Prax Aesthetic Plastic Surgery --> Aesthetic Plast Surg Aesthetic Surgery Journal --> Aesthet Surg J Aetas --> Aetas Aevum --> Aevum Affari Sociali Internazionali --> Aff Soc Int Affilia --> Affilia Afghan Mujahadeen Medical Journal --> Afghan Mujahadeen Med J Afghanistan --> Afghanistan AFOSR-TR (United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research) --> AFOSR-TR (US, Air Force, Off Sci Res) Africa --> Africa (Lond) "Africa ; Notiziario dell'Associazione fra le Imprese Italiane in Africa" --> Africa (Roma) Africa : Journal of the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures --> Africa Africa Analysis --> Afr Anal Africa Development. Afrique et Developpement --> Afr Dev Africa Health --> Afr Health Africa Insight --> Afr Insight Africa Link --> Afr Link Africa Media Review --> Afr Media Rev Africa Quarterly --> Afr Q Africa Recovery --> Afr Recovery Africa Report --> Afr Rep Africa South of the Sahara --> Afr South Africa Today --> Afr Today Africa Woman --> Afr Woman Africa Women & Health --> Afr Women Health African Affairs --> Afr Aff (Lond) African Alternatives --> Afr Alternat African American Review --> Afr Am Rev African and Asian Studies --> Afr Asian Stud African Archaeological Review --> Afr Archaeol Rev African Arts --> Afr Arts African Concord --> Afr Concord African Demography --> Afr Demogr African Dental Journal --> Afr Dent J African Development Review --> Afr Dev Rev African Economic History --> Afr Econ Hist African Environment --> Afr Environ African Farmer --> Afr Farmer African Health Sciences --> Afr Health Sci African Historical Studies --> Afr Hist Stud African Invertebrates --> Afr Invertebr African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues --> Afr J Psychol Study Soc Issues African Journal of AIDS Research --> Afr J AIDS Res African Journal of Biotechnology --> Afr J Biotechnol African Journal of Ecology --> Afr J Ecol African Journal of Fertility, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health --> Afr J Fertil Sexual Reprod Heal African Journal of Health Sciences --> Afr J Health Sci African Journal of Herpetology --> Afr J Herpetol African Journal of Marine Science --> Afr J Mar Sci African Journal of Medical Practice --> Afr J Med Pract African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences --> Afr J Med Med Sci African Journal of Microbiological Research --> Afr J Microbiol Res African Journal of Reproductive Health --> Afr J Reprod Health African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops --> Afr J Root Tuber Crops African Journal of Sociology --> Afr J Sociol African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines --> Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Medicines African Journal of Urology --> Afr J Urol African Notes --> Afr Notes African Philosophy --> Afr Philos African Plant Protection --> Afr Plant Prot African Population Newsletter --> Afr Popul Newsl African Population Newsletter (Bilingual Ed.) --> Afr Popul Newsl (Biling Ed) African Primates --> Afr Primates African Review (Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania) --> Afr Rev African Social Research --> Afr Soc Res African Sociological Review --> Afr Sociol Rev African Studies --> Afr Stud African Studies Bulletin --> Afr Stud Bull African Studies Review --> Afr Stud Rev African Study Monographs --> Afr Study Monogr African Urban Notes. Ser. B. --> Afr Urban Notes Ser B African Urban Quarterly --> Afr Urban Q African Urban Studies (Michigan State University. African Studies Center) --> Afr Urban Stud African Zoology --> Afr Zool Africana Marburgensia --> Afr Marburgen Africana Notes and News. Africana Aantekeninge en Nuus --> Afr Notes News Africana Research Bulletin --> Afr Res Bull AfricAsia (Paris, France) --> Africasia Africom --> Africom AFRICOM News --> AFRICOM News Afrika und Ubersee --> Afr Uebersee Afrique 2000 (Geneva, Switzerland) --> Afrique 2000 Afrique Contemporaine --> Afr Contemp Afrique Documents --> Afr Doc Afrique Francaise Chirurgicale --> Afr Fr Chir Afrique Médecine et Santé --> Afr Med Sante Afrique Medicale --> Afr Med AFRO Technical Papers --> Afro Tech Pap Afro-Americans in New York Life and History --> Afro Am N Y Life Hist Afro-Arab Liver Journal --> Afro-arab Liver J AFTE Journal --> AFTE J Afya --> Afya Age --> Age (Omaha) Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands) --> Age (Dordr) Age and Ageing --> Age Ageing Age Reprint Booklet --> Age Repr Bookl Aged Care & Services Review --> Aged Care Serv Rev Ageing and Society --> Ageing Soc Ageing International --> Ageing Int Ageing Research Reviews --> Ageing Res Rev Agenda (Durban, South Africa) --> Agenda Agenda Salud --> Agenda Salud Agents and Actions --> Agents Actions Agents and Actions. Supplements --> Agents Actions Suppl Aggiornamenti Clinico Terapeutici --> Aggiorn Clinico Ter Aggiornamenti di Fisiologia --> Aggiorn Fisiol Aggiornamenti di Terapia Oftalmologica --> Aggiorn Ter Oftalmol Aggiornamenti in Ostetricia e Ginecologia --> Aggiorn Ostet Ginecol Aggiornamenti Sulle Malattie da Infezione --> Aggiorn Mal Infez Aggiornamento Pediatrico --> Aggiorn Pediatr Aggression and Violent Behavior --> Aggress Violent Behav Aggressive Behavior --> Aggress Behav Aging --> Aging Aging (Albany, N.Y. Online) --> Aging (Albany, NY Online) Aging & Human Development --> Aging Hum Dev Aging & Leisure Living --> Aging Leis Living Aging & Mental Health --> Aging Ment Health Aging (Milan, Italy) --> Aging (Milano) Aging and Disease --> Aging Dis Aging and Work --> Aging Work Aging Cell --> Aging Cell Aging Clinical and Experimental Research --> Aging Clin Exp Res Aging Trends (Hyattsville, Md.) --> Aging Trends (Hyattsville, Md) Agrartorteneti Szemle --> Agratort Szle Agressologie: Revue Internationale de Physio-Biologie et de Pharmacologie Appliquees Aux Effets de l'Agression --> Agressologie Agribusiness --> Agribusiness Agricultura y Sociedad --> Agric Soc Agricultural and Biological Chemistry --> Agric Biol Chem Agricultural and Forest Entomology --> Agric For Entomol Agricultural and Forest Meteorology --> Agric For Meteorol Agricultural Economics --> Agric Econ Agricultural Economics Research --> Agric Econ Res Agricultural Engineering --> Agric Eng Agricultural History --> Agric Hist Agricultural Information Development Bulletin --> Agric Inf Dev Bull Agricultural Meteorology --> Agric Meteorol Agricultural Sciences in China --> Agric Sci China Agricultural Systems --> Agric Syst Agricultural Water Management --> Agric Water Manage Agriculture and Environment --> Agric Environ Agriculture and Human Values --> Agric Human Values Agriculture and the Environment --> Agric Environ Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment --> Agric Ecosyst Environ Agrochimica --> Agrochimica Agrociencia --> Agrociencia Agrociencia --> Agrociencia Agrociencia --> Agrociencia Agrociencia. Serie Ciencia Animal --> Agrocienc, Ser Cienc Anim Agrociencia. Serie Fitociencia --> Agrocienc, Ser Fitocienc Agrociencia. Serie Matemáticas Aplicadas, Estadística y Computación --> Agrocienc, Ser Mat Apl Estad Comput Agrociencia. Serie Protección Vegetal --> Agrocien, Ser Prot Veg Agrociencia. Serie Recursos Naturales Renovables --> Agrocien, Ser Recur Nat Renov Agrociencia. Serie Socioeconomía --> Agrocienc, Ser Socioecon Agrociencia. Serie Suelo, Agua y Clima --> Agrocienc, Ser Suelo Agua Clima Agro-ecosystems --> Agro-ecosyst Agroforestry Systems --> Agrofor Syst Agronomie --> Agronomie Agronomy Journal --> Agron J Agrup Odontol Cap Fed (B Aires) --> Agrup Odontol Cap Fed (B Aires) AGSO Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics --> AGSO J Aust Geol Geophys AGU Reference Shelf --> AGU Ref Shelf Aguiaine --> Aguiaine AHA Hospital Technology Series --> AHA Hosp Technol Ser AHIP Coverage --> AHIP Cover AHME Journal --> AHME J AHP Journal --> AHP J AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Reviews --> AHRQ Comp Eff Rev AI & Society --> AI Soc AI Communications --> AI Commun AI Expert --> AI Expert AI Magazine --> AI Mag Ai Zheng --> Ai Zheng AIA Journal. American Institute of Architects --> AIA J AIAA Journal --> AIAA J AIAA Paper --> AIAA Pap AIAA Student Journal. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics --> AIAA Stud J AICC Economic Review. Indian National Congress. All India Congress Committee --> AICC Econ Rev AIChE Journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers --> AIChE J Aichi Gakuin Daigaku Shigakkai Shi --> Aichi Gakuin Daigaku Shigakkai Shi Aichi-Gakuin Dental Science --> Aichi Gakuin Dent Sci AIDoS News --> Aidos News AIDS & Public Policy Journal --> AIDS Public Policy J AIDS & Society --> AIDS Soc AIDS (London, England) --> AIDS AIDS Action --> AIDS Action AIDS Action Policy Brief --> AIDS Action Policy Brief AIDS Action Update --> AIDS Action Update AIDS Alert --> Aids Alert AIDS Analysis Africa --> AIDS Anal Afr AIDS Analysis Asia --> AIDS Anal Asia AIDS and Behavior --> AIDS Behav AIDS Asia --> AIDS Asia AIDS Care --> AIDS Care AIDS Clinical Care --> AIDS Clin Care AIDS Clinical Review --> AIDS Clin Rev AIDS Education and Prevention --> AIDS Educ Prev AIDS Health Promotion Exchange --> AIDS Health Promot Exch AIDS Illustrated --> AIDS Illus AIDS Information Exchange --> AIDS Inf Exch AIDS Institute Newsletter. New York (State). AIDS Institute --> AIDS Inst Newsl AIDS Patient Care --> AIDS Patient Care AIDS Patient Care and STDs --> AIDS Patient Care STDS AIDS Policy & Law --> AIDS Policy Law AIDS Research --> AIDS Res AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses --> AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses AIDS Research and Therapy --> AIDS Res Ther AIDS Research and Treatment --> Aids Res Treat AIDS Reviews --> AIDS Rev AIDS Treatment News --> AIDS Treat News AIDS Updates --> AIDS Updates AIDS Watch --> AIDS Watch AIDS Watch (Roma) --> AIDS Watch (Roma) AIDS Weekly --> AIDS Wkly AIDS Weekly Plus --> AIDS Wkly Plus AIDS Weekly Surveillance Report --> AIDS Wkly Surveill Rep AIDS/STD Health Promotion Exchange --> AIDS STD Health Promot Exch Aidscaptions --> Aidscaptions AIDSED Newsletter --> AIDSED Newsl AIDS-Forschung --> AIDS Forsch AIDSlink --> AIDSlink AIHA Journal --> AIHA J (Fairfax, Va) AIHAJ --> AIHAJ AIMS Report --> AIMS Rep Ain Shams Journal of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology --> Ain Shams J Forensic Med Clin Toxicol Ain Shams Medical Journal --> Ain Shams Med J AIP Conference Proceedings --> AIP Conf Proc AIPLA Quarterly Journal --> AIPLA Q J Air & Space Europe --> Air Space Eur Air & Space Smithsonian --> Air Space Air & Waste --> Air Waste Air and Space Law --> Air Space Law Air and Water Pollution --> Air Water Pollut Air Line Pilot --> Air Line Pilot Air Medical Journal --> Air Med J Air Professional File --> AIR Prof File Air Repair --> Air Repair Air University Review (United States Edition) --> Air Univ Rev (US Ed) Aircraft Design --> Aircraft Des Ajalooline Ajakiri (Tartu, Estonia) --> Ajalooline Ajak Ajia Taiheiyou Kenkyuuka Ronshuu --> Ajia Taiheiyou Kenkyuuka Ronshuu AJNR. American Journal of Neuroradiology --> AJNR Am J Neuroradiol AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology --> AJR Am J Roentgenol AJS Review --> AJS Rev Akademiska Dzive --> Akad Dzive Aki --> Aki Akron Business and Economic Review --> Akron Bus Econ Rev Akron Law Review --> Akron Law Rev Aktuelle Dermatologie --> Aktuelle Derm Aktuelle Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel --> Aktuel Endokrinol Stoffwechsel Aktuelle Ernahrungsmedizin --> Aktuel Ernahrungsmed Aktuelle Gerontologie --> Aktuelle Gerontol Aktuelle Neurologie --> Aktuelle Neurol Aktuelle Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie --> Aktuelle Otorhinolaryngol Aktuelle Probleme der Phoniatrie und Logopadie --> Aktuel Probl Phoniatr Logop Aktuelle Probleme in Chirurgie und Orthopadie --> Aktuelle Probl Chir Orthop Aktuelle Probleme in der Chirurgie --> Aktuelle Probl Chir Aktuelle Radiologie --> Aktuelle Radiol Aktuelle Rheumatologie --> Aktuelle Rheumatol Aktuelle Traumatologie --> Aktuelle Traumatol Aktuelle Urologie --> Aktuelle Urol Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia --> Akush Ginekol (Sofiia) Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia --> Akush Ginekol (Mosk) Akwesasne Notes --> Akwesasne Notes Al'-Ulyã (Loulé) --> Al'-Ulya (Loule) Alabama Dental Review --> Ala Dent Rev Alabama Heritage --> Ala Herit Alabama Law Review --> Ala Law Rev Alabama Medicine --> Ala Med ALAFO --> ALAFO Alaska History (Anchorage, Alaska) --> Alsk Hist Alaska Journal (Juneau, Alaska) --> Alaska J Alaska Medicine --> Alaska Med Alaska Statutes, 1962 --> Alsk Statut 1962 Alsk Alauda --> Alauda Al-Azhar Assiut Medical Journal --> Al-Azhar Assiut Med J Al-Azhar Journal of Dental Science --> Al-Azhar J Dent Sci Al-Azhar Medical Journal --> Azhar Med J Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology --> Albany Law J Sci Technol Albany Law Review --> Albany Law Rev Alberta History --> Alberta Hist Alberta Law Review --> Alta Law Rev Alberta Medical Bulletin --> Alberta Med Bull Alberta RN --> Alta RN Albertus Magnus Blatter --> Albertus Magnus Blaett Albion --> Albion Albrecht von Graefe's Archiv fur Ophthalmologie --> Albrecht Von Graefes Arch Ophthalmol Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur Klinische und Experimentelle Ophthalmologie --> Albrecht Von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol Alces (Thunder Bay, Ont.) --> Alces Alcheringa --> Alcheringa Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) --> Alcohol Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) --> Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). Supplement --> Alcohol Alcohol Suppl Alcohol and Drug Research --> Alcohol Drug Res Alcohol Health and Research World --> Alcohol Health Res World Alcohol Research & Health --> Alcohol Res Health Alcohol, Drugs, and Driving --> Alcohol Drugs Driving Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly --> Alcohol Drug Abuse Wkly Alcoholism (Zagreb) --> Alcohol (Zagreb) Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly --> Alcohol Treat Q Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research --> Alcohol Clin Exp Res Alcologia: European Journal of Alcohol Studies --> Alcologia Eur J Alcohol Stud Alcoologie --> Alcoologie Alcoologie et Addictologie --> Alcool Addictol Al-Dárät --> Al-Darat Al-Darah --> Aldarah Aldrichimica Acta --> Aldrichim Acta Alergia --> Alergia Aletheia --> Aletheia Alexander Blain Hospital Bulletin --> Alexander Blain Hosp Bull Alexandria Dental Journal --> Alexandria Dent J Alexandria Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care --> Alex J Anaesth Intensive Care Alexandria Journal of Food Science and Technology --> Alex J Food Sci Tech Alexandria Journal of Pediatrics --> Alex J Pediatrics Alexandria Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences --> Alexandria J Pharm Sci Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences --> Alex J Vet Sci Alexanor --> Alexanor Algérie Médicale --> Alger Med Algae (Korean Phycological Society) --> Algae Algebra and Logic --> Algebra Log Algerie Medicale et Chirurgicale --> Algerie Med Chirurgicale Algological Studies --> Algol Stud Algorithmica --> Algorithmica "Algorithms for Molecular Biology ; AMB" --> Algorithms Mol Biol Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics --> Aliment Pharmacol Ther Alimentech (Saint-Hyacinthe) --> Alimentech (St-Hyacinthe) Aliso --> Aliso Alkoholipolitiikka --> Alkoholipolitiikka Allemagne d'Aujourd'Hui --> Allem Aujourdhui Allergie (Pointe-Claire, Quebec) --> Allerg Pointe Claire Allergie et Immunologie --> Allerg Immunol (Paris) Allergie und Asthma --> Allerg Asthma (Leipz) Allergie- und Asthmaforschung --> Allerg Asthmaforsch Allergie und Immunologie --> Allerg Immunol (Leipz) Allergo Journal --> Allergo J Allergologia et Immunopathologia --> Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) Allergologie --> Allergologie Allergology International --> Allergol Int Allergy --> Allergy Allergy Abstracts --> Allergy Abstr Allergy and Asthma Proceedings --> Allergy Asthma Proc Allergy Proceedings --> Allergy Proc Allgemeine Homoopathische Zeitung fur Wissenschaftliche und Praktische Homoopathie --> Allg Homoopath Ztg Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv --> All Stat Arch Allgemeinmedizin International --> Allgmed Int Allied Health and Behavioral Sciences --> Allied Health Behav Sci Allpanchis --> Allpanchis Alma Mater Philippina --> Alma Mater Philipp Almanac (National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (U.S.). International Council) --> Almanac Almanach der Zahnärztlichen Welt --> Alm Zahnarztl Welt Al-Mihan Al-Tibbiyah --> Al Mihan Al Tibbiyah Al-Mustaqbal Al-'Arabi --> Almustaqbal Alarabi Alpha Omega France --> Alpha Omega Fr al-Qantara --> Al Qantara al-Raida --> Al Raida Alta Frequenza --> Alta Freq Altamura --> Altamura Al-taqrir Al-hass Bi-al-sihhat Fi Al-alam --> Al-taqrir Al-hass Bi-al-sihhat Fi Al-alam Alter --> Alter Alteridades (El Parque) --> Alteridades (El Parque) Altern und Entwicklung. Aging and Development --> Altern Entwickl Aging Dev Alternate Routes --> Altern Routes Alternative and Complementary Therapies --> Altern Complement Ther Alternative Law Journal --> Altern Law J Alternative Lifestyles --> Altern Lifestyles Alternative Medicine Review --> Altern Med Rev Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine --> Altern Ther Health Med Alternatives --> Alternatives Alternatives to Laboratory Animals --> Altern Lab Anim ALTEX --> ALTEX ALT-J Association for Learning Technology Journal --> ALT-J, Assoc Learn Technol J Alt-Thuringen --> Alt Thuring Altreitalie (Torino) --> Altreitalie (Torino) Alumnae Magazine (Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association) --> Alumnae Mag Columbia Univ Presbyt Hosp Sch Nurs Alumnae Assoc Alumni Bulletin - School of Dentistry, Indiana University --> Alumni Bull Sch Dent Indiana Univ Alumni Bulletin. University of Michigan. School of Dentistry --> Alumni Bull Univ Mich Sch Dent Alumni Directory - University of Southern California. School of Medicine --> Alumni Directory - Univ South Calif Sch Med Alumni Magazine (Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association) --> Alumni Mag Columbia Univ Presbyt Hosp Sch Nurs Alumni Assoc Al-Usrah Wa-Al-'Umran Al-Bashari --> Al Usrah Wa Al Umran Al Bashari Alytes --> Alytes Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders --> Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord Alzheimer's & Dementia --> Alzheimers Dement Alzheimer's Reports --> Alzheimers Rep Alzheimer's Research & Therapy --> Alzheimers Res Ther AM [Reports]. United States. Office of Aviation Medicine --> AM Rep Amazoniana --> Amazoniana AMB (São Paulo) --> AMB (Sao Paulo) Ambio --> Ambio Ambix --> Ambix Ambulatory Care --> Ambul Care Ambulatory Child Health --> Ambul Child Health Ambulatory Outreach --> Ambul Outreach Ambulatory Pediatrics --> Ambul Pediatr Ambulatory Surgery --> Ambul Surg AMDI Bollettino --> AMDI Boll AMD-TR [Reports]. United States. Aerospace Medical Division --> AMD TR Rep Amerasia Journal --> Amerasia J America --> America (NY) America Indigena --> Am Indig America Latina --> Am Lat America's Pharmacist --> Am Pharm American Annals of the Deaf --> Am Ann Deaf American Anthropologist --> Am Anthropol American Antiquity --> Am Antiq American Art --> Am Art American Association of Industrial Nurses Journal --> Am Assoc Ind Nurses J American Bar Association Journal. American Bar Association --> Am Bar Assoc J American Bar Foundation Research Journal. American Bar Foundation --> Am Bar Found Res J American Bee Journal --> Am Bee J American Biotechnology Laboratory --> Am Biotechnol Lab American Business Law Journal --> Am Bus Law J American Ceramic Society Bulletin --> Am Ceram Soc Bull American City and County --> Am City County American Clinical Laboratory --> Am Clin Lab American College of Cardiology. Transactions --> Am Coll Cardiol Trans American College of Physicians Observer --> Am Coll Physicians Obs American College of Radiology Bulletin --> Am Coll Radiol Bull American Corrective Therapy Journal --> Am Correct Ther J American Demographics --> Am Demogr American Drama --> Am Drama American Druggist --> Am Drug American Dyestuff Reporter --> Am Dyest Report American Education --> Am Educ American Educational Research Journal --> Am Educ Res J American Educator --> Am Educ American Enterprise (Washington, D.C.) --> Am Enterp American Ethnologist --> Am Ethnologist American Family Physician --> Am Fam Physician American Family Physician/GP --> Am Fam Physician GP American Fern Journal --> Am Fern J American Film --> Am Film American Fisheries Society Symposium --> Am Fish Soc Symp American Health & Fitness --> Am Health Fit American Health (New York, N.Y.) --> Am Health (NY NY) American Health (New York, N.Y.) --> Am Health (NY NY) American Health for Women --> Am Health Women American Health Line 50-state Report --> Am Health Line 50-state Rep American Heart Journal --> Am Heart J American Heritage --> Am Herit American Heritage of Invention & Technology --> Am Herit Invent Technol American History Illustrated --> Am Hist Illus American Horseman --> Am Horseman American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research --> Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research --> Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (Monographic Series) --> Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res Monogr Ser American Indian Art Magazine --> Am Indian Art Mag American Indian Culture and Research Journal --> Am Indian Cult Res J American Indian Quarterly --> Am Indian Q American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal --> Am Ind Hyg Assoc J American Industrial Hygiene Association Quarterly --> Am Ind Hyg Assoc Q American Jewish Archives --> Am Jew Arch American Jewish Historical Quarterly --> Am Jew Hist Q American Jewish History --> Am Jew Hist American Journal of Acupuncture --> Am J Acupunct American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences --> Am J Agric Biol Sci American Journal of Agricultural Economics --> Am J Agric Econ American Journal of Alternative Agriculture --> Am J Altern Agric American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease --> Am J Alzheimer Dis American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias --> Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen American Journal of Alzheimer's Care and Related Disorders & Research --> Am J Alzheimer's Care Relat Disord Res American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences --> Am J Anim Vet Sci American Journal of Applied Sciences --> Am J Appl Sci American Journal of Archaeology --> Am J Archaeol American Journal of Art Therapy --> Am J Art Ther American Journal of Audiology --> Am J Audiol American Journal of Botany --> Am J Bot American Journal of Business --> Am J Bus American Journal of Cardiac Imaging --> Am J Card Imaging American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs --> Am J Cardiovasc Drugs American Journal of Clinical Dermatology --> Am J Clin Dermatol American Journal of Clinical Oncology --> Am J Clin Oncol American Journal of Clinical Pathology --> Am J Clin Pathol American Journal of Community Psychology --> Am J Community Psychol American Journal of Contact Dermatitis --> Am J Contact Dermat American Journal of Correction --> Am J Correct American Journal of Criminal Justice --> Am J Crim Justice American Journal of Criminal Law --> Am J Crim Law American Journal of Critical Care --> Am J Crit Care American Journal of Dance Therapy --> Am J Dance Ther American Journal of Dentistry --> Am J Dent American Journal of Disaster Medicine --> Am J Disaster Med American Journal of Diseases of Children --> Am J Dis Child American Journal of Distance Education --> Am J Distance Educ American Journal of Drug Delivery --> Am J Drug Deliv American Journal of Economics --> Am J Econ American Journal of Economics and Sociology --> Am J Econ Sociol American Journal of Education --> Am J Educ American Journal of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology --> Am J Electroneurodiagn Technol American Journal of Enology and Viticulture --> Am J Enol Vitic American Journal of Environmental Sciences --> Am J Environ Sci American Journal of Epidemiology --> Am J Epidemiol American Journal of Ethics & Medicine --> Am J Ethics Med American Journal of Family Law --> Am J Fam Law American Journal of Health Behavior --> Am J Health Behav American Journal of Health Education --> Am J Health Educ American Journal of Health Planning --> Am J Health Plann American Journal of Health Promotion --> Am J Health Promot American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy --> Am J Health Syst Pharm American Journal of Hematology --> Am J Hematol American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy --> Am J Hosp Pharm American Journal of Human Biology --> Am J Hum Biol American Journal of Human Genetics --> Am J Hum Genet American Journal of Hygiene --> Am J Hyg American Journal of Hypertension --> Am J Hypertens American Journal of Individual Psychology --> Am J Individual Psychol American Journal of Industrial Medicine --> Am J Ind Med American Journal of Infection Control --> Am J Infect Control American Journal of Infectious Diseases --> Am J Infect Dis American Journal of Kidney Diseases --> Am J Kidney Dis American Journal of Law & Medicine --> Am J Law Med American Journal of Mathematics --> Am J Math American Journal of Medical Genetics --> Am J Med Genet American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A --> Am J Med Genet A American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics --> Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part C, Seminars in Medical Genetics --> Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet American Journal of Medical Genetics. Supplement --> Am J Med Genet Suppl American Journal of Medical Quality --> Am J Med Qual American Journal of Men's Health --> Am J Men Health American Journal of Mental Deficiency --> Am J Ment Defic American Journal of Mental Retardation --> Am J Ment Retard American Journal of Nephrology --> Am J Nephrol American Journal of Neurology --> Am J Neurol American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology --> Am J Obstet Gynecol American Journal of Ophthalmology --> Am J Ophthalmol American Journal of Optometry and Archives of American Academy of Optometry --> Am J Optom Arch Am Acad Optom American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics --> Am J Optom Physiol Opt American Journal of Orthodontics --> Am J Orthod American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics --> Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery --> Am J Orthod Oral Surg American Journal of Orthopedics (Belle Mead, N.J.) --> Am J Orthop American Journal of Otolaryngology --> Am J Otolaryngol American Journal of Pastoral Counseling --> Am J Pastor Couns American Journal of Pathology --> Am J Pathol American Journal of Perinatology --> Am J Perinatol American Journal of Perinatology Reports --> Am J Perinatol Rep American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education --> Am J Pharm Educ American Journal of Pharmacogenomics --> Am J Pharmacogenomics American Journal of Pharmacy and the Sciences Supporting Public Health --> Am J Pharm Sci Support Public Health American Journal of Philology --> Am J Philol American Journal of Physical Anthropology --> Am J Phys Anthropol American Journal of Physical Medicine --> Am J Phys Med American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation --> Am J Phys Med Rehabil American Journal of Physics --> Am J Phys American Journal of Physiologic Imaging --> Am J Physiol Imaging American Journal of Physiology. Cell Physiology --> Am J Physiol Cell Physiol American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism --> Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab American Journal of Physiology. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology --> Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology --> Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology --> Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology --> Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol American Journal of Physiology. Renal Physiology --> Am J Physiol Renal Physiol American Journal of Play --> Am J Play American Journal of Police --> Am J Police American Journal of Political Science --> Am J Pol Sci American Journal of Potato Research --> Am J Potato Res American Journal of Practical Nursing --> Am J Pract Nurs American Journal of Preventive Medicine --> Am J Prev Med American Journal of Primatology --> Am J Primatol American Journal of Proctology --> Am J Proctol American Journal of Proctology, Gastroenterology & Colon & Rectal Surgery --> Am J Proctol Gastroenterol Colon Rectal Surg American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation --> Am J Psychiatr Rehabil American Journal of Psychoanalysis --> Am J Psychoanal American Journal of Psychotherapy --> Am J Psychother American Journal of Public Health --> Am J Public Health American Journal of Public Health (New York, N.Y.) --> Am J Public Health (N Y) American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health --> Am J Public Health Nations Health American Journal of Reproductive Immunology --> Am J Reprod Immunol American Journal of Reproductive Immunology (New York, N.Y.) --> Am J Reprod Immunol American Journal of Reproductive Immunology and Microbiology --> Am J Reprod Immunol Microbiol American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. Supplement --> Am J Rep Immunol Suppl American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine --> Am J Respir Crit Care Med American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology --> Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol American Journal of Respiratory Medicine --> Am J Respir Med American Journal of Rhinology --> Am J Rhinol American Journal of Science --> Am J Sci American Journal of Semiotics --> Am J Semiotics American Journal of Sexuality Education --> Am J Sex Educ American Journal of Sociology --> Am J Sociol American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology --> Am J Speech Lang Pathol American Journal of Surgery --> Am J Surg American Journal of Syphilis and Neurology --> Am J Syphilis Neurol American Journal of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Venereal Diseases --> Am J Syph Gonorrhea Vener Dis American Journal of Therapeutics --> Am J Ther American Journal of Transplantation --> Am J Transplant American Journal of Tropical Medicine --> Am J Trop Med American Journal of Undergraduate Research --> Am J Undergrad Res American Journal of Veterinary Medicine --> Am J Vet Med American Journal of Veterinary Research --> Am J Vet Res American Laboratory --> Am Lab American Laundry Digest --> Am Laund Dig American Law and Economics Review --> Am Law Econ Rev "American Law Reports. ALR 3d; Cases and Annotations" --> "Am Law Rep ALR 3d; Cases Annotations" American Libraries --> Am Libr American Literary History --> Am Lit Hist American Literature --> Am Lit American Lung Association Bulletin --> Am Lung Assoc Bull American Malacological Bulletin --> Am Malacol Bull American Medical News --> Am Med News American Midland Naturalist --> Am Midl Nat American Museum Novitates --> Am Mus Novit American Music --> Am Music American Naturalist --> Am Nat American Nurses Association Publications --> ANA Publ American Nurses' Association. List of Publications --> Am Nurses' Assoc List Publ American Paleontologist --> Am Paleontol American Pharmacy --> Am Pharm American Philosophical Quarterly --> Am Philos Q American Physics Teacher --> Am Phys Teach American Politics Quarterly --> Am Polit Q American Politics Research --> Am Polit Res American Potato Journal --> Am Potato J American Practitioner and Digest of Treatment --> Am Pract Dig Treat American Presbyterian --> Am Presbyt American Professional Pharmacist --> Am Prof Pharm American Quarterly --> Am Q American Rehabilitation --> Am Rehabil American Review of Public Administration --> Am Rev Public Adm American Review of Soviet Medicine --> Am Rev Sov Med American Review of Tuberculosis --> Am Rev Tuberc American Rose Annual --> Am Rose Annu American School & University --> Am Sch Univ American Scientist --> Am Sci American Secondary Education --> Am Secondary Educ American Sociological Review --> Am Sociol Rev American Speech --> Am Speech American Studies (Lawrence, Kan.) --> Am Stud (Lawrence) "American Universities Field Staff Reports; Africa" --> Am Univ Field Staff Rep Afr "American Universities Field Staff Reports; Asia" --> Am Univ Field Staff Rep Asia "American Universities Field Staff Reports; North America" --> Am Univ Field Staff Rep North Am "American Universities Field Staff Reports; South America" --> Am Univ Field Staff Rep South Am American Universities Field Staff. AUFS Reports. Northeast Africa Series --> Am Univ Field Staff AUFS Rep Northeast Afr Ser American Universities Field Staff. AUFS Reports. Southeast Asia Series --> Am Univ Field Staff AUFS Rep Southeast Asia Ser American Universities Field Staff. AUFS Reports. Southwest Asia Series --> Am Univ Field Staff AUFS Rep Southwest Asia Ser American Universities Field Staff. AUFS Reports. West Coast South America --> Am Univ Field Staff AUFS Rep W Coast S Am American Urological Association. North Central Section. Postgraduate Seminar --> Am Urological Assoc N Cent Sect Postgrad Sem American Urological Association. Southeastern Section. Transactions --> Am Urological Assoc Southeast Sect Trans American Weekend --> Am Weekend American Zoologist --> Am Zool Americas --> Americas (Engl Ed) Amerikastudien --> Amerikastudien AmFAR Report --> AMFAR Rep AMHC Forum --> AMHC Forum AMHCA Journal --> AMHCA J AMIA ... Annual Symposium Proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium --> AMIA Annu Symp Proc Amicus --> Amicus Amino Acids --> Amino Acids Amirkabir International Journal of Chemical, Polymer and Material Science and Technology --> Amirkabir Int J Chem, Polym, Mater Sci Technol Amphibian & Reptile Conservation --> Amphib Reptile Conserv Amphibia-Reptilia --> Amphib-reptil AMRL-TR (6570th Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory) --> AMRL-TR (6570th Aerosp Med Res Lab) AMRO (Association of Health Care Information and Medical Records Officers) --> AMRO (Assoc Health Care Inf Med Rec Off) AMRO Bond Guide --> AMRO Bond Guide AMRO Facet --> AMRO Facet AMRO Guide of Dutch Bonds and Notes --> AMRO Guide Dutch Bonds Notes AMRO Obligatiegids --> AMRO Obliggids AMRO Relais --> AMRO Relais AMRO Stock Market News --> AMRO Stock Mark News AMRO Vreemde Valuta --> AMRO Vreemde Valuta AMRO-beursnieuws --> AMRO-beursnieuws AMRO-beursnieuws. Veertiendaags Supplement --> AMRO-beursnieuws Veertiend Suppl Amstelodamum --> Amstelodamum Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift --> Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschr Amyloid --> Amyloid "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ; Official Publication of the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases" --> Amyotroph Lateral Scler Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disorders --> Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord Análise Psicológica --> Anal Psicol Análisis Político (Bogotá) --> Anal Polit (Bogota) Análisis y Modificación de Conducta --> Anal Modif Conducta AN. Arkansas Nurse --> AN Ark Nurse ANA Clinical Conferences --> ANA Clin Conf ANA Clinical Sessions --> ANA Clin Sess Anabiosis --> Anabiosis Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi --> Anadolu Kardiyol Derg Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi --> Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg Anaerobe --> Anaerobe Anaesthesia --> Anaesthesia Anaesthesia and Intensive Care --> Anaesth Intensive Care Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine --> Anaesth Intensive Care Med Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care --> Anaesth Pain Intensive Care Anaesthesia, Resuscitation, and Intensive Therapy --> Anaesth Resusc Intensive Ther Anaesthesiologie und Reanimation --> Anaesthesiol Reanim Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy --> Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther Anais Azevedos --> An Azevedos Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia --> An Bras Dermatol Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia e Sifilografia --> An Bras Dermatol Sifilogr Anais Brasileiros de Ginecologia --> An Bras Ginecol Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias --> An Acad Bras Cienc Anais da Clínica Ginecológica da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo --> An Clin Ginecol Fac Med Univ Sao Paulo Anais da Escola Nacional de Saude Publica e de Medicina Tropical --> An Esc Nacl Saude Publica Med Trop (Lisb) Anais da Faculdade de Farmacia do Porto --> An Fac Farm Porto Anais da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo --> An Fac Med Univ Sao Paulo Anais da Faculdade de Medicina de Porto Alegre --> An Fac Med Porto Alegre Anais da Faculdade de Medicina do Recife --> An Fac Med Recife Anais da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco --> An Fac Odontol Univ Fed Pernambuco Anais de Enfermagem --> An Enferm Anais de Historia --> An Hist Anais de Microbiologia --> An Microbiol (Rio J) Anais do Departamento de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo --> An Dep Obstet Ginecol Fac Med Univ Sao Paulo Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical --> An Inst Hig Med Trop (Lisb) Anais do Instituto de Medicina Tropical --> An Inst Med Trop (Lisb) Anais Nestlé --> An Nestle Anais Paulistas de Medicina e Cirurgia --> An Paul Med Cir Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia --> Analecta Sacra Tarracon "Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii ""Al. I. Cuza"" Din Iasi. Sectiunea IIIc, Stiinte Economice" --> An Stiint Univ AI I Cuza Iasi Sect III C Stiint Econ Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Istorie. Universitatea Din Bucuresti --> An Univ Bucur Istor Anales - Instituto de Investigaciones Odontologicas, Universidad del Zulia --> An Inst Invest Odontol (Maracaibo) Anales (Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Medicos (Lerida, Spain)) --> An Ilustre Col Of Med Anales Chilenos de Historia de la Medicina --> An Chil Hist Med Anales de Antropologia --> An Antropol Anales de Cirugia --> An Cir (Rosario) Anales de Farmacia Hospitalaria --> An Farm Hosp (Madr) Anales de Historia Antigua y Medieval --> An Hist Antigua Mediev Anales de Historia Contemporanea --> An Hist Contemp Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala --> An Acad Geogr Hist Guatem Anales de la Asociación de Química y Farmacia del Uruguay --> An Asoc Quim Farm Urug Anales de la Casa de Salud Valdecilla --> An Casa Salud Valdecilla Anales de la Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos --> An Fac Farm Bioquim, Univ Nac Mayor San Marcos Anales de la Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos --> An Fac Farm Bioquim, Univ Nac Mayor San Marcos Anales de la Facultad de Medicina de Montevideo --> An Fac Med Montev Anales de la Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos --> An Fac Med, Univ Nac Mayor San Marcos Anales de la Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Lima --> An Fac Med, Univ Nac Mayor San Marcos Lima Anales de la Facultad de Odontologia --> An Fac Odontol Anales de la Facultad de Quimica y Farmacia --> An Fac Quim Farm (Santiago) "Anales de la Real Academia de Farmacia; Instituto de Espana" --> An Real Acad Farm Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina --> An R Acad Nac Med (Madr) Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina --> An Soc Cient Argent Anales de la Sociedad de Biologia de Bogota --> An Soc Biol Bogota Anales de la Sociedad de Geografía e Historia --> An Soc Geogr Hist Anales de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Ciencia y de la Tecnología --> An Soc Mex Hist Cienc Tecnol Anales de la Universidad Central de Venezuela --> An Univ Cent Venez Anales de Mecánica de la Fractura --> An Mec Fract Anales de Medicina --> An Med (Barc) Anales de Medicina --> An Med (Lima) Anales de Medicina Interna (Madrid, Spain) --> An Med Interna Anales de Medicina Pública --> An Med Publica Anales de Medicina y Cirugía --> An Med Cir Anales de Medicina: Cirugia --> An Med Cir Anales de Medicina: Especialidades --> An Med Espec Anales de Medicina: Medicina --> An Med Med Anales de Pediatria (Barcelona, Spain) --> An Pediatr (Barc) Anales de Psicología --> An Psicol Anales de Psiquiatría --> An Psiquiatr Anales del Ateneo de Clínica Quirúrgica --> An Ateneo Clin Quir Anales del Centro de Investigaciones Tisiológicas --> An Cent Investig Tisiol Anales del Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo --> An Hosp St Cruz San Pablo Anales del Instituto Barraquer --> An Inst Barraquer Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Serie Zoologia --> An Inst Biol Univ Nac Auton Mex Ser Zool Anales del Instituto de Estudios Madrilenos. Instituto de Estudios Madrilenos (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas) --> An Inst Estud Madr Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinarias --> An Inst Invest Vet Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia --> An Inst Nac Antropol Hist Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid --> An Jardin Botanico Madr 1979 Anales del Programa Academico de Medicina --> An Programa Acad Med (Lima) Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra --> An Sist Sanit Navar Anales Espanoles de Odontoestomatologia --> An Esp Odontoestomatol Anales Espanoles de Pediatria --> An Esp Pediatr Anales Nestle --> An Nestle (B Aires) Anales Otorrinolaringologicos Ibero-Americanos --> An Otorrinolaringol Ibero Am Anales. Sociedad de Puericultura de Buenos Aires --> An Soc Pueric B Aires Anales. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Medicina --> An Fac Med (Lima) Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke. Gazi Husrevbegova Biblioteka u Sarajevu --> An Gazi Husrev Begove Bibl Anali Klinicke Bolnice Dr M. Stojanovic --> An Klin Bol Dr M Stojanovic Analise Social --> Anal Soc Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing --> Analog Integr Circuits Signal Process Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact --> Analog Sci Fict Sci Fact Analusis --> Analusis Analyse & Kritik --> Anal Kritik Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP) --> Anal Soc Issues Public Policy Analysis --> Analysis Analysis and Applications --> Anal Appl Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities --> Anal Intervent Dev Disabil Analysis Mathematica --> Anal Math Analysis of Verbal Behavior --> Anal Verbal Behav Analyst (London) --> Analyst (Lond) Analytica --> Analytica Analytica Chimica Acta --> Anal Chim Acta Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry --> Anal Bioanal Chem Analytical and Quantitative Cytology --> Anal Quant Cytol Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology --> Anal Quant Cytol Histol Analytical Biochemistry --> Anal Biochem Analytical Cellular Pathology --> Anal Cell Pathol Analytical Chemistry --> Anal Chem Analytical Chemistry Insights --> Anal Chem Insights Analytical Chemistry Symposia Series --> Anal Chem Symp Ser Analytical Communications --> Anal Commun Analytical Letters --> Anal Lett Analytical Proceedings --> Anal Proc Analytical Sciences --> Anal Sci Analytische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie --> Anal Kinder-Jugendl-Psychother Analytische Psychologie --> Anal Psychol Anarchist Studies --> Anarchist Stud Anasthesie, Intensivtherapie, Notfallmedizin --> Anasth Intensivther Notfallmed Anasthesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie --> Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther Anasthesiologische und Intensivmedizinische Praxis --> Anasthesiol Intensivmed Prax Anatomia Clinica --> Anat Clin Anatomia e Chirurgia --> Anat Chir Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia --> Anat Histol Embryol Anatomic Pathology (Chicago, Ill. : Annual) --> Anat Pathol Anatomical Record (Hoboken, N.J.) --> Anat Rec (Hoboken) Anatomical Record. Part B, New Anatomist --> Anat Rec B New Anat Anatomical Science International --> Anat Sci Int Anatomical Sciences Education --> Anat Sci Educ Anatomischer Anzeiger --> Anat Anz Anatomy and Embryology --> Anat Embryol (Berl) Anatomy Research International --> Anat Res Int Ancient Biomolecules --> Anc Biomol Ancient Egypt --> Anc Egypt Ancient Mesoamerica --> Anc Mesoam Ancient Philosophy (Garland Publishing) --> Anc Philos Ancient TL --> Anc TL Andean Past --> Andean Past Andover Newton Quarterly --> Andover Newton Q Andrologia --> Andrologia ANEC --> ANEC Anemia --> Anemia Anestesia e Rianimazione --> Anest Rianim Anesteziologiia i Reanimatologiia --> Anesteziol Reanimatol Anesthesia & Pain Control in Dentistry --> Anesth Pain Control Dent Anesthesia and Analgesia --> Anesth Analg Anesthesia Progress --> Anesth Prog Anesthesie et Analgesie --> Anesth Anal Anesthesie, Analgesie, Reanimation --> Anesth Analg (Paris) Anesthesiology --> Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Clinics --> Anesthesiol Clin Anesthesiology Clinics of North America --> Anesthesiol Clin North America Anesthesiology Research and Practice --> Anesthesiol Res Pract Anesthesiology Review --> Anesthesiol Rev Angéiologie (Paris) --> Angeiol (Paris) Angelaki --> Angelaki Angelicum --> Angelicum Angewandte Chemie --> Angew Chem Angewandte Chemie International Edition --> Angew Chem Int Ed Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English --> Angew Chem Int Ed Engl Angewandte Parasitologie --> Angew Parasitol Angewandte Sozialforschung --> Angew Sozialforschung Angiogenesis --> Angiogenesis Angiologia --> Angiologia Angiologica --> Angiologica Angiologiia I Sosudistaia Khirurgiia --> Angiol Sosud Khir Angiology --> Angiology Anglia (Halle an der Saale, Germany) --> Anglia Anglican Theological Review --> Anglican Theol Rev Anglo-German Medical Review. Deutsch-Englische Medizinische Rundschau --> Anglo Ger Med Rev Anglo-Saxon England --> Anglo Sax Engl Anhui Nongye Kexue / Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences --> Anhui Nongye Kexue / Anhui Acad Agric Sci Animal --> Animal Animal Behaviour --> Anim Behav Animal Biodiversity and Conservation --> Anim Biodivers Conserv Animal Biology (Leiden, Netherlands) --> Anim Biol Leiden Neth Animal Biotechnology --> Anim Biotechnol Animal Biotechnology Bulletin --> Anim Biotechnol Bull Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical Genetics --> Anim Blood Groups Biochem Genet Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical Genetics. Supplement --> Anim Blood Groups Biochem Genet Suppl Animal Cognition --> Anim Cogn Animal Conservation --> Anim Conserv Animal Feed Science and Technology --> Anim Feed Sci Technol Animal frontiers --> Anim Front Animal Genetics --> Anim Genet Animal Genetics. Supplement --> Anim Genet Suppl Animal Health Research Reviews --> Anim Health Res Rev Animal Learning & Behavior --> Anim Learn Behav Animal Production --> Anim Prod Animal Production Science --> Anim Prod Sci Animal Reproduction Science --> Anim Reprod Sci Animal Research --> Anim Res Animal Science (Penicuik, Scotland) --> Anim Sci Animal Science Journal --> Anim Sci J Animal Science Papers and Reports --> Anim Sci Pap Rep Animal Technology --> Anim Technol Animal Welfare (South Mimms, England) --> Anim Welf Ankara Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesi Dergisi --> Ankara Univ Hekim Fak Derg Ankara Universitesi Yilligi. Annales de l'Universite d'Ankara. Ankara Universitesi --> Ann Univ Ankara ANL --> ANL Rep ANNA Journal --> ANNA J Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie --> Ann Hydrogr Marit Meteorol Annales --> Annales Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis --> Ann Acad Med Stetin Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis. Suplement --> Ann Acad Med Stetin Supl Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A.1: Mathematica-Physica --> Ann Acad Sci Fenn A1: Math Phys Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A.2: Chemica --> Ann Acad Sci Fenn A2 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A.6: Physica --> Ann Acad Sci Fenn A6 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A.5: Medica --> Ann Acad Sci Fenn A Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A.3: Geologica-Geographica --> Ann Acad Sci Fenn A 3 Geol Geogr Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes --> Ann Archeol Syrie Annales Belges de Médecine Militaire --> Ann Belges Med Mil Annales Bogorienses --> Ann Bogorienses Annales Botanici Fennici --> Ann Bot Fenn Annales Chirurgiae et Gynaecologiae --> Ann Chir Gynaecol Annales Chirurgiae et Gynaecologiae Fenniae --> Ann Chir Gynaecol Fenn Annales Chirurgiae et Gynaecologiae Fenniae. Supplementum --> Ann Chir Gynaecol Fenn Suppl Annales Chirurgiae et Gynaecologiae. Supplementum --> Ann Chir Gynaecol Suppl Annales Cisalpines d'Histoire Sociale. Serie I --> Ann Cisalpines Hist Sociale, Ser I Annales Cisalpines d'Histoire Sociale. Serie I. --> Ann Cisalp Hist Soc Annales d'Anatomie Pathologique --> Ann Anat Pathol (Paris) Annales d'Astrophysique (Paris) --> Ann Astrophys (Paris) Annales d'Economie et de Statistique --> Ann Econ Stat Annales d'Endocrinologie --> Ann Endocrinol (Paris) Annales d'Histochimie --> Ann Histochim Annales D'hygiène et de Médecine Coloniales --> Ann D'hygiene Medecine Coloniales Annales D'hygiène Publique, Industrielle et Sociale --> Ann Hyg Publique Ind Soc Annales d'Immunologie --> Ann Immunol (Paris) Annales d'Oculistique --> Ann Ocul (Paris) Annales d'Oto-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico Faciale --> Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac Annales d'Urologie --> Ann Urol (Paris) Annales de Biologie Animale, Biochimie, Biophysique --> Ann Biol Anim Biochim Biophys Annales de Biologie Clinique --> Ann Biol Clin (Paris) Annales de Bourgogne --> Ann Bourgogne Annales de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest --> Ann Bretagne Payes Ouest Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angeiologie --> Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) Annales de Chimie--Science des Materiaux --> Ann Chim Annales de Chirurgie --> Ann Chir Annales de Chirurgie de la Main --> Ann Chir Main Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre Superieur --> Ann Chir Main Memb Super Annales de Chirurgie Infantile --> Ann Chir Infant Annales de Chirurgie Plastique --> Ann Chir Plast Annales de Chirurgie Plastique et Esthetique --> Ann Chir Plast Esthet Annales de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire --> Ann Chir Thorac Cardiovasc Annales de Demographie Historique --> Ann Demogr Hist (Paris) Annales de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie --> Ann Dermatol Syphiligr (Paris) Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie --> Ann Dermatol Venereol Annales de Droit --> Ann Droit Annales de Droit de Liège --> Ann Droit Liege Annales de Droit de Louvain --> Ann Droit Louvain Annales de Droit et de Sciences Politiques --> Ann Droit Sci Polit Annales de Droit International Médical --> Ann Droit Int Med Annales de Gastroenterologie et d'Hepatologie --> Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol (Paris) Annales de Genetique --> Ann Genet Annales de Genetique et de Selection Animale --> Ann Genet Sel Anim Annales de Geographie --> Ann Georgr Annales de Geophysique --> Ann Geophys Annales de l'Amélioration des Plantes --> Ann Amelior Plant Annales de l'Anesthesiologie Francaise --> Ann Anesthesiol Fr Annales de l'Est --> Ann Est Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et Statistiques --> Ann IHP Probab Stat Annales de l'INSEE --> Ann Insee Annales de L'Institut Archeologique du Luxembourg. Institut Archeologique du Luxembourg (Arlon, Belgium) --> Ann Inst Archeol Luxemb Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire --> Ann Inst Henri Poincare, Anal Non Lineaire Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Section A. Physique Théorique --> Ann Inst Henri Poincare, A Phys Theor Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Section B. Calcul des Probabilités et Statistiques --> Ann Inst Henri Poincare, B Calc Probab Stat Annales de l'Institut Oceanographique, Paris. Nouvelle Serie --> Ann Inst Oceanogr Paris (Nouv Ser) Annales de l'Institut Pasteur --> Ann Inst Pasteur (Paris) Annales de l'Institut Pasteur de Lille --> Ann Inst Pasteur Lille Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Immunology --> Ann Inst Pasteur Immunol Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiology --> Ann Inst Pasteur Microbiol Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Virology --> Ann Inst Pasteur Virol Annales de l'Universite d'Abidjan. Serie G: Geographie. Universite d'Abidjan --> Ann Univ Abidjan Ser G Annales de la Faculté des Sciences du Cameroun --> Ann Fac Sci Cameroun Annales de la Nutrition et de l'Alimentation --> Ann Nutr Aliment Annales de la Recherche Médicale --> Ann Rech Medicale Annales de la Société Belge d'Histoire des Hopitaux --> Ann Soc Belg Hist Hop Annales de la Société Belge de Medecine Tropicale --> Ann Soc Belg Med Trop Annales de la Société d'émulation de Bruges --> Ann Soc Emul Bruges Annales de la Société Entomologique de France --> Ann Soc Entomol Fr Annales de la Société Royale D'Archeologie de Bruxelles --> Ann Soc R Archeol Brux Annales de la Société Royale des Sciences Medicales et Naturelles de Bruxelles --> Ann Soc R Sci Med Nat Brux Annales de Limnologie --> Ann Limnol Annales de Médecine Légale, de Criminologie et de Police Scientifique --> Ann Med Leg Crim Police Sci Annales de Médecine Physique --> Ann Med Phys Annales de Médecine Physique (Anvers) --> Ann Med Phys (Anvers) Annales de Medecine Interne --> Ann Med Interne (Paris) Annales de Medecine Veterinaire --> Ann Med Vet Annales de Microbiologie --> Ann Microbiol (Paris) Annales de Normandie --> Ann Normandie Annales de Paléontologie --> Ann Paleontol Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee --> Ann Parasitol Hum Comp Annales de Pathologie --> Ann Pathol Annales de Pediatrie --> Ann Pediatr (Paris) Annales de Physique --> Ann Phys (Paris) Annales de Radiologie --> Ann Radiol (Paris) Annales de Readaptation et de Medecine Physique --> Ann Readapt Med Phys Annales de Recherches Veterinaires. Annals of Veterinary Research --> Ann Rech Vet Annales de Zootechnie --> Ann Zootech Annales des Falsifications et des Fraudes --> Ann Falsif Fraud Annales des Ponts et Chaussées --> Ann Ponts Chaussees Annales des Sciences Forestieres --> Ann Sci For Annales des Télécommunications --> Ann Telecommun Annales du Cercle Royal d'Histoire et d'Archeologie d'Ath et de la Region et Musees Athois --> Ann Cerc Roy Hist Archeol Ath Annales du Droit --> Ann Droit Annales du Midi --> Ann Midi Annales du Service des Antiquites de L'Egypte --> Ann Serv Antiq Egypte Annales Faculte des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Nice --> Ann Fac Lett Sci Hum Nice Annales Francaises d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation --> Ann Fr Anesth Reanim Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques --> Ann Geol Pays Hell Annales Geophysicae --> Ann Geophys Annales Geophysicae --> Ann Geophys Annales Geophysicae. Series A, Upper Atmosphere and Space Sciences --> Ann Geophys, Ser A Upper Atmos Space Sci Annales Geophysicae. Series B, Terrestrial and Planetary Physics --> Ann Geophys, Ser B Terr Planet Phys Annales Historiques de la Revolution Francaise --> Ann Hist Revolut Fr Annales Historiques du Mantois --> Ann Hist Mantois Annales Immunologiae Hungaricae --> Ann Immunol Hung Annales Médico-Psychologiques --> Ann Med Psychol (Paris) Annales Medicales de Nancy --> Ann Med Nancy Annales Medicinae Experimentalis et Biologiae Fenniae --> Ann Med Exp Biol Fenn Annales Medicinae Internae Fenniae --> Ann Med Intern Fenn Annales Medicinae Internae Fenniae. Supplementum --> Ann Med Intern Fenn Suppl Annales Musei Zoologici Polonici --> Ann Mus Zool Pol Annales Nestlé (Ed. Española) --> Ann Nestle [Span] Annales Nestlé [Deutsche Ausg.] --> Ann Nestle [Ger] Annales Nestlé [Ed. Française] --> Ann Nestle [Fr] Annales Nestlé [English Ed.] --> Ann Nestle [Eng] Annales Odonto-Stomatologiques --> Ann Odontostomatol (Lyon) Annales Paediatriae Fenniae --> Ann Paediatr Fenn Annales Paediatrici --> Ann Paediatr Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises --> Ann Pharm Fr Annales Scientifiques de l'Universite de Besancon. Medecine --> Ann Sci Univ Besancon Med Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio D: Medicina --> Ann Univ Mariae Curie Sklodowska Med Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Section EE, Zootechnica --> Ann Univ Mariae Curie Sklodowska Sect EE Zootech Annales Universitatis Saraviensis. Medizin --> Ann Univ Sarav [Med] Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae. Sectio Biologica --> Ann Univ Sci Budap Rolando Eotvos Nominatae [Biol] Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae. Sectio Geographica. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem --> Ann Univ Sci Budap Rolando Eotvos Nom Sect Geogr Annales Zoologici --> Ann Zool Annales Zoologici Fennici --> Ann Zool Fenn Annali d'Igiene --> Ann Ig Annali D'igiene Sperimentale --> Ann Ig Sper Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria --> Ann Mus Civ Stor Nat Giacomo Doria Annali dell'Istituto Carlo Forlanini --> Ann Ist Carlo Forlanini Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze --> Ann Ist Mus Stor Sci Fir Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita --> Ann Ist Super Sanita Annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino --> Ann Osp Maria Vittoria Torino Annali della Facoltà di Economia e Commercio (Universita di Messina) --> Ann Fac Econ Commer Annali della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia della Università degli Studi di Perugia --> Ann Fac Med Chir Univ Studi Perugia Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. Fondazione Luigi Einaudi --> Ann Fond Luigi Einaudi Annali della Sanita Pubblica --> Ann Sanita Pubblica Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia. Scuola Normale Superiore (Italy) --> Ann Sc Norm Super Pisa Annali di Chimica --> Ann Chim Annali di Geofisica --> Ann Geofis Annali di Geofisica --> Ann Geofis Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunità --> Ann Ig Annali di Laringologia, Otologia, Rinologia, Faringologia --> Ann Laringol Otol Rinol Faringol Annali di Medicina Navale --> Ann Med Nav (Roma) Annali di Medicina Navale e Tropicale --> Ann Med Nav Trop Annali di Microbiologia Ed Enzimologia --> Ann Microbiol Enzimol Annali di Neuropsichiatria e Psicoanalisi --> Ann Neuropsichiatr Psicoanal Annali di Ostetricia e Ginecologia --> Ann Ostet Ginecol Annali di Ostetricia, Ginecologia, Medicina Perinatale --> Ann Ostet Ginecol Med Perinat Annali di Ottalmologia e Clinica Oculistica --> Ann Ottalmol Clin Ocul Annali di Radiologia Diagnostica --> Ann Radiol Diagn (Bologna) Annali di Stomatologia --> Ann Stomatol (Roma) Annali Isnardi di Auxologia Normale e Patologica --> Ann Isnardi Auxol Norm Patol Annali Istituto Giangiacomo Feltrinelli --> Ann Ist Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Annali Italiani di Chirurgia --> Ann Ital Chir Annali Italiani di Dermatologia e Sifilografia --> Ann Ital Dermatol Sifilogr Annali Italiani di Medicina Interna --> Ann Ital Med Int Annali Italiani di Pediatria --> Ann Ital Pediatr Annali Medici --> Ann Med (Milano) Annali Medici di Sondalo --> Ann Med Sondalo Annali Sclavo --> Ann Sclavo Annals & Magazine of Natural History --> Ann Mag Nat Hist Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical & Dental College --> Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Annals of African Medicine --> Ann Afr Med Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine --> Ann Agric Environ Med Annals of Agricultural Science --> Ann Agric Sci Annals of Air and Space Law --> Ann Air Space Law Annals of Allergy --> Ann Allergy Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology --> Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol Annals of Anatomy --> Ann Anat Annals of Applied Biology --> Ann Appl Biol Annals of Applied Probability --> Ann Appl Probab Annals of the Association of American Geographers --> Ann Assoc Am Geogr Annals of Arid Zone --> Ann Arid Zone Annals of Behavioral Medicine --> Ann Behav Med Annals of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine --> Ann Biochem Exp Med Annals of Biology --> Ann Biol Annals of Biomedical Engineering --> Ann Biomed Eng Annals of Botany --> Ann Bot (Lond) Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia --> Ann Card Anaesth Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery --> Ann Cardiothorac Surg Annals of Child Development --> Ann Child Dev Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science --> Ann Clin Lab Sci Annals of Clinical Biochemistry --> Ann Clin Biochem Annals of Clinical Laboratory Science --> Ann Clin Lab Sci Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials --> Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob Annals of Clinical Oncology --> Ann Clin Oncol Annals of Clinical Psychiatry --> Ann Clin Psychiatry Annals of Clinical Research --> Ann Clin Res Annals of Combinatorics --> Ann Combin Annals of Dentistry --> Ann Dent Annals of Diagnostic Paediatric Pathology --> Ann Diagn Paediatr Pathol Annals of Diagnostic Pathology --> Ann Diagn Pathol Annals of Dyslexia --> Ann Dyslexia Annals of Emergency Medicine --> Ann Emerg Med Annals of Epidemiology --> Ann Epidemiol Annals of Eugenics --> Ann Eugen Annals of Family Medicine --> Ann Fam Med Annals of Finance --> Ann Finance Annals of Forest Science --> Ann For Sci Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry --> Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry Annals of General Psychiatry --> Ann Gen Psychiatry Annals of Geophysics --> Ann Geophys Annals of GIS --> Ann GIS Annals of Glaciology --> Ann Glaciol Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry --> Ann Glob Anal Geom Annals of Health Law --> Ann Health Law Annals of Hematology --> Ann Hematol Annals of Hepatology --> Ann Hepatol Annals of Human Biology --> Ann Hum Biol Annals of Human Genetics --> Ann Hum Genet Annals of Hygiene --> Ann Hyg Annals of Immunology --> Ann Immunol Annals of Internal Medicine --> Ann Intern Med Annals of Iowa --> Ann Iowa Annals of King Edward Medical College --> Ann King Edward Med Coll Annals of Mathematical Logic --> Ann Math Log Annals of Mathematical Statistics --> Ann Math Stat Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence --> Ann Math Artif Intell Annals of Mathematics Studies --> Ann Math Stud Annals of Medical Entomology --> Ann Med Entomol Annals of Medical History --> Ann Med Hist Annals of Medicine --> Ann Med Annals of Microbiology --> Ann Microbiol Annals of Neurology --> Ann Neurol Annals of Neurology (Nihongoban) --> Ann Neurol (Nihongoban) Annals of Neurosciences --> Ann Neurosci Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology --> Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol Annals of Nuclear Energy --> Ann Nucl Energy Annals of Nuclear Medicine --> Ann Nucl Med Annals of Nuclear Science and Engineering --> Ann Nucl Sci Eng Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism --> Ann Nutr Metab Annals of Oncology --> Ann Oncol Annals of Operations Research --> Ann Oper Res Annals of Ophthalmology --> Ann Ophthalmol Annals of Ophthalmology (Skokie, Ill.) --> Ann Ophthalmol (Skokie) Annals of Palliative Medicine --> Ann Palliat Med Annals of Pediatric Surgery --> Ann Pediatr Surg Annals of Periodontology --> Ann Periodontol Annals of Physical Medicine --> Ann Phys Med Annals of Physics --> Ann Phys Annals of Physiological Anthropology --> Ann Physiol Anthropol Annals of Plastic Surgery --> Ann Plast Surg Annals of Probability --> Ann Probab Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics --> Ann Public Coop Econ Annals of Pure and Applied Logic --> Ann Pure Appl Log Annals of Saudi Medicine --> Ann Saudi Med Annals of Science --> Ann Sci Annals of Sex Research --> Ann Sex Res Annals of Software Engineering --> Ann Softw Eng Annals of Statistics --> Ann Stat Annals of Surgery --> Ann Surg Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research --> Ann Surg Innov Res Annals of Surgical Oncology --> Ann Surg Oncol Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore --> Ann Acad Med Singapore Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association --> Ann Am Psychother Assoc Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Association of American Geographers --> Ann Assoc Am Geogr Annals of the Australian College of Dental Surgeons --> Ann Aust Coll Dent Surg Annals of the Carnegie Museum --> Ann Carnegie Mus Annals of the College of Medecine --> Ann Coll Med Annals of the College of Surgeons Hong Kong --> Ann Coll Surg Hong Kong Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History --> Ann Ditsong Natl Mus Nat Hist Annals of the Entomological Society of America --> Ann Entomol Soc Am Annals of the History of Computing --> Ann Hist Comput Annals of the ICRP --> Ann ICRP Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics --> Ann Inst Stat Math Annals of the Medical Section of the Polish Academy of Sciences --> Ann Med Sect Pol Acad Sci Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden --> Ann Mo Bot Gard Annals of the Natal Museum --> Ann Natal Mus Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) --> Ann Natl Acad Med Sci Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India --> Ann Natl Assoc Geogr Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences --> Ann N Y Acad Sci Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan --> Ann Phytopathological Soc Jpn Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases --> Ann Rheum Dis Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons --> Ann R Australas Coll Dent Surg Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada --> Ann R Coll Physicians Surg Can Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England --> Ann R Coll Surg Engl Annals of the Social Science Council of Nigeria --> Ann Soc Sci Counc Nigeria Annals of the Transvaal Museum --> Ann Transvaal Mus Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery --> Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Annals of Thoracic Medicine --> Ann Thorac Med Annals of Tourism Research --> Ann Tourism Res Annals of Translational Medicine --> Ann Transl Med Annals of Transplantation --> Ann Transplant Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology --> Ann Trop Med Parasitol Annals of Tropical Paediatrics --> Ann Trop Paediatr Annals of Tuberculosis --> Ann Tuberc Annals of Vascular Surgery --> Ann Vasc Surg Annals of Wyoming (Cheyenne, Wyo.) --> Ann Wyo Annotated Laws of Massachusetts --> Annot Laws Mass Annotation --> Annotation Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses --> Annot Zool Jpn Annuaire - Facultes Catholiques de Lille --> Fac Cathol Lille Annuaire de l'Afrique du Nord --> Annu Afr Nord Annuaire des Pays de l'Ocean Indien --> Annu Pays Ocean Indien Annual Advances in Applied Developmental Psychology --> Annu Adv Appl Dev Psychol Annual Book of ASTM Standards --> Annu Book ASTM Stand Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature --> Annu Bull Hist Lit Annual Conference on Research in Medical Education. Conference on Research in Medical Education --> Annu Conf Res Med Educ Annual Meeting - American Institute of Oral Biology --> Annu Meet Am Inst Oral Biol Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. Florida State Horticultural Society. Meeting --> Annu Meet Fla State Hort Soc Annual Planning Report. Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA (Orange County) --> Annu Plann Rep Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA (Orange Cty) Annual Proceedings / Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine --> Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med Annual Progress in Reproductive Medicine --> Annu Prog Reprod Med Annual Report - American Institute of Physics --> Ann Rep Am Inst Phys Annual Report - Association for the Aid of Crippled Children --> Annu Rep - Assoc for Aid Crippled Child Annual Report - Australian Centre for International and Tropical Health and Nutrition --> Annu Rep - Aust Cent Int Trop Health Nutr Annual Report - British Geological Survey --> Annu Rep Br Geol Surv Annual Report - Institute of Geological Sciences --> Annu Rep Inst Geol Sci Annual Report - International Agency for Research on Cancer --> Annu Rep Int Agency Res Cancer Annual Report - Resources for the Future --> Annu Rep, Resour Future Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. Bean Improvement Cooperative --> Annu Rep Bean Improv Coop Annual Report of the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University --> Annu Rep Res Inst Environ Med Nagoya Univ Annual Report of the Snakyo Research Laboratories --> Annu Rep Snakyo Res Lab Annual Report of the Surgeon General, U.S. Navy, Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, to the Secretary of the Navy Relative to Statistics of Diseases and Injuries in the United States Navy --> Annu Rep Surg Gen, US Navy, Chief Bur Med Surg, Secr Navy Relat Stat Dis Inj US Navy Annual Report of Trustees of American Presbyterian Society of Montreal --> Annu Rep Trustees Am Presbyt Soc Montr Annual Report to the Legislature, State of California and to the Healing Arts Licensing Boards --> Annu Rep Legislature State Calif Healing Arts Licensing Boards Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry --> Annu Rep Med Chem "Annual Reports Section ""A"" (Inorganic Chemistry)" --> Annu Rep Sect A Inorg Chem "Annual Reports Section ""B"" (Organic Chemistry)" --> Annu Rep Sect B Org Chem "Annual Reports Section ""C"" (Physical Chemistry)" --> Annu Rep Sect C Phys Chem Annual Research Reviews (Montreal) --> Annu Res Rev (Montr) Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment --> Annu Rev Addict Res Treat Annual Review of Anthropology --> Annu Rev Anthropol Annual Review of Applied Linguistics --> Ann Rev Appl Linguist Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics --> Annu Rev Astron Astrophys Annual Review of Biochemistry --> Annu Rev Biochem Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering --> Annu Rev Biomed Eng Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering --> Annu Rev Biophys Bioeng Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure --> Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry --> Annu Rev Biophys Biophys Chem Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology --> Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol Annual Review of Cell Biology --> Annu Rev Cell Biol Annual Review of Clinical Psychology --> Annu Rev Clin Psychol Annual Review of Computer Science --> Annu Rev Comput Sci Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine --> Annu Rev Cybertherapy Telemed Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences --> Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics --> Annu Rev Ecol Syst Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics --> Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst Annual Review of Economics --> Annu Rev Econ Annual Review of Energy and the Environment --> Annu Rev Energy Environ Annual Review of Entomology --> Annu Rev Entomol Annual Review of Environment and Resources --> Annu Rev Environ Resour Annual Review of Fish Diseases --> Annu Rev Fish Dis Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics --> Annu Rev Fluid Mech Annual Review of Genetics --> Annu Rev Genet Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics --> Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet Annual Review of Gerontology & Geriatrics --> Annu Rev Gerontol Geriatr Annual Review of Immunology --> Annu Rev Immunol Annual Review of Information Science & Technology --> Annu Rev Inform Sci Tech Annual Review of Law and Social Science --> Annu Rev Law Soc Sci Annual Review of Marine Science --> Annu Rev Mar Sci Annual Review of Materials Research --> Annu Rev Mater Res Annual Review of Materials Science --> Annu Rev Mater Sci Annual Review of Medicine --> Annu Rev Med Annual Review of Microbiology --> Annu Rev Microbiol Annual Review of Neuroscience --> Annu Rev Neurosci Annual Review of Nuclear Science --> Annu Rev Nucl Sci Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science --> Annu Rev Nucl Part Sci Annual Review of Nursing Research --> Annu Rev Nurs Res Annual Review of Nutrition --> Annu Rev Nutr Annual Review of Pathology --> Annu Rev Pathol Annual Review of Pharmacology --> Annu Rev Pharmacol Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology --> Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol Annual Review of Physical Chemistry --> Annu Rev Phys Chem Annual Review of Physiology --> Annu Rev Physiol Annual Review of Phytopathology --> Annu Rev Phytopathol Annual Review of Plant Biology --> Annu Rev Plant Biol Annual Review of Plant Physiology --> Annu Rev Plant Physiol Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology --> Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol Annual Review of Political Science --> Annu Rev Polit Sci Annual Review of Population Law --> Annu Rev Popul Law Annual Review of Psychology --> Annu Rev Psychol Annual Review of Public Health --> Annu Rev Public Health Annual Review of Rehabilitation --> Annu Rev Rehabil Annual Review of Sex Research --> Annu Rev Sex Res Annual Review of Sociology --> Annu Rev Sociol Annual Review, Update and Progress Report, Massachusetts State Plan for the Prevention, Treatment and Control of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism --> Annu Rev, Update Prog Rep, Mass State Plan Prev, Treat Contr Alcohol Abuse Alcohol Annual Reviews in Control --> Annu Rev Contr Annual Revision. Survey, Planning, Construction and Modernization of Hospitals and Medical Facilities in the State of Hawaii --> Annu Revis Surv, Plann, Constr Mod Hosp Med Facil State Hawaii Annual Statistical Supplement (Washington, D.C.) --> Annu Stat Suppl (Wash, DC) Annual Statistical Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin --> Annu Stat Suppl Soc Secur Bull Annual Summary of Information on Natural Disasters (Multilingual Ed.) --> Annu Summ Inf Nat Disasters (Multiling Ed) Annual Survey of American Law --> Annu Surv Am Law Annual Symposium on Nursing Faculty Practice --> Annu Symp Nurs Fac Pract Annuale Mediaevale --> Annu Mediaev Annuario Statistico dell'Assistenza e della Previdenza Sociale --> Annu Stat Assist Previd Soc Anotaciones Pediatricas --> Anot Pediatr ANPHI Papers --> ANPHI Pap ANQ --> ANQ ANS (Nijmegen) --> ANS (Nijmegen) ANS. Advances in Nursing Science --> ANS Adv Nurs Sci Ansiedad y Estrés --> Ansiedad Estres Antaios --> Antaios Antarctic --> Antarctic Antarctic Journal of the United States --> Antarct J US Antarctic Record (Tokyo) --> Antarct Rec (Tokyo) Antarctic Research Series --> Antarct Res Ser Antarctic Science --> Antarct Sci Antarktika --> Antarktika Antartida --> Antartida Anthropologia --> Anthropologia Anthropologiai Kozlemenyek --> Anthropol Kozl Anthropologica --> Anthropologica Anthropological Forum --> Anthropol Forum Anthropological Journal on European Cultures --> Anthropol J Eur Cult Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History --> Anthropol Pap Am Mus Nat Hist Anthropological Quarterly --> Anthropol Q Anthropological Review --> Anthropol Rev Anthropological Science --> Anthropol Sci Anthropological Theory --> Anthropol Theory Anthropologie et Sociétés --> Anthropol Soc Anthropologischer Anzeiger --> Anthropol Anz Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia --> Anthropol Archeol Eurasia Anthropology & Education Quarterly --> Anthropol Educ Q Anthropology & Medicine --> Anthropol Med Anthropology of Consciousness --> Anthropol Consciousness Anthropology of Work Review --> Anthropol Work Rev Anthropology Today --> Anthropol Today Anthropology U.C.L.A. --> Anthropol UCLA Anthropos --> Anthropos ANTHROPOS: International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics --> ANTHROPOS Anthropotes --> Anthropotes Anthroquest --> Anthroquest Anthrozoos --> Anthrozoos Antibiotic Medicine & Clinical Therapy --> Antibiotic Med Clin Ther Antibiotica --> Antibiotica Antibiotics and Chemotherapy --> Antibiot Chemother Antibiotics Annual --> Antibiot Annu Antibiotiki --> Antibiotiki Antibiotiki i Khimioterapiia --> Antibiot Khimioter Antibiotiki i Meditsinskaia Biotekhnologiia --> Antibiot Med Biotekhnol Antibiotiques (Paris) --> Antibiotiques (Paris) Antibody Immunoconjugates Radiopharmacology --> Antibody Immunoconjugates Radiopharm Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry --> Anticancer Agents Med Chem Anti-Cancer Drug Design --> Anticancer Drug Des Anti-Cancer Drugs --> Anticancer Drugs Anticancer Research --> Anticancer Res Antichthon --> Antichthon Anticipation --> Anticipation Anticipation (Geneva) --> Anticipation (Geneva) Anticipation (Nogent-sur-Oise) --> Anticipation (Nogent-sur-Oise) Anticipation (Paris) --> Anticipation (Paris) Anticipation (Toulouse) --> Anticip (Toulouse) Anticipation. la Compagnie des Glaces --> Anticipation, Cie Glaces Antiek --> Antiek Antike Welt --> Antike Welt Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy --> Antimicrob Agents Chemother Antioquia Medica --> Antioquia Med Antioxidants & Redox Signalling --> Antioxid Redox Signal Antipode --> Antipode AntiqueWeek --> Antiqueweek Antiquity --> Antiquity Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development --> Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev Antisense Research and Development --> Antisense Res Dev Antitrust Law Journal --> Antitrust Law J Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy --> Antivir Chem Chemother Antiviral Research --> Antiviral Res Antiviral Therapy --> Antivir Ther Antonianum --> Antonianum Antonie van Leeuwenhoek --> Antonie van Leeuwenhoek ANU Historical Journal --> ANU Hist J Anuario --> Anuario Anuario Brasileiro de Odontologia --> Anu Bras Odontol Anuario de Estudios Americanos --> Anu Estud Am Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos --> Anu Estud Atl Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos --> Anu Estud Centroam Anuario de Estudios Medievales --> Anu Estud Mediev Anuario de Psicología --> Anu Psicol Anuario Indigenista --> Anu Indigenista "Anuarul Institutului de Istorie si Arheologie ""A. D. Xenopol""" --> Anu Isnt Istor Arheol Xenopol Anxiety --> Anxiety Anxiety Disorders Practice Journal --> Anxiety Disord Pract J Anxiety Research --> Anxiety Res Anxiety, Stress, and Coping --> Anxiety Stress Coping ANZ Journal of Surgery --> ANZ J Surg Anzeiger (Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse) --> Anz Philol Hist Kl Osterr Akad Wiss Anzeiger fur die Altertumswissenschaft --> Anz Altertwiss ANZHES Journal --> Anzhes J AOHA --> AOHA AOHA Today --> AOHA Today AORN Journal --> AORN J APA Monitor --> APA Monit APDI Newsletter. United Nations Asian and Pacific Development Institute --> APDI Newsl APEA Journal --> APEA J Apeiron (Montreal, Quebec) --> Apeiron Aperçu Technologique --> Apercu Technol Apex --> Apex Aphasiology --> Aphasiology APIC --> APIC Apidologie --> Apidologie (Celle) APL Technical Digest --> APL Tech Dig Apla Bulletin --> Apla Bull APLAR Journal of Rheumatology --> APLAR J Rheumatol APMIS --> APMIS APMIS. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica. Supplementum --> APMIS Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand, Suppl Apollo (London. 1925) --> Apollo Apollonia --> Apollonia (Sydney) Apollonia --> Apollonia (Malmo) Apoptosis --> Apoptosis Apotheker und Kunst --> Apoth Kunst Appalachian Journal --> Appalach J APPEA Journal --> APPEA J Appetite --> Appetite Applicable Analysis --> Appl Anal Applications of Mathematics --> Appl Math Applications of Surface Science --> Appl Surf Sci Applied & Preventive Psychology --> Appl Prev Psychol Applied Acoustics --> Appl Acoust Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis --> Appl Comput Harmon Anal Applied and Environmental Microbiology --> Appl Environ Microbiol Applied and Environmental Soil Science --> Appl Environ Soil Sci Applied and Theoretical Electrophoresis --> Appl Theor Electrophor Applied Animal Behaviour Science --> Appl Anim Behav Sci Applied Animal Ethology --> Appl Anim Ethol Applied Artificial Intelligence --> Appl Artif Intell Applied Behavioral Science Review --> Appl Behav Sci Rev Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology --> Appl Biochem Biotechnol Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology --> Appl Biochem Microbiol Applied Bioinformatics --> Appl Bioinformatics Applied Biotechnology, Food Science and Policy --> Appl Biotechnol Food Sci Policy Applied Cardiology --> Appl Cardiol Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology --> Appl Cardiopulm Pathophysiol Applied Catalysis --> Appl Catal Applied Catalysis A, General --> Appl Catal A Gen Applied Catalysis B: Environmental --> Appl Catal B Applied Categorical Structures --> Appl Categ Struct Applied Clay Science --> Appl Clay Sci Applied Cognitive Psychology --> Appl Cogn Psychol Applied Composite Materials --> Appl Compos Mater Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing --> Appl Comput Intell Soft Comput Applied Demography --> Appl Demor Applied Developmental Psychology --> Appl Dev Psychol Applied Developmental Science --> Appl Dev Sci Applied Economics --> Appl Econ Applied Economics Discussion Paper - University of Oxford. Institute of Economics and Statistics --> Appl Econ Discuss Pap - Univ Oxf, Inst Econ Stat Applied Economics Letters --> Appl Econ Lett Applied Endocrinology in Egypt --> Appl Endocrinol Egypt Applied Energy --> Appl Energy Applied Engineering in Agriculture --> Appl Eng Agric Applied Entomology and Zoology --> Appl Entomol Zool (Jpn) Applied Ergonomics --> Appl Ergon Applied Financial Economics --> Appl Financ Econ Applied Genomics and Proteomics --> Appl Genomics Proteomics Applied Geochemistry --> Appl Geochem Applied Geographic Studies --> Appl Geogr Stud Applied Geography (Sevenoaks, England) --> Appl Geogr Applied Geography and Development --> Appl Geogr Dev Applied H.R.M. Research --> Appl HRM Res Applied Health Economics and Health Policy --> Appl Health Econ Health Policy Applied Human Science --> Appl Human Sci Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology --> Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol Applied Intelligence --> Appl Intell Applied Language Learning --> Appl Lang Learn Applied Linguistics --> Appl Linguist Applied Magnetic Resonance --> Appl Magn Reson Applied Mathematical Finance --> Appl Math Finance Applied Mathematical Modelling --> Appl Math Model Applied Mathematics & Optimization --> Appl Math Optim Applied Mathematics and Computation --> Appl Math Comput Applied Mathematics and Mechanics --> Appl Math Mech Applied Mathematics Letters --> Appl Math Lett Applied Mathematics Research Express --> Appl Math Res Express Applied Measurement in Education --> Appl Meas Educ Applied Mechanics Reviews --> Appl Mech Rev Applied Microbial Biotechnology --> Appl Microb Biotechnol Applied Microbiology --> Appl Microbiol Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology --> Appl Microbiol Biotechnol Applied Microgravity Technology --> Appl Micrograv Technol Applied Neurophysiology --> Appl Neurophysiol Applied Neuropsychology --> Appl Neuropsychol Applied Numerical Analysis & Computational Mathematics --> Appl Numer Anal Comput Math Applied Numerical Mathematics --> Appl Numer Math Applied Nursing Research --> Appl Nurs Res Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene --> Appl Occup Environ Hyg Applied Ocean Research --> Appl Ocean Res Applied Optics --> Appl Opt Applied Organometallic Chemistry --> Appl Organomet Chem Applied Parasitology --> Appl Parasitol Applied Pathology --> Appl Pathol Applied Philosophy (Fort Pierce, Fla.) --> Appl Philos Applied Physics (Berlin) --> Appl Phys (Berl) Applied Physics Express --> Appl Phys Express Applied Physics Letters --> Appl Phys Lett Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing --> Appl Phys, A Mater Sci Process Applied Physics. A, Solids and Surfaces --> Appl Phys, A Solids Surf Applied Physics. B, Lasers and Optics --> Appl Phys B Applied Physics. B, Photophysics and Laser Chemistry --> Appl Phys, B Photophys Laser Chem Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism --> Appl Physiol Nutr Metab Applied Polymer Symposia --> Appl Polym Symp Applied Psycholinguistics --> Appl Psycholinguist Applied Psychological Measurement --> Appl Psychol Meas Applied Psychology --> Appl Psychol Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice --> Appl Psychol Crim Justice Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback --> Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback Applied Radiation and Isotopes --> Appl Radiat Isot Applied Radiology --> Appl Radiol Applied Research in Mental Retardation --> Appl Res Ment Retard Applied Research in Quality of Life --> Appl Res Qual Life Applied Rheology (Lappersdorf, Germany) --> Appl Rheol Applied Scientific Research --> Appl Sci Res Applied Scientific Research. B, Electrophysics, Acoustics, Optics, Mathematical Methods --> Appl Sci Res, Sect B, Electrophys, Acoust, Opt Math, Methods Applied Scientific Research. Section A, Mechanics, Heat --> Appl Sci Res, Sect A, Mech, Heat Applied Signal Processing --> Appl Signal Process Applied Soft Computing --> Appl Soft Comput Applied Soil Ecology --> Appl Soil Ecol Applied Solar Energy --> Appl Sol Energy Applied Spectroscopy --> Appl Spectrosc Applied Spectroscopy Reviews --> Appl Spectrosc Rev Applied Statistics --> Appl Stat Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry --> Appl Stochastic Models Data Anal Applied Surface Science --> Appl Surf Sci Applied Therapeutics --> Appl Ther Applied Thermal Engineering --> Appl Therm Eng Applied Vegetation Science --> Appl Veg Sci Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant --> Approch Neuropsychol Apprentiss Enfant Apres-Demain --> Apres Demain APS Observer --> APS Obs Aptechnoe Delo --> Aptechn Delo Apuntes de Psicología --> Apuntes Psicol AQ (Balmain, N.S.W.) --> AQ Aqua Fennica --> Aqua Fenn Aquacultura Hungarica --> Aquacult Hung Aquacultural Engineering --> Aquacult Eng Aquaculture (Amsterdam, Netherlands) --> Aquaculture Aquaculture and Fisheries Management --> Aquacult Fish Manage Aquaculture and Research --> Aquacult Res Aquaculture Economics & Management --> Aquacult Econ Manage Aquaculture Environment Interactions --> Aquacult Environ Interact Aquaculture International --> Aquacult Int Aquaculture Magazine --> Aquacult Mag Aquaculture Nutrition --> Aquacult Nutr Aquarama --> Aquarama Aquarist and Pondkeeper --> Aquar Pondkeep Aquatic Biology --> Aquat Biol Aquatic Botany --> Aquat Bot Aquatic Conservation --> Aquat Conserv Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems --> Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst Aquatic Ecology --> Aquat Ecol Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management --> Aquat Ecosyst Health Manage Aquatic Geochemistry --> Aquat Geochem Aquatic Insects --> Aquat Insects Aquatic Invaders --> Aquat Invaders Aquatic Invasions, European Research Network on Aquatic Invasive Species --> Aquat Invasions, Eur Res Netw Aquat Invasive Species Aquatic Living Resources --> Aquat Living Resour Aquatic Mammals --> Aquat Mamm Aquatic Microbial Ecology --> Aquat Microb Ecol Aquatic Sciences --> Aquat Sci Aquatic Toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) --> Aquat Toxicol Aquatic Toxicology and Risk Assessment --> Aquat Toxicol Risk Assess Aquilo, Serie Botanica --> Aquilo, Ser Bot Aquilo, Serie Zoologica --> Aquilo (Zool) Arab Affairs (London, England) --> Arab Aff Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research --> Arab Gulf J Sci Res Arab Journal of Biotechnology --> Arab J Biotechnol Arab Journal of Gastroenterology --> Arab J Gastroenterol Arab Journal of Psychiatry --> Arab J Psychiatry Arab Law Quarterly --> Arab Law Q Arab Studies Quarterly --> Arab Stud Q Arabia (London, England) --> Arabia Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy --> Arab Archaeol Epigr Arabica --> Arabica Aragón en la Edad Media --> Aragon Edad Media Aramco World Magazine --> Aramco World Mag Arbeit --> Arbeit Arbeit + Soziales (Frankfurt) --> Arb Soz (Frankf) Arbeit und Soziales --> Arbeit Soziales Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Medizin in Giessen --> Arb Gesch Med Giessen Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Praventivmedizin --> Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Praventivmed Arbeitsphysiologie --> Arbeitsphysiologie Arbetarrorelsens Arsbok --> Arbetarrorel Arsb Arbor --> Arbor Arbovirus Research in Australia. Proceedings ... Symposium --> Arbovirus Res Aust Proc Symp Arcadia --> Arcadia Arc de Cercle --> Arc Cercle Archaea (Vancouver, B.C.) --> Archaea Archaeologia Aeliana --> Archaeol Aeliana Archaeologia Cantiana --> Archaeol Cantiana Archaeological Dialogues --> Archaeol Dialogues Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association --> Archaeol Papers America Anthropol Assoc Archaeological Prospection --> Archaeol Prospect Archaeological Reports --> Archaeol Rep Archaeological Review from Cambridge --> Archaeol Rev Camb Archaeologies --> Archaeologies Archaeology --> Archaeology Archaeology and Natural Science --> Archaeol Nat Sci Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia --> Archaeol Ethnol Anthropol Eurasia Archaeometry --> Archaeometry Archaologischer Anzeiger --> Archaeol Anz Archeia Iatrikon Hetaireon --> Arch Iatr Hetaireon Archeologia (Torun, Poland) --> Archeologia Archief. Mededelingen van het Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen --> Archief Meded K Zeeuwsch Genoot Wet Archifacts --> Archifacts Architectural Record --> Archit Rec Architecture (Washington, D.C.) --> Architecture Architecture, Mouvement, Continuité --> Archit Mouv Contin Archiv der Elektrischen Ubertragung --> Arch Elektr Uebertrag Archiv der Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften --> Arch Gesch Naturwiss Archiv der Julius Klaus-Stiftung fur Vererbungsforschung, Sozialanthropologie und Rassenhygiene --> Arch Julius Klaus Stift Vererbungsforsch Sozialanthropol Rassenhyg Archiv der Mathematik --> Arch Math Archiv der Pharmazie --> Arch Pharm (Weinheim) Archiv der Pharmazie (Berlin) --> Arch Pharm (Berl) Archiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft --> Arch Pharm Ber Dtsch Pharm Ges Archiv der Pharmazie. Supplement (Weinheim) --> Arch Pharm, Suppl (Weinh) Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen --> Arch Entwicklungsmech Org Archiv für Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene --> Arch Gewerbepathol Gewerbehyg Archiv für Hydrobiologie und Planktonkunde --> Arch Hydrobiol Planktonkd Archiv für Fischerei und Meeresforschung --> Arch Fish Mar Res Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie. Serie A, Meteorologie und Geophysik --> Arch Meteorol Geophys Bioklimatol, A Meteorol Geophys Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie. Serie B, Allgemeine und Biologische Klimatologie --> Arch Meteorol, Geophys Bioklimatol, Ser B Allg Biol Klimatol Archiv für Naturgeschichte --> Arch Naturgesch Archiv für Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für Klinische Medicin --> Arch Pathol Anat Physiol Klin Med Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten --> Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte --> Arch Reformationsgesch Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte. Beiheft Literaturbericht --> Arch Reformationsgesch, Beih Literaturber Archiv für Religionspsychologie --> Arch Religionspsychol Archiv für Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene --> Arch Schiffs Trop Hyg Archiv für Sozialgeschichte --> Arch Sozgesch Archiv für Sozialgeschichte. Beiheft --> Arch Sozgesch, Beih Archiv for Pharmaci og Chemi --> Arch Pharm Chem (Kbh) Archiv fuer Fischerei und Meeresforschung --> Arch Fisch Meeresforsch Archiv fuer Fischereiwissenschaft --> Arch FischWiss Archiv für Fischereiwissenschaft --> Arch FischWiss Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie --> Arch Hydrobiol Archiv fuer Molluskenkunde --> Arch Molluskenkd Archiv fur Dermatologische Forschung --> Arch Dermatol Forsch Archiv fur die Gesamte Psychologie --> Arch Gesamte Psychol Archiv fur die Gesamte Virusforschung --> Arch Gesamte Virusforsch Archiv fur die Geschichte von Oberfranken --> Arch Gesch Oberfranken Archiv fur Experimentelle Veterinarmedizin --> Arch Exp Veterinarmed Archiv fur Geflugelkunde --> Arch Geflugelkd Archiv fur Genetik --> Arch Genet (Zur) Archiv fur Geschichte des Buchwesens --> Arch Gesch Buchwes Archiv fur Geschwulstforschung --> Arch Geschwulstforsch Archiv fur Gynakologie --> Arch Gynakol Archiv fur Hygiene und Bakteriologie --> Arch Hyg Bakteriol Archiv fur Japanische Chirurgie --> Nippon Geka Hokan Archiv fur Kinderheilkunde --> Arch Kinderheilkd Archiv fur Kinderheilkunde. Beihefte --> Arch Kinderheilkd Suppl Archiv fur Klinische Medizin --> Arch Klin Med Archiv fur Klinische und Experimentelle Dermatologie --> Arch Klin Exp Dermatol Archiv fur Klinische und Experimentelle Ohren- Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde --> Arch Klin Exp Ohren Nasen Kehlkopfheilkd Archiv fur Kreislaufforschung --> Arch Kreislaufforsch Archiv fur Kriminologie --> Arch Kriminol Archiv fur Kultur-Geschichte --> Arch Kulturgesch Archiv fur Lebensmittelhygiene --> Arch Lebensmittelhyg Archiv fur Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie. Serie B: Klimatologie, Umweltmeteorologie, Strahlungsforschung --> Arch Meteorol Geophys Bioklimatol [B] Archiv fur Mikrobiologie --> Arch Mikrobiol Archiv fur Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde, Vereinigt mit Zeitschrift fur Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde --> Arch Ohren Nasen Kehlkopfheilkd Archiv fur Orientforschung --> Arch Orientforsch Archiv fur Orthopadische und Unfall-Chirurgie --> Arch Orthop Unfallchir Archiv fur Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete --> Arch Papyrusforsch Archiv fur Physikalische Therapie --> Arch Phys Ther (Leipz) Archiv fur Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz --> Arch Phytopathol Pflanzenschutz Archiv fur Protistenkunde --> Arch Protistenkd Archiv fur Psychologie --> Arch Psychol (Frankf) Archiv fur Sozialgeschichte --> Arch Sozialgesch Archiv fur Tierernahrung --> Arch Tierernahr Archiv fur Tierzucht --> Arch Tierzucht Archiv fur Toxikologie --> Arch Toxikol Archiv Orientalni --> Arch Orient Archiv und Atlas der Normalen und Pathologischen Anatomie in Typischen Röntgenbildern --> Arch Atlas Norm Pathol Anat Typ Rontgenbildern Archival Science --> Arch Sci Archivalische Zeitschrift --> Arch Z Archivaria --> Archivaria Archive for History of Exact Sciences --> Arch Hist Exact Sci Archive for Mathematical Logic --> Arch Math Log Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis --> Arch Ration Mech Anal Archive of Applied Mechanics --> Arch Appl Mech Archive Reporter. Data Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention --> Arch Report Archives and Museum Informatics --> Arch Mus Inform Archives Belges --> Arch Belges Archives Belges de Dermatologie --> Arch Belg Dermatol Archives Belges de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie --> Arch Belg Dermatol Syphiligr Archives Belges de Médecine Militaire --> Arch Belges Medecine Militaire Archives Belges de Médecine Sociale et D'hygiène et Revue de Pathologie et de Physiologie du Travail --> Arch Belg Med Soc Hyg Rev Pathol Physiol Trav Archives Belges de Médecine Sociale, Hygiène, Médecine du Travail et Médecine Légale --> Arch Belg Med Soc Hyg Med Trav Med Leg Archives Belges des Sciences de L'éducation --> Arch Belges Sci L'education Archives d'Anatomie et de Cytologie Pathologiques --> Arch Anat Cytol Pathol Archives d'Anatomie Microscopique et de Morphologie Experimentale --> Arch Anat Microsc Morphol Exp Archives d'Anatomie Pathologique --> Arch Anat Pathol (Paris) Archives d'Anatomie, d'Histologie et d'Embryologie Normales et Expérimentales --> Arch Anat Histol Embryol Archives d'Anatomie, d'Histologie, et d'Embryologie Normales --> Arch Anat Histol Embryol Archives d'Ophtalmologie --> Arch Ophtalmol (Paris) Archives d'Ophtalmologie et Revue Generale d'Ophtalmologie --> Arch Ophtalmol Rev Gen Ophtalmol Archives de Biologie --> Arch Biol (Liege) Archives de Biologie Médicale --> Arch Biol Medicale Archives de l'Institut de Médecine Légale et de Médecine Sociale de Lille --> Arch Inst Med Leg Med Soc Lille Archives de l'Institut de Médecine Légale et de Médecine Sociale de Lille --> Arch Inst Med Leg Med Soc Lille Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de la Martinique --> Arch Inst Pasteur Martinique Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Madagascar --> Arch Inst Pasteur Madagascar Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis --> Arch Inst Pasteur Tunis Archives de l'Institut Pasteur Hellenique --> Arch Inst Pasteur Hell Archives de l'Institut Universitaire de Médecine Légale et de Médecine Sociale de Lille --> Arch Inst Univ Med Leg Med Soc Lille Archives de Medecine Generale et Tropicale --> Arch Med Gen Trop Archives de Pediatrie --> Arch Pediatr Archives de Philosophie --> Arch Philos Archives de Psychologie --> Arch Psychol Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions --> Arch Sci Soc Relig Archives de Stomatologie (Liège) --> Arch Stomatol (Liege) Archives des Maladies de l'Appareil Digestif et des Maladies de la Nutrition --> Arch Mal Appar Dig Mal Nutr Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux --> Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss Archives des Maladies Professionnelles --> Arch Mal Prof Archives des Maladies Professionnelles de Médecine du Travail et de Sécurite Sociale --> Arch Mal Prof Med Trav Secur Soc Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement --> Arch Mal Prof Environ Archives des Sciences --> Arch Sci Archives des Sciences et Compte Rendu des Seances de la Société --> Arch Sci Compte Rendu Seances Soc Archives des Sciences Physiologiques --> Arch Sci Physiol (Paris) Archives Européennes de Sociologie. European Journal of Sociology. Europäisches Archiv für Soziologie --> Arch Eur Sociol Archives Francaises de Pediatrie --> Arch Fr Pediatr Archives Francaises des Maladies de l'Appareil Digestif --> Arch Fr Mal App Dig Archives Hospitalières (Paris) --> Arch Hospitalieres (Paris) Archives Hospitalières et Revue Science et Santé Réunies --> Arch Hospitalieres Rev Sci Sante Reunies Archives Internationales Claude Bernard --> Arch Int Claude Bernard Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Idees --> Arch Int Hist Idees Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences --> Arch Int Hist Sci (Paris) Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie --> Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther Archives Internationales de Physiologie --> Arch Int Physiol Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie --> Arch Int Physiol Biochim Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique --> Arch Int Physiol Biochim Biophys Archives Italiennes de Biologie --> Arch Ital Biol Archives Medicales de l'Ouest: Angers/Nantes/Rennes --> Arch Med Ouest Archives Mediterraneennes de Medecine --> Arch Mediterr Med Archives Néerlandaises de Physiologie de l'Homme et des Animaux --> Arch Neerl Physiol Homme Anim Archives Neerlandaises de Zoologie --> Arch Neerl Zool Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science --> Arch Agron Soil Sci Archives of AIDS Research --> Arch AIDS Res Archives of Andrology --> Arch Androl Archives of Animal Nutrition --> Arch Anim Nutr Archives of Biochemistry --> Arch Biochem Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics --> Arch Biochem Biophys Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Supplement. --> Arch Biochem Biophys, Suppl Archives of Child Health --> Arch Child Health Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology --> Arch Clin Neuropsychol Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering --> Arch Comput Methods Eng Archives of Dermatological Research --> Arch Dermatol Res Archives of Dermatology --> Arch Dermatol Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology --> Arch Derm Syphilol Archives of Disease in Childhood --> Arch Dis Child Archives of Disease in Childhood - Education and Practice --> Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition --> Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed Archives of Emergency Medicine --> Arch Emerg Med Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health --> Arch Environ Occup Health Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology --> Arch Environ Contam Toxicol Archives of Environmental Health --> Arch Environ Health Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery --> Arch Facial Plast Surg Archives of Family Medicine --> Arch Fam Med Archives of General Psychiatry --> Arch Gen Psychiatry Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics --> Arch Gerontol Geriatr Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Supplement --> Arch Gerontol Geriatr Suppl Archives of Gynecology --> Arch Gynecol Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics --> Arch Gynecol Obstet Archives of Histology and Cytology --> Arch Histol Cytol Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine --> Arch Ind Hyg Occup Med Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology --> Arch Insect Biochem Physiol Archives of Interamerican Rheumatology --> Arch Interam Rheumatol Archives of Internal Medicine --> Arch Intern Med Archives of Iranian Medicine --> Arch Iran Med Archives of Medical Research --> Arch Med Res Archives of Microbiology --> Arch Microbiol Archives of Natural History --> Arch Nat Hist Archives of Neurology --> Arch Neurol Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry --> Arch Neurol Psychiatry Archives of Ophthalmology --> Arch Ophthalmol Archives of Ophthalmology --> Arch Ophthal Archives of Oral Biology --> Arch Oral Biol Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery --> Arch Orthop Trauma Surg Archives of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery --> Arch Orthop Trauma Surg Archives of Otolaryngology --> Arch Otolaryngol Archives of Otolaryngology (Chicago, Ill.) --> Arch Otolaryngol Archives of Otolaryngology--Head & Neck Surgery --> Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology --> Arch Otorhinolaryngol Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. Supplement --> Arch Otorhinolaryngol Suppl Archives of Pathology --> Arch Pathol (Chic) Archives of Pathology --> Arch Pathol Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine --> Arch Pathol Lab Med Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine --> Arch Pathol Lab Med Archives of Pediatrics --> Arch Pediatr Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine --> Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med Archives of Pharmacal Research --> Arch Pharm Res Archives of Physical Medicine --> Arch Phys Med Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation --> Arch Phys Med Rehabil Archives of Physical Therapy --> Arch Phys Ther Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry --> Arch Physiol Biochem Archives of Psychiatric Nursing --> Arch Psychiatr Nurs Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy --> Arch Psychiatry Psychother Archives of Public Health --> Arch Public Health Archives of Rehabilitation Therapy --> Am Arch Rehabil Ther Archives of Sexual Behavior --> Arch Sex Behav Archives of STD/HIV Research --> Arch STD HIV Res Archives of Suicide Research --> Arch Suicide Res Archives of Surgery --> Arch Surg Archives of Surgery (Chicago, Ill.) --> Arch Surg Archives of Toxicology --> Arch Toxicol Archives of Toxicology. Supplement. Archiv fur Toxikologie. Supplement --> Arch Toxicol Suppl Archives of Virology --> Arch Virol Archives of Virology. Supplementum --> Arch Virol Suppl Archives of Women's Mental Health --> Arch Women Ment Health Archives Roumaines de Pathologie Experimentales et de Microbiologie --> Arch Roum Pathol Exp Microbiol Archives. Institut Pasteur d'Algerie --> Arch Inst Pasteur Alger Archivii Italiani di Laringologia --> Arch Ital Laringol Archivio - Ospedale al Mare --> Arch Osp Mare "Archivio ""E. Maragliano"" di Patologia e Clinica" --> "Arch ""E Maragliano"" Patol Clin" "Archivio ""Putti"" di Chirurgia degli Organi di Movimento" --> Arch Putti Chir Organi Mov Archivio de Vecchi per l'Anatomia Patologica e la Medicina Clinica --> Arch De Vecchi Anat Patol Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria --> Arch Soc Rom Stor Patria Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria --> Arch Soc Rom Stor Patria Archivio della Societa Romana di Storia Patria --> Arch Soc Rom Stor Patria Archivio di Antropologia Criminale, Psichiatria e Medicina Legale --> Arch Antropol Crim Psichiatr Med Leg Archivio di Chirurgia del Torace --> Arch Chir Torace Archivio di Chirurgia Toracica e Cardiovascolare --> Arch Chir Torac Cardiovasc Archivio di Farmacologia Sperimentale e Scienze Affini --> Arch Farmacol Sper Sci Affini Archivio di Fisiologia --> Arch Fisiol Archivio di Medicina Interna --> Arch Med Interna Archivio di Medicina Mutualistica --> Arch Med Mutual Archivio di Medicina Mutualistica. Rassegna Bibliografica --> Arch Med Mutual, Rass Bibliogr Archivio di Ortopedia --> Arch Ortop Archivio di Ostetricia e Ginecologia --> Arch Ostet Ginecol Archivio di Ottalmologia --> Arch Ottamol Archivio di Patologia e Clinica Medica --> Arch Patol Clin Med Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia, e Psichiatria --> Arch Psicol Neurol Psichiatr Archivio di Radiologia --> Arch Radiol Archivio di Scienze Biologiche --> Arch Sci Biol (Bologna) Archivio di Tisiologia --> Arch Tisiol Archivio di Tisiologia e delle Malattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio --> Arch Tisiol Mal Appar Respir Archivio Internazionale di Studi Neurologici --> Arch Int Studi Neurologici Archivio Italiano delle Malattie dell'Apparato Digerente --> Arch Ital Mal Appar Dig Archivio Italiano di Anatomia e di Embriologia. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology --> Arch Ital Anat Embriol Archivio Italiano di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica --> Arch Ital Anat Istol Patol Archivio Italiano di Chirurgia --> Arch Ital Chir Archivio Italiano di Dermatologia, Sifilografia e Venereologia --> Arch Ital Dermatol Sifilogr Venereol Archivio Italiano di Dermatologia, Venereologia, e Sessuologia --> Arch Ital Dermatol Venereol Sessuol Archivio Italiano di Otologia, Rinologia e Laringologia --> Arch Ital Otol Rinol Laringol Archivio Italiano di Otologia, Rinologia e Laringologia. Supplemento --> Arch Ital Otologia, Rinologia Laringol Supplemento Archivio Italiano di Otologia, Rinologia, Laringologia e Patologia Cervico-Facciale. Supplemento --> Arch Ital Otol Rinol Laringol Patol Cervicofacc Suppl Archivio Italiano di Otologia, Rinologia, Laringologia, e Patologia Cervico-Facciale --> Arch Ital Otol Rinol Laringol Patol Cervicofacc Archivio Italiano di Patologia e Clinica dei Tumori --> Arch Ital Patol Clin Tumori Archivio Italiano di Pediatria e Puericoltura --> Arch Ital Pediatr Pueric Archivio Italiano di Scienze Farmacologiche --> Arch Ital Sci Farmacol Archivio Italiano di Scienze Mediche Tropicali e di Parassitologia --> Arch Ital Sci Med Trop Parassitol Archivio Italiano di Urologia --> Arch Ital Urol Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Nefrologia --> Arch Ital Urol Nefrol Archivio Italiano di Urologia, Andrologia --> Arch Ital Urol Androl Archivio Italiano di Urologia, Nefrologia, Andrologia --> Arch Ital Urol Nefrol Androl Archivio Monaldi per la Tisiologia e le Malattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio --> Arch Monaldi Archivio Monaldi per le Malattie del Torace --> Arch Monaldi Mal Torace Archivio per le Scienze Mediche --> Arch Sci Med (Torino) Archivio Stomatologico --> Arch Stomatol (Napoli) Archivio Storico Italiano --> Arch Stor Ital Archivio Storico Lombardo --> Arch Stor Lomb Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane --> Arch Storico Province Napoletane Archivio Storico Siciliano (Palermo, Italy) --> Arch Stor Sicil Archivio Veneto --> Arch Veneto Archivio Veterinario Italiano --> Arch Vet Ital Archivmitteilungen --> Archivmitteilungen Archivni Casopis --> Arch Cas Archivo Espanol de Morfologia --> Arch Esp Morfol Archivo Hispalense --> Arch Hisp Archivo Ibero-Americano --> Arch Ibero Am Archivos Argentinos de Dermatologia --> Arch Argent Dermatol "Archivos Argentinos de Kinesiologia; Kinesiterapia y Kinefilaxia" --> Arch Argent Kinesiol Kinesiter Kinefilax Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria --> Arch Argent Pediatr Archivos Argentinos de Tisiologia --> Arch Argent Tisiol Archivos Argentinos de Tisiologia y Neumonologia --> Arch Argent Tisiol Neumonol Archivos de Biologia Andina --> Arch Biol Andina Archivos de Biologia y Medicina Experimentales --> Arch Biol Med Exp (Santiago) Archivos de Bronconeumologia --> Arch Bronconeumol Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico --> Arch Cardiol Mex Archivos de Enfermedades del Corazon y Vasos --> Arch Enferm Coraz Vasos Archivos de Farmacologia y Toxicologia --> Arch Farmacol Toxicol Archivos de Histologia Normal y Patologica --> Arch Histol Norm Patol Archivos de Historia da Medicina Portugueza --> Arch Hist Med Port Archivos de Investigacion Medica --> Arch Invest Med (Mex) Archivos de la Filmoteca --> Arch Filmot Archivos de la Fundacion Roux-Ocefa --> Arch Fund Roux Ocefa Archivos de la Sociedad de Cirujanos de Chile --> Arch Soc Cir Chile Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia --> Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol Archivos de la Sociedad Oftalmologica Hispano-Americana --> Archivos Soc Oftalmol Hisp Am Archivos de Medicina Experimental --> Arch Med Exp Archivos de Medicina Interna (Montevideo, Uruguay) --> Arch Med Intern Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria --> Arch Med Vet Archivos de Neurobiología --> Arch Neurobiol (Madr) Archivos de Odonto Estomatologia --> Arch Odonto Estomatol Archivos de Oftalmologia de Buenos Aires --> Arch Oftalmol B Aires Archivos de Pediatria --> Arch Pediatr (Barc) Archivos de Pediatria del Uruguay --> Arch Pediatr Urug Archivos de Psiquiatría --> Arch Psiquiatr Archivos del Colegio Medico de El Salvador --> Arch Col Med El Salv Archivos del Instituto de Biologia Andina --> Arch Inst Biol Andina Archivos del Instituto de Cardiologia de Mexico --> Arch Inst Cardiol Mex Archivos del Instituto de Farmacologia Experimental (Medicina) --> Arch Inst Farmacol Exp (Madr) Archivos Dominicanos de Pediatria --> Arch Domin Pediatr Archivos Españoles de Enfermedades del Aparato Digestivo y de la Nutrición --> Arch Esp Enferm Apar Dig Nutr Archivos Espanoles de Urologia --> Arch Esp Urol Archivos Hispanoamericanos de Sexología --> Arch Hispanoam Sexol Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion --> Arch Latinoam Nutr Archivos Médicos de Cuba --> Arch Med Cuba Archivos Médicos Mexicanos --> Arch Med Mex Archivos Medicos Panamenos --> Arch Med Panamenos Archivos Uruguayos de Medicina, Cirugía y Especialidades --> Arch Urug Med Cir Espec Archivos Venezolanos de Medicina Tropical y Parasitologia Medica --> Arch Venez Med Trop Parasitol Med Archivos Venezolanos de Puericultura y Pediatria --> Arch Venez Pueric Pediatr Archivum Chirurgicum Neerlandicum --> Arch Chir Neerl Archivum Franciscanum Historicum --> Arch Franciscanum Hist Archivum Histologicum Japonicum --> Arch Histol Jpn Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis --> Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz) Archivum Medycyny Sadowej i Kryminologii --> Arch Med Sadowej Kryminol Archivum Veterinarium Polonicum --> Arch Vet Pol Archiwum Historii i Filozofii Medycyny --> Arch Hist Filoz Med Archiwum Historii Medycyny --> Arch Hist Med (Warsz) Arctic --> Arctic Arctic and Alpine Research --> Arct Alp Res Arctic Anthropology --> Arctic Anthropol Arctic Medical Research --> Arctic Med Res Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research --> Arct Antarct Alp Res Arctoa --> Arctoa Arcus-medinfo --> Arcus-medinfo Ardea --> Ardea Ardeola --> Ardeola Area --> Area Arena Journal --> Arena J Arerugi --> Arerugi Arete --> Arete Arethusa --> Arethusa AREUEA Journal --> AREUEA J Argentine Republic. Direccion Nacional de Seguridad y Proteccion Social de la Mujer. Informe --> Argentine Repub Direccion Nac Seguridad Proteccion Soc Mujer Informe Argentine Republic. Laws, Statutes, Etc --> Argent Repub Laws Statut Argentine Republic. Laws, Statutes, Etc. Legislacion Ordenada --> Argentine Repub Laws, Statut, Etc Legislacion Ordenada Argentine Republic. Laws, Statutes, Etc. Leyes, Decretos y Resoluciones. Serie Sexta --> Argentine Repub Laws, Statut, Etc Leyes, Decretos Resoluciones Ser Sexta Argentine Republic. Laws, Statutes, Etc. Mensajes y Proyectos de Ley en Materia Tributaria --> Argentine Repub Laws, Statut, Etc Mensajes Proyectos Ley Materia Tributaria Argos (Utrecht, Netherlands) --> Argos Argumentation --> Argumentation Argumentation and Advocacy --> Argum Advocacy Arhiv za Farmaciju --> Arh Farm (Belgr) Arhiv za Higijenu Rada --> Arh Hig Rada Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju --> Arh Hig Rada Toksikol Arhiv za Kemiju --> Arh Kem Arhiv za Zastitu Majke i Djeteta --> Arh Zast ARI --> ARI ARI News --> ARI News Ariadne --> Ariadne Arid Land Research and Management --> Arid Land Res Manage Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation --> Arid Soil Res Rehabil Ariel --> Ariel (Jerus) Aries --> Aries Arizona and the West --> Ariz West Arizona Geological Society Digest --> Ariz Geol Soc Dig Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law --> Ariz J Int Comp Law Arizona Law Review --> Ariz Law Rev Arizona Medicine --> Ariz Med "Arizona Revised Statutes, Annotated ; Prepared Under Legislative Authority, Laws 1956, Chapter 129. Arizona" --> Ariz Revis Statut Annot Ariz Arizona State Law Journal --> Ariz State Law J Arkansas Archeology --> Ark Archeology Arkansas Dentistry --> Ark Dent Arkansas Law Review --> Ark Law Rev Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii i Embriologii --> Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol Arkhiv Patologii --> Arkh Patol Arkiv för Fysik --> Ark Fys Arkiv för Zoologi --> Ark Zool Arkiv for Kemi --> Ark Kemi ARKIVOC --> ARKIVOC Armed Forces and Society --> Armed Forces Soc Armed Forces Medical Journal, India --> Armed Forces Med J India ARN Journal --> ARN J Arqueología Mexicana --> Arqueol Mex Arquivo --> Arquivo Arquivo & Historia --> Arquivo Hist Arquivo & Informação --> Arquivo Informacao Arquivo (São Paulo) --> Arquivo (Sao Paulo) Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia --> Arquivo Brasileiro Med Veterinaria Zootecnia Arquivo Clínico da Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa --> Arquivo Clinico Maternidade Dr Alfredo Costa Arquivo de Anatomia e Antropologia --> Arquivo Anat Antropol Arquivo de Patologia --> Arq Patol Arquivo do Distrito de Aveiro --> Arquivo Distrito Aveiro Arquivo e Administração --> Arquivo Administracao Arquivo Rio Claro --> Arq Rio Claro Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia --> Arq Bras Cardiol Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia --> Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol Arquivos Brasileiros de Medicina --> Arq Bras Med Arquivos Brasileiros de Medicina Naval --> Arq Bras Med Nav Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia --> Arq Bras Oftalmol Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia --> Arq Bras Psicol Arquivos da Faculdade de Higiene e Saude Publica da Universidade de Sao Paulo --> Arq Fac Hig Saude Publica Univ Sao Paulo Arquivos de Biologia e Tecnologia --> Arq Biol Tecnol Arquivos de Cirurgia Clinica e Experimental --> Arq Cir Clin Exp Arquivos de Cirurgia Clinica e Experimental (Sao Paulo)) --> Arq Cir Clin Exp (Sao Paulo) Arquivos de Gastroenterologia --> Arq Gastroenterol Arquivos de Higiene e Saude Publica --> Arq Hig Saude Publica Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria --> Arq Neuropsiquiatr Arquivos de Oncologia --> Arq Oncol Arquivos de Pediatria --> Arq Pediatr Arquivos de Zoologia --> Arq Zool Arquivos do Centro Cultural Portugues. Centre Culturel Portugais --> Arq Cent Cult Port Arquivos do Centro de Estudos da Faculdade de Odontologia da U. F. M. G. --> Arq Cent Estud Fac Odontol UFMG (Belo Horiz) Arquivos do Centro de Estudos do Curso de Odontologia --> Arq Cent Estud Curso Odontol Arquivos do IBIT --> Arq IBIT Arquivos do Instituto Biologico --> Arq Inst Biol (Sao Paulo) Arquivos do Museu Nacional. Museu Nacional (Brazil) --> Arq Mus Nac Arquivos Mineiros de Leprologia --> Arq Min Leprol Arquivos Portugueses de Bioquímica --> Arq Port Bioquim Arquivos Portugueses de Oftalmologia --> Arq Port Oftalmol Arquivos. Coimbra. Universidade --> Arq Inst Farm Arrows for Change --> Arrows Change Ars Curandi em Odontologia --> Ars Curandi Odontol ARS Journal --> ARS J Ars Medici --> Ars Med Arsbok - Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning --> Arsb Sver Geol Unders Arsbok. Goteborgs Tandlakare-Sallskap --> Arsb Goteb Tandlak Sallsk Arsbok. Odontologiska Samfundet i Finland --> Arsb Odontol Samf Finl Art de France --> Art de France Art Education --> Art Educ Art et curiosité --> Art curiosit Art History --> Art Hist Art in America --> Art Am Art Journal --> Art J Art Margins --> Art Margins Art Psychotherapy --> Art Psychother Art Reference Services Quarterly --> Art Ref Serv Q Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association --> Art Ther Arteres et Veines --> Arteres Veines Arteriosclerosis (Dallas, Tex.) --> Arteriosclerosis Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis --> Arterioscler Thromb Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology --> Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol Artery --> Artery Artery Research --> Artery Res Artes de Mexico --> Artes Mex Artforum --> Artforum Artforum International --> Artforum Int Artha Vijnana --> Artha Vijnana Arthritis (Egypt) --> Arthritis (Egypt) Arthritis + Rheuma --> Arthritis Rheum (Munch) Arthritis and Rheumatism --> Arthritis Rheum Arthritis Care and Research --> Arthritis Care Res Arthritis Care & Research (Hoboken) --> Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) Arthritis Research --> Arthritis Res Arthritis Research & Therapy --> Arthritis Res Ther Arthropod Structure & Development --> Arthropod Struct Dev Arthropod-Plant Interactions --> Arthropod-Plant Interact Arthroscopy --> Arthroscopy Arthroskopie --> Arthroskopie Arthurian Literature --> Arthurian Lit Articuli (Leiden) --> Articuli (Leiden) Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Immobilization Biotechnology --> Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol Artificial DNA, PNA & XNA --> Artif DNA PNA XNA Artificial Intelligence --> Artif Intell Artificial Intelligence and Law --> Artif Intell Law Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing --> Artif Intell Eng Des Anal Manuf Artificial Intelligence in Engineering --> Artif Intell Eng Artificial Intelligence in Medicine --> Artif Intell Med Artificial Intelligence Review --> Artif Intell Rev Artificial Life --> Artif Life Artificial Life and Robotics --> Artif Life Robot Artificial Limbs --> Artif Limbs Artificial Organs --> Artif Organs ARTnews --> ARTnews Arts and Humanities in Higher Education --> Arts Humanit High Educ Arts Education Policy Review --> Arts Educ Policy Rev Arukoru Kenkyu-to Yakubutsu Ison = Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies and Drug Dependence --> Arukoru Kenkyuto Yakubutsu Ison Arv --> Arv Arzneimittel-Forschung --> Arzneimittelforschung Arzteblatt Baden-Wurttemberg --> Arztebl Baden Wurtt Arztliche Forschung --> Arztl Forsch Arztliche Jugendkunde --> Arztl Jugendkd Arztliche Kosmetologie --> Arztl Kosmetol Arztliche Monatshefte fur Berufliche Fortbildung. Cahiers Mensuels de Medecine --> Arztl Monatshefte Berufl Fortbild Arztliche Sammelblatter --> Arztl Sammelbl Arztliche Wochenschrift --> Arztl Wochensch ASA Bulletin --> ASA Bull ASA Newsletter --> ASA Newsl ASAIO Journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs) --> ASAIO J ASAIO Transactions --> ASAIO Trans Ascania (Asse) --> Ascania (Asse) Ascania. Driemmaandelijks Tijdschrift Over Asse. Zijn Streek en Zijn Mensen --> Ascania Driemmaandelijks Tijdschr Over Asse Zijn Streek Zijn Mensen ASCE Annual Combined Index --> ASCE Annu Comb Index ASCE News --> ASCE News ASCE Publications Abstracts --> ASCE Publ Abstr ASCE Publications Information --> ASCE Publ Inf Asclepio --> Asclepio ASDA News (American Student Dental Association) --> ASDA News ASDC Journal of Dentistry for Children --> ASDC J Dent Child ASEAN Economic Bulletin --> ASEAN Econ Bull Asepsis --> Asepsis ASGSB Bulletin --> ASGSB Bull ASHA --> ASHA ASHA Monographs --> ASHA Monogr ASHA. Supplement --> ASHA Suppl ASHE Higher Education Report --> ASHE High Educ Rep ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report --> ASHE-ERIC High Educ Rep ASHRAE Journal --> ASHRAE J Asia --> Asia Asia Europe Journal --> Asia Eur J Asia Major --> Asia Major Asia Pacific Business Review --> Asia Pac Bus Rev Asia Pacific Education Review --> Asia Pac Educ Rev Asia Pacific Economic Review --> Asia Pac Econ Rev Asia Pacific Family Medicine --> Asia Pac Fam Med Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition --> Asia Pac J Clin Nutr Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology --> Asia Pac J Clin Oncol Asia Pacific Journal of Education --> Asia Pac J Educ Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law --> Asia Pac J Environ Law Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources --> Asia Pac J Hum Resour Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics --> Asia Pac J Mark Log Asia Pacific Journal of Management --> Asia Pac J Manage Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work --> Asia Pac J Soc Work Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing --> Asia Pac J Speech Lang Hear Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research --> Asia Pac J Tourism Res Asia Pacific Law Review --> Asia Pac Law Rev Asia Pacific Observer --> Asia Pac Obs Asia Pacific Viewpoint --> Asia Pac Viewp Asia Quarterly --> Asia Q Asian & Pacific Population Programme News --> Asian Pac Popul Programme News Asian Advertising & Marketing --> Asian Advert Mark Asian Affairs --> Asian Aff Asian Affairs: An American Review --> Asian Aff Am Rev Asian American and Pacific Islander Journal of Health --> Asian Am Pac Isl J Health Asian American Journal of Psychology --> Asian Am J Psychol Asian and African Studies --> Asian Afr Stud Asian and Pacific Census Forum --> Asian Pac Cens Forum Asian and Pacific Census Newsletter --> Asian Pac Census Newsl Asian and Pacific Migration Journal --> Asian Pac Migr J Asian and Pacific Population Forum --> Asian Pac Popul Forum Asian Anthropology --> Asian Anthropol Asian Business & Management --> Asian Bus Manage Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals --> Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann Asian Case Research Journal --> Asian Case Res J Asian Development Review --> Asian Dev Rev Asian Economic Journal --> Asian Econ J Asian Economic Papers --> Asian Econ Pap Asian Economies --> Asian Econ Asian Englishes --> Asian Engl Asian Ethnicity --> Asian Ethn Asian Fisheries Science --> Asian Fish Sci Asian Folklore Studies --> Asian Folkl Stud Asian Forum Newsletter --> Asian Forum Newsl Asian Geographer --> Asian Geogr Asian Herpetological Research --> Asian Herpetol Res Asian Journal of Aesthetic Dentistry --> Asian J Aesthet Dent Asian Journal of Andrology --> Asian J Androl Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances --> Asian J Anim Vet Adv Asian Journal of Chemistry --> Asian J Chem Asian Journal of Communication --> Asian J Commun Asian Journal of Control --> Asian J Control Asian Journal of Counselling --> Asian J Couns Asian Journal of Criminology --> Asian J Criminol Asian Journal of Economics and Social Studies --> Asian J Econ Soc Stud Asian Journal of Infectious Diseases --> Asian J Infect Dis Asian Journal of Medicine --> Asian Med J Asian Journal of Plant Science --> Asian J Plant Sci Asian Journal of Political Science --> Asian J Polit Sci Asian Journal of Psychiatry --> Asian J Psychiatr Asian Journal of Social Psychology --> Asian J Soc Psychol Asian Journal of Social Science --> Asian J Soc Sci Asian Journal of Surgery --> Asian J Surg Asian Libraries --> Asian Libr Asian Medical Journal --> Asian Med J Asian Migrant --> Asian Migr Asian Music --> Asian Music Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology --> Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention --> Asian Pac J Cancer Prev Asian Perspective --> Asian Perspect Asian Perspectives (Honolulu) --> Asian Perspect (Honolulu) Asian Philosophy --> Asian Philos Asian Population Programme News --> Asian Popul Programme News Asian Population Studies Series --> Asian Popul Stud Ser Asian Profile --> Asian Profile Asian Studies (Quezon City, Philippines) --> Asian Stud Asian Studies Review --> Asian Stud Rev Asian Survey --> Asian Surv Asian Thought & Society --> Asian Thought Soc Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences --> Asian-australas J Anim Sci Asian-Pacific Economic Literature --> Asia Pac Econ Lit Asia-Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology --> Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol Asia-Pacific Financial Markets --> Asia-Pacific Financ Mark Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics --> Asia-Pac J Account Econ Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences --> Asia-Pac J Atmospheric Sci Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology --> Asia Pac J Mol Biol Biotechnol Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology --> Asia-Pac J Ophthalmol Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health --> Asia Pac J Public Health Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development --> Asia Pac J Rural Dev Asia-Pacific Journal of Taxation --> Asia-Pac J Tax Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education --> Asia Pac J Teach Educ Asia-Pacific POPIN Bulletin --> Asia Pac POPIN Bull Asia-Pacific POPIN Newsletter --> Asia-Pac POPIN Newsl Asia-Pacific Population & Policy --> Asia Pac Pop Policy Asia-Pacific Population Journal --> Asia Pac Popul J Asia-Pacific Population Research Abstracts --> Asia Pac Popul Res Abstr Asia-Pacific Review --> Asia-Pacific Rev Asiatic Herpetological Research --> Asiat Herpetol Res Asiatische Forschungen --> Asiatische Forsch Asiaweek --> Asiaweek Asien Afrika Lateinamerika --> Asien Afrika Lateinamerika Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika (Berlin, Germany) --> Asien Afr Lateinam Asklepii --> Asklepii Aslib Proceedings --> Aslib Proc ASM News --> ASM News ASN Neuro --> ASN Neuro ASNA Reporter --> ASNA Rep Asociacion Odontologica de Costa Rica. Revista --> Asoc Odontol Costa Rica Rev Asociacion Venezolana de Enfermeras Profesionales. Boletin --> Asoc Venez Enfermeras Profesionales Bol Aspects of Applied Biology --> Asp Appl Biol Aspen Conference on Research on Emphysema. Proceedings --> Aspen Conf Res Emphysema Proc Aspen Emphysema Conference --> Aspen Emphysema Conf Aspen's Advisor for Nurse Executives --> Aspens Advis Nurse Exec Assaph, Section B, Studies in Art History --> Assaph Sect B Art Hist Assaph, Section C, Studies in the Theatre --> Assaph Sect C Stud Theatre Assay and Drug Development Technologies --> Assay Drug Dev Technol Assemblage --> Assemblage Assertive Nurse --> Assertive Nurse Assessing Writing --> Assess Writ Assessment --> Assessment Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education --> Assess Eval High Educ Assessment for Effective Intervention --> Assess Eff Interv Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice --> Asess Educ Assessment Update --> Assess Update Assia, Jewish Medical Ethics --> Assia Jew Med Ethics Assignment Children --> Assignment Child Assisted Reproduction Reviews --> Assist Reprod Rev Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca --> Assist Inferm Ric Assistive Technology --> Assist Technol Assiut Medical Journal --> Assiut Med J Assiut University Bulletin for Environmental Researches --> Assiut Univ Bull Environ Res Association & Society Manager --> Assoc Soc Manager Association Management --> Assoc Manage Asthetik und Kommunikation --> Asthet Kommun Asthetische Medizin --> Asthet Med (Berl) Asthma Magazine --> Asthma Mag ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal --> ASTM Geotech Test J ASTM Special Technical Publication --> ASTM Spec Tech Publ ASTM Standardization News --> ASTM Stand News Astragale (Besançon) --> Astragale (Besancon) Astragale (Paris) --> Astragale (Paris) Astrobiology --> Astrobiology Astronautics & Aeronautics --> Astronaut Aeronaut Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions --> Astron Astrophys Trans Astronomische Nachrichten --> Astron Nachr Astronomy --> Astronomy Astronomy & Astrophysics --> Astron Astrophys Astronomy & Astrophysics. Supplement Series --> Astron Astrophys Suppl Ser Astronomy & Geophysics --> Astron Geophys Astronomy and Astrophysics --> Astron Astrophys Astronomy Education Review --> Astron Educ Rev Astronomy Letters --> Astron Lett Astronomy Reports --> Astron Rep Astroparticle Physics --> Astropart Phys Astrophysical Bulletin --> Astrophys Bull Astrophysical Letters --> Astrophys Lett Astrophysical Letters & Communications --> Astrophys Lett Commun Astrophysics --> Astrophysics Astrophysics and Space Science --> Astrophys Space Sci Asturiensia medievalia --> Asturiensia mediev AT & T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal --> ATT Bell Lab Tech J ATCC Connection --> ATCC Connect Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten --> Atemw-Lungenkrkh Atencion Primaria --> Aten Primaria Atene e Roma --> Atene Roma Atenea --> Atenea Atenea (Barcelona) --> Atenea (Barc) Atenea (Buenos Aires) --> Atenea (B Aires) Atenea (Buenos Aires) --> Atenea (B Aires) Atenea (Ciudad Real) --> Atenea (Ciudad R) Atenea (Concepción) --> Atenea (Concepc) Atenea (Cullera) --> Atenea (Cullera) Atenea (Ferrol) --> Atenea (Ferrol) Atenea (Mayagüez, P.R.) --> Atenea (Mayaguez, PR) Ateneo Veneto --> Ateneo Veneto Athenea Digital (Ed. Impresa) --> Athenea Digit (Ed Impr) Atherosclerosis --> Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis. Supplements --> Atheroscler Suppl Athletic Insight --> Athl Insight ATLA Abstracts --> ATLA Abstr Atlanta --> Atlanta Atlanta Employment Weekly --> Atlanta Employ Wkly Atlanta History --> Atlanta Hist Atlanta Medicine --> Atlanta Med Atlanta Weekly --> Atlanta Wkly Atlantic (Boston, Mass.) --> Atlantic Atlantic Economic Journal --> Atl Econ J Atlantic Geology --> Atl Geol Atlantic Monthly --> Atl Mon Atlantic Monthly (Boston, Mass.) --> Atl Mon Atlantic Reporter --> Atl Report Atlantic Salmon Journal --> Atl Salm J Atlantica --> Atlantica Atlantida (Lisbon, Portugal) --> Atlantida Atlantis (Montreal, Quebec) --> Atlantis (Montr) Atlantis (Wolfville, N.S.) --> Atlantis (Wolfv) Atlas de Radiologie Clinique de la Presse Medicale --> Atlas Radiol Clin Presse Med Atlas of the Hand Clinics --> Atlas Hand Clin Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America --> Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am Atlas World Press Review --> Atlas World Press Rev Atmosphere (Toronto) --> Atmosphere (Toronto) Atmosphere-ocean --> Atmos-Ocean Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics --> Atmos Oceanic Opt Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters --> Atmos Oceanic Sci Lett Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics --> Atmos Chem Phys Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion --> Atmos Chem Phys Discuss Atmospheric Environment --> Atmos Environ Atmospheric Environment --> Atmos Environ Atmospheric Environment. Part A, General Topics --> Atmos Environ, A Gen Topics Atmospheric Environment. Part B, Urban Atmosphere --> Atmos Environ, B Urban Atmos Atmospheric Research --> Atmos Res Atmospheric Science Letters --> Atmos Sci Lett Atoll Research Bulletin --> Atoll Res Bull Atomes (Paris) --> Atomes (Paris) Atomes et Radiations (Paris) --> At Radiat (Paris) Atomic Data --> At Data Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables --> At Data Nucl Data Tables Atomic Energy --> At Energy Atomic Energy Law Journal --> At Energy Law J Atomic Energy Review --> At Energy Rev Atomic Scientists Journal --> At Sci J Atompraxis --> Atompraxis Attachment & Human Development --> Attach Hum Dev Attention, Perception & Psychophysics --> Atten Percept Psychophys Atti della Accademia dei Fisiocritici in Siena. Sezione Medico-Fisica --> Atti Accad Fisiocrit Siena [Med Fis] Atti della Accademia delle Scienze Dell'Istituto di Bologna, Classe di Scienze Fisiche. Memorie --> Atti Accad Sci Ist Bologna Classe Sci Fis Rend Atti della Accademia Medica Lombarda --> Atti Accad Med Lomb Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei --> Atti Accad Naz Lincei "Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie Della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Sezione I; Matematica, Meccanica, Astronomia, Geodesia e Geofisica" --> "Atti Accad Naz Lincei, Mem Cl Sci Fis Mat Nat, Sez I; Mat Mecc Astron Geod Geofis" "Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie Della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Sezione II; Fisica, Chimica, Geologia, Paleontologia e Mineralogia" --> "Atti Accad Naz Lincei, Mem Cl Sci Fis Mat Nat, Sez II; Fis Chim Geol Paleontol Mineral" "Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie Della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Sezione III; Botanica, Zoologia, Fisiologia, Patologia" --> "Atti Accad Naz Lincei, Mem Cl Sci Fis Mat Nat, Sez III; Bot Zool Fisiol Patol" Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie Della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche --> Atti Accad Naz Lincei, Mem Cl Sci Morali Stor Filol Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Notizie Degli Scavi di Antichità --> Atti Accad Nazionale Dei Lincei Notizie Degli Scavi Antichita Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti Della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali --> Atti Accad Naz Lincei, Rend Cl Sci Fis Mat Nat Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti Delle Adunanze Solenni --> Atti Accad Naz Lincei, Rend Adun Solenni Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni --> Atti Accad Nazionale Dei Lincei Rend Lincei Mat Applicazioni Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali --> Atti Accad Nazionale Dei Lincei Rend Lincei Sci Fis Naturali Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche --> Atti Accad Naz Lincei, Rend, Cl Sci Morali Stor Filol Atti della Clinica Oto-Rino-Laringoiatrica dell'Universita di Palermo --> Atti Clin Oto-Rino-Laringoiatr Univ Palermo Atti della R. Accademia Dei Fisiocritici in Siena --> Atti R Accad Dei Fisiocritici Siena Atti della Societa Italiana di Cardiologia --> Atti Soc Ital Cardiol Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali Residente in Pisa. Memorie. Serie A --> Atti Soc Toscana Sci Nat Resid Pisa Mem Serie A Atti e Memorie - Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti, Modena. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti (Modena, Italy) --> Atti Mem Accad Naz Sci Lett Arti Modena Atti e Memorie - Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Provincie Modenesi. Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Provincie Modenesi --> Atti Mem Deput Stor Patria Antiche Prov Modenesi Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere la Colombaria --> Atti Mem Accad Toscana Sci Lett Colombaria Atti e Memorie della Accademia di Storia dell'Arte Sanitaria --> Atti Mem Accad Stor Arte Sanit Atti e Memorie della Accademia Italiana di Storia della Farmacia --> Atti Mem Accad Ital Stor Farm Atti e Memorie della Accademia Petrarca di Lettere, Arti e Scienze --> Atti Mem Accad Petrarca Lett Arti Sci Atti e Memorie della Reale Accademia Petrarca di Lettere, Arti e Scienze --> Atti Mem R Accad Petrarca Lett Arti Sci Atti e Memorie della Reale Accademia Petrarca di Scienze, Lettere Ed Arti in Arezzo --> Atti Mem R Accad Petrarca Sci Lett Arti Arezzo Attualità Dentale --> Attual Dent Attualita di Ostetricia e Ginecologia --> Attual Ostet Ginecol Attualita in Ematologia --> Attualita Ematologia AUAA Journal --> AUAA J Auckland University Law Review --> Auckl Univ Law Rev Audiological Medicine --> Audiological Med Audiology --> Audiology Audiology & Neuro-Otology --> Audiol Neurootol Audit Unit News --> Audit Unit News Auditory Neuroscience --> Aud Neurosci Audubon --> Audubon Augmentative and Alternative Communication --> Augment Altern Commun Auris, Nasus, Larynx --> Auris Nasus Larynx Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte --> Polit Zeitgesch Ausgrabungen und Funde --> Ausgrab Funde Aussenwirtschaft --> Aussenwirtschaft Aust-Agder-arv --> Aust-Agder-arv Austasia Aquaculture --> Austasia Aquacult Austral Ecology --> Austral Ecol Australasian Annals of Medicine --> Australas Ann Med Australasian Biotechnology --> Australas Biotechnol "Australasian Chiropractic & Osteopathy ; Journal of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia" --> Australas Chiropr Osteopathy Australasian Drama Studies --> Australas Drama Stud Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal --> Australas Emerg Nurs J "Australasian Historical Archaeology ; Journal of the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology" --> Australas Hist Archaeol Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies --> Australas J Disaster Trauma Stud Australasian Journal of Environmental Management --> Australas J Environ Manage Australasian Journal of Philosophy --> Australas J Philos Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy --> Australas J Psychother Australasian Journal of Special Education --> Australas J Spec Educ Australasian Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine --> Australas J Ultrasound Med Australasian Journal on Ageing --> Australas J Ageing Australasian Marketing Journal --> Australas Mark J Australasian Mycologist --> Australas Mycologist Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine --> Australas Phys Eng Sci Med Australasian Plant Disease Notes, Australasian Plant Pathology Society --> Australas Plant Dis Notes Australasian Plant Pathology --> Australas Plant Pathol Australasian Psychiatry --> Australas Psychiatry Australasian Radiology --> Australas Radiol Australia and New Zealand Health Policy --> Aust New Zealand Health Policy Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities --> Aust N Z J Dev Disabil Australian Accounting Review --> Aust Account Rev Australian and New Zealand Journal of Audiology --> Aust N Z J Audiol Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology --> Aust N Z J Criminol Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine --> Aust N Z J Med Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology --> Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalmology --> Aust N Z J Ophthalmol Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health --> Aust N Z J Public Health Australian Aquaculture --> Aust Aquacult Australian Bulletin of Labour --> Aust Bull Labour Australian Clinical Review --> Aust Clin Rev Australian College of Midwives Incorporated Journal --> Aust Coll Midwives Inc J Australian Critical Care --> Aust Crit Care Australian Cultural History --> Aust Cult Hist Australian Dental Journal --> Aust Dent J Australian Dental Practice --> Aust Dent Pract Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health --> AeJAMH Australian Economic History Review --> Aust Econ Hist Rev Australian Economic Papers --> Aust Econ Pap Australian Educational Leader --> Aust Educ Lead Australian Educational Researcher --> Aust Educ Res Australian Endodontic Journal --> Aust Endod J Australian Entomologist --> Aust Entomol Australian Family Physician --> Aust Fam Physician Australian Feminist Studies --> Aust Fem Stud Australian Fisheries --> Aust Fish Australian Forestry --> Aust For Australian Forestry Index --> Aust For Index Australian Forestry Statistics --> Aust For Stat Australian Geographical Studies --> Aust Geogr Stud Australian Health Review --> Aust Health Rev Australian Historical Studies --> Aust Hist Stud Australian Hospital --> Aust Hosp Australian Indigenous Law Review --> Aust Indigen Law Rev Australian Intellectual Property Journal --> Aust Intellect Prop J Australian Journal of Adult Learning --> Aust J Adult Learn Australian Journal of Agricultural Research --> Aust J Agric Res Australian Journal of Audiology --> Aust J Audiol Australian Journal of Biological Sciences --> Aust J Biol Sci Australian Journal of Biotechnology --> Aust J Biotechnol Australian Journal of Botany --> Aust J Bot Australian Journal of Career Development --> Aust J Career Dev Australian Journal of Case Management --> Aust J Case Manage Australian Journal of Chemistry --> Aust J Chem Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis --> Aust J Clin Exp Hypn Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis --> Aust J Clin Hypnother Hypn Australian Journal of Communication --> Aust J Commun Australian Journal of Dairy Technology --> Aust J Dairy Technol Australian Journal of Dermatology --> Aust J Dermatol Australian Journal of Development Disabilities --> Aust J Dev Disabil Australian Journal of Early Childhood --> Aust J Early Child Australian Journal of Earth Sciences --> Aust J Earth Sci Australian Journal of Ecology --> Aust J Ecol Australian Journal of Ecotoxicology --> Aust J Ecotoxicol Australian Journal of Education --> Aust J Educ Australian Journal of Emergency Management --> Aust J Emerg Manag Australian Journal of Entomology --> Aust J Entomol Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture --> Aust J Exp Agric Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry --> Aust J Exp Agric Anim Husb Australian Journal of Family Law --> Aust J Fam Law Australian Journal of French Studies --> Aust J Fr Stud Australian Journal of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Surveying --> Aust J Geod Photogramm Surv Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research --> Aust J Grape Wine Res Australian Journal of Guidance & Counselling --> Aust J Guid Couns Australian Journal of International Affairs --> Aust J Int Aff Australian Journal of Labour Law --> Aust J Labour Law Australian Journal of Labour Economics --> Aust J Labour Econ Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties --> Aust J Learn Difficulties Australian Journal of Linguistics --> Aust J Linguist Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research --> Aust J Mar Freshwater Res Australian Journal of Marriage & Family --> Aust J Marriage Fam Australian Journal of Midwifery --> Aust J Midwifery Australian Journal of Music Therapy --> Aust J Music Ther Australian Journal of Ophthalmology --> Aust J Ophthalmol Australian Journal of Physics --> Aust J Phys Australian Journal of Physics. Astrophysical Supplement --> Aust J Phys, Astrophys Suppl Australian Journal of Plant Physiology --> Aust J Plant Physiol Australian Journal of Political Science --> Aust J Polit Sci Australian Journal of Primary Health --> Aust J Prim Health Australian Journal of Primary Health - Interchange --> Aust J Prim Health Interchange Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics --> Aust J Prof Appl Ethics Australian Journal of Psychology --> Aust J Psychol Australian Journal of Psycho-therapy --> Aust J Psycho-therapy Australian Journal of Public Health --> Aust J Public Health Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling --> Aust J Rehabil Couns Australian Journal of Science --> Aust J Sci Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport --> Aust J Sci Med Sport Australian Journal of Scientific Research, Series A: Physical Sciences --> Aust J Sci Res, A Australian Journal of Scientific Research, Series B: Biological Sciences --> Aust J Sci Res, B Australian Journal of Sex, Marriage & Family --> Aust J Sex Marriage Fam Australian Journal of Social Work --> Aust J Soc Work Australian Journal of Soil Research --> Aust J Soil Res Australian Journal of Zoology --> Aust J Zool Australian Journal on Ageing --> Aust J Ageing Australian Journalism Review --> Aust Journal Rev Australian Mammalogy --> Aust Mammal Australian Mathematics Teacher --> Aust Math Teach Australian Medical Record Journal --> Aust Med Rec J Australian Meterological and Oceanographic Journal --> Aust Met Ocean J Australian Meteorological Magazine --> Aust Meteorol Mag Australian Nursing Journal --> Aust Nurs J Australian Occupational Therapy Journal --> Aust Occup Ther J Australian Orchid Review --> Aust Orchid Rev Australian Orthodontic Journal --> Aust Orthod J Australian Paediatric Journal --> Aust Paediatr J Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom --> Aust Prim Math Classr Australian Prosthodontic Journal --> Aust Prosthodont J Australian Prosthodontic Society Bulletin --> Aust Prosthodont Soc Bull Australian Psychologist --> Aust Psychol Australian Senior Mathematics Journal --> Aust Sr Math J Australian Shell News --> Aust Shell News Australian Slavonic and East European Studies --> Aust Slav East Eur Stud Australian Social Work --> Aust Soc Work Australian Society --> Aust Soc Australian Society of Prosthodontists Bulletin --> Aust Soc Prosthodontists Bull Australian Systematic Botany --> Aust Syst Bot Australian Universities Review --> Aust Univ Rev Australian Veterinary Journal --> Aust Vet J Australian Wildlife Research --> Aust Wildl Res Australian Zoologist --> Aust Zool Austriaca --> Austriaca Austrian History Yearbook --> Austrian Hist Yearb Austrian Journal of Statistics --> Austrian J Stat Austrian Review of International and European Law --> Austrian Rev Int Eur Law Autism --> Autism Autism Research --> Autism Res Autism Research and Treatment --> Autism Res Treat Auto/Biography --> Auto/Biography Autoimmune Diseases --> Autoimmune Dis Autoimmunity --> Autoimmunity Autoimmunity Reviews --> Autoimmun Rev Automated Software Engineering --> Autom Softw Eng Automatica --> Automatica Automatika (Zagreb) --> Automatika (Zagreb) Autonomic & Autacoid Pharmacology --> Auton Autacoid Pharmacol Automatic Control and Computer Sciences --> Autom Control Comput Sci Automation and Remote Control --> Autom Remote Control Automation in Construction --> Autom Construct Autonomic Neuroscience --> Auton Neurosci Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems --> Auton Agent Multi Agent Syst Autonomous Robots --> Auton Robots Autophagy --> Autophagy Autopsy and Case Reports --> Autops Case Rep AV Communication Review --> Av Commun Rev Avances en Odontoestomatologia --> Av Odontoestomatol Avances en Periodoncia --> Av Periodoncia Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana --> Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana Avances en Psicologia Clinica Latinoamericana --> Av Piscol Clin Latinonot Aviakosmicheskaia i Ekologicheskaia Meditsina --> Aviakosm Ekolog Med Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews --> Avian Poult Biol Rev Avian Diseases --> Avian Dis Avian Pathology --> Avian Pathol Aviation Week & Space Technology --> Aviat Week Space Technol Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine --> Aviat Space Environ Med AVISO (Ottawa, Ont.) --> AVISO Avocetta --> Avocetta AVS News --> AVS News AVSC News (Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception (U.S.)) --> AVSC News AWHONN Lifelines --> AWHONN Lifelines AWHONN Voice --> AWHONN Voice AWHONN's Clinical Issues in Perinatal and Women's Health Nursing --> AWHONNS Clin Issues Perinat Womens Health Nurs AWIS Magazine --> AWIS Mag AWIS Newsletter --> AWIS Newsl Axiomathes --> Axiomathes Axone (Dartmouth, N.S.) --> Axone Azerbaidzhanskii Meditsinskii Zhurnal --> Azerbaidzhanskii Med Zh Aziia i Afrika Segodnia --> Aziia Afr Segodnia Aztlan --> Aztlan B.T.T.A. Review --> BTTA Rev Bagimlik Dergisi --> Bagimlik Dergisi Background --> Background Backgrounder (Washington, D.C.) --> Backgrounder Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia --> Bacteriol Virusol Parazitol Epidemiol (Bucur) Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia (Bucharest, Romania) --> Bacteriol Virusol Parazitol Epidemiol Bacteriological Reviews --> Bacteriol Rev Bacteriophage --> Bacteriophage Bahrain Medical Bulletin --> Bahrain Med Bull Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology --> Bahria J Prof Psychol Baillière's Best Practice and Research in Clinical Anaesthesiology --> Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol Bailliere's Clinical Anaesthesiology --> Baillieres Clin Anaesthesiol Bailliere's Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism --> Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab Bailliere's Clinical Gastroenterology --> Baillieres Clin Gastroenterol Bailliere's Clinical Haematology --> Baillieres Clin Haematol Bailliere's Clinical Immunology and Allergy --> Baillieres Clin Immunol Allergy Bailliere's Clinical Neurology --> Baillieres Clin Neurol Bailliere's Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology --> Baillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol Bailliere's Clinical Rheumatology --> Baillieres Clin Rheumatol Baillieres Clinical Oncology --> Baillieres Clin Oncol Baker-Cederberg Notebook. Baker-Cederberg Museum & Archives --> Baker Cederberg Noteb Balance (Alexandria, Va.) --> Balance Balcanica (Rome, Italy) --> Balcanica "Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated ; KRS. Kentucky" --> Baldwins Ky Revis Statut Annot Ky Balisage Series on Markup Technologies --> Balisage Ser Markup Tech Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics --> Balkan J Med Genet Balkanistica --> Balkanistica Balsaeng'gwa Saengsig --> Balsaeng'gwa Saengsig Baltic Astronomy --> Balt Astron Baltimore Magazine --> Baltim Mag Bangladesh Development Studies --> Bangladesh Dev Stud Bangladesh Journal --> Bangladesh J Bangladesh Journal of Botany --> Bangladesh J Bot Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology --> Bangladesh J Microbiol Bangladesh Medical Journal --> Bangladesh Med J Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin --> Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull Bank Accounting & Finance --> Bank Account Finance Banks in Insurance Report --> Banks Insur Rep Banque --> Banque Baptist History and Heritage --> Baptist Hist Herit Barbados Nursing Journal --> Barbados Nurs J BarBaroi --> BarBaroi Barcelona Quirurgica --> Barc Quir Bari (city) Universita. Cattedra di Demografia. Studi di Demografia --> Bari (city) Universita Cattedra Demogr Studi Demogr Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care --> Bariatr Nurs Surg Patient Care Barley Genetics Newsletter --> Barley Genet Newsl Barrister (Chicago, Ill.) --> Barrister Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly --> Barrons Bartonia --> Bartonia Basal Facts --> Basal Facts Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology --> Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol Basic and Applied Ecology --> Basic Appl Ecol Basic and Applied Histochemistry --> Basic Appl Histochem Basic and Applied Myology --> Basic Appl Myol Basic and Applied Social Psychology --> Basic Appl Soc Psych Basic Life Sciences --> Basic Life Sci Basic Research in Cardiology --> Basic Res Cardiol Basilisco --> Basilisco Basin Research --> Basin Res Basler Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Altertumskunde --> Basl Z Gesch Altertumskd Basrah Journal of Surgery --> Basrah J Surg Basteria --> Basteria Bauphysik --> Bauphysik Bautechnik --> Bautechnik "Bayerisches Arzteblatt ; Amtliches Organ der Bayerischen Landesarztekammer und Ihrer Bezirksvereine" --> Bayer Aztebl Bayesian Analysis --> Bayesian Anal Baylor Law Review --> Bayl Law Rev Baylor Nursing Educator --> Baylor Nurs Educ B.B.A.A. Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana --> BBAA, Bol Bibliogr Antropol Am BC Studies --> BC Stud BDD --> BDD Beaufortia --> Beaufortia Bedside Nurse --> Bedside Nurse Bee World --> Bee World Begg Journal of Orthodontic Theory and Treatment --> Begg J Orthod Theory Treat Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses' Association) --> Beginnings Behavior Analysis in Practice --> Behav Anal Pract Behavior Analyst Today --> Behav Analyst Today Behavior and Philosophy --> Behav Philos Behavior and Social Issues --> Behav Soc Issues Behavior Genetics --> Behav Genet Behavior Modification --> Behav Modif Behavior Research Methods --> Behav Res Methods Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation --> Behav Res Meth Instrum Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers --> Behav Res Methods Instrum Comput Behavior Research of Severe Developmental Disabilities --> Behav Res Sev Dev Disabil Behavior Science Notes --> Behav Sci Notes Behavior Science Outlines --> Behav Sci Outl Behavior Science Research --> Behav Sci Res Behavior Therapist --> Behav Therapist Behavior Therapy --> Behav Ther Behavior Therapy in Psychiatric Practice --> Behav Ther Psychiatr Pract Behavior/ecology --> Behav Ecol Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian --> Behav Soc Sci Librar Behavioral and Brain Functions --> Behav Brain Funct Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews --> Behav Cogn Neurosci Rev Behavioral and Neural Biology --> Behav Neural Biol Behavioral Assessment --> Behav Assess Behavioral Biology --> Behav Biol Behavioral Disorders --> Behav Disord Behavioral Ecology --> Behav Ecol Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology --> Behav Ecol Sociobiol Behavioral Engineering --> Behav Eng Behavioral Health Management --> Behav Health Manage Behavioral Healthcare --> Behav Healthc Behavioral Healthcare Tomorrow --> Behav Healthc Tomorrow Behavioral Interventions --> Behav Interv Behavioral Medicine (Washington, D.C.) --> Behav Med Behavioral Medicine Update --> Behav Med Update Behavioral Neuropsychiatry --> Behav Neuropsychiatry Behavioral Neuroscience --> Behav Neurosci Behavioral Research in Accounting --> Behav Res Account Behavioral Residential Treatment --> Behav Resid Treat Behavioral Science --> Behav Sci Behavioral Sciences & the Law --> Behav Sci Law Behavioral Sleep Medicine --> Behav Sleep Med Behaviorism --> Behaviorism Behaviorists for Social Action Journal --> Behav Soc Action J Behaviormetrika --> Behaviormetrika Behaviour --> Behaviour Behaviour & Information Technology --> Behav Inf Technol Behaviour Analysis Letters --> Behav Anal Lett Behaviour Change --> Behav Change Behaviour Research and Therapy --> Behav Res Ther Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy --> Behav Cogn Psychother Behavioural Brain Research --> Behav Brain Res Behavioural Neurology --> Behav Neurol Behavioural Pharmacology --> Behav Pharmacol Behavioural Processes --> Behav Processes Behavioural Psychotherapy --> Behav Psychother Behring Institute Mitteilungen --> Behring Inst Mitt Beihefte der Francia --> Beih Fr Beihefte der Pharmazie --> Beih Pharm Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao. Yi Xue Ban --> Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Bao --> Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Bao Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry --> Beilstein J Org Chem Beiträge zur Klinik der Tuberkulose und Spezifischen Tuberkulose-Forschung --> Beitr Klin Tuberk Spezif Tuberk-Forsch Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie --> Beitr Mineral Petrogr Beiträge zur Silikose-Forschung, Sonderband --> Beitr Silikose-Forsch, Sonderb Beiträge zur Wildbiologie --> Beitr Wildbiol Beitraege zur Entomologie --> Beitr Entomol Beitrage zu Infusionstherapie und Klinische Ernahrung --> Beitr Infusionther Klin Ernahr Beitrage zur Deutschen Philologie --> Beitr Dtsch Philol Beitrage zur Gerichtlichen Medizin --> Beitr Gerichtl Med Beitrage zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung --> Beitr Gesch Arb Beitrage zur Geschichte der Medizin und Ihrer Nebengebiete --> Beitr Gesch Med Nebengeb Beitrage zur Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte Erfurts --> Beitr Hochsch Wissenschaftsgesch Erfurts Beitrage zur Hygiene und Epidemiologie --> Beitr Hyg Epidemiol Beitrage zur Infusionstherapie --> Beitr Infusionsther Beitrage zur Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin --> Beitr Infusionsther Transfusionsmed Beitrage zur Klinik und Erforschung der Tuberkulose und der Lungenkrankheiten --> Beitr Klin Erforsch Tuberk Lungenkr Beitrage zur Klinischen Neurologie und Psychiatrie --> Beitr Klin Neurol Psychiatr Beitrage zur Krebsforschung --> Beitr Krebsforsch Beitrage zur Neurochirurgie --> Beitr Neurochir Beitrage zur Orthopadie und Traumatologie --> Beitr Orthop Traumatol Beitrage zur Pathologie --> Beitr Pathol Beitrage zur Pathologischen Anatomie und zur Allgemeinen Pathologie --> Beitr Pathol Anat Beitrage zur Physik der Atmosphare --> Beitr Phys Atmos Beitrage zur Rheumatologie --> Beitr Rheumatol Beitrage zur Sexualforschung --> Beitr Sexualforsch Beitrage zur Silikose-Forschung --> Beitr Silikoseforsch Beitrage zur Silikose-Forschung (Pneumokoniose) --> Beitr Silikoseforsch Pneumokoniose Beitrage zur Tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinarmedizin --> Beitr Trop Landwirtsch Veterinarmed Beitrage zur Wurttembergischen Apothekengeschichte --> Beitr Wurttemb Apothekengesch Belaruskì Gìstarycny Casopìs --> Belarus Gistar Cas BELCAST Journal of Belizean Affairs --> Belcast J Belizean Aff Beleid & Maatschappij --> Beleid Maatsch Beleid & Maatschappij Jaarboek --> Beleid Maatschappij Jaarb Belfagor --> Belfagor Belgian Journal of Botany --> Belg J Bot Belgian Journal of Zoology --> Belg J Zool Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde --> Belg Tijdschr Geneesk Belizean Studies --> Belizean Stud Bell Laboratories Record --> Bell Lab Rec Belleten (Turk Tarih Kurumu) --> Belleten Bender's Health Care Law Monthly --> Benders Health Care Law Mon Benefits Quarterly --> Benefits Q Benelux --> Benelux Bengal, Past & Present --> Bengal Past Present Benha Medical Journal --> Benha Med J B-ENT --> B-ENT BERC Bulletin --> BERC Bull Bericht uber die Zusammenkunft. Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft --> Ber Zusammenkunft Dtsch Ophthalmol Ges Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg I.B. --> Ber Verh Natforsch Ges Freibg Breisgau Berichte aus dem Institut fuer Meereskunde as der Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel --> Ber Inst Meereskd Christian-Albrechts-Univ Kiel Berichte aus der Bonner Universitatsklinik und Poliklinik fur Mund-, Zahn- und Kieferkrankheiten --> Ber Bonn Univ Poliklin Mund Zahn Kieferkr Berichte der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland --> Ber Biol Anst Helgol Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft --> Ber Bunsen-Ges Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fur Physikalische Chemie --> Ber Bunsenges Phys Chem Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft --> Ber Dtsch Bot Ges Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften. Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie --> Ber Dtsch Ges Geol Wiss, A Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften. Reihe B, Mineralogie und Lagerstättenforschung --> Ber Dtsch Ges Geol Wiss, B Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg I. Br. --> Ber Natforsch Ges Freibg Breisgau Berichte zur Deutschen Landeskunde --> Ber Dtsch Landeskd Berichte zur Polarforschung --> Ber Polarforsch Berichte zur Raumforschung und Raumplanung (Vienna, Austria) --> Ber Raumforsch Raumplan Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte --> Ber Wissenschaftsgesch Berichte. Physikalisch-Medicinische Gesellschaft, Wurzburg --> Ber Phys Med Ges Wurzbg Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran --> Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran Berkeley Journal of International Law --> Berkeley J Int Law Berkeley Journal of Sociology --> Berkeley J Sociol Berkeley Municipal Code, 1976 --> Berkeley Munic Code 1976 Berkeley Calif Berkeley Technology Law Journal --> Berkeley Technol Law J Berkeley Women's Law Journal --> Berkeley Womens Law J Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift --> Berl Entomol Z Berliner Geographische Studien --> Berl Geogr Stud Berliner Historische Studien --> Berl Historische Stud Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte --> Berl Hohlenkdl Ber Berliner Journal fur Soziologie --> Berl J Soziol Berliner Medizin --> Berl Med Berliner Statistik. Monatsschrift --> Berl Stat Mon Schr Berliner Statistik. Sonderhefte --> Berl Stat, Sonderh Berliner Statistik. Statistische Monatsschrift --> Berl Stat, Stat Monschr Berliner Tierärztliche Wochenschrift --> Berl Tierarztl Wochenschr Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift --> Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr Bernoulli --> Bernoulli Berufs-Dermatosen --> Berufsdermatosen Berytus --> Berytus Best Practice & Research. Clinical Anaesthesiology --> Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol Best Practice & Research. Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism --> Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab Best Practice & Research. Clinical Gastroenterology --> Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol Best Practice & Research. Clinical Haematology --> Best Pract Res Clin Haematol Best Practice & Research. Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology --> Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol Best Practice & Research. Clinical Rheumatology --> Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol Best Practices and Benchmarking in Healthcare --> Best Pract Benchmarking Healthc Best Practices in Mental Health --> Best Practices Ment Health Best's Review. Life-Health Insurance Edition --> Bests Rev Life Health Insur Ed BETA Bulletin of Experimental Treatments for AIDS --> BETA Betonwerk + Fertigteil-Technik --> Betonw Ferttl Tech Better Crops with Plant Food --> Better Crops Plant Food Better Homes and Gardens --> Better Homes Gard Between the Species --> Between Species Bevolking en Gezin --> Bevolking Gezin Beyond Relief --> Beyond Relief "BFPP ; Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Protection des Milieux Aquatiques ; Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Pisciculture" --> "BFPP ; Bull Fr Peche Prot Milieux Aquatiques ; Bull Fr Peche Pisciculture" BGS Report --> BGS Rep Bianco e Nero (Roma) --> Bianco Nero (Roma) Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza --> Bibliografia Ital Stor Sci Bibliographie Bourguignonne --> Bibliographie Bourguignonne Bibliographie Internationale de la Demographie Historique --> Bibliogr Int Demogr Hist Bibliographische Informationen zu Ethnizität & Migration --> Bibliogr Inf Ethn Migr Bibliography of Reproduction --> Bibliogr Reprod Biblioteca di Storia della Scienza --> Bibl Stor Sci Bibliotek for Laeger --> Bibl Laeger Bibliothèque de l'école des Chartes --> Bibl Ec Chartes Bibliotheca Anatomica --> Bibl Anat Bibliotheca Cardiologica --> Bibl Cardiol Bibliotheca Gastroenterologica --> Bibl Gastroenterol Bibliotheca Gynaecologica --> Bibl Gynaecol Bibliotheca Haematologica --> Bibl Haematol Bibliotheca Lichenologica --> Bibl Lichenol Bibliotheca Microbiologica --> Bibl Microbiol Bibliotheca Mycologica --> Bibl Mycol Bibliotheca Nutritio et Dieta --> Bibl Nutr Dieta Bibliotheca Ophthalmologica --> Bibl Ophthalmol Bibliotheca Oto-rhino-laryngologica --> Bibl Oto-rhino-laryngol Bibliotheca Paediatrica --> Bibl Paediatr Bibliotheca Psychiatrica --> Bibl Psychiatr Bibliotheca Psychiatrica et Neurologica --> Bibl Psychiatr Neurol Bibliotheca Radiologica --> Bibl Radiol Bibliotheca Tuberculosea --> Bibl Tuberc Bibliothek und Wissenschaft --> Bibl Wiss Bibliotheque d'Humanisme et Renaissance --> Bibl Humanisme Renaiss Bibliotheque de L'ethnographie Polonaise --> Bibliotheque L'ethnographie Polonaise Biblos --> Biblos BIB-Mitteilungen --> Bib Mitt Bien Naître en Somme --> Bien Naitre Somme Bien Naitre en Milieu Rural --> Bien Naitre Milieu Rural Bien-Naitre --> Bien Naitre Biennial Report - International Agency for Research on Cancer --> Bienn Rep Int Agency Res Cancer Bijdragen en Mededeelingen - Gelre, Vereeniging Tot Beoefening van Geldersche Geschiedenis, Oudheidkunde en Recht --> Bijdr Meded - Gelre Ver Beoefen Geld Geschied Oudheidkd Recht Bijdragen en Mededelingen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden --> Bijdr Meded Geschied Ned Bijdragen Tijdschrift voor Filosofie en Theologie --> Bijdragen Bijdragen Tot de Geschiedenis --> Bijdr Geschied Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde --> Bijdragen Tot Taal- Land- Volkenkunde Biken Journal --> Biken J Bilan & Perspectives (Coalition des Organismes Communautaires Québécois de Lutte Contre le Sida) --> Bilan Perspect (Coalit Org Communaut Que Lutte Sida) Bild der Wissenschaft --> Bild Wiss Bildgebung --> Bildgebung Bilig - Turk DunyasI Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi --> Bilig Turk DunyasI Sosyal Bilimler Derg Bilingual Research Journal --> Biling Res J Bilingual Review --> Bilingual Rev Bilingualism: Language and Cognition --> Biling Lang Cogn Bilten Udruzenja Ortodonata Jugoslavije --> Bilt Udruz Ortodonata Jugosl Bilten za Hematologiju i Transfuziju --> Bilt Hematol Transfuz Binocular Vision & Strabismus Quarterly --> Binocul Vis Strabismus Q BINOP. Bulletin de L'Institut National D'étude du Travail et D'orientation Professionnelle --> BINOP Bull Inst Natl Etude Trav Orientat Prof Bio Systems --> Biosystems Bio World Europe --> Bio World Eur Bioètica & Debat (Ed. Castellana) --> Bioet Debat (Ed Castell) Bio/Technology --> Biotechnology (N Y) Bioacoustics --> Bioacoustics BioArchitecture --> BioArchitecture Biobehavioral Reviews --> Biobehav Rev Biocatalysis and Biotransformation --> Biocatalysis Biotransform Biocell --> Biocell Biochemica (Indianapolis, Ind.) --> Biochemica (Indianap, Ind) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications --> Biochem Biophys Res Commun Biochemical and Molecular Medicine --> Biochem Mol Med Biochemical Archives --> Biochem Arch Biochemical Clinics --> Biochem Clin Biochemical Education --> Biochem Educ Biochemical Engineering Journal --> Biochem Eng J Biochemical Genetics --> Biochem Genet Biochemical Journal --> Biochem J Biochemical Medicine --> Biochem Med Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology --> Biochem Med Metab Biol Biochemical Pharmacology --> Biochem Pharmacol Biochemical Society Symposium --> Biochem Soc Symp Biochemical Society Transactions --> Biochem Soc Trans Biochemical Systematics and Ecology --> Biochem Syst Ecol Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen --> Biochem Physiol Pflanz Biochemische Zeitschrift --> Biochem Z Biochemistry --> Biochemistry Biochemistry and Cell Biology --> Biochem Cell Biol Biochemistry and Experimental Biology --> Biochem Exp Biol Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education --> Biochem Mol Biol Educ Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International --> Biochem Mol Biol Int Biochemistry International --> Biochem Int Biochemistry Research International --> Biochem Res Int Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A. Membrane and Cell Biology --> Biochem Suppl Ser A: Membr Cell Biol Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B. Biomedical Chemistry --> Biochem Suppl Ser B: Biomed Chem Biochimica Clinica --> Biochim Clin Biochimica et Biophysica Acta --> Biochim Biophys Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBABioenerg Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBABiomembr Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Enzymology --> Biochim Biophys Acta Enzymol Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBAGene Struct Expr Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBALipids Lipid Metab Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBAMol Cell Biol Lipids Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBAMol Basis Dis Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBAMol Cell Res Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis --> Biochim Biophys Acta Nucleic Acids Protein Synth Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure --> Biochim Biophys Acta Protein Struct Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBAProtein Struct Mol Enzymol Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Bioenergetics --> Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Bioenerg Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Biomembranes --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBARev Biomembr Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer --> Biochim Biophys Acta BBARev Cancer Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. G, General Subjects --> Biochim Biophys Acta, Gen Subj Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms --> Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Proteins and Proteomics --> Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteomics Biochimie --> Biochimie Biociencias --> Biociencias Bioconjugate Chemistry --> Bioconjug Chem BioControl --> BioControl Biocontrol Science --> Biocontrol Sci Biocontrol Science and Technology --> Biocontrol Sci Technol BioCycle --> Biocycle Biodegradation --> Biodegradation Biodiversity and Conservation --> Biodivers Conserv BioDrugs --> BioDrugs Biodynamica --> Biodynamica Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands) --> Bioelectrochemistry Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics --> Bioelectrochem Bioenerg Bioelectromagnetics --> Bioelectromagnetics Bioengineered --> Bioengineered Bioengineered Bugs --> Bioeng Bugs Bioentrepreneur --> Bioentrepreneur BioEssays --> BioEssays Bioethics --> Bioethics Bioethics Bulletin (Washington, D.C.) --> Bioeth Bull Bioethics Digest --> Bioethics Dig Bioethics Examiner --> Bioeth Exam Bioethics Forum --> Bioeth Forum Bioethics News --> Bioeth News Bioethics Northwest --> Bioeth Northwest Bioethics Quarterly --> Bioethics Q Bioethics Research Notes --> Bioeth Res Notes BioFactors (Oxford, England) --> Biofactors Biofeedback --> Biofeedback Biofeedback and Self-Regulation --> Biofeedback Self Regul Biofilms --> Biofilms Biofizika --> Biofizika Bioformosa --> Bioformosa Biofouling --> Biofouling Biofuels --> Biofuels Biofuels Report (Atlanta, Ga.) --> Biofuels Rep (Atlanta, Ga) Biofutur --> Biofutur Biogenic Amines --> Biog Amines Biogeochemistry --> Biogeochemistry Biogeographica --> Biogeographica Biogeosciences --> Biogeosciences Biogeosciences Discussions --> Biogeosciences Discuss Biogerontology --> Biogerontology Biographical Memoirs --> Biogr Mem Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. Royal Society (Great Britain) --> Biogr Mem Fellows R Soc Biographical Memoirs. National Academy of Sciences (U. S.) --> Biogr Mem Natl Acad Sci Biography --> Biography Bioimaging --> Bioimaging Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) --> Bioinformatics Bioinformation --> Bioinformation Bioinorganic Chemistry --> Bioinorg Chem Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications --> Bioinorg Chem Appl Bioinspiration & Biomimetics --> Bioinspir Biomim Biointerphases --> Biointerphases Biokemistri --> Biokemistri Biokhimiia (Moscow, Russia) --> Biokhimiia Biokhimiya --> Biokhimiya BioLetters --> BioLetters Biologiâ Morâ (Vladivostok) --> Biol Mora (Vladivost) Biologia --> Biologia (Bratisl) Biologia (Lahore, Pakistan) --> Biologia Biologia Acuatica --> Biol Acuat Biologia Generalis --> Biol Gen Biologia Neonatorum. Neo-Natal Studies --> Biol Neonat Biologia Plantarum --> Biol Plant Biologica --> Biologica (Santiago) Biologica Latina --> Biol Lat Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin --> Biol Pharm Bull Biological Agriculture and Horticulture --> Biol Agric Hortic Biological Chemistry --> Biol Chem Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler --> Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler Biological Conservation --> Biol Conserv Biological Control --> Biol Control Biological Cybernetics --> Biol Cybern Biological Invasions --> Biol Invasions Biological Journal of the Linnean Society --> Biol J Linn Soc Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London --> Biol J Linn Soc Lond Biological Mass Spectrometry --> Biol Mass Spectrom Biological Memoirs --> Biol Mem Biological Oceanography --> Biol Oceanogr Biological Procedures Online --> Biol Proced Online Biological Psychiatry --> Biol Psychiatry Biological Psychology --> Biol Psychol Biological Psychology Bulletin --> Biol Psychol Bull Biological Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service --> Biol Rep US Fish Wildl Serv Biological Research --> Biol Res Biological Research for Nursing --> Biol Res Nurs Biological Research in Pregnancy and Perinatology --> Biol Res Pregnancy Perinatol Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society --> Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society --> Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc Biological Rhythm Research --> Biol Rhythm Res Biological Signals --> Biol Signals Biological Signals and Receptors --> Biol Signals Recept Biological Structures and Morphogenesis --> Biol Struct Morphog Biological Theory --> Biol Theory Biological Trace Element Research --> Biol Trace Elem Res Biologicals --> Biologicals Biologicheskie Membrany / Akademiia Nauk SSSR --> Biol Membr Biologicke Listy --> Biol Listy Biologie Cellulaire --> Biol Cell Biologie et Gastro-Enterologie --> Biol Gastroenterol (Paris) Biologie in Unserer Zeit --> Biol Unserer Zeit Biologie Medicale --> Biol Med (Paris) Biologija (Vilnius, Lithuania) --> Biologija (Vilnius) Biologisches Zentralblatt --> Biol Zent Bl Biologist (Columbus, Ohio) --> Biologist Biologist (London, England) --> Biologist (London) Biology & Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy --> Biol Environ Proc R Ir Acad B Biology and Fertility of Soils --> Biol Fertil Soils Biology and Human Affairs --> Biol Hum Aff Biology and Philosophy --> Biol Philos Biology and Society --> Biol Soc Biology Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR --> Biol Bull Acad Sci USSR Biology Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences --> Biol Bull Russ Acad Sci Biology Bulletin Reviews --> Biol Bull Rev Biology Direct --> Biol Direct Biology Letters --> Biol Lett Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation --> Biol Blood Marrow Transplant Biology of Metals --> Biol Met Biology of Reproduction --> Biol Reprod Biology of Reproduction. Supplement --> Biol Reprod Suppl Biology of Sport --> Biol Sport Biology of the Cell --> Biol Cell Biology of the Neonate --> Biol Neonate Biology Open --> Biol Open Biomédica --> Biomedica Biomacromolecules --> Biomacromolecules Biomagnetic Research and Technology --> Biomagn Res Technol Biomarker Insights --> Biomark Insights Biomarkers --> Biomarkers Biomarkers in Medicine --> Biomarkers Med Biomass --> Biomass Biomass and Bioenergy --> Biomass Bioenergy Biomaterialien --> Biomaterialien Biomaterials --> Biomaterials Biomaterials, Artificial Cells, and Artificial Organs --> Biomater Artif Cells Artif Organs Biomaterials, Artificial Cells, and Immobilization Biotechnology --> Biomater Artif Cells Immobilization Biotechnol Biomaterials, Medical Devices, and Artificial Organs --> Biomater Med Devices Artif Organs Biomatter --> Biomatter Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology --> Biomech Model Mechanobiol Biomedica --> Biomedica Biomedica Biochimica Acta --> Biomed Biochim Acta Biomedical & Environmental Mass Spectrometry --> Biomed Environ Mass Spectrom Biomedical and Environmental Sciences --> Biomed Environ Sci Biomedical Bulletin --> Biomed Bull Biomedical Chromatography --> Biomed Chromatogr Biomedical Communications --> Biomed Commun Biomedical Computation Review --> Biomed Comput Rev Biomedical Digital Libraries --> Biomed Digit Libr Biomedical Engineering --> Biomed Eng (NY) Bio-Medical Engineering --> Biomed Eng Biomedical Engineering Online --> Biomed Eng Online Biomedical Ethics (Tubingen, Germany) --> Biomed Ethics Bio-Medical Instrumentation --> Bio-Med Instrum Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology --> Biomed Instrum Technol Biomedical Library Bulletin (la Jolla, San Diego, Calif.) --> Biomed Lib Bull Biomedical Mass Spectrometry --> Biomed Mass Spectrom Biomedical Materials (Bristol, England) --> Biomed Mater Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering --> Biomed Mater Eng Biomedical Microdevices --> Biomed Microdevices Biomedical News --> Biomed News Biomedical Optics Express --> Biomed Opt Express Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia --> Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub Biomedical Peptides, Proteins & Nucleic Acids --> Biomed Pept Proteins Nucleic Acids Bio-Medical Purview --> Bio-Med Purv Biomedical Research --> Biomed Res Biomedical Science --> Biomed Sci Biomedical Science and Technology --> Biomed Sci Technol Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation --> Biomed Sci Instrum Biomedical Signal Processing and Control --> Biomed Signal Process Control Biomedicine --> Biomedicine Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy --> Biomed Pharmacother Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering --> Biomed Tech (Berl) Biomembranes --> Biomembranes Biometals --> Biometals Biometrical Journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift --> Biom J Biometrics --> Biometrics Biometrics Bulletin --> Biom Bull Biometrie Humaine --> Biom Hum Biometrika --> Biometrika Biometrische Zeitschrift --> Biom Z Biomimetics --> Biomimetics Biomolecular Engineering --> Biomol Eng Biomolecular NMR Assignments --> Biomol NMR Assign Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry --> Bioorg Med Chem Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters --> Bioorg Med Chem Lett Bioorganic Chemistry --> Bioorg Chem Bioorganicheskaia Khimiia --> Bioorg Khim BioPharmaceuticals --> BioPharmaceuticals Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition --> Biopharm Drug Dispos Biophysical Chemistry --> Biophys Chem Biophysical Journal --> Biophys J Biophysics --> Biophysics (Oxf) Biophysics of Structure and Mechanism --> Biophys Struct Mech Biophysik --> Biophysik Biopolimery i Kletka --> Biopolim Kletka Biopolymers --> Biopolymers Biopolymers and Cell --> Biopolymers Cell Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering --> Bioprocess Biosyst Eng Bioprocess Engineering --> Bioprocess Eng BioProcess International --> Bioprocess Int Bioprocess Technology --> Bioprocess Technol Bioprocessing --> Bioprocessing BioPsychoSocial Medicine --> Biopsychosoc Med Bioremediation Journal --> Bioremediat J Bioresource Technology --> Bioresour Technol Biorheology --> Biorheology Biorheology. Supplement --> Biorheology Suppl BIOS --> BIOS Bios (Paris) --> Bios Bioscience --> Bioscience Bioscience Hypotheses --> Biosci Hypotheses Bioscience Reports --> Biosci Rep Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry --> Biosci Biotechnol Biochem Biosecurity and Bioterrorism --> Biosecur Bioterror Biosensors --> Biosensors Biosensors & Bioelectronics --> Biosens Bioelectron Bioseparation --> Bioseparation BIOSILICO --> BIOSILICO Biosocieties --> Biosocieties Biospectroscopy --> Biospectroscopy Biospektrum --> BIOspektrum (Heidelb) Biostatistics (Oxford, England) --> Biostatistics Biosystems Engineering --> Biosystems Eng Biota --> Biota Biotechnic & Histochemistry --> Biotech Histochem BioTechniques --> Biotechniques Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews --> Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev Biotechnology (Reading, Mass.) --> Biotechnology Biotechnology Advances --> Biotechnol Adv Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry --> Biotechnol Appl Biochem Biotechnology and Bioengineering --> Biotechnol Bioeng Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium --> Biotechnol Bioeng Symp "Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering ; BBE" --> "Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng ; BBE" Biotechnology Annual Review --> Biotechnol Annu Rev Biotechnology Annual Review (Amsterdam) --> Biotechnol Annu Rev (Amst) Biotechnology et Alia --> Biotechnol Alia Biotechnology Journal --> Biotechnol J Biotechnology Law Report --> Biotechnol Law Rep Biotechnology Letters --> Biotechnol Lett Biotechnology Progress --> Biotechnol Prog Biotechnology Research International --> Biotechnol Res Int Biotechnology Techniques --> Biotechnol Tech Biotechnology Therapeutics --> Biotechnol Ther Biotechnology, Biotechnological Equipment --> Biotechnol, Biotechnol Equip Biotecnologia Aplicada --> Biotecnol Apl Biotecnologia Ciencia & Desenvolvimento --> Biotecnolog Cienc Desenvolv Biotekhnologiia --> Biotekhnologiia Biotelemetry --> Biotelemetry Biotelemetry and Patient Monitoring --> Biotelem Patient Monit Biotherapy (Dordrecht, Netherlands) --> Biotherapy Biotronics --> Biotronics Biotropica --> Biotropica Biotypologie --> Biotypologie BioWorld --> BioWorld BioWorld Financial Watch --> BioWorld Financ Watch BioWorld International --> BioWorld Int BioWorld Phase III Report --> BioWorld Phase III Rep BioWorld Today --> BioWorld Today BioWorld Week --> BioWorld Week Bipolar Disorders --> Bipolar Disord Bird Behaviour --> Bird Behav Bird Conservation International --> Bird Conserv Int Bird Study --> Bird Study BIRPERHT Publication --> BIRPERHT Publ Birth (Berkeley, Calif.) --> Birth Birth and the Family Journal --> Birth Fam J Birth Defects Original Article Series --> Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser Birth Defects Research. Part A, Clinical and Molecular Teratology --> Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol Birth Defects Research. Part B, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology --> Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol Birth Defects Research. Part C, Embryo Today --> Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today Birth Psychology Bulletin --> Birth Psychol Bull Birthright --> Birthright Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellon'skiej --> Biul Bibl Jagiellon Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellon'skiej w Krakowie --> Biul Bibl Jagiell Krak Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellon'skiej w Krakowie Oraz Bibliotek Instytutów, Seminariów I Zakadów Uniwersytetu Jagiellon'skiego --> Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellon'skiej W Krakowie Oraz Bibliotek Instytutow, Seminariow I Zakadow Uniwersytetu Jagiellon'skiego Biuletyn IGS --> Biuletyn IGS Biuletyn Instytutu Gospodarstwa Spoecznego (Warszawa) --> Biul Inst Gospod Spol (Warsz) Biuletyn Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku --> Biul Inst Med Morsk Gdansk Biuletyn Panstwowego Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej w Gdansku --> Biul Panstw Inst Med Mor Trop Gdan Biuletyn Zydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego --> Biul Zydowskiego Inst Hist Pol Biull Int Fed Dent Tech --> Biull Int Fed Dent Tech Biulleten' Eksperimental'Noi Biologii i Meditsiny --> Biull Eksp Biol Med Biulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody. Otdel Biologicheskii --> Biull Mosk Ova Ispyt Prir (Biol) Biulleten' Vsesoiuznogo Kardiologicheskogo Nauchnogo Tsentra AMN SSSR --> Biull Vsesoiuznogo Kardiol Nauchn Tsentra AMN SSSR BJOG --> BJOG BJR Supplement --> BJR Suppl BJU International --> BJU Int Blätter der DGVFM --> Blatter DGVFM Blätter für Geschichte der Technik --> Bl Gesch Tech Blätter für Technikgeschichte --> Bl Techgesch Black Aging --> Black Aging Black American Literature Forum --> Black Am Lit Forum Black Issues in Higher Education --> Black Issues High Educ Black World --> Black World Blackstone Valley Tribune --> Blackstone Valley Tribune Blake Studies --> Blake Stud Blatter fur Deutsche und Internationale Politik --> Bl Dtsch Int Polit Blatter fur Heimatkunde --> BL Heimatkd Blatter fur Wurttembergische Kirchengeschichte --> BL Wueritemb Kirchengesch Blatter fur Zahnheilkunde --> Bl Zahnheilkd Bleter Far Geshikhte --> Bl Gesz Blood --> Blood Blood Cells --> Blood Cells Blood Cells, Molecules & Diseases --> Blood Cells Mol Dis Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis --> Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis Blood Pressure --> Blood Press Blood Pressure Monitoring --> Blood Press Monit Blood Pressure. Supplement --> Blood Press Suppl Blood Purification --> Blood Purif Blood Reviews --> Blood Rev Blood Transfusion --> Blood Transfus Blood Vessels --> Blood Vessels Bloomsbury Geographer --> Bloomsbury Geogr Blue Cross Association Research Series --> Blue Cross Assoc Res Ser Blumea --> Blumea Blut --> Blut Blutalkohol --> Blutalkohol BMC Anesthesiology --> BMC Anesthesiol BMC Biochemistry --> BMC Biochem BMC Bioinformatics --> BMC Bioinformatics BMC Biology --> BMC Biol BMC Biotechnology --> BMC Biotechnol BMC Blood Disorders --> BMC Blood Disord BMC Cancer --> BMC Cancer BMC Cardiovascular Disorders --> BMC Cardiovasc Disord BMC Cell Biology --> BMC Cell Biol BMC Chemical Biology --> BMC Chem Biol BMC Clinical Pathology --> BMC Clin Pathol BMC Clinical Pharmacology --> BMC Clin Pharmacol BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine --> BMC Complement Altern Med BMC Dermatology --> BMC Dermatol BMC Developmental Biology --> BMC Dev Biol BMC Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders --> BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord BMC Ecology --> BMC Ecol BMC Emergency Medicine --> BMC Emerg Med BMC Endocrine Disorders --> BMC Endocr Disord BMC Evolutionary Biology --> BMC Evol Biol BMC Family Practice --> BMC Fam Pract BMC Gastroenterology --> BMC Gastroenterol BMC Genetics --> BMC Genet BMC Genomics --> BMC Genomics BMC Geriatrics --> BMC Geriatr BMC Health Services Research --> BMC Health Serv Res BMC Immunology --> BMC Immunol BMC Infectious Diseases --> BMC Infect Dis BMC International Health and Human Rights --> BMC Int Health Hum Rights BMC Medical Education --> BMC Med Educ BMC Medical Ethics --> BMC Med Ethics BMC Medical Genetics --> BMC Med Genet BMC Medical Genomics --> BMC Med Genomics BMC Medical Imaging --> BMC Med Imaging BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making --> BMC Med Inform Decis Mak BMC Medical Research Methodology --> BMC Med Res Methodol BMC Medicine --> BMC Med BMC Microbiology --> BMC Microbiol BMC Molecular Biology --> BMC Mol Biol BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders --> BMC Musculoskelet Disord BMC Nephrology --> BMC Nephrol BMC Neurology --> BMC Neurol BMC Neuroscience --> BMC Neurosci BMC Nuclear Medicine --> BMC Nucl Med BMC Nursing --> BMC Nurs BMC Ophthalmology --> BMC Ophthalmol BMC Oral Health --> BMC Oral Health BMC Palliative Care --> BMC Palliat Care BMC Pediatrics --> BMC Pediatr BMC Pharmacology --> BMC Pharmacol BMC Physiology --> BMC Physiol BMC Plant Biology --> BMC Plant Biol BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth --> BMC Pregnancy Childbirth BMC Psychiatry --> BMC Psychiatry BMC Public Health --> BMC Public Health BMC Pulmonary Medicine --> BMC Pulm Med BMC Research Notes --> BMC Res Notes BMC Structural Biology --> BMC Struct Biol BMC Surgery --> BMC Surg BMC Systems Biology --> BMC Syst Biol BMC Urology --> BMC Urol BMC Veterinary Research --> BMC Vet Res BMC Women's Health --> BMC Womens Health BME --> BME BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) --> BMJ BMJ Open --> BMJ Open BMJ Quality & Safety --> BMJ Qual Saf BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics --> BMR J Aust Geol Geophys BNA's Electronic Information Policy & Law Report --> BNA's Electron Inf Policy Law Rep BNI Quarterly --> BNI Q BNWL [Reports]. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission --> BNWL Rep Boardroom Reports --> Boardr Rep Body & Society --> Body Soc Body Image --> Body Image Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy --> Body Mov Dance Psychother Boei Eisei --> Boei Eisei Boei Ika Daigakko Zasshi --> Boei Ika Daigakko Zasshi Boekmancahier --> Boekmancahier Bogens Verden --> Bogens Verden Bohemia (Munich, Germany) --> Bohemia Jahrb Coll Carolinum Bold --> Bold Boleettino D'Informazioni della Consociazione Nazionale Infermiere Professionali e Assistenti Sanitarie Visitatrici --> Boll Inf Consoc Naz (Rome) Bolet'in de la Agrupacion Odontologica de la Zona Central de la Capital Federal. --> Bol Agrup Odontol Zona Cent Cap Fed (B Aires) Boletín - Universidad de Puerto Rico. Estación Experimental Agrícola --> Bol - Univ P R, Estn Exp Agric Boletín Académico Informativo --> Bol Acad Inf Boletín del Colegio de México --> Bol Col Méx Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico - Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango --> Bol Cult Bibliogr - Bibl Luis Angel Arango Boletín de Arqueología PUCP --> Bol Arqueol PUCP Boletín de Indicadores de Coyuntura --> Bol Indic Coyunt Boletín de Informaciones Parasitarias Chilenas --> Bol Inf Parasit Chil Boletín de la Junta de Historia y Numismática Americana --> Bol Junta Hist Numis Am Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México --> Bol Soc Bot Mex Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología --> Bol Soc Chil Obstet Ginecol Boletín de la Sociedad Cubana de Dermatología y Sifilografía --> Bol Soc Cuba Dermatol Sifilogr Boletín de la Sociedad de Cirugía de Montevideo --> Bol Soc Cir Montev Boletín de la Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay --> Bol Soc Cir Urug Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Lima --> Bol Soc Geogr Lima Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica del Perú --> Bol Soc Geol Peru Boletín de Lima --> Bol Lima Boletín de Población Activa, Comunidad de Madrid --> Bol Poblac Act Comunidad Madr Boletín de Población de las Naciones Unidas --> Bol Poblac NU Boletín de Psicología --> Bol Psicol Boletín de Psicología (Valencia) --> Bol Psicol (Valencia) Boletín de Sanidad Militar (Buenos Aires) --> Bol Sanid Mil (B Aires) Boletín de Series Estadísticas de Carga - Linea Aeropostal Venezolana --> Bol Ser Estad Carga - Linea Aeropost Venez Boletín del Instituto Español de Oceanografía --> Bol Inst Esp Oceanogr Boletín del Instituto Geológico de España --> Bol Inst Geol Esp Boletín del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España --> Bol Inst Geol Min Esp Boletín del Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social --> Bol Minist Sanid Asist Soc Boletín del PROLAP --> Bol PROLAP Boletín del SIDEMA --> Boletin SIDEMA Boletín Editorial - Colegio de México --> Bol Ed - Col Mex Boletín Editorial (Mérida) --> Bol Edit (Merida) Boletín Estadístico - Linea Aeropostal Venezolana --> Bol Estad - Linea Aeropost Venez Boletín Geológico y Minero --> Bol Geol Min Boletín Médico - ISSSTE --> Bol Med - ISSSTE Boletín Médico de IPPF --> Bol Med IPPF Boletín Médico de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara --> Bol Med Univ Auton Guadalaj Boletín Médico del Hospital Eugenio Espejo --> Bol Med Hosp Eugenio Espejo Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México. Suplemento --> Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex, Supl Boletín Médico Hahnemanniano --> Bol Med Hahnemann Boletín Odontológico --> Bol Odontol (B Aires) Boletín Odontológico Mexicano --> Bol Odontol Mex Boletín Sanmartiniano --> Bol Sanmartin Boletín Virus y Cáncer --> Bol Virus Cancer Boletim - Centro de Letras e Ciencias Humanas --> Bol Cent Letras Cienc Humanas Boletim - Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba --> Bol Fac Odontol Piracicaba Boletim - Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Universidade Estadual de Campinas --> Bol - Fac Odontol Piracicaba Univ Estadual Camp Boletim Clinico Dos Hospitais Civis de Lisboa --> Bol Clin Hosp Civis Lisb Boletim da Academia Nacional de Medicina --> Bol Acad Nac Med Boletim da Direcção do Serviço de Saúde Militar --> Bol Dir Serv Saude Mil Boletim da Divisao Nacional de Dermatologia Sanitaria --> Bol Div Nac Dermatol Sanit Boletim da Equipe de Odontologia Sanitaria --> Bol Equipe Odontol Sanit Boletim da Faculdade de Farmacia e Odontologia de Ribeirao Preto --> Bol Fac Farm Odontol Ribeirao Preto Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia --> Bol Soc Bras Geol Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa --> Bol Soc Geogr Lisb Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia --> Bol Soc Port Cardiol Boletim de Biotecnologia --> Bol Biotecnol Boletim de Ciencias do Mar --> Bol Cienc Mar Boletim de Dentistica Operatoria --> Bol Dent Oper Boletim de Geografia Teorética --> Bol Geogr Teor Boletim de Informação Sócio-económica --> Bol Inf Socio-econ Boletim de Materiais Dentarios --> Bol Mat Dent Boletim de Pesquisa da EMBRAPA Soja --> Bol Pesqui da EMBRAPA Soja Boletim Demografico --> Bol Demogr Boletim do Centro de Biologia da Reproducao --> Bol Cent Biol Reprod Boletim do Centro de Estudos do Hospital dos Servidores do Estado do Rio de Janeiro --> Bol Cent Estud Hosp Serv Estado Rio J Boletim do Instituto de Angola --> Bol Inst Angola Boletim do Instituto de Botanica --> Bol Inst Bot Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, Sao Paulo --> Bol Inst Pesca Sao Paulo Boletim do Instituto de Puericultura e Pediatria Martagão Gesteira --> Bol Inst Pueric Pediatr Martagao Gesteira Boletim do Servico de Odontologia Sanitaria da Secretaria da Saude do Rio Grande do Sul --> Bol Serv Odontol Sanit (Porto Alegre) Boletim Epidemiologico. AIDS --> Bol Epidemiol AIDS Boletim Geografico --> Bol Geogr Boletim Informativo do Centro de Documentacao e Pesquisa --> Bol Inf Cent Doc Pesqui Boletim Sobre Populacao, Emprego e Renda No Nordeste --> Bol Popul Emprego Renda Nordeste Boletim. Sao Paulo, Brazil (City)Sanatorio Sao Lucas --> Bol Sanat Sao Lucas Boletin - Circulo Argentino de Odontologia --> Bol Circ Argent Odontol Boletin - Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto Rico --> Bol Col Prof Enferm P R Boletin (Consejo Nacional de Poblacion (Peru)) --> Bol Cons Nac Poblac Boletin (Instituto de Estudios de Poblacion y Desarrollo (Dominican Republic)) --> Boletin Boletin (Sociedad Espanola de Hidrologia Medica) --> Bol Soc Esp Hidrol Med Boletin Antartico Chileno --> Bol Antart Chil Boletin Bibliografico de la Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico --> Bol Bibliogr Secr Hacienda Credito Publico Boletin Chileno de Parasitologia --> Bol Chil Parasitol Boletin Cultural e Informativo - Consejo General de Colegios Medicos de Espana --> Bol Cult Inf Cons Gen Col Med Esp Boletin de Analisis Demografico --> Bol Anal Demogr Boletin de Antropologia --> Bol Antropol Boletin de Antropologia Americana --> Bol Antropol Am Boletin de Educacion Fisica --> Bol Educ Fis (Santiago) Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe --> Bol Estud Latinoam Caribe Boletin de Estudios Medicos y Biologicos --> Bol Estud Med Biol Boletin de Historia y Antiguedades --> Bol Hist Antig Boletin de Informacion - Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Odontologos y Estomatologos 2. a Region (Cataluna) --> Bol Inf Col Odontol Estomatol (Barc) Boletin de Informacion Dental --> Bol Inf Dent (Madr) Boletin de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Academia Nacional de la Historia (Argentina) --> Bol Acad Nac Hist (Argent) Boletin de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Academia Nacional de la Historia (Venezuela) --> Bol Acad Nac Hist (Caracas) Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Odontologia para Ninos --> Bol Asoc Argent Odontol Ninos Boletin de la Asociacion de Demografia Historica --> Bol Asoc Demogr Hist Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia --> Bol Asoc Esp Entomol Boletin de la Asociacion Medica de Puerto Rico --> Bol Asoc Med P R Boletin de la Biblioteca de Menendez Pelayo --> Bol Bibl Menendez Pelayo Boletin de la Institucion Sancho el Sabio. Institucion Sancho el Sabio (Victoria, Spain) --> Bol Inst Sancho Sabio Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana --> Bol Oficina Sanit Panam Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana. English Ed. --> Bol Of Sanit Panam (Engl) Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural. Seccion Biologica --> Bol R Soc Esp Hist Nat Secc Biol Boletin de la SEA --> Bol SEA Boletin de la Sociedad Castellonense de Cultura. Sociedad Castellonense de Cultura --> Bol Soc Castell Cult Boletin de la Sociedad Catalana de Pediatria --> Bol Soc Catalana Pediatr Boletin de la Sociedad Dental de Guatemala --> Bol Soc Dent Guatem Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de la Farmacia --> Bol Soc Esp Hist Farm Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de la Medicina --> Bol Soc Esp Hist Med Boletin de la Sociedad Estomatologica Argentina --> Bol Soc Estomatol Argent Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia y Filosofia de la Medicina --> Bol Soc Mex Hist Filos Med Boletin de la Sociedad Quimica del Peru --> Bol Soc Quim Peru Boletin de la Sociedad Valenciana de Pediatria --> Bol Soc Valencia Pediatr Boletin de la Sociedad Zoológica del Uruguay --> Bol Soc Zool Urug Boletin de la Universidad de Granada. Universidad de Granada --> Bol Univ Granada Boletin de Odontologia --> Bol Odontol Boletin de Poblacion --> Bol Poblac Boletin de Protesis --> Bol Protesis Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal, Plagas --> Bol Sanid Veg, Plagas Boletin del Centro de Estudios del Siglo XVIII. Universidad de Oviedo. Centro de Estudios del Siglo XVIII --> Bol Cent Estud Siglo XVIII Boletin del Hospital San Juan de Dios --> Bol Hosp San Juan Dios "Boletin del Hospital Vina del Mar ; Publicacion de la Fundacion Cientifica ""Lucas Sierra""" --> Bol Hosp Vina Mar Boletin del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos. Instituto de Estudios Asturianos (Oviedo, Spain) --> Bol Inst Estud Asturianos Boletin del Instituto de Estudios Medicos y Biologicos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico --> Bol Inst Estud Med Biol Univ Nac Auton Mex Boletin del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana Doctor Emilio Ravignani --> Bol Inst Hist Argent Am Dr Emilio Ravignani Boletin del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliograficas --> Bol Inst Invest Bibliogr (Mexico) Boletin del Instituto Interamericano del Nino --> Bol Inst Interam Nino Boletin del Instituto Internacional Americano de Proteccion a la Infancia. Interamerican Children's Institute --> Bol Inst Int Am Prot Infanc Boletin Dental Uruguayo --> Bol Dent Urug Boletin Editorial --> Bol Ed Col Mex Boletin Epidemiologico de Chile --> Bol Epidemiol Chile Boletin Medico --> Bol Med Boletin Medico del Hospital Infantil de Mexico --> Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex Boletin Medico-Quirurgico --> Bol Med-Quirurgico Boletin Mensual de Estadisticas (Colombia. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadisticas) --> Bol Mens Estad DANE Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado --> Bol Mex Derecho Comp "Boletin Oficial del Estado; Gaceta de Madrid. Spain" --> Bol Of Estado Gac Madr Spain Boletin Socioeconomico (Cali, Colombia) --> Bol Socioecon Boletin' Editorial de la Revista de Occidente --> Bol Ed Rev Occidente Boletin. Asociacion Venezolana de Enfermeras Profesionales --> Bol Asoc Venez Enferm Prof Boletin. Madrid. Hospital Provincial. Instituto de Patologia Medica --> Bol Patol Med Boletin. Mexico (City)Hospital Oftalmologico de Nuestra Senora de la Luz --> Bol Hosp Oftalmol Boletin. Santa Fe, Argentine Republic (Province)Direccion General de Odontologia --> Bol Dir Gen Odontol (Santa Fe) Boletin. Sociedad Medica de Mendoza --> Bol Soc Med Mendoza Boletina - Casa de la Mujer de la Unión --> Bol - Casa Mujer Union Boletines de la Sociedad de Cirugia de Rosario --> Bol Soc Cir Rosario Boletines y Trabajos - Academia Argentina de Cirugía --> Bol Trab - Acad Argent Cir Boletines y Trabajos - Sociedad Argentina de Cancerología --> Bol Trab - Soc Argent Cancerol Boletines y Trabajos - Sociedad de Cirugía de Buenos Aires --> Bol Trab - Soc Cir B Aires Boletines y Trabajos de la Asociación Argentina de Ortopedia y Traumatología --> Bol Trab Asoc Argent Ortop Traumatol Boletines y Trabajos de la Sociedad Argentina de Cirugía Ortopédica --> Bol Trab Soc Argent Cir Ortop Boletines y Trabajos de la Sociedad Argentina de Cirujanos --> Bol Trab Soc Argent Cir Boletines y Trabajos de la Sociedad Argentina de Ortopedia y Traumatología --> Bol Trab Soc Argent Ortop Traumatol Boletines y Trabajos de la Sociedad de Cirujanos --> Bol Trab Soc Cir Boletn Asociacin Chilena de Proteccin de la Familia --> Bol Asoc Chil Prot Fam Bollettino - Società Medico-Chirurgica di Pisa --> Boll - Soc Med-Chir Pisa Bollettino - Societa Medico Chirurgica Cremona --> Boll Soc Med Chir Cremona Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico --> Boll Chim Farm Bollettino d'Oculistica --> Boll Ocul Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici Dell'Universita di Genova --> Boll Musei Istituti Biologici Dell'Universita Genova Bollettino del Centro Internazionale A. Beltrame di Storia Dello Spazio e del Tempo --> Boll Cent Int A Beltrame Stor Dello Spazio Tempo Bollettino del Gruppo Micologico G. Bresadola --> Boll Gruppo Micol G Bresadola Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria Filippo Silvestri, Portici --> Boll Lab Entomol Agrar Filippo Silvestri, Portici Bollettino dell'Archivio Per la Storia del Movimento Sociale Cattolico in Italia --> Boll Arch Stor Mov Soc Cattol Ital Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia Guido Grandi della Universita degli Studi di Bologna --> Boll Ist Entomol Guido Grandi Univ Studi Bologna Bollettino dell'Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese --> Boll Ist Sieroter Milan Bollettino dell'Ospedale di Varese --> Boll Osp Varese Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana --> Boll Soc Entomol Ital Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale --> Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Cardiologia --> Boll Soc Ital Cardiol Bollettino della Societa Medico-chirurgica Bresciana --> Boll Soc Med-chir Brescia Bollettino delle Malattie dell'Orecchio, della Gola, del Naso --> Boll Mal Orecch Gola Naso Bollettino di Demografia Storica --> Boll Demogr Stor Bollettino di Pesca Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia --> Boll Pesca Piscic Idrobiol Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata --> Boll Psicol Appl Bollettino di Zoologia --> Boll Zool Bollettino e Memorie della Societa Piemontese di Chirurgia --> Boll Mem Soc Piemont Chir Bollettino Malacologico --> Boll Malacol Bollettino Metallografico. Metallurgical Bulletin --> Boll Metallogr Bollettino Schermografico --> Boll Schermogr Bollettino Storico-Bibliografico Subalpino --> Boll Stor Bibliogr Subalp Bologna Incontri --> Bologna Incontri Bologna Medica --> Bologna Med Bologna Medica. Collana di Monografie --> Bologna Med Collana Monografie Bologna Medica. Manuali --> Bologna Med Manuali Bone --> Bone Bone and Mineral --> Bone Miner Bone Marrow Research --> Bone Marrow Res Bone Marrow Transplantation --> Bone Marrow Transplant BoneKEy Osteovision --> Bonekey Osteovision Bonner Geschichtsblatter --> Bonn Geschichtsbl Bonner Zoologische Beitrage --> Bonn Zool Beitr Book Supplement to the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry --> Book Suppl J Child Psychol Psychiatr Books in Series in the United States --> Books Ser US Bordeaux Chirurgical --> Bord Chir Bordeaux Medical --> Bord Med Borden's Review of Nutrition Research --> Bordens Rev Nutr Res Boreal Environment Research : An International Interdisciplinary Journal --> Boreal Environ Res Int Interdiscip J Boreas --> Boreas Borgyogyaszati Es Venerologiaia Szemle --> Borgyogy Venerol Sz Borneo Research Bulletin --> Borneo Res Bull Bornetandlaegen (Frederikssund) --> Bornetandlaegen (Frederikssund) Borsuye --> Borsuye Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences --> Bosn J Basic Med Sci Boston --> Boston Boston Bar Journal --> Boston Bar J Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review. Boston College. Law School --> Boston Coll Environ Aff Law Rev Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review --> Boston Coll Ind Commer Law Rev Boston College International and Comparative Law Review --> Boston College Int Comp Law Rev Boston College Law Review. Boston College. Law School --> Boston Coll Law Rev Boston College Third World Law Journal --> Boston Coll Third World Law J Boston Medical and Surgical Journal --> Boston Med Surg J Boston Medical Quarterly --> BMQ Boston University International Law Journal --> Boston Univ Int Law J Boston University Journal --> Boston Univ J Boston University Law Review. Boston University. School of Law --> Boston Univ Law Rev Bostonia (Boston, Mass.) --> Bostonia Botanica Acta --> Bot Acta Botanica Helvetica --> Bot Helv Botanica Marina --> Bot Mar Botanical Bulletin --> Bot Bull Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica --> Bot Bull Acad Sin Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica. New Series. Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yuan. Chih Wu Yen Chiu So --> Bot Bull Acad Sin (Taiwan) Botanical Gazette (Chicago, Ill.) --> Bot Gaz Botanical Journal of Scotland --> Bot J Scotl Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society --> Bot J Linn Soc Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University --> Bot Mus Lealf Harv Univ Botanical Review --> Bot Rev Botanical Studies (Taipei, Taiwan) --> Bot Stud (Taipei, Taiwan) Botanicheskii Zhurnal --> Bot Z Botanikai Közlemények --> Bot Kozl Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie --> Bot Jahrb Syst Pflanzengesch Pflanzengeogr Botaniska Notiser --> Bot Not Botany --> Botany Botswana National Health Bulletin --> Botsw Natl Health Bull Botswana Notes and Records --> Botsw Notes Rec Boundary 2 --> Bound 2 Boundary Value Problems --> Bound Value Probl Boundary-Layer Meteorology --> Boundary-Layer Meteorol Brachytherapy --> Brachytherapy Bragantia --> Bragantia Brain --> Brain Brain & Development --> Brain Dev Brain and Cognition --> Brain Cogn Brain and Language --> Brain Lang Brain and Mind --> Brain Mind Brain and Nerve --> No To Shinkei Brain and Nerve = Shinkei Kenkyu No Shinpo --> Brain Nerve Brain Cell Biology --> Brain Cell Biol Brain Dysfunction --> Brain Dysfunct Brain Imaging and Behavior --> Brain Imaging Behav Brain Impairment --> Brain Impair Brain Injury : [BI] --> Brain Inj Brain Pathology (Zurich, Switzerland) --> Brain Pathol Brain Research --> Brain Res Brain Research Bulletin --> Brain Res Bull Brain Research. Brain Research Protocols --> Brain Res Brain Res Protoc Brain Research. Brain Research Reviews --> Brain Res Brain Res Rev Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research --> Brain Res Cogn Brain Res Brain Research. Developmental Brain Research --> Brain Res Dev Brain Res Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research --> Brain Res Mol Brain Res Brain Sciences --> Brain Sci Brain Stimulation --> Brain Stimulat Brain Structure & Function --> Brain Struct Funct Brain Topography --> Brain Topogr Brain Tumor Pathology --> Brain Tumor Pathol Brain, Behavior and Evolution --> Brain Behav Evol Brain, Behavior, and Immunity --> Brain Behav Immun Brandeis Journal of Family Law --> Brandeis J Fam Law Brandeis Law Journal --> Brandeis Law J Brandeis Review --> Brandeis Rev Brasil-medico --> Bras Med Bratislava Medical Journal --> Bratisl Med J Bratislavské Lekárske Listy - Príloha --> Bratisl Lek Listy - Pril Bratislavské Lekárske Listy (Tlacené Vydanie) --> Bratisl Lek Listy (Tlacene Vyd) Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften --> Braunschw Naturkdl Schr Braunschweiger Veroffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Pharmazie und der Naturwissenschaften --> Braunschw Veroff Gesch Pharm Naturwiss Brauwissenschaft --> Brauwissenschaft Brazilian Dental Journal --> Braz Dent J Brazilian Economic Studies --> Braz Econ Stud Brazilian Journal of Biology --> Braz J Biol Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering --> Braz J Chem Eng Brazilian Journal of Food Technology --> Braz J Food Technol Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research --> Braz J Med Biol Res Brazilian Journal of Microbiology --> Braz J Microbiol Brazilian Journal of Morphological Sciences --> Braz J Morphol Sci Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management --> Braz J Oper Prod Manag Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy --> Braz J Phys Ther Brazilian Journal of Physics --> Braz J Phys Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology --> Braz J Plant Physiol Brazilian Journal of Population Studies --> Braz J Popul Stud Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science --> Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci Brazilian Oral Research --> Braz Oral Res Breast Cancer (Tokyo, Japan) --> Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Research --> Breast Cancer Res Breast Cancer Research and Treatment --> Breast Cancer Res Treat Breast Disease --> Breast Dis Breast Diseases --> Breast Dis Breastfeeding Medicine --> Breastfeed Med Breastfeeding Review --> Breastfeed Rev Breeding Science --> Breed Sci Brethren Life and Thought --> Brethr Life Thought Breviora --> Breviora Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention --> Brief Treat Crisis Interv Briefings in Bioinformatics --> Brief Bioinform Briefings in Functional Genomics --> Brief Funct Genomics Briefings in Functional Genomics & Proteomics --> Brief Funct Genomics Proteomics Briefings in Medical Ethics --> Brief Med Ethics Briefs --> Briefs Brigham Young University Law Review --> Brigh Young Univ Law Rev Brigham Young University Studies. Brigham Young University --> Brigham Young Univ Stud Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal --> Bristol Med Chir J Britannia --> Britannia Britannica Yearbook of Science and the Future --> Br Yearb Sci British American Presbyterian --> Br Am Presbyt British Birds --> Br Birds British Book News --> Br Book News British Ceramic Transactions --> Br Ceram Trans British Ceramic. Transactions and Journal --> Br Ceram, Trans J British Columbia Medical Journal --> B C Med J British Dental Journal --> Br Dent J British Dental Nurses' Journal (Fleetwood, England) --> Br Dent Nurs J British Educational Research Journal --> Br Educ Res J British Food Journal --> Br Food J British Heart Journal --> Br Heart J British Heritage --> Br Herit British History Illustrated --> Br Hist Illus British Journal for the History of Philosophy --> Br J Hist Philos British Journal for the History of Science --> Br J Hist Sci British Journal of Addiction --> Br J Addict British Journal of Administrative Management --> Br J Adm Manag British Journal of Anaesthesia --> Br J Anaesth British Journal of Applied Physics --> Br J Appl Phys British Journal of Audiology --> Br J Audiol British Journal of Audiology. Supplement --> Br J Audiol Suppl British Journal of Biomedical Science --> Br J Biomed Sci British Journal of Canadian Studies --> Br J Can Stud British Journal of Cancer --> Br J Cancer British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology --> Br J Clin Pharmacol British Journal of Clinical Practice. Supplement --> Br J Clin Pract Suppl British Journal of Community Nursing --> Br J Community Nurs British Journal of Developmental Disabilities --> Br J Dev Disabil British Journal of Diseases of the Chest --> Br J Dis Chest British Journal of Educational Studies --> Br J Educ Stud British Journal of Educational Technology --> Br J Educ Technol British Journal of Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis --> Br J Exp Clin Hypn British Journal of Experimental Pathology --> Br J Exp Pathol British Journal of Forensic Practice --> Br J Forensic Pract British Journal of Guidance & Counselling --> Br J Guid Counc British Journal of Haematology --> Br J Haematol British Journal of Hand Therapy --> Br J Hand Ther British Journal of Health Psychology --> Br J Health Psychol British Journal of Hospital Medicine --> Br J Hosp Med British Journal of Hospital Medicine (London, England) --> Br J Hosp Med (Lond) British Journal of Industrial Medicine --> Br J Ind Med British Journal of Industrial Relations --> Br J Ind Relat British Journal of International Studies --> Br J Int Stud British Journal of Law and Society --> Br J Law Soc British Journal of Learning Disabilities --> Br J Learn Disabil British Journal of Management --> Br J Manage British Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology --> Br J Med Surg Urol British Journal of Medical Education --> Br J Med Educ British Journal of Medical Hypnotism --> Br J Med Hypnotism British Journal of Mental Subnormality --> Br J Ment Subnorm British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies --> Br J Middle East Stud British Journal of Music Education --> Br J Music Educ British Journal of Neurosurgery --> Br J Neurosurg British Journal of Nursing (Mark Allen Publishing) --> Br J Nurs British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology --> Br J Obstet Gynaecol British Journal of Occupational Therapy --> Br J Occup Ther British Journal of Orthodontics --> Br J Orthod British Journal of Perioperative Nursing --> Br J Perioper Nurs British Journal of Pharmacology --> Br J Pharmacol British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy --> Br Pharmacol Chemother British Journal of Plastic Surgery --> Br J Plast Surg British Journal of Play Therapy --> Br J Play Ther British Journal of Political Science --> Br J Polit Sci British Journal of Politics and International Relations --> Br J Polit Int Relat British Journal of Preventive & Social Medicine --> Br J Prev Soc Med British Journal of Psychology --> Br J Psychol British Journal of Psychotherapy --> Br J Psychother British Journal of Radiology. Supplement --> Br J Radiol Suppl British Journal of Religious Education --> Br J Relig Educ British Journal of Rheumatology --> Br J Rheumatol British Journal of Sexual Medicine --> Br J Sex Med British Journal of Social Medicine --> Br J Soc Med British Journal of Social Work --> Br J Soc Work British Journal of Sociology of Education --> Br J Sociol Educ British Journal of Special Education --> Br J Spec Educ British Journal of Sports Medicine --> Br J Sports Med British Journal of Statistical Psychology --> Br J Stat Psychol British Journal of Surgery --> Br J Surg British Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation --> Br J Ther Rehabil British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the Chest --> Br J Tuberc Dis Chest British Journal of Urology --> Br J Urol British Journal of Visual Impairment --> Br J Vis Impairment British Journalism Review --> Br Journalism Rev British Medical Bulletin --> Br Med Bull British Medical Journal --> BMJ British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Ed.) --> Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) British Phycological Journal --> Br Phycol J British Politics --> Br Polit British Poultry Science --> Br Poult Sci British Quarterly Review --> Br Q Rev British Review of Economic Issues --> Br Rev Econ Issues British Science News --> Br Sci News Brittonia --> Brittonia Brock Review --> Brock Rev Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna --> Bromatol Chem Toksykol Bromley Local History --> Bromley Local Hist Broncho-Pneumologie --> Bronchopneumologie Bronte Society Transactions. Bronte Society --> Bronte Soc Trans Bronx County Dental Society. Bulletin --> Bronx Cty Dent Soc Bull Brookhaven Symposia in Biology --> Brookhaven Symp Biol Brookings Bulletin (Washington, D.C.) --> Brookings Bull Brookings Papers on Economic Activity --> Brookings Pap Econ Act Brookings Trade Forum --> Brookings Trade Forum Brooklyn Journal of International Law --> Brooklyn J Int Law Brooklyn Law Review --> Brooklyn Law Rev Brooklyn. Jewish Hospital. Alumni Bulletin --> Brooklyn Jew Hosp Alumni Bull Brooklyn. Jewish Hospital. Bulletin --> Brooklyn Jew Hosp Bull Broward Review --> Broward Rev Bruns' Beiträge zur Klinischen Chirurgie --> Bruns' Beitr Klin Chir Bruxelles Medical --> Brux Med Bryophytorum Bibliotheca --> Bryophyt Bibl Bsahcfc --> BSAHCFC BSCS Pamphlets --> BSCS Pamphlets BSHS Newsletter --> BSHS Newsl BT Technology Journal --> BT Technol J Bucherei des Augenarztes --> Buch Augenarzt Buckwheat Newsletter --> Buckwheat Newsl Buffalo Law Review --> Buffalo Law Rev Building and Environment --> Build Environ Building Design & Construction --> Build Des Construct Building Operating Management --> Build Oper Manage Building Research and Information --> Build Res Inform Building Science --> Build Sci Building Science Series --> Build Sci Ser Building Services Engineering Research and Technology --> Build Serv Eng Res Tech Building Systems Design --> Build Syst Des Built Environment --> Built Environ Buletin i Universitetit Shteteror te Tiranes. Seria Shkencat Mjekesore --> Bul Univ Shtet Tiranes Ser Shk Mjekesore Buletin Keluarga --> Bul Keluarga Buletin Keluarga (Bahasa Malaysia Ed.) --> Bul Kel (Bahasa Malays Ed) Buletin Keluarga (English Ed.) --> Bul Kel (Engl Ed) Buletin Keluarga (Tamil Ed.) --> Bul Kel (Tamil Ed) Buletin Persatuan Geologi Malaysia --> Bul Persatuan Geol Malays Bulgarska Akademiia na Naukite, Sofia. Nauchnoizsledovatelski Institut Za Protivorakovi Antibiotitsi. Izvestiia --> Bulgarska Akademiia Naukite, Sofia Nauchnoizsledovatelski Inst Za Protivorakovi Antibiotitsi Izv Bulletin - Academy of Medicine of Cleveland --> Bull Acad Med Clevel Bulletin - Academy of Medicine of New Jersey --> Bull Acad Med N J Bulletin - Alameda County Dental Society --> Bull Alameda Cty Dent Soc Bulletin - American Academy of Arts and Sciences. American Academy of Arts and Sciences --> Bull Am Acad Arts Sci Bulletin - American Association of Hospital Dental Chiefs --> Bull - Am Assoc Hosp Dent Chiefs Bulletin - American Association of Hospital Dentists --> Bull Am Assoc Hosp Dent Bulletin - American Protestant Hospital Association --> Bull Am Protestant Hosp Assoc Bulletin - American Society of Hospital Pharmacists --> Bull - Am Soc Hosp Pharm Bulletin - Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier --> Bull - Bibl R Albert Ier Bulletin - Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique --> Bull - Bibl R Belg British Antarctic Survey Bulletin --> Br Antarct Surv Bull Bulletin - British Antarctic Survey --> Br Antarct Surv Bull Bulletin - British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. British Society for Middle Eastern Studies --> Bull Br Soc Middle East Stud Bulletin - CAES du SNEPC --> Bull - CAES SNEPC Bulletin - California. Dept. of Water Resources --> Bull Calif, Dep Water Resour Bulletin - California. Division of Mines and Geology --> Bull Calif, Div Mines Geol Bulletin - Cercle Benelux d'Histoire de la Pharmacie --> Bull Cercle Benelux Hist Pharm Bulletin - Cosmos Club. Cosmos Club (Washington, D. C.) --> Bull Cosm Club Bulletin - Geisinger Medical Center --> Bull Geisinger Bulletin - Geological Survey of Finland --> Bull Geol Surv Finl Bulletin - Georgetown University Medical Center --> Bull - Georget Univ Med Cent Bulletin - History of Nursing Group at the Royal College of Nursing --> Bull - Hist Nurs Group R Coll Nurs Bulletin - Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology --> Bull Ida Bur Mines Geol Bulletin - Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur --> Bull Inst Med Res Kuala Lumpur Bulletin - Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications --> Bull Inst Math Appl Bulletin - International Bull Evaluation Service --> Bull - Int Bull Eval Serv Bulletin - Israel, Geological Survey --> Bull Isr Geol Surv Bulletin - Jackson Park Branch, Chicago Medical Society --> Bull - Jackson Park Branch, Chic Med Soc Bulletin - Medical College of Virginia --> Bull - Med Coll Va Bulletin - Medical Society of the County of Kings and the Academy of Medicine of Brooklyn --> Bull - Med Soc Cty Kings Acad Med Brooklyn Bulletin - Medical Society, County of Erie --> Bull - Med Soc, Cty Erie Bulletin - Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Salisbury Cove, Maine --> Bull Mt Desert Bulletin - Musees Royaux des Beaux-arts de Belgique --> Bull Mus Roy Beaux-Arts Belg Bulletin - N.Z. Society of Periodontology --> Bull - NZ Soc Periodontol Bulletin - National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association --> Bull Natl Tuberc Respir Dis Assoc Bulletin - National Tuberculosis Association --> Bull Natl Tuberc Assoc Bulletin - Nevada Bureau of Mines --> Bull Nev Bur Mines Bulletin - Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology --> Bull Nev Bur Mines Geol Bulletin - New Jersey Society of Dentistry for Children --> Bull N J Soc Dent Child Bulletin - New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources --> Bull NM Bur Mines Miner Resour Bulletin - New York Medical College, Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals --> Bull - N Y Med Coll Flower 5th Ave Hosp Bulletin - New York State Museum --> Bull NY State Mus Bulletin - Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse --> Bull Nor Geol Unders Bulletin - Northern District Dental Society --> Bull North Dist Dent Soc Bulletin - Office International des Epizooties --> Bull Off Int Epizoot Bulletin - Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists --> Bull Pac Coast Soc Orthod Bulletin - Royal Society of New Zealand --> Bull R Soc N Z Bulletin - San Diego County Dental Society --> Bull San Diego Cty Dent Soc Bulletin - San Mateo County Dental Society --> Bull San Mateo Cty Dent Soc Bulletin - School of Medicine, University of Maryland --> Bull Sch Med Univ Md Bulletin - Second District Dental Society --> Bull Second Dist Dent Soc Bulletin - Sinai Hospital of Detroit --> Bull Sinai Hosp Detroit Bulletin - Société Belge d'études Napoléoniennes --> Bull - Soc Belge Etud Napoleon Bulletin - Société Francaise d'Histoire des Hopitaux --> Bull Soc Fr Hist Hop Bulletin - Société Suisse des Américanistes --> Bull Soc Suisse Am Bulletin - Society for Applied Spectroscopy --> Bull Soc Appl Spectrosc Bulletin - State of Arizona, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology, Geological Survey Branch --> Bull State Ariz Bur Geol Miner Technol Geol Surv Branch Bulletin - Tennessee Nurses Association --> Bull Tenn Nurses Assoc Bulletin - Texas Nurses Association --> Bull Tex Nurses Assoc Bulletin - University of Arizona. Agricultural Experiment Station --> Bull Univ Ariz, Agric Exp Stn Bulletin - University of London. Institute of Classical Studies --> Bull - Univ Lond Inst Classical Stud Bulletin - Utah Geological and Mineral Survey --> Bull Utah Geol Miner Surv Bulletin - Washington (State). Division of Geology and Earth Resources --> Bull Wash (State), Div Geol Earth Resour Bulletin épidémiologique --> Bull Epidemiol Bulletin (American Association for the History of Nursing) --> Bull Am Assoc Hist Nurs Bulletin (British Arachnological Society) --> Bull Br Arachnol Soc Bulletin (Eugenics Society (London, England)) --> Bull Eugen Soc Bulletin (Gandhigram Institute of Rural Health and Family Welfare Trust) --> Bull Gandhigram Inst Rural Health Fam Welf Trust Bulletin (Hospital for Joint Diseases (New York, N.Y.)) --> Bull Hosp Jt Dis Bulletin (Institute of Medical Ethics (Great Britain)) --> IME Bull Bulletin (National Clearinghouse for Poison Control Centers (U.S.)) --> Bull Natl Clgh Poison Control Cent Bulletin (New York State Archeological Association) --> Bull J N Y State Archeol Assoc Bulletin (Société Royale Belge D'Etudes Napoleoniennes) --> Bull Soc R Belge Etud Napoleon Bulletin / Atlantic-Cape May County Dental Society --> Bull Atl Cape May Cty Dent Soc Bulletin / Cincinnati Dental Society --> Bull Cincinnati Dent Soc Bulletin / Midtown Dental Society --> Bull Midtown Dent Soc Bulletin / Monmouth-Ocean County Dental Society --> Bull Monmouth Ocean Cty Dent Soc Bulletin A.B.P. --> Bull ABP Bulletin Astronomique --> Bull Astron Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique --> Bull Biol Fr Belg Bulletin Bronx County Dental Society --> Bull Bronx Cty Dent Soc Bulletin Canadien des Effets Indésirables --> Bull Can Effets Indesirables Bulletin d'études Orientales (Damas) --> Bull Etudes Orient (Damas) Bulletin d'Audiophonologie --> Bull Audiophonol Bulletin d'Etudes Orientales --> Bull Etud Orient Bulletin d'Histoire de l'Electricite --> Bull Hist Electr Bulletin d'Histoire Politique --> Bull Hist Polit Bulletin d'Histologie Appliquee et de Technique Microscopique --> Bull Histol Appl Tech Microsc Bulletin d'Information - ATEN --> Bull Inf - ATEN Bulletin d'Information - Comité Central d'Océanographie et d'études des Côtes --> Bull Inf Com Cent Oceanogr Etud Cotes Bulletin D'Information. Federation Pharmaceutique Mediterraneenne --> Bull Inform Fed Pharm Mediterr Bulletin Dayton (Ohio)Dental Society --> Bull Dayton Dent Soc Bulletin de Groupement Europeen pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie & Odontologie --> Bull Group Eur Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol Bulletin de L'Académie Nationale de Médecine --> Bull Acad Natl Med Bulletin de L'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Biologiques --> Bull Acad Pol Sci, Ser Sci Biol Bulletin de L'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Chimiques --> Bull Acad Pol Sci, Ser Sci Chim Bulletin de L'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences de la Terre --> Bull Acad Pol Sci, Ser Sci Terre Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Géologiques et Géographiques --> Bull Acad Pol Sci, Ser Sci Geol Geogr Bulletin de l'Academie de Chirurgie Dentaire --> Bull Acad Chir Dent Bulletin de l'Academie Dentaire --> Bull Acad Dent (Paris) Bulletin de l'Academie Lorraine des Sciences --> Bull Acad Soc Lorraines Sci Bulletin de l'Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique --> Bull Acad R Med Belg Bulletin de l'Academie Veterinaire de France --> Bull Acad Vet Fr Bulletin de l'Association de Geographes Francais --> Bull Assoc Geogr Fr Bulletin de l'Association des Anatomistes --> Bull Assoc Anat (Nancy) Bulletin de l'Association des Diplomes de Microbiologie de la Faculte de Pharmacie de Nancy --> Bull Assoc Diplomes Microbiol Fac Pharm Nancy Bulletin de l'Association Francaise pour l'Etude du Cancer --> Bull Assoc Fr Etud Cancer Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Bude. Association Guillaume Bude --> Bull Assoc Guillaume Bude Bulletin de L'Association Médicale Haitienne --> Bull Assoc Med Haiti Bulletin de L'Association Tunisienne du Planning Familial --> Bull Assoc Tunis Plan Fam Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient --> Bull Ec Fr Extr Orient Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte --> Bull Inst Egypte Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire. Serie B: Sciences Humaines --> Bull Inst Fond Afr Noire Ser B Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale. Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale du Caire --> Bull Inst Fr Archeol Orient Bulletin de l'Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale --> Bull Inst Natl Sante Rech Med Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique. Institut Oceanographique --> Bull Inst Oceanogr Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur --> Bull Inst Pasteur Bulletin de l'Ordre des Medecins --> Bull Ordre Med Bulletin de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Bibliotheque Nationale (France) --> Bull Bibl Nat Bulletin de la Classe des Beaux-Arts --> Bull Cl B-Arts Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques et de la Classe des Beaux-arts. Académie Royale de Belgique --> Bull Cl Lett Sci Morales Polit Cl B-arts, Acad R Belg Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Académie Royale de Belgique --> Bull Cl Lett Sci Morales Polit, Acad R Belg Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande --> Bull Comm Geol Finl Bulletin de la Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée --> Bull Comm Int Explor Sci Mer Mediterr Bulletin de la Federation des Sociétés de Gynecologie et d Obstetrique de Langue Francaise --> Bull Fed Soc Gynecol Obstet Lang Fr Bulletin de la Section d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine. France. Comite des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques --> Bull Sect Hist Mod Contemp Bulletin de la Société Archéologique du Finistère --> Bull Soc Archeol Finistere Bulletin de la Société Archéologique Historique Littéraire & Scientifique du Gers --> Bull Societe Archeologique Hist Litteraire Sci Gers Bulletin de la Société Belge d'Etudes Geographiques --> Bull Soc Belg Etud Geogr Bulletin de la Société Belge d'Ophtalmologie --> Bull Soc Belge Ophtalmol Bulletin de la Société Chimique de Belgique --> Bull Soc Chim Belg Bulletin de la Société Chimique de France --> Bull Soc Chim Fr Bulletin de la Société D'études des Hautes-Alpes --> Bull Soc Etud Ht-Alpes Bulletin de la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de la Sarthe --> Bull Soc Agric Sci Arts Sarthe Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles --> Bull Soc Anthropol Brux Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Lyon --> Bull Soc Anthr Lyon Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie du Sud-Ouest --> Bull Societe Anthr Sud-Ouest Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie et de Biologie de Lyon --> Bull Soc Anthr Biol Lyon Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Moderne --> Bull Soc Hist Mod Bulletin de la Société de Borda (Dax, France) --> Bull Soc Borda Bulletin de la Société de Chimie Biologique --> Bull Soc Chim Biol (Paris) Bulletin de la Société de Chirurgie de Paris --> Bull Soc Chir Paris Bulletin de la Société de Chirurgie de Paris --> Bull Soc Chir Paris Bulletin de la Société de L'histoire de l'Art Français (1875) --> Bull Soc Hist Art Fr Bulletin de la Société de L'histoire de l'Art Français (1907) --> Bull Soc Hist Art Fr Bulletin de la Société de L'histoire de Paris et de L'Ile-de-France --> Bull Soc Hist Paris Ile-de-Fr Bulletin de la Société de L'histoire du Protestantisme Français --> Bull Soc His Protestant Fr Bulletin de la Société de Médecine Pratique --> Bull Soc Med Prat Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique --> Bull Soc Pathol Exot Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique et de ses Filiales --> Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales Bulletin de la Société de Pharmacie de Bordeaux --> Bull Soc Pharm Bord Bulletin de la Société de Pharmacie de Strasbourg --> Bull Soc Pharm Strasb Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences et des Lettres de Poznan. Seria C: Medecine --> Bull Soc Amis Sci (Med) (Poznan) Bulletin de la Société des Amis du Vieux Toulon --> Bull Soc Amis Vieux Toulon Bulletin de la Société des Etudes Oceaniennes (Polynesie Orientale) --> Bull Soc Etud Oceaniennes Bulletin de la Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de la Corrèze --> Bull Soc Lett Sci Arts Correze Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Medicales du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg --> Bull Soc Sci Med Grand Duche Luxemb Bulletin de la Société des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Pau --> Bull Soc Sci, Lett Arts Pau Bulletin de la Société Française de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie --> Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr Bulletin de la Société Française de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie --> Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr Bulletin de la Société Française de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie et de ses Filiales --> Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr Ses Filiales Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie --> Bull Soc Fr Mineral Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie --> Bull Soc Fr Mineral Cristallogr Bulletin de la Société Française de Parasitologie --> Bull Soc Fr Parasitol Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France --> Bull Soc Geol Fr Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Huiteme Serie --> Bull Soc Geol Fr Huiteme Serie Bulletin de la Société Historique et Archeologique du Perigord --> Bull Soc Hist Archeol Perigord Bulletin de la Société Impériale de Chirurgie de Paris --> Bull Soc Imp Chir Paris Bulletin de la Société Industrielle de Mulhouse --> Bull Soc Ind Mulhouse Bulletin de la Société Internationale de Chirurgie --> Bull Soc Int Chir Bulletin de la Société Languedocienne de Geographie --> Bull Soc Languedoc Geogr Bulletin de la Société Libanaise d'Histoire de la Médecine --> Bull Soc Liban Hist Med Bulletin de la Société Medicale d'Afrique Noire de Langue Francaise --> Bull Soc Med Afr Noire Lang Fr Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France --> Bull Soc Nat Antiq Fr Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge de Gynecologie et d'Obstetrique --> Bull Soc R Belge Gynecol Obstet Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles --> Bull Soc Vaud Sci Nat Bulletin de la Societe Archeologique, Historique et Artistique Le Vieux Papier pour l'Etude de la Vie et des Moeurs d'Autrefois --> Bull Soc Archeol Hist Artist Vieux Pap Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France --> Bull Soc Entomol Fr Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Provence / Societe Linneenne de Provence --> Bull Soc Linneenne Provence / Soc Linneenne Provence Bulletin de Liaison de Démographie Africaine --> Bull Liaison Demogr Afr Bulletin de Liaison du C.R.D.P. de Nice. Lettres dans les C.E.T. --> Bull Liaison CRDP Nice, Lett CET Bulletin de Liaison du C.R.D.P. de Nice. Mathématiques et Sciences dans les C.E.T. --> Bull Liaison CRDP Nice Mathematiques Sci Dans CET Bulletin de Liaison du C.R.D.P. de Nice. Sciences dans les C.E.T. --> Bull Liaison CRDP Nice Sci Dans CET Bulletin de Liaison et Informations - IUGS. Unesco. IGCP. Projet 133 --> Bull Liaison Inf - IUGS, Unesco, IGCP, Proj 133 Bulletin de Medecine Legale, Urgence Medicale, Centre Anti-Poisons --> Bull Med Leg Urgence Med Cent Antipoisons Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique --> Bull Methodol Sociol Bulletin de Microscopie Appliquée --> Bull Microsc Appl Bulletin de Microscopie Appliquee --> Bull Microscopie Appliquee Bulletin de Minéralogie (Paris) --> Bull Mineral (Paris) Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale --> Bull Philos Mediev Bulletin de Physio-Pathologie Respiratoire --> Bull Physiopathol Respir (Nancy) Bulletin de Psychologie --> Bull Psychol Bulletin der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften --> Bull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine --> Bull Cent Rech Explor Prod Elf-Aquitaine Bulletin des Etudes Portugaises --> Bull Etud Port Bres Bulletin des Etudes Valeryennes --> Bull Etud Valeryennes Bulletin des Infirmieres Catholiques du Canada --> Bull Infirm Cathol Can Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts. Leo Baeck Institute --> Bull Leo Baeck Inst Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques --> Bull Sci Math Bulletin des Seances de l'Academie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer --> Bull Seances Acad R Sci Outre Mer Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges --> Bull Soc Chim Belg Bulletin des Sociétés d'Ophtalmologie de France --> Bull Soc Ophtalmol Fr Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières --> Bull Bur Rech Geol Min Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. Section 1, Géologie de la France --> Bull Bur Rech Geol Min, Sect 1 Geol Fr Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. Section 2, Géologie Appliquée --> Bull Bur Rech Geol Min, Sect 2, Geol Appl Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. Section 2, Géologie Appliquée, Chroniques des Mines --> Bull Bur Rech Geol Min Sect 2 Geol Appl Chron Min Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. Section 2, Géologie des Gîtes Minéraux --> Bull Bur Rech Geol Min Sect 2 Geol Gites Miner Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. Section 3, Hydrogéologie --> Bull Bur Rech Geol Min, Sect 3 Hydrogeol Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. Section 3, Hydrogéologie, Géologie de l'Ingénieur --> Bull Bur Rech Geol Min, Sect 3 Hydrogeol Geol Ing Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. Section 4, Géologie Générale --> Bull Bur Rech Geol Min, Sect 4, Geol Gen Bulletin du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. Section 4, Géologie Générale et Divers --> Bull Bur Rech Geol Min, Sect 4 Geol Gen Divers Bulletin du C.A.R.E.P.S. --> Bull CAREPS Bulletin du C.E.R.I.P.E.C. --> Bull CERIPEC Bulletin du Cancer --> Bull Cancer Bulletin du Cancer. Radiotherapie --> Bull Cancer Radiother Bulletin du Centre d'Histoire Economique et Sociale de la Region Lyonnaise. Centre d'Histoire Economique et Sociale de la Region Lyonnaise --> Bull Cent Hist Econ Soc Reg Lyon Bulletin du Centre de Recherches de Pau --> Bull Cent Rech Pau Bulletin du Centre de Recherches Elf Exploration Production --> Bull Cent Rech Elf Explor Prod Bulletin du Conseil Historique & Héraldique de France --> Bull Conseil Hist Heraldique Fr Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie --> Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie & Odontologie --> Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol Bulletin du Musee Hongrois des Beaux-arts --> Bull Mus Hong B Arts Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle --> Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (France). 4e Serie. Section A. Zoologie, Biologie, et Ecologie Animales. --> Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat Sect A: Zool Biol Ecol Anim Bulletin du Service de la Carte Géologique d'Alsace et de Lorraine --> Bull Serv Carte Geol Alsace Lorraine Bulletin du STATEC. Luxembourg. Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques --> Bull Statec Bulletin Economique et Social du Maroc --> Bull Econ Soc Maroc Bulletin et Memoires de l'Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique --> Bull Mem Acad R Med Belg Bulletin et Memoires de la Société des Chirurgiens de Paris --> Bull Mem Soc Chir Paris Bulletin Europeen de Physiopathologie Respiratoire --> Bull Eur Physiopathol Respir Bulletin for the History of Chemistry --> Bull Hist Chem Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Pisciculture --> Bull Fr Peche Piscicult Bulletin Géodésique --> Bull Geod Bulletin Hispanique --> Bull Hisp Bulletin Historique de la Société de Sauvegarde du Château Impérial de Pont-de-Briques --> Bull Hist Soc Sauvegarde Chateau Imp Pont-de-Briques Bulletin Historique et Scientifique de l'Auvergne --> Bull His Sci Auvergne Bulletin Hudson County Dental Society, Jersey City --> Bull Hudson Cty Dent Soc Bulletin International des Services de Santé des Armees de Terre, de Mer et de L'air --> Bull Int Serv Sante Armees Terre Mer Air Bulletin John Rylands University Library of Manchester --> Bull J Rylands Univ Libr Manchester Bulletin Médical Britannique --> Bull Med Br Bulletin Médical de L'Algérie --> Bull Med Alger Bulletin Médical de L'IPPF --> Bull Med IPPF Bulletin Médical de L'Université L'Aurore --> Bull Med Univ Aurore Bulletin Médical du Katanga --> Bull Med Katanga Bulletin Medecine Legale, Toxicologie --> Bull Med Leg Toxicol Bulletin Medical Record --> Bull Med Rec Bulletin Mensuel - Société de Medecine Militaire Francaise --> Bull Mens Soc Med Mil Fr Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Veterinaire Pratique de France --> Bull Mens Soc Vet Prat Fr Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon --> Bull Mensuel Soc Linneenne Lyon Bulletin Montgomery-Bucks Dental Society --> Bull Montg Bucks Dent Soc Bulletin Municipal Officiel de la Ville de Marseille --> Bull Munic Off Ville Mars Bulletin National Medical and Dental Association and National Advocates Society --> Bull Natl Med Dent Assoc Natl Advocates Soc Bulletin Ninth District Dental Society of the State of New York --> Bull Ninth Dist Dent Soc Bulletin OEPP. EPPO Bulletin. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation --> Bull OEPP Bulletin of Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped --> Bull Acad Dent Handicap Bulletin of African Studies in Canada --> Bull Afr Stud Can Bulletin of Anesthesia History --> Bull Anesth Hist Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa --> Bull Anim Health Prod Afr Bulletin of Bibliography (Westwood, Mass.) --> Bull Bibliogr Bulletin of Botanical Research --> Bull Bot Res Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology --> Bull Can Pet Geol Bulletin of Clinical Neurosciences --> Bull Clin Neurosci Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars --> Bull Concern Asian Sch Bulletin of Czechoslovak Law --> Bull Czech Law Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering --> Bull Earthquake Eng Bulletin of Economic Research --> Bull Econ Res Bulletin of Educational Psychology --> Bull Educ Psychol Bulletin of Electrochemistry --> Bull Electrochem Bulletin of Endemic Diseases --> Bull Endem Dis (Baghdad) Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment --> Bull Eng Geol Environ Bulletin of Entomological Research --> Bull Entomol Res Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology --> Bull Environ Contam Toxicol Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa --> Bull Epizoot Dis Afr Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine --> Bull Exp Biol Med Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University --> Bull Fac Pharm Cairo Univ Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy --> Bull Fac Phys Ther Bulletin of Fisheries Research Agency (Japan) --> Bull Fish Res Agency Jpn Bulletin of Francophone Africa --> Bull Francoph Afr Bulletin of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy --> Bull Gastrointest Endosc Bulletin of Haffkine Institute --> Bull Haffkine Bulletin of Hispanic Studies --> Bull Hisp Stud Bulletin of Hygiene --> Bull Hyg (Lond) Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies --> Bull Indones Econ Stud Bulletin of Insectology --> Bull Insectology Bulletin of Islamic Medicine --> Bull Islam Med Bulletin of Latin American Research --> Bull Lat Am Res Bulletin of Marine Science --> Bull Mar Sci Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean --> Bull Mar Sci Gulf Caribb Bulletin of Materials Science --> Bull Mater Sci Bulletin of Mathematical Biology --> Bull Math Biol Bulletin of Medical Ethics --> Bull Med Ethics Bulletin of Osaka Prefecture University. Series B, Agriculture and Life Sciences --> Bull Osaka Prefect Univ, Ser B Agric Life Sci Bulletin of Peace Proposals --> Bull Peace Propos Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research Institute --> Bull Pharm Res Inst Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences --> Bull Pharm Sci Bulletin of Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh --> Bull Postgrad Inst Med Educ Res Chandigarh Bulletin of Prosthetics Research --> Bull Prosthet Res Bulletin of Research in the Humanities --> Bull Res Humanit Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society --> Bull Sci Technol Soc Bulletin of the 8th District Dental Society --> Bull Eighth Dist Dent Soc Bulletin of the Aberdeen University African Studies Group --> Bull Aberd Univ Afr Stud Group Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine, Toronto --> Bull Acad Med Tor Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences --> Bull Acad Mil Med Sci Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Geophysics Series --> Bull Acad Sci USSR, Geophys Ser Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Sciences --> Bull Acad Sci USSR, Div Chem Sci Bulletin of the Akron Dental Society --> Bull Akron Dent Soc Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society --> Bull Am Astron Soc Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery --> Bull Am Coll Nurse Midwifery Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwives --> Bull Am Coll Nurse Midwives Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons --> Bull Am Coll Surg Bulletin of the American Geographical Society --> Bull Am Geogr Soc Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society --> Bull Am Math Soc Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society --> Bull Am Meteorol Soc Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History --> Bull Am Mus Nat Hist Bulletin of the American Physical Society --> Bull Am Phys Soc Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. American Schools of Oriental Research --> Bull Am Schools Orient Res Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science --> Bull Am Soc Inf Sci Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada --> Bull Aquacult Assoc Can Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists --> Bull Assoc Eng Geol Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia --> BullAstron Inst Czechoslov Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands --> Bull Astron Inst Neth Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington --> Bull Biol Soc Wash Bulletin of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Centre, Jepara --> Bull Brackishwat Aquacult Dev Cent Jepara Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society --> Bull Braz Math Soc Bulletin of the British Association of Orientalists. British Association of Orientalists --> Bull Br Assoc Orient Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Historical Series --> Bull Br Mus Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club --> Bull Br Ornithologists' Club Bulletin of the British Psychological Society --> Bull Br Psychol Soc Bulletin of the Business Historical Society --> Bull Bus Hist Soc Bulletin of the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine --> Bull Calcutta Sch Trop Med Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan --> Bull Chem Soc Jpn Bulletin of the Chest Disease Research Institute, Kyoto University --> Bull Chest Dis Res Inst Kyoto Univ Bulletin of the Cincinnati Dental Society --> Bull Cincinnati Dent Soc Bulletin of the Colorado State Dental Association --> Bull Colo State Dent Assoc Bulletin of the Contra Costa Dental Society --> Bull Contra Costa Dent Soc Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education --> Bull Counc Res Music Educ Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory --> Bull Crimean Astrophys Observatory Bulletin of the Dental Guidance Council for Cerebral Palsy --> Bull Dent Guid Counc Cereb Palsy Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo --> Bull Earthq Res Inst Univ Tokyo Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America --> Bull Ecol Soc Am Bulletin of the Egyptian Ophthalmological Society --> Bull Egypt Ophthalmol Soc Bulletin of the Eleventh District Dental Society --> Bull Eleventh Dist Dent Soc Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America --> Bull Entomol Soc Am "Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt ; Economic Series / Entomological Society of Egypt" --> "Bull Entomol Soc Egypt ; Econ Ser / Entomol Soc Egypt" Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists --> Bull Eur Assoc Fish Pathol Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University --> Bull Fac Fish Hokkaido Univ Bulletin of the Faculty of Science Alexandria University --> Bull Fac Sci Alex Univ Bulletin of the Fifth District Dental Society of the State of New York --> Bull Fifth Dist Dent Soc State N Y Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Agency --> Bull Fish Res Ag Bulletin of the Florida State Museum Biological Sciences --> Bull Fla State Mus Biol Sci Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala --> Bull Geol Inst Univ Upps Bulletin of the Geological Society of China --> Bull Geol Soc China Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark --> Bull Geol Soc Den Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia --> Bull Geol Soc Malays Bulletin of the Georgia Academy of Science --> Bull Ga Acad Sci Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association --> Bull Ghana Geogr Assoc Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network --> Bull Glob Volcanism Netw Bulletin of the Gloucester County Historical Society --> Bull Gloucester Cty Hist Soc Bulletin of the History of Dentistry --> Bull Hist Dent Bulletin of the History of Medicine --> Bull Hist Med Bulletin of the Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute --> Bull Hokkaido Natl Fish Res Inst Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute --> Bull Hosp Jt Dis Orthop Inst Bulletin of the Hospital for Special Surgery --> Bull Hosp Spec Surg Bulletin of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation --> Bull Hunt Inst Bot Doc Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad) --> Bull Indian Inst Hist Med Hyderabad Bulletin of the Indian Society for Malaria & Other Communicable Diseases --> Bull Indian Soc Malar Other Communi Dis Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University --> Bull Inst Chem Res Kyoto Univ Bulletin of the Institute for Medical Research, University of Madrid --> Bull Inst Med Res Univ Madr Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research --> Bull Inst Hist Res Bulletin of the Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad) --> Bull Inst Hist Med Hyderabad Bulletin of the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia --> Bull Inst Marit Trop Med Gdynia Bulletin of the Institute of Public Health --> Koshu Eisei In Kenkyu Hokoku Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica --> Bull Inst Zool Acad Sin Bulletin of the Institution of Sanitary Engineers --> Bull Inst Sanit Eng Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology --> Bull Int Assoc Sci Hydrol Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research. International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research --> Bull Int Comm Urgent Anthropol Ethnol Res Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation --> Bull Int Dairy Fed Bulletin of the International Pediatric Association --> Bull Int Pediatr Assoc Bulletin of the International Union Against Tuberculosis --> Bull Int Union Tuberc Bulletin of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease --> Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis Bulletin of the Iranian Petroleum Institute --> Bull Iran Pet Inst Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital --> Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp Bulletin of the JSME --> Bull JSME Bulletin of the Japanese Socienty of Scientific Fisheries --> Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish Bulletin of the Japan Sea Research Institute, Kanazawa University --> Bull Jpn Sea Res Inst Knazawa Univ Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society --> Bull Korean Chem Soc Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute --> Bull Lebedev Phys Inst Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society --> Bull Lond Math Soc Bulletin of the Los Angeles Dental Society --> Bull Los Angeles Dent Soc Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Societies --> Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society --> Bull Los Angel Neuro Soc Bulletin of the Mason Clinic --> Bull Mason Clin Bulletin of the Massachusetts Nurses Association --> Bull Mass Nurses Assoc Bulletin of the Medical Library Association --> Bull Med Libr Assoc Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic --> Bull Menninger Clin Bulletin of the National Geophysical Research Institute --> Bull Natl Geophys Res Inst Bulletin of the National Guild of Catholic Psychiatrists --> Bull Natl Guild Cathol Psychiatr Bulletin of the National Research Center --> Bull Natl Res Cent Bulletin of the National Research Institute of Fisheries Science --> Bull Natl Res Inst Fish Sci Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo --> Bull Natl Sci Mus, Tokyo Bulletin of the National Speleological Society --> Bull Natl Speleol Soc Bulletin of the Natural Family Planning Council of Victoria --> Bull Nat Fam Plan Counc Vic Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Botany Series --> Bull Nat Hist Mus Bot Ser Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Entomology Series --> Bull Nat Hist Mus Entomol Ser Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Geology Series --> Bull Nat Hist Mus Geol Ser Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Zoology Series --> Bull Nat Hist Mus Zool Ser Bulletin of the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry --> Bull N J Coll Med Dent Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine --> Bull N Y Acad Med Bulletin of the New York State Dental Society of Anesthesiology --> Bull N Y State Dent Soc Anesthesiol Bulletin of the New York State Society of Dentistry for Children --> Bull N Y State Soc Dent Child Bulletin of the Newark Dental Club --> Bull Newark Dent Club Bulletin of the North Suburban Branch of Chicago Medical Society --> Bull N Suburb Branch Chic Med Soc Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases --> Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis Bulletin of the Oceanographical Institute of Taiwan --> Bull Oceanogr Inst Taiwan Bulletin of the Ophthalmological Society of Egypt --> Bull Ophthalmol Soc Egypt Bulletin of the Orton Society --> Bull Orton Soc Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College --> Bull Osaka Med Coll Bulletin of the Osaka Medical School --> Bull Osaka Med Sch Bulletin of the Osaka Medical School. Supplement --> Bull Osaka Med Sch Suppl Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization --> Bull Pan Am Health Organ Bulletin of the Parenteral Drug Association --> Bull Parenter Drug Assoc Bulletin of the Park Ridge Center --> Bull Park Ridge Cent Bulletin of the Passaic County Dental Society --> Bull Passaic Cty Dent Soc Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History --> Bull Peabody Mus Nat Hist Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis --> Bull Phila Assoc Psychoanal Bulletin of the Plainfield Dental Society --> Bull Plainfield Dent Soc Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan --> Bull Plankton Soc Japan Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Chemistry --> Bul Pol Acad Sci Chem Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Earth Sciences --> Bull Pol Acad Sci Earth Sci Bulletin of the Population and Development Studies Center. Soul Taehakkyo. In'Gu mit Palchon Munje Yon'Guso --> Bull Popul Dev Stud Cent Bulletin of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, University of Sydney --> Bull Postgrad Comm Med Univ Syd Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society --> Bull Psychon Soc Bulletin of the Public Health Society --> Bull Publ Health Soc (Kuala Lumpur) Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel --> Bull Res Counc Isr "Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section E; Experimental Medicine" --> "Bull Res Counc Isr, Sect E; Exp Med" Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section G: Geo-Sciences --> Bull Res Counc Isr, Sect G: Geo-Sci Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies --> Bull R Inst Inter-Faith Stud Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics --> Bull Russ Acad Sci, Physics Bulletin of the School of Medicine (Baltimore, Md.) --> Bull Sch Med Univ Md Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies --> Bull Sch Orient Afr Stud Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California --> Bull Scripps Inst Oceanogr Univ Calif Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Institute, Gdynia --> Bull Sea Fish Inst Gdynia Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America --> Bull Seismol Soc Am Bulletin of the Sloane Hospital for Women in the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York --> Bull Sloane Hosp Women Columbia Presbyt Med Cent N Y City Bulletin of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors --> Bull Soc Psychol Addict Behav Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences --> Bull South Calif Acad Sci Bulletin of the Suffolk County Dental Society --> Bull Suffolk Cty Dent Soc Bulletin of the Tenth District Dental Society of the State of New York --> Bull Tenth Dist Dent Soc State N Y Bulletin of the Toronto East Medical Association --> Bull Tor East Med Assoc Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club --> Bull Torrey Bot Club Bulletin of the U.S. Army Medical Department --> Bull US Army Med Dep Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific --> Bull Unesco Reg Off Educ Asia Pac Bulletin of the Valley Dental Society --> Bull Val Dent Soc Bulletin of the Vancouver Medical Association --> Bull Vanc Med Assoc Bulletin of the Virginia State Dental Association --> Bull Va State Dent Associ Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan --> Bull Volcanol Soc Jpn Bulletin of the World Health Organization --> Bull World Health Organ Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Supplement --> Bull World Health Org Suppl Bulletin of Tufts New England Medical Center --> Bull Tufts N Engl Med Cent Bulletin of Volcanology --> Bull Volcanol Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature --> Bull Zool Nomencl Bulletin Officiel. Chambre Syndicale des Medecins de la Seine --> Bull Off Chambre Synd Med Seine Bulletin Officiel. Ordre National des Chirurgiens-dentistes. Conseil National --> Ordre Natl Chir Dent Cons Natl Bulletin on Narcotics --> Bull Narc Bulletin on the Rheumatic Diseases --> Bull Rheum Dis Bulletin on Training, Trends, Techniques, Topics --> Bull Train Bulletin Philologique et Historique (Jusqu'a 1610) du Comite des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques --> Bull Philol Hist Bulletin Sanitaire --> Bull Sanit Bulletin Sanitaire (Paris) --> Bull Sanitaire (Paris) Bulletin Sanitaire de L'Algérie --> Bull Sanit Alger Bulletin Sanitaire Vétérinaire Français --> Bull Sanit Vet Fr Bulletin Signalétique - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 15, Pathologie Générale et Expérimentale --> Bull Signal - CNRS, 15, Pathol Gen Exp Bulletin Signalétique - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 346, Ophtalmologie --> Bull Signal - Cent Natl Rech Sci, 346 Ophtalmol Bulletin Signalétique - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 347 Otorhinolaryngologie --> Bull Signal - CNRS, 347, Otorhinolaryngol Bulletin Signalétique - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 350, Pathologie Générale et Expérimentale --> Bull Signal - Cent Natl Rech Sci, 350, Pathol Gen Exp Bulletin Trimestriel de l'Institut des Actuaires Francais. Institut des Actuaires Francais, Paris --> Bull Trimest Inst Actuaires Francais Bulletin Trimestriel de la Societe Mycologique de France --> Bull Trimest Soc Mycol Fr Bulletin Trimestriel du Planning Familial --> Bull Trimest Plan Fam Bulletin Union County (N. J.)Dental Society --> Bull Union Cty Dent Soc Bulletin. American Pharmaceutical Association. Committee on National Formulary --> Bull Am Pharm Assoc Bulletin. Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute --> Bull Cent Inland Capture Fish Res Inst Bulletin. Institut National D'hygiene (France) --> Bull Inst Natl Hyg Bulletin. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission --> Bull I-ATCC Bulletin. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission --> Bulletin INPFC Bulletin. Jami'at Al-Iskandariyah --> Bull Alexandria Fac Bulletin. Jersey City. Margaret Hague Maternity Hospital --> Bull Jersey City Margaret Hague Mat Hosp Bulletin. Kresge Eye Institute --> Bull Kresge Eye Inst Bulletin. Okayama Daigaku. Igakubu --> Bull Cancer Inst Okayama Univ Med Sch Bulletin. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Hospital --> Bull Phila Pa Hosp Ayer Clin Lab Bulletin. Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti, Belgrad. Odeljenje Medicinskih Nauka --> Bull Acad Serbe Sci Arts Bulletins de L'Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-arts de Belgique --> Bull Acad R Sci Lett B-arts Belg Bulletins de la Société Anatomique de Paris --> Bull Soc Anat Paris Bulletins et Mémoires de la Faculté Mixte de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Dakar --> Bull Mem Fac Mixte Med Pharm Dakar Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société Anatomique de Paris --> Bull Mem Soc Anat Paris Bulletins et Memoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris --> Bull Mem Soc Anthropol Paris Bulletins et Memoires de la Société Francaise d'Ophtalmologie --> Bull Mem Soc Fr Ophtalmol Bulletins et Memoires de la Société Medicale des Hopitaux de Paris --> Bull Mem Soc Med Hop Paris Bulletins of American Paleontology --> Bull Am Paleontol Bulletins of the Geological Survey of India. Series C, Basic Data --> Bull Geol Surv India, Ser C Basic Data Bullettino delle Scienze Mediche --> Bull Sci Med (Bologna) Bundesgesundheitsblatt --> Bundesgesundheitsblatt Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz --> Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz Bunseki Kagaku --> Bunseki Kagaku Bureau of Animal Welfare Animal Ethics Committee Newsletter --> Bureau Anim Welf Anim Ethics Comm Newsl Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report --> Bur Justice Stat Spec Rep Burgenlandische Heimatblätter --> Burgenl Heimbl Burgense --> Burgense Buried History --> Buried Hist Burma Medical Journal --> Burma Med J Burns --> Burns Business & Professional Ethics Journal --> Bus Prof Ethics J Business & Society --> Bus Soc Business and Economic History --> Bus Econ Hist Business and Economic Review --> Bus Econ Rev Business and Health --> Bus Health Business and Politics --> Bus Polit Business and Society Review --> Bus Soc Rev Business Communication Quarterly --> Bus Commun Q Business Conditions --> Bus Cond Business e-Bulletin --> Bus Bull Business Economics (Cleveland, Ohio) --> Bus Econ Business Education Forum --> Bus Educ Forum Business Ethics (Oxford, England) --> Bus Ethics Business Ethics Quarterly --> Bus Ethics Q Business History --> Bus Hist Business History Review --> Bus Hist Rev Business Horizons --> Bus Horiz Business in Thailand --> Bus Thail Business India --> BusinessIndia Business Insurance --> Bus Insur Business Law Review --> Bus Law Rev Business Process Management Journal --> Bus Process Manag J Business Quarterly --> Bus Q Business Review (Dallas) --> Bus Rev (Dallas) Business Review (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) --> Bus Rev Business Strategy and the Environment --> Bus Strategy Environ Business Valuation Review --> Bus Val Rev Business Week --> Bus Week Business.2010 --> Business2010 Butsuri Tanko --> Butsuri Tanko Butsuri Tansa --> Butsuri Tansa By og Bygd --> By Bygd Bygone Kent --> Bygone Kent Byzantinische Forschungen --> Byzantinische Forsch Byzantinische Zeitschrift --> Byzantinische Z Byzantinoslavica --> Byzantinoslavica Byzantion --> Byzantion BZB. Bayerisches Zahnarzteblatt --> BZB Bayer Zahnarztebl C.H.A.C. Review --> CHAC Rev C.I.C.I.A.M.S. Nouvelles --> CICIAMS Nouv C.M. - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea --> CM - Int Counc Explor Sea CA. Connaissance des Arts --> CA Connaiss Arts CA: a Cancer Journal for Clinicians --> CA Cancer J Clin Cabo --> Cabo Caderno CRH --> Cad CRH Caderno de Terapeutica Labor --> Caderno Ter Labor Cadernos da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz --> Cad Casa Oswaldo Cruz Cadernos de Historia e Saude --> Cad Hist Saude Cadernos de Pesquisa --> Cadernos Pesquisa Cadernos de Pesquisas --> Cad Pesqui Cadernos de Psicanálise (Rio de Janeiro) --> Cad Psicanal (Rio J) Cadernos de Psicologia e Educação Paideia --> Cad Psicol Educ Paideia Cadernos de Saude Publica --> Cad Saude Publica Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar --> Cad Ter Ocup UFSCar Cadernos Pagu --> Cadernos Pagu Caduceus (Springfield, Ill.) --> Caduceus Caementum --> Caementum Cafe, Cacao, The (Paris) --> Cafe, Cacao, The (Paris) CAFS News --> CAFS News CAHHS Insight --> CAHHS Insight Cahiers - ORSTOM. Géophysique --> Cah ORSTOM, Geophys Cahiers - ORSTOM. Série Géologie --> Cah ORSTOM, Ser Geol Cahiers Africains d'Administration Publique --> Cah Afr Adm Publique Cahiers Alsaciens d'Archeologie, d'Art et d'Histoire --> Cah Alsac Archeol Art Hist Cahiers Bruxellois --> Cah Brux Cahiers Confrontation --> Cah Confront Cahiers Confrontation (Paris) --> Cah Confront (Paris) Cahiers d'études sur les Correspondances des XIXe et XXe Siècles --> Cah Etud Corresp XIXe XXe Siecles Cahiers d'Alexandrie --> Cah Alex Cahiers d'Anesthesiologie --> Cah Anesthesiol Cahiers d'Anthropologie --> Cah Anthropol Cahiers d'Archeologie et d'Histoire du Berry --> Cah Archeol Hist Berry Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines --> Cah Etud Afr Cahiers d'Etudes Medievales (Montreal, Quebec) --> Cah Etud Mediev Cahiers d'Etudes Sur la Mediterranee Orientale et le Monde Turco-Iranien --> Cah Mediterr Orient Monde Turco Iran Cahiers d'Histoire --> Cah Hist Cahiers d'Histoire (Espaces Marx (Association)) --> Cah Hist Espaces Marx Assoc Cahiers d'Histoire de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale --> Cah Hist Second Guerr Mond Cahiers d'Histoire Mondiale --> Cah Hist Mond Cahiers d'Homeopathie et de Therapeutique Comparee --> Cah Homeopath Ther Comp Cahiers d'Odonto-stomatologie --> Cah Odontol-stomatol Cahiers de Biologie Marine --> Cah Biol Mar Cahiers de Civilisation Alpine --> Cah Civilis Alp Cahiers de Clio --> Cah Clio Cahiers de Geographie de Quebec --> Cah Geogr Que Cahiers de l'Academie de Bretagne --> Cah Acad Bretagne Cahiers de l'Iroise --> Cah Iroise Cahiers de Medecine Inter Professionnelle --> Cah Med Inter Prof Cahiers de Psychiatrie (Strasbourg) --> Cah Psychiatr (Strasbourg) Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive --> Cah Psychol Cogn Cahiers de Recherche Sociologique --> Cah Rech Sociol Cahiers de Sexologie Clinique --> Cah Sexol Clin Cahiers de Sociologie Economique et Culturelle, Ethnopsychologie --> Cah Sociol Econ Culturelle Ethnopsychologie Cahiers de Sociologie et de Demographie Medicales --> Cah Sociol Demogr Med Cahiers des Ameriques Latines (Paris, France) --> Cah Am Lat Cahiers des Annales de Normandie. Annales de Normandie --> Cah Ann Normandie Cahiers des Etudes Anciennes --> Cah Etud Anc Cahiers des Religions Africaines --> Cah Relig Afr Cahiers des Sciences Humaines --> Cah Sci Hum Cahiers du Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Sur Paris et l'Ile-de-France (CREPIF) --> Cah Cent Rech Etud Paris Lle de France Cahiers du Monde Russe et Sovietique --> Cah Monde Russe Sov Cahiers du Séminaire de Philosophie --> Cah Semin Philos Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles --> Cah Econ Brux Cahiers Economiques et Sociaux --> Cah Econ Soc Cahiers Geographiques de Rouen --> Cah Geogr Rouen Cahiers Geologiques --> Cah Geol Cahiers Internationaux d'Histoire Economique et Sociale --> Cah Int Hist Econ Soc Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale --> Cah Int Psychol Soc Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie --> Cah Int Sociol Cahiers Laennec --> Cah Laennec Cahiers Leopold Delisle --> Cah Leopold Delisle Cahiers Médicaux de Tunisie --> Cah Med Tunis Cahiers Medicaux Lyonnais --> Cah Med Lyon Cahiers O. R. S. T. O. M. Serie Sciences Humaines --> Cah Orstom (Sci Hum) Cahiers Océanographiques --> Cah Oceanogr Cahiers Quebecois de Demographie --> Cah Que Demogr Cahiers RMF --> Cah RMF Cahiers Techniques AFRO --> Cah Tech AFRO Cahiers Victoriens & Edouardiens --> Cah Victor Edouardiens Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto --> Cah Vilfredo Pareto CAHPER Journal. Manitoba Branch --> CAHPER J, Manit Branch Cairo --> Cairo Cairo Today --> Cairo Today CAL [Magazine] Certified Akers Laboratories --> CAL Calcified Tissue International --> Calcif Tissue Int Calcified Tissue Research --> Calcif Tissue Res Calcolo --> Calcolo Calculateurs Parallèles --> Calc Paralleles Calcutta Medical Journal --> Calcutta Med J Caldasia --> Caldasia Calendar - Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine --> Cal Imp Coll Sci Technol Med CALICO Journal --> CALICO J California Agricultural Exports Annual Bulletin and Statistical Appendix --> Calif Agric Exports Annu Bull Stat Append California Agriculture --> Calif Agric California Alcoholism Review and Treatment Digest --> Calif Alcohol Rev Treat Dig California Anthropologist --> Calif Anthropol California Birds --> Calif Birds California Citation Guide --> Calif Cit Guide California Code of Regulations --> Calif Code Regul California Code of Regulations, Title 8. Construction and Electrical Safety Orders --> Calif Code Regulations, Title 8 Constr Electr Saf Orders California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports --> CCOFI Rep California Counts --> Calif Counts California Diving News --> Calif Diving News California Environmental Law Reporter --> Calif Environ Law Report California Evidence Code Annotated --> Calif Evid Code Annot California Fish and Game --> Calif Fish Game California Geology --> Calif Geol California Historical Quarterly --> Calif Hist Q California Historical Society Quarterly --> Calif Hist Soc Q California History (San Francisco) --> Calif Hist (San Francisco) California Hospitals --> Calif Hosp California Journal --> Calif J California Journal of Oriental Medicine --> Calif J Orien Med California Law Review --> Calif Law Rev California Magazine (Beverly Hills, Calif.) --> Calif Mag California Management Review --> Calif Manage Rev California Medicine --> Calif Med California Morbidity --> Calif Morb California Nurse --> Calif Nurse California Official Reports --> Calif Offic Rep California School Psychologist --> Calif Sch Psychol California Sociologist --> Calif Sociol California State Bar Journal --> Calif State Bar J California Weekly Explorer --> Calif Wkly Explorer California Western International Law Journal --> Calif West Int Law J California Western Law Review --> Calif West Law Rev California's Health --> Calif Health California. Dept. of Public Health. Annual Statistical Report from Local Health Departments --> Calif Dept Public Health Annu Stat Rep Local Health Dep California. Dept. of Public Health. California Public Health Statistical Report --> Calif Dept Public Health Calif Public Health Stat Rep California. Dept. of Public Health. California Surveillance Report. Epidemiological Notes --> Calif Dept Public Health Calif Surveill Rep Epidemiol Notes California. Dept. of Public Health. California Surveillance Report. Influenza --> Calif Dept Public Health Calif Surveill Rep Influenza California. Dept. of Public Health. California Surveillance Report. Viral Diseases of the Central Nervous System --> Calif Dept Public Health Calif Surveill Rep Viral Dis Cent Nerv Syst California. Dept. of Public Health. California Surveillance Report. Viral Diseases of the Central Nervous System. Summary Report --> Calif Dept Public Health Calif Surveill Rep Viral Dis Cent Nerv Syst Summary Rep California. Dept. of Public Health. Clean Air for California. Report --> Calif Dept Public Health Clean Air Calif Rep California. Dept. of Public Health. Hospitals for California. Progress Report --> Calif Dept Public Health Hosp Calif Prog Rep California. Dept. of Public Health. Report on Regulation and Control of Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer in California --> Calif Dept Public Health Rep Regul Contr Diagn Treat Cancer Calif California. Dept. of Public Health. Statistical Report, Communicable Diseases --> Calif Dept Public Health Stat Rep, Commun Dis Californian Journal of Health Promotion --> Californian J Health Promot Callaloo --> Callaloo Calphad --> Calphad Calyx (Toronto, Ont.) --> Calyx Cambodge Soir --> Cambodge Soir Cambridge Anthropology --> Camb Anthropol Cambridge Archaeological Journal --> Camb Archaeol J Cambridge Journal of Economics --> Camb J Econ Cambridge Journal of Education --> Camb J Educ Cambridge Municipal Code 1988 --> Camb Munic Code 1988 Camb Mass Cambridge Opera Journal --> Camb Opera J Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics --> Camb Q Healthc Ethics Cambridge Review of International Affairs --> Camb Rev Int Aff Camera Obscura --> Camera Obscura Campaign Update - Catholic Campaign for America --> Campaign Update - Cathol Campaign Am Campbell Law Review --> Campbell Law Rev Campbell Systematic Reviews --> Campbell Syst Rev Campus-Wide Information Systems --> Campus-Wide Inf Syst CANA --> CANA Canada-United States Law Journal --> Can US Law J Canada Communicable Disease Report --> Can Commun Dis Rep Canada Diseases Weekly Report --> Can Dis Wkly Rep Canada Gazette. Part I --> Can Gaz, I Canada Gazette. Part II --> Can Gaz, II Canada Gazette. Part III --> Can Gaz, III Canada Supreme Court Reports. Recueil des Arrets de la Cour Supreme du Canada. Canada. Supreme Court --> Can Supreme Court Rep Can Supreme Court Canada's Mental Health --> Can Ment Health Canada, Geological Survey, Geophysics Paper --> Can Geol Surv Geophys Pap Canada. Defence Research Kingston Laboratory. Report --> Can Def Res Kingst Lab Rep Canadian Accounting Perspectives --> Can Account Perspect Canadian Acoustics --> Can Acoust Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter --> Can Adverse Drug React Newsl Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter --> Can Adverse React Newsl Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal --> Can Aeronaut Space J Canadian AIDS News --> Can AIDS News Canadian Anaesthetists' Society Journal --> Can Anaesth Soc J Canadian and International Education. Education Canadienne et Internationale --> Can Int Educ Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly --> Can Appl Math Q Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal --> Can Art Ther Assoc J Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal --> Can Assoc Radiol J Canadian Bar Journal --> Can Bar J Canadian Bulletin of Cardiovascular Nursing --> Can Bull Cardiovasc Nurs Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences --> Can Bull Fish Aquat Sci Canadian Bulletin of Medical History --> Can Bull Med Hist Canadian Business Review --> Can Bus Rev Canadian Counsellor --> Can Couns Canadian Critical Care Nursing Journal --> Can Crit Care Nurs J Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences --> Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci Canadian Dimension --> Can Dimens Canadian Diversity --> Can Divers Canadian Doctor --> Can Doct Canadian Entomologist --> Can Entomol Canadian Ethnic Studies --> Can Ethn Stud Canadian Family Law Quarterly --> Can Fam Law Q Canadian Family Physician Medecin de Famille Canadien --> Can Fam Physician Canadian Field Naturalist --> Can Field Nat Canadian Folk Music --> Can Folk Mus Canadian Forces Dental Services Bulletin --> Can Forces Dent Serv Bull Canadian Forces Dental Services Quarterly --> Can Forces Dent Serv Q Canadian Geographic --> Can Geogr Canadian Geotechnical Journal --> Can Geotech J Canadian HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review --> Can HIV AIDS Policy Law Rev Canadian HIV-AIDS Policy & Law Newsletter --> Can HIV AIDS Policy Law Newsl Canadian Hospital --> Can Hosp Canadian Human Rights Advocate --> Can Hum Rights Advocate Canadian Human Rights Yearbook --> Can Hum Rights Yearb Canadian Investment Review --> Can Invest Rev Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences --> Can J Adm Sci Canadian Journal of African Studies --> Can J Afr Stud Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics --> Can J Agric Econ Canadian Journal of Agricultural Science --> Can J Agric Sci Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia --> Can J Anaesth Canadian Journal of Analytical Cciences and Spectroscopy --> Can J Anal Sci Spectrosc Canadian Journal of Animal Science --> Can J Anim Sci Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics --> Can J Appl Linguist Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology --> Can J Appl Physiol Canadian Journal of Applied Spectroscopy --> Can J Appl Spectrosc Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences --> Can J Appl Sport Sci Canadian Journal of Archaeology --> Can J Archaeol Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science --> Can J Behav Sci Canadian Journal of Biochemistry --> Can J Biochem Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology --> Can J Biochem Cell Biol Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology --> Can J Biochem Physiol Canadian Journal of Botany --> Can J Bot Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing --> Can J Cardiovasc Nurs Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering --> Can J Chem Eng Canadian Journal of Chemistry --> Can J Chem Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering --> Can J Civ Eng Canadian Journal of Communication --> Can J Comm Canadian Journal of Community Dentistry --> Can J Community Dent Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health --> Can J Commun Ment Health Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine --> Can J Comp Med Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine (Gardenvale, Québec) --> Can J Comp Med Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science --> Can J Comp Med Vet Sci Canadian Journal of Continuing Medical Education --> Can J Contin Med Educ Canadian Journal of Counselling --> Can J Counsell Canadian Journal of Criminology --> Can J Criminol Canadian Journal of Crimonology and Corrections --> Can J Criminol Correct Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice --> Can J Criminol Crim Justice Canadian Journal of Development Studies --> Can J Dev Stud Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Researc --> Can J Diet Pract Res Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences --> Can J Earth Sci Canadian Journal of Education --> Can J Educ Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy --> Can J Educ Adm Policy Canadian Journal of Educational Communication --> Can J Educ Comm Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering --> Can J Electr Comput Eng Canadian Journal of Emergency Medical Care --> CJEM Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology --> Can J Exp Psychol Canadian Journal of Family Law --> Can J Fam Law Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences --> Can J Fish Aquat Sci Canadian Journal of Forest Research --> Can J For Res Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology --> Can J Gastroenterol Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology --> Can J Genet Cytol Canadian Journal of Higher Education --> Can J High Educ Canadian Journal of History --> Can J Hist Canadian Journal of History (Toronto) --> Can J Hist (Toronto) Canadian Journal of History and Social Science --> Can J Hist Soc Sci Canadian Journal of History of Sport --> Can J Hist Sport Canadian Journal of History of Sport and Physical Education --> Can J Hist Sport Phys Educ Canadian Journal of Infection Control --> Can J Infect Control Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science --> Can J Inf Lib Sci Canadian Journal of Irish Studies --> Can J Ir Stud Canadian Journal of Italian Studies --> Can J Ital Stud Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies --> Can J Lat Am Caribb Stud Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence --> Can J Law Jurisprud Canadian Journal of Law and Society --> Can J Law Soc Canadian Journal of Medical Sciences --> Can J Med Sci Canadian Journal of Medical Technology --> Can J Med Technol Canadian Journal of Microbiology --> Can J Microbiol Canadian Journal of Music Therapy --> Can J Music Ther Canadian Journal of Native Education --> Can J Native Educ Canadian Journal of Neuroscience Nursing --> Can J Neurosci Nurs Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research --> Can J Nonprofit Soc Econ Res Canadian Journal of Nursing Administration --> Can J Nurs Adm Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership --> Can J Nurs Leadersh Canadian Journal of Nursing Research --> Can J Nurs Res Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy --> Can J Occup Ther Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology --> Can J Ophthalmol Canadian Journal of Otolaryngology --> Can J Otolaryngol Canadian Journal of Otolaryngology Supplement --> Can J Otolaryngol Suppl Canadian Journal of Philosophy --> Can J Philos Canadian Journal of Physics --> Can J Phys Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology --> Can J Physiol Pharmacol Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology --> Can J Plant Pathol Canadian Journal of Plant Science --> Can J Plant Sci Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory --> Can J Polit Soc Theory Canadian Journal of Political Science --> Can J Polit Sci Canadian Journal of Psychiatry --> Can J Psychiatry Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis --> Can J Psychoanal Canadian Journal of Psychology --> Can J Psychol Canadian Journal of Public Health --> Can J Public Health Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation --> Can J Rehabil Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing --> Can J Rem Sens Canadian Journal of Research --> Can J Res Canadian Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education --> Can J Res Early Child Educ Canadian Journal of Research in Semiotics --> Can J Res Semiot "Canadian Journal of Research, Section A; Physical Sciences" --> Can J Res, Sect A, Phys Sci "Canadian Journal of Research, Section B; Chemical Sciences" --> Can J Res, Sect B, Chem Sci "Canadian Journal of Research, Section C; Botanical Sciences" --> Can J Res, C Bot Sci "Canadian Journal of Research, Section D; Zoological Sciences" --> Can J Res, D "Canadian Journal of Research, Section E; Medical Sciences" --> Can J Res, E, Med Sci "Canadian Journal of Research, Section F;" --> Can J Res, Sect F Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine --> Can J Rural Med Canadian Journal of School Psychology --> Can J Sch Psychol Canadian Journal of Sociology --> Can J Sociol Canadian Journal of Soil Science --> Can J Soil Sci Canadian Journal of Spectroscopy --> Can J Spectros Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences --> Can J Sport Sci Canadian Journal of Surgery --> Can J Surg Canadian Journal of Theology --> Can J Theolog Canadian Journal of Urban Research --> Can J Urban Res Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research --> Can J Vet Res Canadian Journal of Women and the Law --> Can J Women Law Canadian Journal of Zoology --> Can J Zool Canadian Journal on Aging --> Can J Aging Canadian Literature --> Can Lit Canadian Labour --> Can Labour Canadian Medical Association Journal --> Can Med Assoc J Canadian Medical Association Journal --> CMAJ Canadian Mineralogist --> Can Mineral Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin --> Can Min Metall Bull Canadian Mining Journal --> Can Min J Canadian Mining Review --> Can Min Rev Canadian Modern Language Review --> Can Mod Lang Rev Canadian Music Educator --> Can Mus Educ Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal --> Can Oncol Nurs J Canadian Operating Room Nursing Journal --> Can Oper Room Nurs J Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal --> Can Pharm J Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal --> Can Pharm J Canadian Plant Disease Survey --> Can Plant Dis Surv Canadian Poetry (London) --> Can Poetry (Lond) Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal --> Can Psychiatr Assoc J Canadian Psychological Review --> Can Psychol Rev Canadian Psychology --> Can Psychol Canadian Public Administration --> Can Public Adm Canadian Public Health Journal --> Can Public Health J Canadian Public Policy --> Can Public Policy Canadian Respiratory Journal --> Can Respir J Canadian Review of American Studies --> Can Rev Am Stud Canadian Review of Art Education --> Can Rev Art Educ Canadian Review of Comparative Literature --> Can Rev Comp Lit Canadian Review of Social Policy --> Can Rev Soc Policy Canadian Review of Sociology --> Can Rev Sociol Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism --> Can Rev Stud Nationalism Canadian Serials Directory --> Can Ser Dir Canadian Services Medical Journal --> Can Serv Med J Canadian Slavonic Papers --> Can Slavon Pap Canadian Social Science --> Can Soc Sci Canadian Social Studies --> Can Soc Stud Canadian Social Trends --> Can Soc Trends Canadian Social Work --> Can Soc Work Canadian Social Work Review --> Can Soc Work Rev Canadian Society for the Study of Fertility. Report of Annual Meeting and Proceedings --> Can Soc Study Fertil Rep Annu Meet Proc Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences --> Can Spec Publ Fish Aquat Sci Canadian Statistical Review (Ottawa, Ont.) --> Can Stat Rev Canadian Studies in Population --> Can Stud Popul Canadian Tax Journal --> Can Tax J Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences --> Can Tech Rep Fish Aquat Sci Canadian Theatre Review --> Can Theatre Rev Canadian Translations of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences --> Can Transl Fish Aquat Sci Canadian Water Resources Journal --> Can Water Resour J Canadian Women's Studies --> Can Women's Stud Canadian-American Slavic Studies --> Can Am Slav Stud Cancer --> Cancer Cancer & Chemotherapy --> Gan To Kagaku Ryoho Cancer and Metastasis Reviews --> Cancer Metastasis Rev Cancer Biochemistry Biophysics --> Cancer Biochem Biophys Cancer Biology & Therapy --> Cancer Biol Ther Cancer Biomarkers --> Cancer Biomark Cancer Biotherapy --> Cancer Biother Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals --> Cancer Biother Radiopharm Cancer Bulletin --> Cancer Bull Cancer Causes & Control --> Cancer Causes Control Cancer Cell --> Cancer Cell Cancer Cell International --> Cancer Cell Int Cancer Cells (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.) --> Cancer Cells Cancer Chemotherapy and Biological Response Modifiers --> Cancer Chemother Biol Response Modif Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology --> Cancer Chemother Pharmacol Cancer Chemotherapy Reports. Part 1 --> Cancer Chemother Rep Cancer Chemotherapy Reports. Part 2 --> Cancer Chemother Rep 2 Cancer Chemotherapy Reports. Part 3 --> Cancer Chemother Rep 3 Cancer Clinical Trials --> Cancer Clin Trials Cancer Communications --> Cancer Commun Cancer Control --> Cancer Contr Cancer Cytology --> Cancer Cytol Cancer Detection and Prevention --> Cancer Detect Prev Cancer Detection and Prevention. Supplement --> Cancer Detect Prev Suppl Cancer Drug Delivery --> Cancer Drug Deliv Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention --> Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev Cancer Gene Therapy --> Cancer Gene Ther Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics --> Cancer Genet Cytogenet Cancer Genomics & Proteomics --> Cancer Genomics Proteomics "Cancer Imaging ; the Official Publication of the International Cancer Imaging Society" --> Cancer Imaging Cancer Immunity --> Cancer Immun Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy --> Cancer Immunol Immunother Cancer Informatics --> Cancer Inform Cancer Investigation --> Cancer Invest Cancer Journal (Sudbury, Mass.) --> Cancer J Cancer Letters --> Cancer Lett Cancer News --> Cancer News Cancer Nursing --> Cancer Nurs Cancer Practice --> Cancer Pract Cancer Prevention and Control --> Cancer Prev Control Cancer Prevention Research (Philadelphia, Pa.) --> Cancer Prev Res (Phila) Cancer Progress Volume --> Cancer Prog Volume Cancer Radiotherapie --> Cancer Radiother Cancer Research --> Cancer Res Cancer Research and Treatment --> Cancer Res Treat Cancer Research. Supplement --> Can Res Suppl Cancer Science --> Cancer Sci Cancer Surveys --> Cancer Surv Cancer Therapy --> Cancer Ther Cancer Treatment and Research --> Cancer Treat Res Cancer Treatment Reports --> Cancer Treat Rep Cancer Treatment Reviews --> Cancer Treat Rev "Cancer; Diagnosis and Therapy" --> "Cancer; Diagn Ther" Cancergram on Virus Studies in Humans and Other Primates --> Cancergram Virus Stud Hum Other Primates Cancerweekly (Atlanta, Ga.) --> Cancerwkly (Atlanta Ga) Canine Practice --> Canine Pract CANNT Journal --> CANNT J Cantium --> Cantium CAP Today --> CAP Today Cape Breton Post [Microform] --> Cape Breton Post Cape Town. University of Cape Town. Dept. of Obstetrics. Clinical Report --> Cape Town Univ Cape Town Dept Obstet Clin Rep Capital and Class --> Cap Class Capital Market Strategies --> Cap Market Strateg Capital Nursing --> Cap Nurs Capital University Law Review --> Cap Univ Law Rev Capitalism, Nature, Socialism --> Capitalism Nat Socialism Capitation Management Report --> Capitation Manag Rep Capitation Rates & Data --> Capitation Rates Data Carbohydrate Letters --> Carbohydr Lett Carbohydrate Polymers --> Carbohydr Polym Carbohydrate Research --> Carbohydr Res Carbon --> Carbon Carbon Balance and Management --> Carbon Balance Manag Carcinogenesis --> Carcinogenesis "Carcinogenesis; a Comprehensive Survey" --> Carcinog Compr Surv Card Technology Today --> Card Technol Today Cardiac Electrophysiology Review --> Card Electrophysiol Rev Cardiología (Barcelona) --> Cardiologia (Barc) Cardiología e Hipertensión (Buenos Aires) --> Cardiol Hipertens (B Aires) Cardiología Internacional --> Cardiol Int Cardiología Práctica --> Cardiol Pract Cardiología Práctica (Buenos Aires) --> Cardiol Pract (B Aires) Cardiología Preventiva --> Cardiol Prev Cardiologia (Rome, Italy) --> Cardiologia Cardiologia Hungarica (Nyomtatott) --> Cardiol Hung (Nyomt) Cardiologia Nel Mondo --> Cardiol Mondo Cardiologia Pratica --> Cardiol Prat Cardiology --> Cardiology Cardiology Clinics --> Cardiol Clin Cardiology in Review --> Cardiol Rev Cardiology in the Young --> Cardiol Young Cardiology Journal --> Cardiol J Cardiology Management --> Cardiol Manage Cardiology Research and Practice --> Cardiol Res Pract Cardioscience --> Cardioscience Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry --> Cardiovasc Hematol Agents Med Chem Cardiovascular & Hematological Disorders Drug Targets --> Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology --> Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol Cardiovascular Clinics --> Cardiovasc Clin Cardiovascular Diabetology --> Cardiovasc Diabetol Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy --> Cardiovasc Diagn Ther Cardiovascular Diseases --> Cardiovasc Dis Cardiovascular Drug Reviews --> Cardiovasc Drug Rev Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy --> Cardiovasc Drugs Ther Cardiovascular Engineering (Dordrecht, Netherlands) --> Cardiovasc Eng Cardiovascular Journal of Africa --> Cardiovasc J Afr Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa --> Cardiovasc J S Afr Cardio-Vascular Nursing --> Cardiovasc Nurs Cardiovascular Pathobiology --> Cardiovasc Pathobiol Cardiovascular Pathology --> Cardiovasc Pathol Cardiovascular Psychiatry and Neurology --> Cardiovasc Psychiatry Neurol Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine --> Cardiovasc Radiat Med Cardiovascular Radiology --> Cardiovasc Radiol Cardiovascular Research --> Cardiovasc Res Cardiovascular Research Center Bulletin --> Cardiovasc Res Cent Bull "Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine ; Including Molecular Interventions" --> Cardiovasc Revasc Med Cardiovascular Reviews & Reports --> Cardiovasc Rev Rep Cardiovascular Surgery (London, England) --> Cardiovasc Surg Cardiovascular Toxicology --> Cardiovasc Toxicol Cardiovascular Ultrasound --> Cardiovasc Ultrasound Cardozo Law Review --> Cardozo Law Rev CARE Briefs on Development Issues --> CARE Briefs Dev Issues Care Giver --> Care Giver Care Management Journals --> Care Manag J Career and Technical Education Research --> Career Tech Educ Res Career Development for Exceptional Individuals --> Career Dev Except Individ Career Development International --> Career Dev Int Caribbean Affairs (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago) --> Caribb Aff Caribbean Health --> Caribb Health Caribbean Journal of Criminology and Social Psychology --> Caribb J Criminol Soc Psychol Caribbean Journal of Science --> Caribb J Sci Caribbean Marine Studies --> Caribb Mar Stud Caribbean Medical Journal --> Caribb Med J Caribbean Quarterly --> Caribb Q Caribbean Review --> Caribb Rev Caribbean Studies (Rio Piedras, San Juan, P.R.) --> Caribb Stud Caridad, Ciencia y Arte --> Caridad Cienc Arte Caries Research --> Caries Res Caring --> Caring Caring (Capital Area Roundtable on Informatics in Nursing) --> Caring (Cap Area Roundtable Inform Nurs) Carinthia I --> Carinthia I Caritas --> Caritas Caritas (Freiburg) --> Caritas (Freibg) Caritas (Freiburg., Jahrbuch) --> Caritas (Freibg, Jahrb) Caritas (Kaunas) --> Caritas (Kaunas) Caritas Internationalis. International Conference of Catholic Charities. International Yearbooks --> Caritas Int Int Conf Cathol Charities Int Yearbooks Caritas Internationalis. International Conference of Catholic Charities. Reports of General Assemblies --> Caritas Int Int Conf Cathol Charities Rep Gen Assemblies Caritas Orientations --> Caritas Orientations Caritas-canada. Section Francaise. Compte Rendu des Conferences. Congres --> Caritas-canada Sect Fr Compte Rendu Conferences Congres Caritas-Korrespondenz --> Caritas-Korresp Caritas-Korrespondenz. Sonderheft --> Caritas-Korresp, Souderh Caritasschwester --> Caritasschwester Carlsberg Research Communications --> Carlsberg Res Commun Carmarthen Antiquary --> Carmarthen Antiq Carnegie Quarterly --> Carnegie Q Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy --> Carnegie-Rochester Conf Ser Public Policy Carney Hospital Journal --> Carney Hosp J Carolina Planning --> Carol Plann Carolinea (Karlsruhe) --> Carolinea Carolinea Beiheft (Karlsruhe) --> Carolinea Beih Carrefour Africain --> Carrefour Afr Carta Economica Regional --> Carta Econ Reg Carta Informativa (Asociacion Demografica Salvadorena) --> Carta Inf Cartographica --> Cartographica Cartography and Geographic Information Science --> Cartogr Geogr Inf Sci Cartography and Geographic Information Systems --> Cartogr Geogr Inf Syst Casa de la Mujer --> Casa Mujer Case and Comment --> Case Comment Case Reports in Medicine --> Case Rep Med Case Reports in Psychiatry --> Case Report Psychiatry Case Studies in Health Administration --> Case Stud Health Adm Case Studies on Health Service Management Law and Practice --> Case Stud Health Serv Manage Law Pract Case Studies on Hospital Management Law and Practice --> Case Stud Hosp Manage Law Pract Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law --> Case West Reserve J Int Law Case Western Reserve Law Review --> Case West Reserve Law Rev Casopis Lekaru Ceskych --> Cas Lek Cesk Casopis Matice Moravske --> Cas Matice Moravske Casopis za Zgodovino in Narodopisje. Review for History and Ethnography --> Cas Zgodovino Narodop Castanea --> Castanea Cataloging & Classification Quarterly --> Cat Classif Q Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology --> Catal Sel Doc Psychol Catalysis Communications --> Catal Commun Catalysis in Industry --> Catal Ind Catalysis Letters --> Catal Lett Catalysis Reviews --> Catal Rev Catalysis Reviews. Science and Engineering --> Catal Rev, Sci Eng Catalysis Surveys from Asia --> Catal Surv Asia Catalysis Surveys from Japan --> Catal Surv Jpn Catalysis Today --> Catal Today Catena --> Catena Catena Supplement --> Catena Suppl CaterFile. Healthcare Catering --> CaterFile Healthc Cater Catering & Health --> Cater Health Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis --> Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions --> Catheter Cardiovasc Interv Catholic Hospital --> Cathol Hosp Catholic Standard (Washington, D.C.) --> Cathol Stand Catholic University Law Review --> Cathol Univers Law Rev Catholic Update --> Cathol Update Catholic Woman --> Cathol Woman Catholic World --> Cathol World CATTech --> CATTech Cattle Practitioner --> Cattle Pract CBE Life Sciences Education --> CBE Life Sci Educ CBE Views --> CBE Views CCAR Journal (New York, N.Y.) --> CCAR J CCICA Annual --> CCICA Annu CCL Family Foundations --> CCL Family Found CCQ. Critical Care Quarterly --> CCQ CDA Journal California Dental Association --> CDA J CDC AIDS Weekly --> CDC AIDS Wkly CDC Bulletin. Communicable Disease Center (U.S.) --> CDC Bull CDE Working Paper. University of Wisconsin--Madison. Center for Demography and Ecology --> CDE Work Pap CDR (London, England : Review) --> CDR (Lond Engl Rev) CDR (London, England : Weekly) --> CDR (Lond Engl Wkly) CDS Review --> CDS Rev CDT Digest --> CDT Dig Ce Focus --> CE Focus CE Microcollezione --> CE Microcollez "Ceara Medico ; Orgao do Centro Medico Cearense" --> Ceara Med CEDPA Network --> CEDPA Netw CEDPA World Wide. Centre for Development and Population Activities --> CEDPA World Wide Celestial Mechanics --> Celestial Mech Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy --> Celestial Mech Dyn Astron Cell --> Cell Cell & Chromosome --> Cell Chromosome Cell Adhesion and Communication --> Cell Adhes Commun Cell Adhesion & Migration --> Cell Adhes Migr Cell and Muscle Motility --> Cell Muscle Motil Cell and Tissue Banking --> Cell Tissue Bank Cell and Tissue Biology --> Cell Tissue Biol Cell and Tissue Kinetics --> Cell Tissue Kinet Cell and Tissue Research --> Cell Tissue Res Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics --> Cell Biochem Biophys Cell Biochemistry and Function --> Cell Biochem Funct Cell Biology and Toxicology --> Cell Biol Toxicol Cell Biology Education --> Cell Biol Educ Cell Biology International --> Cell Biol Int Cell Biology International Reports --> Cell Biol Int Rep Cell Biology Reviews --> Cell Biol Rev Cell Biophysics --> Cell Biophys Cell Calcium --> Cell Calcium Cell Communication & Adhesion --> Cell Commun Adhes Cell Communication and Signaling --> Cell Commun Signal Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) --> Cell Cycle Cell Death and Differentiation --> Cell Death Differ Cell Death & Disease --> Cell Death Dis Cell Differentiation --> Cell Differ Cell Differentiation and Development --> Cell Differ Dev Cell Division --> Cell Div Cell Growth & Differentiation --> Cell Growth Differ Cell Host & Microbe --> Cell Host Microbe Cell Metabolism --> Cell Metab Cell Motility --> Cell Motil Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton --> Cell Motil Cytoskeleton Cell Preservation Technology --> Cell Preserv Technol Cell Proliferation --> Cell Prolif Cell Regulation --> Cell Regul Cell Reports --> Cell Reports Cell Research --> Cell Res Cell Stem Cell --> Cell Stem Cell Cell Stress & Chaperones --> Cell Stress Chaperones Cell Structure and Function --> Cell Struct Funct Cell Transplantation --> Cell Transplant Cell Vision --> Cell Vis Cells, Tissues, Organs --> Cells Tissues Organs Cellscience --> Cellscience Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters --> Cell Mol Biol Lett Cellular & Molecular Biology Research --> Cell Mol Biol Res Cellular & Molecular Immunology --> Cell Mol Immunol Cellular and Molecular Biology --> Cell Mol Biol Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences --> Cell Mol Life Sci Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology --> Cell Mol Neurobiol Cellular Immunology --> Cell Immunol Cellular Logistics --> Cell Logist Cellular Microbiology --> Cell Microbiol Cellular Oncology --> Cell Oncol Cellular Pharmacology --> Cell Pharmacol Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry --> Cell Physiol Biochem Cellular Signalling --> Cell Signal Cellulose (London, England) --> Cellulose Cement and Concrete Composites --> Cement Concr Compos Cement and Concrete Research --> Cement Concr Res Cement, Concrete and Aggregates --> Cem Concr Aggreg Centaurus --> Centaurus Center View --> Cent View Centerpoint --> Centerpoint Centerviews (Honolulu, Hawaii) --> Centerviews Central Asia Monitor --> Cent Asia Monit Central Asian Survey --> Centr Asian Surv Central Europe --> Cent Eur Central European History --> Cent Eur Hist Central European Journal of Chemistry --> Cent Eur J Chem Central European Journal of Operations Research --> Cent Eur J Oper Res Central European Journal of Public Health --> Cent Eur J Public Health Central Issues in Anthropology --> Cent Issues Anthropol Central Nervous System Trauma --> Cent Nerv Syst Trauma Central States Speech Journal --> Cent States Speech J Centre Calling --> Cent Call Centre Medical --> Cent Med Centro de Estudios de Recursos Odontologicos Para el Nino --> Cent Estud Recur Odontol Nino Centro de Estudos do Hospital dos Servidores do Estado. Boletim --> Cent Estud Hosp Servidores Estado Bol CEPAL Review --> CEPAL Rev Cephalalgia --> Cephalalgia Cerâmica --> Ceramica Cerâmica Industrial --> Ceram Ind Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings --> Ceram Eng Sci Proc Ceramic Industry --> Ceram Ind Ceramics International --> Ceram Int Ceramics-Silikáty --> Ceram Silik Cereal Research Communications --> Cereal Res Commun Cerebellum (London, England) --> Cerebellum Cerebral Cortex --> Cereb Cortex Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y.) --> Cereb Cortex Cerebral Palsy Review --> Cereb Palsy Rev Cerebral Palsy Review (South Yarra) --> Cereb Palsy Rev (S Yarra) Cerebrospinal Fluid Research --> Cerebrospinal Fluid Res Cerebrovascular and Brain Metabolism Reviews --> Cerebrovasc Brain Metab Rev Cerebrovascular Diseases (Basel, Switzerland) --> Cerebrovasc Dis Cerebrum --> Cerebrum Ceres --> Ceres Cerrahpasa Tip Fakultesi Dergisi --> Cerrahpasa Tip Fak Derg Certification Bulletin --> Certification Bull Certified Dental Technician --> Certif Dent Technician CES Odontologia --> CES Odontol Ceska a Slovenska Farmacie --> Ceska Slov Farm Ceska a Slovenska Oftalmologie --> Cesk Slov Oftalmol Ceska Gynekologie --> Ceska Gynekol Ceskoslovenska Dermatologie --> Cesk Dermatol Ceskoslovenska Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie --> Cesk Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol Ceskoslovenska Farmacie --> Cesk Farm Ceskoslovenska Fysiologie --> Cesk Fysiol Ceskoslovenska Gastroenterologie a Vyziva --> Cesk Gastroenterol Vyz Ceskoslovenska Gynekologie --> Cesk Gynekol Ceskoslovenska Hygiena --> Cesk Hyg Ceskoslovenska Neurologie --> Cesk Neurol Ceskoslovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie --> Cesk Neurol Neurochir Ceskoslovenska Oftalmologie --> Cesk Oftalmol Ceskoslovenska Otolaryngologie --> Cesk Otolaryngol Ceskoslovenska Patologie --> Cesk Patol Ceskoslovenska Pediatrie --> Cesk Pediatr Ceskoslovenska Radiologie --> Cesk Radiol Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie --> Cesk Stomatol Ceskoslovenske Zdravotnictvi --> Cesk Zdrav Ceskoslovensky Casopis Historicky --> Cesk Cas Hist Cesra Saule --> Cesra Saule "CEX [Reports]; Civil Effects Exercise. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission" --> CEX Rep Civ Eff Exerc Ceylon Dental Journal --> Ceylon Dent J CFA Institute Conference Proceedings --> CFA Inst Conf Proc CFA Institute Conference Proceedings Quarterly --> CFA Inst Conf Proc Q Chángge-ng Yi-xué Zázhì --> Changge-ng Yi-xue Zazhi Ch'Ikwa Kijae Hakhoe Chi --> Chikwa Kijae Hakhoe Chi CHA Insight --> CHA Insight Chain Drug Review --> Chain Drug Rev Challenge --> Challenge (White Plains) Challenge (Atlanta, Ga.) --> Challenge (Atlanta, Ga) Chance --> Chance Chang Gung Medical Journal --> Chang Gung Med J Chang Keng I Hsueh Tsa Chih --> Chang Keng I Hsueh Tsa Chih Change --> Change Changes (Hove, England) --> Changes Changing Men (Madison, Wis.) --> Chang Men Changing Times --> Changing Times Channels --> Channels Channels (Austin, Tex.) --> Channels (Austin) Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.) --> Chaos Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals --> Chaos Solitons Fractals Character and Personality --> Character Pers Chart --> Chart Chasqui --> Chasqui Chasse (Toronto) --> Chasse (Tor) Chatelaine (Toronto, Ont.) --> Chatelaine Chelonian Conservation and Biology --> Chelonian Conserv Biol ChemBioChem --> ChemBioChem Chemia Analityczna --> Chem Anal (Pol) Chemica Scripta --> Chem Scr Chemical & Engineering Data Series --> Chem Eng Data Ser Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin --> Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) Chemical Abstracts --> Chem Abstr Chemical Analysis --> Chem Anal Chemical and Engineering News --> Chem Eng News Chemical and Petroleum Engineering --> Chem Petrol Eng Chemical Biology & Drug Design --> Chem Biol Drug Des Chemical Communications --> Chem Commun Chemical Communications --> Chem Commun Chemical Communications (Cambridge) --> Chem Commun (Camb) Chemical Dependencies --> Chem Depend Chemical Educator --> Chem Educator Chemical Engineering & Technology --> Chem Eng Technol Chemical Engineering and Processing --> Chem Eng Process Chemical Engineering Communications --> Chem Eng Commun Chemical Engineering Journal --> Chem Eng J Chemical Engineering Progress --> Chem Eng Prog Chemical Engineering Research & Design --> Chem Eng Res Des Chemical Engineering Science --> Chem Eng Sci Chemical Geology --> Chem Geol Chemical Geology. Isotope Geoscience Section --> Chem Geol Isot Geosci Sect Chemical Health and Safety --> Chem Health Saf Chemical Heritage --> Chem Herit Chemical Immunology --> Chem Immunol Chemical Immunology and Allergy --> Chem Immunol Allergy Chemical Physics --> Chem Phys Chemical Physics Letters --> Chem Phys Lett Chemical Record (New York, N.Y.) --> Chem Rec Chemical Research in Chinese Universities --> Chem Res Chin Univ Chemical Research in Toxicology --> Chem Res Toxicol Chemical Reviews --> Chem Rev Chemical Senses --> Chem Senses Chemical Society Reviews --> Chem Soc Rev Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability --> Chem Spec Bioavail Chemical Week --> Chem Week Chemicke Zvesti --> Chem Zvesti Chemico-Biological Interactions --> Chem Biol Interact Chemie der Erde --> Chem Erde Chemie in Unserer Zeit --> Chem Unserer Zeit ChemInform --> ChemInform Chemioterapia --> Chemioterapia Chemisch Weekblad --> Chem Weekbl Chemische Berichte --> Chem Ber Chemistry --> Chemistry (Easton) Chemistry & Biodiversity --> Chem Biodivers Chemistry & Biology --> Chem Biol Chemistry & Industry --> Chem Ind Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) --> Chemistry Chemistry and Ecology --> Chem Ecol Chemistry and Physics of Lipids --> Chem Phys Lipids Chemistry Central Journal --> Chem Cent J Chemistry in Britain --> Chem Br Chemistry in Canada --> Chem Can Chemistry International --> Chem Int Chemistry Letters --> Chem Lett Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds --> Chem Heterocycl Compd Chemistry of Materials --> Chem Mater Chemistry of Natural Compounds --> Chem Nat Compd Chemistry Review (Deddington) --> Chem Rev (Deddington) Chemistry, an Asian Journal --> Chem Asian J CHEMKON --> CHEMKON ChemMedChem --> ChemMedChem Chemoecology --> Chemoecology Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems --> Chemom Intell Lab Syst Chemosphere --> Chemosphere Chemosphere. Global Change Science --> Chemosphere, Glob Chang Sci Chemotherapia --> Chemotherapia (Basel) Chemotherapy --> Chemotherapy Chemotherapy Research and Practice --> Chemother Res Pract ChemPhysChem --> ChemPhysChem ChemSusChem --> ChemSusChem Chemtech --> Chemtech Chemtracts --> Chemtracts Chemtracts: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology --> Chemtracts: Biochem Mol Biol Chesapeake Science --> Chesap Sci Chest --> Chest Chest Surgery Clinics of North America --> Chest Surg Clin N Am Chi Sheng Chung Hsueh Yu Chi Sheng Chung Ping Tsa Chih --> Chi Sheng Chung Hsueh Yu Chi Sheng Chung Ping Tsa Chih Chiba Igakkai Zasshi. The Journal of Chiba Medical Society --> J Chiba Med Soc Chicago Bar Record --> Chicago Bar Rec Chicago Defender --> Chic Def Chicago History --> Chic Hist Chicago Journal of International Law --> Chic J Int Law Chicago Medicine --> Chic Med Chicago Policy Review --> Chic Pol Rev Chicago Studies --> Chic Stud Chicago Today (University of Chicago) --> Chic Today Chicago-Kent Law Review --> Chic Kent Law Rev Chicano Law Review --> Chicano Law Rev Chief Information Officer Journal --> Chief Inf Off J Chigaku (Tokyo) --> Chigaku (Tokyo) Chigaku Dantai Kenkyukai --> Chigaku Dantai Kenkyukai Chikyu Kagaku --> Chikyu Kagaku Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal --> Child Adolesc Social Work J Child & Family Behavior Therapy --> Child Fam Behav Ther Child & Family Social Work --> Child Fam Soc Work Child Abuse & Neglect --> Child Abuse Negl Child Abuse Review --> Child Abuse Rev Child and Adolescent Mental Health --> Child Adolesc Ment Health Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care --> Child Adolesc Ment Health Care Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America --> Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health --> Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology News --> Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol News Child and Family --> Child Fam Child and Youth Care Forum --> Child Youth Care Forum Child and Youth Services --> Child Youth Serv Child Care in Practice --> Child Care Pract Child Care Information Exchange --> Child Care Inf Exch Child Care Quarterly --> Child Care Q Child Development --> Child Dev Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography --> Child Dev Abstr Bibliogr Child Development Perspectives --> Child Dev Perspect Child Development Research --> Child Dev Res Child Health Alert --> Child Health Alert Child Health Dialogue --> Child Health Dialogue Child Language Teaching and Therapy --> Child Lang Teach Ther Child Maltreatment --> Child Maltreat Child Nephrology and Urology --> Child Nephrol Urol Child Neuropsychology --> Child Neuropsychol Child Psychiatry and Human Development --> Child Psychiatry Hum Dev Child Psychiatry Quarterly --> Child Psychiatry Q Child Psychology and Psychiatry Review --> Child Psychol Psychiatry Rev Child Study Center Bulletin --> Child Study Cent Bull Child Study Journal --> Child Study J Child Welfare --> Child Welfare Child's Brain --> Childs Brain Child's Nervous System --> Childs Nerv Syst Child: Care, Health and Development --> Child Care Health Dev Childhood --> Childhood Childhood Studies Journal --> Child Stud J Children --> Children Children & Libraries --> Child Libr Children & Schools --> Child Schools Children & Society --> Child Soc Children and Youth Services Review --> Child Youth Serv Rev Children in the Tropics --> Child Trop Children Today --> Child Today Children Who Received Physicians' Services Under the Crippled Children's Program --> Child Who Receiv Physicians' Serv Under Crippl Child Program Children Worldwide --> Child Worldw Children's Environments Quarterly --> Child Environ Q Children's Geographies --> Child Geogr Children's Health Care --> Child Health Care Children's Legal Rights Journal --> Child Leg Rights J Children's Literature Association Quarterly --> Child Lit Assoc Q Children's Literature in Education --> Child Lit Educ Children's Services (Mahwah, N.J.) --> Child Serv (Mahwah NJ) Children, Youth and Environments --> Child Youth Environ Chile. Servicio Nacional de Salud. Revista --> Chil Servicio Nac Salud Rev Chimerism --> Chimerism Chimia --> Chimia (Aarau) Chimica Oggi --> Chim Oggi Chimica Therapeutica --> Chim Ther China --> China China Aktuell --> China Aktuell China Earth Sciences --> China Earth Sci China Economic Review --> China Econ Rev China Environmental Science --> China Environ Sci China Journal (Canberra, A.C.T.) --> China J China Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment --> China J Cancer Prev Treat China Law and Practice --> China Law Pract China National Journal of New Gastroenterology --> China Natl J N Gastroenterol China Newsletter --> China Newsl China Newsletter (Amsterdam) --> China Newsl (Amst) China Newsletter. Electronics --> China Newsl, Electron China Newsletter. Scandinavia --> China Newsl, Scand China Population Headliners --> China Popul Headl China Population Newsletter --> China Popul Newsl China Population Research Leads --> China Popul Res Leads China Population Research Newsletter --> China Popul Res Newsl China Population Today --> China Popul Today China Public Health --> China Pub Health China Reconstructs --> China Reconstr China Report (New Delhi, India) --> China Rep China Review International --> China Rev Int China Tropical Medicine --> China Trop Med China's Medicine --> Chinas Med Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion --> Chin Acupunct Moxibustion Chinese Annals of Mathematics --> Chin Ann Math Chinese Annual Report of Guidance and Counseling --> Chin Annu Rep Guidance Couns Chinese Astronomy --> Chin Astron Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics --> Chin Astron Astrophys Chinese Biochemical Journal --> Chin Biochem J Chinese Chemical Letters --> Chin Chem Lett Chinese Clinical Oncology --> Chin Clin Oncol Chinese Culture --> Chin Cult Chinese Economic Studies --> Chin Econ Stud Chinese Economy --> Chin Econ Chinese Education & Society --> Chin Educ Soc Chinese Environment & Development (Armonk, N.Y.) --> Chin Environ Dev Chinese Geographical Science --> Chin Geogr Sci Chinese Geophysics --> Chin Geophys Chinese Journal of Aeronautics --> Chin J Aeronauti Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology --> Chin J Agric Biotechnol Chinese Journal of Animal Quaratine --> Zhongguo Dongwu Jianyi Chinese Journal of Antibiotics --> Chin J Antibiot Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology --> Chin J Appl Environ Biol Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics --> Chin J Astron Astrophys Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics --> Chin J Biochem Biophys Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology --> Chin J Biochem Mol Biol Chinese Journal of Biotechnology --> Chin J Biotechnol Chinese Journal of Biotechnology --> Chin J Biotechnol Chinese Journal of Botany --> Chin J Bot Chinese Journal of Cancer Research --> Chin J Cancer Res Chinese Journal of Catalysis --> Chin J Catal Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering --> Chin J Chem Eng Chinese Journal of Chemistry --> Chin J Chem Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology --> Chin J Clin Psychol Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine --> Chin J Coal Ind Med Chinese Journal of Current Clinical Medicine --> Chin J Curr Clin Med Chinese Journal of Digestive Diseases --> Chin J Dig Dis Chinese Journal of Endemiology --> Chin J Endemiology Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery --> Chin J Exp Surg Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine --> Chin J Forensic Med Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology --> Chin J Gastroenterol Hepatol Chinese Journal of Genetics --> Chin J Genet Chinese Journal of Geophysics --> Chin J Geophys Chinese Journal of Immunology --> Chin J Immunol Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine --> Chin J Integr Med Chinese Journal of International Law --> Chin J Int Law Chinese Journal of Lasers --> Chin J Lasers Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology --> Chin J Microbiol Immunol Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine --> Chin J Nat Med Chinese Journal of Neurology --> Chin J Neurol Chinese Journal of Neuroscience --> Chin J Neurosci Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology --> Chin J Oceanology Limnol Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology --> Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery --> Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine --> Zhongguo Zhong-Xiyi Jiehe Er-Bi-Yanhouke Zazhi Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control --> Chin J Parasitic Dis Contr Chinese Journal of Pediatrics --> Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery --> Zhonghua Zheng Xing Shao Shang Wai Ke Za Zhi Chinese Journal of Population Science --> Chin J Popul Sci Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine --> Chin J Prev Med Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine --> Chin J Prev Vet Med Chinese Journal of Psychology --> Chin J Psychol Chinese Journal of Public Health --> Chin J Publ Health Chinese Journal of Radiology --> Zhonghua Fang She Xue Za Zhi Chinese Journal of Traumatology --> Chin J Traumatol Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine --> Chin J Vet Med Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science --> Chin J Vet Sci Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology --> Chin J Vet Sci Technol Chinese Journal of Virology --> Chin J Virol Chinese Journal of Zoonoses --> Chin J Zoonoses Chinese Literature --> Chin Lit Chinese Medical Journal --> Chin Med J (Engl) Chinese Medical Journal --> Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) Chinese Medical Journal --> Chin Med J Chinese Medical Sciences Journal --> Chin Med Sci J Chinese Medicine --> Chin Med Chinese Mental Health Journal --> Chin Ment Health J Chinese Optics Letters --> Chin Opt Lett Chinese Physics --> Chin Phys Chinese Physics Letters --> Chin Phys Lett Chinese Science --> Chin Sci Chinese Science Bulletin --> Chin Sci Bull Chinese Sociology and Anthropology --> Chin Sociol Anthropol Chinese Studies in History --> Chin Stud Hist Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs --> Chin Tradit Herbal Drugs Chirality --> Chirality Chirigaku Hyoron --> Chirigaku Hyoron Chiropodist (Society of Chiropodists) --> Chiropodist (Lond) Chiropractic & Osteopathy --> Chiropr Osteopat Chiropractic History --> Chiropr Hist Chirurgia --> Chirurgia (Bucur) Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania) --> Chirurgia (Bucur) Chirurgia e Patologia Sperimentale --> Chir Patol Sper Chirurgia Italiana --> Chir Ital Chirurgia Maxillofacialis & Plastica --> Chir Maxillofac Plast Chirurgia Narzadow Ruchu i Ortopedia Polska --> Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol Chirurgia Urologica --> Chir Urol Chirurgie --> Chirurgie Chirurgie de la Main --> Chir Main Chirurgie fur Studium und Praxis --> Chir Stud Prax Chirurgie Pediatrique --> Chir Pediatr Chirurgische Praxis --> Chir Prax Chirurgisches Forum fur Experimentelle und Klinische Forschung --> Chir Forum Exp Klin Forsch Chiryo --> Chiryo Chishitsugaku Ronshu --> Chishitsugaku Ronshu Chitty's Law Journal --> Chittys Law J Choice (Chicago, Ill.) --> Choice (Middletown) Choices (New York, N.Y.) --> Choices (NY NY) Choices in Respiratory Management --> Choices Respir Manage Cholesterol --> Cholesterol Chongqing Shifan Daxue Xuebao. Zhexue Shehui Kexue Ban --> Chongqing Shifan Daxue Xuebao Zhexue Shehui Kexue Ban Chongqing Shifan Daxue Xuebao. Ziran Kexue Ban --> Chongqing Shifan Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban Chonnam Uidae Chapchi --> Chonnam Med J Choson Uihak --> Choson Uihak Chot Mai Het Kan Phayaban --> Chot Mai Het Kan Phayaban Christ to the World --> Christ World Christian Bioethics --> Christ Bioeth Christian Century (Chicago, Ill.) --> Christ Century Christian Higher Education --> Christ High Educ Christian Medical Dental Society Journal --> Christ Med Dent Soc J Christian Medical Society Journal --> Christ Med Soc J Christian Nurse --> Christ Nurse (Mysore) Christian Nurse International --> Christ Nurse Int Christian Scholar's Review --> Christ Sch Rev "Christian Science Monitor (Boston, Mass. ; Eastern Ed.)" --> Christ Sci Monitor (East Ed) Christian Science Monitor (Boston, Mass.) --> Christ Sci Monitor "Christiana Albertina; Kieler Universitats-Zeitschrift" --> Christiana Albertina Kiel Univ Z Christianity and Crisis --> Christ Crisis Christianity Today --> Christ Today Chromatogram --> Chromatogram Chromatographia --> Chromatographia Chromatographic Methods --> Chromatogr Methods Chromatographic Reviews --> Chromatogr Rev Chromatography Research International --> Chromatogr Res Int Chromosoma --> Chromosoma Chromosome Research --> Chromosome Res Chronic Diseases in Canada --> Chronic Dis Can Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada --> Chronic Dis Inj Can Chronic Illness --> Chronic Illn Chronic Respiratory Disease --> Chron Respir Dis Chronica Botanica --> Chron Bot Chronica Horticulturae --> Chron Horticult Chronicle (Philadelphia, Pa.) --> Chronicle (Phila) Chronicle (Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh) --> Chron R Coll Physicians Edinb Chronicles of Oklahoma --> Chron Okla Chronique d'Egypte --> Chron Egypte Chroniques d'Actualite de la S.E.D.E.I.S. --> Chron Actual SEDEIS Chronobiologia --> Chronobiologia Chronobiology International --> Chronobiol Int Chudoku Kenkyu --> Chudoku Kenkyu Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Modern Developments in Traditional Medicine --> Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yuan Min Tsu Hsueh Yen Chiu So Chi K'an --> Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yuan Min Tsu Hsueh Yen Chiu So Chi K'an Chungang Uidae Chi --> Chung Ang Ui Dai Chi Chung-Hua Cheng Hsing Shao Shang Wai Ko Tsa Chih --> Chung Hua Cheng Hsing Shao Shang Wai Ko Tsa Chih Chung-Hua Chieh Ho Ho Hu Hsi Hsi Chi Ping Tsa Chih --> Chung Hua Chieh Ho Ho Hu Hsi Hsi Chi Ping Tsa Chih Chung-Hua Chieh Ho Ho Hu Hsi Tsa Chih --> Chung Hua Chieh Ho Ho Hu Hsi Tsa Chih Chung-hua Hsiao Hua Tsa Chih --> Chung Hua Hsiao Hua Tsa Chih Chung-Hua Hu Li Tsa Chih --> Chung Hua Hu Li Tsa Chih Chung-Hua I Hsueh I Chuan Hsueh Tsa Chih --> Chung Hua I Hsueh I Chuan Hsueh Tsa Chih Chung-Hua Kan Tsang Ping Tsa Chih --> Chung Hua Kan Tsang Ping Tsa Chih Chung-Hua Kou Chiang I Hsueh Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Stomatology --> Chung Hua Kou Chiang Hsueh Tsa Chih Chung-Hua Min Kuo Wei Sheng Wu Hsueh Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Microbiology --> Chung Hua Min Kuo Wei Sheng Wu Hsueh Tsa Chih Chung-Hua Ya I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih --> Chung-hua Ya I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih Chung-Kuo Chi Sheng Chung Hsueh Yu Chi Sheng Chung Ping Tsa Chih Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases --> Chung Kuo Chi Sheng Chung Hsueh Yu Chi Sheng Chung Ping Tsa Chih Chung-Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih --> Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih Chung-Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih --> Chung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih Chung-Kuo Hsiu Fu Chung Chien Wai Ko Tsa Chih: Chinesse Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery: --> Chung Kuo Hsiu Fu Chung Chien Wai Ko Tsa Chih Chung-Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao --> Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao Chung-Kuo Ying Yung Sheng Li Hsueh Tsa Chih: Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology --> Chung Kuo Ying Yung Sheng Li Hsueh Tsa Chih Church and Society --> Church Soc Church History --> Church Hist Chuzo Kogaku --> Chuzo Kogaku Ciba Foundation Study Group --> Ciba Found Study Group Ciba Foundation Symposium --> Ciba Found Symp CIBA Symposia (New York) --> Ciba Symp (NY) Ciclos en la Historia, la Economia y la Sociedad --> Ciclos Hist Econom Soc Ciel et Terre --> Ciel Terre Ciencia & Saude Coletiva --> Cien Saude Colet Ciencia e Cultura --> Cienc Cult Ciencia e Investigacion --> Cienc Invest Ciencia Pesquera --> Cienc Pesq Ciencia y Desarrollo --> Cienc Desarro Ciencia y Sociedad --> Cienc Soc Ciencia y Tecnologia Pesquera --> Cienc Tecnol Pesq Ciencia, Docencia y Technologia --> Cienc Docencia Technologia Ciencias Marinas --> Cienc Mar CIFAR's Global Company News Digest --> CIFAR's Glob Co News Dig CIM Bulletin --> CIM Bull Cim Rostrum --> Cim Rostrum Cineforum --> Cineforum CIN Plus --> CIN Plus Cinéaste (New York, N.Y.) --> Cinéaste (NY NY) Cinema Nuovo --> Cine Nuovo Cincinnati Dental Society Bulletin --> Cincinnati Dent Soc Bull Cincinnati Journal of Medicine --> Cinci J Med Cinema Journal --> Cine J Circular - Illinois State Geological Survey --> Circ Ill State Geol Survey Circular Farmaceutica --> Circ Farm Circular of the National Bureau of Standards --> Circ Natl Bur Stand Circulation --> Circulation Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology --> Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging --> Circ Cardiovasc Imaging Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions --> Circ Cardiovasc Interv Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics --> Circ Cardiovasc Genet Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes --> Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes Circulation: Heart Failure --> Circ Heart Fail Circulation Journal --> Circ J Circulation Research --> Circ Res Circulatory Shock --> Circ Shock Circulatory Shock. Supplement --> Circ Shock Suppl Circulo Odontologico de San Martin y Tres de Febrero --> Circ Odontol San Martin Tres Febr CIRDAP Development Digest --> CIRDAP Dev Dig CIRES, Cahiers Ivoiriens de Recherche Economique et Sociale. Centre Ivoirien de Recherches Economiques et Sociales --> CIRES Cah Ivoir Rech Econ Soc CIRP Annals --> CIRP Ann CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology --> CIRO J Manuf Sci Technol Cirugia Bucal --> Cir Bucal Cirugia Espanola --> Cir Esp Cirugia Pediatrica --> Cir Pediatr Cirugia y Cirujanos --> Cir Cir Cirugia, Ginecologia y Urologia --> Cir Ginecol Urol CIS Dental News --> CIS Dent News Cities (London, England) --> Cities Citizenship Studies --> Citizenship Stud City & Community --> City Community City Journal (New York, N.Y.) --> City J Cityscape (Washington, D.C.) --> Cityscape (Wash, DC) Civil Code Annotated of the State of California --> Civ Code Annot State Calif Calif Civil Engineering (London) --> Civ Eng (Lond) Civil Engineering (New York, N.Y.) --> Civ Eng (NYNY) Civil Engineering (New York, N.Y.) --> Civ Eng (NY NY) Civil Engineering (New York, N.Y.) --> Civ Eng Civil Engineering (Springfield, Va.) --> Civ Eng (Springf Va) Civil Engineering (Yeoville) --> Civ Eng (Yeov) Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems --> Civ Eng Environ Syst Civil Engineering Systems --> Civ Eng Syst Civil Liberties --> Civil Lib Civil War History --> Civ War Hist Civil War Times Illustrated --> Civ War Times Illus Civil Wars --> Civ Wars Civilisations --> Civilisations Civilisations --> Civilisations Clínica y Análisis Grupal --> Clin Anal Grupal Cladistics --> Cladistics Classical and Quantum Gravity --> Class Quantum Gravity Classical Antiquity --> Class Antiq Classical Philology --> Class Philol Classical Quarterly --> Class Q Classical World --> Class World Clay Minerals --> Clay Miner Clay Minerals Bulletin --> Clay Miner Bull Clays and Clay Minerals --> Clays Clay Miner Clean Air --> Clean Air Clean Air (Brighton) --> Clean Air Clean Products and Processes --> Clean Prod Process Clearing House (Menasha, Wis.) --> Clearing House Clearinghouse Review --> Clgh Rev Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine --> Cleve Clin J Med Cleveland Clinic Quarterly --> Cleve Clin Q Cleveland State Law Review --> Clevel State Law Rev Climacteric --> Climacteric Climate Dynamics --> Clim Dyn Climate of the Past --> Clim Past Climate Policy --> Clim Policy Climate Research --> Clim Res Climatic Change --> Clim Change Cliníca y Salud --> Clin Salud Clinic (Paris, France) --> Clinic (Paris) Clinic Odontologia --> Clin Odontol Clinica Chimica Acta --> Clin Chim Acta Clinica e Investigacion en Ginecologia y Obstetricia --> Clin Invest Ginecol Obstet Clinica Europea --> Clin Eur Clinica Latina --> Clin Lat Clinica y Laboratorio --> Clin Lab (Zaragoza) Clinical & Developmental Immunology --> Clin Dev Immunol Clinical & Experimental Allergy Reviews --> Clin Exp Allergy Rev Clinical & Experimental Metastasis --> Clin Exp Metastasis Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology --> Clin Experiment Ophthalmol Clinical & Experimental Optometry --> Clin Exp Optom Clinical & Translational Oncology --> Clin Transl Oncol Clinical Advances in Hematology & Oncology --> Clin Adv Hematol Oncol Clinical Allergy --> Clin Allergy Clinical Allergy and Immunology --> Clin Allergy Immunol Clinical Anatomy (New York, N.Y.) --> Clin Anat Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews --> Clin Appl Immunol Rev Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis --> Clin Appl Thromb Hemost Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology --> Clin Diagn Lab Immunol Clinical and Diagnostic Virology --> Clin Diagn Virol Clinical and Experimental Allergy --> Clin Exp Allergy Clinical and Experimental Dermatology --> Clin Exp Dermatol Clinical and Experimental Dialysis and Apheresis --> Clin Exp Dial Apheresis Clinical and Experimental Hypertension --> Clin Exp Hypertens Clinical and Experimental Hypertension (New York, N.Y.) --> Clin Exp Hypertens Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part A, Theory and Practice --> Clin Exp Hypertens A Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part B, Hypertension in Pregnancy --> Clin Exp Hypertens B Clinical and Experimental Immunology --> Clin Exp Immunol Clinical and Experimental Medicine --> Clin Exp Med Clinical and Experimental Nephrology --> Clin Exp Nephrol Clinical and Experimental Neurology --> Clin Exp Neurol Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology --> Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol Clinical and Experimental Pathology --> Clin Exp Pathol Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology --> Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology. Supplement --> Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol Suppl Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology --> Clin Exp Rheumatol Clinical and Investigative Medicine. Medecine Clinique et Experimentale --> Clin Invest Med Clinical and Laboratory Haematology --> Clin Lab Haematol Clinical and Molecular Allergy --> Clin Mol Allergy Clinical and Translational Science --> Clin Transl Sci "Clinical and Vaccine Immunology ; CVI" --> Clin Vaccine Immunol Clinical Anesthesia --> Clin Anesth Clinical Autonomic Research --> Clin Auton Res Clinical Biochemistry --> Clin Biochem Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) --> Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) Clinical Breast Cancer --> Clin Breast Cancer Clinical Bulletin --> Clin Bull Clinical Calcium --> Clin Calcium Clinical Cancer Research --> Clin Cancer Res Clinical Cardiology --> Clin Cardiol Clinical Case Studies --> Clin Case Stud Clinical Chemistry --> Clin Chem Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine --> Clin Chem Lab Med Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review --> Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry --> Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry Clinical Chiropractic --> Clin Chiropr Clinical Colorectal Cancer --> Clin Colorectal Cancer Clinical Cornerstone --> Clin Cornerstone Clinical Dentistry --> Rinsho Shika Clinical Diabetes --> Clin Diabetes Clinical Drug Investigation --> Clin Drug Investig Clinical Dysmorphology --> Clin Dysmorphol Clinical EEG (Electroencephalography) --> Clin Electroencephalogr Clinical EEG and Neuroscience --> Clin EEG Neurosci Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing --> Clin Eff Nurs Clinical Endocrinology --> Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) Clinical Engineering --> Clin Eng Clinical Engineering Information Service --> Clin Eng Inf Serv Clinical Engineering News --> Clin Eng News Clinical Ethics Report --> Clinical Ethics Rep Clinical Evidence --> Clin Evid Clinical Evidence (Online) --> Clin Evid (Online) Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners --> Clin Excell Nurse Pract Clinical Exercise Physiology --> Clin Exerc Physiol Clinical Eye and Vision Care --> Clin Eye Vis Care Clinical Forum for Nurse Anesthetists --> CRNA Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology --> Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol Clinical Genetics --> Clin Genet Clinical Genitourinary Cancer --> Clin Genitourin Cancer Clinical Gerontologist --> Clin Gerontol Clinical Governance --> Clin Gov Clinical Gynecology and Obstetrics --> Rinsho Fujinka Sanka Clinical Hemorheology --> Clin Hemorheol Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation --> Clin Hemorheol Microcirc Clinical Imaging --> Clin Imaging Clinical Immunology (Orlando, Fla.) --> Clin Immunol Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology --> Clin Immunol Immunopathol Clinical Immunology Newsletter --> Clin Immunol Newsl Clinical Immunology Reviews --> Clin Immunol Rev Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research --> Clin Implant Dent Relat Res Clinical Infectious Diseases --> Clin Infect Dis Clinical Intensive Care --> Clin Intensive Care Clinical Interventions in Aging --> Clin Interv Aging Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing --> Clin J Oncol Nurs Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine --> Clin J Sport Med "Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ; CJASN" --> Clin J Am Soc Nephrol Clinical Journal of Women's Health --> Clin J Womens Health Clinical Laboratory --> Clin Lab Clinical Laboratory Management Review --> Clin Lab Manage Rev Clinical Laboratory Science --> Clin Lab Sci Clinical Laser Monthly --> Clin Laser Mon Clinical Leadership & Management Review --> Clin Leadersh Manag Rev Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics --> Clin Linguist Phon Clinical Lipidology --> Clin Lipidol Clinical Lung Cancer --> Clin Lung Cancer Clinical Lymphoma --> Clin Lymphoma Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma --> Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Clinical Materials --> Clin Mater Clinical Medicine --> Clin Med (Northfield IL) Clinical Medicine & Research --> Clin Med Res Clinical Medicine (London, England) --> Clin Med Clinical Microbiology and Infection --> Clin Microbiol Infect Clinical Microbiology Newsletter --> Clin Microbiol Newsl Clinical Microbiology Reviews --> Clin Microbiol Rev Clinical Molecular Pathology --> Clin Mol Pathol Clinical Nephrology --> Clin Nephrol Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery --> Clin Neurol Neurosurg Clinical Neuropathology --> Clin Neuropathol Clinical Neuropharmacology --> Clin Neuropharmacol Clinical Neurophysiology --> Clin Neurophysiol Clinical Neuropsychiatry: Journal of Treatment Evaluation --> Clin Neuropsychiatry J Treat Eval Clinical Neuropsychologist --> Clin Neuropsychol Clinical Neuropsychology --> Clin Neuropsychol Clinical Neuroscience (New York, N.Y.) --> Clin Neurosci Clinical Neuroscience Research --> Clin Neurosci Res Clinical Neurosurgery --> Clin Neurosurg Clinical Notes on Respiratory Diseases --> Clin Notes Respir Dis Clinical Nuclear Medicine --> Clin Nucl Med Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS --> Clin Nurse Spec Clinical Nursing Practice in Epilepsy --> Clin Nurs Pract Epilepsy Clinical Nursing Research --> Clin Nurs Res Clinical Nutrition (Edinburgh, Lothian) --> Clin Nutr Clinical Nutrition Supplements --> Clin Nutr Suppl Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology --> Clin Obstet Gynecol Clinical Oncology --> Clin Oncol Clinical Oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain)) --> Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) Clinical Oral Implants Research --> Clin Oral Implants Res Clinical Oral Investigations --> Clin Oral Investig Clinical Orthodontics and Research --> Clin Orthod Res Clinical Orthopaedics --> Clin Orthop Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research --> Clin Orthop Relat Res Clinical Otolaryngology --> Clin Otolaryngol Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences --> Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine --> Clin Pediatr Emerg Med Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology --> Clin Pediatr Endocrinol Clinical Pediatrics --> Clin Pediatr (Phila) Clinical Performance and Quality Health Care --> Clin Perform Qual Health Care Clinical Pharmacokinetics --> Clin Pharmacokinet Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics --> Clin Pharmacol Ther Clinical Pharmacy --> Clin Pharm Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement --> Clin Phys Physiol Meas Clinical Physiology (Oxford, England) --> Clin Physiol Clinical Physiology and Biochemistry --> Clin Physiol Biochem Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging --> Clin Physiol Funct Imaging Clinical Positron Imaging --> Clin Positron Imaging Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health --> Clin Pract Epidemol Ment Health Clinical Practice Guideline. Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians --> Clin Pract Guidel Quick Ref Guide Clin Clinical Preventive Dentistry --> Clin Prev Dent Clinical Privilege White Paper --> Clin Privil White Pap Clinical Proceedings - Children's Hospital National Medical Center --> Clin Proc Child Hosp Natl Med Cent Clinical Proceedings - Children's Hospital of the District of Columbia --> Clin Proc Child Hosp Dist Columbia Clinical Prostate Cancer --> Clin Prostate Cancer Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics --> Clin Prosthet Orthot Clinical Proteomics --> Clin Proteomics Clinical Psychologist --> Clin Psychol Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy --> Clin Psychol Psychother Clinical Psychology Review --> Clin Psychol Rev Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice --> Clin Psychol Sci Pract Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience --> Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci Clinical Radiology --> Clin Radiol Clinical Radiology Extra --> Clin Radiol Extra Clinical Rehabilitation --> Clin Rehabil Clinical Reports --> Clin Rep Clinical Reproduction and Fertility --> Clin Reprod Fertil Clinical Research --> Clin Res Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs --> Clin Res Regul Aff "Clinical Research in Cardiology ; Official Journal of the German Cardiac Society" --> Clin Res Cardiol Clinical Research Practices and Drug Regulatory Affairs --> Clin Res Pr Drug Regul Aff Clinical Resource Management --> Clin Resour Manag Clinical Reviews in Allergy --> Clin Rev Allergy Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology --> Clin Rev Allergy Immunol Clinical Rheumatology --> Clin Rheumatol Clinical Risk --> Clin Risk Clinical Science --> Clin Sci Clinical Science (London, England) --> Clin Sci (Lond) Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine --> Clin Sci Mol Med Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine. Supplement --> Clin Sci Mol Med Suppl Clinical Simulation in Nursing --> Clin Simul Nurs Clinical Social Work Journal --> Clin Soc Work J Clinical Spinal Cord Injury Conference. Proceedings --> Clin Spinal Cord Inj Conf Proc Clinical Symposia --> Clin Symp Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice --> Clin Tech Small Anim Pract Clinical Therapeutics --> Clin Ther Clinical Toxicology --> Clin Toxicol Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, PA) --> Clin Toxicol (Phila) Clinical Transplantation --> Clin Transplant Clinical Transplants --> Clin Transpl Clinical Trials --> Clin Trials Clinical Trials and Meta-Analysis --> Clin Trials Metaanal Clinical Trials Journal --> Clin Trials J Clinical Update --> Clin Update Clinical Virology --> Rinsho To Uirusu Clinical Vision Sciences --> Clin Vis Sci Clinics (Sao Paulo) --> Clinics (Sao Paulo) Clinics in Chest Medicine --> Clin Chest Med Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery --> Clin Colon Rectal Surg Clinics in Communication Disorders --> Clin Commun Disord Clinics in Dermatology --> Clin Dermatol Clinics in Diagnostic Ultrasound --> Clin Diagn Ultrasound Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism --> Clin Endocrinol Metab Clinics in Family Practice --> Clin Fam Pract Clinics in Gastroenterology --> Clin Gastroenterol Clinics in Geriatric Medicine --> Clin Geriatr Med Clinics in Haematology --> Clin Haematol Clinics in Laboratory Medicine --> Clin Lab Med Clinics in Liver Disease --> Clin Liver Dis Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology --> Clin Obstet Gynaecol Clinics in Occupational and Environmental Medicine --> Clin Occup Environ Med Clinics in Perinatology --> Clin Perinatol Clinics in Plastic Surgery --> Clin Plast Surg Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery --> Clin Podiatr Med Surg Clinics in Podiatry --> Clin Podiatry Clinics in Rheumatic Diseases --> Clin Rheum Dis Clinics in Sports Medicine --> Clin Sports Med Clinique (Paris, France) --> Clinique (Paris) Cliniques Méditerranéennes --> Clin Mediterr Clio --> Clio Clio Medica (Amsterdam, Netherlands) --> Clio Med Cliometrica --> Cliometrica Cloning --> Cloning Cloning and Stem Cells --> Cloning Stem Cells Clothing & Textiles Research Journal --> Cloth Text Res J Cluster Computing --> Cluster Comput CMAJ Open --> CMAJ Open CMD. Current Medical Dialog --> CMD "CMIG Extra; Cases" --> CMIG Extra Cases CNA Bulletin --> CNA Bull CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets --> CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets CNS Drug Reviews --> CNS Drug Rev CNS Drugs --> CNS Drugs CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics --> CNS Neurosci Ther CNS Spectrums --> CNS Spectr Coal Technology --> Coal Technol Coastal Engineering --> Coast Eng Coastal Engineering Journal --> Coast Eng J Coastal Management --> Coast Manage Cochlear Implants International --> Cochlear Implants Int Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews --> Cochrane Database Syst Rev "Code of Federal Regulations. 45; Public Welfare" --> Code Fed Regul Public Welfare Code of Federal Regulations. 46, Shipping --> Code Fed Regul Shipping "Code of Virginia, 1950 ; With Provisions for Subsequent Pocket Parts. Annotated" --> Code Va 1950 Va CoDesign --> CoDesign Coeur --> Coeur Coeur et Medecine Interne --> Coeur Med Interne Co-Existence (Glasgow, Scotland) --> Coexistence Cognition, Brain, Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Journal --> Cogn Creier Comport Cognition --> Cognition Cognition and Emotion --> Cogn Emotion Cognition and Instruction --> Cogn Instr Cognition Technology and Work --> Cogn Technol Work Cognitiva --> Cognitiva Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology --> Cogn Behav Neurol Cognitive and Behavioral Practice --> Cognit Behav Pract Cognitive Behaviour Therapy --> Cogn Behav Ther Cognitive Development --> Cogn Dev Cognitive Linguistics --> Cogn Linguist Cognitive Neurodynamics --> Cogn Neurodynamics Cognitive Neuropsychiatry --> Cogn Neuropsychiatry Cognitive Neuropsychology --> Cogn Neuropsychol Cognitive Neuroscience Society ... Annual Meeting Abstract Program --> Cogn Neurosci Soc Annu Meet Abstr Program Cognitive Processing --> Cogn Process Cognitive Psychology --> Cognit Psychol Cognitive Science --> Cogn Sci Cognitive Systems Research --> Cogn Syst Res Cognitive Therapy and Research --> Cognit Ther Res Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience --> Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci Coimbra Medica --> Coimbra Med Coin World --> Coin World Coke and Chemistry --> Coke Chem Cold Regions Science and Technology --> Cold Reg Sci Technol Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology --> Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology --> Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol Cold War History --> Cold War Hist Coleccion Estudios CIEPLAN --> Colecc Estud CIEPLAN Coleccion Historica de Ciencias de la Salud --> Colecc Hist Cienc Salud Coleopterists Bulletin --> Coleopt Bull Collagen and Related Research --> Coll Relat Res Collana di Monografie Dell'Archivio E. Maragliano --> Collana Monogr Arch E Maragliano Collana di Pagine di Storia della Medicina --> Collana Pagine Stor Med Collected Works on Cardio-Pulmonary Disease --> Coll Works Cardiopulm Dis Collection Bernard de Ventadour --> Coll Bernard Ventadour Collection Hémostase --> Collect Hemostase Collection Héraldique & Généalogie --> Collect Heraldique Genealogie Collection Management --> Collect Manage Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Contributions --> Collect Czech Chem Commun Collection Références de L'Ethnologie --> Collect References L'Ethnologie Collections --> Collections Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society --> Collect N S Hist Soc College & Research Libraries --> Coll Res Libr College & Research Libraries News --> Coll Res Libr News College & Undergraduate Libraries --> Coll Undergrad Libr College and University --> Coll Univ College Art Journal --> Coll Art J College Composition and Communication --> Coll Composition Commun College English --> Coll Engl College Literature --> Coll Lit College Review (Denver, Colo.) --> Coll Rev College Student Journal --> Coll Stud J College Teaching --> Coll Teach Collegian (Royal College of Nursing, Australia) --> Collegian Collegium Antropologicum --> Coll Antropol Colloid & Polymer Science --> Colloid Polym Sci Colloid Journal --> Colloid J Colloids and Surfaces --> Colloids Surf Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects --> Colloids Surf A Physicochem Eng Asp Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces --> Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces Colloques Internationaux. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) --> Colloq Int CNRS Colloques Nationaux. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) --> Colloq Natx Cent Natl Rech Sci Colloquium --> Colloquium Colombia Médica (Cali, Colombia) --> Colomb Med Colombia. Universidad, Bogota. Facultad de Medicina. Profesores Titulares en Orden de Antiguedad y en Servicio Activo --> Colomb Univ, Bogota Fac Med Profesores Titulares Orden Antiguedad Servicio Activo Colonial Latin American Review --> Colonial Lat Am Rev Colonial Waterbirds --> Colon Waterbirds Coloproctology --> Coloproctology Color Research and Application --> Color Res Appl Colorado Heritage --> Colo Herit Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy --> Colo J Int Environ Law Policy Colorado Lawyer --> Colo Lawyer Colorado Medicine --> Colo Med Colorado Nurse --> Colo Nurse Colorado Nurse --> Colo Nurse Colorado Quarterly --> Colo Q Colorado School of Mines Magazine --> Colo Sch Mines Mag Colorado School of Mines Quarterly Review of Engineering, Science, Education and Research --> Colo Sch Mines Q Rev Eng Sci Educ Res Colorectal Disease --> Colorectal Dis Columbia Forum --> Columbia Forum Columbia Human Rights Law Review --> Columbia Human Rights Law Rev Columbia Journal of Environmental Law --> Columbia J Environ Law Columbia Journal of Gender and Law --> Columbia J Gend Law Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems --> Columbia J Law Soc Probl Columbia Journalism Review --> Columbia J Rev Columbia Law Review --> Columbia Law Rev Columbus Dental Society Bulletin --> Columb Dent Soc Bull Combinatorial Chemistry --> Comb Chem Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening --> Comb Chem High Throughput Screen Combinatorica --> Combinatorica Combinatorics Probability & Computing --> Combin Probab Comput Combined Cumulative Index to Psychiatry --> Comb Cumul Index Psych COMBROAD --> COMBROAD Combustion and Flame --> Combust Flame Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves --> Combust Explos Shock Waves Combustion Science and Technology --> Combust Sci Technol Comunicación y Sociedad --> Comun Soc Commentary (New York, N.Y.) --> Commentary Comments on Development Neurobiology --> Comments Dev Neurobiol Comments on Theoretical Biology --> Comments Theor Biol Comments on Toxicology --> Comments Toxicol Commercial Law Journal --> Commer Law J Commercial Laws of Europe --> Commer Law Eur Commitment --> Commitment CommLaw Conspectus --> CommLaw Conspec Common Factor (Stoughton, Mass.) --> Common Factor Common Knowledge --> Common Knowl Common Law World Review --> Common Law World Rev Common Market Law Review --> Common Market Law Rev Commonweal (New York, N.Y.) --> Commonweal Commonwealth and Comparative Politics --> Commonw Comp Polit Commonwealth Essays and Studies --> Commonw Essays Stud Communal/Plural --> Communal Plural Communicable Disease and Public Health --> Commun Dis Public Health Communicable Disease Report. CDR Review --> Commun Dis Rep CDR Rev Communicable Disease Report. CDR Supplement --> Commun Dis Rep CDR Suppl Communicable Disease Report. CDR Weekly --> Commun Dis Rep CDR Wkly Communicable Diseases Intelligence --> Commun Dis Intell Communicatie --> Communicatie Communicating Nursing Research --> Commun Nurs Res Communicatio Socialis --> Commun Soc Communication & Cognition --> Commun Cogn Communication & Medicine --> Commun Med Communication Disorders Quarterly --> Comm Disord Q Communication Education --> Commun Educ Communication Information --> Commun Inform Communication Law and Policy --> Commun Law Policy Communication Monographs --> Commun Monogr Communication Quarterly --> Commun Q Communication Reports --> Commun Rep Communication Research --> Communic Res Communication Research Reports --> Commun Res Rep Communication Review --> Commun Rev Communication Studies --> Commun Stud Communication Theory --> Commun Theory Communication, Culture & Critique --> Commun Cult Crit Communicationes de Historia Artis Medicinae. Suppl --> Commun Hist Artis Med Suppl Communications --> Communications Communications & Stratégies --> Commun Strategies Communications de la Division Médicale, Caisse Nationale Suisse d'Assurance en Cas d'Accidents --> Commun Div Med Caiss Natl Suisse Assur Cas Accid Communications du Service Médical, Caisse Nationale Suisse d'Assurance en Cas d'Accidents --> Commun Serv Med Caiss Natl Suisse Assur Cas Accid Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences --> Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci Communications in Algebra --> Commun Algebra Communications in Behavioral Biology. Part A: --> Commun Behav Biol Communications in Contemporary Mathematics --> Commun Contemp Math Communications in Mathematical Physics --> Commun Math Phys Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation --> Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simul Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering --> Commun Numer Methods Eng Communications in Partial Differential Equations --> Commun Partial Differ Equ Communications in Psychopharmacology --> Commun Psychopharmacol Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis --> Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation --> Comm Stat Simul Comput Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods --> Comm Stat Theory Methods Communications in Statistics. Econometric Reviews --> Commun Stat, Econom Rev Communications of the ACM --> Commun ACM Communications of the Association for Information Systems --> Comm Assoc Inform Syst Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics --> Commun Pure Appl Math Communicative & Integrative Biology --> Commun Integr Biol Communio (Spokane, Wash.) --> Communio Communiqué (Kent) --> Communique (Kent) Communiqué (Wellington) --> Communique (Wellingt) Communiqué ... des Demandes de Stages et D'emplois Reçues Par le C.D.I.R. --> Communique Demandes Stages Emplois Recues CDIR Communiqué Central. Paris, Province --> Communique Cent Paris, Province Communiqué, Newsletter of the Chair in Slovak History and Culture --> Communique, Newsl Chair Slovak Hist Cult Communique --> Communique Communique (Boston) --> Communique (Boston) Communique (Hollywood) --> Communique (Hollywood) Communique (Milwaukee, Wis.) --> Communique Communique (Sydney) --> Communique (Syd) Communique / American Nurses Association, Center for Ethics and Human Rights --> Communique (Wash DC) Communique Newsletter --> Communique, Newsl Communist and Post-Communist Studies --> Communist Post-Communist Stud Communist Economies --> Communist Econ Communist Economies and Economic Transformation --> Communist Econ Econ Transform Community & Junior College Libraries --> Community Jr Coll Libr Community Alternatives --> Community Alternat Community and Junior College Journal --> Community Jr Coll J Community College Journal --> Community Coll J Community College Journal of Research and Practice --> Community Coll J Res Pract Community College Review --> Community Coll Rev Community Dental Health --> Community Dent Health Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology --> Community Dent Oral Epidemiol Community Development Journal: An International Forum --> Community Dev J Community Ecology --> Community Ecol Community Eye Health --> Community Eye Health Community Genetics --> Community Genet Community Health --> Community Health (Bristol) Community Health Studies --> Community Health Stud Community Medicine --> Community Med Community Medicine (Lahore) --> Community Med (Lahore) Community Mental Health Journal --> Community Ment Health J Community Mental Health Review --> Community Ment Health Rev Community Nurse --> Community Nurse Community Nursing --> Community Nurs Community Oncology --> Community Oncol Community Outlook --> Community Outlook Community Policing Dispatch --> Community Polic Dispatch Community Practitioner --> Community Pract Community Work & Family --> Community Work Fam Community-Based Initiatives Series --> Community Based Initiat Ser Community-Based Public Health Policy & Practice --> Community Based Public Health Policy Pract Comparative American Studies --> Comp Am Stud Comparative and Functional Genomics --> Comp Funct Genomics Comparative and General Pharmacology --> Comp Gen Pharmacol Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology --> Comp Biochem Physiol Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology --> Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A. Comparative Physiology --> Comp Biochem Physiol A Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. B, Comparative Biochemistry --> Comp Biochem Physiol B Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C, Comparative Pharmacology --> Comp Biochem Physiol C Comp Pharmacol Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C. Comparative Pharmacology and Toxicology --> Comp Biochem Physiol C Comp Pharmacol Toxicol Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology --> Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, Physiology --> Comp Biochem Physiol Part A Physiol Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology --> Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C, Pharmacology, Toxicology & Endocrinology --> Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D, Genomics & Proteomics --> Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics Comparative Civilizations Review --> Comp Civilizations Rev Comparative Clinical Pathology --> Comp Clin Pathol Comparative Economic Studies --> Comp Econ Stud Comparative Education --> Comp Educ Comparative Education Review --> Comp Educ Rev Comparative European Politics --> Comp Eur Polit Comparative Haematology International --> Comp Haematol Int Comparative Hepatology --> Comp Hepatol Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases --> Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal --> Comp Labor Law Policy J Comparative Labor Law Journal --> Comp Labor Law J Comparative Law --> Nihon Univ Comp Law Comparative Literature --> Comp Lit Comparative Literature Studies --> Comp Lit Stud Comparative Medicine --> Comp Med Comparative Medicine East and West --> Comp Med East West Comparative Parasitology --> Comp Parasitol Comparative Physiology and Ecology --> Comp Physiol Ecol Comparative Political Studies --> Comp Polit Stud Comparative Politics --> Comp Polit Comparative Social Research --> Comp Soc Res Comparative Sociology --> Comp Sociol Comparative Strategy --> Comp Strategy Comparative Studies in Society and History --> Comp Stud Soc Hist Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East --> Comp Stud S Asia Afr Middle East Comparative Urban and Community Research --> Comp Urban Community R-s Comparative Urban Research --> Comp Urban Res Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education --> Compare Compass --> Compass Compass - Coalition of Provincial Organizations of the Handicapped --> Compass Coalit Prov Organ Handicap Compass (Edmonton) --> Compass (Edmonton) Compass (Ilford) --> Compass (Ilford) Compass (Rome) --> Compass (Rome Compass (Tokyo) --> Compass (Tokyo) Compass for Map Collectors --> Compassa Map Collectors Compass Rose --> Compass Rose Compass Sport/The Orienteer --> Compass Sport/orienteer Compass Theology Review --> Compass Theol Rev Compendium (Newtown, Pa.) --> Compendium Compendium (Yardley, PA ) --> Compendium (Yardley, PA ) Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry (Jamesburg, N.J.) --> Compend Contin Educ Dent Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry. (Jamesburg, N.J.). Supplement --> Compend Contin Educ Dent Suppl Compendium of Criminal Justice Statistics. Supplement --> Compendium Crim Justice Stat Suppl Compendium. Supplement --> Compend Suppl Compensation and Benefits Review --> Compens Benefits Rev Compensation Review --> Compens Rev Complement (Basel, Switzerland) --> Complement Complement and Inflammation --> Complement Inflamm Complementary Health Practice Review --> Complement Health Pract Rev Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice --> Complement Ther Clin Pract Complementary Therapies in Medicine --> Complement Ther Med Complementary Therapies in Nursing & Midwifery --> Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery Complements D'Acta Numismática --> Complements Acta Numism Complexity --> Complexity Complexus --> Complexus Complicated Cardiac Patient --> Complicat Card Patient Composite Interfaces --> Compos Interfaces Composite Structures --> Compos Struct Composites --> Composites Composites Business Analyst --> Compos Bus Analyst Composites Science and Technology --> Compos Sci Technol Composites. Part A, Applied Science and Manufacturing --> Compos, Part A Appl Sci Manuf Composites. Part B, Engineering --> Compos, Part B Eng Composition Studies --> Composition Stud Compost Science & Utilization --> Compost Sci Util Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry --> Compr Anal Chem Comprehensive Gerontology. Section A, Clinical and Laboratory Sciences --> Compr Gerontol [A] Comprehensive Gerontology. Section B, Behavioural, Social, and Applied Sciences --> Compr Gerontol [B] Comprehensive Gerontology. Section C, Interdisciplinary Topics --> Compr Gerontol [C] Comprehensive Immunology --> Compr Immunol Comprehensive Index, California Code of Regulations --> Compr Index Calif Code Regul Comprehensive Mental Health Care --> Compr Ment Health Care Comprehensive Ophthalmology Update --> Compr Ophthalmol Update Comprehensive Psychiatry --> Compr Psychiatry Comprehensive Therapy --> Compr Ther Compressed Air --> Compress Air Compte Rendu Sommaire des Séances de la Société Géologique de France --> C R Somm S G F Comptes Rendus Biologies --> C R Biol Comptes Rendus de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France --> C R Acad Agric Fr Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. La Vie des Sciences --> C R Acad Sci Gen Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 1, Mathématique --> C R Acad Sci, Ser 1 Math Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 2, Mécanique-physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'Univers, Sciences de la Terre --> C R Seances Acad Sci, Ser 2 Mec-phys Chim Sci Univers Sci Terre Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 2. Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Astronomie --> C R Acad Sci, Ser 2, Mec Phys Chim Astron Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 2. Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes --> C R Acad Sci, Ser 2, Sci Terre Planetes Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série II, Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'Univers, Sciences de la Terre --> C R Acad Sci II Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série II. Fascicule b, Mécanique --> C R Acad Sci IIb Mec Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série IIc, Chimie --> C R Acad Sci Ser IIc Chim Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série III, Sciences de la Vie --> C R Acad Sci III Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série, IIb, Mécanique, Physique, Astronomie --> C R Acad Sci, Ser IIb Mec Phys Astron Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série, IV, Physique, Astrophysique --> C R Acad Sci, Ser IV Phys Astrophys Comptes Rendus de l'Association des Anatomistes --> C R Assoc Anat Comptes Rendus de la Société Francaise de Gynecologie --> C R Soc Fr Gyncol Comptes Rendus de Therapeutique et de Pharmacologie Clinique --> C R Ther Pharmacol Clin Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 1, Mathé --> C R Seances Acad Sci, Ser 1 Math Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 2, Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de la Terre, Sciences de l'Univers --> C R Seances Acad Sci, Ser 2, Mec, Phys, Chim, Sci Terre, Sci Univers Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série III, Sciences de la Vie --> C R Seances Acad Sci III Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales --> C R Seances Soc Biol Fil Comptes Rendus des Travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Série Chimique --> C R Trav Lab Carlsberg, Ser Chim Comptes Rendus des Travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Série Physiologique --> C R Trav Lab Carlsberg, Ser Physiol Comptes Rendus Geoscience --> C R Geosci Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences --> C R Hebd Seances Acad Sci Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série A, Sciences Mathématiques --> C R Hebd Seances Acad Sci, Ser A, Sci Math Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série B, Sciences Physiques --> C R Hebd Seances Acad Sci, Ser B, Sci Phys Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série C, Sciences Chimiques --> C R Hebd Seances Acad Sci, Ser C, Sci Chim Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série D, Sciences Naturelles --> C R Acad Sci Hebd Seances Acad Sci D Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences Mathématiques et Sciences Physiques --> C R Hebd Seances Acad Sci, Ser A B, Sci Math Sci Phys Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Séries A et B. Série A, Sciences Mathématiques --> C R Hebd Seances Acad Sci, Ser A B Ser A, Sci Math Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Séries A et B. Série B, Sciences Physiques --> C R Hebd Seances Acad Sci, Ser A B, Ser B Sci Phys Comptes Rendus Mathematique --> C R Math Comptes Rendus Physique --> C R Phys Comptes Rendus. Chimie --> C R Chim Comptes Rendus. Mécanique --> C R Mec Comptes Rendus. Palévol --> C R Palevol Comptes-Rendus des Travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg --> C R Trav Lab Carlsberg Computational & Applied Mathematics --> Comput Appl Math Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory --> Comput Math Organ Theory Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine --> Comput Math Methods Med Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science --> Comput Theor Polym Sci Computational Biology and Chemistry --> Comput Biol Chem Computational Economics --> Comput Econ Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal --> Comput Fluid Dyn J Colllective Volume of Scientifics Papers --> Col Vol Sci Pap ICCAT Computational Geometry --> Comput Geom Computational Geosciences --> Computat Geosci Computational Intelligence --> Comput Intell Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience --> Comput Intell Neurosci Computational Linguistics --> Comput Linguist Computational Materials Science --> Comput Mater Sci Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics --> Comput Math Math Phys Computational Mathematics and Modeling --> Comput Math Model Computational Mechanics --> Comput Mech Computational Optimization and Applications --> Comput Optim Appl Computational Statistics --> Comput Stat Computational Statistics & Data Analysis --> Comput Stat Data Anal Computational Systems Bioinformatics / Life Sciences Society. Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference --> Comput Syst Bioinformatics Conf Computer --> Computer Computer Aided Design --> Comput Aided Des Computer Aided Geometric Design --> Comput Aided Geom Des Computer Aided Surgery --> Comput Aided Surg Computer Applications in Engineering Education --> Comput Appl Eng Educ Computer Applications in the Biosciences --> Comput Appl Biosci Computer Applications in the Laboratory --> Comp Appl Lab Computer Assisted Language Learning --> Comput Assist Lang Learn Computer Audit Update --> Comput Audit Update Computer Communication Review --> Comput Commun Rev Computer Communications --> Comput Commun Computer Decisions --> Comput Decis Computer Fraud & Security --> Comput Fraud Secur Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin --> Comput Fraud Secur Bull Computer Graphics --> Comput Graph Computer Graphics Forum --> Comput Graph Forum Computer Group News --> Comput Group News Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems --> Comput Integrated Manuf Syst Computer Languages, Systems & Structures --> Comput Syst Struct Computer Law & Security Report --> Comput Law Secur Rep Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine --> Comput Methods Programs Biomed Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering --> Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering --> Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences --> Comput Model Eng Sci Computer Music Journal --> Comput Music J Computer Networks --> Comput Netw Computer Networks and ISDN Systems --> Comput Netw ISDN Syst Computer Physics Communications --> Comput Phys Commun Computer Physics Reports --> Comput Phys Rep Computer Programs in Biomedicine --> Comput Programs Biomed Computer Science --> Comput Sci Computer Science and Applied Mathematics --> Comput Sci Appl Math Computer Science and Computer Engineering Research Review --> Comput Sci Comput Eng Res Rev Computer Science and Informatics --> Comput Sci Inform Computer Science and Information Management --> Comput Sci Inf Manag Computer Science Education --> Comput Sci Educ Computer Science Review --> Comput Sci Rev Computer Speech & Language --> Comput Speech Lang Computer Standards & Interfaces --> Comput Stand Interfaces Computer Supported Cooperative Work --> Comput Support Coop Work Computer Systems Science and Engineering --> Comput Syst Sci Eng Computer Telephony --> Comput Teleph Computer Telephony Europe --> Comput Teleph Eur Computer Telephony World Report --> Comput Teleph World Rep Computer Vision and Image Understanding --> Comput Vis Image Underst Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing --> Comput Vis Graph Image Process Computer/Law Journal --> Comput Law J Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering --> Comput Aided Civ Infrastruct Eng Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics --> Comput Med Imaging Graph Computerized Radiology --> Comput Radiol Computerized Tomography --> Comput Tomogr Computers & Chemical Engineering --> Comput Chem Eng Computers & Chemistry --> Comput Chem Computers & Education --> Comput Educ Computers & Electrical Engineering --> Comput Electr Eng Computers & Fluids --> Comput Fluids Computers & Geosciences --> Comput Geosci Computers & Graphics --> Comput Graph Computers & Industrial Engineering --> Comput Ind Eng Computers & Mathematics with Applications (Oxford, England) --> Comput Math Appl Computers & Operations Research --> Comput Oper Res Computers & Security --> Comput Secur Computers & Society --> Comput Soc Computers & Structures --> Comput Struc Computers & Urban Society --> Comput Urban Soc Computers and Biomedical Research, an International Journal --> Comput Biomed Res Computers and Composition --> Comput Compos Computers and Concrete --> Comput Concr Computers and Electronics in Agriculture --> Comput Electron Agric Computers and Geotechnics --> Comput Geotech Computers and the Humanities --> Comput Hum Computers and the Social Sciences --> Comput Soc Sci Computers in Biology and Medicine --> Comput Biol Med Computers in Cardiology --> Comput Cardiol Computers in Healthcare --> Comput Healthc Computers in Hospitals --> Comput Hosp Computers in Human Behavior --> Comput Human Behav Computers in Human Services --> Comput Hum Serv Computers in Industry --> Comput Ind Computers in Libraries --> Comput Libr Computers in Nursing --> Comput Nurs Computers in Physics --> Comput Phys Computers in the Schools --> Comput Schools Computers Standards --> Comput Stand Computers, Environment and Urban Systems --> Comput Environ Urban Syst Computers, Informatics, Nursing --> Comput Inform Nurs Computertomographie --> Computertomographie Computerworld --> Computerworld Computing --> Computing Computing & Control Engineering Journal --> Comput Contr Eng J Computing and Visualization in Science --> Comput Vis Sci Computing in Science & Engineering --> Comput Sci Eng Computing Letters --> Comput Lett Computing Research News --> Comput Res News Computing Systems in Engineering --> Comput Syst Eng Comunità (Milano) --> Comunita (Milano) Comunità Europee --> Comunita Eur Comunità Sportiva --> Comunita Sport Comunita di Lavoro --> Comunita Lav Comunita Educativa --> Comunita Educativa Comunita Europea --> Comunita Eur Comunita Israelitica di Milano. Bollettino --> Comunita Israelitica Milano Boll Comunita Mediterranea --> Comunita Mediterranea Comunita Padana delle Camere di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura. Serie Cremona. --> Comunita Padana Camere Commercio, Industria, Artigianato Agricoltura Ser Cremona Concepts and Transformation --> Concepts Transform Concepts in Immunopathology --> Concepts Immunopathol Concepts in Magnetic Resonance --> Concepts Magn Reson Concepts in Neuroscience --> Concepts Neurosci Concern --> Concern Concern (Manchester) --> Concern (Manch) Concern (New Westminster) --> Concern (New Westminst) Concern (Quezon City) --> Concern (Quezon City) Concern (Regina, Sask.) --> Concern Concern (Singapore) --> Concern (Singap) Concern (Washington) --> Concern (Wash) Concern for Dying --> Concern Dying Concern in Care of the Aging --> Concern Care Aging Concern Magazine/newsfold --> Concern Mag/newsfold Concerned Demography --> Concerned Demogr Conciencia Latinoamericana --> Conciencia Latinoam Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly. Concordia Historical Institute --> Concordia Hist Inst Q Concordia Journal --> Concordia J Concours Medical --> Concours Med Concrete (London) --> Concrete (Lond) Concrete Construction --> Concr Construct Concrete International --> Concr Int Concrete Repair Bulletin --> Concr Repair Bull Concurrency (Chichester, England) --> Concurrency (Chichester, Engl) Concurrency and Computation --> Concurr Comput Conditio Judaica --> Conditio Jud Conditional Reflex --> Cond Reflex Condorcet Studies --> Condorcet Stud Conector --> Conector Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses Journal --> Confed Aust Crit Care Nurses J "Conference Proceedings ; ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference" --> Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc Conferences Lyonnaises d'Ophtalmologie --> Conf Lyon Ophtalmol Conferencias y Estudios de Historia y Organización de la Ciencia --> Conf Estud Hist Organ Cienc Configurations --> Configurations Confinia Neurologica --> Confin Neurol Confinia Psychiatrica --> Confin Psychiatr Conflict and Health --> Confl Health Conflict Resolution Quarterly --> Conflict Resolut Q Conflict Security and Development --> Conflict Secur Dev Conformal Geometry and Dynamics --> Conform Geom Dyn Confrontations Psychiatriques (Paris) --> Confront Psychiatr (Paris) Confrontations Radio-anatomo-cliniques --> Confrontations Radio-anatomo-cliniques Congenital Anomalies --> Congenit Anom (Kyoto) Congenital Heart Disease --> Congenit Heart Dis Congestive Heart Failure (Greenwich, Conn.) --> Congest Heart Fail Congres International de Stomatologie --> Congr Int Stomatol Congress Monthly --> Congr Mon Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report --> Congr Q Wkly Rep Congressional Record --> Congr Rec Conjectura: Revista do Centro de Filosofia e Educacao --> Conjectura Rev Cent Filos Educ Connaissance des Arts --> Connaiss Arts Connaissance des Arts --> Connaiss Arts Connaissance des Arts Tribaux --> Connaiss Arts Tribaux Connaissance des Arts, Plaisir de France --> Connaiss Arts Plaisir Fr Connaissance des Arts. Hors-série --> Connaissance Arts Hors-serie Connaissance des Arts. Numéro Hors-série. le Guide --> Connaissance Arts Numero Hors-serie Guide Connaissance des Arts. Numéro Spécial Sur les Ventes Publiques à Paris ... --> Connaissance Arts Numero Special Sur Ventes Publiques a Paris Connaissance des Arts. Spécial Jardin --> Connaissance Arts Special Jardin Connaissance des Arts. Spécial Photo --> Connaissance Arts Special Photo Connecticut Dental Student Journal --> Conn Dent Stud J Connecticut General Statutes Annotated --> Conn Gen Statut Annot Conn Connecticut Health Bulletin --> Conn Health Bull Connecticut Journal of International Law --> Conn J Int Law Connecticut Law Review --> Conn Law Rev Connecticut Medicine --> Conn Med Connecticut Nursing News (Meriden, Conn.) --> Conn Nurs News Connection Science --> Connect Sci Connections --> Connections Connective Tissue Research --> Connect Tissue Res Connoisseur (New York) --> Connoisseur Conscience (Washington, D.C.) --> Conscience Consciousness and Cognition --> Conscious Cogn Consensus Development Conference Summaries / National Institutes of Health --> Consens Dev Conf Summ Natl Inst Health Consensus Statement --> Consens Statement Conservation & Society --> Conserv Soc Conservation Biology --> Conserv Biol Conservation Genetics --> Conserv Genet Conservation Genetics Resources --> Conserv Genet Resour Conservation Letters --> Conserv Lett Conservative Judaism --> Conserv Jud Consommation, Revue de Socio-Economie --> Consommation Constancea --> Constancea Constellations (Oxford, England) --> Constellations Constitution (Foundation for the United States Constitution) --> Constitution Constitutional Commentary --> Const Comment Constitutional Law Journal (Newark, N.J.) --> Const Law J Constitutional Political Economy --> Const Polit Econ Constraints --> Constraints Construction & Building Materials --> Construct Build Mater Construction (Arlington) --> Construction Construction Bulletin --> Construct Bull Construction Digest --> Construct Dig Construction Equipment --> Construct Equip Construction Innovation --> Constr Innov Construction Law and Business --> Construct Law Bus Construction Management and Economics --> Construct Manag Econ Construction News --> Construct News Constructive Approximation --> Constr Approx Constructivism in the Human Sciences --> Constr Human Sci Constructivist Foundations --> Constr Found Consultant --> Consultant Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research --> Consult Psychol J Pract Res Consulting-Specifying Engineer --> Consult Specif Eng Consumer Health Perspectives --> Consum Health Perspect Consumer Markets Abroad --> Consum Mark Abroad Consumer Reports --> Consum Rep Consumer Reports on Health --> Consum Rep Health Consumption Markets & Culture --> Consump Mark Cult Contact and Intraocular Lens Medical Journal --> Contact Intraocul Lens Med J Contact Dermatitis --> Contact Dermat "Contact Lens & Anterior Eye ; the Journal of the British Contact Lens Association" --> Cont Lens Anterior Eye Contact Point --> Contact Point Contactologia --> Contactologia Contamination Control --> Contam Control Contamination Control-biomedical Environments --> Contam Control Biomed Environ Contemporanea (Bologna, Italy) --> Contemporanea Contemporary Accounting Research --> Contemp Account Res Contemporary Administrator --> Contemp Adm Contemporary Administrator for Long-Term Care --> Contemp Adm Long Term Care Contemporary Anesthesia Practice --> Contemp Anesth Pract Contemporary British History --> Contemp Br Hist Contemporary Buddhism --> Contemp Buddhism Contemporary Chinese Thought --> Contemp Chin Thought Contemporary Clinical Trials --> Contemp Clin Trials Contemporary Crises --> Contemp Crises Contemporary Drug Problems --> Contemp Drug Probl Contemporary Economic Policy --> Contemp Econ Policy Contemporary Education --> Contemp Educ Contemporary Educational Psychology --> Contemp Educ Psychol Contemporary European History --> Contemp Eur Hist Contemporary Family Therapy --> Contemp Fam Ther Contemporary French and Francophone Studies --> Contemp Fr Francoph Stud Contemporary French Civilization --> Contemp Fr Civiliz Contemporary Gerontology --> Contemp Gerontol Contemporary Hypnosis --> Contemp Hypn Contemporary Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy --> Contemp Hypn Integr Ther Contemporary Internal Medicine --> Contemp Intern Med Contemporary Islam --> Contemp Islam Contemporary Issues in Clinical Biochemistry --> Contemp Issues Clin Biochem Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood --> Contemp Issues Early Child Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education --> Contemp Issues Technol Teach Educ Contemporary Jewry --> Contemp Jew Contemporary Justice Review --> Contemp Justice Rev Contemporary Longterm Care --> Contemp Longterm Care Contemporary Marxism --> Contemp Marx Contemporary Mathematics --> Contemp Math Contemporary Music Review --> Contemp Music Rev Contemporary Neurology Series --> Contemp Neurol Ser Contemporary Neuroscientists --> Contemp Neurosci Contemporary Nurse --> Contemp Nurse Contemporary Ob/Gyn --> Contemp Ob Gyn Contemporary Oncology --> Contemp Oncol Contemporary Organic Synthesis --> Contemp Org Synth Contemporary Orthopaedics --> Contemp Orthop Contemporary Pediatrics --> Contemp Pediatr Contemporary Pharmacy Practice --> Contemp Pharm Pract Contemporary Philosophy --> Contemp Philos Contemporary Physics --> Contemp Phys Contemporary Policy Issues --> Contemp Policy Issues Contemporary Political Theory --> Contemp Polit Theory Contemporary Politics --> Contemp Polit Contemporary Problems of Ecology --> Contemp Probl Ecol Contemporary Psychoanalysis --> Contemp Psychoanal Contemporary Review (London, England) --> Contemp Rev Contemporary Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynaecology --> Contemp Rev Obstet Gynaecol Contemporary Security Policy --> Contemp Secur Policy Contemporary Sociology --> Contemp Sociol Contemporary South Asia --> Contemp S Asia Contemporary Southeast Asia --> Contemp Southeast Asia Contemporary Surgery --> Contemp Surg Contemporary Theatre Review --> Contemp Theatre Rev Contemporary Therapy --> Contemp Ther Contemporary Topics in Immunobiology --> Contemp Top Immunobiol Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science --> Contemp Top Lab Anim Sci Contemporary Topics in Molecular Immunology --> Contemp Top Mol Immunol Contemporary Urology --> Contemp Urol Contexto Internacional --> Contexto Int Contexts --> Contexts Continental Shelf Research --> Cont Shelf Res Continuing Care --> Contin Care Continuity --> Continuity Continuity and Change --> Contin Chang Continuum --> Continuum (N Y) Continuum (Minneapolis, Minn.) --> Continuum (Minneap Minn) Continuum (Perth) --> Continuum (Perth) Continuum (Society for Social Work Administrators in Health Care) --> Continuum (Soc Soc Work Adm Health Care) Continuum (Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care) --> Continuum Soc Soc Work Leadersh Health Care Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics --> Contin Mech Thermodyn Contraccezione Sessualità Salute Riproduttiva --> Contraccez Sessual Salute Riproduttiva Contraccezione, Fertilità, Sessualità --> Contraccez, Fertil, Sessual Contraception --> Contraception Contraception, Fertilite, Sexualite --> Contracept Fertil Sex (Paris) Contraception, Fertilite, Sexualite --> Contracept Fertil Sex Contraceptive Delivery Systems --> Contracept Deliv Syst Contraceptive Technology --> Contracept Technol Contraceptive Technology Update --> Contracept Technol Update Contract (New York, N.Y.) --> Contract Contract Design --> Contract Des Contract Healthcare --> Contract Healthc Contract Interiors --> Contract Inter Contradictions --> Contradictions Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging --> Contrast Media Mol Imaging Contrastes (Murcia, Spain) --> Contrastes Contree --> Contree Contrepoint --> Contrepoint Contribuciones del Instituto Antártico Argentino --> Contrib Inst Antart Argent Contributi (Biblioteca Antonio Panizzi) --> Contributi Contributions à l'Histoire économique et Sociale --> Contrib Hist Econ Soc Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China, Zoological Series --> Contrib Biol Lab Sci Soc China, Zool Ser Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research --> Contrib Cushman Found Foraminifer Res Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium --> Contrib Univ Mich Herb Contributions in Biology and Geology --> Contrib Biol Geol Contributions in Marine Science --> Contrib Mar Sci Contributions in Marine Science --> Contrib Mar Sci Contributions in Medical Studies --> Contrib Med Stud Contributions in Psychology --> Contrib Psychol Contributions in Science --> Contrib Sci Contributions of the American Entomological Institute --> Contrib Am Entomol Inst Contributions of the Meteoritical Society --> Contrib Meteorit Soc Contributions to Antarctic Research --> Contrib Antarct Res Contributions to Asian Studies --> Contrib Asian Stud Contributions to Atmospheric Physics --> Contrib Atmos Phys Contributions to Canadian Economics --> Contrib Can Econ Contributions to Embryology --> Contrib Embryol Contributions to Geology (Copenhagen) --> Contrib Geol (Cph) Contributions to Geology (Laramie) --> Contrib Geol(Laramie) Contributions to Gynecology and Obstetrics --> Contrib Gynecol Obstet Contributions to Indian Sociology --> Contrib Indian Sociol Contributions to Indian Sociology, New Series --> Contrib Indian Sociol N Ser Contributions to Microbiology --> Contrib Microbiol Contributions to Microbiology and Immunology --> Contrib Microbiol Immunol Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology --> Contrib Mineral Petrol Contributions to Nepalese Studies --> Contrib Nepalese Stud Contributions to Nephrology --> Contrib Nephrol Contributions to Plasma Physics --> Contrib Plasma Phys Contributions to Political Economy --> Contrib Polit Econ Contributions to Political Economy --> Contrib Polit Econ Contributions to Primatology --> Contrib Primatol Contributions to Sedimentology --> Contrib Sedimentol Contributions to Sensory Physiology --> Contrib Sens Physiol Contributions to Zoology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) --> Contrib Zool Control and Intelligent Systems --> Contr Intell Syst Control Engineering Practice --> Control Eng Pract Controlled Clinical Trials --> Control Clin Trials Convergence (London) --> Convergence (London) Convergence (Toronto) --> Convergence (Toronto) Convergencia --> Convergencia Convulsive Therapy --> Convuls Ther COO [Reports]. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission --> COO Rep Cooley Law Review --> Cooley Law Rev Cooperation and Conflict --> Coop Confl Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Tropical Health Occasional Paper Series --> Cooperative Res Cent Aboriginal Trop Health Occasional Pap Ser Coordination Chemistry Reviews --> Coord Chem Rev Coordinators' Notebook --> Coord Noteb COPD --> COPD Copeia --> Copeia Cor et Vasa --> Cor Vasa Coral Reefs --> Coral Reefs CORDIS Focus (English Ed.) --> CORDIS Focus (Engl Ed) Core Journals in Pediatrics --> Core J Pediatr Corella --> Corella Cornea --> Cornea Cornell Hospitality Quarterly --> Cornell Hosp Q Cornell International Law Journal --> Cornell Int Law J Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy --> Cornell J Law Public Policy Cornell Law Review --> Cornell Law Rev Cornell Magazine (Ithaca, N.Y.) --> Cornell Mag Cornell Medical Journal --> Cornell Med J Cornhill Magazine --> Cornhill Mag Coronary Artery Disease --> Coron Artery Dis Coronary Health Care --> Coron Health Care Corporate Commentary --> Corp Comment Corporate Communications --> Corp Commun Corporate Environmental Strategy --> Corp Environ Strategy Corporate Governance --> Corp Gov Corporate Reputation Review --> Corp Reputation Rev Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management --> Corp Soc Resp Environ Manag CorrectCare --> Correctcare Corrections Compendium --> Correct Compend Corrections Management Quarterly --> Correct Manage Q Corrective and Social Psychiatry and Journal of Behavior Technology Methods and Therapy --> Correct Soc Psych J Behav Tech Methods Ther Correo Poblacional y de la Salud Cepar --> Correo Poblac Salud Cepar Corrosion --> Corrosion Corrosion Science --> Corros Sci Cortex --> Cortex COSJ Update --> COSJ Update Cosmetologica --> Cosmetologica Cosmic Research --> Cosm Res Cosmos --> Cosmos COSPAR Information Bulletin --> COSPAR Inf Bull Cost & Quality Quarterly Journal --> Cost Qual Q J Cost Containment --> Cost Containment Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation --> Cost Eff Resour Alloc Costume --> Costume Cough (London, England) --> Cough Counseling and Values --> Couns Values Counselling & Psychotherapy Research --> Couns Psychother Res Counselling Psychology Quarterly --> Couns Psychol Q Counselling Psychology Review --> Couns Psychol Rev Counselor Education and Supervision --> Couns Educ Superv Countdown to Istanbul --> Countdown Istanb Country Demographic Profiles --> Ctry Demogr Profiles Country Life (London, England) --> Ctry Life Courrier --> Courrier Courts, Health Science & the Law --> Courts Health Sci Law Covertaction Quarterly --> Covertaction Q Coyuntura Economica (Bogota, Colombia) --> Coyunt Econ Cpc Research Review --> CPC Res Rev CPR Population Research --> CPR Popul Res CPSR Newsletter --> CPSR Newsl CR (East Lansing, Mich.) --> CR (East Lansing, Mich) Cranio --> Cranio Cranio Clinics International --> Cranio Clin Int Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction --> Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr CRC Critical Reviews in Biochemistry --> CRC Crit Rev Biochem CRC Critical Reviews in Bioengineering --> CRC Crit Rev Bioeng CRC Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences --> CRC Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci CRC Critical Reviews in Clinical Neurobiology --> CRC Crit Rev Clin Neurobiol CRC Critical Reviews in Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine --> CRC Crit Rev Clin Radiol Nucl Med CRC Critical Reviews in Diagnostic Imaging --> CRC Crit Rev Diagn Imaging CRC Critical Reviews in Environmental Control --> CRC Crit Rev Environ Control CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition --> CRC Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr CRC Critical Reviews in Immunology --> CRC Crit Rev Immunol CRC Critical Reviews in Microbiology --> CRC Crit Rev Microbiol CRC Critical Reviews in Radiological Sciences --> CRC Crit Rev Radiol Sci CRC Critical Reviews in Toxicology --> CRC Crit Rev Toxicol Creative Nursing --> Creat Nurs Creativity and Innovation Management --> Creat Innov Manag Creativity Research Journal --> Creat Res J Creces --> Creces Creces --> Creces Creces --> Creces Creighton Law Review --> Creighton Law Rev Cretaceous Research --> Cretac Res CRHCS News --> CRHCS News Crime and Delinquency --> Crime Delinq Crime and Justice --> Crime Justice Crime and Social Justice --> Crime Soc Justice Crime Prevention and Community Safety --> Crime Prev Community Saf Crime Prevention Studies --> Crime Prev Stud Crime, Law, and Social Change --> Crime Law Soc Change Crime, Media, and Popular Culture --> Crime Media Pop Cult Crime, Media, Culture --> Crime Media Cult Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health --> Crim Behav Ment Health Criminal Justice --> Crim Justice Criminal Justice and Behavior --> Crim Justice Behav Criminal Justice Ethics --> Crim Justice Ethics Criminal Justice History --> Crim Justice Hist Criminal Justice Journal --> Crim Justice J Criminal Justice Matters --> Crim Justice Matters Criminal Justice Policy Review --> Crim Justice Policy Rev Criminal Justice Research Reports --> Crim Justice Res Rep Criminal Justice Review --> Crim Justice Rev Criminal Justice Studies --> Crim Justice Stud Criminal Law and Philosophy --> Crim Law Philos Criminal Law Bulletin --> Crim Law Bull Criminal Law Forum --> Crim Law Forum Criminal Law Journal --> Crim Law J Criminal Law Quarterly (Toronto) --> Crim Law Q Criminal Law Review (London, England) --> Crim Law Rev Criminal Reports [Canada] New Series, Annotated --> Crim Rep Can New Ser Criminalia --> Criminalia Criminologie --> Criminologie Criminology --> Criminology Criminology & Criminal Justice --> Criminol Crim Justice Criminology & Public Policy --> Criminol Public Policy Crisis --> Crisis Crisis Intervention and Time-limited Treatment --> Crisis Interv Time-ltd Treat Criterion --> Criterion Critica --> Critica Critica Storica --> Crit Stor Critical Arts --> Crit Arts Critical Asian Studies --> Crit Asian Stud Critical Care (London, England) --> Crit Care "Critical Care and Resuscitation ; Journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine" --> Crit Care Resusc Critical Care Clinics --> Crit Care Clin Critical Care Medicine --> Crit Care Med Critical Care Nurse --> Crit Care Nurse Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America --> Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am Critical Care Nursing Quarterly --> Crit Care Nurs Q Critical Care Research and Practice --> Crit Care Res Pract Critical Care Update --> Crit Care Update Critical Criminology --> Crit Criminol Critical Discourse Studies --> Crit Discourse Stud Critical Horizons --> Crit Horiz Critical Inquiry --> Crit Inq Critical Inquiry in Language Studies --> Crit Inq Lang Stud Critical Path AIDS Project --> Crit Path AIDS Proj Critical Pathways in Cardiology --> Crit Pathw Cardiol Critical Perspectives on Accounting --> Crit Perspect Account Critical Perspectives on International Business --> Crit Perspect Int Bus Critical Public Health --> Crit Public Health Critical Quarterly --> Crit Q Critical Review --> Crit Rev Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy --> Crit Rev Int Soc Polit Philos Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry --> Crit Rev Anal Chem Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology --> Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol Critical Reviews in Bioengineering --> Crit Rev Bioeng Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering --> Crit Rev Biomed Eng Critical Reviews in Biotechnology --> Crit Rev Biotechnol Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences --> Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci Critical Reviews in Computed Tomography --> Crit Rev Computed Tomogr Critical Reviews in Diagnostic Imaging --> Crit Rev Diagn Imaging Critical Reviews in Environmental Control --> Crit Rev Environ Control Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology --> Crit Rev Environ Sci Technol Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression --> Crit Rev Eukaryot Gene Expr Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition --> Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr Critical Reviews in Immunology --> Crit Rev Immunol Critical Reviews in Medical Informatics --> Crit Rev Med Inform Critical Reviews in Microbiology --> Crit Rev Microbiol Critical Reviews in Neurobiology --> Crit Rev Neurobiol Critical Reviews in Neurosurgery --> Crit Rev Neurosurg Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis --> Crit Rev Oncog Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology --> Crit Rev Oncol Hematol Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine --> Crit Rev Oral Biol Med Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine --> Crit Rev Phys Rehabil Med Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences --> Crit Rev Plant Sci Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Sciences --> Crit Rev Solid State Mater Sci Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems --> Crit Rev Ther Drug Carrier Syst Critical Reviews in Toxicology --> Crit Rev Toxicol Critical Social Policy --> Crit Soc Policy Critical Social Research --> Crit Soc Res Critical Sociology --> Crit Sociol Critical Studies --> Crit Stud Critical Studies in Education --> Crit Stud Educ Critical Studies in Mass Communication --> Crit Stud Mass Commun Critical Studies in Media Communication --> Crit Stud Media Commun Criticism --> Criticism Critique --> Critique Critique --> Critique Critique (Clandeboye, Man.) --> Critique Critique of Anthropology --> Crit Anthropol Critique Regionale --> Crit Regionale Croatian Medical Journal --> Croat Med J Croatica Chemica Acta --> Croat Chem Acta Cronache Dell'IDI --> Cron IDI Cronache Pompeiane --> Cron Pompeiane Cronos (Valencia) --> Cronos (Valencia) Crop and Pasture Science --> Crop Pasture Sci Crop Protection (Guildford, Surrey) --> Crop Prot Crop Science --> Crop Sci Cross Cultural Management --> Cross Cult Manage Cross Currents --> Cross Curr Cross Currents (Ann Arbor, Mich.) --> Cross Curr (Ann Arbor MI) Cross-Cultural Research --> Cross-Cultural Res Cross-Reference --> Crossreference Cross-Reference on Human Resources Management --> Crossref Hum Resour Manage Crossroads --> Crossroads Crosstalk --> Crosstalk Crucible --> Crucible Crustacean Issues --> Crustac Issues Crustaceana --> Crustaceana Crux --> Crux Cryo Letters --> Cryo Lett Cryobiology --> Cryobiology Cryogenics --> Cryogenics Cryptogamic Botany --> Cryptogam Bot Cryptogamie. Algologie --> Cryptogam, Algol Cryptogamie. Bryologie, Lichenologie --> Cryptogam, Bryol, Lichenol Cryptogamie. Mycologie --> Cryptogam, Mycol Cryptologia --> Cryptologia Crystal Engineering --> Cryst Eng Crystal Growth & Design --> Cryst Growth Des Crystal Research and Technology --> Cryst Res Technol Crystallography Reports --> Crystallogr Rep Crystallography Reviews --> Crystallogr Rev CrystEngComm --> CrystEngComm CSIRO Wildlife Research --> CSIRO Wildl Res CTI Flash --> CTI Flash CTI News --> CTI News Cuadernos Americanos --> Cuad Am Cuadernos Complutenses de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia --> Cuad Complut Hist Med Cienc Cuadernos de Arquitectura y Urbanismo --> Cuad Arquit Urban Cuadernos de Bioetica --> Cuad Bioet Cuadernos de Comunicacion AMIDEP --> Cuad Comun AMIDEP Cuadernos de Economia (Santiago, Chile) --> Cuad Econ Cuadernos de Economia Social --> Cuad Econ Soc Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos --> Cuad Estud Gallegos Cuadernos de Filologia Clasica --> Cuad Filol Cl Cuadernos de Historia (Santiago, Chile) --> Cuad Hist Cuadernos de Historia de Espana --> Cuad Hist Esp Cuadernos de Historia de la Medicina Española --> Cuad Hist Med Esp Cuadernos de Historia de la Medicina Española --> Cuad Hist Med Esp Cuadernos de Historia de la Medicina Espanola. Monografias --> Cuad Hist Med Esp Monografias Cuadernos de Historia de la Salud Publica --> Cuad Hist Salud Publica Cuadernos de Investigacion Historica --> Cuad Invest Hist Cuadernos de Nutricion --> Cuad Nutr Cuadernos del CENDES --> Cuad CENDES Cuadernos del CLAEH --> Cuad CLAEH Cuadernos Hispánicos de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia. Serie A. Monografías --> Cuad Hisp Hist Med Cienc, Ser A, Monogr Cuadernos Hispánicos de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia. Serie C. Repertorios Bio-bibliográficos --> Cuad Hisp Hist Med Cienc, Ser C, Repert Bio-bibliogr Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos --> Cuad Hispanoam Cuadernos Medicos-Sociales --> Cuad Med Soc Cuadernos Valencianos de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia --> Cuad Valencianos Hist Med Cienc Cuadernos Valencianos de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia. Serie A. Monografías --> Cuad Valencia Hist Med Cienc, Ser A, Monogr Cuadernos Valencianos de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia. Serie A. Monografías --> Cuad Valencia Hist Med Cienc, Ser A, Monogr Cuadernos Valencianos de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia. Serie B. Textos Clásicos --> Cuad Valencia Hist Med Cienc, Ser B, Textos Clas Cuadernos Valencianos de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia. Serie C. Repertorios Bio-bibliográficos --> Cuad Valencia Hist Med Cienc, Ser C, Repert Bio-bibliogr Cuadernos Valencianos de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia. Serie C. Repertorios Bio-bibliográficos --> Cuad Valencia Hist Med Cienc, Ser C, Repert Bio-bibliogr Cuban Studies --> Cuban Stud Cuicuilco --> Cuicuilco Culta Bononia --> Culta Bononia Cultic Studies Review --> Cultic Stud Rev Cultura (Asociación de Docentes de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres) --> Cultura (Asoc Docentes Univ San Martí de Porres) Cultura e Scuola --> Cult Sc Cultura Medica --> Cult Med Cultura Medica. Rome --> Cult Med Rome Cultural and Social History --> Cult Soc Hist Cultural Anthropology --> Cult Anthropol Cultural Anthropology Methods --> Cult Anthropol Methods Cultural Critique --> Cult Crit Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology --> Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol Cultural Diversity and Mental Health --> Cult Divers Ment Health Cultural Dynamics --> Cult Dyn Cultural Geographies --> Cult Geogr Cultural Politics --> Cult Politics Cultural Studies --> Cult Stud Cultural Studies of Science Education --> Cult Stud Sci Educ Cultural Studies, Critical Methodologies --> Cult Stud Crit Methodol Cultural Survival Quarterly --> Cult Surv Q Cultural Trends --> Cult Trends Cultural Values --> Cult Values Cultural-historical Psychology --> Cultural-historical Psychol Culture & Agriculture --> Cult Agric Culture (Canadian Ethnology Society) --> Culture Culture and Organization --> Cult Organ Culture and Psychology --> Cult Psychol Culture and Religion --> Cult Relig Culture Technique --> Cult Tech Culture Without Context: The Newsletter of the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre --> Culture Without Context: The Newsletter of the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre Culture, Health & Sexuality --> Cult Health Sex Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry --> Cult Med Psychiatry Culture, Sport, Society --> Cult Sport Soc Culture, Theory & Critique --> Cult Theory Crit Cultures et Conflits --> Cult Confl Cultures et Developpement --> Cult Dev Cumberland County History. Cumberland County Historical Society and Hamilton Library Association --> Cumberl Cty Hist Cumberland Law Review --> Cumberland Law Rev Cumberland-Samford Law Review --> Cumberland Samford Law Rev Cuore e Circolazione --> Cuore Circ CUPA-HR Journal --> CUPA-HR J Curare --> Curare Curationis --> Curationis Current --> Current Current Affairs Bulletin --> Curr Aff Bull Current Allergy and Asthma Reports --> Curr Allergy Asthma Rep Current Allergy Reports --> Curr Allergy Rep Current Alzheimer Research --> Curr Alzheimer Res Current Anaesthesia and Critical Care --> Curr Anaesth Crit Care Current Anthropology --> Curr Anthropol Current Applied Physics --> Curr Appl Phys Current Atherosclerosis Reports --> Curr Atheroscler Rep Current Biology --> Curr Biol Current Cancer Drug Targets --> Curr Cancer Drug Targets Current Carbohydrate Research --> Curr Carbohydr Res Current Cardiology Reports --> Curr Cardiol Rep Current Cardiology Reviews --> Curr Cardiol Rev Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports --> Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep Current Clinical Pharmacology --> Curr Clin Pharmacol Current Clinical Topics in Infectious Diseases --> Curr Clin Top Infect Dis Current Communications in Cell & Molecular Biology --> Curr Commun Cell Mol Biol Current Computer-aided Drug Design --> Curr Computeraided Drug Des Current Concepts in Hospital Pharmacy Management --> Curr Concepts Hosp Pharm Manage Current Concepts in Nutrition --> Curr Concepts Nutr Current Concepts of Cerebrovascular Disease: Stroke --> Curr Conc Cerebrovasc Dis Stroke Current Contents. Clinical Medicine --> Curr Contents Clin Med Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine --> Curr Control Trials Cardiovasc Med Current Developments in Psychopharmacology --> Curr Dev Psychopharmacol Current Diabetes Reports --> Curr Diab Rep Current Diabetes Reviews --> Curr Diabetes Rev Current Diagnostic Pathology --> Curr Diagn Pathol Current Directions in Autoimmunity --> Curr Dir Autoimmun Current Directions in Psychological Science --> Curr Dir Psychol Sci Current Drug Delivery --> Curr Drug Deliv Current Drug Discovery Technologies --> Curr Drug Discov Technol Current Drug Metabolism --> Curr Drug Metab Current Drug Safety --> Curr Drug Saf Current Drug Targets --> Curr Drug Targets Current Drug Targets. Cardiovascular & Haematological Disorders --> Curr Drug Targets Cardiovasc Haematol Disord Current Drug Targets. CNS and Neurological Disorders --> Curr Drug Targets CNS Neurol Disord Current Drug Targets. Immune, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders --> Curr Drug Targets Immune Endocr Metabol Disord Current Drug Targets. Infectious Disorders --> Curr Drug Targets Infect Disord Current Drug Targets. Inflammation and Allergy --> Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy Current Eye Research --> Curr Eye Res Current Gastroenterology Reports --> Curr Gastroenterol Rep Current Gene Therapy --> Curr Gene Ther Current Genetics --> Curr Genet Current Genomics --> Curr Genomics Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research --> Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res Current Heart Failure Reports --> Curr Heart Fail Rep Current Hematology Reports --> Curr Hematol Rep Current Herpetology --> Curr Herpetol Current History (New York, N.Y.) --> Curr Hist Current HIV Research --> Curr HIV Res Current HIV/AIDS Reports --> Curr HIV/AIDS Rep Current Hypertension Reports --> Curr Hypertens Rep Current Immunology Reviews --> Curr Immunol Rev Current Infectious Disease Reports --> Curr Infect Dis Rep Current Interventional Cardiology Reports --> Curr Interv Cardiol Rep Current Issues in Criminal Justice --> Curr Issues Crim Justice Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology --> Curr Issues Intest Microbiol Current Issues in Language Planning --> Curr Issues Lang Plann Current Issues in Molecular Biology --> Curr Issues Mol Biol Current Issues in Public Health --> Curr Issues Public Health Current Issues in Tourism --> Curr Issues Tourism Current Law Statutes Annotated. Great Britain --> Curr Law Statut Annot GB Current Legal Problems --> Curr Leg Probl Current Medical Literature. Infectious Diseases --> Curr Med Lit, Infect Dis Current Medical Practice --> Curr Med Pract Current Medical Research and Opinion --> Curr Med Res Opin Current Medicinal Chemistry --> Curr Med Chem Current Medicinal Chemistry - Central Nervous System Agents --> Curr Med Chem Cent Nerv Syst Agents Current Medicinal Chemistry - Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents --> Curr Med Chem Immunol Endocr Metab Agents Current Medicinal Chemistry. Anti-Cancer Agents --> Curr Med Chem Anticancer Agents Current Medicinal Chemistry. Cardiovascular and Hematological Agents --> Curr Med Chem Cardiovasc Hematol Agents Current Medicine and Drugs --> Curr Med Drugs Current Medicine for Attorneys --> Curr Med Atty Current Microbiology --> Curr Microbiol Current Molecular Medicine --> Curr Mol Med Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports --> Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep Current Neuropharmacology --> Curr Neuropharmacol Current Neurovascular Research --> Curr Neurovasc Res Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology --> Curr Obstet Gynaecol Current Oncology (Toronto, Ont.) --> Curr Oncol Current Oncology Reports --> Curr Oncol Rep Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology --> Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology --> Curr Opin Anaesthesiol Current Opinion in Biotechnology --> Curr Opin Biotechnol Current Opinion in Cardiology --> Curr Opin Cardiol Current Opinion in Cell Biology --> Curr Opin Cell Biol Current Opinion in Chemical Biology --> Curr Opin Chem Biol Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care --> Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science --> Curr Opin Colloid Interface Sci Current Opinion in Cosmetic Dentistry --> Curr Opin Cosmet Dent Current Opinion in Critical Care --> Curr Opin Crit Care Current Opinion in Dentistry --> Curr Opin Dent Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development --> Curr Opin Drug Discov Devel Current Opinion in Endocrinology & Diabetes --> Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity (Wyd. Polskie) --> Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes (Wyd Pol) Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Obesity --> Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes Current Opinion in Gastroenterology --> Curr Opin Gastroenterol Current Opinion in General Surgery --> Curr Opin Gen Surg Current Opinion in Genetics & Development --> Curr Opin Genet Dev Current Opinion in Hematology --> Curr Opin Hematol Current Opinion in Immunology --> Curr Opin Immunol Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases --> Curr Opin Infect Dis Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs (London, England) --> Curr Opin Investig Drugs Current Opinion in Lipidology --> Curr Opin Lipidol Current Opinion in Microbiology --> Curr Opin Microbiol Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics --> Curr Opin Mol Ther Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension --> Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens Current Opinion in Neurobiology --> Curr Opin Neurobiol Current Opinion in Neurology --> Curr Opin Neurol Current Opinion in Neurology and Neurosurgery --> Curr Opin Neurol Neurosurg Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology --> Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol Current Opinion in Oncology --> Curr Opin Oncol Current Opinion in Ophthalmology --> Curr Opin Ophthalmol Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation --> Curr Opin Organ Transplant Current Opinion in Orthopaedics --> Curr Opin Orthop Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery --> Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Current Opinion in Pediatrics --> Curr Opin Pediatr Current Opinion in Periodontology --> Curr Opin Periodontol Current Opinion in Pharmacology --> Curr Opin Pharmacol Current Opinion in Plant Biology --> Curr Opin Plant Biol Current Opinion in Psychiatry --> Curr Opin Psychiatry Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine --> Curr Opin Pulm Med Current Opinion in Radiology --> Curr Opin Radiol Current Opinion in Rheumatology --> Curr Opin Rheumatol Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science --> Curr Opin Solid State Mater Sci Current Opinion in Structural Biology --> Curr Opin Struct Biol Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care --> Curr Opin Support Palliat Care Current Opinion in Urology --> Curr Opin Urol Current Organic Chemistry --> Curr Org Chem Current Organic Synthesis --> Curr Org Synth Current Orthopaedic Practice --> Curr Orthop Pract Current Orthopaedics --> Curr Orthop Current Osteoporosis Reports --> Curr Osteoporos Rep Current Paediatrics --> Curr Paediatr Current Pain and Headache Reports --> Curr Pain Headache Rep Current Pediatric Reviews --> Curr Pediatr Rev Current Perspectives in Social Theory --> Curr Perspect Soc Theory Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology --> Curr Pharm Biotechnol Current Pharmaceutical Design --> Curr Pharm Des Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture --> Curr Plant Sci Biotechnol Agric Current Population Reports, Series P-25. Population Estimates and Projections --> Curr Popul Rep Popul Estim Proj Current Population Reports. Series P-20, Population Characteristics --> Curr Popul Rep Popul Charact Current Population Reports. Series P-28, Special Censuses --> Curr Popul Rep [Spec Censuses] Current Population Reports. Series P-60, Consumer Income --> Curr Popul Rep Consum Income Current Practice in Gerontological Nursing --> Curr Pract Gerontol Nurs Current Practice in Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing --> Curr Pract Obstet Gynecol Nurs Current Practice in Orthopaedic Surgery --> Curr Pract Orthop Surg Current Practice in Pediatric Nursing --> Curr Pract Pediatr Nurs Current Prescribing --> Curr Prescr Current Problems in Cancer --> Curr Probl Cancer Current Problems in Cardiology --> Curr Probl Cardiol Current Problems in Clinical Biochemistry --> Curr Probl Clin Biochem Current Problems in Dermatology --> Curr Probl Dermatol Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology --> Curr Probl Diagn Radiol Current Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology --> Curr Probl Obstet Gynecol Current Problems in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Fertility --> Curr Probl Obstet Gynecol Fertil Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care --> Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care Current Problems in Pediatrics --> Curr Probl Pediatr Current Problems in Surgery --> Curr Probl Surg Current Problems of Soviet Medicine --> Curr Probl Sov Med Current Protein & Peptide Science --> Curr Protein Pept Sci Current Protocols in Bioinformatics --> Curr Protoc Bioinformatics Current Protocols in Cell Biology --> Curr Protoc Cell Biol Current Protocols in Cytometry --> Curr Protoc Cytom Current Protocols in Human Genetics --> Curr Protoc Hum Genet Current Protocols in Immunology --> Curr Protoc Immunol Current Protocols in Microbiology --> Curr Protoc Microbiol Current Protocols in Molecular Biology --> Curr Protoc Mol Biol Current Protocols in Neuroscience --> Curr Protoc Neurosci Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry --> Curr Protoc Nucleic Acid Chem Current Protocols in Pharmacology --> Curr Protocols Pharmacol Current Protocols in Protein Science --> Curr Protoc Protein Sci Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology --> Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol Current Psychiatric Therapies --> Curr Psychiatr Ther Current Psychiatry Reports --> Curr Psychiatry Rep Current Psychiatry Reviews --> Curr Psychiatry Rev Current Psychological Research & Reviews --> Curr Psychol Res Rev Current Psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.) --> Curr Psychol Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain & Cognition --> Curr Psychol Lett Behav Brain Cogn Current Research in Neuroscience --> Curr Res Neurosci Current Research in Social Psychology --> Curr Res Soc Psychol Current Research on Occupations and Professions --> Curr Res Occup Prof Current Researches in Anesthesia & Analgesia --> Curr Res Anest Anal Current Review of Pain --> Curr Rev Pain Current Rheumatology Reports --> Curr Rheumatol Rep Current Science --> Curr Sci Current Separations --> Curr Sep Current Sociology --> Curr Sociol Current Sports Medicine Reports --> Curr Sports Med Rep Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy --> Curr Stem Cell Res Ther Current Studies in Hematology and Blood Transfusion --> Curr Stud Hematol Blood Transfus Current Studies on the Nature of Brain Function --> Curr Stud Nat Brain Funct Current Surgery --> Curr Surg Current Therapeutic Research, Clinical and Experimental --> Curr Ther Res Clin Exp Current Therapeutics --> Curr Ther (Seaforth) Current Therapy in Endocrinology and Metabolism --> Curr Ther Endocrinol Metab Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences --> Curr Top Behav Neurosci Current Topics in Cellular Regulation --> Curr Top Cell Regul Current Topics in Comparative Pathobiology --> Curr Top Comp Pathobiol Current Topics in Developmental Biology --> Curr Top Dev Biol Current Topics in Experimental Endocrinology --> Curr Top Exp Endocrinol Current Topics in Eye Research --> Curr Top Eye Res Current Topics in Hematology --> Curr Top Hematol Current Topics in Medical Mycology --> Curr Top Med Mycol Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry --> Curr Top Med Chem Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology --> Curr Top Microbiol Immunol Current Topics in Molecular Endocrinology --> Curr Top Mol Endocrinol Current Topics in Pathology --> Curr Top Pathol Current Topics in Plant Physiology --> Curr Topics Plant Physiol Current Topics in Radiation Research Quarterly --> Curr Top Radiat Res Q Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine --> Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology --> Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol Current Treatment Options in Neurology --> Curr Treat Options Neurol Current Treatment Options in Oncology --> Curr Treat Options Oncol Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy --> Curr Trends Biotechnol Pharm Current Trends in Immunology --> Curr Trends Immunol Current Urology Reports --> Curr Urol Rep Current Vascular Pharmacology --> Curr Vasc Pharmacol Current Women's Health Reports --> Curr Womens Health Rep Current World Leaders --> Curr World Lead Current Zoology --> Curr Zool Currents in Alcoholism --> Curr Alcohol Currents in Modern Biology --> Curr Mod Biol Currents in Theology and Mission --> Curr Theol Mission Curriculum and Teaching --> Curric Teach Curriculum Inquiry --> Curric Inq Curriculum Journal --> Curric J Curriculum Perspectives --> Curric Perspect Curso Internacional de Oftalmologia. Curso Internacional de Oftalmologia --> Curso Int Oftalmologia Curso Int Oftalmologia Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology --> Cutan Ocul Toxicol Cutis --> Cutis CVD Prevention and Control --> CVD Prev Contr CVI Forum --> CVI Forum CVI Newswatch --> CVI Newswatch CVP --> CVP CW, Canadian Welfare --> Can Welf Cybernetics & Human Knowing --> Cybern Hum Knowing Cybernetics and Systems --> Cybern Syst Cybernetics and Systems Analysis --> Cybern Syst Anal Cyberpsychology & Behavior --> Cyberpsychol Behav Cyberpsychology (Brno) --> Cyberpsychology (Brno) Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking --> Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw Cybium --> Cybium Cycles (Ann Arbor, Mich.) --> Cycles (Ann Arbor Mich) Cycles (Pittsburgh) --> Cycles (Pittsbg) Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru --> Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru Cytobiologie --> Cytobiologie Cytobios --> Cytobios Cytogenetic and Genome Research --> Cytogenet Genome Res Cytogenetics --> Cytogenetics Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics --> Cytogenet Cell Genet CytoJournal --> Cytojournal Cytokine --> Cytokine Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews --> Cytokine Growth Factor Rev Cytokine Reference --> Cytokine Ref Cytokines --> Cytokines Cytokines and Molecular Therapy --> Cytokines Mol Ther Cytokines, Cellular & Molecular Therapy --> Cytokines Cell Mol Ther Cytologia --> Cytologia (Tokyo) Cytology and Genetics --> Cytol Genet Cytometry --> Cytometry Cytometry. Part A --> Cytometry A Cytometry. Part B, Clinical Cytometry --> Cytometry B Clin Cytom Cytometry. Supplement --> Cytometry Suppl Cytopathology --> Cytopathology Cytotechnology --> Cytotechnology Cytotherapy --> Cytotherapy Czasopismo Geograficzne --> Czas Geogr Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne --> Czas Praw Hist Czasopismo Stomatologiczne --> Czas Stomatol Czasopismo Techniczne --> Czas Tech Czech Journal of Animal Science --> Czech J Anim Sci Czech Mycology --> Czech Mycol Czech Sociological Review --> Czech Sociol Rev Czechoslovak Economic Digest --> Czech Econ Dig Czechoslovak Journal of Physics --> Czech J Phys Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal --> Czech Math J Czechoslovak Medicine --> Czech Med Czechoslovak Sociological Review --> Czechoslov Sociol Rev Démographie Africaine (Paris) --> Demogr Afr (Paris) Démographie Africaine. Bulletin Spécial --> Demogr Afr, Bull Spec Déviance et Société --> Deviance Soc Düsseldorfer Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Medizin. Beiheft --> Dusseld Arb Gesch Med, Beih Düsseldorfer Geographische Schriften --> Dusseld Geogr Schr DA, West Asia Report --> DA West Asia Rep Dados --> Dados Dae'oe Gyeongje Yeon'gu --> Daeoe Gyeongje Yeongu Daedalus --> Daedalus Daehan Misaengmul Haghoeji --> Daehan Misaengmul Haghoeji Daehan PACS Gi'sul Haghoeji --> Daehan PACS Gisul Haghoeji Daidalos --> Daidalos Daily (Statistics Canada) --> Dly Stat Can Daily Mail & Guardian --> Dly Mail Guardian Daily Report. China --> Dly Rep China Daily Report. People's Republic of China --> Dly Rep Peoples Repub China Daily Times --> Dly Times Dakar Médical --> Dakar Méd Dalhousie Dental Journal --> Dalhousie Dent J Dalhousie Law Journal --> Dalhous Law J Dalton Transactions (Cambridge, England) --> Dalton Trans Dana --> Dana Dana-Report --> Dana-Report Dance Chronicle --> Dance Chron Dance Research Journal --> Dance Res J Danish Medical Bulletin --> Dan Med Bull Danish Review of Game Biology --> Dan Rev Game Biol Danmarks Amtsrad --> Dan Amtsrad Dansk Medicinhistorisk Arbog --> Dan Medicinhist Arbog Dansk Sociologi --> Dansk Sociol Dansk Tidsskrift for Farmaci --> Dan Tidsskr Farm Daphnis --> Daphnis Dapim Refuiim. Folia Medica --> Dapim Refuiim Das Altertum --> Altertum Das Argument --> Argument Das Deutsche Gesundheitswesen --> Dtsch Gesundheitsw Das Logbuch --> Logbuch Das Logbuch. Sonderheft --> Logbuch, Sonderh Das Kunstwerk --> Kunstwerk Das Medizinische Laboratorium --> Med Lab (Stuttg) Das Medizinische Periskop --> Med Perisk Das Neurophysiologie-Labor --> Neurophysiol Labor Das Offentliche Gesundheitswesen --> Offentl Gesundheitswes Das Orchester --> Orchester Das Osterreichische Kneipp-Magazin --> Osterr Kneipp Mag Data & Knowledge Engineering --> Data Knowl Eng Data Asia --> Data Asia Data Bulletin (Center for Studying Health System Change) --> Data Bull (Cent Stud Health Syst Change) Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery --> Data Min Knowl Discov Data Processing --> Data Process Data Processing & Communications Security --> Data Process Commun Secur Data Report - Fisheries and Marine Service --> Data Rep Fish Mar Serv Data Science Journal --> Data Sci J Data Strategies & Benchmarks --> Data Strateg Benchmarks Data User News --> Data User News Database --> Database Database (Oxford) --> Database (Oxford) DATZ --> DATZ Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine --> DAR Mag Dauphin County Reports --> Dauphin Cty Rep DCT Newsletter --> DCT Newsl DDZ --> DDZ De Economía --> De Econ De Economist --> Economist De Halve Maen --> Halve Maen De Paul Law Review --> De Paul Law Rev "DE; the Journal of Dental Engeering" --> DE J Dent Eng Deaf Worlds --> Deaf Worlds Deafness & Education International --> Deafness Educ Int Deans List --> Deans List Deans Notes --> Deans Notes Death Education --> Death Educ Death Studies --> Death Stud Debates in Neuroscience --> Debates Neurosci Debatte. Review of Contemporary German Affairs --> Debatte Rev Contemp Ger Aff Decision Analysis --> Decis Anal Decision Sciences --> Decis Sci Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education --> Decis Sci J Innovative Educ Decision Support Systems --> Decis Support Syst Decisions and Orders of the National Labor Relations Board --> Decis Orders Natl Labor Relat Board Decisions and Reports on Rulings of the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Labor-Management Relations --> Decisions Rep Rulings Assist Secretary Labor Labor-Manage Relat Decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States --> Decisions Comptroller Gen U S Decisions of the Department of the Interior (Irregular) --> Decis Dept Inter (Irregul) Decisions of the Department of the Interior (Monthly) --> Decis Dept Inter (Monthly) Decisions of the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church --> Decisions Judicial Counc U Methodist Church Decisions of the United States Courts Involving Copyright --> Decis US Courts Involv Copyr Decisions, Values and Groups --> Decisions, Values Groups Decubitus --> Decubitus DEEP. Development Education Exchange Papers --> DEEP, Dev Educ Exch Pap Deep-Sea Research --> Deep-Sea Res Deep-sea Research. Oceanographic Abstracts and Oceanographic Bibliography Section --> Deep-sea Res, Oceanogr Abstr Oceanogr Bibliogr Sect Deep-Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers --> Deep-Sea Res A, Oceanogr Res Pap Deep-sea Research. Part B, Oceanographic Literature Review --> Deep-sea Res B, Oceanogr Lit Rev Deep-sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers --> Deep Sea Res I Deep-sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography --> Deep Sea Res II Defence and Peace Economics --> Defence Peace Econ Defence Science Journal --> Def Sci J Defence Studies --> Defence Stud Defenders --> Defenders Defense Counsel Journal --> Def Couns J Defense Intelligence Journal --> Def Intell J Defense Law Journal --> Def Law J Defense Nationale --> Def Natl DEI Journal of Science & Engineering Research --> DEI J Sci Eng Res Delaware Code Annotated. Delaware --> Del Code Annot Del Delaware History --> Del Hist Delaware Medical Journal --> Del Med J Delaware Nurse --> Delaware Nurse Delaware Reporter --> Delaware Report Delaware Uniform Commercial Code Annotated --> Del Unif Commer Code Annot Delft Progress Report --> Delft Prog Rep Delpinoa --> Delpinoa Delta Pi Epsilon Journal --> Delta Pi Epsilon J Deltion Tes Paidiatrikes Klinikes Tou Panepistemiou Athenon --> Delt Paidiatr Klin Panepistem Athenon Dementia (Basel, Switzerland) --> Dementia Dementia (London) --> Dementia Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders --> Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Democracy & Education --> Democracy Educ Democracy (New York, N.Y.) --> Democracy Democracy and Nature --> Democracy Nat Democratic Communiqué --> Democratic Communique Democratization --> Democratization Demografia --> Demografia Demografia y Economia --> Demogr Econ Demograficheskie Issledovaniia (Kiev, Ukraine) --> Demogr Issled Demografie --> Demografie Demografske Sveske --> Demogr Sveske Demographic Research --> Demogr Res Demographische Informationen --> Demogr Inf Demography --> Demography Demography India --> Demogr India Demohrafichni Doslidzhennia --> Demohrafichni Doslidzhennia Demokratizatsiya (Washington, D.C.) --> Demokratizatsiya Demos (Mexico City, Mexico) --> Demos Demosta --> Demosta Den Norske Tannlaegeforenings Tidende --> Nor Tannlaegeforen Tid Dendrochronologia --> Dendrochronologia Dendrome --> Dendrome Dengue Bulletin --> Dengue Bull Denisia --> Denisia Denki Kagaku Oyobi Kogyo Butsuri Kagaku --> Denki Kagaku Oyobi Kogyo Butsuri Kagaku Dens --> Dens (Curitiba) Dens --> Dens Dens Sapiens --> Dens Sapiens Dent, Contemporary Dentistry --> Dent Dentago --> Dentago Dentaire Hebdo --> Dent Hebd Dental Abstracts --> Dent Abstr Dental Anaesthesia and Sedation --> Dent Anaesth Sedat Dental Angles --> Dent Angles Dental Assistant (Chicago, Ill.) --> Dent Assist Dental Assisting --> Dent Assist (Waco Tx) Dental Cadmos --> Dent Cadmos Dental Clinics of North America --> Dent Clin North Am Dental Concepts --> Dent Concepts Dental Delineator --> Dent Delin Dental Dialogue (Bombay, India) --> Dent Dialogue Dental Dienst --> Dent Dienst Dental Digest --> Dent Dig Dental Dimensions --> Dent Dimens Dental Discourse --> Dent Discourse Dental Echo --> Dent Echo (Heidelb) Dental Economics - Oral Hygiene --> Dent Econ Dental Health --> Dent Health (London) Dental Historian --> Dent Hist Dental Hygiene --> Dent Hyg (Chic) Dental Hygienist --> Dent Hygienist Dental Hygienist (Legacy) --> Dent Hygienist (Leg) Dental Hygienist News --> Dent Hygienist News Dental Images --> Dent Images Dental Implantology Update --> Dent Implantol Update Dental Items of Interest --> Dent Items Interest Dental Journal --> Dent J Dental Journal of Malaysia --> Dent J Malays Dental Journal of Malaysia & Singapore --> Dent J Malays Singap Dental Journal of Zambia --> Dent J Zamb Dental Lab Management Today --> Dent Lab Manage Today Dental Laboratorie Bladet --> Dent Lab Bl Dental Laboratory Review --> Dent Lab Rev Dental Management --> Dent Manage Dental Materials --> Dent Mater Dental Materials Journal --> Dent Mater J Dental Medicine --> Shika Igaku Dental Mirror --> Dent Mirror (Quezon City) Dental Mirror --> Dent Mirror (Atlanta) Dental News --> Dent News Dental News (Buenos Aires) --> Dent News (B Aires) Dental News (Karachi) --> Dent News (Karachi) Dental News Bulletin --> Dent News Bull Dental News Letter --> Dent News Lett Dental Office --> Dent Off Dental Practice --> Dent Pract Dental Practice --> Dent Pract Dental Practice & Finance --> Dent Pract Finance Dental Practice Management --> Dent Pract Manage Dental Practice Outlook --> Dent Pract Outlook Dental Practice Report --> Dent Pract Rep Dental Practice Success --> Dent Pract Success Dental Practitioner and Dental Record --> Dent Pract Dent Rec Dental Press --> Dent Press Dental Progress --> Dent Prog Dental Progress (Hong Kong) --> Dental Prog (Hong Kong) Dental Radiography and Photography --> Dent Radiogr Photogr Dental Research and Graduate Study --> Dent Res Grad Study Dental Research Journal --> Dent Res J Dental School Quarterly --> Dent Sch Q Dental Student --> Dent Stud Dental Survey --> Dent Surv Dental Team --> Dent Team Dental Team Journal --> Dent Team J Dental Teamwork --> Dent Teamwork Dental Teamwork (Ottawa) --> Dent Teamwork (Ott) Dental Therapeutics Newsletter --> Dent Ther Newsl Dental Traumatology --> Dent Traumatol Dental Update --> Dent Update Dental World (London, England) --> Dent World DentalNews Dr. Kreissl U. Aerne --> DentNews Dr Kreissl Aerne Dentalpractice --> Dentalpractice Dental-Revue (Solothurn, Switzerland) --> Dent Rev Dentaru Hinto --> Dentaru Hinto Dentessence --> Dentessence Dentist (Waco, Tex.) --> Dentist Dentist News --> Dent News Dentistry (American Student Dental Association) --> Dentistry Dentistry (Loma Linda, Calif.) --> Dentistry (Loma Linda) Dentistry in Japan --> Dent Jpn (Tokyo) Dentistry Today --> Dent Today Dentisuto. Dentist --> Dentisuto Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology --> Dentomaxillofac Radiol Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology. Supplement --> Dentomaxillofac Radiol Suppl Dentoral --> Dentoral (Istanbul) Dentoscope --> Dentoscope Denver Journal of International Law and Policy --> Denver J Int Law Policy Denver Law Journal --> Denver Law J Denver University Law Review --> Denver Univ Law Rev Denver. Children's Asthma Research Institute and Hospital. Journal --> Denver Child's Asthma Res Inst Hosp J Department of State Publication. Background Notes Series --> Backgr Notes Ser DePaul Business Law Journal --> DePaul Bus Law J DePaul Journal of Health Care Law --> DePaul J Health Care Law Depression --> Depression Depression and Anxiety --> Depress Anxiety Depression Research and Treatment --> Depress Res Treat Der ärztliche Dienst --> Arztl Dienst Der Altsprachliche Unterricht --> Altsprachi Unterr Der Anaesthesist --> Anaesthesist Der Archivar --> Archivar Der Chirurg --> Chirurg Der Deutsche Apotheker --> Dtsch Apoth Der Donauraum --> Donauraum Der Freie Zahnarzt --> Freie Zahnarzt Der Gynakologe --> Gynakologe Der Hautarzt --> Hautarzt Der Internist --> Internist (Berl) Der Islam --> Islam "Der Kassenzahnarzt; Colloquium Med. Dent" --> Kassenzahnarzt Colloq Med Dent Der Knappschaftsarzt --> Knappschaftsarzt Der Krebsarzt --> Krebsarzt Der Landarzt --> Landarzt Der Medizinische Sachverstandige --> Med Sachverstand Der Nervenarzt --> Nervenarzt Der Offentliche Gesundheitsdienst --> Offentl Gesundheitsdienst Der Ophthalmologe --> Ophthalmologe Der Orthopade --> Orthopade Der Pathologe --> Pathologe Der Praktische Arzt --> Prakt Arzt Der Praktische Tierarzt --> Prakt Tierarzt Der Radiologe --> Radiologe Der Schweizer Optiker. L'Opticien Suisse --> Schweizer Opt Opt Suisse Der Unfallchirurg --> Unfallchirurg Der Urologe --> Urologe Der Urologe (Ausg. A) --> Urologe (Ausg A) Der Urologe. Ausg. B. --> Urologe B Der Urologe. Supplement (Ausg. A) --> Urologe, Suppl (Ausg A) Der Wendepunkt im Leben und im Leiden --> Wendepunkt Leben Leiden Der Zahnarzt --> Zahnarzt Der Zoologische Garten --> Zool Gart Dereito --> Dereito Derivatives Quarterly --> Deriv Q Dermatitis --> Dermatitis Dermato-Endocrinology --> Dermatoendocrinol Dermatologia Ibero Latino-Americana --> Dermatol Iber Lat Am Dermatologia Internationalis --> Dermatol Int Dermatologia Tropica et Ecologica Geographica --> Dermatol Trop Ecologica Geogr Dermatologic Clinics --> Dermatol Clin Dermatologic Surgery --> Dermatol Surg Dermatologic Therapy --> Dermatol Ther Dermatologica --> Dermatologica Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt --> Dermatol Beruf Umw Dermatologische Monatschrift --> Dermatol Monatsschr Dermatologische Wochenschrift --> Dermatol Wochenschr Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland) --> Dermatology Dermatology Nursing --> Dermatol Nurs Dermatology Online Journal --> Dermatol Online J Dermatology Research and Practice --> Dermatol Res Pract Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt. Occupation and Environment --> Derm Beruf Umwelt Dermatovenerologiâ, Kosmetologiâ, Seksopatologiâ --> Dermatovenerol Kosmetol Seksopatol Desalination --> Desalination Desalination and Water Treatment --> Desalination Water Treat Desarrollo de Base --> Desarro Base Desarrollo Economico --> Desarrollo Econ Desarrollo Rural en las Americas --> Desarro Rural Amer Desarrollo y Sociedad --> Desarro Soc Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae --> Descriptions Ectomycorrhizae Descriptive and Applied Linguistics --> Descr Appl Linguist Deseret News (Salt Lake City, Utah) --> Deseret News Desert Post --> Desert Post Desertification Control --> Desertif Control Design Automation for Embedded Systems --> Des Autom Embed Syst Design Issues --> Des Issues Design Studies --> Des Stud Designs, Codes and Cryptography --> Des Codes Cryptogr Desmos --> Desmos Detroit College of Law Review --> Detroit Coll Law Rev Detroit Dental Bulletin --> Detroit Dent Bull Detroit in Perspective --> Detroit Perspect Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung --> Dtsch Apoth Ztg Deutsche Aussenpolitik --> Dtsch Aussenpolit Deutsche Dentistische Zeitschrift --> Dtsch Dentist Z Deutsche Drogistenzeitung --> Dtsch Drog Ztg Deutsche Gesundheitspolitik --> Dtsch Gesundhpolit Deutsche Krankenpflegezeitschrift --> Dtsch Krankenpflegez Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau --> Dtsch Lebensmitt Rundsch Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift --> Dtsch Med Wochenschr Deutsche Rentenversicherung --> Dtsch Rentenversicher Deutsche Schwesternzeitung --> Dtsch Schwesternztg Deutsche Stomatologie --> Dtsch Stomatol Deutsche Stomatologie (Berlin, Germany) --> Dtsch Stomatol Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift --> Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte --> Dtsch Vierteljahresschr Litt Wiss Geistesgesch Deutsche Zahn-, Mund-, und Kieferheilkunde mit Zentralblatt --> Dtsch Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd Zentralbl Deutsche Zahn-, Mund-, und Kieferheilkunde mit Zentralblatt fur die Gesamte Zahn-, Mund-, und Kieferheilkunde --> Dtsch Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd Zentralbl Gesamte Deutsche Zahnarztliche Zeitschrift --> Dtsch Zahnarztl Z Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie --> Dtsch Z Onkol Deutsche Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte Gerichtliche Medizin --> Dtsch Z Gesamte Gerichtl Med Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichts-Chirurgie --> Dtsch Z Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Nervenheilkunde --> Dtsch Z Nervenheilkd Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie --> Dtsch Z Philos Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin --> Dtsch Z Sportmed Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten --> Dtsch Z Verdau Stoffwechselkr Deutsches ärzteblatt International --> Dtsch Arztebl Int Deutsches Archiv für Klinische Medizin --> Dtsch Arch Klin Med Deutsches Arzteblatt --> Dtsch Arztebl Deutsches Jahrbuch fur Volkskunde --> Dtsch Jahrb Volkskd Deutsches Medizinisches Journal --> Dtsch Med J Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv --> Dtsch Schiffahrtsarchiv Deutsches Zentralblatt fur Krankenpflege --> Dtsch Zentralbl Krankenpfl Deutschland Archiv --> Dtschl Arch Developing World Bioethics --> Developing World Bioeth Development --> Development Development (Cambridge, England) --> Development Development (Cambridge, England). Supplement --> Dev Suppl Development and Change --> Dev Change Development and Gender in Brief --> Dev Gend Brief Development and Peace --> Dev Peace Development and Psychopathology --> Dev Psychopathol Development Brief --> Dev Brief Development Bulletin (Canberra) --> Dev Bull (Canberra) Development Communication Report --> Dev Commun Rep Development Dialogue --> Dev Dialogue Development Digest --> Dev Dig Development Directions --> Dev Dir Development Education Exchange --> Dev Educ Exch Development Forum --> Dev Forum Development Genes and Evolution --> Dev Genes Evol Development in Practice --> Dev Pract Development International --> Dev Int Development Policy Review --> Dev Policy Rev Development Southern Africa --> Dev South Afr Development, Growth & Differentiation --> Dev Growth Differ Developmental and Comparative Immunology --> Dev Comp Immunol Developmental Biology --> Dev Biol Developmental Biology (New York, N.Y.) --> Dev Biol (N Y) Developmental Brain Dysfunction --> Dev Brain Dysfunct Developmental Cell --> Dev Cell Developmental Disabilities Bulletin --> Dev Disabil Bull Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews --> Dev Disabil Res Rev Developmental Dynamics --> Dev Dyn Developmental Genetics --> Dev Genet Developmental Immunology --> Dev Immunol Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology --> Dev Med Child Neurol Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. Supplement --> Dev Med Child Neurol Suppl Developmental Neurobiology --> Dev Neurobiol Developmental Neuropsychology --> Dev Neuropsychol Developmental Neurorehabilitation --> Dev Neurorehabil Developmental Neuroscience --> Dev Neurosci Developmental Pharmacology and Therapeutics --> Dev Pharmacol Ther Developmental Psychobiology --> Dev Psychobiol Developmental Psychology --> Dev Psychol Developmental Review --> Dev Rev Developmental Science --> Dev Sci Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science --> Dev Aquacult Fish Sci Developments in Biological Standardization --> Dev Biol Stand Developments in Biologicals --> Dev Biol (Basel) Developments in Endocrinology --> Dev Endocrinol Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy --> Dev Health Econ Public Policy Developments in Ophthalmology --> Dev Ophthalmol Developments in Petrology --> Dev Petrol Developments in Sedimentology --> Dev Sedimentol Developments in Toxicology and Environmental Science --> Dev Toxicol Environ Sci Developpement & Civilisations --> Dev Civilis Developpement et Sante --> Dev Sante Developpement-Quebec --> Dev Que Devenir --> Devenir Deviant Behavior --> Deviant Behav Dghs Chronicle --> DGHS Chron Dh : Bulletin d'Information --> Demogr Hist Bull Inf Soc DH Style --> DH Style DHEW Obligations to Institutions of Higher Education and Other Nonprofit Organizations --> DHEW Obligations Inst High Educ Other Nonprofit Organ Di Tsukunft (New York, N.Y.) --> Tsukunft (NYNY) Di Yi Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao --> J First Mil Med Univ Diabete & Metabolisme --> Diabete Metab Diabetes --> Diabetes Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome --> Diabetes Metab Syndr Diabetes & Metabolism --> Diabetes Metab "Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research ; Official Journal of the International Society of Diabetes and Vascular Disease" --> Diab Vasc Dis Res Diabetes Care --> Diabetes Care Diabetes Forecast --> Diabetes Forecast Diabetes Research (Edinburgh, Lothian) --> Diabetes Res Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice --> Diabetes Res Clin Pract Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Supplement --> Diabetes Res Clin Pract Suppl Diabetes Self-management --> Diabetes Self Manag Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics --> Diabetes Technol Ther Diabetes Treatment News & Review --> Diabetes Treat News Rev Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism --> Diabetes Nutr Metab Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism --> Diabetes Obes Metab Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews --> Diabetes Metab Res Rev Diabetes/Metabolism Reviews --> Diabetes Metab Rev Diabetic Medicine --> Diabet Med Diabetologia --> Diabetologia Diabetologia Croatica --> Diabetol Croat Diacritics --> Diacritics Diagnostic and Clinical Immunology --> Diagn Clin Immunol Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (Ankara, Turkey) --> Diagn Interv Radiol Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy --> Diagn Ther Endosc Diagnostic Cytopathology --> Diagn Cytopathol Diagnostic Gynecology and Obstetrics --> Diagn Gynecol Obstet Diagnostic Histopathology --> Diagn Histopathol Diagnostic Histopathology --> Diagn Histopathol Diagnostic Imaging --> Diagn Imaging (San Franc) Diagnostic Imaging --> Diagn Imaging Diagnostic Imaging in Clinical Medicine --> Diagn Imaging Clin Med Diagnostic Immunology --> Diagn Immunol Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease --> Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis Diagnostic Molecular Pathology --> Diagn Mol Pathol Diagnostic Pathology --> Diagn Pathol Diagnostica --> Diagnostica Diagnostics in Africa --> Diagn Afr Diagnostique --> Diagnostique Diakonia (Mainz, Germany) --> Diakonia Dialectica --> Dialectica Dialectical Anthropology --> Dialect Anthropol Dialectics and Humanism --> Dialect Hum Dialog --> Dialog Dialogue --> Dialogue Can Philos Assoc Dialogue (Los Angeles, Calif.) --> Dialogue Dialogue and Humanism --> Dialogue Humanism Dialogue and Universalism --> Dialogue Univers Dialogue on Diarrhoea --> Dialogue Diarrhoea Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience --> Dialogues Clin Neurosci Dialogues in Contraception --> Dialogues Contracept Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences --> Dialogues Phil Ment Neuro Sci Dialoog --> Dialoog Dialysis & Transplantation --> Dial Transplant Diamond (Philadelphia, Pa.) --> Diamond Diamond and Related Materials --> Diamond Related Materials Dianzi Celiang Jishu --> Dianzi Celiang Jishu Diario de Yucatán --> Diario Yucatan Diarrhoea Dialogue --> Diarrhoea Dialogue Diaspora --> Diaspora Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies --> Diaspora J Transnatl Stud Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education --> Diaspora, Indigenous, Minor Educ Diastema --> Diastema Diatom Research --> Diatom Res Dickinson Law Review --> Dickinson Law Rev Dicle University Tip Fakultesi Dergisitesi --> Dicle Univ Tip Fakul Derg DICP: the Annals of Pharmacotherapy --> DICP Diderot Studies --> Diderot Stud Die Agnes-Karll-Schwester, der Krankenpfleger --> Agnes Karll Schwest Krankenpfl Die Arztliche Fortbildung --> Arztl Fortbild Die Dritte Welt --> Dritte Welt Die Erde --> Erde Die Heilkunst --> Heilkunst Die Infusionstherapie --> Infusionstherapie Die Krankenschwester --> Krankenschwester Die Kulturpflanze --> Kulturpflanze Die Makromolekulare Chemie --> Makromol Chem Die Makromolekulare Chemie. Rapid Communications --> Makromol Chem, Rapid Commun Die Medizinische --> Medizinische Die Medizinische Welt --> Med Welt Die Nahrung --> Nahrung Die Naturheilkunde (Bern) --> Naturheilkunde (Bern) Die Naturheilkunde (Germering) --> Naturheilkunde (Germering) Die Neue Rundschau --> Neue Rundsch Die Pharmazeutische Industrie --> Pharm Ind Die Pharmazie --> Pharmazie Die Pharmazie. Ergänzungsband (Berlin) --> Pharmazie, Ergbd (Berl) Die Politische Meinung --> Polit Mein Die Praxis der Chirurgie --> Prax Chir Die Psychiatrie (Stuttgart) --> Psychiatrie (Stuttg) Die Quintessenz --> Quintessenz Die Quintessenz der Zahntechnik --> Quintessenz Zahntech Die Rehabilitation --> Rehabilitation (Stuttg) Die Schweizer Hebamme --> Schweiz Hebamme Die Sonde --> Sonde Die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Sosiologie --> S Afr Tydskr Sosiol Die Therapiewoche --> Therapiewoche Die Tuberkulose und Ihre Grenzgebiete in Einzeldarstellungen --> Tuberk Grenzgeb Einzeldarst Die Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik --> Umsch Wiss Tech Die Unterrichtspraxis --> Unterrichtspraxis Die Waage --> Waage Die Zeit (Hamburg) --> Zeit (Hambg) Difesa Sociale --> Dif Soc Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies --> Differences Differential Equations --> Differ Equ Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics --> Differ Equ Nonlinear Mech Differential Geometry and Its Applications --> Differ Geom Appl Differentiation --> Differentiation Diffusion and Defect Data --> Diffus Defect Data Diffusion and Defect Data, Solid State Data. Part A, Defect and Diffusion Forum --> Diffus Defect Data Solid State Data, Pt A Defect Diffus Forum Digest of Public General Bills and Selected Resolutions with Index --> Dig Public Gen Bills Sel Resolut Index Digest of Technical Papers --> Dig Tech Pap Digestion --> Digestion Digestive and Liver Disease --> Dig Liver Dis Digestive Diseases (Basel, Switzerland) --> Dig Dis Digestive Diseases and Sciences --> Dig Dis Sci Digestive Endoscopy --> Dig Endosc Digestive Surgery --> Dig Surg Digital Creativity --> Digit Creat Digital Creativity (Exeter) --> Digit Creat (Exeter) Digital Investigation --> Digit Invest Digital Journal of Ophthalmology --> Digit J Ophthalmol Digital Signal Processing --> Digit Signal Process Digitale Bilddiagnostik --> Digitale Bilddiagn Dimension --> Dimension Dimensions in Health Service --> Dimens Health Serv Dimensions in Oncology Nursing --> Dimens Oncol Nurs Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing --> Dimens Crit Care Nurs Dimensions/NBS --> Dimensions (Wash) Dine Yisrael --> Dyny Ysrl Diocesan Update --> Dioc Update Diocese News - Catholic Church. Diocese of Kamloops --> Dioc News - Cathol Church, Dioc Kamloops Diogenes --> Diogenes Diotima --> Diotima Diplomacy and Statecraft --> Dipl Statecr Dirasat Sukkaniyah --> Dirasat Sukkaniyah Dirasat. Medical and Biological Sciences --> Dirasat Med Biol Sci Dirasat: Administrative Sciences --> Dirasat Adm Sci Dirasat: Educational Sciences --> Dirasat Educ Sci Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences --> Dirasat Directions in Psychiatry --> Dir Psychiatry Director (Cincinnati, Ohio) --> Director (Cincinnati, Ohio) Directors & Boards --> Dir Boards Directory of Field Contacts for the Coordination of the Use of Radio Frequencies --> Dir Field Contacts Coord Use Radio Freq Directory of Investor-owned Hospitals, Residential Treatment Facilities and Centers, Hospital Management Companies, and Health Systems --> Dir Investor-owned Hosp Resid Treat Facil Cent Hosp Manage Co Health Syst Directory of Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation Services --> Dir Occup Ther Rehabil Serv Dirim --> Dirim Disability & Society --> Disabil Soc Disability and Health Journal --> Disabil Health J Disability and Rehabilitation --> Disabil Rehabil Disability and Rehabilitation. Assistive Technology --> Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol Disability Studies Quarterly --> Disabil Stud Q Disability, Handicap & Society --> Disabil Handicap Soc Disaster Health --> Disaster Health Disaster Management & Response --> Disaster Manag Response Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness --> Disaster Med Public Health Prep Disaster Prevention and Management --> Disaster Prev Manag Disasters --> Disasters Discharge Planning Update --> Disch Plann Update Discourse & Society --> Discourse Soc Discourse (Abingdon) --> Discourse (Abingdon) Discourse (Berkeley, Calif.) --> Discourse Discourse Processes --> Discourse Process Discourse Studies --> Discourse Stud Discover --> Discover Discovery and Innovation --> Discov Innov Discovery Medicine --> Discov Med Discovery Reports --> Discov Rep Discrete & Computational Geometry --> Discrete Comput Geom Discrete Applied Mathematics --> Discrete Appl Math Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society --> Discrete Dyn Nat Soc Discrete Event Dynamic Systems --> Discrete Event Dyn Syst Discrete Mathematics --> Discrete Math Discrete Mathematics and Applications --> Discrete Math Appl Discrete Optimization --> Discrete Optim Discussions in Neuroscience --> Discuss Neurosci Discussions of the Faraday Society --> Discuss Faraday Soc Disease Control Bulletin --> Dis Contr Bull Disease Management --> Dis Manag Disease Management & Health Outcomes --> Dis Manag Health Outcomes Disease Management Advisor --> Dis Manag Advis Disease Markers --> Dis Markers Disease Models & Mechanisms --> Dis Model Mech Disease Surveillance --> Dis Surveill Disease-a-Month --> Dis Mon Diseases of Aquatic Organisms --> Dis Aquat Org Diseases of the Chest --> Dis Chest Diseases of the Colon and Rectum --> Dis Colon Rectum Diseases of the Esophagus --> Dis Esophagus Diseases of the Nervous System --> Dis Nerv Syst Diskurs --> Diskurs Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung --> Diskurs Kindh Jugendforsch Diskussionsforum Medizinische Ethik --> Diskussionsforum Med Ethik Displays --> Displays Dispositio/n --> Dispositio/n Dissent --> Dissent Dissertation Abstracts --> Diss Abstr Dissertation Abstracts International. A, The Humanities and Social Sciences --> Diss Abstr Int A Humani Soc Sci Dissertation Abstracts International. B, The Sciences and Engineering --> Diss Abstr Int B Sci Eng Dissertation Abstracts International. C, Worldwide --> Diss Abstr Int C Worldw Dissertation Abstracts International. C, European Abstracts --> Diss Abstr Int C Eur Abstr Dissertation Abstracts Ondisc --> Diss Abstr Ondisc Dissertation Abstracts. A, The Humanities and Social Sciences --> Diss Abstr A Humanit Soc Sci Dissertation Abstracts. B, The Sciences and Engineering --> Diss Abstr B Sci Eng Dissertationes Botanicae --> Diss Bot Distance Education --> Distance Educ Distributed and Parallel Databases --> Distrib Parallel Databases Distributed Computing --> Distrib Comput Distributed Information Systems --> Distrib Inf Syst Distributed Systems Engineering --> Distrib Syst Eng District Administration --> Dist Adm District Nursing --> Dist Nurs Diverse Issues in Higher Education --> Diverse Issues High Educ Diversity & Distributions --> Divers Distrib Divinatio --> Divinatio Divulgacion Cultural Odontologica --> Divulg Cult Odontol Divulgacion Dental ... --> Divulg Dent Dix-Huitieme Siecle --> Dix Huit Siecle D-Lib Magazine --> D-Lib DLR-Nachrichten --> DLR Nachr DNA (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.) --> DNA DNA and Cell Biology --> DNA Cell Biol DNA Repair --> DNA Repair (Amst) DNA Research --> DNA Res DNA Sequence --> DNA Seq Dobutsu Iden Ikushu Kenkyu = Journal of Animal Genetics --> Dobutsu Iden Ikushu Kenkyu = J Anim Genet Document Design (Amsterdam) --> Document Des (Amsterdam) Documenta de Medicina Geographica et Tropica --> Doc Med Geogr Trop Documenta Dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia --> Documenta Dell'Istituto Ital Idrobiologia Documenta Geigy. Acta Psychosomatica (Deutsche Ausg.) --> Doc Geigy, Acta Psychosom (Dtsch Ausg) Documenta Geigy. Acta Rheumatologica (Deutsche Ausg.) --> Doc Geigy, Acta Rheumatol (Dtsch Ausg) Documenta Geigy. Folia Rheumatologica (Deutsche Ausg.) --> Doc Geigy, Folia Rheumatol (Dtsch Ausg) Documenta Ophthalmologica. Advances in Ophthalmology --> Doc Ophthalmol Documenta Ophthalmologica. Proceedings Series --> Doc Ophthalmol Proc Ser Documenta Rheumatologica Geigy (Deutsche Ausg.) --> Doc Rheumatol Geigy (Dtsch Ausg) Documentation in Medical Ethics --> Doc Med Ethics Documentation of the Assemblée Générale - Medicus Mundi --> Doc Assemble Generale - Medicus Mundi Documents - BRGM --> Doc BRGM Documents d'Analisi Geografica --> Doc Anal Geogr Documents Inédits Sur L'histoire du Limousin --> Doc Ined Hist Limousin Documents Mycologiques --> Doc Mycol Documents pour l'Histoire du Vocabulaire Scientifique --> Doc Hist Vocab Sci Documents. International Chamber of Commerce --> Documents Dodo-Journal of the Wildlife Preservation Trusts --> Dodo Dodone --> Dodone Dohuk Medical Journal --> Dohuk Med J Doklad O Sostoânii Zdravoohraneniâ V Mire --> Dokl Sostoa Zdravoohr Mire Doklady Akademii Nauk --> Dokl Akad Nauk Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR --> Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR Doklady Biochemistry --> Dokl Biochem Doklady Biological Sciences --> Dokl Biol Sci Doklady Biophysics --> Dokl Biophys Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk --> Dokl Bolg Akad Nauk Doklady Botanical Sciences --> Dokl Bot Sci Doklady Chemistry --> Dokl Chem Doklady Earth Sciences --> Dokl Earth Sci Doklady Mathematics --> Dokl Math Doklady Physical Chemistry --> Dokl Phys Chem Doklady Physics --> Dokl Phys Doklady. Biochemistry and Biophysics --> Dokl Biochem Biophys Doklady. Earth Science Sections --> Dokl Earth Sci Sect Dokumente aus Hoechster Archiven --> Dok Hoechst Arch Dolentium Hominum --> Dolentium Hominum Dollars and Sense --> Dollars Sense Domes --> Domes Domestic Animal Endocrinology --> Domest Anim Endocrinol Dominion Law Reports --> Dom Law Rep Dong Wu Fen Lei Xue Bao = Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica --> Dong Wu Fen Lei Xue Bao = Acta Zootaxonomica Sin Dong Wu Xue Bao --> Dong Wu Xue Bao Dongwu Yixue Jinzhan --> Dongwu Yixue Jinzhan Dongwuyuan Xuebao --> Dongwuyuan Xuebao Doshisha Studies in Language and Culture --> Doshisha Stud Lang Cult Douleur et Analgésie --> Douleur Analg Douleurs (Paris) --> Douleurs (Paris) Down's Syndrome: Research and Practice --> Downs Syndr Res Pract DP [Reports]. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission --> DP Rep DP. Dental Practice --> Dent Pract (Ewell) Dr. Jornal em Revista --> Dr J Em Rev Drake Law Review --> Drake Law Rev Draper Fund Report --> Draper Fund Rep Draper World Population Fund Report --> Draper World Popul Fund Rep Dreaming --> Dreaming DRG Monitor --> DRG Monit Drogues, Santé et Société --> Drogues Sante Societe Droit Social --> Droit Soc Drosophila Information Service --> Drosoph Inf Serv Drug and Alcohol Dependence --> Drug Alcohol Depend Drug and Alcohol Review --> Drug Alcohol Rev Drug and Chemical Toxicology --> Drug Chem Toxicol Drug and Cosmetic Industry --> Drug Cosmet Ind Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin --> Drug Ther Bull Drug Benefit Trends --> Drug Benefit Trends Drug Delivery --> Drug Deliv Drug Delivery System --> Drug Deliv Syst Drug Design and Delivery --> Drug Des Deliv Drug Design and Discovery --> Drug Des Discov Drug Design Reviews - Online --> Drug Des Rev Online Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy --> Drug Dev Ind Pharm Drug Development Research --> Drug Dev Res Drug Discovery Today --> Drug Discov Today Drug Discovery Today Disease Mechanisms --> Drug Discov Today Dis Mech Drug Discovery Today. Disease Models --> Drug Discov Today Dis Models Drug Discovery Today. Technologies --> Drug Discov Today Technol Drug Discovery Today. Therapeutic Strategies --> Drug Discov Today Ther Strateg Drug Forum --> Drug Forum Drug Information Journal --> Drug Inf J Drug Intelligence & Clinical Pharmacy --> Drug Intell Clin Pharm Drug Merchandising --> Drug Merch Drug Metabolism and Disposition: the Biological Fate of Chemicals --> Drug Metab Dispos Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions --> Drug Metabol Drug Interact Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics --> Drug Metab Pharmacokinet Drug Metabolism Reviews --> Drug Metab Rev Drug News & Perspectives --> Drug News Perspect Drug Research --> Drug Res Drug Research Reports --> Drug Res Rep Drug Resistance Updates --> Drug Resist Updat Drug Safety --> Drug Saf Drug Standards --> Drug Stand Drug Target Insights --> Drug Target Insights Drug Testing and Analysis --> Drug Test Anal Drug Therapeutics --> Drug Ther Drug Therapy --> Drug Ther (NY) Drug Topics --> Drug Top Drug Trade News --> Drug Trade News Drug-Nutrient Interactions --> Drug Nutr Interact Drugs --> Drugs Drugs & Aging --> Drugs Aging Drugs & Society (New York, N.Y.) --> Drugs Soc (New York) Drugs & Therapy Perspectives --> Drugs Ther Perspect Drugs and Society --> Drugs Soc Drugs Education Prevention & Policy --> Drugs Educ Prev Policy Drugs in R&D. --> Drugs R D Drugs Made in Germany --> Drugs Made Ger Drugs of the Future --> Drugs Future Drugs of Today (Barcelona, Spain) --> Drugs Today (Barc) Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research --> Drugs Exp Clin Res Drustvena Istrazivanja (Zagreb) --> Drus Istraz (Zagreb) Druzboslovne Razprave --> Druzbosl Razpr (Tisk Izd) DTW. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift --> Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr Du Bois Review --> Du Bois Rev Dublin Historical Record --> Dublin Hist Rec Dublin University Law Journal --> Dubl Univ Law J Dubrovnik --> Dubrovnik Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy --> Duke J Gend Law Policy Duke Law Journal --> Duke Law J Duke Mathematical Journal --> Duke Math J Duneland Historical Society. Duneland Notes --> Duneland Hist Soc Duneland Notes Duneland Notes --> Dunel Notes Duodecim --> Duodecim "Duodecim; Laaketieteellinen Aikakauskirja. Supplementum" --> Duodecim Suppl Duquesne Law Review --> Duquesne Law Rev Durability of Building Materials --> Durab Build Mater Durius --> Durius Durkheimian Studies --> Durkheimian Stud Dusseldorfer Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Medizin --> Dusseld Arb Gesch Med Dutch Crossing --> Dutch Cross DUZ (Bonn) --> DUZ (Bonn) Dve Domovini --> Dve Domovini DVT, Dejiny Ved a Techniky --> Dejiny Ved Tech Dyes and Pigments --> Dyes Pigments Dynamic Medicine --> Dyn Med Dynamical Systems --> Dyn Syst Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont.) --> Dynamics Dynamics and Control --> Dyn Contr Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans --> Dyn Atmos Oceans Dynamis (Granada, Spain) --> Dynamis Dynamische Psychiatrie. Dynamic Psychiatry --> Dyn Psychiatr Dyslexia (Chichester, England) --> Dyslexia Dysphagia --> Dysphagia e-Journal of NDT --> eJNDT e-Service Journal --> E-serv J E (Norwalk, Conn.) --> E "E Law ; Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law" --> E Law E Learning Page --> E Learn Page E&I Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik --> E&I Elektrotech InfTech E.N.E.A. Série Ecclésiologie --> ENEA Ser Ecclesiol Ear and Hearing --> Ear Hear Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal --> Ear Nose Throat J Early American Literature --> Early Am Lit Early Child Development and Care --> Early Child Dev Care Early Childhood Education Journal --> Early Child Educ J Early Childhood Research Quarterly --> Early Child Res Q Early Childhood Services (San Diego, Calif.) --> Early Child Serv (San Diego Calif) Early Childhood Today --> Early Child Today Early Development & Parenting --> Early Dev Parent Early Education and Development --> Early Educ Dev Early Human Development --> Early Hum Dev Early Intervention in Psychiatry --> Early Interv Psychiatry Early Medieval Europe --> Early Mediev Eur Early Music --> Early Music Early Music History --> Early Music Hist Early Pregnancy --> Early Pregnancy Early Pregnancy --> Early Pregnancy Early Science and Medicine --> Early Sci Med Early Years Journal of International Research and Development --> Early Years J Int Res Dev Earth (Waukesha, Wis.) --> Earth (Waukesha) Earth and Mineral Sciences --> Earth Miner Sci Earth and Planetary Science Letters --> Earth Planet Sci Lett Earth in Space --> Earth Space Earth Interactions --> Earth Interact Earth Negotiations Bulletin --> Earth Negot Bull Earth Observation Quarterly --> Earth Obs Q Earth Science --> Earth Sci Earth Science Bulletin --> Earth Sci Bull Earth Science Digest --> Earth Sci Dig Earth Science Frontiers --> Earth Sci Front Earth Sciences (Paris) --> Earth Sci (Paris) Earth Sciences History --> Earth Sci Hist Earth Space Review --> Earth Space Rev Earth Surface Processes --> Earth Surf Processes Earth Surface Processes and Landforms --> Earth Surf Process Landf Earth System Monitor --> Earth Syst Monit Earth Systems Science Data --> Earth Syst Sci Data Earth Systems Science Data Discussions --> Earth Syst Sci Data Disc Earth, Moon, and Planets --> Earth Moon Planets Earth, Planets, and Space --> Earth Planets Space Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics --> Earthquake Eng Struct Dynam Earthquake Notes --> Earthq Notes Earthquake Spectra --> Earthq Spectra Earthquakes and Volcanoes --> Earthquakes Volcanoes Earth-Science Reviews --> Earth Sci Rev East African Journal of Public Health --> East Afr J Public Health East African Medical Journal --> East Afr Med J East Asia --> East Asia East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine --> East Asian Sci Technol Med East Central Europe. L'Europe du Centre-Est --> East Cent Eur East European Jewish Affairs --> East Eur Jew Aff East European Quarterly --> East Eur Q Eastern Africa Economic Review --> East Afr Econ Rev Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development --> East Afr J Rural Dev Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review --> East Afr Soc Sci Res Rev Eastern and Southern Africa Geographical Journal --> East South Afr Geogr J Eastern Economic Journal --> East Econ J Eastern European Countryside --> East Eur Countryside Eastern European Economics --> East Europ Econ Eastern European Politics and Societies --> East Eur Polit Soc Eastern Horizon --> East Horiz Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal --> East Mediterr Health J Eastern Mediterranean Region Epidemiological Bulletin Bilingual --> East Mediterr Reg Epidemiol Bull Eating and Weight Disorders --> Eat Weight Disord Eating Behaviors --> Eat Behav Eating Disorders --> Eat Disord EAU-EBU Update Series --> EAU-EBU Update Ser Ebony --> Ebony EBRI Issue Brief --> EBRI Issue Brief EC Tax Review --> EC Tax Rev Ecclesiastical Law Journal --> Eccles Law J Ecclesiology --> Ecclesiology Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.) --> Echocardiography Echoes --> Echoes Echothérapie Spécial Médical. Edition du Sud-Est --> Echother Spec Med, Ed Sud-Est Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae --> Eclogae Geol Helv Ecography --> Ecography EcoHealth --> EcoHealth Ecología Austral --> Ecol Austral Ecologia della Mente --> Ecol Mente Ecologic Science --> Ecologic Sci Ecological Applications --> Ecol Appl Ecological Bulletins --> Ecol Bull Ecological Complexity --> Ecol Complex Ecological Economics --> Ecol Econ Ecological Engineering --> Ecol Eng Ecological Entomology --> Ecol Entomol Ecological Indicators --> Ecol Indic Ecological Informatics --> Ecol Inform Ecological Management & Restoration --> Ecol Manage Restor Ecological Modelling --> Ecol Modell Ecological Monographs --> Ecol Monogr Ecological Psychology --> Ecol Psychol Ecological Research --> Ecol Res Ecology --> Ecology Ecology & Evolution --> Ecol Evol Ecology & Environment --> Ecol Environ Ecology and Society --> Ecol Soc Ecology Freshwater Fish --> Ecol Freshwat Fish Ecology Law Quarterly --> Ecol Law Q Ecology Letters --> Ecol Lett Ecology of Disease --> Ecol Dis Ecology of Food and Nutrition --> Ecol Food Nutr Econ Journal Watch --> Econ J Watch Económica --> Economica Económica (México) --> Economica (Mex) Economía --> Economia Economía (Washington, D.C.) --> Economia (Wash DC) Econometric Investing --> Econom Invest Econometric Reviews --> Econom Rev Econometric Theory --> Econom Theory Econometrica --> Econometrica Economia & Lavoro --> Econ Lav Economia e Sociologia (Evora, Portugal) --> Econ Sociol Economia e Storia --> Econ Stor Economia Pubblica --> Econ Pubblica Economia y Desarrollo --> Econ Desarro Economic Affairs --> Econ Aff Economic Analysis --> Econ Anal Economic and Industrial Democracy --> Econ Ind Democracy Economic and Labour Relations Review --> Econ Labour Relat Rev Economic and Political Weekly --> Econ Polit Wkly Economic Botany --> Econ Bot Economic Bulletin --> Econ Bull Economic Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific --> Econ Bull Asia Pac Economic Change and Restructuring --> Econ Change Restruct Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research --> Econ Comput Econ Cybern Stud Res Economic Development and Cultural Change --> Econ Dev Cult Change Economic Development Quarterly --> Econ Dev Q Economic Development Review (Schiller Park, Ill.) --> Econ Dev Rev (Schiller Park, Ill) Economic Development USA --> Econ Dev USA Economic Eye --> Econ Eye Economic Geography --> Econ Geogr Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists --> Econ Geol Economic Geology Monographs --> Econ Geol Monogr Economic Inquiry --> Econ Inq Economic Modelling --> Econ Model Economic Notes --> Econ Notes Economic Outlook --> Econ Outlook Economic Outlook USA --> Econ Outlook USA Economic Perspectives --> Econ Perspect Economic Perspectives --> Econ Perspect Economic Perspectives (Chur) --> Econ Perspect (Chur) Economic Policy --> Econ Policy Economic Policy Review --> Econ Policy Rev Economic Research International --> Economic Res Int Economic Research Journal --> Econ Res J Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) --> Econ Rev Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas) --> Econ Rev Economic Systems --> Econ Syst Economic Systems Research --> Econ Syst Res Economic Theory --> Econ Theory Economica --> Economica Economica (Institute of World Economy, Tokyo) --> Econ (Institute World Econ, Tokyo) Economica (Jakarta) --> Econ (Jakarta) Economica Africana --> Econ Africana Economica Books --> Econ Books Economica Brasileira --> Econ Bras Economica Lusitania --> Econ Lusitania Economics and Human Biology --> Econ Hum Biol Economics and Philosophy --> Econ Philos Economics and Politics --> Econ Polit Economics Letters --> Econ Lett Economics of Education Review --> Econ Educ Rev Economics of Innovation and New Technology --> Econ Innov New Technol Economics of Planning --> Econ Plann Economics of Transition --> Econ Transit Economie & Statistique --> Econ Stat Economie et Humanisme --> Econ Humanisme Economie et Medecine Animales --> Econ Med Anim Economie et Solidarites --> Econ Solidarites Economie Meridionale --> Econ Merid Economie Prospective Internationale --> Econ Prospect Int Economisch- en Sociaal-Historisch Jaarboek --> Econ Soc Hist Jaarb Economisch-Statistische Berichten --> Econ Stat Ber Economist (London, England) --> Economist Economy and History --> Econ Hist (Sweden) Economy and Society --> Econ Soc Ecos --> Ecos Ecoscience --> Ecoscience Ecosystem Health --> Ecosyst Health Ecosystems (New York, N.Y.) --> Ecosystems (N Y) Ecosystems --> Ecosystems Ecotheology --> Ecotheology Ecotoxicology (London, England) --> Ecotoxicology Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety --> Ecotoxicol Environ Saf Ecrits de Paris: Revue des Questions Actuelles --> Ecrits Paris ECS Hospital and Health Care Management Compensation Report --> ECS Hosp Health Care Manag Compens Rep ECS Transactions --> ECS Trans Ecumene --> Ecumene ED Management --> ED Manag Edcentric --> Edcentric Edebiyat --> Edebiyat Edición Española de Allgemeinmedizin der Landarzt --> Ed Esp Allgmed Landarzt Edinburgh Dental Hospital Gazette --> Edinb Dent Hosp Gaz Edinburgh Journal of Botany --> Edinb J Bot Edinburgh Medical Journal --> Edinburgh Med J Editorial Research Reports --> Editor Res Rep EDS Magazine --> EDS Mag EDTNA/ERCA Journal (English Ed.) --> EDTNA ERCA J Educacao Sociedade & Culturas --> Educ Soc Cult Educacao, Subjetividade & Poder --> Educ Subjetividade Poder Educacion Dental --> Educ Dent (Ica) Educacion Medica y Salud --> Educ Med Salud Educacion: Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica --> Educ Rev Univ Costa Rica Educafrica (English Version) --> Educafrica Education --> Education Education & Treatment of Children --> Educ Treat Child Education + Training --> Educ Train Education 3-13 --> Educ 3-13 Education and Ageing --> Educ Ageing Education and Computing --> Educ Comput Education and Information Technologies --> Educ Inf Technol Education and Society (Melbourne) --> Educ Soc (Melb) Education and the Law --> Educ Law Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities --> Educ Train Dev Disabil Education and Training in Mental Retardation --> Educ Train Ment Retard Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities --> Educ Train Ment Retard Dev Disabil Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded --> Educ Train Ment Retard Education and Urban Society --> Educ Urban Soc Education Canada --> Educ Can Education Communication and Information --> Educ Commun Inf Education Digest --> Educ Dig Education Economics --> Educ Econ Education et Sociétés --> Educ Soc Education Finance and Policy --> Educ Finance Policy Education for Chemical Engineers --> Educ Chem Engineers Education for Health --> Educ Health Education for Health Change in Learning & Practice --> Educ Health Change Learn Pract Education for Information --> Educ Inf Education Journal --> Educ J Education Libraries --> Educ Libr Education Libraries Bulletin --> Libr Bull Univ Lond Education Next --> Educ Next Education Policy Analysis Archives --> Educ Policy Anal Arch Education Research International --> Educ Res Int Education Week --> Educ Week Education, Knowledge & Economy --> Educ, Knowl Econ Educational & Industrial Television --> Educ Ind Telev Educational Action Research --> Educ Action Res Educational Administration Quarterly --> Educ Adm Q Educational and Child Psychology --> Educ Child Psychol Educational and Psychological Measurement --> Educ Psychol Meas Educational Assessment --> Educ Assess Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability --> Educ Assess, Eval Account Educational Broadcasting International --> Educ Broadcast Int Educational Directions for Dental Auxiliaries --> Educ Dir Dent Aux Educational Directions in Dental Hygiene --> Educ Dir Dent Hyg Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis --> Educ Eval Policy Anal Educational Foundations --> Educ Found Educational Gerontology --> Educ Gerontol Educational Horizons --> Educ Horiz Educational Leadership --> Educ Leadersh Educational Leadership and Administration --> Educ Leadersh Adm Educational Management Administration & Leadership --> Educ Manage Adm Leadersh Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice --> Educ Meas Educational Media International --> Educ Media Int Educational Philosophy and Theory --> Educ Philos Theory Educational Policy --> Educ Policy Educational Practice and Theory --> Educ Pract Theory Educational Psychologist --> Educ Psychol Educational Psychology --> Educ Psychol Educational Psychology in Practice --> Educ Psychol Pract Educational Psychology Review --> Educ Psychol Rev Educational Research --> Educ Res Educational Research and Evaluation --> Educ Res Eval Educational Research for Policy and Practice --> Educ Res Policy Pract Educational Research Quarterly --> Educ Res Q Educational Research Review --> Educ Res Rev Educational Researcher --> Educ Res Educational Review --> Educ Rev Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice --> Educ Sci Theor Pract Educational Studies --> Educ Stud Educational Studies (Ames) --> Educ Stud (Ames) Educational Studies in Mathematics --> Educ Stud Math Educational Technology --> Educ Technol Educational Technology Research and Development --> Educ Technol ResDev Educational Technology Review --> Educ Technol Rev Educational Theory --> Educ Theory Educator's Update --> Educ Update EDUCAUSE Quarterly --> EDUCAUSE Q EDUCAUSE Review --> EDUCAUSE Rev EduPsykhé:Revista de Psicología y Psicopedagogía --> EduPsykhe (Villafranca del Castillo) EEG-EMG Zeitschrift fur Elektroenzephalographie, Elektromyographie und Verwandte Gebiete --> EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte Geb Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Bioloogia --> Eesti Nsv Tead Akad TOIM Biol Effective Clinical Practice --> Eff Clin Pract Effective Health Care --> Eff Health Care Effluent and Water Treatment Journal --> Effluent Water Treat J EGambling (Toronto) --> EGambling (Tor) Egeszsegtudomany --> Egeszsegtudomany Eglise Nouvelle, Eglise Ancienne. Etudes Bibliques --> Eglise Nouv, Eglise Anc, Etud Bibliques Egypte/Monde Arabe --> Egypte Monde Arabe Egyptian Dental Journal --> Egypt Dent J Egyptian Journal of Bilharziasis --> Egypt J Bilharz Egyptian Journal of Biology --> Egypt J Biol Egyptian Journal of Biomedical Engineering --> Egypt J Biomed Eng Egyptian Journal of Biotechnology --> Egypt J Biotechnol Egyptian Journal of Chemistry --> Egypt J Chem Egyptian Journal of Dermatology and Andrology --> Egypt J Dermatol Androl Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology --> Egypt J Genet Cytol Egyptian Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences --> Egypt J Med Lab Sci Egyptian Journal of Medical Microbiology --> Egypt J Med Microbiol Egyptian Journal of Microbiology --> Egypt J Microbiol Egyptian Journal of Nutrition (Cairo) --> Egypt J Nutr Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Feeds --> Egypt J Nutr Feeds Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Health --> Egypt J Nutr Health Egyptian Journal of Occupational Medicine --> Egypt J Occup Med Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology --> Egypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol Egyptian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences --> Egypt J Pharm Sci Egyptian Journal of Physiological Science --> Egypt J Physiol Sci Egyptian Journal of Schistosomiasis and Infectious and Endemic Diseases --> Egypt J Schistosomiasis Infect Endem Dis Egyptian Journal of Urology --> Egypt J Urol Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Science --> Egypt J Vet Sci Egyptian Journal of Virology --> Egypt J Virol Egyptian Medical Journal --> Egypt Med J Egyptian Medical Journal for Toxicology and Environmental Diseases --> Egypt Med J Toxicol Environ Dis Egyptian Medical Journal of the National Research Center --> Egypt Med J Natl Res Cent Egyptian Orthodontic Journal --> Egypt Orthod J Egyptian Rheumatology & Rehabilitation --> Egypt Rheumatol Rehabil Ehealth International --> eHealth Int EHP Toxicogenomics --> EHP Toxicogenomics Eichsfelder Heimathefte --> Eichsfelder Heimath Eicosanoids --> Eicosanoids Eighteenth Century (Lubbock, Tex.) --> Eighteenth Century (Lubbock) Eighteenth Century Life --> Eighteenth Century Life Eighteenth-Century Fiction --> Eighteenth Century Fict Eighteenth-Century Ireland --> Eighteenth Century Irel Eighteenth-Century Studies --> Eighteenth Century Stud Eigogaku --> Eigogaku Einblicke (Oldenburg) --> Einblicke Eire-Ireland --> Eire Irel Eisei Shikenjo Hokoku --> Eisei Shikenjo Hokoku E-ITV --> EITV EJBO. Electronic Journal of Business and Organization Ethics --> EJBO Electron J Bus Organ Ethics EJIFCC --> EJIFCC E-journal AWWA --> E-j AWWA EJSS European Journal for Sport and Society --> EJSS Eur J Sport Soc EJVES Extra --> EJVES Extra Ekishou --> Ekishou "Ekistics; Reviews on the Problems and Science of Human Settlements" --> Ekistics Probl Sci Hum Settl Ekoloski Glasnik --> Ekoloski Glasnik Ekologia (Bratislava) --> Ekologia (Bratisl) Ekologia (Cssr) --> Ekol CSSR Ekologia Polska --> Ekol Polska Ekologiia --> Ekologiia Ekonomi Dan Keuangan Indonesia --> Ekon Keuangan Indones Ekonomicky Casopis --> Ekon Cas Ekonomika Sovetskoi Ukrainy --> Ekon Sov Ukr Ekonomska Misao --> Ekon Misao Ekonomska Revija --> Ekon Revija Ekonomski Pregled --> Ekon Pregl Eksperimental'Naia i Klinicheskaia Farmakologiia --> Eksp Klin Farmakol Eksperimental'naia i Klinicheskaia Gastroenterologiia --> Eksp Klin Gastroenterol Eksperimental'Naia Khirurgiia i Anesteziologiia --> Eksp Khir Anesteziol Eksperimental'Naia Onkologiia --> Eksp Onkol Eksperimentalna Meditsina i Morfologiia --> Eksp Med Morfol El Caribe Contemporaneo --> Caribe Contemp El Cooperador Dental --> Coop Dent (B Aires) El Día Médico Uruguayo --> Dia Med Urug El Dia Medico --> Dia Med "El Hospital; la Revista Interamericana de Hospitales" --> Hospital El Medico --> Medico El Odontologo --> Odontologo El Palacio --> Palacio El Protesista Dental --> Protes Dent El Torax --> Torax El Trimestre Economico --> Trimest Econ Elderly Care --> Elder Care E-learning --> E-learning E-learning and Technology News --> E-learning Technol News E-Learning Applications --> E-Learn Appl E-learning Applications in Egypt --> E-learning Appl Egypt E-learning Brasil News --> E-learning Brasil News E-learning Insights --> E-learning Insights E-Learning Semmonka Ikusei Puroguramu Hyouka Katsudou Houkokusho --> E-Learning Semmonka Ikusei Puroguramu Hyouka Katsudou Houkokusho Electoral Studies --> Elect Stud Electric Power Systems Research --> Electr Power Syst Res Electrical Construction and Maintenance --> Electr Construct Mainten Electrical Design News --> Electr Des News Electrical Engineering --> Electr Eng Electrical Engineering (New York, N.Y.) --> Electr Eng (NYNY) Electrical Engineering in Japan --> Electr Eng Jpn Electroanalysis --> Electroanalysis Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters --> Electrochem Solid-State Lett Electrochemistry Communications --> Electrochem Commun Electrochimica Acta --> Electrochim Acta Electrodiagnostic-Therapie --> Electrodiagn Ther Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology --> Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Supplement --> Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine --> Electromagn Biol Med Electromagnetics --> Electromagnetics Electromyography --> Electromyography Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology --> Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol Electromyography and Motor Control --> Electromyogr Motor Control Electron Microscopy Reviews --> Electron Microsc Rev Electron Technology --> Electron Technol Electronic Commerce Research --> Electron Commerce Res Electronic Commerce Research and Applications --> Electron Commerce Res Appl Electronic Communications in Probability --> Electron Comm Probab Electronic Journal of Biotechnology --> Electron J Biotechnol Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction --> Electron J Inform Tech Construct Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management --> Electron J Knowl Manage Electronic Journal of Probability --> Electron J Probab Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology --> Electron J Res Educ Psychol Electronic Journal of Sociology --> Electron J Sociol ElectronicHealthcare --> Electr Healthc Electronic Markets --> Electron Mark Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics --> Electron Notes Discrete Math Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science --> Electron Notes Theor Comput Sci Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I Communications) --> Electron Commun Jpn Part Commun Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part II Electronics) --> Electron Commun Jpn Part II Electron Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part III Fundamental Electronic Science) --> Electron Commun Jpn Part III Fundam Electron Sci Electronics Letters --> Electron Lett Electrophoresis --> Electrophoresis "Elektro Medizin; Biomedizin und Technik" --> Elektromed Biomed Tech Elektromedizin, Medizinische Elektronik --> Elektromed Med Elektron El-Minia Medical Bulletin --> Minia Med Bull eLife --> eLife ELT Journal --> ELT J Eludamos (Göttingen) --> Eludamos (Gött) Elytra --> Elytra EMBO Reports --> EMBO Rep EMBO Molecular Medicine --> EMBO Mol Med Embryologia --> Embryologia (Nagoya) EMC-Psychiatrie --> EMC Psychiatr Eme Eme. Estudios Dominicanos --> Eme Eme, Estud Domin Emergence --> Emergence Emergences --> Emergences Emergency --> Emergency Emergency Department News --> Emerg Dep News Emergency Health Services Quarterly --> Emerg Health Serv Q Emergency Health Services Review --> Emerg Health Serv Rev Emergency Medical Services --> Emerg Med Serv Emergency Medicine --> Emerg Med Emergency Medicine (Fremantle, W.A.) --> Emerg Med (Fremantle) Emergency Medicine (Glendale, Calif.) [Sound Recording] --> Emerg Med Emergency Medicine Australasia --> Emerg Med Australas Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America --> Emerg Med Clin North Am Emergency Medicine International --> Emerg Med Int Emergency Medicine Journal --> Emerg Med J Emergency Medicine Reports --> Emerg Med Rep Emergency Nurse --> Emerg Nurse Emergency Planning Digest --> Emerg Plann Dig Emergency Radiology --> Emerg Radiol Emerging Infectious Diseases --> Emerg Infect Dis Emerging Markets Quarterly --> Emerg Mark Q Emerging Markets Review --> Emerg Mark Rev Emerging Themes in Epidemiology --> Emerg Themes Epidemiol Emerita --> Emerita Emirates Medical Journal --> Emir Med J Emisor Demografico --> Emisor Demogr Emory International Law Review --> Emory Int Law Rev Emory Law Journal --> Emory Law J Emory Magazine --> Emory Mag Emotion (Washington, D.C.) --> Emotion Emotion Review --> Emot Rev Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties --> Emot Behav Difficulties Emphasis, Nursing --> Emphasis Nurs Empire State Report --> Emp State Rep Empirica --> Empirica Empirical Economics --> Empir Econ Empirical Software Engineering --> Empir Softw Eng Empirical Studies of the Arts --> Empir Stud Arts Empleo y Desempleo --> Empl Desempl Empleo y Desempleo en Puerto Rico --> Empl Desempl P R Employee Assistance Quarterly --> Employee Assist Q Employee Benefit Plan Review --> Employee Benefit Plan Rev Employee Benefits Journal --> Empl Benefits J Employee Health & Fitness --> Empl Health Fit Employee Relations --> Employee Relat Employee Relations Law Journal --> Employee Relat Law J Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal --> Employee Responsib Rights J Employment Relations Today --> Employ Relat Today EMRO Technical Publications Series --> EMRO Tech Publ Ser EMS Insider --> Ems Insider Enantiomer --> Enantiomer Encounter --> Encounter (Lond) Encounter --> Encounter Encounters --> Encounters Encyclopédie Médico-chirurgicale. Glandes Endocrines, Maladies de la Nutrition, Pathologie Générale --> Encycl Med-chir, Glandes Endocr Mal Nutr Pathol Gen Encyclopaideia --> Encyclopaideia Endangered Species Research --> Endang Species Res Endeavour --> Endeavour Endemic Disease Bulletin --> Endemic Dis Bull Endocrine --> Endocrine Endocrine Development --> Endocr Dev Endocrine Journal --> Endocr J Endocrine Pathology --> Endocr Pathol Endocrine Practice --> Endocr Pract Endocrine Regulations --> Endocr Regul Endocrine Research --> Endocr Res Endocrine Research Communications --> Endocr Res Commun Endocrine Reviews --> Endocr Rev Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders Drug Targets --> Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets Endocrine-Related Cancer --> Endocr Relat Cancer Endocrinologia e Scienza della Costituzione --> Endocrinol Sci Cost Endocrinologia Experimentalis --> Endocrinol Exp Endocrinologia Japonica --> Endocrinol Jpn Endocrinologia y Terapeutica --> Endocr Terap Endocrinologie --> Endocrinologie Endocrinology --> Endocrinology Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America --> Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am Endocytobiosis and Cell Research --> Endocytobiosis Cell Res Endodoncia --> Endodoncia (Mex) Endodoncia (Madrid, Spain) --> Endodoncia Endodontic Practice --> Endod Prac Endodontics & Dental Traumatology --> Endod Dent Traumatol Endokrinologie --> Endokrinologie Endokrynologia Polska --> Endokrynol Pol Endokrynologia, Diabetologia i Choroby Przemiany Materii Wieku Rozwojowego --> Endokrynol Diabetol Chor Przemiany Materii Wieku Rozw Endoscopic Surgery and Allied Technologies --> Endosc Surg Allied Technol Endoscopy --> Endoscopy Endoskopie Heute --> Endosk Heute Endothelium --> Endothelium EndoTrends --> EndoTrends Energy --> Energy Energy & Environment --> Energy Environ Energy & Fuels --> Energy Fuels Energy and Building --> Energy Build Energy Conversion and Management --> Energy Convers Manage Energy Economics --> Energy Econ Energy Economy --> Energy Econ Energy Engineering --> Energy Eng Energy Policy --> Energy Policy Energy Procedia --> Energy Procedia Energy Sources --> Energy Sources Energy Systems and Policy --> Energy Syst Policy Enfance --> Enfance Enfermedades del Torax --> Enferm Torax Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica --> Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin Enfermeras --> Enfermeras Enfermeria --> Enfermeria Enfermeria Clinica --> Enferm Clin Enfermeria Intensiva --> Enferm Intensiva Enfoque --> Enfoque Enfoque Feminista --> Enfoque Fem Enfoques en Atencion Primaria --> Enfoques Aten Prim Engage/Social Action --> Engage Soc Action Engei Gakkai Zasshi. Engei Gakkai (Japan) --> Engei Gakkai Zasshi Engineering Analysis --> Eng Anal Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements --> Eng Anal Bound Elem Engineering and Mining Journal --> Eng Min J Engineering and Process Economics --> Eng Process Econ Engineering and Science --> Eng Sci Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence --> Eng Appl Artif Intell Engineering Costs and Production Economics --> Eng Costs Prod Econ Engineering Failure Analysis --> Eng Fail Anal Engineering Fracture Mechanics --> Eng Fract Mech Engineering Geology --> Eng Geol Engineering Geology (Sacramento, Calif.) --> Eng Geol (Sacram Calif) Engineering in Life Sciences --> Eng Life Sci Engineering in Medicine --> Eng Med Engineering Issues --> Engrg Issues Engineering Management International --> Eng Manage Int Engineering News Record --> ENR Engineering Optimization --> Eng Optim Engineering Science and Education Journal --> Eng Sci Educ J Engineering Structures --> Eng Struct Engineering with Computers --> Eng Comput Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management --> Eng Construct Architect Manag Engineers Australia --> Eng Aust English Education --> Engl Educ English for Specific Purposes --> Engl Specif Purposes English Journal --> Engl J English Language and Linguistics --> Engl Lang Linguist English Language Notes --> Engl Lang Notes English Linguistics (Tokyo) --> Engl Linguist (Tokyo) English Literary History --> Engl Lit Hist English Literary Renaissance --> Engl Lit Renaiss English Studies --> Engl Stud English Studies in Canada --> Engl Stud Can English Today --> Engl Today English World-Wide --> Engl World-Wide Enlace. Inter-American Commission of Women --> Enlace ENLB. Emergency Nurse Legal Bulletin --> ENLB Emerg Nurse Leg Bull Eno Fo --> ENO FO Enquétes du Musée de la Vie Wallonne --> Enq Mus Vie Wallonne Enrollment Management Journal: Student Access, Finance, and Success in Higher Education --> Enroll Manag J Ensenañza de las Ciencias --> Ensen Cienc Enterprise and Society --> Enterprise Soc Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata --> Entomol Exp Appl Entomologia Generalis --> Entomol Gen Entomologia Sinica --> Entomologia Sin Entomologica Fennica --> Entomol Fenn Entomologica Scandinavica --> Entomol Scand Entomological News --> Entomol News Entomological Research --> Entomol Res Entomological Review --> Entomol Rev (Engl Transl) Entomological Science --> Entomol Sci Entomologische Abhandlungen --> Entomologische Abh Entomologische Berichte (Luzern) --> Entomol Ber (Luzern) Entomologische Berichten (Amsterdam) --> Entomol Ber (Amst) Entomologische Zeitschrift mit Insektenborse --> Entomol Z Insektenborse Entomologisk Tidskrift --> Entomol Tidskr Entomologiske Meddelelser --> Entomol Medd Entomologist's Gazette --> Entomol Gaz Entomologist's Monthly Magazine --> Entomol Mon Mag Entomologiste --> Entomologiste Entomon --> Entomon Entomophaga --> Entomophaga Entomotaxonomia --> Entomotaxonomia Entre Nous (Copenhagen, Denmark) --> Entre Nous Cph Den Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change --> Entrepreneurship Innov Change Entretiens de Bichat Pitie-Salpetriere --> Entret Bichat Pitie-Salpetriere Ther Entry to Practice Newsletter --> Entry Pract Newsl Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Zivilsachen. Germany (West). Bundesgerichtshof --> Entscheid Bundesgerichtshofes Zivilsachen Environment --> Environment Environment & Planning --> Environ Plan Environment & Planning A --> Environ Plann A Environment & Planning B --> Environ Plann B Environment and Behavior --> Environ Behav Environment and Development Economics --> Environ Dev Econ Environment and Ecology --> Environ Ecol Environment and Planning. B, Planning & Design --> Environ Plann B Plann Des Environment and Planning. C, Government & Policy --> Environ Plann C Gov Policy Environment and Planning. D, Society & Space --> Environ Plann D Soc Space Environment and Progress --> Environ Prog Environment and Urbanization --> Environ Urban Environment Control in Biology --> Envrion Control Biol Environment Folio --> Environ Folio Environment International --> Environ Int Environment Reporter --> Environ Rep Environment, Development and Sustainability --> Environ Dev Sustain Environmental & Energy Law & Policy Journal --> Environ Energy Pol J Environmental & Engineering Geoscience --> Environ Eng Geosci Environmental Action --> Environ Aciton Environmental Affairs --> Environ Aff Environmental and Ecological Statistics --> Environ Ecol Stat Environmental and Experimental Botany --> Environ Exp Bot Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis --> Environ Mol Mutagen Environmental and Resource Economics --> Environ Resour Econ Environmental Biology and Medicine --> Environ Biol Med Environmental Biology of Fishes --> Environ Biol Fishes Environmental Biosafety Research --> Environ Biosafety Res Environmental Change and Security Project Report --> Environ Change Secur Proj Rep Environmental Chemistry --> Environ Chem Environmental Chemistry Letters --> Environ Chem Lett Environmental Conservation --> Environ Conserv Environmental Design & Construction --> Environ Des Construct Environmental Earth Science --> Environ Earth Sci Environmental Economics and Policy Studies --> Environ Econ Policy Stud Environmental Education and Information --> Environ Educ Inf Environmental Education Research --> Environ Educ Res Environmental Engineering and Policy --> Environ Eng Policy Environmental Engineering Science --> Environ Eng Sci Environmental Entomology --> Environ Entomol Environmental Ethics --> Environ Ethics Environmental Fluid Mechanics --> Environ Fluid Mech Environmental Forum Publications Series --> Environ Forum Publ Ser Environmental Geochemistry and Health --> Environ Geochem Health Environmental Geology (Berlin) --> Environ Geol (Berl) Environmental Geology (Champaign, Ill.) --> Environ Geol (Champaign Ill) Environmental Geology (Denver, Colo.) --> Environ Geol (Denver Colo) Environmental Geology (Montpelier, Vt.) --> Environ Geol (Montpel Vt) Environmental Geology (New York) --> Environ Geol (NY) Environmental Geology (New York, N.Y.) --> Environ Geol (N Y N Y) Environmental Geology and Water Sciences --> Environ Geol Water Sci Environmental Geology Notes --> Environ Geol Notes Environmental Geoscience --> Environ Geosci Environmental Health --> Environ Health Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine --> Environ Health Prev Med Environmental Health Criteria --> Environ Health Criteria Environmental Health Perspectives --> Environ Health Perspect Environmental Health Series. [RH] Radiological Health --> Environ Health Ser [Radiol Health] Environmental History --> Environ Hist Environmental History Newsletter --> Environ Hist Newsl Environmental History Review --> Environ Hist Rev Environmental Impact Assessment Review --> Environ Impact Assess Rev Environmental in Information Science --> Environ Inf Sci Environmental Law & Management --> Environ Law Manage Environmental Law (Northwestern School of Law) --> Environ Law Environmental Law Reporter --> Environ Law Report Environmental Law Reporter of NSW --> Environ Law Report NSW Environmental Law Review --> Environ Law Rev Environmental Letters --> Environ Lett Environmental Management --> Environ Manage Environmental Management and Health --> Environ Manage Health Environmental Medicine --> Environ Med Environmental Microbiology --> Environ Microbiol Environmental Microbiology Reports --> Environ Microbiol Rep Environmental Modeling and Assessment --> Environ Model Assess Environmental Modelling & Software --> Environ Model Softw Environmental Monitoring and Assessment --> Environ Monit Assess Environmental Mutagenesis --> Environ Mutagen Environmental Physiology & Biochemistry --> Environ Physiol Biochem Environmental Policy and Law --> Environ Policy Law Environmental Politics --> Env Polit Environmental Pollution --> Environ Pollut Environmental Practice --> Environ Pract Environmental Psychology and Nonverbal Behavior --> Environ Psychol Nonverbal Behav Environmental Quality and Safety --> Environ Qual Saf Environmental Quality and Safety. Supplement --> Environ Qual Saf Suppl Environmental Quality Management --> Environ Qual Manage "Environmental Quality; Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality" --> Environ Qual Annu Rep Counc Environ Qual Environmental Research --> Environ Res Environmental Research Letters --> Environ Res Lett Environmental Review --> Environ Rev Environmental Review (Guelph) --> Environ Rev (Guelph) Environmental Review (Perth) --> Environ Rev (Perth) Environmental Review (Regina) --> Environ Rev (Regina) Environmental Review (Seattle, Wash.) --> Environ Rev (Seattle Wash) Environmental Review (Vancouver) --> Environ Rev (Vanc) Environmental Review. Bibliographic Supplement --> Environ Rev, Bibliogr Suppl Environmental Reviews --> Environ Rev Environmental Science & Policy --> Environ Sci Policy Environmental Science & Technology --> Environ Sci Technol Environmental Science and Pollution Research International --> Environ Sci Pollut Res Int Environmental Science and Technology Library --> Environ Sci Technol Libr Environmental Sciences --> Environ Sci Environmental Software --> Environ Softw Environmental Technology --> Environ Technol Environmental Technology Letters --> Environ Technol Lett Environmental Toxicology --> Environ Toxicol Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry --> Environ Toxicol Chem Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology --> Environ Toxicol Pharmacol Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality --> Environ Toxicol Water Qual Environmental Values --> Environ Values Environments --> Environments Environmetrics --> Environmetrics Environnement Africain --> Environ Afr Enzyme --> Enzyme Enzyme & Protein --> Enzyme Protein Enzyme and Microbial Technology --> Enzyme Microb Technol Enzyme Research --> Enzyme Res Enzymologia --> Enzymologia Enzymologia Biologica et Clinica --> Enzymol Biol Clin (Basel) Eon'eo Cheong'gag Jang'ae Yeon'gu --> Eoneo Cheonggag Jangae Yeongu EOS, Journal of Immunology and Immunopharmacology --> EOS, J Immunol Immunopharmacol Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union --> Eos Trans AGU EPA Journal --> EPA J Epatologia --> Epatologia Epeirotike Hestia --> Epeirotike Hestia Epeteris Hetaireias Stereoelladikon Meleton --> Epet Etaireias Stereoelladikon Meleton Ephemera --> Ephemera Epheta --> Epheta EPI Newsletter --> EPI Newsl Epidemiologia e Prevenzione --> Epidemiol Prev Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale --> Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations --> Epidemiol Perspect Innov Epidemiologic Reviews --> Epidemiol Rev Epidemiological Bulletin --> Epidemiol Bull Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie --> Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) --> Epidemiology Epidemiology and Community Health --> Epidemiol Community Health Epidemiology and Infection --> Epidemiol Infect Epidemiology Research International --> Epidemiol Res Int Epigenetics --> Epigenetics Epigraphica --> Epigraphica Epigraphische Studien --> Epigraph Stud Epilepsia --> Epilepsia Epilepsy & Behavior --> Epilepsy Behav Epilepsy Currents --> Epilepsy Curr Epilepsy Research --> Epilepsy Res Epilepsy Research and Treatment --> Epilepsy Res Treat Epilepsy Research. Supplement --> Epilepsy Res Suppl Epileptic Disorders --> Epileptic Disord Epione --> Epione Epione (Helsingfors) --> Epione (Hels) Epione (Tampere) --> Epione (Tamp) Episodes --> Episodes Episteme --> Episteme Epistemologia --> Epistemologia Epithelial Cell Biology --> Epithelial Cell Biol Epitheorese Koinonikon Ereunon --> Epitheor Koin Ereun EPJ Direct --> EPJ Direct Eplasty --> Eplasty Epopteia --> Epopteia Epopteia (Brookline, Mass.) --> Epopteia (Brookline Mass) Epopteia Newsletter --> Epopt Newsl EPR. Earthquake Prediction Research --> EPR, Earthqu Predict Res EPRI Journal --> EPRI J Equilibrium --> Equilibrium Equine Veterinary Journal --> Equine Vet J Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement --> Equine Vet J Suppl Equinoxe (Cayenne, French Guiana) --> Equinoxe Equity & Excellence in Education --> Equity Excell Educ Equity and Choice --> Equity Choice Era Socialista --> Era Social Erasmus --> Erasmus Erdélyi Pszichológiai Szemle --> Erdelyi Pszichol Szle Erdöl und Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie --> Erdol Kohle Erdgas Petrochem Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle --> Erdol Erdgas Kohle Erdkunde --> Erdkunde Erdkundliches Wissen --> Erdkd Wissen Erdoel, Erdgas --> Erdoel Erdgas Erfahrungsheilkunde --> Erfahrungsheilkunde Ergebnisse der Allgemeinen Pathologie und Pathologischen Anatomie --> Ergeb Allg Pathol Pathol Anat Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte --> Ergeb Anat Entwicklungsgesch Ergebnisse der Biologie --> Ergeb Biol Ergebnisse der Chirurgie und Orthopadie --> Ergeb Chir Orthop Ergebnisse der Gesamten Lungen- und Tuberkuloseforschung --> Ergeb Gesamten Lungen- Tuberkuloseforsch Ergebnisse der Hygiene, Bakteriologie, Immunitätsforschung und Experimentellen Therapie --> Ergeb Hyg, Bakteriol, Immunitatsforsch Exp Ther Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde --> Ergeb Inn Med Kinderheilkd Ergebnisse der Limnologie --> Ergebnisse Limnol Ergebnisse der Medizinischen Strahlenforschung --> Ergeb Med Strahlemforsch Ergebnisse der Mikrobiologie, Immunitatsforschung und Experimentellen Therapie --> Ergeb Mikrobiol Immunitatsforsch Exp Ther Ergebnisse der Physiologie, Biologischen Chemie und Experimentellen Pharmakologie --> Ergeb Physiol Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems --> Ergodic Theory Dynam Systems Ergonomics --> Ergonomics Ergonomics in Design --> Ergon Des Erkenntnis --> Erkenntnis Ernahrungsforschung --> Ernahrungsforschung Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop --> Ernst Schering Res Found Workshop ERS Spectrum --> ERS Spectr Erwerbs-Obstbau --> Erwerbs-Obstbau Erziehung und Unterricht --> Erzieh Unterr Erzmetall --> Erzmetall ESA Bulletin --> ESA Bull ESA Journal --> ESA J ESA SP --> ESA SP ESAIM: Probability and Statistics --> ESAIM Probab Stat Esakia --> Esakia Escorial (Madrid) --> Escorial (Madr) Esencia Odontologica --> Esencia Odontol Esope --> Esope Esophagus --> Esophagus Espace, Populations, Sociétés --> Espace Popul Soc Espaces et Sociétés (Paris, France) --> Espaces Soc Espacio Abierto --> Espacio Abierto España Contemporánea --> España Contemporánea E-SPEN --> E-SPEN Espiral (Guadalajara, Mexico) --> Espiral Esprit (Paris, France) --> Esprit ESQ --> ESQ Esquire (New York, N.Y.) --> Esquire ESRC Data Archive Bulletin --> ESRC Data Arch Bull Essays and Studies (London, England) --> Essays Stud (Lond) Essays in Arts and Sciences --> Essays Arts Sci Essays in Biochemistry --> Essays Biochem Essays on Canadian Writing --> Essays Can Writ Essays in Fundamental Immunology --> Essays Fundam Immunol Essays in Medieval Studies --> Essays Mediev Stud Essays in Neurochemistry and Neuropharmacology --> Essays Neurochem Neuropharmacol Essence --> Essence (Downsview) Essential Drugs Monitor --> Essent Drugs Monit Essential Psychopharmacology --> Essent Psychopharmacol Essenze Derivati Agrumari --> Essenze Deriv Agrum Essex Archaeology and History --> Trans Essex Archaeol Soc Essex Institute Historical Collections --> Essex Inst Hist Collect Essex Journal --> Essex J Estadística PanameñA\. Avance de Cifras --> Estad Panamena, Av Cifras Estadistica --> Estadastica Estadística Panameña. Boletin --> Estad Panamena Estadistica Panamena. Situacion Demografica, Seccion 231: Migracion Internacional --> Estad Panamena Situac Demogr Secc 231 Migr Int Estadistica Venezolana --> Estad Venez Este Pais (Mexico City, Mexico) --> Este Pais Estodont/Press --> Estodont Press Estomatologia --> Estomatologia Estomatologia e Cultura --> Estomatol Cult Estuaries --> Estuaries Estuaries and Coasts --> Estuar Coasts Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science --> Estuar Coast Mar Sci Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science --> Estuar Coast Shelf Sci Estudios (Madrid, Spain) --> Estudios Estudios Atacameños --> Estud Atacameños Estudios Centro Americanos --> Estud Cent Am Estudios Centroamericanos --> Estud Centroamericanos Estudios Clasicos --> Estud Cl Estudios de Asia y Africa --> Estud Asia Afr Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl --> Estud Cult Nahuatl Estudios de Economía (Cantoblanco) --> Estud Econ (Cantoblanco) Estudios de Economía (Santiago) --> Estud Econ (Santiago) Estudios de Economía Aplicada --> Estud Econ Apl Estudios de Economía Gaditana --> Estud Econ Gadit Estudios de Economía y Empresa --> Estud Econ Empresa Estudios de Historia Novohispana --> Estud Hist Novohisp Estudios de Historia Social (Madrid, Spain) --> Estud Hist Soc Estudios de Historia Social y Económica de América --> Estud Hist Soc Econ Am Estudios de Poblacion y Desarrollo. Serie Original --> Estud Poblac Desarro Ser Original Estudios de Poblacion y Desarrollo. Serie Reproducciones --> Estud Poblac Desarro Ser Reproducciones Estudios de Psicología --> Estud Psicol Estudios del Departamento de Historia Moderna. Universidad de Zaragoza. Departamento de Historia Moderna --> Estud Dep Hist Mod Estudios Demograficos y Urbanos --> Estud Demogr Urbanos Col Mex Estudios Filosoficos --> Estud Filosoficos Estudios Geograficos --> Estud Geogr Estudios Latinoamericanos (Mexico City, Mexico) --> Estud Latinoam Estudios Migratorios --> Estud Migr Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos --> Estud Migr Latinoam Estudios Públicos --> Estud Publicos Estudios Paraguayos --> Estud Parag Estudios Politicos --> Estud Polit Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos --> Estud Rurales Latinoam Estudios Segovianos --> Estud Segov Estudios Sobre las Culturas Contemporaneas --> Estud Sobre Cult Contemp Estudios Sociales (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) --> Estud Soc Estudios Sociales Centroamericanos --> Estud Soc Centroam Estudios Sociologicos (Mexico City, Mexico) --> Estud Sociol Estudis --> Estudis Estudis Històrics I Documents Dels Arxius de Protocols --> Estud Hist Doc Arxius Protoc Estudis Romànics --> Estud Rom Estudos CEBRAP --> Estud CEBRAP Estudos de Historia e Saude --> Estud Hist Saude Estudos de Psicologia --> Estud Psicol Estudos de Psicologia --> Estud Psicol Estudos de Sociologia --> Estud Sociol Estudos Demograficos --> Estud Demogr Estudos Economicos --> Estud Econ Estudos Feministas --> Estud Fem Estudos Historicos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) --> Estud Hist ET Journal --> ET J Età Evolutiva --> Eta Evol "Etc.; a Review of General Semantics" --> Etc Ethical Currents --> Ethical Curr Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry --> Ethical Hum Psychol Psychiatry Ethical Human Sciences and Services --> Ethical Hum Sci Serv Ethical Perspectives --> Ethical Perspect Ethical Theory and Moral Practice --> Ethical Theory Moral Pract Ethics --> Ethics Ethics & Behavior --> Ethics Behav Ethics & International Affairs --> Ethics Int Aff Ethics & Medicine --> Ethics Med Ethics (Los Angeles, Calif.) --> Ethics (Los Angel Calif) Ethics and Education --> Ethics Educ Ethics and Information Technology --> Ethics Inf Technol Ethics and Intellectual Disability --> Ethics Intellect Disabil Ethics and Medics --> Ethics Medics Ethics and the Environment --> Ethics Environ Ethics Committee Newsletter --> Ethics Comm Newsl Ethics in Science & Medicine --> Ethics Sci Med Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics --> Ethics Sci Environ Polit Ethics Place and Environment --> Ethics Place Environ Ethics Update --> Ethics Update Ethiek & Maatschappij --> Ethiek Maatschappij Ethik in der Medizin --> Ethik Med Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften --> Ethik Sozialwissenschaften Ethiopia Observer --> Ethiop Obs Ethiopian Journal of Development Research --> Ethiop J Dev Res Ethiopian Journal of Health and Biomedical Science --> Ethiop J Health Biomed Sci Ethiopian Medical Journal --> Ethiop Med J Ethique --> Ethique Ethique & Santé --> Ethique Sante Ethnic and Racial Studies --> Ethn Racial Stud Ethnic Forum --> Ethn Forum Ethnic Groups --> Ethn Groups Ethnic Studies Report --> Ethn Stud Rep Ethnicities --> Ethnicities Ethnicity --> Ethnicity Ethnicity & Disease --> Ethn Dis Ethnicity & Health --> Ethn Health Ethnoarchaeology --> Ethnoarchaeology Ethnography --> Ethnography Ethnography and Education --> Ethnogr Educ Ethnohistory (Columbus, Ohio) --> Ethnohistory Ethnologia Europaea --> Ethnol Eur Ethnologia Scandinavica --> Ethnol Scand Ethnologie Francaise --> Ethnol Fr Ethnology --> Ethnology Ethnomedizin-Ethnomedicine --> Ethnomedizin Ethnomusicology --> Ethnomusicology Ethno-psychologie --> Ethno-psychol Ethnos --> Ethnos Ethology --> Ethology Ethology and Sociobiology --> Ethol Sociobiol Ethology Ecology and Evolution --> Ethol Ecol Evol Ethos (Berkeley, Calif.) --> Ethos Etnografia Polska --> Etnogr Pol Etnologiska Studier --> Etnol Stud Etude de la Population Africaine --> Etude Popul Afr Etudes --> Etudes (Paris) Etudes & Documents (Groupe de Demographie Africaine (France)) --> Etud Doc Groupe Demogr Afr Etudes & Expansion --> Etud Expans Etudes Anglaises (Periodical) --> Etud Angl Etudes Balkaniques --> Etud Balk Etudes Canadiennes. Canadian Studies --> Etud Can Etudes Classiques (Namur, Belgium) --> Etud Class Etudes d'Histoire Africaine --> Etud Hist Afr Etudes Francaises (Montreal, Quebec) --> Etud Fr Etudes Freudiennes --> Etudes Freud Etudes Germaniques --> Etud Ger Etudes Internationales --> Etud Int Etudes Inuit. Inuit Studies --> Etud Inuit Etudes Irlandaises --> Etud Irl Etudes Limousines --> Etud Limousines Etudes Maliennes --> Etudes Mali Etudes Néo-natales (Paris) --> Etud Neo-natales (Paris) Etudes Polemologiques --> Etud Polemol Etudes Rurales --> Etud Rurales Etudes Rwandaises --> Etud Rwandaises Etudes Statistiques --> Etudes Stat Etudes Sur les Soins et le Service Infirmier --> Etud Soins Serv Infirm Etudes Togolaises de Population --> Etud Togol Popul Etudes Vauclusiennes --> Etud Vauclus Etudes Zairoises --> Etud Zair "Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics ; EJAIB" --> Eubios J Asian Int Bioeth Eugenics Quarterly --> Eugen Q Eugenics Society Symposia --> Eugen Soc Symp Eukaryotic Cell --> Eukaryot Cell Eung'yong Eon'eohag --> Eungyong Eoneohag Euphytica --> Euphytica Eurasian Soil Science --> Eurasian Soil Sci Eurasian Studies Yearbook --> Eurasian Stud Yearb EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications --> EURASIP Book Ser Signal Process Commun EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing --> EURASIP J Adv Signal Process EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing --> EURASIP J Appl Signal Process EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing --> EURASIP J Audio Speech Music Process EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics & Systems Biology --> EURASIP J Bioinform Syst Biol EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems --> EURASIP J Embed Syst EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing --> EURASIP J Image Video Process EURASIP Journal on Multimedia and Information Security --> EURASIP J Multimed Inf Secur EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking --> EURASIP J Wirel Commun Netw EURASIP Newsletter --> EURASIP Newsl EURE. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales --> EURE EURO Reports and Studies --> EURO Rep Stud Eurosurveillance --> Euro Surveill Eurocarni (Modena) --> Eurocarni (Modena) EuroIntervention --> EuroIntervention Europa Ethnica --> Eur Ethn Europa Medica. [Edicion Espanola] --> Eur Med (Paris) Europa Medicophysica --> Eura Medicophys Europa Regional --> Eur Reg Europa-Archiv --> Europa Archiv Europace --> Europace Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe VII, Medizin. Abt. B, Geschichte der Medizin --> Eur Hochschulschr VII Med B Gesch Med Europe --> Europe Europe, Outremer --> Eur Om European Accounting Review --> Eur Account Rev European Addiction Research --> Eur Addict Res European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology --> Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. Supplement --> Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol Suppl "European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry ; Official Journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry" --> Eur Arch Paediatr Dent European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience --> Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci European Archives of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences --> Eur Arch Psychiatry Neurol Sci European Biophysics Journal --> Eur Biophys J European Business Law Review --> Eur Bus Law Rev European Business Organization Law Review --> Eur Bus Organ Law Rev European Business Review --> Eur Bus Rev European Cells & Materials --> Eur Cell Mater European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry --> Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry European Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology --> Eur Clin Obstet Gynaecol European Cytokine Network --> Eur Cytokine Netw European Demographic Information Bulletin --> Europ Demogr Inf Bull European Diabetes Nursing --> Eur Diabetes Nurs European Early Childhood Education Research Journal --> Eur Early Child Educ Res J European Eating Disorders Review --> Eur Eat Disord Rev European Economic Review --> Eur Econ Rev European Education --> Eur Educ European Educational Research Journal --> Eur Educ Res J European Environment --> Eur Environ European Environmental Law Review --> Eur Environ Law Rev European Finance Review --> Eur Finance Rev European Financial Management --> Eur Financ Manag European Food Research and Technology --> Eur Food Res Technol European Foreign Affairs Review --> Eur Foreign Aff Rev European Heart Journal --> Eur Heart J European Heart Journal Supplements --> Eur Heart J Suppl European History Quarterly --> Eur Hist Q European Human Rights Law Review --> Eur Hum Rights Law Rev European Intellectual Property Review --> Eur Intellect Prop Rev European Journal for Education Law and Policy --> Eur J Educ Law Policy European Journal for High Ability --> Eur J High Ability European Journal of Ageing --> Eur J Ageing European Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension --> Eur J Agric Educ Ext European Journal of Agronomy --> Eur J Agron European Journal of American Culture --> Eur J Am Cult European Journal of Anaesthesiology --> Eur J Anaesthesiol European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement --> Eur J Anaesthesiol Suppl European Journal of Applied Mathematics --> Eur J Appl Math European Journal of Applied Physiology --> Eur J Appl Physiol European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology --> Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol European Journal of Archaeology --> Eur J Archaeol European Journal of Basic and Applied Histochemistry --> Eur J Basic Appl Histochem European Journal of Biochemistry --> Eur J Biochem European Journal of Cancer --> Eur J Cancer European Journal of Cancer & Clinical Oncology --> Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol European Journal of Cancer (Oxford, England) --> Eur J Cancer European Journal of Cancer Care --> Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) European Journal of Cancer Prevention --> Eur J Cancer Prev European Journal of Cancer, Part A --> Eur J Cancer, Pt A European Journal of Cancer. Part B, Oral Oncology --> Eur J Cancer B Oral Oncol European Journal of Cancer. Supplement --> Eur J Cancer, Suppl European Journal of Cardiology --> Eur J Cardiol European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery --> Eur J Cardiothorac Surg European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing --> Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation --> Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil European Journal of Cell Biology --> Eur J Cell Biol European Journal of Cell Biology. Supplement --> Eur J Cell Biol Suppl European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry --> Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis --> Eur J Clin Hypn European Journal of Clinical Investigation --> Eur J Clin Invest European Journal of Clinical Microbiology --> Eur J Clin Microbiol European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases --> Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis European Journal of Clinical Nutrition --> Eur J Clin Nutr European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology --> Eur J Clin Pharmacol European Journal of Combinatorics --> Eur J Combin European Journal of Communication --> Eur J Commun European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice --> Eur J Crime Crim Law Crim Justice European Journal of Criminology --> Eur J Criminol European Journal of Cultural Studies --> Eur J Cult Stud European Journal of Dental Education --> Eur J Dent Educ European Journal of Dermatology --> Eur J Dermatol European Journal of Development Research --> Eur J Dev Res European Journal of Developmental Psychology --> Eur J Dev Psychol European Journal of Disorders of Communication --> Eur J Disord Commun European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics --> Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet European Journal of East Asian Studies --> Eur J East Asian Stud European Journal of Echocardiography --> Eur J Echocardiogr European Journal of Economic and Social Systems --> Eur J Econ Soc Syst European Journal of Education --> Eur J Educ European Journal of Emergency Medicine --> Eur J Emerg Med European Journal of Endocrinology --> Eur J Endocrinol European Journal of Engineering Education --> Eur J Eng Educ European Journal of English Studies --> Eur J Engl Stud European Journal of Entomology --> Eur J Entomol European Journal of Epidemiology --> Eur J Epidemiol European Journal of Finance --> Eur J Finance European Journal of Forest Pathology --> Eur J Forest Pathol European Journal of Forest Research --> Eur J For Res European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology --> Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol European Journal of Genetic and Molecular Toxicology --> Eur J Genet Mol Toxicol European Journal of Genetics in Society --> Eur J Genet Soc European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology --> Eur J Gynaecol Oncol European Journal of Haematology --> Eur J Haematol European Journal of Haematology. Supplementum --> Eur J Haematol Suppl European Journal of Health Law --> Eur J Health Law European Journal of Heart Failure --> Eur J Heart Fail European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements --> Eur J Heart Fail Suppl European Journal of Histochemistry --> Eur J Histochem European Journal of Homelessness --> Eur J Homelessness European Journal of Human Genetics --> Eur J Hum Genet European Journal of Immunogenetics --> Eur J Immunogenet European Journal of Immunology --> Eur J Immunol European Journal of Industrial Engineering --> Eur J Ind Eng European Journal of Industrial Relations --> Eur J Ind Relat European Journal of Information Systems --> Eur J Inf Syst European Journal of Innovation Management --> Eur J Innov Manage European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry --> Eur J Inorg Chem European Journal of Intensive Care Medicine --> Eur J Intensive Care Med European Journal of Internal Medicine --> Eur J Intern Med European Journal of International Law --> Eur J Int Law European Journal of International Relations --> Eur J Int Relat European Journal of Law and Economics --> Eur J Law Econ European Journal of Law Reform --> Eur J Law Reform European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology --> Eur J Lipid Sci Technol European Journal of Marketing --> Eur J Mark European Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Chichester, England) --> Eur J Mass Spectrom (Chichester, Eng) European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids --> Eur J Mech BFluids European Journal of Mechanics. A, Solids --> Eur J Mech A, Solids European Journal of Medical Genetics --> Eur J Med Genet European Journal of Medical Research --> Eur J Med Res European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry --> Eur J Med Chem European Journal of Mental Health --> Eur J Ment Health European Journal of Migration and Law --> Eur J Migr Law European Journal of Mineralogy --> Eur J Mineral European Journal of Morphology --> Eur J Morphol European Journal of Neurology --> Eur J Neurol European Journal of Nuclear Medicine --> Eur J Nucl Med European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging --> Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging European Journal of Nutrition --> Eur J Nutr European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology --> Eur J Obstet Gynecol European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology --> Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol European Journal of Oncology Nursing --> Eur J Oncol Nurs European Journal of Operational Research --> Eur J Oper Res European Journal of Ophthalmology --> Eur J Ophthalmol European Journal of Oral Implantology --> Eur J Oral Implantology European Journal of Oral Sciences --> Eur J Oral Sci European Journal of Organic Chemistry --> Eur J Org Chem European Journal of Orthodontics --> Eur J Orthod European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology --> Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry --> Eur J Paediatr Dent European Journal of Paediatric Neurology --> Eur J Paediatr Neurol European Journal of Pain (London, England) --> Eur J Pain European Journal of Pain Supplements --> Eur J Pain Suppl European Journal of Parapsychology --> Eur J Parapsychol European Journal of Pediatric Surgery --> Eur J Pediatr Surg European Journal of Pediatrics --> Eur J Pediatr European Journal of Personality --> Eur J Pers European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences --> Eur J Pharm Sci European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics --> Eur J Pharm Biopharm European Journal of Pharmacology --> Eur J Pharmacol European Journal of Pharmacology. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Section --> Eur J Pharmacol (Environ Toxicol Pharmacol Sect) European Journal of Pharmacology. Molecular Pharmacology Section --> Eur J Pharmacol (Mol Pharmacol Sect) European Journal of Philosophy --> Eur J Philos European Journal of Phycology --> Eur J Phycol European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine --> Eur J Phys Rehabil Med European Journal of Physics --> Eur J Phys European Journal of Plant Pathology --> Eur J Plant Pathol European Journal of Plastic Surgery --> Eur J Plast Surg European Journal of Political Economy --> Eur J Polit Econ European Journal of Political Research --> Eur J Polit Res European Journal of Population --> Eur J Popul European Journal of Protistology --> Eur J Protistol European Journal of Psychiatry --> Eur J Psychiatry European Journal of Psychological Assessment --> Eur J Psychol Assess European Journal of Psychology of Education --> Eur J Psychol Educ European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health --> Eur J Psychother Counsell Health or Eur J Psychother Couns Health European Journal of Public Health --> Eur J Public Health European Journal of Radiology --> Eur J Radiol European Journal of Radiology Extra --> Eur J Radiol Extra European Journal of Respiratory Diseases --> Eur J Respir Dis European Journal of Respiratory Diseases. Supplement --> Eur J Respir Dis Suppl European Journal of Rheumatology and Inflammation --> Eur J Rheumatol Inflamm European Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases --> Eur J Sex Transm Dis European Journal of Social Psychology --> Eur J Soc Psychol European Journal of Social Quality --> Eur J Soc Qual European Journal of Social Security --> Eur J Soc Secur European Journal of Social Theory --> Eur J Soc Theory European Journal of Social Work --> Eur J Soc Work European Journal of Soil Biology --> Eur J Soil Biol European Journal of Soil Science --> Eur J Soil Sci European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry --> Eur J Solid State Inorg Chem European Journal of Special Needs Education --> Eur J Spec Needs Educ European Journal of Sport Science --> Eur J Sport Sci European Journal of Surgery --> Eur J Surg European Journal of Surgical Oncology --> Eur J Surg Oncol European Journal of Teacher Education --> Eur J Teach Educ European Journal of the History of Economic Thought --> Eur J Hist Econ Thought European Journal of Toxicology --> Eur J Toxicol European Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Hygiene --> Eur J Toxicol Environ Hyg European Journal of Toxicology and Hygiene of Environment --> Eur J Toxicol Hyg Environ European Journal of Trauma --> Eur J Trauma European Journal of Ultrasound --> Eur J Ultrasound European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery --> Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg European Journal of Vascular Surgery --> Eur J Vasc Surg European Journal of Vocational Training --> Eur J Vocat Train European Journal of Wildlife Research --> Eur J Wildl Res European Journal of Women's Studies --> Eur J Womens Stud European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology --> Eur J Work Organ Psychol European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research --> Eur J Crim Policy Res European Law Journal --> Eur Law J European Law Review --> Eur Law Rev The European Legacy, Toward New Paradigms --> Eur Legacy European Management Journal --> Eur Manage J European Mosquito Bulletin --> Eur Mosq Bull European Neurology --> Eur Neurol European Neuropsychopharmacology --> Eur Neuropsychopharmacol European Physical Education Review --> Eur Phys Educ Rev European Planning Studies --> Eur Plann Stud European Polymer Journal --> Eur Polym J European Psychiatry --> Eur Psychiatry European Psychologist --> Eur Psychol European Public Law --> Eur Public Law European Quality Assurance Network Newsletter --> Eur Qual Assur Netw Newsl European Radiology --> Eur Radiol European Radiology Supplements --> Eur Radiol Suppl European Review (Chichester, England) --> Eur Rev European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences --> Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci European Review of Aging and Physical Activity --> Eur Rev Aging Phys Act European Review of Agriculture Economics --> Eur Rev Agric Econ European Review of Applied Psychology --> Eur Rev Appl Psychol European Review of Economic History --> Eur Rev Econ Hist European Review of History --> Eur Rev Hist European Review of Social Psychology --> Eur Rev Soc Psychol European Romantic Review --> Eur Romant Rev European Science Editing --> Eur Sci Ed European Security --> Eur Secur European Societies --> Eur Soc European Sociological Review --> Eur Sociol Rev European Spine Journal --> Eur Spine J European Sport Management Quarterly --> Eur Sport Manag Q European Studies Review --> Eur Stud Rev European Surgery --> Eur Surg European Surgical Research --> Eur Surg Res European Union --> Eur Union European Union Politics --> Eur Union Polit European Urban and Regional Studies --> Eur Urban Reg Stud European Urology --> Eur Urol European Urology Supplements --> Eur Urol Suppl European Water Pollution Control --> Eur Water Pollut Control Europe-Asia Studies --> Eur Asia Stud Europe's Journal of Psychology --> Eur J Psychol Europhysics Letters --> Europhys Lett Europhysics News --> Europhys News EUROSTAT. Rapid Reports. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries --> EUROSTAT, Rapid Rep, Agric For Fish EUROSTAT. Rapid Reports. Economy and Finance --> EUROSTAT, Rapid Rep, Econ Finance EUROSTAT. Rapid Reports. Energy and Industry --> EUROSTAT, Rapid Rep, Energy Ind EUROSTAT. Rapid Reports. Environment --> EUROSTAT, Rapid Rep, Environ EUROSTAT. Rapid Reports. Foreign Trade --> EUROSTAT, Rapid Rep, Foreign Trade EUROSTAT. Rapid Reports. Population and Social Conditions --> EUROSTAT, Rapid Rep, Popul Soc Cond EUROSTAT. Rapid Reports. Regions --> EUROSTAT, Rapid Rep, Reg EUROSTAT. Rapid Reports. Services and Transports --> EUROSTAT, Rapid Rep, Serv Transp Euscorpius --> Euscorpius Euthanasia News --> Euthanasia News Evaluación Psicológica --> Eval Psicol Evaluation --> Evaluation Evaluation --> Evaluation Evaluation & the Health Professions --> Eval Health Prof Evaluation and Program Planning --> Eval Program Plann Evaluation and Research in Education --> Eval Res Educ Evaluation in Education --> Eval Educ Evaluation in Education International Progress --> Eval Educ Int Prog Evaluation News --> Eval News Evaluation Practice --> Eval Pract Evaluation Quarterly --> Eval Q Evaluation Review --> Eval Rev Evening Sun (Baltimore, Md.) --> Evening Sun Evening Times --> Evening Times Event Management --> Event Manag Evidence Report/technology Assessment --> Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep) Evidence Report/Technology Assessment (Summary) --> Evid Rep Technol Assess (Summ) Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine --> Evid Based Cardiovasc Med Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal --> Evid Based Child Health Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine --> Evid Based Complement Alternat Med Evidence-Based Dentistry --> Evid Based Dent Evidence-Based Medicine --> Evid Based Med Evidence-Based Mental Health --> Evid Based Ment Health Evidence-Based Nursing --> Evid Based Nurs Evidence-Based Obstetrics & Gynecology --> Evid Based Obstet Gynecol Evocations --> Evocations Evoked Potentials --> Evok Pot Evolution & Cognition --> Evol Cogn Evolution & Development --> Evol Dev Evolution and Human Behavior --> Evol Hum Behav "Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution" --> Evolution Evolutionary Anthropology --> Evol Anthropol Evolutionary Applications --> Evol Appl Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online --> Evol Bioinform Online Evolutionary Biology --> Evol Biol Evolutionary Computation --> Evol Comput Evolutionary Ecology --> Evol Ecol Evolutionary Ecology Research --> Evol Ecol Res Evolutionary Psychology --> Evol Psychol Evolutionary Theory --> Evol Theory EvoS --> EvoS Excelsior (Oneonta, N.Y.) --> Excelsior (Oneonta, NY) Exceptional Children --> Except Child Exceptional Parent --> Except Parent Exceptionality --> Exceptionality Exceptionality Education Canada --> Exceptionality Educ Can Excerpta Medica. Section 1, Anatomy, Anthropology, Embryology and Histology --> Excerpta Med, Sect 1, Anatomy, Anthropol, Embryol Histol Excerpta Medica. Section 10, Obstetrics and Gynecology --> Excerpta Med, Sect 10, Obstet Gynecol Excerpta Medica. Section 12, Ophthalmology --> Excerpta Med (Ophthalmol) Excerpta Medica. Section 13, Dermatology and Venereology --> Excerpta Med (Dermatol) Excerpta Medica. Section 15, Chest Diseases --> Excerpta Med, Sect 15, Chest Dis Excerpta Medica. Section 15, Chest Diseases, Thoracic Surgery and Tuberculosis --> Excerpta Med, Sect 15, Chest Dis, Thorac Surg Tuberc Excerpta Medica. Section 2, Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology --> Excerpta Med, Sect 2, Physiol, Biochem Pharmacol Excerpta Medica. Section 20, Gerontology and Geriatrics --> Excerpta Medica Sect 20 Gerontol Geriatr Excerpta Medica. Section 28, Urology and Nephrology --> Excerpta Med (Urol) Excerpta Medica. Section 3, Endocrinology --> Excerpta Med, Sect 3, Endocrinol Excerpta Medica. Section 35, Occupational Health and Industrial Medicine --> Excerpta Med, Sect 35, Occup Health Ind Med Excerpta Medica. Section 36, Health Economics and Hospital Management --> Excerpta Med, Sect 36, Health Econ Hosp Manag Excerpta Medica. Section 4. Microbiology. Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology --> Excerpta Med, Sect 4, Microbiol, Bacteriol, Virol, Mycol, Parasitol Excerpta Medica. Section 5, General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy --> Excerpta Med, Sect 5, Gen Pathol Pathol Anat Excerpta Medica. Section 6, Internal Medicine --> Excerpta Med, Sect 6, Intern Med Excerpta Medica. Section 7, Pediatrics --> Excerpta Med, Sect 7, Pediatr Excerpta Medica. Section 8A Neurology and Neurosurgery --> Excerpta Med, Sect 8A, Neurol Neurosurg Excerpta Medica. Section 9, Surgery --> Excerpta Med, Sect 9, Surg Exchange --> Exchange Executive Development --> Exec Dev Executive Housekeeper --> Exec Housekeeper Executive Housekeeping Today --> Exec Housekeep Today Executive Intelligence Review --> Exec Intell Rev Executive Solutions for Healthcare Management --> Exec Solut Healthc Manag Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews --> Exerc Sport Sci Rev Exercise Immunology Review --> Exerc Immunol Rev Exfemina (Arlington, Va.) --> Exfemina EXIM Review --> EXIM Rev Existential Analysis --> Existential Anal Expedition --> Expedition Experientia --> Experientia Experientia. Supplementum --> Experientia Suppl Experimental & Applied Acarology --> Exp Appl Acarol Experimental & Molecular Medicine --> Exp Mol Med Experimental Aging Research --> Exp Aging Res Experimental Agriculture --> Exp Agric Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology --> Exp Clin Endocrinol Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes --> Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics --> Exp Clin Immunogenet Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology --> Exp Clin Psychopharmacol Experimental and Clinical Transplantation --> Exp Clin Transplant Experimental and Molecular Pathology --> Exp Mol Pathol Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology --> Exp Toxicol Pathol Experimental Animals --> Exp Anim Experimental Astronomy --> Exp Astron Experimental Biology --> Exp Biol Experimental Biology and Medicine --> Exp Biol Med Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood, N.J.) --> Exp Biol Med (Maywood) Experimental Brain Research --> Exp Brain Res Experimental Cell Biology --> Exp Cell Biol Experimental Cell Research --> Exp Cell Res Experimental Cell Research. Supplement --> Exp Cell Res Suppl Experimental Dermatology --> Exp Dermatol Experimental Diabesity Research --> Exp Diabesity Res Experimental Diabetes Research --> Exp Diabetes Res Experimental Economics --> Exp Econ Experimental Embryology and Teratology --> Exp Embryol Teratol Experimental Eye Research --> Exp Eye Res Experimental Gerontology --> Exp Gerontol Experimental Hematology --> Exp Hematol Experimental Lung Research --> Exp Lung Res Experimental Mechanics --> Exp Mech Experimental Medicine and Surgery --> Exp Med Surg Experimental Mycology --> Exp Mycol Experimental Nephrology --> Exp Nephrol Experimental Neurology --> Exp Neurol Experimental Neurology. Supplement --> Exp Neurol Suppl Experimental Oncology --> Exp Oncol Experimental Parasitology --> Exp Parasitol Experimental Pathology --> Exp Pathol Experimental Pathology. Supplement --> Exp Pathol Suppl Experimental Physiology --> Exp Physiol Experimental Psychology --> Exp Psychol Experimental Techniques --> Exp Tech Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science --> Exp Therm Fluid Sci Experimentelle Medizin, Pathologie und Klinik --> Exp Med Pathol Klin Experimentelle Pathologie --> Exp Pathol (Jena) Experiments in Fluids --> Exp Fluids Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy --> Expert Opin Biol Ther Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery --> Expert Opin Drug Deliv Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology --> Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol Expert Opinion on Drug Safety --> Expert Opin Drug Saf Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs --> Expert Opin Emerg Drugs Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs --> Expert Opin Investig Drugs Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy --> Expert Opin Pharmacother Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets --> Expert Opin Ther Targets Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy --> Expert Rev Anticancer Ther Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy --> Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy --> Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther Expert Review of Clinical Immunology --> Expert Rev Clin Immunol Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology --> Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol Expert Review of Medical Devices --> Expert Rev Med Devices Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics --> Expert Rev Mol Diagn Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics --> Expert Rev Neurother Expert Review of Ophthalmology --> Expert Rev Ophthalmol Expert Review of Proteomics --> Expert Rev Proteomics Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine --> Expert Rev Respir Med Expert Review of Vaccines --> Expert Rev Vaccines Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine --> Expert Rev Mol Med Expert Systems with Applications --> Expert Syst Appl Expert Systems: International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Networks --> Expert Syst Exploration and Mining Geology --> Explor Min Geol Exploration Geophysics --> Explor Geophys Explorations in Economic History --> Explor Econ Hist Explorations in Knowledge --> Explor Knowl Explorations in Renaissance Culture --> Explor Renaiss Cult Explorations Pyreneennes --> Bull Soc Ramond Explore (New York, N.Y.) --> Explore (NY) Explorer --> Explorer (Hayward) Explorer (Genesee County District Dental Society, Flint, Michigan) --> Explorer (Genesee Cty Dist Dent Soc, Flint, Mich) Explorer (Pouce Coupe) --> Explorer (Pouce Coupe) Explorer (Toronto) --> Explorer (Toronto) Explorer Books --> Explorer Books Explorer IV -- 1958 Epsilon --> Explorer IV -- 1958 Epsilon Explorer Magazine --> Explorer Mag Explorer Program Quarterly --> Explorer Program Q Explorers Journal --> Explor J Exposes Annuels de Biochimie Medicale --> Expos Annu Biochim Med Expositiones Mathematicae --> Expo Math Express Polymer Letters --> Express Polym Lett EXS --> EXS Extracta Orthopaedica --> Extr Orthop Extremes --> Extremes Extremophiles --> Extremophiles Eye & Contact Lens --> Eye Contact Lens Eye (London, England) --> Eye (Lond) Eye Research Seminar --> Eye Res Semin Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Monthly --> Eye Ear Nose Throat Mon F1000prime Reports --> F1000Prime Rep F1000 Biology Reports --> F1000 Biol Rep F1000 Medicine Reports --> F1000 Med Rep F1000 Prime --> F1000 Prime F1000 Research --> F1000 Res F.A.S. Professional Bulletin --> FAS Prof Bull F.A.S. Public Interest Report --> FAS Public Interest Rep F.N.I.B. --> FNIB Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi --> Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi Fabula --> Fabula Facial Orthopedics and Temporomandibular Arthrology --> Facial Orthop Temporomandibular Arthrol Facial Plastic Surgery --> Facial Plast Surg Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America --> Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am Facies --> Facies Facilities --> Facilities Fact Sheets on Sweden --> Fact Sheets Swed Fact Sheets on Sweden (Byelorussian Ed.) --> Fact Sheets on Sweden (Byelorussian Ed) Fact Sheets on Sweden (Ukrainian Ed.) --> Fact Sheets on Sweden (Ukrainian Ed) Facta Universitatis: Series Philosophy and Sociology --> Facta Univ Ser Philos Sociol Factor Odontologico --> Factor Odontol Factotum --> Factotum Factotum (London) --> Factotum (Lond) Factotum. Occasional Paper --> Factotum, Occas Pap Facts About Infant Feeding --> Facts Infant Feed Faculty Notes (New Orleans, LA) --> Fac Notes (New Orleans, LA) Faculty of 1000 --> F1000 Faculty of 1000 Biology --> F1000 Biol Faculty of 1000 Medicine --> F1000 Med Fag Tidsskriftet Sykepleien --> Fag Tidsskr Sykepleien Faith and Philosophy --> Faith Philos Faits et Tendances --> Fait Tend F.E. (Falange Española) --> FE Familial Cancer --> Fam Cancer Familiendynamik --> Familiendynamik Familienkundliche Nachrichten --> Famkdl Nachr Families in Business --> Fam Bus Families in Society --> Fam Soc Families, Systems & Health --> Fam Syst Health Famille et Développement --> Fam Dev Family & Community Health --> Fam Community Health Family & Community History --> Fam Community Hist Family and Conciliation Courts Review --> Fam Concil Courts Rev Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal --> Fam Consum Sci Res J Family Business Review --> Fam Bus Rev Family Circle (Mount Morris, Ill.) --> Fam Circle Family Court Review --> Fam Court Rev Family Economics Review --> Fam Econ Rev Family Health --> Fam Health Family Law (Chichester) --> Family Law Family Law Quarterly --> Fam Law Q Family Law Reports --> Fam Law Rep Family Law Review --> Fam Law Rev Family Life Educator --> Fam Life Educ Family Life Matters --> Fam Life Matters Family Matters (Melbourne, Vic.) --> Fam Matters Family Medicine --> Fam Med Family Planning --> Fam Plann Family Planning Digest --> Fam Plann Dig Family Planning Information Service --> Fam Plann Inf Serv Family Planning Perspectives --> Fam Plann Perspect Family Planning Quarterly --> Fam Plann Q Family Planning Resume --> Fam Plann Resume Family Planning Today --> Fam Plann Today Family Planning World --> Family Plan World Family Planning/Population Reporter --> Fam Plann Popul Rep Family Practice --> Fam Pract Family Practice Management --> Fam Pract Manag Family Practice News --> Fam Pract News Family Process --> Fam Process Family Psychologist --> Fam Psychol Family Relations --> Fam Relat Family Systems Medicine --> Fam Syst Med Family Therapy --> Fam Ther Family Urology --> Fam Urol Famplanco News --> Famplanco News FAO Documentation. Current Bibliography --> FAO Doc Curr Bibliogr FAO Fisheries Circular --> FAO Fish Circ FAO Fisheries Report --> FAO Fish Rep FAO Fisheries Synopsis --> FAO Fish Synop FAO Fisheries Technical Paper --> FAO Fish Tech Pap FAO Food and Nutrition Paper --> FAO Food Nutr Pap FAO Food and Nutrition Series --> FAO Food Nutr Ser FAO Nutrition Meetings Report Series --> FAO Nutr Meet Rep Ser FAO Nutritional Studies --> FAO Nutr Stud FAO Plant Protection Bulletin --> FAO Plant Prot Bull Far Eastern Affairs --> Far East Aff Far Eastern Affairs Pamphlets --> Far East Aff Pam Far Eastern Economic Review --> Far East Econ Rev FAR, the French-American Review --> Fr Am Rev Faraday Discussions --> Faraday Discuss Faraday Discussions --> Faraday Discuss Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society --> Faraday Discuss Chem Soc Faraday Special Discussions of the Chemical Society --> Faraday Spec Discuss Chem Soc Farbe + Lack --> Farbe Lack Farmaceuticky Obzor --> Farm Obz Farmaceutisk Tidende --> Farm Tid Farmaceutski Glasnik --> Farm Glas Farmacevtisk Revy --> Farm Revy Farmacevtski Vestnik --> Farm Vestn Farmacia Clinica --> Farm Clin Farmacia Hospitalaria --> Farm Hosp Farmacia Nueva --> Farm Nueva Farmacihistoriska Sallskapets Arsskrift --> Farmacihist Sallsk Ars Farmacja Polska --> Farm Pol Farmacognosia --> Farmacognosia Farmacoterapia Actual --> Farmacoter Actual Farmakologiia i Toksikologiia --> Farmakol Toksikol Farmakoterapi --> Farmakoterapi Farmalecta --> Farmalecta Farmatsevtychnyi Zhurnal --> Farm Zh Farmatsiia --> Farmatsiia Farmatsiia --> Farmatsiia (Sofia) Farumashia --> Farumashia Fasett --> Fasett Fashion Theory --> Fash Theory Fathering --> Fathering Fauchard --> Fauchard Faulkner & Gray's Medicine & Health --> Faulkner Grays Med Health Fauna Norvegica, Series B --> Fauna Norv Ser B Fauna Norvegica, Series C --> Fauna Norv Ser C Fauna of New Zealand --> Fauna NZ FDA Consumer --> FDA Consum FDA Drug Bulletin --> FDA Drug Bull FDA Medical Bulletin --> FDA Med Bull FDC Reports. Drugs and Cosmetics --> FDC Rep Drugs Cosmet FDI World --> FDI World FDU Magazine Online --> FDU Mag Online FEBS Letters --> FEBS Lett Feddes Repertorium --> Feddes Repert Federal Bar Journal --> Fed Bar J Federal Budget Reporter --> Fed Budg Report Federal Communications Law Journal --> Fed Commun Law J Federal Facilities Environmental Journal --> Fed Facil Environ J Federal Personnel Manual System. FPM Bulletin --> FPM Bull Federal Practitioner --> Fed Pract Federal Probation --> Fed Probat Federal Register --> Fed Regist Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Research Dept. Weekly Department Store Sales --> Fed Reserve Bank Atlanta Res Dept Wkly Dep Store Sales Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review --> Fed Reserve Bank Minneap Q Rev Federal Rules Decisions --> Fed Rules Decis Federation Bulletin --> Fed Bull Federation News --> Fed News Federation of Insurance & Corporate Counsel Quarterly --> Fed Insur Corp Couns Q Federation of Insurance Counsel Quarterly --> Fed Insur Couns Q Federation of Operative Dentistry --> Fed Oper Dent Federation Pharmaceutique Mediterraneenne. Bulletin D'information --> Fed Pharmaceutique Mediterraneenne Bull D'information Federation Proceedings --> Fed Proc Federation Proceedings. Translation Supplement --> Fed Proc Transl Suppl Feedback --> Feedback Fel'Dsher i Akusherka --> Feldsher Akush Feline Practice --> Feline Pract Female Health Topics & Diagnostic Reporter --> Female Health Top Diagn Report Femina --> Femina Feminism & Psychology --> Fem Psychol Feminist Criminology --> Fem Criminol Feminist Economics --> Fem Econ Feminist Issues --> Fem Issues Feminist Legal Studies --> Fem Leg Stud Feminist Media Studies --> Fem Media Stud Feminist Review --> Fem Rev Feminist Studies --> Fem Stud Feminist Teacher --> Fem Teach Feminist Theory --> Fem Theory FEMNET News --> FEMNET News FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology --> FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol FEMS Microbiology Ecology --> FEMS Microbiol Ecol FEMS Microbiology Immunology --> FEMS Microbiol Immunol FEMS Microbiology Letters --> FEMS Microbiol Lett FEMS Microbiology Reviews --> FEMS Microbiol Rev FEMS Yeast Research --> FEMS Yeast Res Fennia --> Fennia Ferroelectrics --> Ferroelectrics Fertilite, Contraception, Sexualite --> Fertil Contracept Sex Fertilite, Orthogenie --> Fertil Orthog Fertility and Contraception --> Fertil Contracept Fertility and Sterility --> Fertil Steril Fertility Determinants Research Notes --> Fertil Determ Res Notes Fertilizer Research --> Fert Res Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review --> Fetal Matern Med Rev Fetal and Pediatric Pathology --> Fetal Pediatr Pathol Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy --> Fetal Diagn Ther Fetal Therapy --> Fetal Ther Fett Wissenschaft Technologie --> Fett Wiss Technologie Feuillets de Biologie --> Feuill Biol Feuillets de Radiologie --> Feuill Radiol Feuillets du Praticien --> Feuill Prat Few-Body Systems --> Few-Body Syst Fibre Chemistry --> Fibre Chem Fibrinolysis --> Fibrinolysis Fichero Medico Terapeutico --> Fich Med Ter Puriss Fides et Historia --> Fides Hist Field Analytical Chemistry & Technology --> Field Anal Chem Technol Field Crops Research --> Field Crops Res Field Methods --> Field Methods Field Staff Reports --> Field Staff Rep Field Studies --> Field Stud Fieldstaff Reports. West Europe Series --> Fieldstaff Rep West Eur Ser Fifth Circuit Reporter --> Fifth Circuit Report Fifth District Dental Society of the State of New York. Bulletin --> Fifth Dist Dent Soc State N Y Bull Fiji Medical Journal --> Fiji Med J Filaria Journal --> Filaria J Film History --> Film Hist Film Quarterly --> Film Q Filozofski Vestnik --> Filozofski Vestn Finance & Development --> Finance Dev Finance and Stochastics --> Finance Stoch Finance Research Letters --> Finance Res Lett Financial Analysts Journal --> Financ Anal J Financial Counseling and Planning --> Financ Couns Plan Financial Engineering and the Japanese Markets --> Financ Eng Jpn Mark Financial History Review --> Financ Hist Rev Financial Management --> Financ Manag Financial Markets and Portfolio Management --> Financ Mark Portfolio Manage Financial Practice and Education --> Financ Pract Educ Financial Reports - American Presbyterian Church (Montreal) --> Financ Rep - Am Presbyt Church (Montr) Financial Review --> Financ Rev Financial Services Review --> Financ Serv Rev Financial Times (North American Edition) --> Financ Times Finanz-Archiv --> Finanzarchiv "Findings Brief; Health Care Financing & Organization" --> Find Brief Finisterra --> Finisterra Finite Elements in Analysis and Design --> Finite Elem Anal Des Finite Fields and Their Applications --> Finite Fields Their Appl Finnish Fisheries Research --> Finn Fish Res Finnish Marine Research --> Finn Mar Res Finska Lakaresallskapets Handlingar --> Fin Lakaresallsk Handl Fire and Materials --> Fire Mater Fire Ecology --> Fire Ecol Fire Journal (Boston, Mass.) --> Fire J Fire Management Today --> Fire Management Today Fire Prevention Science and Technology --> Fire Prev Sci Technol Fire Safety Journal --> Fire Saf J Fire Science & Technology --> Fire Sci Technol Fire Technology --> Fire Technol First Language --> First Lang First Monday --> First Monday First Peoples Child & Family Review --> First Peoples Child Family Rev First Things (New York, N.Y.) --> First Things Fischerblatt --> Fischerblatt Fischerei-Forschung --> Fisch-Forsch Fish & Shellfish Immunology --> Fish Shellfish Immunol Fish and Fisheries --> Fish Fish Fish Bulletin --> Fish Bull Fish International --> Fish Int Fish Pathology --> Fish Pathol Fish Physiology --> Fish Physiol Fish Physiology and Biochemistry --> Fish Physiol Biochem Fisheries (Bethesda, Md.) --> Fisheries (Bethesda, Md) Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel --> Fish Fishbreed Isr Fisheries Management and Ecology --> Fish Manag Ecol Fisheries Oceanography --> Fish Oceanogr Fisheries Research --> Fish Res Fisheries Science --> Fish Sci Fishery Bulletin (Washington, D.C.) --> Fish Bull (Wash D C) Fishery Technology. Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) --> Fish Technol Soc Fish Technol Fishes of Sahul --> Fish Sahul Fishing News International --> Fish News Int Fisioterapia em Movimento --> Fisioter Mov Fisken og Havet --> Fisken Havet Fiskeridirektoratet. Skrifter. Serie Havundersoekelser --> Fiskeridir Skr (Havunders) Fission Product Inhalation Project --> Fission Prod Inhal Proj Fitopatologia Brasileira --> Fitopatol Bras Fitopatologia Colombiana --> Fitopatol Colomb Fitoterapia --> Fitoterapia Fixed Point Theory and Applications --> Fixed Point Theory Appl Fizika Gorenia i Vzryva --> Fiz Goren Vzryva Fiziologia Normala si Patologica --> Fiziol Norm Patol Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal --> Fiziol Zh Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal Imeni I. M. Sechenova --> Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR Imeni I. M. Sechenova --> Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal --> Fiziol Zh Fiziologiia Cheloveka --> Fiziol Cheloveka Fizioterapia, Bal'neologia i Reabilitacia --> Fizioter Balneol Reabil Flambeau (Bakwanga, Congo) --> Flambeau Flash-Informations --> Flash Inf Flavins and Flavoproteins --> Flavins Flavoproteins Flavour and Fragrance Journal --> Flavour Fragrance J Flight International --> Flight Int Flight Safety Bulletin --> Flight Saf Bull Flight Safety Digest (Arlington, Va.) --> Flight Saf Dig Flinders Journal of History and Politics --> Flinders J Hist Polit Flintknappers' Exchange --> Flintknappers Exch Flora --> Flora Flora (Jena) --> Flora (Jena) Floresta e Ambiente --> Floresta Ambient Florida Dental Journal --> Fla Dent J Florida Journal of International Law --> Fla J Int Law Florida Law Review --> Fla Law Rev Florida Marine Research Publications --> Fla Mar Res Publ Florida Scientist --> Fla Sci Florida State University Law Review. Florida State University. College of Law --> Fla State Univ Law Rev Florida Supplement --> Fla Suppl Florilegium --> Florilegium Flow Measurement and Instrumentation --> Flow Meas Instrum Flow, Turbulence and Combustion --> Flow Turbul Combus Fluid Dynamics --> Fluid Dyn Fluid Dynamics Research --> Fluid Dyn Res Fluid Phase Equilibria --> Fluid Phase Equilib Fluoride --> Fluoride Fly --> Fly (Austin) Flying Safety (Washington, D.C.) --> Flying Saf FNIB Info --> FNIB Info Facultad de Odontologia --> Fac Odontol Focaal: Tijdschrift voor Antropologie --> Focaal Tijdschr Antropol Focus (San Francisco, Calif.) --> Focus Focus MDA --> Focus MDA Focus on AACN --> Focus AACN Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities --> Focus Autism Other Dev Disabl Focus on Autistic Behavior --> Focus Autistic Behav Focus on Critical Care --> Focus Crit Care Focus on Exceptional Children --> Focus Except Child Focus on Gender --> Focus Gend Focus on Health Professional Education --> Focus Health Prof Educ Focus on Ohio Dentistry --> Focus Ohio Dent Focus on Pigments --> Focus Pigments Focus: Technical Cooperation. Focus. Cooperacion Tecnica. Focus. Cooperation Technique --> Focus Tech Coop Fogorvosi Szemle --> Fogorv Sz Foi et Langage --> Foi Lang Folding & Design --> Fold Des Foldrajzi Ertesito --> Foldr Ert Folha Medica --> Folha Med Folia Allergologica --> Folia Allergol (Roma) Folia Biologica --> Folia Biol (Krakow) Folia Biologica --> Folia Biol (Praha) Folia Cardiologica --> Folia Cardiol Folia Clinica et Biologica --> Folia Clin Biol (Sao Paulo) Folia Clinica Internacional --> Folia Clin Int (Barc) Folia Cryptogamica Estonica --> Folia Cryptogam Est Folia Endocrinologica --> Folia Endocrinol Folia Geobotanica --> Folia Geobot Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica --> Folia Geobot Phytotaxon Folia Geographica. Series Geographica-Oeconomica --> Folia Geogr Ser Geogr Oecon Folia Gynaecologica --> Folia Gynaecol Folia Haematologica. Internationales Magazin fur Blutforschung --> Folia Haematol (Frankf) Folia Haematologica. Internationales Magazin fur Klinische und Morphologische Blutforschung --> Folia Haematol Int Mag Klin Morphol Blutforsch Folia Hereditaria et Pathologica --> Folia Hered Pathol (Milano) Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica --> Folia Histochem Cytobiol Folia Histochemica et Cytochemica --> Folia Histochem Cytochem (Krakow) Folia Humanistica --> Folia Humanist Folia Linguistica --> Folia Linguist Folia Medica --> Folia Med (Plovdiv) Folia Medica Cracoviensia --> Folia Med Cracov Folia Medica Neerlandica --> Folia Med Neerl Folia Medica Neerlandica. Additamenta --> Folia Med Neerl Additamenta Folia Medica. Folia Medica (Naples, Italy) --> Folia Med (Napoli) Folia Mendeliana --> Folia Mendeliana Folia Microbiologica --> Folia Microbiol (Praha) Folia Morphologica --> Folia Morphol (Praha) Folia Morphologica --> Folia Morphol (Warsz) Folia Neurobiologica --> Folia Neurobiol Folia Neuropathologica --> Folia Neuropathol Folia Ophthalmologica --> Fol Ophthalmol Folia Orientalia --> Folia Orient Folia Parasitologica --> Folia Parasitol (Praha) Folia Phoniatrica --> Folia Phoniatr (Basel) Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica --> Folia Phoniatr Logop Folia Primatologica --> Folia Primatol (Basel) Folia Psychiatrica --> Folia Psychiatr Folia Psychiatrica et Neurologica Japonica --> Folia Psychiatr Neurol Jpn Folia Psychiatrica et Neurologica Japonica. Supplementum --> Folia Psychiatr Neurol Jpn, Suppl Folia Psychiatrica, Neurologica. et Neurochirurgica Neerlandica. Supplement --> Folia Psychiatr, Neurol Neurochirurgica Neerl Suppl Folia Veterinaria --> Folia Vet Folia Veterinaria Latina --> Folia Vet Lat Folia Zoologica --> Folia Zool (Brno) Folk (Kobenhavn) --> Folk Folklore --> Folklore Folklore Americano --> Folkl Am Folklore Brabancon --> Folkl Brabancon Folklore de Champagne --> Folkl Champagne Folklore Suisse --> Folkl Suisse Folk Music Journal --> Folk Music J Fontanus --> Fontanus Fonti per la Storia della Sanita --> Fonti Stor Sanita Food & Foodways --> Food Foodways Food Additives and Contaminants --> Food Addit Contam Food and Agricultural Immunology --> Food Agric Immunol Food and Bioproducts Processing --> Food Bioprod Process Food and Chemical Toxicology --> Food Chem Toxicol Food and Cosmetics Toxicology --> Food Cosmet Toxicol Food and Drug Law Journal --> Food Drug Law J Food and Nutrition --> Food Nutr (Roma) Food and Nutrition Bulletin --> Food Nutr Bull Food Australia --> Food Aust Food Biophysics --> Food Biophys Food Biotechnology --> Food Biotechnol Food Chemistry --> Food Chem Food Control --> Food Contr Food Engineering --> Food Eng Food Hydrocolloids --> Food Hydrocoll Food Management --> Food Manage Food Manufacture --> Food Manuf Food Microbiology --> Food Microbiol Food Policy --> Food Policy Food Quality and Preference --> Food Qual Prefer Food Research --> Food Res Food Research Institute Studies --> Food Res Inst Stud Food Research Institute Studies --> Food Res Inst Stud Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development --> Food Res Inst Stud Agric Econ Trade Dev Food Research Institute, Reading --> Food Res Inst Reading Food Research International --> Food Res Int Food Research Notes --> Food Res Notes Food Research Reports --> Food Res Rep Food Reviews International --> Food Rev Int Food Science & Technology International --> Food Sci Technol Int Food Science and Biotechnology --> Food Sci Biotechnol Food Science and Technology (Campinas.) --> Food Sci Technol (Campinas) Food Science and Technology Research --> Food Sci Technol Res Food Service Technology --> Food Serv Technol Food Technology --> Food Technol Food Technology and Biotechnology --> Food Technol Biotechnol Food, Drug, Cosmetic Law Journal --> Food Drug Cosmet Law J Food, Drug, Cosmetic Law Quarterly --> Food Drug Cosmet Law Q Food, Drug, Cosmetic, and Medical Device Law Digest --> Food Drug Cosmet Med Device Law Dig Foodborne Pathogens and Disease --> Foodborne Pathog Dis Foot & Ankle --> Foot Ankle Foot & Ankle International --> Foot Ankle Int Foot and Ankle Clinics --> Foot Ankle Clin Foot and Ankle Surgery --> Foot Ankle Surg For the Learning of Mathematics --> For Learn Math Forbes --> Forbes Ford Foundation Letter. Ford Foundation --> Lett Ford Found Ford Foundation Report (New York, N.Y.) --> Ford Found Rep Fordham Environmental Law Journal --> Fordham Environ Law J Fordham International Law Journal --> Fordham Int Law J Fordham Law Review --> Fordham Law Rev Foreign Affairs --> Foreign Aff Foreign Language Annals --> Foreign Lang Ann Foreign Policy --> Foreign Policy Forensic Examiner --> Forensic Exam Forensic Science --> Forensic Sci Forensic Science International --> Forensic Sci Int Forensic Science International. Genetics --> Forensic Sci Int Genet Forensic Science International. Genetics Supplement Series --> Forensic Sci International Genet Suppl Ser Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology --> Forensic Sci Med Pathol Foresight --> Foresight Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie --> Forens Psychiatr Psychol Kriminol Forest Ecology and Management --> For Ecol Manage Forest Genetics --> For Genet Forest Pathology --> For Pathol Forest Policy and Economics --> For Policy Econ Forest Research --> For Res Forest Science --> For Sci Forestry --> Forestry Forestry Chronicle --> For Chron Forestry Sciences --> For Sci Forestry Studies in China --> For Stud China Formal Methods in System Design --> Form Methods Syst Des Formosan Journal of Medical Humanities --> Formos J Med Humanit Formulary (Cleveland, Ohio) --> Formulary Foro Internacional --> Foro Int Foro Mundial de la Salud --> Foro Mund Salud Foro Politico --> Foro Polit Forschende Komplementarmedizin --> Forsch Komplementarmed Forschende Komplementarmedizin --> Forsch Komplement Med Forschende Komplementarmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde --> Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd Forschung --> Forschung Forschung und Fortbildung in der Chirurgie des Bewegungsapparates --> Forsch Fortbild Chir Bewegappar Forschungen zur Volks- und Landeskunde --> Forsch Volks Landeskd Forschungsberichte des ATB --> Forschungsberichte ATB Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen --> Forsch J Neue Soz Beweg Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt --> Forstwwiss Centbl Forsvarsmedicin --> Forsvarsmedicin Fort Concho Report --> Fort Concho Rep Fortpflanzung, Besamung, und Aufzucht der Haustiere --> Fortpflanz Besamung Aufzucht Haustiere Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen --> Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen und der Neuen Bildgebenden Verfahren. Ergänzungsband --> Fortschr Geb Rontgenstrahlen Neuen Bildgeb Verfahr, Erganzbd Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin --> Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Nuklearmed Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin. Ergänzungsband --> Fortschr Geb Rontgenstrahlen Nuklmed, Erganzbd Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen Vereinigt mit Röntgenpraxis --> Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Ver Rontgenprax Fortschritte der Andrologie --> Fortschr Androl Fortschritte der Angewandten Radioisotopie und Grenzgebiete --> Fortschr Angewandten Radioisotopie Grenzgeb Fortschritte der Chemie Organischer Naturstoffe --> Fortschr Chem Org Naturst Fortschritte der Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie --> Fortschr Geburtshilfe Gynakol Fortschritte der Immunitatsforschung --> Fortschr Immunitatsforsch Fortschritte der Kiefer- und Gesichts-Chirurgie --> Fortschr Kiefer Gesichtschir Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie --> Fortschr Kieferorthop Fortschritte der Medizin --> Fortschr Med Fortschritte der Medizin. Monographie --> Fortschr Med Monogr Fortschritte der Medizin. Originalien --> Fortschr Med Orig Fortschritte der Medizin. Supplement --> Fortschr Med Suppl Fortschritte der Mineralogie --> Fortschr Mineral Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Petrographie --> Fortschr Mineral Kristallogr Petrogr Fortschritte der Mineralogie. Beiheft --> Fortschr Mineral, Beih Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie, und Ihrer Grenzgebiete --> Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr Grenzgeb Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie --> Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie --> Fortschr Ophthalmol Fortschritte der Physik --> Fortschr Phys Fortschritte der Psychosomatischen Medizin --> Fortschr Psychosom Med Fortschritte der Verhaltensforschung --> Fortschr Verhaltensforsch Fortschritte der Zoologie --> Fortschr Zool Fortschritte in der Tierphysiologie und Tierernahrung --> Fortschr Tierphysiol Tierernahr Fortuna Vitrea --> Fortuna Vitrea #Fortune --> Fortune Forum --> Forum Forum (Amsterdam) --> Forum (Amst) Forum (Berlin) --> Forum (Berl) Forum (Chicago, Ill.) --> Forum Forum (Genoa, Italy) --> Forum (Genova) Forum (Legacy) --> Forum (Leg) Forum (London) --> Forum (Lond) Forum (Washington, D.C.) --> Forum (Wash) Forum der Psychoanalyse --> Forum Psychoanal Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy --> Forum Appl Res Public Policy Forum for Development Studies --> Forum Dev Stud Forum for Modern Language Studies --> Forum Mod Lang Stud Forum for Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education --> Forum Promot 3-19 Compr Educ Forum Italicum --> Forum Ital Forum Mondial de la Sant'e --> Forum Mond Sante Forum of Nutrition --> Forum Nutr Forum on Crime and Society --> Forum Crime Soc Forum on Medicine --> Forum Med Forum Qualitative Sozial Forschung --> Forum Qual Soc Res Forum Statisticum --> Forum Stat Forum Statisticum (Bern) --> Forum Stat (Bern) Forum Statisticum Slovacum --> Forum Stat Slovacum "Forum; Revista Invatamintului Superior" --> Forum Rev Invat Super Foundation News --> Found News Foundation News & Commentary --> Found News Comment Foundations --> Foundations Foundations of Chemistry --> Found Chem Foundations of Computational Mathematics --> Found Comput Math Foundations of Language --> Found Lang Foundations of Physics --> Found Phys Foundations of Physics Letters --> Found Phys Lett Foundations of Science --> Found Sci FoU-rapport - SHSTF --> FoU-rapp - SHSTF Fpop Bulletin --> Fpop Bull FPRC Great Britain Flying Personnel Research Committee --> FPRC Frühförderung Interdisziplinär --> Fruhford Interdiszip Fra Sundhedsstyrelsen --> Fra Sundhedsstyr Fractals --> Fractals Fragblast --> Fragblast France Médecine --> Fr Medecine France Médecine Info (Paris) --> Fr Medecine Info (Paris) France. Comission D'histoire Economique et Sociale de la Revolution Francaise --> Fr Comission D'histoire Econ Soc Revolut Fr Francia --> Francia Francia (México) --> Francia (Mex) Francia Informaciones --> Fr Inf Francia Müszaki Tájékoztató --> Fr Musz Taj Francia Technika és Tudomány --> Fr Tech Tud Francia. 1, Mittelalter --> Francia, 1 Mittelalt Francia. 2, Frühe Neuzeit --> Francia, 2 Fruhe Neuzeit Francia. 3, 19./20. Jahrhundert --> Francia, 3 19,20, Jhd Frankfurter Hefte --> Frankf Hefte Frankfurter Zeitschrift fur Pathologie --> Frankf Z Pathol Franklin Journal and American Mechanics' Magazine --> Franklin J Am Mech Mag Free China Review --> Free China Rev Free Inquiry (Buffalo, N.Y.) --> Free Inq Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology --> Free Inq Creat Sociol Free Radical Biology & Medicine --> Free Radic Biol Med Free Radical Research --> Free Radic Res Free Radical Research Communications --> Free Radic Res Commun Free World Horizons --> Free World Horiz Freedom at Issue --> Freedom Issue Freedom Review --> Freedom Rev Freedomways --> Freedomways Freiburger Forschungen zur Medizingeschichte --> Freib Forsch Medizingesch Fremdsprachen --> Fremdsprachen French Cultural Studies --> Fr Cult Stud French Forum --> Fr Forum French Historical Studies --> Fr Hist Stud French History --> Fr Hist French Politics --> Fr Polit French Politics, Culture & Society --> Fr Polit Cult Soc French Review (Deddington) --> Fr Rev French Studies --> Fr Stud French Studies Bulletin --> Fr Stud Bull Frenesie --> Frenesie Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry --> Fresenius J Anal Chem Fresenius' Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie --> Fresenius Z Anal Chem Freshwater and Marine Aquarium --> Freshwat Mar Aquar Freshwater Biology --> Freshw Biol Freshwater Science --> Freshw Sci Friends of Women Newsletter --> Friends Women Newsl Front Lines --> Front Lines Front Lines (Ottawa) --> Front Lines (Ott) Front Lines (Portland, Or.) --> Front Lines (Portland Or) Front Lines (Vancouver) --> Front Lines (Vanc) Front Lines Research --> Front Lines Res Fronteras (Bogota, Colombia) --> Fronteras Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin --> Front Nurs Serv Q Bull Frontieres --> Frontieres Frontiers --> Frontiers (Boulder) Frontiers in Aging Series --> Front Aging Ser Frontiers in Microbiology --> Front Microbiol Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience --> Front Behav Neurosci Frontiers in Bioscience --> Front Biosci Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Edition) --> Front Biosci (Elite Ed) Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition) --> Front Biosci (Landmark Ed) Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar Edition) --> Front Biosci (Schol Ed) Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience --> Front Cell Neurosci Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment --> Front Ecol Environ Frontiers in Endocrinology --> Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) Frontiers in Endocrinology --> Front Endocrinol Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience --> Front Evol Neurosci Frontiers in Genetics --> Front Genet Frontiers in Health Policy Research --> Front Health Policy Res Frontiers in Marine Science --> Front Mar Sci Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry --> Front Med Chem Online Frontiers in Neural Circuits --> Front Neural Circuits Frontiers in Human Neuroscience --> Front Hum Neurosci Frontiers in Immunology --> Front Immunol Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience --> Front Integr Nuerosci Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology --> Front Neuroendocrinol Frontiers in Neuroinformatics --> Front Neuroinform Frontiers in Plant Science --> Front Plant Sci Frontiers in Psychology --> Front Psychol Frontiers in Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology --> Front Rheumatol Clin Immunol Frontiers in Science, Technology & Medicine --> Front Sci Technol Med Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience --> Front Syst Neurosci Frontiers in Zoology --> Front Zool Frontiers of Agriculture in China --> Front Agric China Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China --> Front Archit Civ Eng China Frontiers of Biology --> Front Biol Frontiers of Biology in China --> Front Biol China Frontiers of Chemical Engineering in China --> Front Chem Eng China Frontiers of Chemistry in China --> Front Chem China Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience --> Front Comput Neurosci Frontiers of Computer Science in China --> Front Comput Sci China Frontiers of Earth Science in China --> Front Earth Sci China Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China --> Front Electr Electron Eng China Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China --> Front Energy Power Eng China Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China --> Front Environ Sci Eng China Frontiers of Gastrointestinal Research --> Front Gastrointest Res Frontiers of Health Services Management --> Front Health Serv Manage Frontiers of Hormone Research --> Front Horm Res Frontiers of Materials Science in China --> Front Mater Sci China Frontiers of Mathematics in China --> Front Math China Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China --> Front Mech Eng China Frontiers of Medical and Biological Engineering --> Front Med Biol Eng Frontiers of Medicine in China --> Front Med China Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience --> Front Neurol Neurosci Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China --> Front Optoelectron China Frontiers of Oral Physiology --> Front Oral Physiol Frontiers of Physics in China --> Front Phys China Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology --> Front Radiat Ther Oncol Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad --> Front Interdiscip J Study Abroad FrontLines (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) --> FrontLines (Natl Inst Alcohol Abuse Alcohol) Frontlines (Washington, D.C.) --> Frontlines (Wash DC) Fruhmittelalterliche Studien --> Fruhmittelalt Stud Fruits --> Fruits Ftiziologia --> Ftiziologia Functional Food --> Funct Food Fuel --> Fuel Fuel and Energy Abstracts --> Fuel Energy Abstr Fuel Cells (Weinheim) --> Fuel Cells (Weinh) Fuel Cells Bulletin --> Fuel Cells Bull Fuel Processing Technology --> Fuel Process Technol Fugitive Leaves from the Historical Collections --> Fugitive Leaves Hist Collect Fujian Medical Journal --> Fujian Med J Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi. Fukuoka Acta Medica --> Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi Fukuoka Shika Daigaku Gakkai Zasshi --> Fukuoka Shika Daigaku Gakkai Zasshi Fukushima Igaku Zasshi --> Fukushima Igaku Zasshi Fukushima Journal of Medical Science --> Fukushima J Med Sci Fulorrgegegyogyaszat --> Fulorrgegegyogyaszat Fun Times --> Fun Times Functional & Integrative Genomics --> Funct Integr Genomics Functional and Developmental Morphology --> Funct Dev Morphol Functional Ecology --> Funct Ecol Functional Neurology --> Funct Neurol Functional Plant Biology --> Funct Plant Biol Fund Raising Management --> Fund Raising Manage Fundamenta Scientiae --> Fundam Sci Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology --> Fundam Clin Pharmacol Fundamental & Applied Limnology --> Fundam Appl Limnol "Fundamental & Applied Limnology ; Official Journal of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology" --> "Fundam Appl Limnol ; Off J Int Assoc Theor Appl Limnol" Fundamental and Applied Nematology --> Fundam Appl Nematol Fundamental and Applied Toxicology --> Fundam Appl Toxicol Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics --> Fundam Cosm Phys Fungal Biology Reviews --> Fungal Biol Rev Fungal Diversity --> Fungal Divers Fungal Ecology --> Fungal Ecol Fungal Genetics and Biology --> Fungal Genet Biol Fungal Genetics Newsletter --> Fungal Genet Newsl Fungal Planet --> Fungal Planet Fungal Science --> Fungal Sci Fur Parade International --> Fur Parade Int Fusion Engineering and Design --> Fusion Eng Des Fuss & Sprunggelenk --> Fuss Sprunggelenk Futur Anterieur --> Futur Anter Future --> Future Future (Tulsa) --> Future (Tulsa) Future Bulk Water Supply Study Newsletter --> Future Bulkwater Supply Study Newsl Future Dentistry --> Future Dent Future Generation Computer Systems --> Future Gener Comput Syst Future Homemakers of America. National Program of Work --> Future Homemakers Am Natl Program Work Future Lipidology --> Future Lipidol Future Markets --> Future Mark Future Microbiology --> Future Microbiol Future Natural Gas Requirements of the United States --> Future Nat Gas Requirements U S Future Neurology --> Future Neurol Future Oncology (London, England) --> Future Oncol Future Studies Centre Newsletter --> Future Stud Cent Newsl Future Times --> Future Times Futures --> Futures Futurewatch --> Futurewatch Futuribles (Paris, France) --> Futuribles Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making --> Fuzzy Optim Decis Making Fuzzy Sets and Systems --> Fuzzy Sets Syst Fysiatricky a Revmatologicky Vestnik --> Fysiatr Revmatol Vestn Géodynamique --> Geodynamique Géographie et Recherche (Dijon) --> Geogr Rech (Dijon) Géologie de la France --> Geol Fr Géophysique (Paris) --> Geophysique (Paris) G.E.N. --> G E N Gaïa Net --> Gaia Net Gaceta CONASIDA --> Gac CONASIDA Gaceta Médica de Lima --> Gac Med Lima Gaceta Médica del Norte --> Gac Med Norte Gaceta Médica del Norte --> Gac Med Norte Gaceta Medica --> Gac Med (Guayaquil) Gaceta Medica de Caracas --> Gac Med Caracas Gaceta Medica de Mexico --> Gac Med Mex Gaceta Medica Espanola --> Gac Med Esp Gaceta Sanitaria --> Gac Sanit Gaea --> Gaea "Gaea; Anales de la Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Geograficos" --> GAEA An Soc Argent Estud Geogr Gaia --> Gaia Gaia Astronomia --> Gaia Astron GAIA Campaigner --> GAIA Campaign Gaia Circular --> Gaia Circ Gaia Sajtószemle --> Gaia Sajtoszle Gaia Scientia --> Gaia Sci Gaiasoleil --> Gaiasoleil Gait & Posture --> Gait Posture Galicia-clinica --> Galicia Clin Gallup Report (Princeton, N.J.) --> Gallup Rep Games and Culture --> Games Cult Games and Economic Behavior --> Games Econ Behav Gamete Research --> Gamete Res Gaming Law Review --> Gaming Law Rev Gan No Rinsho. Japan Journal of Cancer Clinics --> Gan No Rinsho Ganadería (Lima) --> Ganaderia (Lima) Ganadería (Madrid) --> Ganaderia (Madr) Ganhan Diqu Nongye Yanjiu --> Ganhan Diqu Nongye Yanjiu Ganka. Ophthalmology --> Ganka Gann --> Gann Gaojishu Tongxun --> Gaojishu Tongxun Garden History --> Gard Hist Garyounis Medical Journal --> Garyounis Med J Gas- und Wasserfach. Wasser, Abwasser --> Gas - Wasserfach, Wasser Abwasser Gastric Cancer --> Gastric Cancer Gastroenterologia --> Gastroenterologia Gastroenterologia Japonica --> Gastroenterol Jpn Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia --> Gastroenterol Hepatol Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique --> Gastroenterol Clin Biol Gastroenterologische Fortbildungskurse fur die Praxis --> Gastroenterol Fortbildungskurse Prax Gastroenterologisches Journal --> Gastroenterol J Gastroenterology --> Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Clinics of North America --> Gastroenterol Clin North Am Gastroenterology Nursing --> Gastroenterol Nurs Gastroenterology Research and Practice --> Gastroenterol Res Pract Gastrointestinal Endoscopy --> Gastrointest Endosc Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America --> Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am Gastrointestinal Oncology --> Gastrointest Oncol Gastrointestinal Radiology --> Gastrointest Radiol Gastronomica --> Gastronomica Gateway Heritage --> Gateway Herit Gayana Zoologica --> Gayana (Zool) "Gaz, Woda; Technika Sanitarna" --> Gaz Woda Tech Gazeta Médica Portuguesa --> Gaz Med Port Gazette --> Gazette Gazette - the Law Society of Upper Canada. Law Society of Upper Canada --> Gaz Law Soc Upper Can Gazette des beaux-arts --> Gaz b-arts Gazette Medicale de France --> Gaz Med Fr Gazette Medicale Limousine --> Gaz Med Limousine Gazette of the Grolier Club. Grolier Club --> Gaz Grolier Club Gazzetta Chimica Italiana --> Gazz Chim Ital Gazzetta degli Ospedali e delle Cliniche --> Gazz Osp Clin Gazzetta Internazionale di Medicina e Chirurgia --> Gazz Int Med Chir Gazzetta Medica Italiana --> Gazz Med Ital Gazzetta Medica Lombarda --> Gazz Med Lomb Gazzetta Medica Lombarda --> Gazz Med Lomb Gazzetta Sanitaria --> Gazz Sanit Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde --> Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd Gedrag (Tilburg) --> Gedrag (Tilburg) Gedrag en Gezondheid --> Gedrag Gezond Gedrag en Organisatie --> Gedrag Organ Gedragstherapie --> Gedragstherapie Gefässchirurgie --> Gefasschirurgie Gegenbaurs Morphologisches Jahrbuch --> Gegenbaurs Morphol Jahrb Geka Chiryo. Surgical Therapy --> Geka Chiryo Gelisme Dergisi --> Gelis Derg Geloof en Wetenschap --> Geloof Wet Ge-Magazine --> Ge Mag Gematologiia i Transfuziologiia --> Gematol Transfuziol GEN --> Gen Gen. Gastroenterología, endocrinología y nutrició --> Gen, Gastroenterol, endocrinol nutr Gender & Behaviour --> Gend Behav Gender & History --> Gend Hist Gender & Society --> Gend Soc Gender Action --> Gend Action Gender and Development --> Gend Dev Gender and Education --> Gend Educ Gender Issues --> Gend Issues Gender Medicine --> Gend Med Gender, Place and Culture --> Gend Place Cult Gender, Technology and Development --> Gend Technol Dev Gender, Work and Organization --> Gend Work Organ Genders --> Genders (Austin Tex) Gene --> Gene Gene Amplification and Analysis --> Gene Amplif Anal Gene Analysis Techniques --> Gene Anal Tech Gene Expression --> Gene Expr Gene Expression Patterns --> Gene Expr Patterns Gene Function & Disease --> Gene Funct Dis Gene Geography --> Gene Geogr Gene Therapy --> Gene Ther Gene Therapy & Molecular Biology --> Gene Ther Mol Biol Gene Therapy and Regulation --> Gene Ther Regul Geneeskunde en Sport --> Geneeskd Sport Geneeskundige Bladen Uit Kliniek en Laboratorium voor de Praktijk --> Geneeskd Bl Geneeskundige Gids --> Geneeskd Gids General & Diagnostic Pathology --> Gen Diagn Pathol General and Applied Plant Physiology --> Gen Appl Plant Physiol General and Comparative Endocrinology --> Gen Comp Endocrinol General Cytochemical Methods --> Gen Cytochem Methods General Dentistry --> Gen Dent General Hospital Psychiatry --> Gen Hosp Psychiatry General Information Programme, Unisist Newsletter --> Gen Inf Programme UNISISTNewsl "General Laws of Rhode Island, 1956 ; Completely Annotated. Rhode Island" --> Gen Laws R I 1956 R I General Music Today --> Gen Music Today General Pharmacology --> Gen Pharmacol General Physiology and Biophysics --> Gen Physiol Biophys General Practice Adviser --> Gen Pract Advis General Practice Clinics --> Gen Pract Clin General Practice Members' Information Service --> Gen Pract Memb Inf Serv General Practice Preferred Medicines List --> Gen Pract Prefer Med List General Practice Press --> Gen Pract Press General Practice Section Directory --> Gen Pract Sect Dir General Practice Section Directory --> Gen Pract Sect Dir General Relativity and Gravitation --> Gen Relativ Gravit General Surgery & Laparoscopy News --> Gen Surg Laparosc News General Systems --> Gen Syst General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery --> Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Generations (San Francisco, Calif.) --> Generations Genes & Development --> Genes Dev Genes & Genetic Systems --> Genes Genet Syst Genes and Function --> Genes Funct Genes and Immunity --> Genes Immun Genes Brain & Behavior --> Genes Brain Behav Genes to Cells --> Genes Cells Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer --> Genes Chromosomes Cancer GeneScreen --> GeneScreen Genesis (New York, N.Y.) --> Genesis GenEthics News --> Genethics News Genetic Analysis --> Genet Anal Genetic Analysis, Techniques and Applications --> Genet Anal Tech Appl Genetic Counseling (Geneva, Switzerland) --> Genet Couns Genetic Engineer and Biotechnologist --> Genet Eng Biotechnol Genetic Engineering --> Genet Eng (N Y) Genetic Engineering (Academic Press) --> Genet Eng Genetic Epidemiology --> Genet Epidemiol Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines --> Genet Program Evolvable Mach Genetic Psychology Monographs --> Genet Psychol Monogr Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution --> Genet Resour Crop Evol Genetic Testing --> Genet Test Genetic Vaccines and Therapy --> Genet Vaccines Ther Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs --> Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr Genetica --> Genetica Genetica Iberica --> Genet Iber Genetical Research --> Genet Res Genetics --> Genetics Genetics and Genetic Engineering --> Genet Genet Eng Genetics and Molecular Biology --> Genet Mol Biol Genetics and Molecular Research --> Genet Mol Res Genetics in Medicine --> Genet Med Genetics Research International --> Genet Res Int Genetics, Selection, Evolution. --> Genet Sel Evol Genetika --> Genetika Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. Theory --> Geneva Pap Risk Insur Theory Geneve-Afrique. Geneva-Africa --> Geneva Afr Genewatch --> Genewatch Genitourinary Medicine --> Genitourin Med Genocide Studies and Prevention --> Genocide Stud Prev Genome --> Genome Genome Biology --> Genome Biol Genome Biology and Evolution --> Genome Biol Evol Genome Dynamics --> Genome Dyn Genome Informatics Series Workshop on Genome Informatics --> Genome Inform Ser Workshop Genome Inform Genome Letters --> Genome Lett Genome Research --> Genome Res Genome Science & Technology --> Genome Sci Technol Genomic Medicine --> Genomic Med Genomics --> Genomics Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics --> Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics Genre (Los Angeles, Calif.) --> Genre Gensei Dobutsugaku Zasshi --> Gensei Dobutsugaku Zasshi Genus --> Genus Geoadria --> Geoadria Geoarchaeology --> Geoarchaeology Geobiology --> Geobiology Geobios --> Geobios Geobios (Lyon, France). Memoire Special --> Geobios Mem Spec Geocarto International --> Geocarto Int Geochemical Journal --> Geochem J Geochemical Perspectives --> Geochem Persp Geochemical Transactions --> Geochem Trans Geochemistry Exploration Environment Analysis --> Geochem Explor Environ Anal Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems --> Geochem Geophys Geosyst Geochemistry International --> Geochem Int Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta --> Geochim Cosmochim Acta Geoderma --> Geoderma Geodesy and Aerophotography --> Geod Aerophotogr Geodesy and Cartography (Vilnius) --> Geod Cartogr (Vilnius) Geodesy and Cartography (Warsaw) --> Geod Cartogr (Warsaw) Geodesy, Mapping, and Photogrammetry --> Geod Mapp Photogram Geodinamica Acta --> Geodin Acta GeoDrilling International --> GeoDrilling Geodynamic Series --> Geodyn Ser Geo-Eco-Trop --> Geo Eco Trop Geoexploration --> Geoexploration Geofísica Internacional --> Geofis Int Geofisica Pura e Applicata --> Geofis Pura Appl Geofluids --> Geofluids Geoforum --> Geoforum Geogaceta --> Geogaceta Geograficky Casopis --> Geogr Cas Geografiia v Shkole (Moscow, Russia) --> Geogr Shkole Geografisch Tijdschrift --> Geogr Tidschr Geografisk Tidskrift --> Geogr Tidsskr Geografiska Annaler --> Geogr Ann Geografiska Annaler. Series A. Physical Geography --> Geogr Ann, Ser A Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography --> Geogr Ann, Ser B Geografski Glasnik --> Geog Glas Geografski Pregled. Revue de Geographie --> Geogr Pregl Geografski Vestnik --> Geogr Vestn Geographia Medica --> Geogr Med Geographia Medica. Supplement --> Geogr Med Suppl Geographia Polonica --> Geogr Pol Geographica (Madrid, Spain) --> Geographica Geographica Helvetica --> Geogr Helv Geographical Analysis --> Geogr Anal Geographical and Environmental Modelling --> Geogr Environ Model Geographical Bulletin --> Geogr Bull Geographical Information Systems --> Geogr Inf Syst Geographical Perspectives --> Geogr Perspect Geographical Review --> Geogr Rev Geographical Review of India --> Geogr Rev India Geographical Review of Japan --> Geogr Rev Jpn Geographical Survey --> Geogr Surv Geographicalia --> Geographicalia Géographie physique et Quaternaire --> Geogr Phys Quat Geographische Berichte --> Geogr Ber Geographische en Geologische Mededelingen. Physiographisch- Geologische Reeks --> Geogr Geol Med Physiogr- Geol Reeks Geographische Rundschau --> Geogr Rundsch Geographische Zeitschrift --> Geogr Z Geography (Sheffield, England) --> Geography Geography and Natural Resources --> Geogr Nat Resour Geography Bulletin --> Geogr Bull Geography Compass --> Geogr Compass Geography Review --> Geogr Rev Geography Teacher --> Geogr Teach Geohimiâ (Moskva) --> Geohimia (Mosk) GeoInformatica --> GeoInformatica GeoJournal --> GeoJournal Geokhimiya Translations --> Geokhimiya Transl Geolines (Praha) --> Geolines (Praha) Geologia Croatica --> Geol Croat Geologia i Geofizika (Novosibirsk) --> Geol Geofiz (Novosib) Geologic Quadrangle Map. U.S. Geological Survey --> Geol Quadrangle Map, US Geol Surv Geologica Ultraiectina --> Geol Ultraiectina Geological Abstracts. Geophysics & Tectonics --> Geol Abstr Geophys Tecton Geological Exploration for Non-Ferrous Metals --> Geol Explor Non-Ferr Met Geological Journal --> Geol J Geological Magazine --> Geol Mag Geological Newsletter --> Geol Newsl Geological Society of America --> Geol Soc Am Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs --> GSA Abstracts with Programs Geological Society of America Bulletin --> Geol Soc Am Bull Geological Society of America. Special Paper --> Spec Pap Geol Soc Am Geological Society of London, Special Publications --> Geol Soc Lond Spec Publ Geological Survey Circular --> Geol Surv Circ Geological Survey Open-File Report (United States) --> Geol Surv Open-File Rep (US) Géologie méditerranéenne --> Geol mediterr Geologie & Mijnbouw --> Geol Mijnb Geologische Rundschau --> Geol Rundsch Geologisches Jahrbuch --> Geol Jahrb Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe A, Allgemeine und Regionale Geologie BR Deutschland und Nachbargebiete, Tektonik, Stratigraphie, Paläontologie --> Geol Jahrb, Reihe A Allg Reg Geol BR Dtschl Nachbargeb Tekton Stratigr Palaontol Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B, Regionale Geologie Ausland --> Geol Jahrb, Reihe B Reg Geol Ausl Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe C, Hydrogeologie, Ingenieurgeologie --> Geol Jahrb, Reihe C Hydrogeol Ingenieurgeol Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe D, Mineralogie, Petrographie, Geochemie, Lagerstättenkunde --> Geol Jahrb, Reihe D Mineral Petrogr Geochem Lagerstattenkd Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe E, Geophysik --> Geol Jahrb, Reihe E Geophys Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe F, Bodenkunde --> Geol Jahrb, Reihe F, Bodenkd Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar --> Geol Foren Stockh Forh Geologist (London) --> Geologist (Lond) Geologiya Nefti i Gaza --> Geol Nefti Gaza Geology --> Geology Geology and Mining Series --> Geol Min Ser Geology of Ore Deposits --> Geol Ore Deposits Geology of the Pacific Ocean --> Geol Pac Ocean Geology Today --> Geol Today Geoloski Vjesnik --> Geol Vjesn Geomagnetism and Aeronomy --> Geomagn Aeron Geomagnetizm i Aèronomia --> Geomagn Aeron Geo-Marine Letters --> Geo-Mar Lett Geometriae Dedicata --> Geom Dedicata Geomicrobiology Journal --> Geomicrobiol J Geomorphology --> Geomorphology Geophysica Norvegica --> Geophys Norv Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration --> Geophys Geochem Explor Geophysical Abstracts (Norwich) --> Geophys Abstr (Norwich) Geophysical Abstracts in Press --> Geophys Abstr Press Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics --> Geophys Astrophys Fluid Dyn Geophysical Fluid Dynamics --> Geophys Fluid Dyn Geophysical Journal --> Geophys J Geophysical Journal (Oxford) --> Geophys J (Oxf) Geophysical Journal International --> Geophys J Int Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society --> Geophys J R Astron Soc Geophysical Magazine --> Geophys Mag Geophysical Monograph --> Geophys Monogr Geophysical Prospecting --> Geophys Prospect Geophysical Research Abstracts --> Geophys Res Abstr Geophysical Research Bulletin --> Geophys Res Bull Geophysical Research Letters --> Geophys Res Lett Geophysical Surveys --> Geophys Surv Geophysicists, a Directory of AGU Members --> Geophys, Dir AGU Memb Geophysics --> Geophysics Geophysics & Tectonics Abstracts --> Geophys Tecton Abstr Geophysics Down Under --> Geophys Down Under Geophysics: The Leading Edge of Exploration --> Geophys Lead Edge Explor Geopolitics --> Geopolitics Geoscience Frontiers --> Geoscience Frontiers Geoscientist --> Geoscientist George Herbert Journal --> George Herbert J George Mason Law Review --> George Mason Law Rev George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal --> Geoge Mason Univ Civ Rights Law J Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) --> Georget (Wash, DC) Georgetown Dental Journal --> Georgetown Dent J Georgetown Immigration Law Journal --> Georget Immgr Law J Georgetown International Environmental Law Review --> Georget Int Environ Law Rev Georgetown Magazine --> Georget Mag Georgetown Medical Bulletin --> Georgetown Med Bull Georgetown University School of Dentistry Mirror --> Georgetown Univ Sch Dent Mirror Georgia Epidemiology Report --> Ga Epidemiol Rep Georgia Hospitals Today --> Ga Hosp Today Georgia Journal of Science --> Ga J Sci Georgia Law Review (Athens, Ga.) --> Georgia Law Rev Georgia Nursing --> Ga Nurse Georgia Pharmacist Quarterly --> Ga Pharm Q Georgia State Bar Journal --> Georgia State Bar J Georgia State University Law Review --> Ga State Univ Law Rev Georgian Medical News --> Georgian Med News Geoscience Wisconsin --> Geosci Wis Geoscientific Model Development --> Geosci Model Dev Geospatial Health --> Geospat Health Geosphere --> Geosphere Geostandards Newsletter --> Geostand Newsl Geotechnical and Geological Engineering --> Geotech Geol Eng Geotechnical Engineering --> Geotech Eng Geotechnique --> Geotechnique Geotectonics --> Geotectonics Geotektonika (Moskva) --> Geotektonika (Mosk) Geotextiles and Geomembranes --> Geotextiles Geomembranes Geothermics --> Geothermics Geotimes --> Geotimes GEP News --> GEP News Geriatric Nephrology and Urology --> Geriatr Nephrol Urol Geriatric Nursing --> Geriatr Nurs (Minneap) Geriatric Nursing (London, England) --> Geriatr Nurs (Lond) Geriatric Nursing (New York, N.Y.) --> Geriatr Nurs Geriatric Nursing and Home Care --> Geriatr Nurs Home Care Geriatrics --> Geriatrics Geriatrics & Gerontology International --> Geriatr Gerontol Int Gerlands Beitrage zur Geophysik --> Gerlands Beitr Geophys German Comments --> Ger Comments German Economic Review --> Ger Econ Rev German History --> Ger Hist German Journal of Ophthalmology --> Ger J Ophthalmol German Journal of Psychiatry --> Ger J Psychiatry German Life and Letters --> Ger Life Lett German Medical Monthly --> Ger Med Mon German Medical Science --> Ger Med Sci German Medicine --> Ger Med German Politics --> Ger Polit German Research --> Ger Res German Studies Review --> Ger Stud Rev Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift --> Ger Rom Monatsschr Germanistik --> Germanistik Germantowne Crier --> Germant Crier Gerodontics --> Gerodontics Gerodontology --> Gerodontology Geron --> Geron Gerontechnology (Valkenswaard) --> Gerontechnology (Valkenswaard) Gerontion --> Gerontion Gerontologia --> Gerontologia Gerontologia Clinica --> Gerontol Clin (Basel) Gerontologie --> Gerontologie Gerontologie et Société --> Gerontol Soc Gerontology --> Gerontology Gerontology & Geriatrics Education --> Gerontol Geriatr Educ Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht --> Gesch Wiss Unterr Geschichte und Gesellschaft (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) --> Gesch Ges Gesnerus --> Gesnerus Gesnerus. Supplement --> Gesnerus Suppl Gestão & Produção --> Gest Prod Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos --> Gest Tecnol Proj Gestalt Review --> Gestalt Rev Gestalt Theory --> Gestalt Theory Gestalt! --> Gestalt! Gestalttherapie: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung für Gestalttherapie --> Gestalttherapie Gestao e Desenvolvimento --> Gestao Desenvolvimento Gestion --> Gestion Gestion - Economica --> Gestion Econ Gesture --> Gesture Gesundheit und Wohlfahrt. Revue Suisse D'hygiene --> Gesund Wohlfahrt Gesundheits-Ingenieur --> Gesund Ing Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) --> Gesundheitswesen Gewina --> Gewina Gezira Journal of Health Sciences --> Gezira J Health Sci GFF --> GFF GHA Today --> GHA Today GHAA Journal --> GHAA J Ghana Journal of Sociology --> Ghana J Sociol Ghana Medical Journal --> Ghana Med J Ghana Official News Bulletin --> Ghana Off News Bull Ghana Social Science Journal --> Ghana Soc Sci J GI Cancer --> GI Cancer Giatros Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (Schweizer Ausg.) --> Giatros Neurol Psychiatr Psychother (Schweiz Ausg) Gibier, Faune Sauvage --> Gibier Faune Sauvage Gibralfaro --> Gibralfaro Gibralfaro (Málaga) --> Gibralfaro (Malaga) Gidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal (Kiev) --> Gidrobiol Zh Gifted Child Quarterly --> Gift Child Q Gifted Child Today --> Gifted Child Today Gifu Shika Gakkai Zasshi --> Gifu Shika Gakkai Zasshi Gigiena i Sanitariia --> Gig Sanit Gigiena Truda i Professional'Nye Zabolevaniia --> Gig Tr Prof Zabol Ginecología Panamericana --> Ginecol Panam Ginecología y Obstetricia (Mexico) --> Ginecol Obstet (Mex) Ginecología y Obstetricia de México --> Ginecol Obstet Mex Ginecología y Perinatología --> Ginecol Perinatol Ginecología y Reproducción --> Ginecol Reprod Ginecologia (Recife) --> Ginecologia (Recife) Ginecologia Brasileira --> Ginecol Bras Ginecologia Clinica --> Ginecol Clin Ginecologia Dell'infanzia e Dell'adolescenza --> Ginecol Infanz Adolesc Ginecologia e Obstetrícia Prática --> Ginecol Obstet Prat Ginecologia y Obstetrica --> Ginecol Obstet Ginecologia y Obstetricia --> Ginecol Obstet (Lima) Ginekologia Polska --> Ginekol Pol Giornale Botanico Italiano (Florence, Italy) --> G Botanico Ital (Florence, Italy) Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana --> G Crit Filos Ital Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia --> G Econ Ann Econ Giornale della Accademia di Medicina di Torino --> G Accad Med Torino Giornale di Anestesia Stomatologica --> G Anest Stomatol Giornale di Batteriologia e Immunologia --> G Batteriol Immunol Giornale di Batteriologia, Virologia Ed Immunologia --> G Batteriol Virol Immunol Giornale di Batteriologia, Virologia Ed Immunologia Ed Annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino. Parte 1: Sezione Microbiologica --> G Batteriol Virol Immunol Microbiol Giornale di Batteriologia, Virologia Ed Immunologia Ed Annali dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino. Parte 2: Sezione Clinica --> G Batteriol Virol Immunol Clin Giornale di Batteriologia, Virologia, Ed Immunologia et Annali dell Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino --> G Batteriol Virol Immunol Giornale di Biochimica --> G Biochim Giornale di Clinica Medica --> G Clin Med Giornale di Endodonzia --> G Endodonzia Giornale di Fisica Sanitaria e Protezione Contro le Radiazioni --> G Fis Sanit Prot Radiaz Giornale di Gerontologia --> G Gerontol Giornale di Gerontologia. Supplemento --> G Gerontol Suppl Giornale di Igiene e Medicina Preventiva --> G Ig Med Prev Giornale di Malattie Infettive e Parassitarie --> G Mal Infett Parassit Giornale di Medicina Militare --> G Med Mil Giornale di Neuropsicofarmacologia --> G Neuropsicofarmacol Giornale di Pneumologia --> G Pneumol Giornale di Psichiatria e di Neuropatologia --> G Psichiatr Neuropatol Giornale di Scienze Mediche --> G Sci Med Giornale di Stomatologia e di Ortognatodonzia --> G Stomatol Ortognatodonzia Giornale Italiano della Tubercolosi --> G Ital Tuberc Giornale Italiano della Tubercolosi e delle Malattie del Torace --> G Ital Tuberc Mal Torace Giornale Italiano delle Disabilita --> G Ital Disabil Giornale Italiano delle Malattie del Torace --> G Ital Mal Torace Giornale Italiano di Anestesiologia --> G Ital Anestesiol Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia --> G Ital Cardiol Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia --> G Ital Cardiol (Rome) Giornale Italiano di Chemioterapia --> G Ital Chemioter Giornale Italiano di Chirurgia --> G Ital Chir Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia --> G Ital Dermatol Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia --> G Ital Dermatol Venereol Giornale Italiano di Dermatolotia. Minerva Dermatologica --> G Ital Dermatol Minerva Dermatol Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia --> G Ital Endod Giornale Italiano di Entomologia --> G Ital Entomol Giornale Italiano di Filologia --> G Ital Filol Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro --> G Ital Med Lav Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro Ed Ergonomia --> G Ital Med Lav Ergon Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia --> G Ital Nefrol Giornale Italiano di Oftalmologia --> G Ital Oftalmol Giornale Italiano di Oncologia --> G Ital Oncol Giornale Italiano di Patologia e di Scienze Affini --> G Ital Patol Giornale Italiano di Psicologia --> G Ital Psicol Giornale Italiano di Suicidologia --> G Ital Suicidologia Giornale Storico del Centro Studi di Psicologia e Letteratura --> G Stor Cent Studi Psicol Lett Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica --> G Stor Psicol Din Giornale Veneto di Scienze Mediche --> G Veneto Sci Med GIPO (Firenze) --> Gipo (Firenze) GIRE. Grupo de Informacion en Reproduccion --> GIRE Gland Surgery --> Gland Surg Glas. Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti. Odeljenje Medicinskih Nauka --> Glas Srp Akad Nauka Med Glasgow Dental Journal --> Glasg Dent J Glasgow Medical Journal --> Glasg Med J Glasnik - Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti --> Glas Srp Akad Nauka Umet Glasnik. Republicki Zavod za Zdravstvenu Zastitu SR Srbije --> Glas Zavodzdrav Glasra --> Glasra Glass Physics and Chemistry --> Glass Phys Chem Glastechnische Berichte --> Glastech Ber Glaucoma Update --> Glaucoma Update "Glaxo Volume; An Occasional Contribution to the Science and Art of Medicine" --> Glaxo Vol Occas Contrib Sci Art Med Glendale Law Review --> Glendale Law Rev Glia --> Glia Glimpse (Dhaka, Bangladesh) --> Glimpse Global Access to STD Diagnostics --> Glob Access STD Diagn Global AIDSnews --> Glob AIDSnews Global and Planetary Change --> Global Planet Change Global Biogeochemical Cycles --> Global Biogeochem Cycles Global Center News --> Glob Cent News Global Change and Human Health --> Glob Change Hum Health Global Change Biology --> Glob Change Biol Global Change, Peace & Security --> Glob Change Peace Secur Global Child Health News & Review --> Glob Child Health New Rev Global Dialogue --> Glob Dialogue Global Ecology and Biogeography --> Glob Ecol Biogeogr Global Environmental Change --> Glob Environ Change Global Environmental Politics --> Glob Environ Polit Global Finance Journal --> Glob Finance J Global Futures Digest --> Global Futures Dig Global Geoscience Transect --> Glob Geosci Transect Global Governance --> Glob Gov Global Health Governance --> Glob Health Gov Global Health Promotion and Education --> Glob Health Promot Educ Global Impacts --> Glob Impacts Global Investor --> Global Invest Global Issues (CQ Press) --> Glob Issues (CQ Press) Global Issues (Washington, D.C.) --> Glob Issues Global Media and Communication --> Glob Media Commun Global Media News --> Glob Media News Global Networks --> Glob Netw Global Perspectives on Hepatitis --> Glob Perspect Hepatitis Global Policy --> Glob Policy Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice --> Glob Public Health Global Society --> Glob Soc Globalisation, Societies and Education --> Globalisation, Soc Educ Globalization and Health --> Global Health Globalizations --> Globalizations Globe --> Globe GLOBE: Revue Internationale d'Etudes Quebecoises --> GLOBE Rev Int Etud Quebecoises Glotta --> Glotta Glq --> GLQ Glycobiology --> Glycobiology Glycoconjugate Journal --> Glycoconj J GM Crops --> GM Crops GM Crops and Food: Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain --> GM Crops Food Gmda Bulletin --> GMDA Bull GMHC Treatment Issues --> GMHC Treat Issues GMU Law Review --> GMU Law Rev Gnitif --> Genitif Godisen Zbornik na Medicinskiot Fakultet Vo Skopje --> God Zb Med Fak Skopje Godisnjak Vojnomedicinske Akademije --> God Vojnomed Akad Gold Bulletin --> Gold Bull Gold.de --> Goldde Golden Gate Law Review --> Gold Gate Law Rev Golden Gate University Law Review. Golden Gate University. School of Law --> Gold Gate Univ Law Rev Gondwana Research --> Gondwana Res Gongshang Guanli Xuekan --> Gongshang Guanli Xuekan Gonzaga Law Review --> Gonzaga Law Rev Good Housekeeping (New York, N.Y.) --> Good Housekeeping Gottinger Jahrbuch --> Gott Jahrb Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions --> Governance (Oxford) Governing --> Governing Government and Opposition --> Gov Opposition Government Information Quarterly --> Gov Inf Q Government Publications Review --> Gov Publ Rev Government Publications Review --> Gov Publ Rev 1973 Government Publications Review Part A --> Gov Publ Rev Part A Government Publications Review Part B --> Gov Publ Rev Part B Government Relations Note --> Gov Relat Note GP --> GP GPS Solutions --> GPS Solut Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal --> Grad Fac Philos J Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology --> Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol Graellsia --> Graellsia Graft --> Graft Grammars --> Grammars Grana --> Grana Grands Documents de L'histoire de France (H. Javal) --> Grands Documents L'histoire Fr (H Javal) Grants Magazine --> Grants Mag Grantsmanship Center News --> Grantsmanship Cent News Granular Matter --> Granul Matter Graphical Models --> Graph Models Graphical Models and Image Processing --> Graph Models Image Proc Graphis Scripta --> Graph Scr Grasas y Aceites --> Grasas Aceites Grass and Forage Science --> Grass Forage Sci Grassland Science, Nihon Sochi Gakkai --> Grassl Sci, Nihon Sochi Gakkai Grassroots Development --> Grassroots Dev Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies. Gratz College --> Gratz Coll Annual Jew Stud Gravitation and Cosmology --> Gravitation Cosmol Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin --> Gravit Space Biol Bull Great Decisions --> Great Dec Great Lakes Entomologist --> Great Lakes Entomol Great Ormond Street Journal --> Great Ormond Str J Great Plains Quarterly --> Great Plains Q Great Plains Research --> Great Plains Res Great Plains Sociologist --> Great Plains Sociol Greek Economic Review --> Greek Econ Rev Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies --> Greek Roman Byz Stud (Cambridge, Mass) Green Chemistry --> Green Chem Green Teacher (Toronto) --> Green Teach (Tor) Grenzgebiete der Medizin --> Grenzgeb Med Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft --> Grenzgeb Wiss Grey Room --> Grey Room GRMA News --> GRMA News Groniek --> Groniek GROOTS --> GROOTS Ground Improvement --> Ground Improv Ground Water --> Ground Water Ground Water Management --> Ground Water Manage Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation --> Ground Water Monit Remediat Ground Water Monitoring Review --> Ground Water Monit Rev Group --> Group Group & Organization Management --> Group Organ Manage Group Analysis --> Group Anal Group Decision and Negotiation --> Group Decis Negot Group Dynamics --> Group Dyn Group Practice --> Group Pract Group Practice Journal --> Group Pract J Group Processes & Intergroup Relations --> Group Process Intergroup Relat Group Psychotherapy --> Group Psychother Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama --> Group Psychother Psychodrama Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry --> Group Psychother Psychodrama Sociom Groupwork --> Groupwork Growth --> Growth Growth and Change --> Growth Change Growth Factors (Chur, Switzerland) --> Growth Factors Growth Hormone & IGF Research --> Growth Horm IGF Res Growth Regulation --> Growth Regul Growth, Development, and Aging --> Growth Dev Aging Growth, Genetics & Hormones --> Growth Genet Horm Grudnaia i Serdechno-Sosudistaia Khirurgiia --> Grud Serdechnososudistaia Khir Grudnaia Khirurgiia (Moscow, Russia) --> Grudn Khir Grundfragen aus der Silikoseforschung --> Grundfragen Silikoseforschung Grundwasser --> Grundwasser Gruppendynamik --> Gruppendynamik Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik --> Gruppendyn Organberat Gruppi --> Gruppi Grus --> Grus Gruzlica (Warsaw, Poland) --> Gruzlica "Gruzlica i Choroby Pluc; Tuberculosis et Pneumonologia" --> Gruzlica GSA Today --> GSA Today Guam Recorder --> Guam Rec Guang Ming Ri Bao --> Guang Ming Ri Bao Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi --> Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi Guangxi Preventive Medicine --> Guangxi Prev Med Guangxi Zhi Wu --> Guangxi Zhi Wu Guangzi Xuebao --> Guangzi Xuebao Guatemala Indigena --> Guatem Indig Guelph Ichthyology Reviews --> Guelph Ichthyol Rev Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains --> Guerr Mond Conflits Contemp Guide de Poche du Médecin --> Guide Poche Med Guide des Institutions Catholiques du Canada --> Guide Institutions Catholiques Can Guidebook - Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Field Conference --> Annu Field Conf Guideb - Intermt Assoc Pet Geol Guidebook - New Mexico Geological Society --> Guideb- New Mexico Geol Soc Guidebook to the Geology of Utah --> Guideb Geol Utah Guigoz Scientific Review. Green Series --> Guigoz Sci Rev, Green Ser Guildhall Studies in London History --> Guildhall Stud Lond Hist Gujarat Statistical Review --> Gujarat Stat Rev Gulf and Caribbean Research --> Gulf Caribb Res Gulf Coast Historical Review --> Gulf Coast Hist Rev Gulf of Mexico Science --> Gulf Mex Sci Gulf Research Reports --> Gulf Res Rep Guoji Tongxin Yu Anquan Xuebao --> Guoji Tongxin Yu Anquan Xuebao Guru Nanak Journal of Sociology --> Guru Nanak J Sociol Gut --> Gut Gut Microbes --> Gut Microbes Gutenberg Jahrbuch --> Gutenberg Jahrb Guthrie Clinic Bulletin --> Guthrie Clin Bull Guy's Hospital Gazette --> Guys Hosp Gaz Guy's Hospital Reports --> Guys Hosp Rep Gyermekgyogyaszat --> Gyermekgyogyaszat Gymnasium --> Gymnasium Gynaecologia. International Monthly Review of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Revue Internationale Mensuelle d'Obstetrique et de Gynecologie. Monatsschrift fur Geburtshilfe und Gynakologie --> Gynaecologia Gynaecological Endoscopy --> Gynaecol Endosc Gynakologische Praxis --> Gynakol Prax Gynakologische Rundschau --> Gynakol Rundsch Gynakologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau --> Gynakol Geburtshilfliche Rundsch Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation --> Gynecol Obstet Invest Gynecologic Investigation --> Gynecol Invest Gynecologic Oncology --> Gynecol Oncol Gynecological Endocrinology --> Gynecol Endocrinol Gynecological Surgery --> Gynecol Surg Gynecologie --> Gynecologie Gynecologie et Obstetrique --> Gynecol Obstet (Paris) Gynecologie Pratique --> Gynecol Prat Gynecologie, Obstetrique & Fertilite --> Gynecol Obstet Fertil Gyogyszereink --> Gyogyszereink Gyogyszereszet --> Gyogyszereszet Gyroscopy and Navigation --> Gyroscopy Navigation Hémostase (Paris) --> Hemostase (Paris) Héraldique et Généalogie --> Her Geneal ha-Ahot Be-Yisrael --> Ahot Beyisrael Habitat Debate --> Habitat Debate Habitat International --> Habitat Int Habitation (Elmsford, N.Y.) --> Habitation (Elmsford) Hacettepe Bulletin of Medicine/Surgery --> Hacettepe Bull Med Surg Hacettepe Sosyal ve Beseri Bilimler Dergisi --> Hacettepe Sosyal Bilimler Derg Hacettepe University Journal of Education --> Hacettepe Univ J Educ Hadassah Magazine --> Hadassah Mag Hades --> Hades Hadtortenelmi Kozlemenyek --> Hadtort Kozl Haematologia --> Haematologia (Budap) Haematologica --> Haematologica Haematologica Latina --> Haematol Lat Haematology and Blood Transfusion --> Haematol Blood Transfus Haemophilia --> Haemophilia Haemostasis --> Haemostasis Haeyang Jeongbo Tongsin --> Haeyang Jeongbo Tongsin Halcyon --> Halcyon "Hallym International Journal of Aging ; HIJA" --> Hallym Int J Aging HIJA Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde --> Hals- Nasen Ohrenheilkd Halsbury's Statutes of England. Great Britain --> Halsburys Statut Engl G B Hamatologie und Bluttransfusion --> Hamatol Bluttransfus Hamburger Arzteblatt --> Hamb Arztebl Hamdard Islamicus --> Hamdard Islam Hamdard Medicus --> Hamdard Med Hamline Law Review --> Hamline Law Rev Hamostaseologie --> Hamostaseologie Hampshire --> Hampshire Han'gug Eonlon Jeongbo Hagbo --> Hangug Eonlon Jeongbo Hagbo Han'gug Haeyang Jeongbo Tongsin Haghoe Nonmunji --> Hangug Haeyang Jeongbo Tongsin Haghoe Nonmunji Han'gug Tongsin Haghoe Nonmunji --> Hangug Tongsin Haghoe Nonmunji Han'guk Kyunhakhoe Chi --> Hanguk Kyun Hakoe Chi Han'Guk Nonghwa Hakhoe Chi --> Hanguk Nonghwa Hakhoe Chi Han'guk Saenghwahakhoe Chi --> Hanguk Saenghwahakhoe Chi Han'Guk Wonye Hakhoe Chi. Han'Guk Wonye Hakhoe --> Hanguk Wonye Hakhoe Chi Han'Guk Yujon Hakhoe Chi --> Hanguk Yujon Hakhoe Chi Hand (New York, N.Y.) --> Hand (NY) Hand Clinics --> Hand Clin Hand Surgery --> Hand Surg Hand Therapy --> Hand Ther Handbook of Clinical Neurology --> Handb Clin Neurol Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology --> Handbook Exp Pharmacol Handbook of International Sociometry --> Handb Int Sociom Handbuch der Physik --> Handb Phys Handchirurgie --> Handchirurgie Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie --> Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent --> Handel Maatsch Geschied Oudheidk Gent Hang'gong San'eob Jeongchaeg Yeon'gu --> Hanggong Saneob Jeongchaeg Yeongu Hangtian Kongzhi --> Hangtian Kongzhi Hangug Hwangyeong Saengmul Haghoeji --> Hangug Hwangyeong Saengmul Haghoeji Han-Gug Yangsig Hag-Hoeji --> Han-gug Yangsig Hag-hoeji Hansenologia Internationalis --> Hansenol Int Harbor Dental Log --> Harb Dent Log Harefuah --> Harefuah Harm Reduction Journal --> Harm Reduct J Harmful Algae --> Harmful Algae Harper Hospital Bulletin --> Harper Hosp Bull Harper's --> Harpers (N Y N Y) Harrington Gay Men's Literary Quarterly --> Harrington Gay Men's Literary Q Harrington Lesbian Literary Quarterly --> Harrington Lesbian Literary Q Harrisburg Polyclinic Hospital. Medical Bulletin --> Harrisb Polyclinic Hosp Med Bull Hartford Hospital Bulletin --> Hartford Hosp Bull Harvard AIDS Review --> Harv AIDS Rev Harvard Blackletter Law Journal --> Harv Blacklett Law J Harvard Business Review --> Harv Bus Rev Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review --> Harv Civ Rights-Civil Lib Law Rev Harvard Dental Alumni Bulletin --> Harv Dent Alumni Bull Harvard Dental Bulletin --> Harv Dent Bull Harvard Educational Review --> Harv Educ Rev Harvard Health Letter --> Harv Health Lett Harvard Heart Letter --> Harv Heart Lett Harvard Human Rights Journal --> Harv Hum Rights J Harvard International Law Journal --> Harvard Int Law J Harvard International Review --> Harvard Int Rev Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies --> Harv J Asiat Stud Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy --> Harv J Law Public Policy Harvard Journal of Law & Technology --> Harv J Law Technol Harvard Journal on Legislation --> Harvard J Legis Harvard Law Review --> Harv Law Rev Harvard Library Bulletin --> Harv Libr Bull Harvard Magazine --> Harv Mag Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin --> Harv Med Alumni Bull Harvard Men's Health Watch --> Harv Mens Health Watch Harvard Papers in Botany --> Harv Pap Bot Harvard Review of Psychiatry --> Harv Rev Psychiatry Harvard Studies in Classical Philology --> Harv Stud Classic Philol Harvard Women's Health Watch --> Harv Womens Health Watch Harvard Women's Law Journal --> Harv Women's Law J Harvey Lectures --> Harvey Lect Haryana Veterinarian --> Haryana Vet Harz-Zeitschrift --> Harz Z ha-Sifrut --> Hasifrut HASL [Reports]. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission --> HASL Rep Hastane - Hospital News --> Hastane - Hosp News Hastane - Hospital News Dergisi --> Hastane - Hosp News Derg Hastane (Istanbul) --> Hastane (Istanbul) Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly --> Hastings Constit Law Q Hastings International and Comparative Law Review --> Hastings Int Comp Law Rev Hastings Women's Law Journal --> Hastings Womens Law J HAU --> HAU Havemeyer Foundation Monograph Series / Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation. Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation --> Havemeyer Found Monogr Ser / Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Found Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Found Hawaii Bar Journal (Honolulu, Hawaii) --> Haw Bar J Hawaii Dental Journal --> Hawaii Dent J Hawaii Medical Journal --> Hawaii Med J Hawaii Nurses Pipeline --> Hawaii Nurses Pipeline "Hawaii Revised Statutes ; Comprising the Statutes of the State of Hawaii, Consolidated, Revised, and Annotated" --> Hawaii Revis Statut Hawaii Hawliyyat Da'irat al-Atar al-Ammat --> Hawliyyat Dairat al-Atar al-Ammat Hawliyyat Kulliyyat al-adab --> Hawliyyat Kulliyyat Al-adab Hawwa --> Hawwa Hayastani Bzhshkagitut'yun --> Hay Bzhshkagitut Hayes Historical Journal --> Hayes Hist J Hazard Prevention --> Hazard Prev Hazardous Materials Management --> Hazard Mater Manage Hazardous Waste --> Hazard Waste Hazardous Waste & Hazardous Materials --> Hazard Waste Hazard Mater HBI Report --> HBI Rep Head & Face Medicine --> Head Face Med Head & Neck --> Head Neck Head & Neck Surgery --> Head Neck Surg Head and Neck Pathology --> Head Neck Pathol Headache --> Headache Headache & Pain --> Headache Pain Headache Care --> Headache Care Headache Quarterly --> Headache Q Headache Research and Treatment --> Headache Res Treat Headlines (Lagos) --> Headlines (Lagos) Healing Light --> Heal Light Healing Light Journal --> Heal Light J Health --> Health Health & Environment Digest --> Health Environ Dig Health & Medical Care Services Review --> Health Med Care Serv Rev Health & Medicine --> Health Med Health & Place --> Health Place Health & Social Care in the Community --> Health Soc Care Community Health & Social Work --> Health Soc Work Health (Family Media, Inc.) --> Health (N Y) Health Affairs --> Health Aff Health Affairs (Project Hope) --> Health Aff (Millwood) Health and Canadian Society (Winnipeg, Man.) --> Health Can Soc Health and Human Rights --> Health Hum Rights "Health and Population; Perspectives and Issues" --> Health Popul Perspect Issues Health and Quality of Life Outcomes --> Health Qual Life Outcomes Health and Safety Resource --> Health Saf Resour Health and Sexuality --> Health Sex Health and Social Service Journal --> Health Soc Serv J Health Bulletin --> Health Bull (Melb) Health Bulletin --> Health Bull (Edinb) Health Care --> Health Care (Don Mills) Health Care Analysis --> Health Care Anal Health Care Competition Week --> Health Care Compet Week Health Care Cost Reengineering Report --> Health Care Cost Reengineering Rep Health Care Dimensions --> Health Care Dimen Health Care Education --> Health Care Educ Health Care Ethics USA --> Health Care Ethics USA Health Care Financing Review --> Health Care Financ Rev Health Care Financing Review. Annual Supplement --> Health Care Financ Rev Annu Suppl Health Care Financing Review. Statistical Supplement --> Health Care Financ Rev Stat Suppl Health Care Financing Trends --> Health Care Financ Trends Health Care Food & Nutrition Focus --> Health Care Food Nutr Focus Health Care for Women International --> Health Care Women Int Health Care in Canada --> Health Care Can Health Care Innovations --> Health Care Innov Health Care Law Monthly --> Health Care Law Mon Health Care Law Newsletter --> Health Care Law Newsl Health Care Management (Philadelphia, Pa.) --> Health Care Manag Health Care Management Review --> Health Care Manage Rev Health Care Management Science --> Health Care Manage Sci Health Care Marketer --> Health Care Mark Health Care Marketer & Target Market --> Health Care Mark Target Market Health Care Newsletter --> Health Care Newsl Health Care on the Internet --> Health Care Internet Health Care Planning & Marketing --> Health Care Plann Mark Health Care Reform Week --> Health Care Reform Week Health Care Security and Safety Management --> Health Care Secur Saf Manage Health Care Strategic Management --> Health Care Strateg Manage Health Care Systems --> Health Care Syst Health Care Week --> Health Care Week Health Communication --> Health Commun Health Communications and Informatics --> Health Commun Informatics Health Cost Management --> Health Cost Manage Health Data Management --> Health Data Manag Health Devices --> Health Devices Health Economics --> Health Econ Health Economics, Policy, and Law --> Health Econ Policy Law Health Education --> Health Educ Health Education --> Health Educ Health Education & Behavior --> Health Educ Behav Health Education Bulletin --> Health Educ Bull Health Education Journal --> Health Educ J Health Education Monographs --> Health Educ Monogr Health Education Quarterly --> Health Educ Q Health Education Reports --> Health Educ Rep Health Education Research --> Health Educ Res Health Educators at Work --> Health Educ Work Health Estate --> Health Estate Health Estate Journal --> Health Estate J Health Expectations --> Health Expect Health Facilities Management --> Health Facil Manage Health for the Millions --> Health Millions Health Forum Journal --> Health Forum J Health Industry Today --> Health Ind Today Health Informatics Journal --> Health Informatics J Health Information and Libraries Journal --> Health Info Libr J Health Information Management --> Health Inf Manag Health Information Systems and Telemedicine --> Health Inf Syst Telemed Health Laboratory Science --> Health Lab Sci Health Law in Canada --> Health Law Can Health Law Journal --> Health Law J Health Law News. University of Houston. Health Law and Policy Institute --> Health Law News Health Law Project Library Bulletin --> Health Law Proj Libr Bull Health Law Review --> Health Law Rev Health Law Vigil --> Health Law Vigil Health Libraries Review --> Health Libr Rev Health Management --> Health Manage Health Management Forum --> Health Manage Forum Health Management Quarterly --> Health Manage Q Health Management Technology --> Health Manag Technol Health Manpower Literature --> Health Manpow Lit Health Manpower Management --> Health Manpow Manage Health Manpower Pilot Projects Program. Annual Report to the Legislature and the Healing Arts Licensing Boards --> Health Manpow Pilot Projects Program Annu Rep Legislature Healing Arts Licensing Boards Health Manpower Report --> Health Manpow Rep Health Marketing Quarterly --> Health Mark Q Health Matrix --> Health Matrix Health News (Waltham, Mass.) --> Health News Health PAC Bulletin --> Health PAC Bull Health Perspectives --> Health Perspect Health Physics --> Health Phys Health Planning & Manpower Reports --> Health Plann Manpow Rep Health Policy (Amsterdam) --> Health Policy Health Policy and Education --> Health Policy Educ Health Policy and Planning --> Health Policy Plan Health Policy in Canada --> Health Policy Can Health Policy Memo --> Health Policy Memo Health Policy Quarterly --> Health Policy Q Health Policy Week --> Health Policy Week Health Practitioner. Physician Assistant --> Health Pract Physician Assist Health Professions Report --> Health Prof Rep Health Progress (Saint Louis, Mo.) --> Health Prog Health Promotion (Oxford, England) --> Health Promot Health Promotion International --> Health Promot Int Health Promotion Journal of Australia --> Health Promot J Austr Health Promotion Practice --> Health Promot Pract Health Psychology --> Health Psychol Health Reform and Priority Services --> Health Reform Prior Serv Health Reports --> Health Rep Health Research Policy and Systems --> Health Res Policy Syst Health Risk & Society --> Health Risk Soc Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology --> Health Serv Outcomes Res Methodol Health Services Management --> Health Serv Manage Health Services Management Research --> Health Serv Manage Res Health Services Manager --> Health Serv Manager Health Services Manpower Review --> Health Serv Manpow Rev Health Services Reports --> Health Serv Rep Health Services Research --> Health Serv Res Health Sociology Review --> Health Sociol Rev Health Statistics in the Nordic Countries --> Health Stat Nord Ctries Health Statistics Quarterly --> Health Stat Q Health System Leader --> Health Syst Lead Health Systems Management --> Health Syst Manage Health Systems Review --> Health Syst Rev Health Technology --> Health Technol Health Technology Assessment --> Health Technol Assess Health Technology Assessment B.C. --> Health Technol Assess BC Health Technology Assessment News --> Health Technol Assess News Health Technology Assessment on the Net --> Health Technol Assess Net Health Technology Assessment Reports --> Health Technol Assess Rep Health Technology Assessment. Series A --> Health Technol Assess Ser A Health Technology Directions --> Health Technol Dir Health Technology Update --> Health Technol Update Health Transition Review --> Health Transit Rev Health Trends --> Health Trends Health Values --> Health Values Health Visitor --> Health Visit Health Workforce Development Series --> Health Workforce Dev Ser HealthAction --> HealthAction Healthcare Alabama --> Healthc Ala Healthcare Benchmarks --> Healthc Benchmarks Healthcare Benchmarks and Quality Improvement --> Healthcare Benchmarks Qual Improv Healthcare Bottom Line --> Healthc Bottom Line Healthcare Computing & Communications --> Healthc Comput Commun Healthcare Demand & Disease Management --> Healthc Demand Dis Manag Healthcare Executive --> Healthc Exec Healthcare Executive Currents --> Healthc Exec Curr Healthcare Facilities Management Series --> Healthc Facil Manag Ser Healthcare Financial Management --> Healthc Financ Manage Healthcare Foodservice --> Healthc Foodserv Healthcare Foodservice Magazine --> Healthc Foodserv Mag Healthcare Forum --> Healthc Forum Healthcare Hazard Management Monitor --> Healthc Hazard Manage Monit Healthcare Hazardous Materials Management --> Healthc Hazard Mater Manage Healthcare Human Resources --> Healthc Hum Resour Healthcare Human Resources. Special Report --> Healthc Hum Resour Spec Rep Healthcare Infection --> Healthc Infect Healthcare Informatics --> Healthc Inform Healthcare Information Management --> Healthc Inf Manage Healthcare Leadership & Management Report --> Healthc Leadersh Manag Rep Healthcare Leadership Report --> Healthc Leadersh Rep Healthcare Management Forum --> Healthc Manage Forum Healthcare Papers --> Healthc Pap Healthcare Quarterly --> Healthc Q Healthcare Systems Strategy Report --> Healthc Syst Strategy Rep Healthcare Trends & Transition --> Healthc Trends Transit Healthcover --> Healthcover HealthMarketing --> Healthmarketing Healthplan --> Healthplan HealthScan --> Healthscan HealthSpan --> Healthspan HealthTexas --> Healthtexas Healthy People 2000 Statistics and Surveillance --> Healthy People 2000 Stat Surveill Hearing Research --> Hear Res Heart & Lung --> Heart Lung Heart (British Cardiac Society) --> Heart Heart Advisor --> Heart Advis Heart and Vessels --> Heart Vessels Heart and Vessels. Supplement --> Heart Vessels Suppl Heart Disease --> Heart Dis Heart Disease and Stroke --> Heart Dis Stroke Heart Failure --> Heart Fail Heart Failure Clinics --> Heart Fail Clin Heart Failure Monitor --> Heart Fail Monit Heart Failure Reviews --> Heart Fail Rev Heart Lung and Circulation --> Heart Lung Circ Heart Rhythm --> Heart Rhythm Heart Transplantation --> Heart Transplant Heart Views --> Heart Views Heartbeat (San Francisco, Calif.) --> Heartbeat HeartDrug --> HeartDrug Heat and Mass Transfer --> Heat Mass Transf Heating, Piping, and Air Conditioning --> Heat Piping Air Cond Hebei Medicine --> Hebei Med Hebraica --> Hebraica HEC Forum --> HEC Forum Hefte zur Unfallheilkunde --> Hefte Unfallheilkd Heidelberger Jahrbucher --> Heidelb Jahrb Heiko Shinkei Kagaku --> Equilib Res Heilkunde, Heilwege --> Heilkd Heilwege Heilpädagogische Werkblätter --> Heilpadag Werkbl Heimen --> Heimen Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen --> Helgol Wiss Meeresunters Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen --> Helgol Meeresunters Helgoland Marine Research --> Helgol Mar Res Helicobacter --> Helicobacter "Hellenic Journal of Cardiology ; HJC = Hellenike Kardiologike Epitheorese" --> Hellenic J Cardiol Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine --> Hell J Nucl Med Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine --> Hell J Nucl Med Hellenic Journal of Psychology --> Hell J Psychol Hellenika Stomatologika Chronika. Hellenic Stomatological Annals --> Hell Stomatol Chron Hellenike Cheirourgike. Acta Chirurgica Hellenica --> Hell Cheirourgike Hellenike Iatrike --> Hell Iatr Hellenike Kardiologike Epitheoresis. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology --> Hell J Cardiol Hellenis Adelphe --> Hell Adelphe Helmantica --> Helmantica Helminthologia --> Helminthologia Helvetica Chimica Acta --> Helv Chim Acta Helvetica Chirurgica Acta --> Helv Chir Acta Helvetica Chirurgica Acta. Supplementum --> Helv Chir Acta Suppl Helvetica Medica Acta --> Helv Med Acta Helvetica Medica Acta. Supplementum --> Helv Med Acta Suppl Helvetica Odontologica Acta --> Helv Odontol Acta Helvetica Paediatrica Acta --> Helv Paediatr Acta Helvetica Paediatrica Acta. Suppl. --> Helv Paediatr Acta, Suppl Helvetica Physiologica et Pharmacologica Acta --> Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta Helvetica Physiologica et Pharmacologica Acta. Supplementum --> Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta, Suppl Hem-Onc --> Hem Onc Hematologic Pathology --> Hematol Pathol Hematological Oncology --> Hematol Oncol Hematology --> Hematology (Am Soc Hematol Educ Program) Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) --> Hematology Hematology and Cell Therapy --> Hematol Cell Ther Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America --> Hematol Oncol Clin North Am Hematopathology and Molecular Hematology --> Hematopathol Mol Hematol Hemispheres (Paris, France) --> Hemispheres Hemodialysis International. International Symposium on Home Hemodialysis --> Hemodial Int Hemoglobin --> Hemoglobin Hemostase --> Hemostase Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine --> Henan J Prev Med Henry Ford Hospital Medical Bulletin --> Henry Ford Hosp Med Bull Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal --> Henry Ford Hosp Med J HEPAC Health Economics in Prevention and Care --> HEPAC Health Econ Prev Care Hepatitis Monthly --> Hepat Mon Hepatitis Research and Treatment --> Hepat Res Treat Hepatitis Weekly --> Hepatitis Wkly Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International --> Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition --> Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr Hepato-Gastroenterology --> Hepatogastroenterology Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) --> Hepatology Hepatology Research --> Hepatol Res Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences --> Herald Russ Acad Sci Hercynia --> Hercynia Hereditas --> Hereditas Heredity --> Heredity Heritage Review (Bismarck, N.D.) --> Herit Rev Hermathena --> Hermathena Hermes --> Hermes (Wiesb) Hernia --> Hernia Herpes --> Herpes Herpetologica --> Herpetologica Herpetological Conservation & Biology --> Herpetol Conserv Biol Herpetological Monograph --> Herpetological Monogr Herpetological Review --> Herpetol Rev Herpetozoa (Wien) --> Herpetozoa (Wien) Hervormde Teologiese Studies --> Herv Teol Stud Herz --> Herz Herzschrittmachertherapie & Elektrophysiologie --> Herzschrittmacherther Elektrophysiol Hesperia --> Hesperia Hesperian Foundation News --> Hesperian Found News Hesperis Tamuda --> Hesperis Tamuda Hessische Familienkunde --> Hess Familienkd Hessisches Arzteblatt --> Hess Arztebl Het Hormoon --> Hormoon Het Land van Aalst --> Land Aalst Heteroatom Chemistry --> Heteroatom Chem Heterocera Sumatrana --> Heteroc Sumatr Heterocycles --> Heterocycles Heterocyclic Communications --> Heterocycl Commun Heuni Papers --> Heuni Pap Hexagon Roche --> Hexagon Roche [Engl] Hifu --> Hifu Hifuka Kiyo. Acta Dermatologica --> Hifuka Kiyo Hifuka No Rinsho. Rinsho Derma (Tokyo) --> Hifuka No Rinsho Higashi Nippon Shigaku Zasshi --> Higashi Nippon Shigaku Zasshi High Ability Studies --> High Abil Stud High Altitude Medicine & Biology --> High Alt Med Biol High Energy Chemistry --> High Energy Chem High Energy Density Physics --> High Energy Density Phys High Pressure Research --> High Press Res High School Journal --> High Sch J High Technology (Boston, Mass.) --> High Technol (Boston) High Technology in Agriculture --> High Technol Agric High Technology Law Journal --> High Technol Law J High Temperature --> High Temp High Temperature and Materials Science --> High Temp Mater Sci High Temperature Material Processes --> High Temp Mater Process High Temperature Science --> High Temp Sci High Temperatures. High Pressures --> High Temp High Press Higher Education --> High Educ Higher Education in Europe --> High Educ Eur Higher Education Policy --> High Educ Policy Higher Education Quarterly --> High Educ Q Higher Education Research & Development --> High Educ Res Dev High Performance Polymers --> High Perform Polym Highways --> Highways Highway Research Record --> Highw Res Rec Highways and Public Works --> Highw Public Works Highways and Transportation --> Highw Transp Higiene --> Higiene Higiene y Salubridad --> Hig Salubridad "Higijena; Casopis za Higijenu, Mikrobiologiju, Epidemiologiju i Sanitarnu Tehniku" --> Hig Cas Hig Mikrobiol Epidemiol Sanit Teh Hilgardia --> Hilgardia Himalayan Geology --> Himal Geol Hindsight (Saint Louis, Mo.) --> Hindsight Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin --> Hindustan Antibiot Bull Hinyokika Kiyo. Acta Urologica Japonica --> Hinyokika Kiyo Hip International --> Hip Int Hippocampus --> Hippocampus Hippocrates --> Hippocrates Hippocrates (Sausalito, Calif.) --> Hippocrates (Sausalito) Hippokrates --> Hippokrates Hippokrates (Helsinki, Finland) --> Hippokrates (Helsinki) Hiroshima Daigaku Gembaku Ho-shano- Igaku Kenkyu-jo Nempo --> Hiroshima Daigaku Gembaku Ho-shano- Igaku Kenkyu-jo Nempo Hiroshima Daigaku Seibutsu Seisan Gakubu Kiyo --> J Fac Appl Biol Sci Hiroshima Univ Hiroshima Daigaku Shigaku Zasshi --> Hiroshima Daigaku Shigaku Zasshi Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences --> Hiroshima J Med Sci Hispalis Medica --> Hisp Med Hispania --> Hispania Hispania (Madrid) --> Hispania Hispania Sacra --> Hisp Sacra "Hispanic Health Care International ; the Official Journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses" --> Hisp Health Care Int Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences --> Hisp J Behav Sci Hispanic Research Journal --> Hisp Res J Hispanic Times Magazine --> Hispanic Times Mag Histochemie. Histochemistry. Histochimie --> Histochemie Histochemistry --> Histochemistry Histochemistry and Cell Biology --> Histochem Cell Biol Histoire & Mesure (Paris) --> Hist Mesure (Paris) Histoire (Paris) --> Histoire (Paris) Histoire de L'art des Régions de France --> Hist L'art Regions Fr Histoire des Accidents du Travail --> Hist Accid Trav Histoire des Sciences Medicales --> Hist Sci Med Histoire et Nature --> Hist Nat Histoire Magazine --> Hist Mag Histoire Sociale --> Histoire Soc Histoire, Economie et Société --> Hist Econ Soc Histology and Histopathology --> Histol Histopathol Histopathology --> Histopathology Historama --> Historama Historia, antropología y fuentes orales --> Hist Antropol Fuentes Orales Historia (Argentina) --> Historia Historia (Wiesbaden, Germany) --> Historia Historia Critica --> Hist Critica Historia Hospitalium --> Hist Hosp Historia Mathematica --> Hist Math Historia Medicinae Veterinariae --> Hist Med Vet Historia Mexicana --> Hist Mex Historia Nauk Biologicznych i Medycznych --> Hist Nauk Biol Med Historia Scientiarum --> Hist Sci (Tokyo) Historia y Cultura --> Hist Cult Historia y fuente oral --> Hist Fuente Oral Historia y Sociedad (Rio Piedras, San Juan, P.R.) --> Hist Soc Historia y Vida --> Hist Vida Historia, Ciencias, Saude--Manguinhos --> Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos Historiallinen Aikakauskirja --> Hist Aikak Historiallinen Arkisto. Suomen Historiallinen Seura --> Hist Ark Historian (London, England) --> Historian Historic Preservation (Washington, D.C.) --> Hist Preserv Historical Archaeology --> Hist Archaeol Historical Biology --> Hist Biol Historical Journal (Cambridge, England) --> Hist J Historical Journal of Massachusetts --> Hist J Mass Historical Journal of Western Massachusetts --> Hist J West Mass Historical Journal: Auckland-Waikato --> Hist J Auckl Waikato Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church --> Hist Mag Protestant Episcop Church Historical Metallurgy --> Hist Metall Historical Methods --> Hist Methods Historical New Hampshire --> Hist N H Historical News --> Hist News Historical Papers of the Canadian Historical Association --> Hist Pap Can Hist Assoc Historical Records of Australian Science --> Hist Rec Aust Sci Historical Reflections. Reflexions Historiques --> Hist Reflect Historical Research --> Hist Res Historical Social Research (Köln) --> Hist Soc Res (Koln) Historical Studies (Melbourne, Vic.) --> Hist Stud Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences --> Hist Stud Phys Biol Sci Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences --> Hist Stud Phys Sci Historická Demografie --> Hist Demogr Historicky Casopis --> Hist Casopis Historie (Arhus, Denmark) --> Historie (Arhus) Historielararnas Forenings Arsskrift --> Historiel Foren Arsskr Historijski Zbornik --> Hist Zb Historisch-Demographische Mitteilungen. Communication de Demographie Historique --> Hist Demogr Mitt Historische Sozialforschung --> Hist Soz Forsch Historische Zeitschrift --> Hist Z Historisches Jahrbuch --> Hist Jahrb Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz --> Hist Jahrb Stadt Linz Historisk Tidskrift (Stockholm, Sweden) --> Hist Tidskr Historisk Tidskrift for Finland --> Hist Tidskr Finl Historisk Tidsskrift --> Hist Tidsskr Historiska Och Litteraturhistoriska Studier --> Hist Litteraturhist Stud History & Computing --> Hist Comput History & Memory --> Hist Mem History (Historical Association (Great Britain)) --> History (Lond) History and Anthropology --> Hist Anthropol History and Philosophy of Logic --> Hist Philos Log History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences --> Hist Philos Life Sci History and Technology --> Hist Technol History and Theory --> Hist Theory History in Africa --> Hist Afr History of Agriculture --> Hist Agric History of Anthropology --> Hist Anthropol History of Childhood Quarterly --> Hist Child Q History of Education --> Hist Educ History of Education Quarterly --> Hist Educ Q History of Education Review --> Hist Educ Rev History of European Ideas --> Hist Eur Ideas History of Geophysics --> Hist Geophys History of Medicine --> Hist Med History of Neuroscience --> Hist Neurosci History of Nursing Bulletin --> Hist Nurs Bull History of Nursing Society Journal --> Hist Nurs Soc J History of Photography --> Hist Photogr History of Political Economy --> Hist Polit Econ History of Political Thought --> Hist Polit Thought History of Psychiatry --> Hist Psychiatry History of Psychology --> Hist Psychol History of Religions --> Hist Relig History of Science --> Hist Sci History of the Human Sciences --> Hist Human Sci History Today --> Hist Today History Workshop --> Hist Workshop History Workshop Journal --> Hist Workshop J Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics --> Hitotsubashi J Econ Hitotsubashi Journal of Law & Politics --> Hitotsubashi J Law Polit HIV Capsule Report --> HIV Capsule Rep HIV Clinical Trials --> HIV Clin Trials HIV Clinician --> HIV Clin HIV Hotline --> HIV Hotline HIV Inside --> HIV Inside HIV Medicine --> HIV Med HIV Prevention Plus! --> HIV Prev Plus HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review --> HIV AIDS Policy Law Rev HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report --> HIV AIDS Surveill Rep Hjerteforum --> Hjerteforum HMO --> HMO HMO Practice --> HMO Pract HNO --> HNO Ho. Kyushu Byogaichu Kenkyukai --> Ho Kyushu Byogaichu Kenkyukai Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektroakustik --> Hochfrequenztech Elektroakust Hofstra Law Review --> Hofstra Law Rev Hoitotiede --> Hoitotiede Hoja Tisiologica --> Hoja Tisiol Hokkaido Mathematical Journal --> Hokkaido Math J Hokkaido Shika Ishikai Shi --> Hokkaido Shika Ishikai Shi Holarctic Ecology --> Holarct Ecol Holarctic Lepidoptera --> Hol Lepid Holdsworth Law Review --> Holdsworth Law Rev Holistic Assertive Nurse --> Holist Assertive Nurse Holistic Nursing Practice --> Holist Nurs Pract Holocaust and Genocide Studies --> Holocaust Genocide Stud Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff --> Holz Roh- Werkst Holzforschung --> Holzforschung Home Care Economics --> Home Care Econ Home Care Manager --> Home Care Manag Home Care Provider --> Home Care Provid Home Health Care Management & Practice --> Home Health Care Manage Pract Home Health Care Services Quarterly --> Home Health Care Serv Q Home Health Journal --> Home Health J Home Health Review --> Home Health Rev Home Healthcare Nurse --> Home Healthc Nurse Home Healthcare Nurse Manager --> Home Healthc Nurse Manag Home Studies --> Home Stud Homemaker's Magazine --> Homemak Mag Homeopathy --> Homeopathy Homeostasis in Health and Disease --> Homeost Health Dis Homicide Studies --> Homicide Stud Hommes & Migrations --> Hommes Migr Hommes et Terres du Nord --> Hommes Terres Nord Homo --> Homo Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry --> Hong Kong J Psychiatry Hong Kong Law Journal --> Hong Kong Law J Hong Kong Medical Journal --> Hong Kong Med J Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics --> Hong Kong Mon Dig Stat Honvedorvos --> Honvedorvos Honyurui Kagaku --> Honyurui Kagaku Hoppea --> Hoppea Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie --> Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem Horizon --> Horizon Horizons in Biochemistry and Biophysics --> Horiz Biochem Biophys Horizons Medicaux --> Horiz Med Horizontes --> Horizontes Hormigón y Acero --> Hormig Acero Hormone and Metabolic Research. Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung. Hormones et Metabolisme --> Horm Metab Res Hormone and Metabolic Research. Supplement Series --> Horm Metab Res Suppl Hormone Research --> Horm Res Hormones --> Hormones Hormones (Athens, Greece) --> Hormones (Athens) Hormones and Behavior --> Horm Behav Horticultural Reviews --> Hortic Rev (Am Soc Hortic Sci) HortScience --> HortScience HortTechnology --> Horttechnology Horumon To Rinsho --> Horumon To Rinsho Hospital --> Hospital (Rio J) Hospital & Community Psychiatry --> Hosp Community Psychiatry Hospital & Health Services Administration --> Hosp Health Serv Adm Hospital Administration --> Hosp Adm (Chic) Hospital Administration --> Hosp Adm (New Delhi) Hospital Administration Currents --> Hosp Admin Curr Hospital Administration in Canada --> Hosp Adm Can Hospital Admitting Monthly --> Hosp Admitting Mon Hospital and Health Care Compensation Report --> Hosp Health Care Compens Rep Hospital and Health Care Management Compensation Report --> Hosp Health Care Manage Compensation Rep Hospital and Health Services Review --> Hosp Health Serv Rev Hospital Aviation --> Hosp Aviat Hospital Bond Review --> Hosp Bond Rev Hospital Capital Finance American Hospital Association, Division of Hospital Planning and Capital Finance --> Hosp Cap Finance Hospital Case Management --> Hosp Case Manag Hospital Cost Management and Accounting --> Hosp Cost Manag Account Hospital Development --> Hosp Dev Hospital Employee Health --> Hosp Employee Health Hospital Engineering --> Hosp Eng Hospital Engineering --> Hosp Eng Hospital Engineering & Facilities Management --> Hosp Eng Facil Manage Hospital Engineering (Chicago) --> Hosp Eng (Chic) Hospital Engineering Connection --> Hosp Eng Connect Hospital Entrepreneurs' Newsletter --> Hosp Entrep Newsl Hospital Equipment & Supplies --> Hosp Equip Supplies Hospital Ethics --> Hosp Ethics Hospital Financial Management --> Hosp Financ Manage Hospital Food & Nutrition Focus --> Hosp Food Nutr Focus Hospital Formulary --> Hosp Formul Hospital Forum --> Hosp Forum Hospital General --> Hosp Gen (Madr) Hospital Gift Shop Management --> Hosp Gift Shop Manage Hospital Guest Relations Report --> Hosp Guest Relations Rep Hospital Hazardous Materials Management --> Hosp Hazard Mater Manage Hospital Infection Control --> Hosp Infect Control Hospital Integrated Care Report --> Hosp Integr Care Rep Hospital Law Newsletter --> Hosp Law Newsl Hospital Libraries --> Hosp Libr Hospital Managed Care Strategies --> Hosp Manag Care Strateg Hospital Management --> Hosp Manage Hospital Management Communications --> Hosp Manage Commun Hospital Management Quarterly --> Hosp Manage Q Hospital Materials Management --> Hosp Mater Manage Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly --> Hosp Mater Manage Q Hospital Medicine (London, England) --> Hosp Med Hospital Outlook --> Hosp Outlook Hospital Patient Relations Report --> Hosp Patient Relat Rep Hospital Peer Review --> Hosp Peer Rev Hospital Pharmacy --> Hosp Pharm Hospital Physician --> Hosp Physician Hospital Practice --> Hosp Pract Hospital Practice (Family Practice Ed.) --> Hosp Pract (Fam Pract Ed) Hospital Practice (Hospital Ed.) --> Hosp Pract (Hosp Ed) Hospital Practice (Office Ed.) --> Hosp Pract (Off Ed) Hospital Progress --> Hosp Prog Hospital Purchasing Management --> Hosp Purch Manage Hospital Quarterly --> Hosp Q Hospital Record Study --> Hosp Rec Study Hospital Revenue Report --> Hosp Revenue Rep Hospital Risk Management --> Hosp Risk Manage Hospital Security and Safety Management --> Hosp Secur Saf Manage Hospital Strategy Report --> Hosp Strategy Rep Hospital Supervision --> Hosp Superv Hospital Supervisor's Bulletin --> Hosp Superv Bull Hospital Technology Series --> Hosp Technol Ser Hospital Topics --> Hosp Top Hospital Tribune --> Hosp Trib Hospital Trustee --> Hosp Trustee "Hospitalis; Fachblatt fur Schweizerische Heime und Anstalten" --> Hospitalis Hospitals --> Hospitals Hospitals & Health Networks --> Hosp Health Netw Hospitals & Health Services Yearbook and Directory of Hospitals Suppliers --> Hosp Health Serv Yearb Dir Hosp Suppliers Hospitals & Health Services Yearbook, Australia --> Hosp Health Serv Yearb, Aust Hospitals (Rockville) --> Hosp (Rockv) Hospitals Yearbook --> Hosp Yearb Hospitals' Association Journal --> Hosp' Assoc J Hospitals, Homes and Related Facilities --> Hosp Homes Relat Facil Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Related Health Facilities --> Hosp, Nurs Homes Relat Health Facil Hotetsu Rinsho. Practice in Prosthodontics --> Hotetsu Rinsho Houille Blanche --> Houille Blanche Household Words --> Househ Words Housing Studies --> Housing Stud Houston District Dental Society. Journal --> Houst Dist Dent Soc J Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy --> Houst J Health Law Policy Houston Journal of International Law --> Houst J Int Law Houston Law Review --> Houst Law Rev Houston Lawyer --> Houst Lawyer How To: Evaluate Health Programs --> How Eval Health Programs Howard Journal --> Howard J Howard Journal of Criminal Justice --> Howard J Crim Justice Howard Journal of Penology & Crime Prevention --> Howard J Penol Crime Prev Howard Law Journal --> Howard Law J HPB --> HPB HPB Surgery --> HPB Surg Hpn. Hospital Purchasing News --> HPN Hosp Purch News HR Monthly --> HR Mon HRC & CC. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography & Chromatography Communications --> HRC CC J High Resolut Chromatogr Chromatogr Commun HRFocus --> HRFocus HRMagazine --> HRMAGAZINE HRSA Careaction --> HRSA Careaction Hrvatska Revija za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja --> Hrvatska Revija Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja Hrvatska Vodoprivreda --> Hrvat Vodoprivr Hrvatske Vode --> Hrvat Vode HSMHA Health Reports --> HSMHA Health Rep HSS Journal --> HSS J HSTC Bulletin --> Hstc Bull HTA Newsletter --> HTA Newsl Hu Li Yan Jiu --> Hu Li Yan Jiu Hu Li Za Zhi --> Hu Li Za Zhi Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi --> Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi Hua Xue Xue Bao. Acta Chimica Sinica --> Huaxue Xuebao Hua Zhong Shi Fan da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban --> Huazhong Shifan Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban Hua-Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao --> Hua Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao Huan Jing Ke Xue --> Huan Jing Ke Xue Huan Jing Yu Jian Kang Za Zhi --> Huan Jing Yu Jian Kang Za Zhi Huanjing Wuran Zhili Jishu Yu Shebei --> Huanjing Wuran Zhili Jishu Yu Shebei Huisarts en Wetenschap --> Huisarts Wet Human Affairs --> Hum Aff Human and Ecological Risk Assessment --> Hum Ecol Risk Assess Human and Experimental Toxicology --> Hum Exp Toxicol Human Antibodies --> Hum Antibodies Human Antibodies and Hybridomas --> Hum Antibodies Hybridomas Human Behavior --> Hum Behav Human Biology --> Hum Biol Human Biology in Oceania --> Hum Biol Oceania Human Brain Mapping --> Hum Brain Mapp Human Cell --> Hum Cell Human Communication Research --> Hum Commun Res Human Development --> Hum Dev Human Dimensions of Wildlife --> Hum Dimens Wildl Human Ecology --> Hum Ecol Human Ecology Review --> Hum Ecol Rev Human Ecology: an Interdisciplinary Journal --> Hum Ecol Interdiscip J Human Events --> Hum Events Human Evolution --> Hum Evol Human Factors --> Hum Factors Human Factors and Aerospace Safety --> Hum Factors Aerosp Saf Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing --> Hum Factors Ergon Manuf Human Fertility --> Hum Fertil Human Fertility (Cambridge, England) --> Hum Fertil (Camb) Human Gene Therapy --> Hum Gene Ther Human Genetics --> Hum Genet Human Genetics. Supplement --> Hum Genet Suppl Human Genome News --> Hum Genome News Human Genomics --> Hum Genomics Human Genomics and Proteomics --> Hum Genomics Proteomics Human Heredity --> Hum Hered Human Immunology --> Hum Immunol Human Molecular Genetics --> Hum Mol Genet Human Mosaic --> Hum Mosaic Human Movement Science --> Hum Mov Sci Human Mutation --> Hum Mutat Human Nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.) --> Hum Nat Human Neurobiology --> Hum Neurobiol Human Nutrition. Applied Nutrition --> Hum Nutr Appl Nutr Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition --> Hum Nutr Clin Nutr Human Organization --> Hum Organ Human Pathology --> Hum Pathol Human Performance --> Hum Perform Human Performance in Extreme Environments --> Hum Perf Extrem Environ Human Physiology --> Hum Physiol Human Psychopharmacology --> Hum Psychopharmacol Human Relations --> Hum Relat Human Reproduction (Oxford, England) --> Hum Reprod Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics --> Hum Reprod Genet Ethics Human Reproduction Update --> Hum Reprod Update Human Research Report --> Hum Res Rep Human Resource Development International --> Hum Resour Dev Int Human Resource Development Quarterly --> Hum Resour Dev Q Human Resource Development Review --> Hum Resour Dev Rev Human Resource Management --> Hum Resour Manage Human Resource Management International Digest --> Hum Resour Manage Int Dig Human Resource Management Journal --> Hum Resour Manage J Human Resource Management Review --> Hum Resour Manage Rev Human Resources for Health --> Hum Resour Health Human Rights (Chicago, Ill.) --> Human Rights Human Rights Case Digest --> Hum Rights Case Dig Human Rights Law Journal --> Hum Rights Law J Human Rights Quarterly --> Hum Rights Q Human Rights Review (Piscataway, N.J.) --> Hum Rights Rev (Piscataway, NJ) Human Rights Watch/Americas --> Hum Rights Watch/Am Human Studies --> Hum Stud Human Technology --> Hum Technol Human Toxicology --> Hum Toxicol Human Vaccines --> Hum Vaccin Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics --> Hum Vaccin Immunother Human-Computer Interaction --> Hum Comput Interact Humane Health Care International --> Hum Health Care Int Humane Medicine --> Humane Med Humangenetik --> Humangenetik Humanismus und Technik Jahrbuch --> Humanismus Tech Humanitas --> Humanitas Humanitas --> Humanitas (Monterey NL) Humanities Collections --> Humanit Collect Humanities Report --> Humanit Rep Humanity & Society --> Humanity Soc Humanomics --> Humanomics Humboldt Journal of Social Relations --> Humboldt J Soc Relat Humor: International Journal of Humor Research --> Humor Hu-Nan I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao: Bulletin of Hunan Medical University --> Hunan I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao Hungarian Studies Review --> Hung Stud Rev Hungarica Acta Physiologica --> Hung Acta Physiol Huntia --> Huntia Hvalradets Skrifter --> Hvalrad Skr Hybridoma --> Hybridoma Hybridoma --> Hybridoma (Larchmt) Hybridoma and Hybridomics --> Hybrid Hybridomics Hydrobiologia --> Hydrobiologia Hydrobiological Journal --> Hydrobiol J Hydrogeology Journal --> Hydrogeol J Hydrological Bulletin --> Hydrobiol Bull Hydrological Processes --> Hydrol Processes Hydrological Sciences Bulletin --> Hydrol Sci Bull Hydrological Sciences Journal --> Hydrol Sci J Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung --> Hydrol Wasserbewirtsch Hydrology and Earth System Sciences --> Hydrol Earth Syst Sci Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions --> Hydrol Earth Syst Sci Discuss Hydrology Annual --> Hydrol Annu Hydrology Journal --> Hydrol J Hydrometallurgy --> Hydrometallurgy Hydrotherapie-Physiotherapie --> Hydrotherapie-Physiotherapie "Hygeia; Revista Brasileira de Geografia Médica e da Saúde" --> "Hygeia; Rev Bras Geogr Med Saude" Hygie --> Hygie Hygienisk Revy --> Hyg Revy Hyle --> Hyle Hypatia --> Hypatia Hyperfine Interactions --> Hyperfine Interact Hypertension --> Hypertension Hypertension in Pregnancy --> Hypertens Pregnancy Hypertension Research --> Hypertens Res Hypnose (Wilhelmsthal) --> Hypnose (Wilhelmsthal) Hypnose und Kognition --> Hypn Kognit Hypotenuse --> Hypotenuse I Chuan Hsueh Pao. Acta Genetica Sinica --> I Chuan Hsueh Pao I Perspektiv --> I Perspektiv I.D.A.A. Communique --> IDAA Commun --> "# Commented out for now because of a conflict with ""Perception"" journal (see Bug 2211)" --> #i-Perception --> i-Perception --> I.R.E. Transactions on Automatic Control --> IRE Trans Automat Contr I.R.E. Transactions on Information Theory --> IRE Trans Inf Theory I.R.E. Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques --> IRE Trans Microwave Theor Tech I.R.E. Transactions on Nuclear Science --> IRE Trans Nucl Sci I.R.E. Transactions on Reliability and Quality Control --> IRE Trans Reliab Qual Control IADS Newsletter --> IADS Newsl IAHS Special Publication --> IAHS Spec Publ IAHS-AISH Publication --> IAHS AISH Publ IAL News --> IAL News IAPAC Monthly --> IAPAC Mon IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention --> IARC Handb Cancer Prev IARC Internal Technical Report --> IARC Intern Tec Rep IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man --> IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risk Chem Man IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans --> IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Supplement --> IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum Suppl IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans --> IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risk Chem Hum IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans. Supplement --> IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risk Chem Hum Suppl IARC Newsletter --> IARC Newsl IARC Publications --> IARC Publ IARC Scientific Publications --> IARC Sci Publ IARC Technical Report --> IARC Tech Rep IARC Working Group Reports --> IARC Work Group Rep IASSIST Quarterly --> IASSIST Q Iatrike- Kupros --> Iatr Kupros IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology --> IAVCEI Proc Volcanol "IAVI Report ; Newsletter on International AIDS Vaccine Research" --> IAVI Rep IAWA Journal --> IAWA J IAWQ Yearbook --> IAWQ Yearb IBM Journal of Research and Development --> IBM J Res Develop IBM Systems Journal --> IBM Syst J Ibsen Studies --> Ibsen Stud IBS-Materialien --> IBS Materi ICAO Journal --> ICAO J Icarus --> Icarus ICCW Journal --> ICCW J ICCW News Bulletin --> ICCW News Bull Icd Scientific and Educational Journal --> ICD Sci Educ J ICDP (Ed. Española) --> ICDP (Ed Esp) ICEA News --> Icea News ICES Cooperative Research Report --> ICES Coop Res Rep ICES Journal of Marine Science --> ICES J Mar Sci ICES Marine Science Symposia --> ICES Mar Sci Symp ICES Oceanographic Data Lists and Inventories --> ICES Oceanogr Data Lists Inventories Ichnos --> Ichnos Ichthylogcal Research --> Ichthyol Res Ichthyological Bulletin --> Ichthyol Bull Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters --> Ichthyol Explor Freshwat Ichthyos --> Ichthyos ICLARM Studies and Reviews --> ICLARM Stud Rev ICLARM Technical Reports --> ICLARM Tech Rep ICMR Bulletin --> Icmr Bull íconos (Quito) --> Iconos (Quito) ICPD 94 --> ICPD 94 ICRDB Cancergram. Nuclear Medicine in Cancer Diagnosis and Management --> ICRDB Cancergram Nucl Med Cancer Diagn Manage ICRDB Cancergram. Virus Studies in Humans and Other Primates --> ICRDB Cancergram Virus Stud Hum Other Primates ICRS Journal of International Research Communications --> ICRS J Int Res Commun ICSSR Newsletter. Indian Council of Social Science Research --> ICSSR Newsl ICSU Review --> ICSU Rev ICSU Review of World Science --> ICSU Rev World Sci "Idaho Code ; Containing the General Laws of Idaho Annotated, Compiled Under the Supervision of the Idaho Code Commission. Idaho" --> Ida Code Ida Idaho Law Review --> Ida Law Rev IDEA the Journal of Law and Technology --> IDEA J Law Technol Ideas & Production --> Ideas Prod Ideggyogyaszati Szemle --> Ideggyogy Sz Identities (Yverdon) --> Identities (Yverdon) Identity --> Identity Ideology & Consciousness --> Ideol Conscious IDIA. Suplemento --> Idia Supl IDO [Reports]. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission --> IDO Rep IDrugs --> IDrugs IDS Bulletin --> IDS Bull IEE Conference Publication --> IEE Conf Publ IEE Proceedings. A, Science, Measurement and Technology --> IEE Proc, A Sci Meas Technol IEE Proceedings. Circuits, Devices and Systems --> IEE Proc, Circ Devices Syst IEE Proceedings. Communications --> IEE Proc Commun IEE Proceedings. Computers and Digital Techniques --> IEE Proc Comput Digit Tech IEE Proceedings. Control Theory and Applications --> IEE Proc Contr Theory Appl IEE Proceedings. Electric Power Applications --> IEE Proc, Electr Power Appl IEE Proceedings. Generation, Transmission and Distribution --> IEE Proc, Gener Transm Distrib IEE Proceedings. Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation --> IEE Proc, Microw Antennas Propag IEE Proceedings. Nanobiotechnology --> IEE Proc, Nanobiotechnol IEE Proceedings. Optoelectronics --> IEE Proc, Optoelectron IEE Proceedings. Part A. Physical Science, Measurements and Instrumentation, Management and Education, Reviews --> IEE proc, A Phys Sci, Meas Instrum, Manag Educ, Rev IEE Proceedings. Part B. Electric Power Applications --> IEE Proc B IEE Proceedings. Part C. Generation, Transmission and Distribution --> IEE Proc C IEE Proceedings. Part D. Control Theory and Applications --> IEE Proc Part D IEE Proceedings. Part E. Computers and Digital Techniques --> IEE Proc E IEE Proceedings. Part F. Communications, Radar and Signal Processing --> IEE Proc F IEE Proceedings. Part F. Radar and Signal Processing --> IEE Proc, F, Radar Signal Process IEE Proceedings. Part G. Circuits, Devices and Systems --> IEE Proc, G, Circuits Devices Syst IEE Proceedings. Part G. Electronic Circuits and Systems --> IEE Proc G IEE Proceedings. Part H, Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation --> IEE Proc, H Microw Antennas Propag IEE Proceedings. Part H. Microwaves, Optics and Antennas --> IEE Proc, H Microw Opt Antennas IEE Proceedings. Part I. Communications, Speech and Vision --> IEE Proc, I, Commun Speech Vis IEE Proceedings. Part I. Solid-state and Electron Devices --> IEE Proc I IEE Proceedings. Part J, Optoelectronics --> IEE Proc, J Optoelectron IEE Proceedings. Radar, Sonar and Navigation --> IEE Proc, Radar Sonar Navig IEE Proceedings. Science Measurement and Technology --> IEE Proc Sci Meas Technol IEE Proceedings. Software --> IEE Proc Softw IEE Proceedings. Software Engineering --> IEE Proc Softw Eng IEE Proceedings. Vision Image and Signal Processing --> IEE Proc Vis Image Signal Process IEE Review --> IEE Rev IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine --> IEEE Aerosp Electron Syst Mag IEEE Annals of the History of Computing --> IEEE Ann Hist Comput IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters --> IEEE Antennas Wirel Propag Lett IEEE ASSP Magazine --> IEEE ASSP Mag IEEE Communications Letters --> IEEE Commun Lett IEEE Communications Magazine --> IEEE Commun Mag IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials --> IEEE Comm Surv and Tutor IEEE Computational Science & Engineering --> IEEE Comput Sci Eng IEEE Computer Applications in Power --> IEEE Comput Appl Power IEEE Computer Architecture Letters --> IEEE Comput Archit Lett IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications --> IEEE Comput Graph Appl IEEE Concurrency --> IEEE Concurr IEEE Control Systems Magazine --> IEEE Contr Syst Mag IEEE Design & Test of Computers --> IEEE Des Test Comput IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Newsletter --> IEEE Electromagn Compatibility Soc Newsl IEEE Electron Device Letters --> IEEE Electron Device Lett IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine --> IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag IEEE Engineering Management Review --> IEEE Eng Manage Rev IEEE Expert --> IEEE Expert IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters --> IEEE Geosci Remote Sens Lett IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Newsletter --> IEEE Geosci Remote Sens Soc Newsl IEEE Industry Applications Magazine --> IEEE Ind Appl Mag IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine --> IEEE Instrum Meas Mag IEEE Intelligent Systems --> IEEE Intell Syst IEEE Intelligent Systems & their Applications --> IEEE Intell Syst Their Appl IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium --> IEEE Int Ultrason Symp IEEE Internet Computing --> IEEE Internet Comput IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering --> IEEE J Oceanic Eng IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics --> IEEE J Quantum Electron IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits --> IEEE J Solid-State Circuits IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation --> IEEE J Robot Autom IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications --> IEEE J Sel Areas Comm IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics --> IEEE J Sel Top Quantum Electron IEEE LCS --> IEEE LCS IEEE LTS --> IEEE LTS IEEE Micro --> IEEE Micro IEEE Microwave Magazine --> IEEE Microw Mag IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters --> IEEE Microw Wirel Compon Lett IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium --> IEEE MTT-S Int Microw Symp Dig IEEE MultiMedia --> IEEE Multimed IEEE Network --> IEEE Netw IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology Systems & Applications --> IEEE Parallel Distrib Technol Syst Appl IEEE Pervasive Computing / IEEE Computer Society [and] IEEE Communications Society --> IEEE Pervasive Comput IEEE Photonics Technology Letters --> IEEE Photon Technol Lett IEEE Potentials --> IEEE Potentials IEEE Power Electronics Letters --> IEEE Power Electron Lett IEEE Power Engineering Review --> IEEE Power Eng Rev IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine --> IEEE Robot Autom Mag IEEE Security and Privacy --> IEEE Secur Priv IEEE Sensors Journal --> IEEE Sens J IEEE Signal Processing Letters --> IEEE Signal Process Lett IEEE Signal Processing Magazine --> IEEE Signal Process Mag IEEE Software --> IEEE Softw IEEE Spectrum --> IEEE Spectr IEEE Technology and Society Magazine --> IEEE Technol Soc Mag IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing --> IEEE Trans Acoust Speech Signal Process IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging --> IEEE Trans Adv Packag IEEE Transactions on Aerospace --> IEEE Trans Aerosp IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems --> IEEE Trans Aerosp Electron Syst IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics --> IEEE Trans Aerosp Navig Electron IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation --> IEEE Trans Antenn Propag IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity --> IEEE Trans Appl Supercond IEEE Transactions on Audio --> IEEE Trans Audio IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics --> IEEE Trans Audio Electroacoust IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control --> IEEE Trans Automat Contr IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering --> IEEE Trans Autom Sci Eng IEEE Transactions on Bio-medical Electronics --> IEEE Trans Bio-med Electron IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering --> IEEE Trans Biomed Eng IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting --> IEEE Trans Broadcast IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory --> IEEE Trans Circuit Theory IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems --> IEEE Trans Circ Syst IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology --> IEEE Trans Circ Syst Video Tech IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2, Analog and Digital Signal Processing --> IEEE Trans Circuits Syst, 2 Analog Digit Signal Process IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. I, Fundamental Theory and Applications --> IEEE Trans Circ Syst I Fundam Theory Appl IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. I, Regular Papers --> IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I Regul Pap IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Wystems. II, Express Briefs --> IEEE Trans Circuits Syst, II Express Briefs IEEE Transactions on Communication Technology --> IEEE Trans Commun Technol IEEE Transactions on Communications --> IEEE Trans Commun IEEE Transactions on Communications Systems --> IEEE Trans Commun Syst IEEE Transactions on Component Parts --> IEEE Trans Compon Parts IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies --> IEEE Trans Compon Packag Tech IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Part A --> IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf Tech IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing --> IEEE Trans Compon Hybrids Manuf IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing --> IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Part C --> IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manuf Tech C IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems --> IEEE Trans Comput Aided Des Integrated Circ Syst IEEE Transactions on Computers --> IEEE Trans Comput IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics --> IEEE Trans Consum Electron IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology --> IEEE Trans Contr Syst Technol IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing --> IEEE Trans Depend Secure Comput IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability --> IEEE Trans Device Mater Reliab IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation --> IEEE Trans Dielectr Electr Insul IEEE Transactions on Education --> IEEE Trans Educ IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation --> IEEE Trans Electr Insul IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility --> IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices --> IEEE Trans Electron Dev IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers --> IEEE Trans Electron Comput IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing --> IEEE Trans Electron Packag Manuf IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion --> IEEE Trans Energ Convers IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management --> IEEE Trans Eng Manage IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation --> IEEE Trans Evol Comput IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems --> IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing --> IEEE Trans Geosci Rem Sens IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Electronics --> IEEE Trans Geosci Electron IEEE Transactions on Image Processing --> IEEE Trans Image Process IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics --> IEEE Trans Ind Electron IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications --> IEEE Trans Ind Appl IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine --> IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed IEEE Transactions on Information Theory --> IEEE Trans Inf Theory IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement --> IEEE Trans Instrum Meas IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems --> IEEE Trans Intell Transp Syst IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering --> IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng IEEE Transactions on Magnetics --> IEEE Trans Magn IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems --> IEEE Trans Man Mach Syst IEEE Transactions on Manufacturing Technology --> IEEE Trans Manuf Tech IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging --> IEEE Trans Med Imaging IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques --> IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech IEEE Transactions on Military Electronics --> IEEE Trans Mil Electron IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing --> IEEE Trans Mobile Comput IEEE Transactions on Multimedia --> IEEE Trans Multimed IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience --> IEEE Trans Nanobioscience IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology --> IEEE Trans NanoTechnol IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks --> IEEE Trans Neural Netw IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering --> IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science --> IEEE Trans Nucl Sci IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems --> IEEE Trans Parallel Distrib Syst IEEE Transactions on Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging --> IEEE Trans Parts Hybrids Packag IEEE Transactions on Parts, Materials and Packaging --> IEEE Trans Parts Mater Packag IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence --> IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science --> IEEE Trans Plasma Sci IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems --> IEEE Trans Power Apparatus Syst IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery --> IEEE Trans Power Deliv IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics --> IEEE Trans Power Electron IEEE Transactions on Power Systems --> IEEE Trans Power Syst IEEE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production --> IEEE Trans Prod Eng Prod IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication --> IEEE Trans Prof Commun IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering --> IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng IEEE Transactions on Reliability --> IEEE Trans Reliab IEEE Transactions on Robotics --> IEEE Trans Robot IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation --> IEEE Trans Robot Autom IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing --> IEEE Trans Semicond Manuf IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing --> IEEE Trans Signal Process IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering --> IEEE Trans Softw Eng IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics --> IEEE Trans Sonics Ultrason IEEE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry --> IEEE Trans Space Electron Telem IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing --> IEEE Trans Speech Audio Process IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part C, Applications and Reviews --> IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern C IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics --> IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part A, Systems and Humans --> IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern A Syst Hum IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics --> IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern B Cybern IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control --> IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology --> IEEE Trans Vehicular Technol IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems --> IEEE Trans Very Large Scale Integr (VLSI) Syst IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics --> IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications --> IEEE Trans Wirel Comm IEEE Translation Journal on Magnetics in Japan --> IEEE Translat J Magn Jpn IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics --> IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinformatics IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking --> IEEE/ACM Trans Netw IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics --> IEEE/ASME Trans Mechatron IEICE Electronics Express --> IEICE Electron Express IEICE Transactions on Communications --> IEICE Trans Commun IEICE Transactions on Electronics --> IEICE Trans Electron IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Science --> IEICE Trans Fundam Electron Commun Comput Sci IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems --> IEICE Trans Inf Syst IES Journal --> IES J IET Nanobiotechnology / IET --> IET Nanobiotechnol IET Systems Biology --> IET Syst Biol IET. Zeitschrift für Elektrische Informations- und Energietechnik --> IET, Z Elektr Inf-Energtech IETE Technical Review --> IETE Tech Rev IFMBE Proceedings --> IFMBE Proc IFO-Studien --> IFO Stud Igaku Butsuri --> Igaku Butsuri Igaku Kenkyu. Acta Medica --> Igaku Kenkyu IGCC News --> IGCC News Igiena --> Igiena Igiene e Sanita Pubblica --> Ig Sanita Pubbl Ihag Nonjib --> Ihag Nonjib Iheringia. Zoologia --> Iheringia (Zool) IHRIM (Institute of Health Record Information and Management) --> IHRIM (Inst Health Rec Inf Manag) IIASA Reports --> IIASA Rep "IIC; International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law" --> IIC Int Rev Ind Prop Copyr Law IIE Transactions --> IIE Trans IIMB Management Review --> IIMB Manag Rev IIPS Newsletter --> IIPS Newsl Ikushugaku Kenkyu --> Ikushugaku Kenkyu Il Bassini --> Bassini Il Cancro --> Cancro Il Corriere dei Farmacisti --> Corr Farm Il Dermosifilografo --> Dermosifilografo (Torino) Il Diritto del Lavoro --> Dir Lav "Il Farmaco; Edizione Pratica" --> Farmaco, Prat "Il Farmaco; Edizione Scientifica" --> Farmaco, Sci Il Fegato --> Fegato Il Fracastoro --> Fracastoro Il Friuli Medico --> Friuli Med Il Giornale di Chirurgia --> G Chir Il Lattante --> Lattante Il Nuovo Cimento --> Nuovo Cim Il Nuovo Cimento della Società Italiana di Fisica. B --> Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, B Il Nuovo Cimento della Società Italiana di Fisica. B, General Physics, Relativity, Astronomy and Plasmas --> Nuovo Cim Soc Ital Fis, B Gen Phys Relativ Astron Plasmas Il Nuovo Cimento della Società Italiana di Fisica. C. Geophysics and Space Physics --> Nuovo Cimento Soc Ital Fis, C, Geophys Space Phys Il Nuovo Cimento della Società Italiana di Fisica. D, Condensed Matter, Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics, Fluids, Plasmas, Biophysics --> Nuovo Cim Soc Ital Fis, D Condens Matter At Mol Chem Phys Fluids Plasmas Biophys Il Pensiero Politico --> Pensiero Polit Il Pesce (Modena) --> Pesce (Modena) "Il Pisani ; Organo del Manicomio di Palermo" --> Pisani Il Policlinico. Sezione Chirurgica --> Policlinico [Chir] Il Policlinico. Sezione Medica --> Policlinico [Med] Il Policlinico. Sezione Pratica --> Policlinico [Prat] Il Ponte --> Ponte Il Progresso Medico --> Progr Med (Napoli) Il Sogno della Farfalla --> Sogno Farfalla Il Torace --> Torace Il Valsalva --> Valsalva Il Vaso di Pandora --> Vaso Pandora Il Veltro --> Veltro ILAR Journal --> ILAR J ILAR News --> Ilar News Iliktrunik Va Qudrat. --> Iliktrunik Va Qudrat Illimani --> Illimani Illinois Bar Journal --> Ill Bar J Illinois Classical Studies --> Ill Classic Stud Illinois Dental Journal --> Ill Dent J Illinois Medical Journal --> Ill Med J Illinois Research --> Ill Res Illinois Revised Statutes --> Ill Revis Statut Illness, Crisis & Loss --> Illn Crisis Loss Illuminating Engineering --> Illum Eng ILSA Journal of International Law --> ILSA J Int Law IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics --> IMA J Appl Math IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology --> IMA J Math Appl Med Biol IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis --> IMA J Numer Anal Image --> Image (IN) Image Analysis & Stereology --> Image Anal Stereol Image and Vision Computing --> Image Vis Comput Imagerie de la Femme --> Imag Femme "Images; Marquette University Dental Reflections" --> Images Marquette Univ Dent Reflections Image--the Journal of Nursing Scholarship --> Image J Nurs Sch Imaginaire et Inconscient --> Imaginaire Inconsc Imagination, Cognition and Personality --> Imagin Cogn Pers Imaging --> Imaging Imago Mundi --> Imago Mundi IMF Staff Papers --> IMF Staff Pap IMF Survey. International Monetary Fund --> IMF Surv IMF Working Paper --> IMF Work Pap Immigrants & Minorities --> Immigr Minor Immune Network --> Immune Netw Immunitat und Infektion --> Immun Infekt Immunity --> Immunity Immunity & Ageing --> Immun Ageing Immuno Analyse & Biologie Spécialisée --> Immunol Anal Biol Spec Immunobiology --> Immunobiology Immunobiology. Supplement --> Immunobiol Suppl Immunochemistry --> Immunochemistry Immunodeficiency --> Immunodeficiency Immunodeficiency Reviews --> Immunodefic Rev Immunogenetics --> Immunogenetics Immunohematology --> Immunohematology Immunologia Clinica e Sperimentale --> Immunol Clin Sper Immunologic Research --> Immunol Res Immunological Communications --> Immunol Commun Immunological Investigations --> Immunol Invest Immunological Journal --> Immunol J Immunological Reviews --> Immunol Rev Immunology --> Immunology Immunology & Infectious Diseases --> Immunol Infect Dis Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America --> Immunol Allergy Clin North Am Immunology and Cell Biology --> Immunol Cell Biol Immunology Letters --> Immunol Lett Immunology Series --> Immunol Ser Immunology Today --> Immunol Today Immunology. Supplement --> Immunol Suppl Immunome Research --> Immunome Res ImmunoMethods --> Immunomethods Immunopharmacology --> Immunopharmacology Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology --> Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol Immunotechnology --> Immunotechnology IMPACT of Computing in Science and Engineering --> IMPACT Comput Sci Eng Impact of Science on Society --> Impact Sci Soc Impact on HIV --> Impact HIV Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London --> Imperial Coll Sci Technol Med Univ Lond Implant Dentistry --> Implant Dent Implantodontie --> Implantodontie Implantologist --> Implantologist "Implementation Science ; IS" --> Implement Sci Implicit Religion --> Implicit Relig Important Advances in Oncology --> Important Adv Oncol Imprensa Médica --> Impr Med Imprensa Médica --> Impr Med Impressions --> Impressions (Orange) Impressions (Bron-Parilly) --> Impressions (Bron-Parilly) Impressions (Don Mills. Ed. Française) --> Impressions (Don Mills, Ed Fr) Impressions (Don Mills. English Ed.) --> Impressions (Don Mills, Engl Ed) Impressions (Humberside and Yorkshire Mathematics Council) --> Impressions (Humbers Yorks Math Counc) Impressions (Legacy) --> Impressions (Leg) Impressions (Madison, Wis.) --> Impressions (Madison Wis) Impressions (Toronto) --> Impressions (Tor) Impressions 9e --> Impressions 9e Imprimatur --> Imprimatur Imprint --> Imprint Imprint (American Historical Print Collectors Society) --> Imprint (N Y N Y) Improving Human Performance Quarterly --> Improv Hum Performance Q Improving Schools --> Improving Schools Impulse --> Impulse (Sydney) In die Skriflig --> In Skriflig In Health --> In Health In Point of Fact --> In Point Fact In Practice --> In Pract In Session (New York, N.Y.) --> In Sess (NY NY) In Silico Biology --> In Silico Biol In Situ --> In Situ In Vitro --> In Vitro In Vitro & Molecular Toxicology --> In Vitr Mol Toxicol In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology --> In Vitro Cell Dev Biol In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. Animal --> In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. Plant --> In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant In Vitro Toxicology --> In Vitro Toxicol In Vitro. Monograph --> In Vitro Monogr In Vivo (Athens, Greece) --> In Vivo In'gu Munje Nonjip --> Ingu Munje Nonjip In/Fire Ethics --> In Fire Ethics Inchiesta --> Inchiesta Inchiesta Shell --> Inchiesta Shell Indagationes Mathematicae --> Indag Math Indent --> Indent [Engl] Index Medicus for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region --> Index Med WHO East Mediterr Reg Index on Censorship --> Index Censorsh India Abroad --> India Abroad India Business Opportunities --> India Bus Oppor News India Quarterly --> India Q India Review --> India Rev Indian Archives --> Indian Arch Indian Concrete Journal --> Indian Concr J Indian Dairyman --> Indian Dairym Indian Economic Review --> Indian Econ Rev Indian Farming --> Indian Farming Indian Heart Journal --> Indian Heart J Indian Heart Journal: Teaching Series --> Indian Heart J Teach Ser Indian Journal of Agronomy --> Indian J Agron Indian Journal of American Studies --> Indian J Am Stud Indian Journal of Behaviour --> Indian J Behav Indian Journal of Biochemistry --> Indian J Biochem Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics --> Indian J Biochem Biophys Indian Journal of Biotechnology --> Indian J Biotechnol Indian Journal of Cancer --> Indian J Cancer Indian Journal of Chemistry --> Indian J Chem Indian Journal of Chemistry Sect. A --> Indian J Chem Sect A Indian Journal of Chemistry Sect. B --> Indian J Chem Sect B Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry --> Indian J Clin Biochem Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology --> Indian J Clin Psychol Indian Journal of Community Medicine --> Indian J Community Med Indian Journal of Dairy Science --> Indian J Dairy Sci Indian Journal of Dental Research --> Indian J Dent Res Indian Journal of Dermatology --> Indian J Dermatol Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology --> Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol Indian Journal of Earth Sciences --> Indian J Earth Sci Indian Journal of Ecology --> Indian J Ecol Indian Journal of Economics --> Indian J Econ Indian Journal of Environmental Health --> Indian J Environ Health Indian Journal of Experimental Biology --> Indian J Exp Biol Indian Journal of Fisheries --> Indian J Fish Indian Journal of Gastroenterology --> Indian J Gastroenterol Indian Journal of Gender Studies --> Indian J Gend Stud Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding --> Indian J Genet Plant Breed Indian Journal of Geology --> Indian J Geol Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry --> Indian J Heterocycl Chem Indian Journal of History of Science --> Indian J Hist Sci Indian Journal of Indigenous Medicines --> Indian J Indig Med Indian Journal of Industrial Relations --> Indian J Ind Relat Indian Journal of Leprosy --> Indian J Lepr Indian Journal of Malariology --> Indian J Malariol Indian Journal of Marine Sciences --> Indian J Mar Sci Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health --> Indian J Matern Child Health Indian Journal of Medical Education --> Indian J Med Educ Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology --> Indian J Med Microbiol Indian Journal of Medical Sciences --> Indian J Med Sci Indian Journal of Meteorology & Geophysics --> Indian J Meteorol Geophys Indian Journal of Meteorology, Hydrology & Geophysics --> Indian J Meteorol Hydrol Geophys Indian Journal of Microbiology --> Indian J Microbiol Indian Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology --> Indian J Mycol Plant Pathol "Indian Journal of Nematology ; Official Publication of the Nematological Society of India" --> "Indian J Nematol ; Off Publ Nematological Soc India" Indian Journal of Ophthalmology --> Indian J Ophthalmol Indian Journal of Orthopaedics --> Indian J Orthop Indian Journal of Otolaryngology --> Indian J Otolaryngol Indian Journal of Parasitology --> Indian J Parasitol Indian Journal of Pathology & Bacteriology --> Indian J Pathol Bacteriol Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology --> Indian J Pathol Microbiol Indian Journal of Pediatrics --> Indian J Pediatr Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences --> Indian J Pharm Sci Indian Journal of Pharmacology --> Indian J Pharmacol Indian Journal of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics --> Indian J Phys Anthropol Hum Genet Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology --> Indian J Physiol Pharmacol Indian Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine --> Indian J Prev Soc Med Indian Journal of Psychiatric Social Work --> Indian J Psychiatr Soc Work Indian Journal of Psychiatry --> Indian J Psychiatry Indian Journal of Psychology --> Indian J Psychol Indian Journal of Public Health --> Indian J Public Health Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics --> Indian J Quant Econ Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics --> Indian J Radio Space Phys Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases --> Indian J Sex Transm Dis Indian Journal of Social Research --> Indian J Soc Res Indian Journal of Social Science --> Indian J Soc Sci Indian Journal of the History of Medicine --> Indian J Hist Med Indian Journal of Virology --> Indian J Virol Indian Medical Gazette --> Ind Med Gaz Indian Medical Journal --> Indian Med J Indian Medical Tribune --> Indian Med Trib Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal --> Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J Indian Pediatrics --> Indian Pediatr Indian Psychological Review --> Indian Psychol Rev Indian Social Science Review --> Indian Soc Sci Rev Indian Sociological Bulletin --> Indian Sociol Bull Indiana Folklore --> Indiana Folk Indiana Folklore --> Indiana Folk Oral Hist Indiana Health Law Review / [Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis] --> Indiana Health Law Rev Indiana International & Comparative Law Review --> Indiana Int Comp Law Rev Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies --> Indiana J Glob Leg Stud Indiana Law Journal (Indianapolis, Ind.) --> Indiana Law J Indiana Law Review --> Indiana Law Rev Indiana Magazine of History --> Indiana Mag Hist Indiana Medical History Quarterly --> Indiana Med Hist Q Indiana Medicine --> Indiana Med Indiana Social Studies Quarterly --> Indiana Soc Stud Q Indiana University Mathematics Journal --> Indiana Univ Math J Indianapolis District Dental Society Bulletin --> Indianap Dist Dent Soc Bull Indianapolis District Dental Society. Journal --> Indianap Dist Dent Soc J Indicator (Minnesota Mining and Manfuacturing Company) --> Indicator Indigenous Law Bulletin --> Indigen Law Bull Individual Differences Research --> Individual Differences Res Individual Psychology --> Individ Psychol Individual Psychology News --> Individual Psychol News Indo-Iranian Journal --> Indo Iran J Indonesia --> Indonesia Indoor Air --> Indoor Air Indoor and Built Environment --> Indoor Built Environ Industrial & Engineering Chemistry --> Ind Eng Chem Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals --> Ind Eng Chem Fundam Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development --> Ind Eng Chem Process Des Dev Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development --> Ind Eng Chem Prod Res Dev Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research --> Ind Eng Chem Res Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. Analytical Edition --> Ind Eng Chem Anal Ed Industrial & Labor Relations Review --> Ind Labor Relat Rev Industrial and Corporate Change --> Ind Corp Change Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. News Edition --> Ind Eng Chem News Ed Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice --> Ind Organ Psychol Industrial Archaeology Review --> Ind Archaeol Rev Industrial Biotechnology (New Rochelle, N.Y.) --> Ind Biotechnol (New Rochelle NY) Industrial Council for Tropical Health. Industry and Tropical Health. Proceedings of the Industrial Tropical Health Conference --> Ind Counc Trop Health Ind Trop Health Proc Ind Trop Health Conf Industrial Council for Tropical Health. Newsletter --> Ind Counc Trop Health Newsl Industrial Crops and Products --> Ind Crops Prod Industrial Engineering (American Institute of Industrial Engineers) --> Ind Eng Industrial Health --> Ind Health Industrial Health Review --> Ind Health Rev Industrial Laboratory --> Ind Lab Industrial Law Journal --> Ind Law J Industrial Management & Data Systems --> Ind Manage Data Syst Industrial Management (Des Plaines) --> Ind Manage (Des Plaines) Industrial Marketing Management --> Ind Mark Manage Industrial Medicine and Surgery --> Ind Med Surg Industrial Relations --> Ind Relat Industrial Relations Journal --> Ind Relat J Industrial Research --> Ind Res Industrial Research/Development --> Ind Res/Dev Industry and Health Care --> Ind Health Care Industry and Higher Education --> Ind High Educ Industry and Innovation --> Ind Innov Industry Wage Survey, Hospitals and Nursing Homes --> Ind Wage Surv, Hosp Nurs Homes Industry Week --> Ind Week Infancia y Aprendizaje --> Infanc Aprendiz Infancy --> Infancy Infant and Child Development --> Infant Child Dev Infant Behavior and Development --> Infant Behav Dev Infant Mental Health Journal --> Infant Ment Health J Infant Observation --> Infant Obs Infants and Young Children --> Infants Young Child Infection --> Infection Infection and Immunity --> Infect Immun Infection Control --> Infect Control Infection Control & Urological Care --> Infect Control Urol Care Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology --> Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol Infection Control Canada --> Infect Control Can Infection Control Digest --> Infect Control Dig Infection Control Rounds --> Infect Control Rounds Infection Control Weekly --> Infect Control Wkly Infection, Genetics and Evolution --> Infect Genet Evol Infections in Medicine --> Infect Med Infectious Agents and Cancer --> Infect Agent Cancer Infectious Agents and Disease --> Infect Agents Dis Infectious Agents Surveillance Report (IASR) --> Infect Agents Surveill Rep IASR Infectious Disease Clinics of North America --> Infect Dis Clin North Am Infectious Diseases --> Infect Dis Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Agents --> Infect Dis Antimicrob Agents Infectious Diseases Capsule & Comment --> Infectious Dis Capsule Comment Infectious Diseases Digest (English Ed.) --> Infect Dis Dig (Engl Ed) Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice --> Infect Dis Clin Pract Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology --> Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol Infectious Diseases Journal --> Infect Dis J Infectious Diseases Newsletter --> Infect Dis Newsl Infectious Diseases Newsletter (New York, N.Y.) --> Infect Dis Newsl (NYNY) Infectious Diseases Newsletter. State News --> Infect Dis Newsl State News Infectious Disorders Drug Targets --> Infect Disord Drug Targets Infertility --> Infertility Infertility and Reproductive Medicine Clinics --> Infertil Reprod Med Clin Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics --> Infin Dimens Anal Quantum Probab Relat Top Infirmiers --> Infirmiers Inflammation --> Inflammation Inflammation & Allergy Drug Targets --> Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets Inflammation Research --> Inflamm Res Inflammatory Bowel Diseases --> Inflamm Bowel Dis Inflammopharmacology --> Inflammopharmacology Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses --> Influenza Other Respi Viruses Influenza Research and Treatment --> Influenza Res Treat Info --> Info Info Trends --> Info Trends InfoCare --> Infocare Infokara --> Infokara Inform (Silver Spring, Md.) --> Inform Informal Logic --> Informal Log Informatics for Health & Social Care --> Inform Health Soc Care Informatics in Primary Care --> Inform Prim Care Information & Communications Technology Law --> Inf Commun Technol Law Information & Management --> Inf Manage Information and Behavior --> Inf Behav Information and Computation --> Inf Comput Information and Control --> Inf Control Information and Organization --> Inf Organ Information and Software Technology --> Inf Softw Technol Information Bulletin - Department of Medicine and Surgery --> Inf Bull - Dep Med Surg Information Communication and Society --> Inf Commun Soc Information Design Journal --> Inf Des J Information Economics and Policy --> Inf Econ Policy Information Fusion --> Inf Fusion Information Management & Computer Security --> Inf Manage Comput Secur Information Management (PTN Publishing Corporation) --> Inf Manage Information Privacy --> Inf Priv Information Processing & Management --> Inf Process Manage Information Processing in Medical Imaging --> Inf Process Med Imaging Information Processing Letters --> Inf Process Lett Information Resources Management Journal --> Inf Resour Manage J Information Retrieval --> Inf Retrieval Information Sciences --> Inf Sci Information Security Technical Report --> Inf Secur Tech Rep Information Services & Use --> Inf Serv Use Information Studies --> Inf Stud Information Summary (International Clearinghouse on Adolescent Fertility) --> Inf Summ Information Systems --> Inf Syst Information Systems Education Journal --> Inf Syst Educ J Information Systems Frontiers --> Inf Syst Front Information Systems Journal --> Inf Syst J Information Systems Management --> Inf Syst Manage Information Systems Research --> Inf Syst Res Information Technology & People --> Inf Technol People Information Technology and Management --> Inf Technol Manage Information Technology, Education and Society --> Inf Technol Educ Soc Information Technology in Childhood Education Annual --> Inf Technol Child Educ Annu Information Technology Management (Hershey, Pa.) --> Inf Technol Manage Information Technology, Learning and Performance Journal --> Inf Technol Learn Perform J Informationcentre for Low External Input Agriculture Newsletter --> ILEIA Newsletter Informationen aus Orthodontie und Kieferorthopadie --> Inf Orthod Kieferorthop Informationen zur Raumentwicklung --> Inf Raumentwickl Informations de la Division Médicale, Caisse Nationale Suisse d'Assurance en Cas d'Accidents --> Inf Div Med Caiss Natl Suisse Assur Cas Accid Informationsdienst Geschichte der Technik --> Infdienst Gesch Tech Informatore Fitopatologico --> Inf Fitopatol Informatore Odonto-Stomatologico --> Inf Odontostomatol Informe Demografico (Sao Paulo (Brazil : State). Fundacao Sistema Estadual de Analise de Dados) --> Inf Demogr Informe Sobre la Salud en el Mundo --> Inf Salud Mundo Informing Science --> Inf Sci INFORMS Journal on Computing --> INFORMS J Comput Infortunistica e Traumatologia del Lavoro --> Infort Traumatol Lav Inforum (Adelaide, S. Aust.) --> Inforum Infosecurity --> Infosecurity InfoWorld --> Infoworld Infrared Physics --> Infrared Phys Infrared Physics & Technology --> Infrared Phys Technol Infusionstherapie --> Infusionstherapie Infusionstherapie und Klinische Ernahrung --> Infusionsther Klin Ernahr Infusionstherapie und Klinische Ernahrung. Sonderheft --> Infusionsther Klin Ernahr Sonderh Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin --> Infusionsther Transfusionsmed Ingegneria Ambientale --> Ing Ambient Ingredienti Alimentari --> Ingredienti Aliment Inhalation Toxicology --> Inhal Toxicol Inhaled Particles --> Inhaled Part Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project --> Initial Rep Deep Sea Drill Proj Initiatives in Population --> Initiatives Popul Initiatives in Reproductive Health Policy --> Initiat Reprod Health Policy Injury --> Injury Injury Control and Safety Promotion --> Inj Control Saf Promot Injury Extra --> Inj Extra Injury Prevention --> Inj Prev Inland Seas --> Inland Seas Inland Water Biology --> Inland Water Biol Innere Medizin --> Inn Med Innovation (Abingdon) --> Innovation (Abingdon) Innovation Policy and the Economy --> Innov Policy Econ Innovations --> Innovations Innovations (Philadelphia, Pa.) --> Innovations Phila Pa Innovations in Education and Teaching International --> Innovations Educ Teach Int Innovations in Oncology Nursing --> Innov Oncol Nurs Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization --> Innov (Camb, Mass) Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies --> Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol Innovative Higher Education --> Innovative High Educ Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters --> Inorg Nucl Chem Lett Inorganic Chemistry --> Inorg Chem Inorganic Chemistry Communications --> Inorg Chem Commun Inorganic Materials --> Inorg Mater Inorganic Materials: Applied Research --> Inorg Mater: Appl Res Inorganic Syntheses --> Inorg Synth Inorganica Chimica Acta --> Inorg Chim Acta Inquiry --> Inquiry Inquiry (Oslo, Norway) --> Inquiry (Oslo) Inquiry (Upper Montclair, N.J.) --> Inquiry (Upper Montclair NJ) INS Reporter --> INS Rep Insect Biochemistry --> Insect Biochem Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology --> Insect Biochem Mol Biol Insect Molecular Biology --> Insect Mol Biol Insect Science --> Insect Sci Insect Science and Its Application --> Insect Sci Appl Insect Systematics & Evolution --> Insect Syst Evol Insecta Matsumurana --> Insecta Matsumurana Insectes Sociaux --> Insectes Soc Inside Indonesia --> Inside Indonesia Insight (American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses) --> Insight Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes --> IBLA Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin --> Inst Math Stat Bull Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings --> IOP Conference Proceedings Institutions --> Institutions Institutions (Montreal) --> Institutions (Montr) Institutions (Sydney) --> Institutions (Syd) Institutions and Volume Feeding Management --> Institutions Volume Feeding Manage Institutions in the Department of Furth. Education --> Inst Dep Furth Educ Institutions of Higher Education Index, by State and Congressional District --> Inst High Educ Index, State Congressional Dist Institutions Volume Feeding --> Institutions Volume Feeding Institutions, Etc. --> Institutions, Etc INSTRAW News --> INSTRAW News Instructional Course Lectures --> Instr Course Lect Instructional Science --> Instr Sci Instructor --> Instructor Instrumentation Science & Technology --> Instrum Sci Technol Instruments and Experimental Techniques --> Instrum Exp Tech Insula (Madrid) --> Insula (Madrid) Insulin --> Insulin Insurance Counsel Journal --> Insur Couns J Insurance Law Journal (Chicago, Ill.) --> Insur Law J Insurance, Mathematics & Economics --> Insur Math Econ Integrated Assessment --> Integrated Assess Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management --> Integr Environ Assess Manag Integrated Ferroelectrics --> Integr Ferroelectr Integrated Healthcare Report --> Integr Healthc Rep Integrated Manufacturing Systems --> Integrated Manuf Syst Integration (Amsterdam) --> Integration (Amst) Integration (Tokyo, Japan) --> Integration Integrative and Comparative Biology --> Integr Comp Biol Integrative Biology --> Integr Biol Integrative Biology Issues News and Reviews --> Integr Biol Issues News Rev Integrative Cancer Therapies --> Integr Cancer Ther Integrative Medicine --> Integr Med Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science --> Integr Physiol Behav Sci Integrative Psychiatry --> Integr Psychiatry Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science --> Integr Psychol Behav Sci Integrative Zoology --> Integr Zool Intellect --> Intellect Intellectica --> Intellectica Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities --> Intellect Dev Disabil Intellectual Digest --> Intellect Dig Intellectual Property Journal --> Intellect Prop J Intelligence --> Intelligence Intelligence and National Security --> Intell Natl Secur Intelligent Data Analysis --> Intell Data Anal Intelligent Enterprise --> Intell Enterp Intelligent Instruments & Computers --> Intell Instrum Comput Intelligent Service Robotics --> Intell Serv Robot Intelligente Architektur --> Intell Archit Intensiv --> Intensiv Intensiv- und Notfallbehandlung --> Intensiv- Notfbehandl Intensive & Critical Care Nursing --> Intensive Crit Care Nurs Intensive Care Medicine --> Intensive Care Med Intensive Care Nursing --> Intensive Care Nurs Intensive Care World --> Intensive Care World Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin --> Intensivmed Notfallmed Intensivmedizinische Praxis --> Intensivmed Prax Inter Economics --> Inter Econ Interacting with Computers --> Interact Comput Interaction --> Interaction Interaction Studies: Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems --> Interact Stud Interactions (New York, N.Y.) --> Interactions (NYNY) Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery --> Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg Interactive Healthcare Newsletter --> Interact Healthc Newsl Interactive Learning Environments --> Interact Learn Environ Interactive Technology and Smart Education --> Interact Technology Smart Education Inter-American Economic Affairs --> Inter Am Econ Aff Inter-Asia Cultural Studies --> Inter-Asia Cult Stud Interazioni --> Interazioni Intercambio Urologico por Correspondencia --> Intercamb Urol Corresp Interchange --> Interchange Interchange (Washington, D.C.) --> Interchange (Wash DC) Interciencia --> Interciencia Intercom --> Intercom (Des Moines) Intercom (New York, N.Y.) --> Intercom (NYNY) Intercultural Education --> Intercult Educ Interdisciplinaria --> Interdisciplinaria Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases --> Interdiscip Perspect Infect Dis Interdisciplinary Science Reviews --> Interdiscip Sci Rev Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology --> Interdiscip Top Gerontol Inter-exter --> Inter-exter Interface Science --> Interface Sci Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao --> Interface Comunicacao Saude Educ Interfaces --> Interfaces Interferon --> Interferon Interior Design (New York, N.Y.) --> Inter Des Interiors (New York, N.Y.) --> Interiors Interkulturell --> Interkulturell Intermediair --> Intermediar Intermetallics --> Intermetallics Intermountain Journal of Sciences --> Intermt J Sci Internal and Emergency Medicine --> Intern Emerg Med Internal Medicine (Tokyo, Japan) --> Intern Med Internal Medicine Journal --> Intern Med J International Abstracts of Surgery --> Int Abstr Surg International Abstracts of Surgery (Chicago, Ill.) --> Int Abstr Surg (Chic Ill) International Advances in Economic Research --> Int Adv Econ Res International Advances in Surgical Oncology --> Int Adv Surg Oncol International Affairs --> Int Aff International Affairs (Moscow) --> Int Aff (Moscow) International Affairs Review Supplement --> Int Aff Rev Suppl International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal --> Int Comp Corp Law J International Anesthesiology Clinics --> Int Anesthesiol Clin International Angiology --> Int Angiol International Applied Mechanics --> Int Appl Mech International Arachis Newsletter --> Int Arachis Newsl International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology --> Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol International Archives of Allergy and Immunology --> Int Arch Allergy Immunol International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health --> Int Arch Occup Environ Health International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing --> Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens International Astronomical Union Circular --> IAU Circ No C.M. - Int. Counc. Explor. Sea --> Int Counc Explor Sea Comm Meeting L International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin --> IAEA Bull International Bank Credit Analyst --> Int Bank Credit Anal International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation --> Int Biodeterior Biodegradation International Brazilian Journal of Urology --> Int Braz J Urol International Breastfeeding Journal --> Int Breastfeed J International Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxonomy --> Int Bull Bacteriol Nomencl Taxon International Business Review --> Int Bus Rev International Chamber of Commerce. United States Council. List of Selected Icc Documents --> Int Chamb Commerce U S Counc List Sel Icc Documents International Chamber of Commerce. World Business Information Centre. Documents of the I.c.c --> Int Chamb Commerce World Bus Inf Cent Documents Icc International Child Health --> Int Child Health International Clinical Psychopharmacology --> Int Clin Psychopharmacol International Coaching Psychology Review --> Int Coaching Psychol Rev International College of Dentists. India Section. Newsletter --> Int Coll Dent India Sect Newsl International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer --> Int Commun Heat Mass Transf International Conference on Aids --> Int Conf AIDS International Congress Series --> Int Congr Ser International Construction --> Int Construct International Contact Lens Clinic (New York, N.Y.) --> Int Contact Lens Clin International Criminal Justice Review --> Int Crim Justice Rev International Criminal Law Review --> Int Crim Law Rev International Dairy Journal --> Int Dairy J International Demographics --> Int Demogr International Dental Journal --> Int Dent J International Development Review --> Int Dev Rev International Diabetes Digest --> Int Diabetes Dig International Digest of Health Legislation --> Int Dig Health Legis International Disability Studies --> Int Disabil Stud International Drug Therapy Newsletter --> Int Drug Ther Newsl International Economic Insights --> Int Econ Insights International Economic Journal --> Int Econ J International Economic Review --> Int Econ Rev International Electronic Journal of Health Education --> Int Electron J Health Educ International Emergency Nursing --> Int Emerg Nurs International Endodontic Journal --> Int Endod J International Environmental Agreement: Politics, Law and Economics --> Int Environ Agreement Polit Law Econ International Family Planning Digest --> Int Fam Plann Dig International Family Planning Perspectives --> Int Fam Plan Perspect International Family Planning Perspectives and Digest --> Int Fam Plann Persp International Feminist Journal of Politics --> Int Fem J Polit International Finance --> Int Finance International Finance Review --> Int Finance Rev International Financial Law Review --> Int Financial Law Rev International Forest Fire News --> Int For Fire News International Forum for Logotherapy --> Int Forum Logother International Forum of Psychoanalysis --> Int Forum Psychoanal International Gambling Studies --> Int Gambl Stud International Game Theory Review --> Int Game Theory Rev International Geology Review --> Int Geol Rev International Gestalt Journal --> Int Gestalt J International Health and Development --> Int Health Dev International Health News --> Int Health News International Heart Journal --> Int Heart J International Hepatology Communications --> Int Hepatol Commun International History of Nursing Journal --> Int Hist Nurs J International Immunology --> Int Immunol International Immunopharmacology --> Int Immunopharmacol International Interactions --> Int Interact International Journal (Toronto, Ont.) --> Int J International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering --> Int J Comput Civ Struct Eng International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance --> Int J Educ Vocat Guid International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology --> Int J Eng Sci Technol International Journal of Sport Biomechanics --> Int J Sport Biomech International Journal for Equity in Health --> Int J Equity Health International Journal for Human Caring --> Int J Hum Caring International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics --> Int J Numer Anal Methods Geomech International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering --> Int J Numer Methods Eng International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids --> Int J Numer Methods Fluids International Journal for Parasitology --> Int J Parasitol International Journal for Philosophy of Religion --> Int J Philos Relig International Journal for Quality in Health Care --> Int J Qual Health Care International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry --> Int J Radiat Phys Chem International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling --> Int J Adv Couns International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems --> Int J Study Anim Probl International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research --> Int J Vitam Nutr Res International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. Supplement --> Int J Vitam Nutr Res Suppl International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling --> Int J 3-D Inf Model International Journal of Acarology --> Int J Acarol International Journal of Accounting Information Systems --> Int J Account Inf Syst International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation --> Int J Actor-Netw Theory Technological Innov International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing --> Int J Adapt Control Signal Process International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems --> Int J Adaptive Resilient Auton Syst International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives --> Int J Adhes Adhes International Journal of Adolescence and Youth --> Int J Adolesc Youth International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health --> Int J Adolesc Med Health International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology --> Int J Adult Vocat Educ Technol International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology --> Int J Adv Manuf Technol International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing --> Int J Adv Pervasive Ubiquitous Comput International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems --> Int J Adv Robot Syst International Journal of Advertising --> Int J Advert International Journal of Aeroacoustics --> Int J Aeroacoust International Journal of Aerospace Engineering --> Int J Aerosp Eng International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems --> Int J Agent Technol Syst International Journal of Agile Management Systems --> Int J Agile Manage Syst International Journal of Aging & Human Development --> Int J Aging Hum Dev International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems --> Int J Agric Environ Inf Syst International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability --> Int J Agric Sustain International Journal of Agronomy --> Int J Agron International Journal of Air and Water Pollution --> Int J Air Water Pollut International Journal of Air Pollution --> Int J Air Pollut International Journal of Algebra and Computation --> Int J Algebra Comput International Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine --> Int J Altern Complement Med International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease --> Int J Alzheimers Dis International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence --> Int J Ambient Comput Intell International Journal of Analytical Chemistry --> Int J Anal Chem International Journal of Andrology --> Int J Androl International Journal of Anesthesia --> Int J Anesth International Journal of Antennas and Propagation --> Int J Antennas Propag International Journal of Anthropology --> Int J Anthropol International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents --> Int J Antimicrob Agents International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies --> Int J Appl Aviat Stud International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics --> Int J Appl Behav Econ International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation --> Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinf International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation --> Int J Appl Evol Comput International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research --> Int J Appl Geospatial Res International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering --> Int J Appl Ind Eng International Journal of Applied Linguistics --> Int J Appl Linguist International Journal of Applied Logistics --> Int J Appl Logistics International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science --> Int J Appl Math Comput Sci International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing --> Int J Appl Metaheuristic Comput International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies --> Int J Appl Psychoanal Stud International Journal of Applied Quality Management --> Int J Appl Qual Manage International Journal of Approximate Reasoning --> Int J Approx Reason International Journal of Architectural Computing --> Int J Archit Comput International Journal of Art & Design Education --> Int J Art Des Educ International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies --> Int J Art Cult Des Technol International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education --> Int J Artif Intell Educ International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools --> Int J Artif Intell Tools International Journal of Artificial Life Research --> Int J Artif Life Res International Journal of Arts Management --> Int J Arts Manage International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management --> Int J Asian Bus Inf Manage International Journal of Asian Studies --> Int J Asian Stud International Journal of Astrobiology --> Int J Astrobiol International Journal of Audiology --> Int J Audiol International Journal of Aviation Technology, Engineering and Management --> Int J Aviat Technol Eng Manage International Journal of Bank Marketing --> Int J Bank Mark International Journal of Behavioral and Consultation Therapy --> Int J Behav Consult Ther International Journal of Behavioral Development --> Int J Behav Dev International Journal of Behavioral Medicine --> Int J Behav Med International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering --> Int J Bifurcat Chaos International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism --> Int J Biling Educ Biling International Journal of Bio-Chromatography --> Int J Bio-Chromatogr International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications --> Int J Bioinform Res Appl International Journal of Biological Macromolecules --> Int J Biol Macromol International Journal of Biological Research in Pregnancy --> Int J Biol Res Pregnancy International Journal of Biological Sciences --> Int J Biol Sci International Journal of Biomaterials --> Int J Biomater International Journal of Biomaterials Research and Engineering --> Int J Biomater Res Eng International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering --> Int J Biomed Clin Eng International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing --> Int J Biomed Comput International Journal of Biomedical Imaging --> Int J Biomed Imaging "International Journal of Biomedical Science ; IJBS" --> Int J Biomed Sci International Journal of Biometeorology --> Int J Biometeorol International Journal of Biosocial and Medical Research --> Int J Biosoc Med Res International Journal of Biotechnology --> Int J Biotechnol International Journal of Body Composition Research --> Int J Body Compos Res International Journal of Breast Cancer --> Int J Breast Cancer International Journal of Business and Management --> Int J Bus Manage International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking --> Int J Bus Data Commun Networking International Journal of Business Intelligence Research --> Int J Bus Intell Res International Journal of Canadian Studies --> Int J Can Stud International Journal of Cancer --> Int J Cancer International Journal of Cancer. Supplement --> Int J Cancer Suppl International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry --> Int J Carbohydr Chem International Journal of Cardiac Imaging --> Int J Card Imaging International Journal of Cardiology --> Int J Cardiol International Journal of Cardiology. Supplement --> Int J Cardiol Suppl International Journal of Cardiovascular Interventions --> Int J Cardiovasc Intervent International Journal of Cardiovascular Medical Science --> Int J Cardiovasc Med Sci International Journal of Cell Biology --> Int J Cell Biol International Journal of Cell Cloning --> Int J Cell Cloning International Journal of Chemical Engineering --> Int J Chem Eng International Journal of Chemical Kinetics --> Int J Chem Kinet International Journal of Chemoinformatics and Chemical Engineering --> Int J Chemoinformatics Chem Eng International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health --> Intl J Child Adolesc Health International Journal of Child Health and Human Development --> Int J Child Health Hum Dev International Journal of Child Psychotherapy --> Int J Child Psychother International Journal of Child, Youth, and Family Studies --> Int J Child Youth Fam Stud International Journal of Children's Rights --> Int J Child Rights International Journal of Children's Spirituality --> Int J Child Spiritual International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease --> Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis International Journal of Chronobiology --> Int J Chronobiol International Journal of Circumpolar Health --> Int J Circumpolar Health International Journal of Clean Energy Technology --> Int J Clean Energy Technol International Journal of Climatology --> Int J Climatol International Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Research --> Int J Clin Lab Res International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology --> Int J Clin Exp Pathol International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology --> Int J Clin Health Psychol International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing --> Int J Clin Monit Comput International Journal of Clinical Oncology --> Int J Clin Oncol International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmacy --> Int J Clin Pharmacol Biopharm International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics --> Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Research --> Int J Clin Pharmacol Res International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology --> Int J Clin Pharmacol International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy, and Toxicology --> Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol International Journal of Clinical Practice --> Int J Clin Pract International Journal of Clinical Practice. Supplement --> Int J Clin Pract Suppl International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology --> Int J Cloth Sci Technol International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing --> Int J Cloud Appl Comput International Journal of Cloud Computing --> Int J Cloud Comput International Journal of Coal Geology --> Int J Coal Geol International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics --> Int J Cogn Ergon International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence --> Int J Cogn Inform Nat Intell International Journal of Cognitive Technology --> Int J Cogn Technol International Journal of Cognitive Therapy --> Int J Cogn Ther International Journal of Colorectal Disease --> Int J Colorectal Dis International Journal of Combinatorics --> Int J Combin International Journal of Communication --> Int J Commun International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems --> Int J Commun Netw Distrib Syst International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security --> Int J Commun Netw Inf Secur International Journal of Communication Systems --> Int J Commun Syst International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice --> Int J Comp Appl Crim Justice International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations --> Int J Comp Labour Law Ind Relat International Journal of Comparative Psychology --> Int J Comp Psychol International Journal of Comparative Sociology --> Int J Comp Sociol International Journal of Computational Engineering Science --> Int J Comput Eng Sci International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics --> Int J Comput Fluid Dyn International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications --> Int J Comput Geom Appl International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications --> Int J Comput Intell Appl International Journal of Computational Models and Algorithms in Medicine --> Int J Comput Models Algorithms Med International Journal of Computer Algebra in Mathematics Education --> Int J Comput Algebra Math Educ International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery --> Int J CARS International Journal of Computer Games Technology --> Int J Comput Games Technol International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing --> Int J Comput Integrated Manuf International Journal of Computer Mathematics --> Int J Comput Math International Journal of Computer Science, Systems Engineering and Information Technology --> Int J Comput Sci Syst Eng Inf Technol International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology --> Int J Comput Trends Tech International Journal of Computer Vision --> Int J Comput Vis International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing --> Int J Comput Vis Image Process International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching --> Int J Comput-Assist Lang Learn Teach International Journal of Computerized Dentistry --> Int J Comput Dent International Journal of Computers and Applications --> Int J Comput Appl International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning --> Int J Comput Math Learn International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control --> Int J Comput Commun Control International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning --> Int J Computer-Supported Collab Learn International Journal of Consumer Studies --> Int J Consum Stud International Journal of Contemporary Sociology --> Int J Contemp Sociol International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning --> Int J Contin Engin Educ Lifelong Learn International Journal of Control --> Int J Control International Journal of Corpus Linguistics --> Int J Corpus Linguist International Journal of Corrosion --> Int J Corros International Journal of Cosmetic Science --> Int J Cosmet Sci International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology --> Int J Cosmet Surg Aesthetic Dermatol International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics --> Int J Creative Interfaces Comput Graph International Journal of Criminology & Sociological Theory --> Int J Criminol Sociol Theor International Journal of Cross Cultural Management --> Int J Cross Cult Manag International Journal of Crude Drug Research --> Int J Crude Drug Res International Journal of Cultural Policy --> Int J Cult Policy International Journal of Cultural Property --> Int J Cult Property International Journal of Cultural Studies --> Int J Cult Stud International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management --> Int J Customer Relatsh Mark Manage International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning --> Int J Cyber Behav Psychol Learn International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education --> Int J Cyber Ethics Educ International Journal of Cyber Warfare & Terrorism --> Int J Cyber Warfare Terrorism International Journal of Dairy Technology --> Int J Dairy Technol International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics --> Int J Data Min Bioinform International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining --> Int J Data Warehous Min International Journal of Decision Support System Technology --> Int J Decis Support Syst Technol International Journal of Dental Hygiene --> Int J Dent Hyg International Journal of Dental Symposia --> Int J Dent Symp International Journal of Dentistry --> Int J Dent International Journal of Dependable and Trustworthy Information Systems --> Int J Dependable Trustworthy Inf Syst International Journal of Dermatology --> Int J Dermatol International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience --> Int J Dev Neurosci International Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism --> Int J Diabetes Metab International Journal of Differential Equations --> Int J Differ Equ International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics --> Int J Digit Crime Forensics International Journal of Digital Library Systems --> Int J Digit Libr Syst International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence --> Int J Digit Lit Digit Competence International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting --> Int J Digit Multimed Broadcast International Journal of Disability Development and Education --> Int J Disabil Dev Educ International Journal of Disability Management Research --> Int J Disabil Manage Res International Journal of Discrimination and the Law --> Int J Discrimination Law International Journal of Distance Education Technologies --> Int J Distance Educ Technol International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks --> Int J Distrib Sens Netw International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies --> Int J Distrib Syst Technol International Journal of E-Adoption --> Int J E-Adoption International Journal of Early Childhood --> Int J Early Child International Journal of Early Years Education --> Int J Early Years Educ International Journal of Earth Sciences --> Int J Earth Sci International Journal of Eating Disorders --> Int J Eat Disord International Journal of E-Business Research --> Int J E-Bus Res International Journal of e-Collaboration --> Int J e-Collaboration International Journal of Ecology --> Int J Ecol International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences --> Int J Ecol Environ Sci International Journal of Education & the Arts --> Int J Educ Arts International Journal of Education and Religion --> Int J Educ Relig International Journal of Education and Research --> Int J Educ Res International Journal of Educational Advancement --> Int J Educ Adv International Journal of Educational Development --> Int J Educ Dev International Journal of Educational Management --> Int J Educ Manag International Journal of Educational Policy, Research, and Practice --> Int J Educ Policy Res Pract International Journal of Educational Reform --> Int J Educ Reform International Journal of Educational Research --> Int J Educ Res International Journal of Educational Telecommunications --> Int J Educ Telecommun International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation --> Int J E-Entrep Innov International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications --> Int J E-Health Med Commun International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems --> Int J Electr Power Energy Syst International Journal of Electrochemistry --> Int J Electrochemistry International Journal of Electronic Business --> Int J Electron Bus International Journal of Electronic Commerce --> Int J Electron Commerce International Journal of Electronic Government Research --> Int J Electron Gov Res International Journal of Electronic Healthcare --> Int J Electron Healthc International Journal of Electronics --> Int J Electron International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems --> Int J Embed Real-Time Commun Syst International Journal of Emergency Mental Health --> Int J Emerg Ment Health International Journal of Endocrinology --> Int J Endocrinol International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism --> Int J Endocrinol Metab International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering --> Int J Energy Optim Eng International Journal of Energy Research --> Int J Energy Res International Journal of Energy Systems --> Int J Energy Syst International Journal of Engineering Science --> Int J Eng Sci International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems --> Int J Enterprise Inf Syst International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management --> Int J Entrep Innov Manag International Journal of Environment and Pollution --> Int J Environ Pollut International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry --> Int J Environ Anal Chem International Journal of Environmental and Science Education --> Int J Environ Sci Educ International Journal of Environmental Health Research --> Int J Environ Health Res International Journal of Environmental of Research --> Int J Environ Res International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health --> Int J Environ Res Public Health International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology --> Int J Environ Sci Technol International Journal of Epidemiology --> Int J Epidemiol International Journal of E-Politics --> Int J E-Polit International Journal of E-Planning Research --> Int J E-Plan Res International Journal of Equilibrium Research --> Int J Equilib Res International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications --> Int J E-Serv Mobile Appl International Journal of Ethics --> Int J Ethics International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring --> Int J Evidence Based Coaching Mentor International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare --> Int J Evid-Based Healthc International Journal of Evolutionary Biology --> Int J Evol Biol International Journal of Experimental Diabetes Research --> Int J Exp Diabetes Res International Journal of Experimental Pathology --> Int J Exp Pathol International Journal of Family Medicine --> Int J Family Med International Journal of Family Therapy --> Int J Fam Ther International Journal of Fatigue --> Int J Fatigue International Journal of Fertility --> Int J Fertil International Journal of Fertility and Menopausal Studies --> Int J Fertil Menopausal Stud International Journal of Fertility and Women's Medicine --> Int J Fertil Womens Med International Journal of Finance & Economics --> Int J Finance Econ International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems --> Int J Flex Manuf Syst International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research --> Int J Fluid Mech Res International Journal of Food Microbiology --> Int J Food Microbiol International Journal of Food Science & Technology --> Int J Food Sci Technol International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition --> Int J Food Sci Nutr International Journal of Forecasting --> Int J Forecast International Journal of Forensic Mental Health --> Int J Forensic Ment Health International Journal of Forestry Research --> Int J For Res International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy --> Int J Foresight Innov Pol International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science --> Int J Found Comput Sci International Journal of Fracture --> Int J Fract International Journal of Fracture Mechanics --> Int J Fract Mech International Journal of Francophone Studies --> Int J Francoph Stud International Journal of Fruit Science --> Int J Fruit Sci International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications --> Int J Fuzzy Syst Appl International Journal of Game Theory --> Int J Game Theory International Journal of Game-Based Learning --> Int J Game-Based Learn International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations --> Int J Gaming Comput-Mediated Simulations International Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer --> Int J Gastrointest Cancer International Journal of General Systems --> Int J Gen Syst International Journal of Genome Research --> Int J Genome Res International Journal of Geographical Information Science --> Int J Geogr Inf Sci International Journal of Geomechanics --> Int J Geomech International Journal of Geophysics --> Int J Geophys International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering --> Int J Geotech Earthq Eng International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry --> Int J Geriatr Psychiatry International Journal of Global Environmental Issues --> Int J Glob Environ Issues International Journal of Green Computing --> Int J Green Comput International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control --> Int J Greenh Gas Control International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing --> Int J Grid High Perform Comput International Journal of Group Psychotherapy --> Int J Group Psychother International Journal of Group Tensions --> Int J Group Tensions International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics: the Official Organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics --> Int J Gynaecol Obstet International Journal of Gynecological Cancer --> Int J Gynecol Cancer International Journal of Gynecological Pathology --> Int J Gynecol Pathol International Journal of Handheld Computing Research --> Int J Handheld Comput Res International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics --> Int J Health Care Finance Econ International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance --> Int J Health Care Qual Assur International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance Incorporating Leadership in Health Services --> Int J Health Care Qual Assur Inc Leadersh Health Serv International Journal of Health Education --> Int J Health Educ International Journal of Health Geographics --> Int J Health Geogr International Journal of Health Sciences --> Int J Health Sci International Journal of Health Services --> Int J Health Serv International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiatives --> Int J Healthc Deliv Reform Initiatives International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics --> Int J Healthc Inf Syst Inform International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management --> Int J Healthc Technol Manag International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow --> Int J Heat Fluid Flow International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer --> Int J Heat Mass Transfer International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems --> Int J Heavy Veh Syst International Journal of Hematology --> Int J Hematol International Journal of Hepatology --> Int J Hepatol International Journal of Heritage Studies --> Int J Herit Stud International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications --> Int J High Perform Comput Appl International Journal of High Speed Computing --> Int J High Speed Comput International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems --> Int J High Speed Electron Syst International Journal of Hindu Studies --> Int J Hindu Stud International Journal of Historical Archaeology --> Int J Hist Archaeol International Journal of Horticultural Science --> Int J Hortic Sci International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration --> Int J Hosp Tour Adm International Journal of Hospitality Management --> Int J Hospit Manag "International Journal of HR ; Humanoid Robotics" --> Int J HR International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals --> Int J Hum Cap Inf Technol Professionals International Journal of Human Resource Management --> Int J Hum Resour Manage International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management --> Int J Hum Resour Dev Manage International Journal of Human Rights --> Int J Hum Rights International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction --> Int J Hum Comput Interact International Journal of Human-Computer Studies --> Int J Hum Comput Stud International Journal of Humanities and Social Science --> Int J Humanit Soc Sci International Journal of Hydrogen Energy --> Int J Hydrogen Energy International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health --> Int J Hyg Environ Health International Journal of Hypertension --> Int J Hypertens International Journal of Hyperthermia --> Int J Hyperthermia International Journal of Iberian Studies --> Int J Iberian Stud International Journal of ICT Research and Development in Africa --> Int J ICT Res Dev Afr International Journal of Image and Graphics --> Int J Image Graph International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology --> Int J Imaging Syst Technol International Journal of Immunogenetics --> Int J Immunogenet International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology --> Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol International Journal of Immunopharmacology --> Int J Immunopharmacol International Journal of Immunotherapy --> Int J Immunother International Journal of Impact Engineering --> Int J Impact Eng International Journal of Impotence Research --> Int J Impot Res International Journal of Inclusive Education --> Int J Incl Educ International Journal of Industrial Entomology --> Int J Indust Entomol International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics --> Int J Ind Ergon International Journal of Industrial Organization --> Int J Ind Organ International Journal of Infectious Diseases --> Int J Infect Dis International Journal of Inflammation --> Int J Inflamm International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education --> Int J Inf Commun Technol Educ International Journal of Information and Computer Security --> Int J Inform Comput Secur International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development --> Int J Inf Commun Technol Hum Dev International Journal of Information Management --> Int J Inf Manage International Journal of Information Retrieval Research --> Int J Inf Retr Res International Journal of Information Security --> Int J Inf Secur International Journal of Information Security and Privacy --> Int J Inf Secur Priv International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design --> Int J Inf Syst Model Des International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change --> Int J Inf Syst Soc Change International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management --> Int J Inf Syst Supply Chain Manage International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response Management --> Int J Inf Syst Crisis Response Manage International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector --> Int J Inf Syst Serv Sector International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach --> Int J Inf Technol Syst Approach International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making --> Int J Inf Technol Decis Mak International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering --> Int J Inf Technol Web Eng International Journal of Information Technology Project Management --> Int J Inf Technol Project Manage International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves --> Int J Infrared Millim Waves International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion --> Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy --> Int J Innov Digit Econ International Journal of Innovation Management --> Int J Innov Manage International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information, & Control --> Int J Innov Comput, Inf Control International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry --> Int J Inorg Chem International Journal of Inorganic Materials --> Int J Inorg Mater International Journal of Insect Morphology & Embryology --> Int J Insect Morphol Embryol International Journal of Instructional Media --> Int J Instr Media International Journal of Integrated Care --> Int J Integr Care International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence --> Int J Intell CounterIntelligence International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems --> Int J Intell Coop Inf Syst International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems --> Int J Intell Contr Syst International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies --> Int J Intell Inf Technol International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics --> Int J Intell Mechatronics Robot International Journal of Intelligent Systems --> Int J Intell Syst International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance & Management --> Int J Intell Syst Account Finance Manage International Journal of Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy --> Int J Intensive Short-term Dyn Psychother International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies --> Int J Interact Commun Syst Technol International Journal of Intercultural Relations --> Int J Intercult Relat International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking --> Int J Interdiscip Telecommunications Networking International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising --> Int J Internet Mark Advertising International Journal of Internet Research Ethics --> Int J Internet Res Ethics International Journal of Internet Science --> Int J Internet Sci International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research --> Int J IT Stand Stand Res International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance --> Int J IT/Bus Alignment Gov International Journal of Japanese Sociology --> Int J Jpn Sociol International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science --> Int J Knowl Syst Sci International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics --> Int J Knowl Discov Bioinformatics International Journal of Knowledge Management --> Int J Knowl Manage International Journal of Knowledge Society Research --> Int J Knowl Soc Res International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations --> Int J Knowl-Based Organ International Journal of Laboratory Hematology --> Int J Lab Hematol International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders --> Int J Lang Commun Disord International Journal of Law and Psychiatry --> Int J Law Psychiatry International Journal of Law and the Family --> Int J Law Fam International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice --> Int J Law Crime Justice International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family --> Int J Law Policy Fam International Journal of Leadership in Education --> Int J Leadersh Educ International Journal of Learning and Media --> Int J Learn Media International Journal of Legal Medicine --> Int J Legal Med International Journal of Leprosy --> Int J Lepr International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases --> Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis International Journal of Lifelong Education --> Int J Lifelong Educ International Journal of Logistics and SCM Systems --> Int J Logist SCM Syst International Journal of Low Radiation --> Int J Low Radiat International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture --> Int J Mach Tools Manuf International Journal of Magnetism --> Int J Magn International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development --> Int J Manag Enterp Dev International Journal of Management Reviews --> Int J Manag Rev International Journal of Man-Machine Studies --> Int J Man Mach Stud International Journal of Manpower --> Int J Manpow International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering --> Int J Manuf Mater Mech Eng International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law --> Int J Mar Coast Law International Journal of Maritime Economics --> Int J Marit Econ International Journal of Market Research --> Int J Mark Res International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters --> Int J Mass Emerg Disasters International Journal of Mass Spectrometry --> Int J Mass Spectrom International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics --> Int J Mass Spectrom Ion Phys International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes --> Int J Mass Spectrom Ion Process International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications --> Int J Mater Eng Appl International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology --> Int J Math Educ Sci Technol International Journal of Mathematics --> Int J Math International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences --> Int J Math Math Sci International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering --> Int J Meas Technol Instrum Eng International Journal of Mechanical Sciences --> Int J Mech Sci International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design --> Int J Mech Mater Des International Journal of Medical Informatics --> Int J Med Inform International Journal of Medical Microbiology --> Int J Med Microbiol International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery --> Int J Med Robot International Journal of Medical Sciences --> Int J Med Sci International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry --> Int J Med Chem International Journal of Men's Health --> Int J Mens Health International Journal of Mental Health --> Int J Ment Health International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction --> Int J Ment Health Addict International Journal of Mental Health Nursing --> Int J Ment Health Nurs International Journal of Mental Health Promotion --> Int J Ment Health Promot International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research --> Int J Methods Psychiatr Res International Journal of Microbiology --> Int J Microbiol International Journal of Microcirculation, Clinical and Experimental --> Int J Microcirc Clin Exp International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology --> Int J Microw Sci Technol International Journal of Middle East Studies --> Int J Middle East Stud International Journal of Migration and Integration --> Int J Migr Integration International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care --> Int J Migr Health Soc Care International Journal of Mineral Processing --> Int J Miner Process International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning --> Int J Mobile Blended Learn International Journal of Mobile Communications --> IJMC International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications --> Int J Mobile Comput Multimedia Commun International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction --> Int J Mobile Hum Comput Interact International Journal of Modern Physics A --> Int J Mod Phys A International Journal of Modern Physics B --> Int J Mod Phys B International Journal of Modern Physics C --> Int J Mod Phys C International Journal of Modern Physics D --> Int J Mod Phys D International Journal of Modern Physics E --> Int J Mod Phys E International Journal of Molecular Imaging --> Int J Mol Imaging International Journal of Molecular Medicine --> Int J Mol Med International Journal of Molecular Sciences --> Int J Mol Sci International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering & Management --> Int J Multimedia Data Eng Manage International Journal of Multiphase Flow --> Int J Multiph Flow International Journal of Music Education --> Int J Music Educ International Journal of Nanomedicine --> Int J Nanomedicine International Journal of Nanotechnology and Molecular Computation --> Int J Nanotechnology Mol Comput International Journal of Natural Computing Research --> Int J Nat Comput Res International Journal of Navigation and Observation --> Int J Navig Obs International Journal of Nephrology --> Int J Nephrol International Journal of Network Management --> Int J Netw Manage International Journal of Neural Systems --> Int J Neural Syst International Journal of Neurology --> Int J Neurol International Journal of Neuropharmacology --> Int J Neuropharmacol International Journal of Neuropsychiatry --> Int J Neuropsychiatry International Journal of Neuropsychiatry. Supplement --> Int J Neuropsychiatry, Suppl International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics --> Int J Non-linear Mech International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing --> Int J Nonprofit Volunt Sect Mark International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology --> Int J Nucl Med Biol International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow --> Int J Numer Methods Heat Fluid Flow International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship --> Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh International Journal of Nursing Practice --> Int J Nurs Pract International Journal of Nursing Studies --> Int J Nurs Stud International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications --> Int J Nurs Terminol Classif International Journal of Obesity --> Int J Obes International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders --> Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia --> Int J Obstet Anesth International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health --> Int J Occup Environ Health International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health --> Int J Occup Med Environ Health International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics --> Int J Occup Saf Ergon International Journal of Oceanography --> Int J Oceanogr "International Journal of Odonatology ; Official Organ of the Worldwide Dragonfly Association" --> "Int J Odonatology ; Off Organ Worldw Dragonfly Assoc" International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology --> Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol International Journal of Older People Nursing --> Int J Older People Nurs International Journal of Oncology --> Int J Oncol International Journal of Online Marketing --> Int J Online Mark International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design --> Int J Online Pedagogy Course Des International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes --> Int J Open Source Softw Process International Journal of Operations & Production Management --> Int J Oper Prod Manage International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems --> Int J Oper Res Inf Syst International Journal of Optics --> Int J Opt International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery --> Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg International Journal of Oral Biology --> Int J Oral Biol International Journal of Oral Surgery --> Int J Oral Surg International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior --> Int J Organ Theory Behav International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence --> Int J Organ Collective Intell International Journal of Orthodontics --> Int J Orthod International Journal of Orthodontics (Milwaukee, Wis.) --> Int J Orthod Milwaukee International Journal of Osteoarchaeology --> Int J Osteoarchaeol International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine --> Int J Osteopath Med International Journal of Otolaryngology --> Int J Otolaryngol International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry --> Int J Paediatr Dent International Journal of Paleopathology --> Int J Paleopathol International Journal of Palliative Nursing --> Int J Palliat Nurs International Journal of Pancreatology --> Int J Pancreatol International Journal of Parallel Programming --> Int J Parallel Program International Journal of Partial Hospitalization --> Int J Partial Hosp International Journal of Pathology --> Int J Pathol International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence --> Int J Pattern Recognit Artif Intell International Journal of Peace Studies --> Int J Peace Stud International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology --> Int J Pediatr Endocrinol "International Journal of Pediatric Obesity ; IJPO" --> Int J Pediatr Obes International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology --> Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. Extra --> Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngology Extra International Journal of Pediatrics --> Int J Pediatr International Journal of People-Oriented Programming --> Int J People-Oriented Program International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research --> Int J Pept Protein Res International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics --> Int J Pept Res Ther International Journal of Peptides --> Int J Pept International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology --> Int J Pers Constr Psychol International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications --> Int J Pervas Comput Commun International Journal of Pest Management --> Int J Pest Manage International Journal of Pharm Tech Research --> Int J Pharm Tech Res International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding --> Int J Pharm Compound International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine --> Int J Pharm Med International Journal of Pharmaceutics --> Int J Pharm International Journal of Pharmacy Practice --> Int J Pharm Pract International Journal of Philosophical Studies --> Int J Philos Stud International Journal of Photoenergy --> Int J Photoenergy International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management --> Int J Phys Distrib Logist Manag International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management --> Int J Phys Distrib Mater Manag International Journal of Phytoremediation --> Int J Phytoremediation International Journal of Plant Genomics --> Int J Plant Genomics International Journal of Plant Sciences --> Int J Plant Sci International Journal of Plasma Science and Engineering --> Int J Plasma Sci Eng International Journal of Plasticity --> Int J Plast International Journal of Play Therapy --> Int J Play Ther International Journal of Politics --> Int J Polit International Journal of Politics Culture and Society --> Int J Polit Cult Soc International Journal of Polymer Science --> Int J Polym Sci International Journal of Polymeric Materials --> Int J Polym Mater International Journal of Population Geography --> Int J Popul Geogr International Journal of Population Research --> Int J Popul Res International Journal of Poultry Science --> Int J Poult Sci International Journal of Powder Metallurgy --> Int J Powder Metall International Journal of Power Management Electronics --> Int J Power Manag Electron International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping --> Int J Press Vessels Piping International Journal of Primatology --> Int J Primatol International Journal of Prisoner Health --> Int J Prison Health International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management --> Int J Priv Health Inf Manage International Journal of Product Development --> Int J Prod Dev International Journal of Production Economics --> Int J Prod Econ International Journal of Production Research --> Int J Prod Res International Journal of Productivity Management and Assessment Technologies --> Int J Prod Manag Assess Technol International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management --> Int J Prod Perform Manag International Journal of Project Management --> Int J Proj Manag International Journal of Project Organisation and Management --> Int J Project Organ Manage International Journal of Protein Research --> Int J Protein Res International Journal of Proteomics --> Int J Proteomics International Journal of Psychiatry --> Int J Psychiatry International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice --> Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine --> Int J Psychiatry Med International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy --> Int J Psychoanal Psychother International Journal of Psychology --> Int J Psychol International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy --> Int J Psychol Psychol Ther International Journal of Psychophysiology --> Int J Psychophysiol International Journal of Psychosomatics --> Int J Psychosom International Journal of Psychotherapy --> Int J Psychother International Journal of Public & Private Healthcare Management and Economics --> Int J Public Private Healthc Manage Econ International Journal of Public Administration --> Int J Public Adm International Journal of Public Health --> Int J Public Health International Journal of Public Opinion Research --> Int J Public Opin Res International Journal of Public Sector Management --> Int J Public Sector Management International Journal of Qualitative Methods --> Int J Qual Methods International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education --> Int J Qual Stud Educ International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being --> Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management --> Int J Qual Reliab Manage International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education --> Int J Qual Assur Eng Technol Educ International Journal of Quality Science --> Int J Qual Sci International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability --> Int J Qual Stat Reliab International Journal of Quantum Chemistry --> Int J Quantum Chem International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. Quantum Biology Symposium --> Int J Quantum Chem Quantum Biol Symp International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications --> Int J Radio Freq Identif Tech Appl International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part C Radiation Physics and Chemistry --> Int J Radiat Appl Instrum Part Radiat Phys Chem International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part A, Applied Radiation and Isotopes --> Int J Rad Appl Instrum [A] International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B --> Int J Radiat Appl Instrum, Part B International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B, Nuclear Medicine and Biology --> Int J Rad Appl Instrum B International Journal of Radiation Biology --> Int J Radiat Biol International Journal of Radiation Biology and Related Studies in Physics, Chemistry, and Medicine --> Int J Radiat Biol Relat Stud Phys Chem Med International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics --> Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys International Journal of Radioactive Materials Transport --> Int J Radioact Mater Transp International Journal of Reacting Systems --> Int J React Syst International Journal of Reality Therapy --> Int J Real Ther International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing --> Int J Reconfigurable Comput International Journal of Refractory & Hard Metals --> Int J Refract Hard Met International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials --> Int J Refract Met Hard Mater International Journal of Refrigeration --> Int J Refrig International Journal of Refugee Law --> Int J Refug Law International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health --> Int J Rehabil Health International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue Internationale de Recherches de Readaptation --> Int J Rehabil Res International Journal of Reliability Quality and Safety Engineering --> Int J Reliab Qual Saf Eng International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare --> Int J Reliab Qual E-Healthc International Journal of Remote Sensing --> Int J Remote Sens International Journal of Research & Method in Education --> Int J Res Method Educ International Journal of Research in Marketing --> Int J Res Mark International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications --> Int J RF Tech Res Appl International Journal of Rheumatology --> Int J Rheumatol International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management --> Int J Risk Conting Manag International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine --> Int J Risk Saf Med International Journal of Risk Security and Crime Prevention --> Int J Risk Secur Crime Prev International Journal of Robotics and Automation --> Int J Robot Autom International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences --> Int J Rock Mech Min Sci International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences --> Int J Rock Mech Min Sci International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts --> Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr International Journal of Rotating Machinery --> Int J Rotating Mach International Journal of Salt Lake Research --> Int J Salt Lake Res International Journal of Satellite Communications --> Int J Satell Commun International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education --> Int J Sci Math Educ International Journal of Science Education --> Int J Sci Educ International Journal of Secure Software Engineering --> Int J Secure Softw Eng International Journal of Sediment Research --> Int J Sediment Res International Journal of Selection and Assessment --> Int J Sel Assess International Journal of Self Help & Self Care --> Int J Self Help Self Care International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis --> Int J Self-Propag High-Temp Synth International Journal of Service Industry Management --> Int J Serv Ind Manage International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology --> Int J Serv Sci Manage Eng Technol International Journal of Sexology --> Int J Sexol International Journal of Sexual Health --> Int J Sex Health International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies --> Int J Sex Gend Stud International Journal of Short-Term Psychotherapy --> Int J Short-Term Psychother International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems --> Int J Signs Semiotic Syst International Journal of Smoking Cessation --> Int J Smok Cessation International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT --> Int J Soc Organ Dyn IT International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development --> Int J Soc Ecol Sustain Dev International Journal of Social Economics --> Int J Soc Econ International Journal of Social Research Methodology --> Int J Soc Res Methodol International Journal of Social Welfare --> Int J Soc Welf International Journal of Sociology --> Int J Sociol International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food --> Int J Sociol Agric Food International Journal of Sociology of the Family --> Int J Sociol Fam International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development --> Int J Sociotechnology Knowl Dev International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering --> Int J Softw Eng Knowl Eng International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence --> Int J Softw Sci Comput Intell International Journal of Solids and Structures --> Int J Solids Struct International Journal of Space Structures --> Int J Space Structures International Journal of Space Technology Management and Innovation --> Int J Space Technol Manage Innov International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research --> Int J Spat Data Infrastruct Res International Journal of Special Education --> Int J Spec Educ International Journal of Spectroscopy --> Int J Spectrosc International Journal of Speech Technology --> Int J Speech Technol International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology --> Int J Speech-Language Pathol International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology --> Int J Sport Exerc Psychol International Journal of Sport Nutrition --> Int J Sport Nutr International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism --> Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab International Journal of Sport Psychology --> Int J Sport Psychol International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship --> Int J Sports Mark Spons International Journal of Sports Medicine --> Int J Sports Med International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance --> Int J Sports Physiol Perform International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching --> Int J Sports Sci Coaching International Journal of STD & AIDS --> Int J STD AIDS International Journal of Stochastic Analysis --> Int J Stoch Anal International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences --> Int J Strateg Decis Sci International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications --> Int J Strateg Inf Technol Appl International Journal of Stress Management --> Int J Stress Manag International Journal of Stroke --> Int J Stroke International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics --> Int J Struct Stab Dyn International Journal of Surgery --> Int J Surg International Journal of Surgical Investigation --> Int J Surg Investig International Journal of Surgical Oncology --> Int J Surg Oncol International Journal of Surgical Pathology --> Int J Surg Pathol International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education --> Int J Sustain High Educ International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology --> Int J Sustain Dev World Ecol International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management --> Int J Sustain Econ Manag International Journal of Sustainable Energy --> Int J Sustain Energy International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research --> Int J Swarm Intell Res International Journal of Synthetic Emotions --> Int J Synth Emotions International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology --> Int J Syst Evol Microbiol International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology --> Int J Syst Bacteriol International Journal of System Dynamics Applications --> Int J Syst Dyn Appl International Journal of Systems Biology and Biomedical Technologies --> Int J Syst Biol Biomed Technol International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering --> Int J Syst Serv-Oriented Eng International Journal of Systems Science --> Int J Syst Sci International Journal of Technoethics --> Int J Technoethics International Journal of Technology & Aging --> Int J Technol Aging International Journal of Technology and Design Education --> Int J Technol Des Educ International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing --> Int J Technol Educ Mark International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction --> Int J Technol Hum Interact International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care --> Int J Technol Assess Health Care International Journal of Technology Diffusion --> Int J Technol Diffus International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning --> Int J Technol Teach Learn International Journal of Technology Management --> Int J Technol Manag International Journal of Technoloy Transfer and Commercialisation --> Int J Technol Transf Commer International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications --> Int J Telemed Appl International Journal of Telework and Telecommuting Technologies --> Int J Telework Telecommut Technol International Journal of Testing --> Int J Test International Journal of the Economics of Business --> Int J Econ Bus International Journal of the Sociology of Language --> Int J Soc Lang International Journal of the Sociology of Law --> Int J Sociol Law International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance --> Int J Theor Appl Finance International Journal of Theoretical Physics --> Int J Theor Phys International Journal of Therapeutic Communities --> Int J Ther Communities International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation --> Int J Ther Rehabil International Journal of Thermal Sciences --> Int J Therm Sci International Journal of Thermodynamics --> Int J Thermodyn International Journal of Thermophysics --> Int J Thermophys International Journal of Tissue Reactions --> Int J Tissue React International Journal of Tourism Research --> Int J Tourism Res International Journal of Toxicology --> Int J Toxicol International Journal of Training and Development --> Int J Train Dev International Journal of Transgenderism --> Int J Transgenderism International Journal of Translation Studies --> Int J Transl Stud International Journal of Transport Management --> Int J Transp Manage International Journal of Trauma Nursing --> Int J Trauma Nurs International Journal of Urban and Regional Research --> Int J Urban Reg Res International Journal of Urology --> Int J Urol International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare --> Int J User-Driven Healthc International Journal of Vascular Medicine --> Int J Vasc Med International Journal of Vegetable Science --> Int J Veg Sci International Journal of Vehicle Design --> Int J Veh Des International Journal of Vehicle Design. Heavy Vehicle Systems --> Int J Veh Des, Heavy Veh Syst International Journal of Vehicular Technology --> Int J Vehicular Technol International Journal of Virology --> Int J Virol International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments --> Int J Virtual Pers Learn Environ International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking --> Int J Virtual Communities Soc Networking International Journal of Visual Analytics --> Int J Vis Analytics International Journal of Water --> Int J Water International Journal of Water Resources Development --> Int J Water Resour Dev International Journal of Wavelets, Multresolution, and Information Processing --> Int J Wavelets Multiresolution Inf Process International Journal of Web Portals --> Int J Web Portals International Journal of Web Services Research --> Int J Web Serv Res International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies --> Int J Web-Based Learn Teach Technol International Journal of Wild Silkmoth & Silk --> Int J Wild Silkmoth & Silk International Journal of Wildland Fire --> Int J Wildland Fire International Journal of Wireless Information Networks --> Int J Wirel Inf Netw International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies --> Int J Wirel Netw Broadband Technol International Journal of Women's Studies --> Int J Womens Stud International Journal of Zoology --> Int J Zool International Journal of Zoonoses --> Int J Zoonoses International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering --> Int J Comput Sci Eng International Journal on Digital Libraries --> Int J Digit Libr International Journal on E-Learning --> Int J E-Learn International Journal on Grey Literature --> Int J Grey Lit International Journal on Minority and Group Rights --> Int J Minor Group Rights International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems --> Int J Semantic Web Inf Syst International Journal on World Peace --> Int J World Peace International Labor and Working Class History --> Int Labor Working Class Hist International Labour Review --> Int Labour Rev International Law FORUM du Droit International --> Int Law FORUM Droit Int International Library Review --> Int Libr Rev International Maritime Health --> Int Marit Health International Marketing Review --> Int Mark Rev International Materials Reviews --> Int Mater Rev International Mathematics Research Notices --> Int Math Res Not International Mathematics Research Papers --> Int Math Res Pap International Mathematics Research Surveys --> Int Math Res Surv International Medical Journal --> Int Med J International Microbiology --> Int Microbiol International Migration (Geneva, Switzerland) --> Int Migr International Migration Review --> Int Migr Rev International MS Journal --> Int MS J International Multilingual Research Journal --> Int Multiling Res J International Negotiation --> Int Negot International Negotiation Series --> Int Negotiation Ser International Nursing Review --> Int Nurs Rev International Ophthalmology --> Int Ophthalmol International Ophthalmology Clinics --> Int Ophthalmol Clin International Organization --> Int Organ International Orthodontics --> Int Orthod International Orthopaedics --> Int Orthop International Peacekeeping --> Int Peacekeeping International Pediatrics --> Int Pediatr International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health --> Int Perspect Sex Reprod Health International Pharmacopsychiatry --> Int Pharmacopsychiatry International Philosophical Quarterly --> Int Philos Q International Planned Parenthood Directory. World List of Family Planning Agencies --> Int Plan Parent Directory World List Fam Plann Agencies International Planned Parenthood News --> Int Plann Parenthood News International Planning Studies --> Int Plann Stud International Policy Review --> Int Policy Rev International Political Science Review --> Int Polit Sci Rev International Political Sociology --> Int Polit Sociol International Politics --> Int Polit International Psychiatry Clinics --> Int Psychiatry Clin International Psychogeriatrics --> Int Psychogeriatr International Public Management Journal --> Int Public Manage J International Quarterly of Community Health Education --> Int Q Community Health Educ International Record of Medicine --> Int Rec Med International Record of Medicine and General Practice Clinics --> Int Rec Med Gen Pract Clin International Regional Science Review --> Int Reg Sci Rev International Rehabilitation Medicine --> Int Rehabil Med International Relations --> Int Relat International Relations of the Asia-Pacific --> Int Relat Asia-Pacific International Rescuer --> Int Rescuer International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education --> Int Res Geogr Environ Educ International Review (Steubenville, Ohio) --> Int Rev International Review for Environmental Strategies --> Int Rev Environ Strateg International Review for the Sociology of Sport --> Int Rev Sociol Sport International Review of Applied Economics --> Int Rev Appl Econ International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching --> Int Rev Appl Linguist Lang Teach International Review of Applied Psychology --> Int Rev Appl Psychol International Review of Connective Tissue Research --> Int Rev Connect Tissue Res International Review of Cytology --> Int Rev Cytol International Review of Cytology. Supplement --> Int Rev Cytol Suppl International Review of Economics & Finance --> Int Rev Econ Finance International Review of Economics Education --> Int Rev Econ Educ International Review of Education --> Int Rev Educ International Review of Experimental Pathology --> Int Rev Exp Pathol International Review of Finance --> Int Rev Finance International Review of Financial Analysis --> Int Rev Financ Anal International Review of Hydrobiology --> Int Rev Hydrobiol International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology --> Int Rev Ind Organ Psychol International Review of Law and Economics --> Int Rev Law Econ International Review of Law Computers & Technology --> Int Rev Law Comput Technol International Review of Missions --> Int Rev Missions International Review of Modern Sociology --> Int Rev Mod Sociol International Review of Natural Family Planning --> Int Rev Nat Fam Plann International Review of Neurobiology --> Int Rev Neurobiol International Review of Physiology --> Int Rev Physiol International Review of Psychiatry (Abingdon, England) --> Int Rev Psychiatry International Review of Research in Mental Retardation --> Int Rev Res Ment Retard International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning --> Int Rev Res Open Distance Learn International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research --> Int Rev Retail Distrib Consum Res International Review of Social History --> Int Rev Soc Hist International Review of Sociology --> Int Rev Sociol International Review of Tropical Medicine --> Int Rev Trop Med International Review of Victimology --> Int Rev Victimology International Review of Women and Leadership --> Int Rev Women Leadersh International Reviews in Physical Chemistry --> Int Rev Phys Chem International Reviews of Immunology --> Int Rev Immunol International Science Review Series --> Int Sci Rev Ser International Security --> Int Secur International Seminars in Surgical Oncology --> Int Semin Surg Oncol International Series of Monographs on Oral Biology --> Int Ser Monogr Oral Biol International Small Business Journal --> Int Small Bus J International Social Science Journal --> Int Soc Sci J International Social Science Review --> Int Soc Sci Rev International Social Security Review --> Int Soc Secur Rev International Social Work --> Int Soc Work International Socialist Review --> Int Social Rev International Society for Plant Geography and Ecology. Symposium Proceedings --> Int Soc Plant Geogr Ecol Symp Proc International Sociology --> Int Sociol International Statistical Review --> Int Stat Rev International Studies --> Int Stud International Studies in Educational Administration --> Int Stud Educ Adm International Studies in Sociology of Education --> Int Stud Sociol Educ International Studies in the Philosophy of Science --> Int Stud Philos Sci International Studies Perspectives --> Int Stud Perspect International Studies Quarterly --> Int Stud Q International Studies Review --> Int Stud Rev International Surgery --> Int Surg International Symposium of Flavins and Flavoproteins. Proceedings --> Int Symp Flavins Flavoproteins Proc International Symposium on Fluoridation and Preventive Dentistry --> Int Symp Fluorid Prev Dent International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish --> Int Symp Reprod Physiol Fish International Tax and Public Finance --> Int Tax Public Finance International Tourism Reports --> Int Tourism Rep International Transactions in Operational Research --> Int Trans Oper Res International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction --> Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct International Urology and Nephrology --> Int Urol Nephrol International Wildlife --> Int Wildl International Wound Journal --> Int Wound J International Zoo Yearbook --> Int Zoo Yearb Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft --> Int Politik Ges Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie --> Int Rev Gesamten Hydrobiol Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie --> Int Rev Gesamten Hydrobiol Hydrograph Internationale Spectator --> Int Spect Internationale Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physiologie Einschliesslich Arbeitsphysiologie --> Int Z Angew Physiol Einschl Arbeitsphysiol Internationale Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsforschung --> Int Z Kommunikationsforsch Internationale Zeitschrift fur Klinische Pharmakologie, Therapie, und Toxikologie --> Int Z Klin Pharmakol Ther Toxikol Internationale Zeitschrift fur Vitaminforschung --> Int Z Vitaminforsch Internationales Archiv für Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene --> Int Arch Gewerbepathol Gewerbehyg Internationales Archiv fur Arbeitsmedizin --> Int Arch Arbeitsmed Internationales Asienforum --> Int Asienforum Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch --> Int Bibl-Handb Internet Gaming International --> Internet Gaming Int Internet Healthcare Strategies --> Internet Healthc Strateg Internet Journal of Mental Health --> Internet J Ment Health Internet Reference Services Quarterly --> Internet Ref Serv Q Internet Research --> Internet Res Internistische Praxis --> Internist Prax Inter-Nord --> Inter Nord Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships --> Interpers Int J Pers Relatsh Interpreting --> Interpreting Interprovincial and International Migration of Children in Canada --> Interprov Int Migr Child Can Intersezioni (Bologna, Italy : Periodical) --> Intersezioni Intersubjetivo (Madrid) --> Intersubjetivo (Madr) Intertax --> Intertax Inter-University Faculty Work Conference --> Interuniv Fac Work Conf Inter-University Faculty Work Conference Proceedings --> Inter-Univ Fac Work Conf Proc Intervention (Amstelveen, Netherlands) --> Intervention (Amstelveen) Intervention in School and Clinic --> Intervention Sch Clin Interventional Cardiology Newsletter --> Intervent Cardiol Newsl Interventional Neuroradiology --> Interventional Neuroradiol Intervirology --> Intervirology Intex-press --> Intex-press InTouch (Melville, N.Y.) --> InTouch Intravital --> Intravital Intrinsically Disordered Proteins --> Intrinsically Disord Proteins Intus --> Intus Invasion & Metastasis --> Invasion Metastasis Inverse Problems --> Inverse Probl Inverse Problems in Engineering --> Inverse Probl Eng Invertebrate Biology --> Invertebr Biol Invertebrate Neuroscience --> Invert Neurosci Invertebrate Reproduction & Development --> Invertebr Reprod Dev Invertebrate Systematics --> Invertebr Syst Invertebrate Taxonomy --> Invertebr Taxon Investigacion Clinica --> Invest Clin Investigacion Economica --> Invest Econ Investigacion Medica Internacional --> Invest Med Int Investigacion y Ciencia --> Investig Cienc Investigaciones Históricas --> Investig Hist Investigaciones Pesqueras --> Investig Pesq Investigational New Drugs --> Invest New Drugs Investigationes Linguisticae --> Investig Linguist Investigative & Cell Pathology --> Invest Cell Pathol Investigative Ophthalmology --> Invest Ophthalmol Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science --> Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci Investigative Radiology --> Invest Radiol Investigative Urology --> Invest Urol Investigative Urology (Berlin, Germany) --> Investig Urol (Berl) Investment Advisor --> Invest Advisor Investment News --> Invest News Investment Policy --> Invest Pol Investor Relations Business --> Investor Relat Bus Invisible Culture --> Invis Cult IOBC/WPRS Bulletin --> IOBC WPRS Bull IOM Letters --> IOM Lett Ion Channels --> Ion Channels Ion Exchange and Membranes --> Ion Exch Membr Ionics --> Ionics Iowa Code Annotated. Iowa --> Iowa Code Annot Iowa Iowa Dental Bulletin (Des Moines, Iowa) --> Iowa Dent Bull (Des Moines, Iowa) Iowa Law Review --> Iowa Law Rev Iowa Medicine --> Iowa Med Iowa State College Journal of Science --> Iowa State Coll J Sci Iowa State University Veterinarian --> Iowa State Univ Vet Ippa - Newsletter --> IPPA Newsl IPPF Actualités --> IPPF Actual IPPF Bibliography Series --> IPPF Bibliogr Ser IPPF Country Bibliography --> IPPF Ctr Bibliogr IPPF Europa Boletín de Información Regional --> IPPF Eur Bol Inf Reg IPPF in Action --> IPPF Action IPPF Medical Bulletin --> IPPF Med Bull IPPF News --> IPPF News IPPF Noticias (Spanish Ed.) --> IPPF Not (Span Ed) IPPF Open File --> IPPF Open File IPPF/WHR News Service. International Planned Parenthood Federation. Western Hemisphere Region --> IPPF WHR News Serv IPPF-SEAOR News --> IPPF-SEAOR News IP-Telefonie --> IP-Telef Iranian Biomedical Journal --> Iran Biomed J Iranian Endodontic Journal --> Iran Endod J Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology --> Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol Iranian Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases --> Iran J Arthropod-Borne Dis Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. --> Iran J Basic Med Sci Iranian Journal of Biotechnology --> Iranian J Biotechnol Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering --> Iran J Chem Eng Iranian Journal of Child Neurology --> Iran J Child Neurol Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Sciences & Engineering --> Iran J Environ Health Sci Eng Iranian Journal of Immunology --> Iran J Immunol Iranian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine --> Iran J Infect Dis Trop Med Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases --> Iran J Kidney Dis Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences --> Iran J Med Sci Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine --> Iran J Nucl Med Iranian Journal of Orthodontics --> Iran J Orthod Iranian Journal of Parasitology --> Iran J Parasitol Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research --> Iran J Pharm Res Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology --> Iranian J Plant Pathol Iranian Journal of Psychiatry --> Iran J Psychiatry Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences --> Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci Iranian Journal of Public Health --> Iran J Public Health Iranian Journal of Radiology --> Iran J Radiol Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine --> Iran J Reprod Med Iranian Rehabilitation Journal --> Iran Rehabil J Iranian Studies --> Iran Stud Iraqi Dental Journal --> Iraqi Dent J Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine --> Iraqi J Community Med Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences --> Iraqi J Pharm Sci Iraqi Medical Journal --> Iraqi Med J Iraqi Orthodontic Journal --> Iraqi Orthod J Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal --> Iraqi Postgrad Med J IRB --> IRB IRBM --> IRBM IRCS Journal of Medical Science --> IRCS J Med Sci IRCS Medical Science [Microform] --> IRCS Med Sci IRCS Medical Science: Biomedical Technology --> IRCS Med Sci Biomed Technol IRCS Medical Science: Cardiovascular System --> IRCS Med Sci Cardiovasc Syst Ircs Medical Science: Reproduction, Obstetrics and Gynecology --> Irc Med Sci Reprod Obstet Gynecol IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation --> IRE Trans Antennas Propag IRE Transactions on Bio-medical Electronics --> Ire Trans Biomed Electron IRE Transactions on Communications Systems --> IRE Trans Commun Syst IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers --> IRE Trans Electron Comput IRE Transactions on Instrumentation --> IRE Trans Instrum IRE Transactions on Medical Electronics --> IRE Trans Med Electron Irish Economic and Social History --> Ir Econ Soc Hist Irish Educational Studies --> Ir Educ Stud Irish Geography --> Ir Geogr Irish Historical Studies --> Ir Hist Stud Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research --> Ir J Agric Food Res Irish Journal of Education --> Ir J Educ Irish Journal of Management --> Ir J Manag Irish Journal of Medical Science --> Ir J Med Sci Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine --> Ir J Psychol Med Irish Journal of Sociology --> Ir J Sociol Irish Law Reports Monthly --> Ir Law Rep Mon Irish Medical Journal --> Ir Med J Irish Nurses' Journal --> Ir Nurses J Irish Nursing and Hospital World --> Ir Nurs Hosp World Irish Political Studies --> Ir Polit Stud Irish Studies Review --> Ir Stud Rev Irish Veterinary Journal --> Ir Vet J Ironmaking & Steelmaking --> Ironmak Steelmak Irrigation and Drainage --> Irrig Drain Irrigation and Drainage Systems --> Irrig Drain Syst Irrigation Science --> Irrig Sci Iryo --> Iryo ISA Transactions --> ISA Trans ISIJ International --> ISIJ Int Isis --> Isis ISL Law Review. International School of Law --> ISL Law Rev Isla (Mangilao, Guam) --> Isla Islam & Christian-Muslim Relations --> Islam Christian-Muslim Relat Islamic Studies --> Islam Stud Islas --> Islas Islenha (Funchal) --> Islenha (Funchal) Islets --> Islets Isochron-West --> Isochron/West Isokinetics and Exercise Science --> Isokinet Exerc Sci Isotope Geoscience --> Isot Geosci Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies --> Isotopes Environ Health Stud Isozyme Bulletin --> Isozyme Bull Isozymes: Current Topics in Biological Medical Research --> Isozymes Curr Top Biol Med Res ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing --> ISPRS J Photogramm Remote Sens Israel Affairs --> Isr Aff Israel Exploration Journal --> Isr Explor J Israel Journal of Agricultural Research --> Isr J Agric Res Israel Journal of Botany --> Isr J Bot Israel Journal of Chemistry --> Isr J Chem Israel Journal of Dental Sciences --> Isr J Dent Sci Israel Journal of Earth Sciences --> Isr J Earth Sci Israel Journal of Entomology --> Isr J Entomol Israel Journal of Experimental Medicine --> Isr J Exp Med Israel Journal of Medical Sciences --> Isr J Med Sci Israel Journal of Plant Sciences --> Isr J Plant Sci Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine --> Isr J Vet Med Israel Journal of Zoology --> Isr J Zool Israel Law Review --> Isr Law Rev Israel Medical Journal --> Isr Med J Israel Oriental Studies --> Isr Orient Stud Israel Social Science Research --> Isr Soc Sci Res Israel Studies --> Isr Stud Israeli Journal of Aquaculture --> Isr J Aquacult ISRN Astronomy and Astrophysics --> ISRN Astron Astrophys ISRN Civil Engineering --> ISRN Civ Eng ISRN Communications and Networking --> ISRN Commun Netw ISRN Dentistry --> ISRN Dent ISRN Dermatology --> ISRN Dermatol ISRN Ecology --> ISRN Ecol ISRN Endocrinology --> ISRN Endocrinol ISRN Gastroenterology --> ISRN Gastroenterol ISRN Hematology --> ISRN Hematol ISRN Mathematical Analysis --> ISRN Math Anal ISRN Mechanical Engineering --> ISRN Mech Eng ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology --> ISRN Obstet Gynecol ISRN Organic Chemistry --> ISRN Org Chem ISRN Pediatrics --> ISRN Pediatr ISRN Pharmacology --> ISRN Pharmacol ISRN Signal Processing --> ISRN Signal Process ISRN Veterinary Science --> ISRN Vet Sci ISRN Zoology --> ISRN Zool Issledovaniia Po Genetike --> Issled Genet ISSM Journal --> ISSM J Issue Brief (Center for Medicare Education) --> Issue Brief Cent Medicare Educ Issue Brief (Center for Studying Health System Change) --> Issue Brief Cent Stud Health Syst Change Issue Brief (Commonwealth Fund) --> Issue Brief (Commonw Fund) Issue Brief (George Washington University. Center for Health Services Research and Policy) --> Issue Brief George Wash Univ Cent Health Serv Res Policy Issue Brief (George Washington University. Medical Center. Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems) --> Issue Brief (George Wash Univ Med Cent Ensuring Solut Alcohol Probl) Issue Brief (George Washington University. National Health Policy Forum) --> Issue Brief Natl Health Policy Forum Issue Brief (Grantmakers in Health) --> Issue Brief (Grantmakers Health) Issue Brief (Health Policy Tracking Service) --> Issue Brief Health Policy Track Serv Issue Brief (Public Policy Institute (American Association of Retired Persons)) --> Issue Brief (Public Policy Inst (Am Assoc Retired Pers)) Issues & Reports - United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute --> Issues Rep U Nations Interregional Crime Justice Res Inst Issues & Studies --> Issues Stud Issues (National Council of State Boards of Nursing (U.S.)) --> Issues Issues (Saint Louis, Mo.) --> Issues (St Louis Mo) Issues in Accounting Education --> Issues Account Educ Issues in Brief (Alan Guttmacher Institute) --> Issues Brief (Alan Guttmacher Inst) Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing --> Issues Compr Pediatr Nurs Issues in Criminological and Legal Psychology --> Issues Criminol Leg Psychol Issues in Criminology --> Issues Ciminol Issues in Education --> Issues Educ Issues in Educational Research --> Issues Educ Res Issues in Ego Psychology --> Issues Ego Psychol Issues in Emerging Health Technologies --> Issues Emerg Health Technol Issues in Engineering --> Issues in Engrg Issues in Ethics --> Issues Ethics Issues in Forensic Psychology --> Issues Forensic Psychol Issues in Health Care (Philadelphia, Pa.) --> Issues Health Care Issues in Health Care of Women --> Issues Health Care Women Issues in Information Systems --> Issues Inf Syst Issues in Interdisciplinary Care --> Issues Interdiscip Care Issues in Law & Medicine --> Issues Law Med Issues in Mental Health Nursing --> Issues Ment Health Nurs Issues in Psychoanalytic Psychology --> Issues Psychoanal Psychol Issues in Reproductive and Genetic Engineering --> Issues Reprod Genet Eng Issues in Science and Technology --> Issues Sci Technol Issues in Social Work Education --> Issues Soc Work Educ Issues in Teacher Education --> Issues Teach Educ Istanbul Tip Fakultesi Mecmuasi --> Istanbul Tip Fak Mecmuasi Istanbul Universitesi Dishekimligi Fakultesi Dergisi --> Istanbul Univ Dishekim Fak Derg Istoricheski Pregled --> Istor Pregl Istoriia SSSR (Moscow, Russia) --> Istor SSSR Istorija (Skopje, Macedonia) --> Istorija Istorijski Casopis --> Istor Cas Istorijski Zapisi --> Istor Zapisi Istoriko-Biologicheskie Issledovaniia --> Istor Biol Issled Isuma: Canadian Journal of Policy Research --> Isuma Can J Policy Res IT Professional --> IT Prof Italia Contemporanea --> Ital Contemp Italia Medioevale e Umanistica --> Ital Medioev Um Italian General Review of Dermatology --> Ital Gen Rev Dermatol Italian Heart Journal --> Ital Heart J Italian Heart Journal. Supplement --> Ital Heart J Suppl Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology --> Ital J Anat Embryol Italian Journal of Animal Science --> Ital J Anim Sci Italian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology --> Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences --> Ital J Neurol Sci Italian Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology --> Ital J Orthop Traumatol Italian Journal of Zoology --> Ital J Zool Italian Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Supplementum --> Ital J Orthop Traumatol Suppl Italian Quarterly --> Ital Q Italian Studies --> Ital Stud Italica --> Italica Italianistica Ultraiectina --> Ital Ultraiectina Italy. Documents and Notes (English Ed.) --> Italy, Doc Notes (Engl Ed) Items --> Items Items & Issues --> Items Issues Itogi Nauki i Tehniki. Seriâ, Molekulârnaâ Biologiâ --> Itogi Nauki Teh, Ser Mol Biol IUBMB Life --> IUBMB Life IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Paper --> IUCN Environ Policy Law Pap IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals --> IUCN Red List Threat Anim Iugoslavica Physiologica et Pharmacologica Acta --> Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta Ius Romanum in Helvetia --> Ius Romanum Helv IUSSP Papers --> IUSSP Pap Iustitia (Bloomington, Ind.) --> Iustitia "Ivra; Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico" --> Iura Iyo Kizai Kenkyujo Hokoku --> Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku Iyo Kizai Kenkyusho Hokoku Izvestiâ Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriâ Fiziceskaâ --> Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz Izvestiâ Akademii Nauk. Rossijskaâ Akademiâ Nauk. Fizika Atmosfery i Okeana --> Izv Akad Nauk, Ross Akad Nauk, Fiz Atmos Okeana Izvestia Akademii Nauk. Rossijskaa Akademia Nauk. Seria Fizieskaa --> Izv Akad Nauk, Ross Akad Nauk, Ser Fiz Izvestia Tomskogo Industrial'nogo Instituta Im. S.M. Kirova --> Izv Tomsk Ind Inst im SM Kirova Izvestia Vyssih Ucebnyh Zavedenij. Radiofizika --> Izv Vyss Ucebn Zaved Radiofiz Izvestiia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR. Seriia Biologicheskaia --> Izv Akad Gruz SSR Ser Biol Izvestiia Akademii Nauk Kirgizskoi SSR. Seriia Biologicheskikh Nauk --> Izv Akad Nauk Kirg SSR [Biol] Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriia Biologicheskaia --> Izv Akad Nauk SSSR Biol Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriia Geograficheskaia --> Izv Akad Nauk SSSR Ser Geogr Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriia Khimicheskaia --> Izv Akad Nauk SSSR [Khim] Izvestiia Akademii Nauk. Seriia Biologicheskaia --> Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol Izvestiia na Instituta Po Fiziologiia --> Izv Inst Fiziol (Sofiia) Izvestiia na Instituta Po Istoriia na BKP --> Izv Inst Istor BKP Izvestiia na Mikrobiologicheskiia Institut --> Izv Mikrobiol Inst (Sofiia) Izvestiia Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva --> Izv Russ Geogr Obshchestva Izvestiya Mathematics --> Izv Math Izvestiya, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Physics of the Solid Earth --> Izv Acad Sci USSR, Phys Solid Earth Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics of the Solid Earth --> Izv Russ Acad Sci, Phys Solid Earth Izvestiya. Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics --> Izv, Atmos Ocean Phys JAAPA: Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants --> JAAPA Jaarboek Numaga --> Jaarb Numaga Jaarboek van Kankeronderzoek en Kankerbestrijding in Nederland. Yearbook for Cancer Research and Fight Against Cancer in the Netherlands --> Jaarb Kankeronderz Kankerbestrijd Ned Jabega --> Jabega JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging --> JACC Cardiovasc Imaging JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions --> JACC Cardiovasc Interv JACEP --> JACEP Jahrbuch der Albertus-Universitat zu Konigsberg/Pr --> Jahrb Albertus Univ Koenigsb Jahrbuch der Coburger Landesstiftung. Coburger Landesstiftung --> Jahrb Coburg Landesstift Jahrbuch der Historischen Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland --> Jahrb Hist Forsch Bundesrepub Dtschl Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse --> Jahrb Psychoanal Jahrbuch der Reichsstelle für Bodenforschung --> Jahrb Reichsstelle Bodenforsch Jahrbuch der Schlesischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Breslau --> Jahrb Schlesisch Friedrich Wilhelms Univ Breslau Jahrbuch der Universitat Dusseldorf. Universitat Dusseldorf --> Jahrb Univ Duesseld Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein --> Jahrb Hist Ver Furst Liecht Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Geschichte --> Jahrb Inst Dtsch Gesch Jahrbuch des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung --> Jahrb Inst Gesch Med Robert Bosch Stift Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines --> Jahrb Oberosterr Musver Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines. Abhandlungen --> Jahrb Oberosterr Musealver, Abh Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines. Berichte --> Jahrb Oberosterr Musealver, Ber Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines. Gesellschaft für Landeskunde --> Jahrb Oberosterr Musealver, Ges Landeskd Jahrbuch des Vereins fur Geschichte der Stadt Wien. Verein fur Geschichte der Stadt Wien --> Jahrb Vereins Gesch Stadt Wien Jahrbuch für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich --> Jahrb Landeskd Niederosterr Jahrbuch für Psychologie und Psychotherapie --> Jahrb Psychol Psychother Jahrbuch für Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Medizinische Anthropologie --> Jahrb Psychol Psychother Med Anthropol Jahrbuch fur Antike und Christentum --> Jahrb Antike Christentum Jahrbuch fur Brandenburgische Landesgeschichte --> Jahrb Brandenbg Landesgesch Jahrbuch fur Geschichte --> Jahrb Gesch Jahrbuch fur Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas --> Jahrb Gesch Staat Wirtsch Ges Lateinam Jahrbuch fur Internationales Recht. German Yearbook of International Law --> Ger Yearb Int Law Jahrbuch fur Sozialwissenschaft --> Jahrb Sozialwiss Jahrbuch fur Soziologiegeschichte --> Jahrb Soziologiegeschichte Jahrbuch fur Wirtschaftsgeschichte --> Jahrb Wirtschaftsgesch Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas --> Jahrb Gesch Osteur Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik --> Jahrb Natl Okon Stat Jahresbericht - Forschungsinstitut des Deutschen Museums für die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik --> Jahresber - Forschinst Dtsch Mus Gesch Natwiss Tech Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Physiologie --> Jahresber Fortschr Physiol Jahresbericht (Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften) --> Jahresber Schweiz Akad Med Wiss Jahresbericht des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines für die Jahre ... --> Jahresber Oberosterr Musver Jahre JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes --> J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr JAK-STAT --> JAK-STAT JAMA Dermatology --> JAMA Dermatol JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery --> JAMA Facial Plast Surg JAMA Internal Medicine --> JAMA Intern Med JAMA Neurology --> JAMA Neurol JAMA Opthalmology --> JAMA Ophthalmol JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery --> JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg JAMA Pediatrics --> JAMA Pediatr JAMA Psychiatry --> JAMA Psychiatry JAMA Surgery --> JAMA Surg Jamaica Journal --> Jam J James Arthur Lecture on the Evolution of the Human Brain --> James Arthur Lect James Joyce Quarterly --> James Joyce Q Janasamkhya --> Janasamkhya Janssen Chimica Acta --> Janssen Chim Acta Janus --> Janus (Barc) "Janus; Revue Internationale de l'Histoire des Sciences, de la Medecine, de la Pharmacie, et de la Technique" --> Janus Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly --> Jpn Agric Res Q Japan and the World Economy --> Japan World Econ Japan Forum --> Jpn Forum Japan Journal of Nursing Science --> Jpn J Nurs Sci Japan Quarterly (Asahi Shinbunsha) --> Jpn Q Japanese Circulation Journal --> Jpn Circ J Japanese Dental Journal --> Jpn Dent J Japanese Dental Science Review --> Jpn Dent Sci Rev Japanese Economic Studies --> Japanese Econ Stud Japanese Heart Journal --> Jpn Heart J Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology --> Jpn J Anim Psychol Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology --> Jap J Appl Entomol Zool Japanese Journal of Applied Physics --> Jpn J Appl Phys Japanese Journal of Bacteriology --> Nippon Saikingaku Zasshi Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis --> Jpn J Behav Anal Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics --> Jpn J Behaviormetrics Japanese Journal of Biomechanics in Sports & Exercise --> Jpn J Biomech Sports Exerc Japanese Journal of Botany --> Jpn J Bot Japanese Journal of Cancer Research --> Jpn J Cancer Res Japanese Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry --> Jpn J Child Adolesc Psychiatry Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine --> Nippon Rinsho Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology --> Jpn J Clin Oncol Japanese Journal of Counseling Science --> Jpn J Couns Sci Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology --> Jpn J Dev Psychol Japanese Journal of Ecology --> Jap J Ecol Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology --> Jpn J Educ Psychol Japanese Journal of Entomology --> Jap J Entomol Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology --> Jpn J Exp Soc Psychol Japanese Journal of Family Psychology --> Jpn J Fam Psychol Japanese Journal of Family Sociology --> Jpn J Fam Sociol Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology --> Jpn J Gastroenterol Japanese Journal of Genetics --> Jpn J Genet Japanese Journal of Geriatrics --> Nippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi Japanese Journal of Health Psychology --> Jpn J Health Psychol Japanese Journal of Hygiene --> Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi Japanese Journal of Hypnosis --> Jpn J Hypn Japanese Journal of Ichthyology --> Jpn J Ichthyol Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases --> Jpn J Infect Dis Japanese Journal of Limnology --> Jap J Limnol Japanese Journal of Mathematics --> Jpn J Math Japanese Journal of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering --> Iyodenshi To Seitai Kogaku Japanese Journal of Medical Science & Biology --> Jpn J Med Sci Biol Japanese Journal of Medicine --> Jpn J Med Japanese Journal of Microbiology --> Jpn J Microbiol Japanese Journal of Nurses' Education --> Kango Kyoiku Japanese Journal of Nursing --> Kango Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology --> Jpn J Ophthalmol Japanese Journal of Ornithology --> Jpn JOrnithol Japanese Journal of Parasitology --> Kisechugaku Zasshi Japanese Journal of Pharmacology --> Jpn J Pharmacol Japanese Journal of Phycology --> Jap J Phycol Japanese Journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology --> Jpn J Physiol Psychol Psychophysiol Japanese Journal of Physiology --> Jpn J Physiol Japanese Journal of Political Science --> Jpn J Polit Sci Japanese Journal of Polymer Science and Technology --> Jpn J Polym Sci Tech Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine --> Jpn J Psychosom Med Japanese Journal of Public Health --> Nippon Koshu Eisei Zasshi Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology --> Jap J Sanit Zool Japanese Journal of Social Psychology --> Jpn J Soc Psychol Japanese Journal of Special Education --> Jpn J Spec Educ Japanese Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery --> Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Japanese Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health --> Jap J Toxicol Environ Health Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress --> Jpn J Trauma Stress Japanese Journal of Zootechnical Science --> Jpn J Zootech Sci Japanese Medical Journal --> Jpn Med J (Natl Inst Health Jpn) Japanese Medical Journal --> Jpn Med J Japanese Poultry Science --> Jpn Poult Sci Japanese Psychological Review --> Jpn Psychol Rev Japanese Sociological Review --> Jpn Sociol Rev Japanese Studies --> Jpn Stud Japanese Studies in the History of Science --> Jpn Stud Hist Sci Japan-Hospitals --> Jpn Hosp JAPCA --> JAPCA Japher Alvana --> Japher Alvana JASO --> JASO Javnost (Ljubljana) --> Javnost (Ljubl) JBIS. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society --> JBIS J Br Interplanet Soc JBJS Case Connector --> JBJS Case Connect JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques --> JBJS Essential Surg Tech JBJS Orthopaedic Highlights: Hip Surgery --> JBJS Orthop Highlights: Hip Surg JBJS Orthopaedic Highlights: Knee Surgery --> JBJS Orthop Highlights: Knee Surg JBJS Orthopaedic Highlights: Shoulder and Elbow Surgery --> JBJS Orthop Highlights: Shoulder & Elbow JBJS Orthopaedic Highlights: Sports Medicine --> JBJS Orthop Highlights: Sports Med JBJS Orthopaedic Highlights: Trauma --> JBJS Orthop Highlights: Trauma JBJS Reviews --> JBJS Rev "JBR-BTR ; Organe de la Societe Royale Belge de Radiologie (SRBR)" --> JBR-BTR JCAH Perspectives --> JCAH Perspect JCCA. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. Journal de L'Association Chiropratique Canadienne --> JCCA J Can Chiropr Assoc Jednota Annual Furdek --> Jednota Annu Furdek Jet Propulsion --> Jet Propuls JETP Letters --> JETP Lett Jeune Afrique (Paris, France) --> Jeune Afr Jewish Affairs (Johannesburg) --> Jew Aff (Johannesbg) Jewish Affairs (New York, N.Y.) --> Jew Aff (New York, NY) Jewish Affairs. Background Reports --> Jew Aff Backgr Rep Jewish History --> Jew Hist Jewish Hospital, Brooklyn. Bulletin --> Jew Hosp, Brooklyn Bull Jewish Journal of Sociology --> Jew J Sociol Jewish Life (Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America) --> Jew Life Jewish Observer and Middle East Review --> Jew Obs Middle East Rev Jewish Quarterly Review (Philadelphia, Pa.) --> Jew Q Rev Jewish Social Studies --> Jew Soc Stud JFMA, the Journal of the Florida Medical Association. Florida Medical Association --> JFMA Ji Bing Jian Ce --> Ji Bing Jian Ce Ji Chu Yi Xue Yu Lin Chuang --> Ji Chu Yi Xue Yu Lin Chuang Ji Sheng Chong Yu Yi Xue Kun Chong Xue Bao --> Ji Sheng Chong Yu Yi Xue Kun Chong Xue Bao Jian Kang Bao --> Jian Kang Bao Jiangsu Health Care --> Jiangsu Health Care Jibi Inkoka Otolaryngology --> Jibiinkoka JICA Newsletter --> JICA Newsl Jie Fang Jun Yi Xue Za Zhi --> Chieh Fang Chun I Hsueh Tsa Chih Jikeikai Medical Journal --> Jikeikai Med J Jikken Dobutsu. Experimental Animals --> Jikken Dobutsu Jikoketsu Yuketsu --> Jikoketsu Yuketsu Jimbun Shakai Gakubu Kiyo --> Jimbun Shakai Gakubu Kiyo Jimlar Mutane --> Jimlar Mutane Jing Ji Lun Wen --> Jing Ji Lun Wen Jinko Chino Gakkaishi --> Jinko Chino Gakkaishi Jinko Mondai Kenkyu --> Jinko Mondai Kenkyu Jinkogaku Kenkyu --> Jinkogaku Kenkyu Jinrui Idengaku Zasshi --> Jinrui Idengaku Zasshi Jinruigaku Zasshi --> Jinruigaku Zasshi Jiritsu Kunren Kenkyu --> Jiritsu Kunren Kenkyu JIU Jimbun --> JIU Jimbun JIU Kokusai Jimbun --> JIU Kokusai Jimbun JK Practitioner --> JK Pract JLUMHS --> JLUMHS JMR, Journal of Marketing Research --> J Mark Res "JNMA; Journal of the Nepal Medical Association" --> JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc JOGN Nursing --> JOGN Nurs John Donne Journal --> John Donne J Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest --> Johns Hopkins APL Tech Dig Johns Hopkins Magazine --> Johns Hopkins Mag Johns Hopkins Medical Journal. Supplement --> Johns Hopkins Med J Suppl Joicfp News --> JOICFP News JOICFP Review --> JOICFP Rev Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety --> Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety --> Jt Comm J Qual Saf Joint Commission Perspectives --> Jt Comm Perspect Joint Meeting Abstracts --> Jt Meet Abstr Am Dairy Sci Assoc Joint, Bone, Spine --> Joint Bone Spine Joliet Catholic Explorer --> Joliet Cathol Explorer JOM --> JOM JONA'S Healthcare Law, Ethics and Regulation --> JONAS Healthc Law Ethics Regul JOP --> JOP Jordemodern --> Jordemodern Jordmorbladet --> Jordmorbladet Jornada Médica --> Jorn Med Jornal Brasileiro de Doencas Toracicas --> J Bras Doencas Torac Jornal Brasileiro de Ginecologia --> J Bras Ginecol Jornal Brasileiro de História da Medicina --> J Bras Hist Med Jornal Brasileiro de Medicina --> J Bras Med Jornal Brasileiro de Neurologia --> J Bras Neurol Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia --> J Bras Pneumol Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria --> J Bras Psiquiatr Jornal da Sociedade das Ciencias Medicas de Lisboa --> J Soc Cienc Med Lisb Jornal de Pediatria --> J Pediatr (Rio J) Jornal de Psicologia --> J Psicol Jornal do Medico --> J Med (Oporto) Jornal Dos Farmacêuticos --> J Farm Jornal Vascular Brasileiro --> J Vasc Bras Josai Shika Daigaku Kiyo --> Josai Shika Daigaku Kiyo Journal - Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce --> J - Aberd Chamb Commer Journal - Academy of General Dentistry --> J Acad Gen Dent Journal - Alabama Dental Association --> J Ala Dent Assoc Journal - American Health Care Association --> J Am Health Care Assoc Journal - American Intra-Ocular Implant Society --> J Am Intraocul Implant Soc Journal - American Psychological Association. Division of Consulting Psychology --> J - Am Psychol Assoc, Div Consult Psychol Journal - American Society of Agronomy --> J Am Soc Agron Journal - American Water Works Association --> J Am Water Works Assoc Journal - Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (U.S.) --> J - Assoc Healthc Philanthropy (US) Journal - Association for Hospital Medical Education --> J Assoc Hosp Med Educ Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists --> J Assoc Off Anal Chem Journal - California Dental Association --> J Calif Dent Assoc Journal - Connecticut State Dental Association --> J Conn State Dent Assoc Journal - District of Columbia Dental Society --> J Dist Columbia Dent Soc Journal - Forensic Science Society --> J Forensic Sci Soc Journal - Michigan State Medical Society --> J Mich State Med Soc Journal - Mississippi Dental Association --> J Miss Dent Assoc Journal - National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals --> J Natl Assoc Priv Psychiatr Hosp Journal - New York State School Nurse-Teachers Association --> J - N Y State Sch Nurse-Teachers Assoc Journal - Newark Beth Israel Hospital --> J Newark Beth Isr Hosp Journal - Oklahoma Dental Association --> J Okla Dent Assoc Journal - Oklahoma State Dental Association --> J Okla State Dent Assoc Journal - Oklahoma State Medical Association --> J Okla State Med Assoc Journal - Prestressed Concrete Institute --> J Prestressed Concr Inst Journal - Royal Institute of Chemistry --> J - R Inst Chem Journal - Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene --> J R Inst Public Health Hyg Journal - Royal Sanitary Institute --> J R Sanit Inst Journal - Scottish Labour History Society. Scottish Labour History Society --> J Scott Labour Hist Soc Journal - Seattle-King County Dental Society --> J Seattle King Cty Dent Soc Journal - Southern California Dental Association --> J South Calif Dent Assoc Journal - Southern California State Dental Association --> J South Calif State Dent Assoc Journal - Tennessee State Dental Association --> J Tenn State Dent Assoc Journal - Water Pollution Control Federation --> J Water Pollut Control Fed Journal (Academy of Hospital Administration (India)) --> J Acad Hosp Adm Journal (American Academy of Gnathologic Orthopedics) --> J Am Acad Gnathol Orthop Journal (American Association for Medical Transcription) --> J Am Assoc Med Transcr Journal (Anglo-Continental Dental Society) --> J Anglocont Dent Soc Journal (Canadian Dental Association) --> J Can Dent Assoc Journal (National Association for Hospital Development (U.S.)) --> J Natl Assoc Hosp Dev Journal (New Hampshire Dental Society) --> J N H Dent Soc Journal (North Louisiana Historical Association) --> J North La Hist Assoc Journal (Southern California Dental Assistants Association) --> J South Calif Dent Assistants Assoc Journal / American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Florida and Louisiana Divisions. American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. Florida Division --> J / Am Soc Sugar Cane Technologists, Fla La Divisions Am Soc Sugar Cane Technologists Fla Div Journal Agronomy & Crop Science --> J Agron Crop Sci Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal --> J Proc Asiat Soc Bengal Journal Asiatique --> J Asiat Journal Belge D'urologie --> J Belge Urol Journal Belge de Medecine Physique et de Rehabilitation. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Fysische Geneeskunde en Rehabilitatie --> J Belge Med Phys Rehabil Journal Belge de Medecine Physique et de Rhumatologie --> J Belge Med Phys Rhumatol Journal Belge de Medecine Physique. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Fysische Geneeskunde --> J Belge Med Phys Journal Belge de Radiologie --> J Belge Radiol Journal Belge de Rhumatologie et de Medecine Physique. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Reumatologie en Fysische Geneeskunde --> J Belge Rhumatol Med Phys Journal Contra Costa Dental Society --> J Contra Costa Dent Soc Journal d'Agriculture Traditionnelle et de Botanique Appliquee --> J Agric Tradit Bot Appl Journal d'Agriculture Tropicale et de Botanique Appliquee --> J Agric Trop Bot Appl Journal d'Analyse Mathématique --> J Anal Math Journal d'Odontologie Conservatrice --> J Odontol Conserv Journal d'Urologie --> J Urol (Paris) Journal d'Urologie et de Nephrologie --> J Urol Nephrol (Paris) Journal d'Urologie Medicale et Chirurgicale --> J Urol Medicale Chir Journal das Auxiliares Odontologicas --> J Aux Odontol Journal de Biologie Buccale --> J Biol Buccale Journal de Biomateriaux Dentaires --> J Biomater Dent Journal de Chimie Physique --> J Chim Phys Journal de Chirurgie --> J Chir (Paris) Journal de Genetique Humaine --> J Genet Hum Journal de Gynecologie, Obstetrique et Biologie de la Reproduction --> J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris --> J Soc Stat Paris Journal de la Société des Americanistes --> J Soc Am Journal de la Société des Oceanistes --> J Soc Ocean Journal de la Societe de Biologie --> J Soc Biol Journal de Mécanique --> J Mec Journal de Mécanique Appliquée --> J Mec Appl Journal de Médecine de Paris --> J Med Paris Journal de Médecine de Paris (Ed. Mensual de Ultramar) --> J Medecine Paris (Ed Mensual Ultramar) Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées --> J Math Pures Appl Journal de Medecine de Besancon --> J Med Besancon Journal de Medecine de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest --> J Med Bord Journal de Medecine de Caen --> J Med Caen Journal de Medecine de Lyon --> J Med Lyon Journal de Medecine de Nantes --> J Med Nantes Journal de Medecine de Strasbourg --> J Med Strasb Journal de Medecine et de Chirurgie Pratiques --> J Med Chir Prat Journal de Medecine Legale Droit Medical --> J Med Leg Droit Med Journal de Microscopie --> J Microsc (Paris) Journal de Microscopie et de Biologie Cellulaire --> J Microsc Biol Cell Journal de Microscopie et de Spectroscopie électroniques --> J Microsc Spectrosc Electron Journal de Mycologie Médicale --> J Mycol Med Journal de Pédiatrie et de Puériculture --> J Pediatr Pueric Journal de Parodontologie --> J Parodontol Journal de Pharmacie de Belgique --> J Pharm Belg Journal de Pharmacologie --> J Pharmacol Journal de Physiologie --> J Physiol (Paris) Journal de Physiologie. Supplement --> J Physiol Suppl (Paris) Journal de Physique (Paris) --> J Phys (Paris) Journal de Physique et le Radium --> J Phys Radium Journal de Physique. Colloque --> J Phys Colloq Journal de Physique. I --> J Phys I Journal de Physique. II --> J Phys II Journal de Physique. III --> J Phys III Journal de Physique. IV --> J Phys IV Journal de Psychologie Normale et Pathologique --> J Psychol Norm Pathol (Paris) Journal de Radiologie --> J Radiol Journal de Radiologie, D'électrologie & Archives D'électricité Médicale --> J Radiol Electrol Arch Electr Med Journal de Radiologie, d'Electrologie, et de Medecine Nucleaire --> J Radiol Electrol Med Nucl Journal de Recherches Atmosphériques --> J Rech Atmos Journal de Stomatologie (Bruxelles) --> J Stomatol (Brux) Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive --> J Ther Comport Cogn Journal de Toxicologie Clinique et Experimentale --> J Toxicol Clin Exp Journal de Traumatologie du Sport --> J Traumatol Sport Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft --> J Dtsch Dermatol Ges Journal des JEC --> J JEC Journal des Maladies Vasculaires --> J Mal Vasc Journal des Mines (Paris) --> J Mines (Paris) Journal des Observateurs (Marseille) --> J Obs (Marseille) Journal des Sciences Medicales de Lille --> J Sci Med Lille Journal du Conseil - Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer --> J Cons Int Explor Mer Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences --> J Chromatogr B Journal of Geophysical Research ñ Biogeosciences --> J Geophys Res Biogeosci Journal of Great Lakes Research --> J Gt Lakes Res Journal Européen des Urgences --> J Eur Urgences Journal für Psychologie --> J Psychol Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie --> J Psychol Neurol Journal for Corrosion Science and Engineering --> JCSE Journal for Cultural Research --> J Cult Res Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law --> J Eur Environ Plan Law Journal for General Philosophy of Science --> J Gen Philos Sci Journal for Geometry and Graphics --> J Geom Graph Journal for Healthcare Quality --> J Healthc Qual Journal for Medicaid Management --> J Medicaid Manage Journal for Nature Conservation --> J Nat Conserv Journal for Nurses in Staff Development --> J Nurses Staff Dev Journal for Quality and Participation --> J Qual Particip Journal for Research in Mathematics Education --> J Res Math Educ Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Monograph --> J Res Math Educ Monogr Journal for Semitics --> J Semit Journal for Specialists in Group Work --> J Spec Group Work Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing --> J Spec Pediatr Nurs Journal for the Education of the Gifted --> J Educ Gift Journal for the History of Arabic Science --> J Hist Arabic Sci Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion --> J Sci Study Relig Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict --> J Study Peace Conflict Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour --> J Theory Soc Behav Journal Français D'oto-rhino-laryngologie --> J Fr Oto-rhino-laryngologie Journal Français D'oto-rhino-laryngologie et Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale --> J Fr Oto-rhino-laryngol Chir Maxillo-fac Journal Francais d'Ophtalmologie --> J Fr Ophtalmol Journal Francais de Medecine et Chirurgie Thoraciques --> J Fr Med Chir Thorac Journal fur Entwicklungspolitik --> J Entwicklungspolitik Journal fur Geschichte --> J Gesch Journal fur Hirnforschung --> J Hirnforsch Journal fur Mathematik-Didaktik --> J Math-Didakt Journal fur Ornithologie --> J Ornithol Journal fur Praktische Chemie --> J Prakt Chem Journal fur Sozialforschung --> J Soz Forsch Journal Gazette (Mattoon, Ill.) --> J Gaz (Mattoon, Ill) Journal Huazhong (Central China) Agricultural University --> J Huazhong Cent ChinaAgric Univ Journal International de Bioethique --> J Int Bioethique Journal International de Chirurgie --> J Int Chir Journal Maine Dental Association --> J Maine Dent Assoc Journal of AAPOS --> J AAPOS Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology --> J Abnorm Soc Psychol Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology --> J Abnorm Child Psychol Journal of Abnormal Psychology --> J Abnorm Psychol Journal of Academic Ethics --> J Acad Ethics Journal of Academic Librarianship --> J Acad Librariansh Journal of Access Services --> J Access Serv Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine --> J Accid Emerg Med Journal of Accountancy --> J Account Journal of Accounting and Economics --> J Account Econ Journal of Accounting and Public Policy --> J Account Public Policy Journal of Accounting Education --> J Account Educ Journal of Accounting Research --> J Account Res Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance --> J Account Audit Financ Journal of Acoustic Emission --> J Acoust Emiss Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes --> J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology --> J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol Journal of Addiction and Mental Health --> J Addict Mental Health Journal of Addiction Medicine --> J Addict Med Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling --> J Addict Offender Couns Journal of Addictions Nursing --> J Addict Nurs Journal of Addictive Diseases --> J Addict Dis Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology --> J Adhes Sci Technol Journal of Administration & Governance --> J Admin Gov Journal of Adolescence --> J Adolesc Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy --> J Adolesc Adult Literacy Journal of Adolescent Chemical Dependency --> J Adolesc Chem Depend Journal of Adolescent Health Care --> J Adolesc Health Care Journal of Adolescent Research --> J Adolesc Res Journal of Adult Development --> J Adult Dev Journal of Advanced Academics --> J Adv Academics Journal of Advanced Composition --> J Adv Compos Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems --> J Adv Manuf Syst Journal of Advanced Marine Science and Technological Society --> J Adv Mar Sci Technol Soc Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing --> J Adv Mech Des Syst Manuf Journal of Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing --> J Adv Med Surg Nurs Journal of Advanced Nursing --> J Adv Nurs Journal of Advanced Research --> J Adv Res Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems --> J Adv Model Earth Syst Journal of Advancement in Medicine --> J Adv Med Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning --> J Adventure Educ Outdoor Learn Journal of Advertising --> J Advert Journal of Advertising Research --> J Advert Res Journal of Aerosol Medicine --> J Aerosol Med Journal of Aerosol Science --> J Aerosol Sci Journal of Aerospace Engineering --> J Aerosp Eng Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies --> J Aerosp Sci Technol Journal of Aesthetic Education --> J Aesthetic Educ Journal of Affective Disorders --> J Affect Disord Journal of African American History --> J Afr Am Hist Journal of African American Men --> J Afr Am Men Journal of African Business --> J Afr Bus Journal of African Cultural Studies --> J Afr Cult Stud Journal of African Earth Sciences --> J Afr Earth Sci Journal of African Economies --> J Afr Econ Journal of African History --> J Afr Hist Journal of African Law --> J Afr Law Journal of African Psychology --> J Afr Psychol Journal of African Studies --> J Afr Stud Journal of African Zoology --> J Afr Zool Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research --> J Aggress Conflict Peace Res Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma --> J Aggress Maltreat Trauma Journal of Aging & Pharmacotherapy --> J Aging Pharmacother Journal of Aging & Social Policy --> J Aging Soc Policy Journal of Aging and Ethnicity --> J Aging Ethn Journal of Aging and Health --> J Aging Health Journal of Aging and Identity --> J Aging Identity Journal of Aging and Judaism --> J Aging Jud Journal of Aging and Physical Activity --> J Aging Phys Act Journal of Aging Research --> J Aging Res Journal of Aging Studies --> J Aging Stud Journal of Agrarian Change --> J Agrar Change Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics --> J Agric Environ Ethics Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization --> J Agric Food Ind Organ Journal of Agricultural & Food Information --> J Agric Food Inf Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science --> J Agric Biol Sci Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry --> J Agric Food Chem Journal of Agricultural Biological & Environmental Statistics --> J Agric Biol Environ Stat Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology --> J Agric Biotechnol Journal of Agricultural Economics --> J Agric Econ Journal of Agricultural Education --> J Agric Educ Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension --> J Agric Educ Ext Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research --> J Agric Eng Res Journal of Agricultural Entomology --> J Agric Entomol Journal of Agricultural Ethics --> J Agric Ethics Journal of Agricultural Research --> J Agric Res Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health --> J Agric Saf Health "Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ; JAST" --> "J Agric Sci Technol ; JAST" Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development --> J Agric Food Syst Community Dev Journal of Agromedicine --> J Agromed Journal of Agronomy --> J Agron Journal of Air Law and Commerce --> J Air Law Commerce Journal of Air Transport Management --> J Air Transp Manage Journal of Aircraft --> J Aircr Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education --> J Alcohol Drug Educ Journal of Alcohol, Drugs and Other Psychotropic Substances --> J Alcohol Drugs Psychotropic Subst Journal of Algebra --> J Algebra Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics --> J Algebr Comb Journal of Algerian Studies --> J Algerian Stud Journal of Algorithms --> J Algorithms Journal of Allergy (Cairo) --> J Allergy (Cairo) Journal of Allied Health --> J Allied Health Journal of Alloys and Compounds --> J Alloys Compd Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.) --> J Altern Complement Med Journal of Alternative Investments --> J Altern Invest Journal of Alzheimer's Disease --> J Alzheimers Dis Journal of Ambulatory Care Marketing --> J Ambul Care Mark Journal of American and Comparative Cultures --> J Am Comp Cultures Journal of American College Health --> J Am Coll Health Journal of American Culture --> J Am Cult Journal of American Ethnic History --> J Am Ethn Hist Journal of American Folklore --> J Am Folkl Journal of American Health Information Management Association --> J AHIMA Journal of American Indian Education --> J Am Indian Educ Journal of American Insurance --> J Am Insur Journal of American Studies --> J Am Stud Journal of Amino Acids --> J Amino Acids Journal of Analytic Social Work --> J Anal Soc Work Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis --> J Anal Appl Pyrolysis Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry --> J Anal At Spectrom Journal of Analytical Chemistry --> J Anal Chem Journal of Analytical Toxicology --> J Anal Toxicol Journal of Anatomy --> J Anat Journal of Andrology --> J Androl Journal of Anesthesia --> J Anesth Journal of Anhui Agricultural College --> J Anhui Agric Coll Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences --> J Anim Feed Sci Journal of Animal Behavior --> J Anim Behav Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics --> J Anim Breed Genet Journal of Animal Ecology --> J Anim Ecol Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine --> J Anim Husb Vet Med Journal of Animal Morphology and Physiology --> J Anim Morphol Physiol Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition --> J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl) Journal of Animal Science --> J Anim Sci Journal of Anthropological Archaeology --> J Anthropol Archaeol Journal of Anthropological Research --> J Anthropol Res Journal of Anthropological Sciences --> J Anthropol Sci Journal of Anthropology --> J Anthropol Journal of Anti-aging Medicine --> J Anti Aging Med Journal of Anxiety Disorders --> J Anxiety Disord Journal of AOAC International --> J AOAC Int Journal of Apicultural Research --> J Apic Res Journal of Appalachian Studies --> J Appalach Stud Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics --> J Appl Ind Math Journal of Applied Animal Research --> J Appl Anim Res Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science --> J Appl Anim Welf Sci Journal of Applied Aquaculture --> J Appl Aquacult Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis --> J Appl Behav Anal Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research --> J Appl Biobehav Res Journal of Applied Biochemistry --> J Appl Biochem Journal of Applied Biomaterials --> J Appl Biomater Journal of Applied Biomechanics --> J Appl Biomech Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality = Angewandte Botanik / Vereinigung fur Angewandte Botanik [und] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Qualitatsforschung --> J Appl Bot Food Qual = Angew Botanik / Vereinigung Angew Botanik [und] Dtsch Ges Qualitatsforschung Journal of Applied Business Research --> J Appl Bus Res Journal of Applied Cardiology --> J Appl Cardiol Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics --> J Appl Clin Med Phys Journal of Applied Communication Research --> J Appl Commun Res Journal of Applied Corporate Finance --> J Appl Corp Finance Journal of Applied Crystallography --> J Appl Cryst Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology --> J Appl Dev Psychol Journal of Applied Ecology --> J Appl Ecol Journal of Applied Econometrics --> J Appl Econ Journal of Applied Electrochemistry --> J Appl Electrochem Journal of Applied Entomology --> J Appl Entomol Journal of Applied Finance (JAF) --> J Appl Finance Journal of Applied Fire Science --> J Appl Fire Sci Journal of Applied Genetics --> J Appl Genet Journal of Applied Geophysics --> J Appl Geophys Journal of Applied Gerontology --> J Appl Gerontol Journal of Applied Glycoscience --> J Appl Glycosci Journal of Applied Health Behaviour --> J Appl Health Behav Journal of Applied Ichthyology --> J Appl Ichthyol Journal of Applied Logic --> J Appl Log Journal of Applied Mathematics --> J Appl Math Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences --> J Appl Math Decis Sci Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics --> J Appl Math Mech Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis --> J Appl Math Stochastic Anal Journal of Applied Measurement --> J Appl Meas Journal of Applied Mechanics --> J Appl Mech Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics --> J Appl Mech Tech Phys Journal of Applied Meteorology --> J Appl Meteorol Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology --> J Appl Meteorol Climatol Journal of Applied Microbiology --> J Appl Microbiol Journal of Applied Oral Science --> J Appl Oral Sci Journal of Applied Philosophy --> J Appl Philos Journal of Applied Photographic Engineering --> J Appl Photogr Eng Journal of Applied Phycology --> J Appl Phycol Journal of Applied Physics --> J Appl Phys Journal of Applied Physiology --> J Appl Physiol Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md.) --> J Appl Physiol Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiratory, Environmental and Exercise Physiology --> J Appl Physiol Journal of Applied Polymer Science --> J Appl Polym Sci Journal of Applied Poultry Research --> J Appl Poult Res Journal of Applied Probability --> J Appl Probab Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies --> J Appl Psychoanal Stud Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods --> J Appl Quant Methods Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling --> J Appl Rehabil Counsel Journal of Applied Remote Sensing --> J Appl Remote Sens Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities --> J Appl Res Intellect Disabil Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition --> J Appl Res Mem Cogn Journal of Applied Research in the Community College --> J Appl Res Community Coll Journal of Applied School Psychology --> J Appl Sch Psychol Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa --> J Appl Sci South Afr Journal of Applied Sciences Research / International Network for Scientific Information --> J Appl Sci Res / Int Netw Sci Inf Journal of Applied Security Research --> J Appl Secur Res Journal of Applied Social Psychology --> J Appl Soc Psychol Journal of Applied Sociology --> J Appl Sociol Journal of Applied Spectroscopy --> J Appl Spectrosc Journal of Applied Sport Psychology --> J Appl Sport Psychol Journal of Applied Statistics --> J Appl Stat Journal of Applied Toxicology --> J Appl Toxicol Journal of Approximation Theory --> J Approx Theory Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics --> J Aquacult Trop Journal of Aquariculture and Aquatic Sciences --> J Aquaricult Aquat Sci Journal of Aquatic Animal Health --> J Aquat Anim Health Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health --> J Aquat Ecosyst Health Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery --> J Aquat Ecosyst Stress Recovery Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology --> J Aquat Food Prod Technol Journal of Aquatic Plant Management --> J Aquat Plant Manage Journal of Aquatic Sciences --> J Aquat Sci Journal of Arab Affairs --> J Arab Aff Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory --> J Archaeol Method Theory Journal of Archaeological Research --> J Archaeol Res Journal of Archaeological Science --> J Archaeol Sci Journal of Architectural and Planning Research --> J Archit Plann Res Journal of Architectural Engineering --> J Archit Eng Journal of Archival Organization --> J Arch Organ Journal of Arid Environments --> J Arid Environ Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications --> J Artif Evol Appl Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education --> J Artif Intell Educ Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research --> J Artif Intell Res Journal of Artificial Organs --> J Artif Organs Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation --> J Artif Soc Soc Simul Journal of Arts & Ideas --> J Arts Ideas Journal of Asian American Studies --> J Asian Am Stud Journal of Asian and African Studies --> J Asian Afr Stud Journal of Asian Earth Sciences --> J Asian Earth Sci Journal of Asian Economics --> J Asian Econ Journal of Asian Natural Products Research --> J Asian Nat Prod Res Journal of Asian Pacific Communication --> J Asian Pac Commun Journal of Asian Pacific Dental Student Association --> J APDSA (Tokyo) Journal of Asian Public Policy --> J Asian Public Policy Journal of Asia-Pacific Business --> J Asia-Pac Bus Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology --> J Asia Pac Entomol Journal of Asia-Pacific Marketing --> J Asia-Pacific Mark Journal of Asia-Pacific Special Education --> J Asia Pac Spec Educ Journal of Asset Management --> J Asset Manag Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics --> J Assist Reprod Genet Journal of the Association of Children's Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics --> J Assoc Child Prosthet-Orthot Clin Journal of ASTM International --> J ASTM Int Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy --> J Astrophys Astron Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks --> J Asynchronous Learn Netw Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis --> J Atheroscler Thromb Journal of Atherosclerosis Research --> J Atheroscler Res Journal of Athletic Training --> J Athl Train Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Science --> J Atmos Ocean Sci Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology --> J Atmos Ocean Technol Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics --> J Atmos Sol Terr Phys Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics --> J Atmos Terr Phys Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry --> J Atmos Chem Journal of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics --> J At Mol Opt Phys Journal of Attention Disorders --> J Atten Disord Journal of Australian Studies --> J Aust Stud Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia --> J Autism Child Schizophr Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders --> J Autism Dev Disord Journal of Autoimmune Diseases --> J Autoimmune Dis Journal of Autoimmunity --> J Autoimmun Journal of Automated Methods & Management in Chemistry --> J Autom Methods Manag Chem Journal of Automated Reasoning --> J Autom Reason Journal of Automatic Chemistry --> J Automat Chem Journal of Autonomic Pharmacology --> J Auton Pharmacol Journal of Avian Biology --> J Avian Biol Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery --> J Avian Med Surg Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad --> J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation --> J Back Musculoskeletal Rehabil Journal of Bacteriology --> J Bacteriol Journal of Baltic Studies --> J Balt Stud Journal of Bamboo and Rattan --> J Bamboo Rattan Journal of Banking & Finance --> J Bank Finance Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences --> J Basic Appl Sci Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology --> J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol Journal of Basic Engineering --> J Basic Eng Journal of Basic Microbiology --> J Basic Microbiol Journal of Basic Writing --> J Basic Writ Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry --> J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry Journal of Behavioral Addictions --> J Behav Addict Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management --> J Behav Appl Manage Journal of Behavioral Assessment --> J Behav Assess Journal of Behavioral Decision Making --> J Behav Decis Making Journal of Behavioral Education --> J Behav Educ Journal of Behavioral Finance --> J Behav Finance Journal of Behavioral Medicine --> J Behav Med Journal of Behavioral Optometry --> J Behav Optom Journal of Behavioural Science --> J Behav Sci Journal of Beijing Medical University --> J Beijing Med Univ Journal of Beliefs & Values --> J Beliefs Values Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine --> J Biblic Ethics Med Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers --> J Bioact Compat Polym Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods --> J Biochem Biophys Methods Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology --> J Biochem Mol Toxicol Journal of Biochemical Toxicology --> J Biochem Toxicol Journal of Biochemistry --> J Biochem Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology --> J Biochem Mol Biol Journal of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics --> J Biochem Mol Biol Biophys Journal of Bioeconomics --> J Bioeconomics Journal of Bioenergetics --> J Bioenerg Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes --> J Bioenerg Biomembr Journal of Bioengineering --> J Bioeng Journal of Bioethical Inquiry --> J Bioeth Inq Journal of Bioethics --> J Bioeth Journal of Biogeography --> J Biogeogr Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology --> J Bioinform Comput Biol Journal of Biological Dynamics --> J Biol Dyn Journal of Biological Education --> J Biol Educ Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry --> J Biol Inorg Chem Journal of Biological Photography --> J Biol Photogr Journal of Biological Physics --> J Biol Phys Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents --> J Biol Regul Homeost Agents Journal of Biological Response Modifiers --> J Biol Response Mod Journal of Biological Rhythms --> J Biol Rhythms Journal of Biological Sciences (Faisalabad, Pakistan) --> J Biol Sci (Faisalabad, Pak) Journal of Biological Standardization --> J Biol Stand Journal of Biological System --> J Biol Syst Journal of Biology --> J Biol Journal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence --> J Biolumin Chemilumin Journal of Biomaterials Applications --> J Biomater Appl Journal of Biomaterials Science. Polymer Edition --> J Biomater Sci Polym Ed Journal of Biomechanical Engineering --> J Biomech Eng Journal of Biomechanics --> J Biomech Journal of Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences --> J Biomed Lab Sci Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration --> J Biomed Discov Collab Journal of Biomedical Engineering --> J Biomed Eng Journal of Biomedical Informatics --> J Biomed Inform Journal of Biomedical Materials Research --> J Biomed Mater Res Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A --> J Biomed Mater Res A Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials --> J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater Journal of Biomedical Optics --> J Biomed Opt Journal of Biomedical Science --> J Biomed Sci Journal of Biomedicine & Biotechnology --> J Biomed Biotechnol Journal of Biomolecular NMR --> J Biomol NMR Journal of Biomolecular Screening --> J Biomol Screen Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics --> J Biomol Struct Dyn Journal of Biomolecular Techniques --> J Biomol Tech Journal of Bionics Engineering --> J Bionics Eng Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics --> J Biopharm Stat Journal of Biophysics --> J Biophys Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering --> J Biosci Bioeng Journal of Biosciences --> J Biosci Journal of Biosocial Science --> J Biosoc Sci Journal of Biosocial Science. Supplement --> J Biosoc Sci Suppl Journal of Biotechnology --> J Biotechnol Journal of Bisexuality --> J Bisex Journal of Black Health Perspectives --> J Black Health Perspect Journal of Black Studies --> J Black Stud Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies --> J Bodyw Mov Ther Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism --> J Bone Miner Metab Journal of Bone and Mineral Research --> J Bone Miner Res Journal of Borderland Studies --> J Borderland Stud Journal of Botany (Egypt) --> J Bot (Egypt) Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury --> J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj Journal of Bridge Engineering --> J Bridge Eng Journal of Broadcasting --> J Broadcast Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media --> J Broadcast Electron Media Journal of Bryology --> J Bryol Journal of Buddhist Ethics --> J Buddh Ethics Journal of Building Physics --> J Build Phys "Journal of Burn Care & Research ; Official Publication of the American Burn Association" --> J Burn Care Res Journal of Burns and Wounds --> J Burns Wounds Journal of Business & Economic Statistics --> J Bus Econ Stat Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship --> J Bus Finance Librariansh Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing --> J Bus Ind Mark Journal of Business and Psychology --> J Bus Psychol Journal of Business and Society --> J Bus Soc Journal of Business Communication --> J Bus Commun Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning --> J Bus Continuity Emerg Plann Journal of Business Ethics --> J Bus Ethics Journal of Business Finance & Accounting --> J Bus Finance Account Journal of Business Research --> J Bus Res Journal of Business Venturing --> J Bus Venturing Journal of Business-To-Business Marketing --> J Bus-Bus Mark Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology --> J Calif Gt Basin Anthropol Journal of Canadian Studies. Revue d'Etudes Canadiennes --> J Can Stud Journal of Cancer --> J Cancer Journal of Cancer Education --> J Cancer Educ Journal of Cancer Epidemiology --> J Cancer Epidemiol Journal of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention --> J Cancer Epidemiol Prev Journal of Cancer Pain & Symptom Palliation --> J Cancer Pain Symptom Palliation Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology --> J Cancer Res Clin Oncol Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics --> J Cancer Res Ther Journal of Cancer Survivorship: Research and Practice --> J Cancer Surviv Journal of Capillary Electrophoresis --> J Capillary Electrophor Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry --> J Carbohydr Chem Journal of Carcinogenesis --> J Carcinog Journal of Cardiac Failure --> J Card Fail Journal of Cardiac Surgery --> J Card Surg Journal of Cardiography --> J Cardiogr Journal of Cardiology --> J Cardiol Journal of Cardiology. Supplement --> J Cardiol Suppl Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation --> J Cardiopulm Rehabil Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention --> J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia --> J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia --> J Cardiothorac Anesth Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery --> J Cardiothorac Surg Journal of Cardiothoracic-renal Research --> J Cardiothoracic-renal Res Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography --> J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr Journal of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Procedures --> J Cardiovasc Diagn Proced Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology --> J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance --> J Cardiovasc Magn Reson Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (Hagerstown, Md.) --> J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology --> J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics --> J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther Journal of Cardiovascular Risk --> J Cardiovasc Risk Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research --> J Cardiovasc Transl Res Journal of Career Assessment --> J Career Assess Journal of Career Development --> J Career Dev Journal of Case Management --> J Case Manag Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership --> J Cases Educ Leadersh Journal of Cases on Information Technology --> J Cases Inf Technol Journal of Catalysis --> J Catal Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery --> J Cataract Refract Surg Journal of Caves and Karst Studies --> J Caves Karst Stud Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling --> J Cell Commun Signal Journal of Cell Science --> J Cell Sci Journal of Cell Science. Supplement --> J Cell Sci Suppl Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology --> J Cell Comp Physiol Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine --> J Cell Mol Med Journal of Cellular Biochemistry --> J Cell Biochem Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. Supplement --> J Cell Biochem Suppl Journal of Cellular Physiology --> J Cell Physiol Journal of Cellular Physiology. Supplement --> J Cell Physiol Suppl Journal of Central European Affairs --> J Central Eur Aff Journal of Cereal Science --> J Cereal Sci Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism --> J Cereb Blood Flow Metab Journal of Change Management --> J Change Manag Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data --> J Chem Eng Data Journal of Chemical Crystallography --> J Chem Crystallogr Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment --> J Chem Depend Treat Journal of Chemical Documentation --> J Chem Doc Journal of Chemical Ecology --> J Chem Ecol Journal of Chemical Education --> J Chem Educ Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan --> J Chem Eng of Jpn Journal of Chemical Health and Safety --> J Chem Health Saf Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences --> J Chem Inf Comput Sci Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling --> J Chem Inf Model Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy --> J Chem Neuroanat Journal of Chemical Research --> J Chem Res Journal of Chemical Research Synopses --> J Chem Res Synop Journal of Chemical Sciences --> J Chem Sci Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire) --> J Chem Technol Biotechnol Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation --> J Chem Theory Comput Journal of Chemometrics --> J Chemometr Journal of Chemotherapy (Florence, Italy) --> J Chemother Journal of Cherokee Studies --> J Cherokee Stud Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse --> J Child Adolesc Subst Abuse Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma --> J Child Adolesc Trauma Journal of Child Abuse & the Law --> J Child Abuse Law Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy --> J Child Adolesc Group Ther Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health --> J Child Adolesc Ment Health Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing --> J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing --> J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology --> J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol Journal of Child and Family Nursing --> J Child Fam Nurs Journal of Child and Family Studies --> J Child Fam Stud Journal of Child Custody --> J Child Custody Journal of Child Health Care --> J Child Health Care Journal of Child Language --> J Child Lang Journal of Child Neurology --> J Child Neurol Journal of Child Nutrition & Management --> J Child Nutr Manag Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines --> J Child Psychol Psychiatry Journal of Child Psychotherapy --> J Child Psychother Journal of Child Sexual Abuse --> J Child Sex Abuse Journal of Childhood Studies --> J Child Stud Journal of Children & Poverty --> J Child Poverty Journal of Children's Health --> J Child Health Journal of Children's Literature --> J Child Lit Journal of Children's Orthopaedics --> J Child Orthop Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications --> J China Univ Post Telecommun Journal of Chinese Association of Ultrasound in Medicine and Engineering --> J Chin Assoc Ultrasound Med Eng Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies --> J Chin Econ Bus Stud Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine --> J Chin Integr Med Journal of Chinese Philosophy --> J Chin Philos Journal of Chiropractic Medicine --> J Chiropr Med Journal of Christian Nursing --> J Christ Nurs Journal of Chromatographic Science --> J Chromatogr Sci Journal of Chromatography. A --> J Chromatogr A Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences --> J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci Journal of Chromatography. B, Biomedical Applications --> J Chromatogr B Biomed Appl Journal of Chromatography. B, Biomedical Sciences and Applications --> J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl Journal of Chromatography. Biomedical Applications --> J Chromatogr, Biomed Appl Journal of Chromatography. Supplementary Volume --> J Chromatogr Suppl Journal of Chronic Diseases --> J Chronic Dis Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome --> J Chronic Fatigue Syndr Journal of Circadian Rhythms --> J Circadian Rhythms Journal of Classical Sociology --> J Classical Sociol Journal of Classroom Interaction --> J Classr Interact Journal of Cleaner Production --> J Clean Prod Journal of Climate --> J Clim Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology --> J Clim Appl Meteorol Journal of Climatology --> J Climatol Journal of Clinical Activities, Assignments & Handouts in Psychotherapy --> J Clin Act Assign Handouts Psychother Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Immunology --> J Clin Lab Immunol Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology --> J Clin Exp Hematop Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology --> J Clin Exp Neuropsychol Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology --> J Clin Exp Neuropsychol Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychopathology --> J Clin Exp Psychopathol Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychopathology & Quarterly Review of Psychiatry and Neurology --> J Clin Exp Psychopathol Q Rev Psychiatry Neurol Journal of Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy --> J Clin Hosp Pharm Journal of Clinical Anesthesia --> J Clin Anesth Journal of Clinical Apheresis --> J Clin Apher Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition --> J Clin Biochem Nutr Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry. Zeitschrift fur Klinische Chemie und Klinische Biochemie --> J Clin Chem Clin Biochem Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology --> J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol Journal of Clinical Child Psychology --> J Clin Child Psychol Journal of Clinical Computing --> J Clin Comput Journal of Clinical Densitometry --> J Clin Densitom Journal of Clinical Engineering --> J Clin Eng Journal of Clinical Epidemiology --> J Clin Epidemiol Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine --> J Clin Forensic Med Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology --> J Clin Gastroenterol Journal of Clinical Hypertension --> J Clin Hypertens Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.) --> J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) Journal of Clinical Immunology --> J Clin Immunol Journal of Clinical Issues in Psychology --> J Clin Issues Psychol Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis --> J Clin Lab Anal Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery --> J Clin Laser Med Surg Journal of Clinical Lipidology --> J Clin Lipidol Journal of Clinical Microbiology --> J Clin Microbiol Journal of Clinical Monitoring --> J Clin Monit Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing --> J Clin Monit Comput Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease --> J Clin Neuromuscul Dis Journal of Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology --> J Clin Neuroophthalmol Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology --> J Clin Neurophysiol Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology --> J Clin Neuropsychol Journal of Clinical Neuroscience --> J Clin Neurosci Journal of Clinical Nursing --> J Clin Nurs Journal of Clinical Oncology --> J Clin Oncol Journal of Clinical Orthodontics --> J Clin Orthod Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management --> J Clin Outcomes Manag Journal of Clinical Pathology --> J Clin Pathol Journal of Clinical Pathology. Supplement (Ass. Clin. Path.) --> J Clin Pathol Suppl (Assoc Clin Pathol) Journal of Clinical Pathology. Supplement (Royal College of Pathologists) --> J Clin Pathol Suppl (R Coll Pathol) Journal of Clinical Periodontology --> J Clin Periodontol Journal of Clinical Pharmacology --> J Clin Pharmacol Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics --> J Clin Pharm Ther Journal of Clinical Psychology --> J Clin Psychol Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings --> J Clin Psychol Med Settings Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology --> J Clin Psychopharmacol Journal of Clinical Research and Drug Development --> J Clin Res Drug Dev "Journal of Clinical Rheumatology ; Practical Reports on Rheumatic & Musculoskeletal Diseases" --> J Clin Rheumatol Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine --> J Clin Sleep Med Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology --> J Clin Sport Psychol Journal of Clinical Stomatology Conferences --> J Clin Stomatol Conf Journal of Clinical Stomatology Conferences' (Columbia University, School of Dental and Oral Surgery) --> J Clin Stomatology Conferences' (Columbia Univ, Sch Dent Oral Surg) Journal of Clinical Ultrasound --> J Clin Ultrasound Journal of Clinical Virology --> J Clin Virol Journal of Cluster Science --> J Cluster Sci Journal of Coastal Conservation --> J Coast Conserv Journal of Coastal Research --> J Coast Res Journal of Coatings Technology --> J Coatings Technology Journal of Coatings Technology and Research --> J Coat Technol Res Journal of Cognition and Culture --> J Cogn Cult Journal of Cognition and Development --> J Cogn Dev Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies --> J Cogn Behav Psychother Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology --> J Cogn Educ Psychol Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience --> J Cogn Neurosci Journal of Cognitive Psychology --> J Cogn Psychol Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy --> J Cogn Psychother Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation --> J Cogn Rehabil Journal of Cognitive Science --> J Cogn Sci Journal of Cold Regions Engineering --> J Cold Reg Eng Journal of Cold War Studies --> J Cold War Stud Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector --> J Collect Negotiations Public Sect Journal of College Admission --> J Coll Admiss Journal of College Counseling --> J Coll Couns Journal of College Reading and Learning --> J Coll Read Learn Journal of College Science Teaching --> J Coll Sci Teach Journal of College Student Development --> J Coll Student Dev Journal of College Student Personnel --> J Coll Student Person Journal of College Student Psychotherapy --> J Coll Stud Psychother Journal of College Student Retention --> J Coll Stud Retent Journal of Colloid and Interface Science --> J Colloid Interface Sci Journal of Colloid Science --> J Colloid Sci Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry --> J Comb Chem Journal of Combinatorial Optimization --> J Comb Optim Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A --> J Comb Theory Ser A Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B --> J Comb Theory Ser B Journal of Combustion --> J Combust Journal of Common Market Studies --> J Common Mark Stud Journal of Commonwealth Literature --> J Commonw Lit Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies --> J Commonw Polit Stud Journal of Communication Disorders --> J Commun Disord Journal of Communication Management (London) --> J Commun Manag (Lond) Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics --> J Commun Technol Electron Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology --> J Community Appl Soc Psychol Journal of Community Health --> J Community Health Journal of Community Health Nursing --> J Community Health Nurs Journal of Community Medicine --> J Community Med Journal of Community Nursing --> J Community Nurs Journal of Community Nutrition --> J Community Nutr Journal of Community Practice --> J Community Pract Journal of Community Psychology --> J Community Psychol Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology --> J Comp Physiol Psychol Journal of Comparative Economics --> J Comp Econ Journal of Comparative Family Studies --> J Comp Fam Stud Journal of Comparative Laboratory Medicine --> J Comp Lab Med Journal of Comparative Pathology --> J Comp Pathol Journal of Comparative Physiology --> J Comp Physiol Journal of Comparative Physiology. A, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology --> J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology --> J Comp Physiol B Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis --> J Comp Policy Anal Journal of Comparative Psychology --> J Comp Psychol Journal of Comparative Psychology (Washington, D.C.) --> J Comp Psychol Journal of Comparative Sociology and Ethics --> J Comp Sociol Ethics Journal of Competition Law & Economics --> J Compet Law Econ Journal of Complexity --> J Complexity Journal of Composites for Construction --> J Compos Constr Journal of Computational Acoustics --> J Comput Acoust Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications --> J Comput Anal Appl Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics --> J Comput Appl Math Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics --> J Comput Graph Stat Journal of Computational Biology --> J Comput Biol Journal of Computational Chemistry --> J Comput Chem Journal of Computational Electronics --> J Comput Electron Journal of Computational Neuroscience --> J Comput Neurosci Journal of Computational Physics --> J Comput Phys Journal of Computer and System Sciences --> J Comput Syst Sci Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International --> J Comput Syst Sci Int Journal of Computer Assisted Learning --> J Comput Assist Learn Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography --> J Comput Assist Tomogr Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan --> J Comput Chem Jpn Journal of Computer Information Systems --> J Comput Inf Syst Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications --> J Comput Syst Netw Commun Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design --> J Comput Aided Mater Des Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design --> J Comput Aided Mol Des Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy --> J Comput Assist Microsc Journal of Computer-Based Instruction --> J Comput-Based Instr Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication --> J Comput Mediat Commun Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching --> J Comput Math Sci Teach Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering --> J Comput Inf Sci Eng Journal of Computing in Childhood Education --> J Comput Child Educ Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering --> J Comput Civ Eng Journal of Computing in Higher Education --> J Comput High Educ Journal of Computing in Teacher Education --> J Comput Teach Educ Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges --> J Comput Sci Coll Journal of Conflict and Security Law --> J Conflict Secur Law Journal of Consciousness Studies --> J Conscious Stud Journal of Conservative Dentistry --> J Conserv Dent Journal of Construction Accounting & Taxation --> J Construct Account Tax Journal of Construction Education --> J Construct Educ Journal of Construction Engineering and Management --> J Constr Eng Manage Journal of Construction Research --> J Construct Res Journal of Constructional Steel Research --> J Construct Steel Res Journal of Constructivist Psychology --> J Constr Psych Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology --> J Consult Clin Psychol Journal of Consulting Psychology --> J Consult Psychol Journal of Consumer Behaviour --> J Consum Behav Journal of Consumer Culture --> J Consum Cult Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet --> J Consum Health Internet Journal of Consumer Marketing --> J Consum Mark Journal of Consumer Policy --> J Consum Policy Journal of Consumer Psychology --> J Consum Psychol Journal of Consumer Studies & Home Economics --> J Consum Stud Home Econ Journal of Contaminant Hydrology --> J Contam Hydrol Journal of Contemporary African Studies --> J Contemp Afr Stud Journal of Contemporary Asia --> J Contemp Asia Journal of Contemporary China --> J Contemp China Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice --> J Contemp Crim Justice Journal of Contemporary Ethnography --> J Contemp Ethnogr Journal of Contemporary European Studies --> J Contemp Eur Stud Journal of Contemporary History --> J Contemp Hist Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government --> J Contemp Issues Bus Gov Journal of Contemporary Law --> J Contemp Law Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis --> J Contemp Math Anal Journal of Contemporary Physics --> J Contemp Phys Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy --> J Contemp Psychother Journal of Contemporary Religion --> J Contemp Relig Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education --> J Contemp Water Res Educ Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management --> J Contingencies Crisis Manage Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing --> J Contin Educ Nurs Journal of Control Science and Engineering --> J Contr Sci Eng Journal of Controlled Release --> J Control Release Journal of Convention & Event Tourism --> J Conv Event Tour Journal of Coordination Chemistry --> J Coord Chem Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance --> J Corp Account Finance Journal of Corporate Citizenship --> J Corp Citizenship Journal of Corporate Finance --> J Corp Finance Journal of Correctional Education --> J Correctional Educ Journal of Correctional Health Care --> J Correct Health Care Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy --> J Cosmet Laser Ther Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology --> J Cosmet Dermatol Journal of Cosmetic Science --> J Cosmet Sci Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics --> J Cosmol Astropart Phys Journal of Counseling and Development --> J Couns Dev Journal of Counseling Psychology --> J Couns Psychol Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy --> J Couple Relationship Ther Journal of Couples Therapy --> J Couples Ther Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology --> J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology. Supplement --> J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol Suppl Journal of Craniomandibular Disorders --> J Craniomandib Disord Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery --> J Craniomaxillofac Surg Journal of Creativity in Mental Health --> J Creativity Ment Health Journal of Criminal Justice --> J Crim Justice Journal of Criminal Justice Education --> J Crim Justice Educ Journal of Criminal Law --> J Crim Law Journal of Critical Care --> J Crit Care Journal of Crohn's and Colitis --> J Crohn's Colitis Journal of Crohn's and Colitis Supplements --> J Crohn's Colitis Suppl Journal of Crop Improvement --> J Crop Improv Journal of Crop Production --> J Crop Prod Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology --> J Cross Cult Gerontol Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology --> J Cross Cult Psychol Journal of Crustacean Biology --> J Crustac Biol Journal of Cryptology --> J Cryptol Journal of Crystal Growth --> J Cryst Growth Journal of Culinary Science & Technology --> J Culin Sci Technol Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology --> J Cult Evol Psychol Journal of Cultural Diversity --> J Cult Divers Journal of Cultural Economics --> J Cult Econ Journal of Cultural Geography --> J Cult Geogr Journal of Cultural Heritage --> J Cult Herit Journal of Cuneiform Studies --> J Cuneif Stud Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising --> J Curr Issues Res Advert Journal of Current Social Issues --> J Curr Soc Issues Journal of Curriculum Studies --> J Curric Stud Journal of Cutaneous Laser Therapy --> J Cutan Laser Ther Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery --> J Cutan Med Surg Journal of Cutaneous Pathology --> J Cutan Pathol Journal of Cyber Therapy and Rehabilitation --> J Cyber Ther Rehabil Journal of Cyclic Nucleotide and Protein Phosphorylation Research --> J Cyclic Nucleotide Protein Phosphor Res Journal of Cyclic Nucleotide Research --> J Cyclic Nucleotide Res Journal of Cystic Fibrosis --> J Cyst Fibros Journal of Dairy Science --> J Dairy Sci Journal of Data Warehousing --> J Data Warehous Journal of Database Management --> J Database Manage Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education --> J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ Journal of Decision Systems --> J Decis Syst Journal of Democracy --> J Democracy Journal of Dental Biomechanics --> J Dent Biomech Journal of Dental Education --> J Dent Educ Journal of Dental Hygiene --> J Dent Hyg Journal of Dental Practice Administration --> J Dent Pract Adm Journal of Dental Research --> J Dent Res Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects. --> J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect Journal of Dental Technology --> J Dent Technol Journal of Dentistry --> J Dent Journal of Dentistry (Tehran) --> J Dent (Tehran) Journal of Dentistry for Children (Chicago, Ill.) --> J Dent Child (Chic) Journal of Dentistry for the Handicapped --> J Dent Handicap Journal of Derivatives --> J Deriv Journal of Derivatives Accounting --> J Deriv Account Journal of Dermatological Science --> J Dermatol Sci Journal of Dermatological Science. Supplement --> J Dermatol Science Suppl Journal of Desert Research --> J Desert Res Journal of Design History --> J Des Hist Journal of Developing Areas --> J Dev Areas Journal of Developing Societies --> J Dev Soc Journal of Development Economics --> J Dev Econ Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics --> J Dev Behav Pediatr Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities --> J Dev Phys Disabil Journal of Developmental Education --> J Dev Educ Journal of Developmental Physiology --> J Dev Physiol Journal of Diabetes --> J Diabetes Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications --> J Diabetes Complications Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology --> J Diabetes Sci Tech Journal of Dialysis --> J Dial Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases Research --> J Diarrhoeal Dis Res Journal of Differential Equations --> J Differ Equ Journal of Digestive Diseases --> J Dig Dis Journal of Digital & Electronic Acquisitions --> J Digit Electron Acquis Journal of Digital Imaging --> J Digit Imaging Journal of Digital Information --> J Digit Inform Journal of Direct Instruction --> J Direct Instruction Journal of Disability Policy Studies --> J Disabil Policy Stud Journal of Discrete Algorithms --> J Discrete Algorithms Journal of Distance Education --> J Distance Educ Journal of Diversity in Higher Education --> J Divers High Educ Journal of Divorce --> J Divorce Journal of Divorce & Remarriage --> J Divorce & Remarriage Journal of Drug Delivery --> J Drug Deliv Journal of Drug Education --> J Drug Educ Journal of Drug Issues --> J Drug Issues Journal of Drug Research --> J Drug Res Journal of Drug Targeting --> J Drug Target Journal of Drugs in Dermatology --> J Drugs Dermatol Journal of Dual Diagnosis --> J Dual Diagn Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control --> J Dyn Syst Meas Control Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems --> J Dyn Contr Syst Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations --> J Dyn Differ Equ Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention --> J Early Intensive Behav Intervention Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology --> J Early Child Infant Psychol Journal of Early Childhood Literacy --> J Early Child Literacy Journal of Early Childhood Research --> J Early Child Res Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education --> J Early Child Teach Educ Journal of Early Christian Studies --> J Early Christ Stud Journal of Early Intervention --> J Early Interv Journal of Early Modern History --> J Early Mod Hist Journal of Earth System Science --> J Earth Syst Sci Journal of Earthquake Engineering --> J Earthquake Eng Journal of East African Natural History --> J East Afr Nat Hist Journal of East and West Studies --> J East West Stud Journal of East Asian Archaeology --> J East Asian Archaeol Journal of East Asian Linguistics --> J East Asian Linguist Journal of East China Normal University --> Huadong Shifan Daxue Xuebao Journal of Eastern African Research & Development --> J East Afr Res Dev Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies --> J East Caribb Stud Journal of East-West Business --> J East-West Bus Journal of Ecobiology --> J Ecobiol Journal of Ecology --> J Ecol Journal of Ecology and Field Biology --> J Ecol Field Biol Journal of Econometrics --> J Econom Journal of Economic Asymmetries --> J Econ Asymmetries Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient --> J Econ Soc Hist Orient Journal of Economic and Social Measurement --> J Econ Soc Meas Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization --> J Econ Behav Organ Journal of Economic Biology --> J Econ Biol Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control --> J Econ Dyn Control Journal of Economic Entomology --> J Econ Entomol Journal of Economic Geography --> J Econ Geogr Journal of Economic Growth --> J Econ Growth Journal of Economic Issues --> J Econ Issues Journal of Economic Literature --> J Econ Lit Journal of Economic Methodology --> J Econ Methodol Journal of Economic Psychology --> J Econ Psychol Journal of Economic Studies (Glasgow, Scotland) --> J Econ Stud Journal of Economic Surveys --> J Econ Surv Journal of Economic Theory --> J Econ Theory Journal of Economics --> J Econ Journal of Economics & Management Strategy --> J Econ Manage Strategy Journal of Economics and Business --> J Econ Bus Journal of Economics and Finance --> J Econ Finance Journal of Ecumenical Studies --> J Ecumenical Stud Journal of Education & Psychology --> J Educ Psychol Journal of Education and Work --> J Educ Work Journal of Education Finance --> J Educ Finance Journal of Education for Business --> J Educ Bus Journal of Education for Library and Information Science --> J Educ Libr Inf Sci Journal of Education for Social Work --> J Educ Soc Work Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk --> J Educ Students Placed Risk Journal of Education for Teaching --> J Educ Teach Journal of Education Policy --> J Educ Policy Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation --> J Educ Psychol Consult Journal of Educational Administration --> J Educ Adm Journal of Educational Administration and History --> J Educ Adm Hist Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics --> J Educ Behav Stat Journal of Educational Change --> J Educ Change Journal of Educational Computing Research --> J Educ Comput Res Journal of Educational Controversy --> J Educ Controv Journal of Educational Measurement --> J Educ Meas Journal of Educational Media --> J Educ Media Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia --> J Educ Multimed Hypermedia Journal of Educational Psychology --> J Educ Psychol Journal of Educational Research & Policy Studies --> J Educ Res Policy Stud Journal of Educational Resources in Computing --> J Educ Resour Comput Journal of Educational Sociology --> J Educ Sociol Journal of Educational Statistics --> J Educ Stat Journal of Educational Technology & Society --> J Educ Technol Soc Journal of Educational Technology Systems --> J Educ Technol Syst Journal of E-Government --> J E-Government Journal of Elasticity --> J Elast Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect --> J Elder Abuse Negl Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties --> J Elections Public Opin Parties Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering --> J Electr Comput Eng Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia --> J Electr Electron Eng Aust Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry --> J Electroanal Chem Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry --> J Electroanal Chem Interfacial Electrochem Journal of Electrocardiology --> J Electrocardiol Journal of Electroceramics --> J Electroceram Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications --> J Electromagn Waves Appl Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology --> J Electromyogr Kinesiol Journal of Electron Microscopy --> J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique --> J Electron Microsc Tech Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena --> J Electron Spectrosc Relat Phenom Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations --> J Electron Commerce Organ Journal of Electronic Commerce Research --> J Electron Commerce Res Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering --> J Electron Electr Eng Journal of Electronic Imaging --> J Electron Imaging Journal of Electronic Materials --> J Electron Mater Journal of Electronic Packaging --> J Electron Packag Journal of Electronic Publishing --> J Electron Publish Journal of Electronic Resource Description & Access --> J Electron Resour Descr Access Journal of Electronic Resources in Law Libraries --> J Electron Resour Law Libr Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries --> J Electron Resour Med Libr Journal of Electronic Testing --> J Electron Test Journal of Electronics (China) --> J Electron (China) Journal of Electronics Manufacturing --> J Electron Manuf Journal of Electrostatics --> J Electrost Journal of Elementary Science Education --> J Elementary Sci Educ Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology --> J Embryol Exp Morphol Journal of EMDR Practice and Research --> J EMDR Pract Res Journal of Emergency Nursing: JEN --> J Emerg Nurs Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care --> J Emerg Prim Health Care Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Science --> J Emerg Trends Econ Manag Sci Journal of Emotional Abuse --> J Emotional Abuse Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders --> J Emot Behav Disord Journal of Empirical Finance --> J Empir Finance "Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics ; JERHRE" --> J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics Journal of Employment Counseling --> J Employ Couns Journal of End User Computing --> J End User Comput Journal of Endocrinological Investigation --> J Endocrinol Invest Journal of Endodontics --> J Endod Journal of Endotoxin Research --> J Endotoxin Res Journal of Endourology --> J Endourol Journal of Endovascular Surgery --> J Endovasc Surg Journal of Endovascular Therapy --> J Endovasc Ther Journal of Energy --> J Energy Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law --> J Energy Nat Resour Law Journal of Energy Engineering --> J Energy Eng Journal of Energy Finance & Development --> J Energy Finance Dev Journal of Energy Resources Technology --> J Energy Resour Technol Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer --> J Energy Heat Mass Transf Journal of Engineering and Technology Management --> J Eng Technol Manage Journal of Engineering Design --> J Eng Des Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power --> J Eng Gas Turbines Power Journal of Engineering for Industry --> J Eng Ind Journal of Engineering for Power --> J Eng Power Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology --> J Eng Mater Technol Journal of Engineering Mathematics --> J Eng Math Journal of Engineering Mechanics --> J Eng Mech Journal of Engineering Physics --> J Eng Phys Journal of Engineering Psychology --> J Eng Psychol Journal of Engineering Thermophysics --> J Eng Thermophys Journal of English and Germanic Philology --> J Engl Germanic Philol Journal of English for Academic Purposes --> J Engl Acad Purposes Journal of English Linguistics --> J Eng Linguist Journal of Enterostomal Therapy --> J Enterostomal Ther Journal of Entomological Research --> J Entomol Res Journal of Entomological Science --> J Entomol Sci Journal of Entomology --> J Entomol Journal of Environment & Development --> J Environ Dev Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics --> J Environ Eng Geophys Journal of Environmental and Public Health --> J Environ Public Health Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management --> J Environ Assess Policy Manage Journal of Environmental Biology --> J Environ Biol Journal of Environmental Economics and Management --> J Environ Econ Manage Journal of Environmental Engineering --> J Environ Eng Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science --> J Environ Eng Sci Journal of Environmental Health --> J Environ Health Journal of Environmental Law --> J Environ Law Journal of Environmental Law and Practice --> J Environ Law Pract Journal of Environmental Management --> J Environ Manage Journal of Environmental Medicine --> J Environ Med Journal of Environmental Monitoring --> J Environ Monit Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology --> J Environ Pathol Toxicol Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology --> J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol Journal of Environmental Planning and Management --> J Environ Plann Manage Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning --> J Environ Policy Plann Journal of Environmental Polymer Degradation --> J Environ Polym Degrad Journal of Environmental Psychology --> J Environ Psychol Journal of Environmental Quality --> J Environ Qual Journal of Environmental Radioactivity --> J Environ Radioact Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering --> J Environ Sci Health, Part A: Environ Sci Eng Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A, Environmental Science and Engineering & Toxic and Hazardous Substance Control --> J Environ Sci Health A Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering --> J Environ Sci Health Part A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part C, Environmental Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology Reviews --> J Environ Sci Health Part C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part C: Environmental Health Sciences --> J Environ Sci Health C Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part. B, Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes --> J Environ Sci Health B Journal of Environmental Sciences (China) --> J Environ Sci (China) Journal of Environmental Systems --> J Environ Syst Journal of Enzyme Inhibition --> J Enzyme Inhib Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry --> J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem Journal of Epidemiology --> J Epidemiol Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics --> J Epidemiol Biostat Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health --> J Epidemiol Community Health Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health --> J Epidemiol Community Health Journal of Epilepsy --> J Epilepsy Journal of Equine Science --> J Equine Sci Journal of Equine Veterinary Science --> J Equine Vet Sci Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry --> J Esthet Restor Dent Journal of Esthetic Dentistry --> J Esthet Dent Journal of ET Nursing --> J ET Nurs Journal of Ethics in Mental Health --> J Ethics Ment Health Journal of Ethics, Law, and Aging --> J Ethics Law Aging Journal of Ethiopian Studies --> J Ethiop Stud Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work --> J Ethn Cult Divers Soc Work Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies --> J Ethn Migr Stud Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice --> J Ethn Crim Justice Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse --> J Ethn Subst Abuse Journal of Ethnobiology --> J Ethnobiol Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine --> J Ethnobiol Ethnomed Journal of Ethnopharmacology --> J Ethnopharmacol Journal of Ethology --> J Ethol Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology --> J Eukaryot Microbiol Journal of Euromarketing --> J Euro-Mark Journal of European Archaeology --> J Eur Archaeol Journal of European Area Studies --> J Eur Area Stud Journal of European Business --> J Eur Bus Journal of European Industrial Training --> J Eur Ind Train Journal of European Psychoanalysis --> J Eur Psychoanal Journal of European Public Policy --> J Eur Public Policy Journal of European Social Policy --> J Eur Soc Policy Journal of European Studies --> J Eur Stud Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice --> J Eval Clin Pract Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work --> J Evidence-Based Soc Work Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology --> J Evol Biochem Physiol Journal of Evolutionary Biology --> J Evol Biol Journal of Evolutionary Economics --> J Evol Econ Journal of Evolutionary Psychology (Budapest) --> J Evol Psychol (Bp) Journal of Exceptional Children --> J Except Child Journal of Existentialism --> J Existent Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine --> J Exot Pet Med Journal of Experiential Education --> J Experiential Educ Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction --> J Exp Clin Assist Reprod Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research --> J Exp Clin Cancer Res Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence --> J Exp Theor Artif Intell Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics --> J Exp Theor Phys Journal of Experimental Animal Science --> J Exp Anim Sci Journal of Experimental Botany --> J Exp Bot Journal of Experimental Child Psychology --> J Exp Child Psychol Journal of Experimental Criminology --> J Exp Criminol Journal of Experimental Education --> J Exp Educ Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology --> J Exp Mar Biol Ecol Journal of Experimental Medical Sciences --> J Exp Med Sci Journal of Experimental Pathology --> J Exp Pathol Journal of Experimental Pathology (Oxford, England) --> J Exp Pathol (Oxford) Journal of Experimental Psychology --> J Exp Psychol Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes --> J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Learning and Cognition --> J Exp Psychol Anim Learn Cogn Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied --> J Exp Psychol Appl Journal of Experimental Psychology. General --> J Exp Psychol Gen Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Learning and Memory --> J Exp Psychol Hum Learn Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance --> J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition --> J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn Journal of Experimental Social Psychology --> J Exp Soc Psychol Journal of Experimental Therapeutics & Oncology --> J Exp Ther Oncol Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A, Comparative Experimental Biology --> J Exp Zoolog A Comp Exp Biol Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A, Ecological Genetics and Physiology --> J Exp Zool Part A Ecol Genet Physiol Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution --> J Exp Zoolog B Mol Dev Evol Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology --> J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology --> J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol Journal of Extension --> J Ext Journal of Faculty Development --> J Fac Dev Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention --> J Fail Anal Prev Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences --> J Fam Consum Sci Journal of Family and Economic Issues --> J Fam Econ Issues Journal of Family Communication --> J Fam Commun Journal of Family Health Training --> J Famil Health Train Journal of Family History --> J Fam Hist Journal of Family Issues --> J Fam Issues Journal of Family Law --> J Fam Law Journal of Family Nursing --> J Fam Nurs Journal of Family Psychology --> J Fam Psychol Journal of Family Psychotherapy --> J Fam Psychother Journal of Family Research --> J Fam Res Journal of Family Social Work --> J Fam Soc Work Journal of Family Studies --> J Fam Stud Journal of Family Therapy --> J Fam Ther Journal of Family Violence --> J Fam Violence Journal of Farm Economics --> J Farm Econ Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management --> J Fash Mark Manag Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery --> J Feline Med Surg Journal of Feminist Family Therapy --> J Fem Fam Ther Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering --> J Ferment Bioeng Journal of Fermentation Technology --> J Ferment Technol Journal of Ferrocement --> J Ferrocement Journal of Field Archaeology --> J Field Archaeol Journal of Field Ornithology --> J Field Ornithol Journal of Field Robotics --> J Field Robot Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis --> J Financ Quant Anal Journal of Financial Crime --> J Financ Crime Journal of Financial Econometrics --> J Financ Econom Journal of Financial Economics --> J Financ Econ Journal of Financial Engineering --> J Financ Eng Journal of Financial Intermediation --> J Financ Intermed Journal of Financial Management and Analysis --> J Financ Manag Anal Journal of Financial Markets --> J Financ Mark Journal of Financial Planning --> J Financ Plann Journal of Financial Research --> J Financ Res Journal of Financial Services Research --> J Financ Serv Res Journal of Financial Stability --> J Financ Stab Journal of Financial Statement Analysis --> J Financ Statement Anal Journal of Fire Protection Engineering --> J Fire Prot Eng Journal of Fire Sciences --> J Fire Sci Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management --> J Fish Wildl Manag Journal of Fish Biology --> J Fish Biol Journal of Fish Diseases --> J Fish Dis Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology --> J Fish Sci Technol Journal of FisheriesSciences.com --> Journal of FisheriesSciencescom Journal of Fixed Income --> J Fixed Income Journal of Fluency Disorders --> J Fluency Disord Journal of Fluid Mechanics --> J Fluid Mech Journal of Fluids and Structures --> J Fluids Structures Journal of Fluids Engineering --> J Fluids Eng Journal of Fluorescence --> J Fluoresc Journal of Fluorine Chemistry --> J Fluor Chem Journal of Foetal Medicine --> J Foetal Med Journal of Food & Agriculture --> J Food Agric Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment --> J Food Agric Environ Journal of Food and Nutrition --> J Food Nutr Journal of Food Biochemistry --> J Food Biochem Journal of Food Composition and Analysis --> J Food Compos Anal Journal of Food Engineering --> J Food Eng Journal of Food Lipids --> J Food Lipids Journal of Food Process Engineering --> J Food Process Eng Journal of Food Products Marketing --> J Food Prod Mark Journal of Food Protection --> J Food Prot Journal of Food Quality --> J Food Qual Journal of Food Safety --> J Food Saf Journal of Food Science --> J Food Sci Journal of Food Science and Technology (Mysore) --> J Food Sci Technol Mysore Journal of Food Technology --> J Food Technol Journal of Food Technology in Africa --> J Food Technol Afr Journal of Foodservice Business Research --> J Foodserv Bus Res Journal of Foraminiferal Research --> J Foraminiferal Res Journal of Forecasting --> J Forecast Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine --> J Forensic Leg Med Journal of Forensic Medicine --> J Forensic Med Journal of Forensic Neuropsychology --> J Forensic Neuropsychol Journal of Forensic Nursing --> J Forensic Nurs Journal of Forensic Psychiatry --> J Forensic Psychiatry Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology --> J Forensic Psychiatry Psychol Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice --> J Forensic Psychol Pract Journal of Forensic Sciences --> J Forensic Sci Journal of Forest Economics --> J For Econ Journal of Forest Research --> J For Res Journal of Forest History --> J For Hist Journal of Forestry --> J For Journal of Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine --> J Free Radic Biol Med Journal of French Language Studies --> J Fr Lang Stud Journal of Freshwater Biology --> J Freshwat Biol Journal of Freshwater Ecology --> J Freshwat Ecol Journal of Friction and Wear --> J Frict Wear Journal of Fudan University. Natural Science --> J Fudan Univ Nat Sci Journal of Functional Analysis --> J Funct Anal Journal of Functional Programming --> J Funct Program Journal of Further and Higher Education --> J Furth High Educ Journal of Futures Markets --> J Futures Mark Journal of Gambling Studies --> J Gambl Stud Journal of Gang Research --> J Gang Res Journal of Garden History --> J Gard Hist Journal of Gas Chromatography --> J Gas Chromatogr Journal of Gastroenterology --> J Gastroenterol Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology --> J Gastroenterol Hepatol "Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases ; JGLD" --> J Gastrointestin Liver Dis Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology --> J Gastrointest Oncol Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery --> J Gastrointest Surg Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education --> J Gay Lesbian Issues Educ Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health --> J Gay Lesbian Ment Health Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy --> J Gay Lesbian Psychother Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services --> J Gay Lesbian Soc Serv Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity --> J Gay Lesbian Bisex Identity Journal of Gender Studies --> J Gend Stud Journal of Gender, Culture, and Health --> J Gend Cult Health Journal of General Internal Medicine --> J Gen Intern Med Journal of General Microbiology --> J Gen Microbiol Journal of General Orthodontics --> J Gen Orthod Journal of General Plant Pathology --> J Gen Plant Pathol Journal of Genetic Counseling --> J Genet Couns Journal of Genetic Molecular Microbiology --> J Genet Mol Microbiol Journal of Genetics --> J Genet Journal of Genetics & Breeding --> J Genet Breed Journal of Genetics and Genomics = Yi Chuan Xue Bao --> J Genet Genomics Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology --> J Genet Mol Biol Journal of Genocide Research --> J Genocide Res Journal of Geochemical Exploration --> J Geochem Explor Journal of Geodesy --> J Geod Journal of Geodynamics --> J Geodyn Journal of Geographical Sciences --> J Geogr Sci Journal of Geographical Systems --> J Geogr Syst Journal of Geography in Higher Education --> J Geogr High Educ Journal of Geological Education --> J Geol Educ Journal of Geological Research --> J Geol Res Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity --> J Geomag Geoelectr Journal of Geometry --> J Geom Journal of Geometry and Physics --> J Geom Phys Journal of Geophysical Research --> J Geophys Res Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres --> J Geophys Res Atmos Journal of Geophysical Research, B, Solid Earth --> J Geophys Res, B, Solid Earth Journal of Geophysical Research, C, Oceans --> J Geophys Res, C, Oceans Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres --> J Geophys Res, D, Atmospheres Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets --> J Geophys Res Planets Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth --> J Geophys Res Solid Earth Journal of Geophysics --> J Geophys Journal of Geophysics and Engineering --> J Geophys Eng Journal of Geoscience Education --> J Geosci Educ Journal of Geosciences (Prague) --> J Geosci (Prague) Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University --> J Geosci Osaka City Univ Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering --> J Geotech Geoenviron Eng Journal of Geotechnical Engineering --> J Geotech Eng Journal of Geriatric Drug Therapy --> J Geriatr Drug Ther Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy --> J Geriatr Phys Ther Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry --> J Geriatr Psychiatry Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology --> J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol Journal of Gerontological Nursing --> J Gerontol Nurs Journal of Gerontological Social Work --> J Gerontol Soc Work Journal of Gerontology --> J Gerontol Journal of Glaciology --> J Glaciol Journal of Glass Studies --> J Glass Stud Journal of Glaucoma --> J Glaucoma Journal of GLBT Family Studies --> J GLBT Fam Stud Journal of Global Change and Governance --> J Glob Change Gov Journal of Global Financial Markets --> J Glob Financ Mark Journal of Global Health --> J Glob Health Journal of Global Information Management --> J Glob Inf Manage Journal of Global Information Technology Management --> J Global Inform Tech Manag Journal of Global Marketing --> J Glob Mark Journal of Global Optimization --> J Glob Optim Journal of Government Information --> J Gov Inf Journal of Graph Theory --> J Graph Theory Journal of Gravitational Physiology --> J Gravit Physiol Journal of Great Lakes Research --> J Great Lakes Res Journal of Grey System --> J Grey Syst Journal of Grid Computing --> J Grid Comput Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry --> J Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama Sociometry Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry --> J Group Psychother Psychodrama Sociom Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery --> J Groups Addict Recovery Journal of Guidance and Control --> J Guid Control Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics --> J Guid Control Dyn Journal of Guiyang Medical College --> J Guiyang Med Coll Journal of Gynaecological Endocrinology --> J Gynaecol Endocrinol Journal of Gynecologic Surgery --> J Gynecol Surg Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society --> J Halacha Contemporary Society Journal of Hand Surgery (Edinburgh, Lothian) --> J Hand Surg [Br] Journal of Hand Therapy --> J Hand Ther Journal of Happiness Studies --> J Happiness Stud Journal of Hazardous Materials --> J Hazard Mater Journal of Health & Population in Developing Countries --> J Health Popul Dev Ctries Journal of Health & Social Policy --> J Health Soc Policy Journal of Health and Hospital Law --> J Health Hosp Law Journal of Health and Human Behavior --> J Health Hum Behav Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration --> J Health Hum Resour Adm Journal of Health and Human Services Administration --> J Health Hum Serv Adm Journal of Health and Social Behavior --> J Health Soc Behav Journal of Health Care Benefits --> J Health Care Benefits Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy --> J Health Care Chaplain Journal of Health Care Finance --> J Health Care Finance Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved --> J Health Care Poor Underserved Journal of Health Care Interior Design --> J Health Care Inter Des Journal of Health Care Law & Policy --> J Health Care Law Policy Journal of Health Care Marketing --> J Health Care Mark Journal of Health Care Technology --> J Health Care Technol Journal of Health Communication --> J Health Commun Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice --> J Health Dispar Res Pract Journal of Health Economics --> J Health Econ Journal of Health Education --> J Health Educ Journal of Health Law --> J Health Law Journal of Health Management --> J Health Manag Journal of Health Organization and Management --> J Health Organ Manag Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law --> J Health Polit Policy Law Journal of Health Psychology --> J Health Psychol Journal of Health Science --> J Health Sci Journal of Health Services Research & Policy --> J Health Serv Res Policy Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition --> J Health Popul Nutr Journal of Healthcare Design --> J Healthc Des Journal of Healthcare Education and Training --> J Healthc Educ Train Journal of Healthcare Information Management --> J Healthc Inf Manag Journal of Healthcare Management --> J Healthc Manag Journal of Healthcare Materiel Management --> J Healthc Mater Manage Journal of Healthcare Protection Management --> J Healthc Prot Manage Journal of Healthcare Resource Management --> J Healthc Resour Manag Journal of Healthcare Risk Management --> J Healthc Risk Manag Journal of Heat Transfer --> J Heat Transfer Journal of Helminthology --> J Helminthol Journal of Hematotherapy --> J Hematother Journal of Hematotherapy & Stem Cell Research --> J Hematother Stem Cell Res Journal of Henan Medical University --> J Henan Med Univ Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery --> J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg Journal of Hepatology --> J Hepatol Journal of Hepatology. Supplement --> J Hepatol Suppl Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy --> J Herb Pharmacother Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants --> J Herbs Spices Med Plants Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery --> J Herpetological Med Surg Journal of Herpetology --> J Herpetol Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry --> J Heterocycl Chem Journal of Heuristics --> J Heuristics Journal of High Energy Physics --> J High Energy Phys Journal of High Resolution Chromatography --> J High Resolut Chromatogr Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management --> J High Educ Policy Manage Journal of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement --> J High Educ Outreach Engagem Journal of Hill Research --> J Hill Res Journal of Hispanic Higher Education --> J Hisp High Educ Journal of Historical Geography --> J Hist Geogr Journal of Historical Pragmatics --> J Hist Pragmatics Journal of Historical Sociology --> J Hist Sociol Journal of Histotechnology --> J Histotechnol Journal of HIV Therapy --> J HIV Ther Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services --> J HIV AIDS Soc Serv Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for Adolescents & Children --> J HIV AIDS Prev Educ Adolesc Child Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention in Children & Youth --> J HIV AIDS Prev Child Youth Journal of Holistic Nursing --> J Holist Nurs Journal of Home Economics --> J Home Econ Journal of Homosexuality --> J Homosex Journal of Horticultural Science --> J Hortic Sci Journal of Hospital Dental Practice --> J Hosp Dent Pract Journal of Hospital Librarianship --> J Hosp Librariansh Journal of Hospital Marketing --> J Hosp Mark Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations --> J Hosp Mark Public Relations Journal of Hospital Medicine --> J Hosp Med Journal of Hospital Supply, Processing, and Distribution --> J Hosp Supply Process Distrib Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing --> J Hosp Leis Mark Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (Washington, D.C.) --> J Hosp Tour Res (Wash DC) Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management --> J Hosp Tour Manage Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education --> J Hosp Leis Sport Tour Educ Journal of Housing and the Built Environment --> J Housing Built Environ Journal of Housing Economics --> J Hous Econ Journal of Housing for the Elderly --> J Hous Elder Journal of Housing Research --> J Hous Res Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Medical Sciences --> J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment --> J Hum Behav Soc Environ Journal of Human Development --> J Hum Dev Journal of Human Ecology (Delhi, India) --> J Hum Ecol Journal of Human Ergology --> J Hum Ergol (Tokyo) Journal of Human Evolution --> J Hum Evol Journal of Human Genetics --> J Hum Genet Journal of Human Hypertension --> J Hum Hypertens Journal of Human Justice --> J Hum Justice Journal of Human Lactation --> J Hum Lact Journal of Human Movement Studies --> J Hum Mov Stud Journal of Human Nutrition --> J Hum Nutr Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics --> J Hum Nutr Diet Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism --> J Hum Resour Hosp Tourism Journal of Human Rights --> J Hum Rights Journal of Human Stress --> J Human Stress Journal of Human Values --> J Hum Values Journal of Human Virology --> J Hum Virol Journal of Humanistic Psychology --> J Humanist Psychol Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition --> J Hunger Environ Nutr Journal of Hydraulic Engineering --> J Hydraul Eng Journal of Hydraulic Research --> J Hydraul Res Journal of Hydrodynamics --> J Hydrodynam Journal of Hydro-environment Research --> J Hydro-environment Res Journal of Hydrologic Engineering --> J Hydrol Eng Journal of Hydrological Sciences --> J Hydrol Sci Journal of Hydrology (Amsterdam) --> J Hydrol (Amst) Journal of Hydrology. New Zealand --> J Hydrol NZ Journal of Hydrometeorology --> J Hydrometeorol Journal of Hygiene, Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Immunology --> J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol Journal of Hymenoptera Research --> J Hymenopt Res Journal of Hypertension --> J Hypertens Journal of Hypertension. Supplement --> J Hypertens Suppl Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies --> J Iberian Lat Am Stud Journal of Ichthyology --> J Ichthyol Journal of Image Guided Surgery --> J Image Guid Surg Journal of Imaging Technology --> J Imag Technol Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies --> J Immigr Refug Stud Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health --> J Immigr Minor Health Journal of Immigrant Health --> J Immigr Health Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines --> J Immune Based Ther Vaccines Journal of Immunity --> J Immun Journal of Immunoassay --> J Immunoassay Journal of Immunoassay & Immunochemistry --> J Immunoassay Immunochem Journal of Immunogenetics --> J Immunogenet Journal of Immunological Methods --> J Immunol Methods Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, MD.: 1950) --> J Immunol Journal of Immunopharmacology --> J Immunopharmacol Journal of Immunotherapy --> J Immunother Journal of Immunotherapy (Hagerstown, Md.) --> J Immunother Journal of Immunotherapy with Emphasis on Tumor Immunology --> J Immunother Emphasis Tumor Immunol Journal of Immunotoxicology --> J Immunotoxicol Journal of In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer --> J In Vitro Fert Embryo Transf Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry --> J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem Journal of Indian Association for Communicable Diseases --> J Indian Assoc Commun Dis Journal of Indian Philosophy --> J Indian Philos Journal of Indian Psychology --> J Indian Psychol Journal of Individual Differences --> J Individ Differ Journal of Individual Psychology --> J Individ Psychol Journal of Individual Psychology --> J Indiv Psychol Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities --> J Indonesian Soc Sci Humanit Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry --> J Ind Eng Chem Journal of Industrial Ecology --> J Ind Ecol Journal of Industrial Hemp --> J Ind Hemp Journal of Industrial Microbiology --> J Ind Microbiol Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology --> J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol Journal of Industrial Teacher Education --> J Ind Teach Educ Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade --> J Ind Compet Trade Journal of Inequalities and Applications --> J Inequal Appl "Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy ; JICAP" --> J Infant Child Adolesc Psychother Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy --> J Infect Chemother Journal of Infection in Developing Countries --> J Infect Dev Ctries Journal of Infection and Public Health --> J Infect Public Health Journal of Infectious Disease Pharmacotherapy --> J Infect Dis Pharmacother Journal of Inflammation --> J Inflamm Journal of Inflammation (London, England) --> J Inflamm (Lond) Journal of Information and Display Technology --> J Inf Disp Technol Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences --> J Inf Organ Sci Journal of Information Ethics --> J Infor Ethics Journal of Information Processing and Management --> J Inf Process Manage Journal of Information Science --> J Inf Sci Journal of Information Systems Education --> J Inf Syst Educ Journal of Information Technology --> J Inf Technol Journal of Information Technology & Politics --> J Inf Technol Polit Journal of Information Technology Education --> J Inf Technol Educ Journal of Information Technology Management --> J Inf Technol Manage Journal of Information Technology Research --> J Inf Technol Res Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application --> J Inf Technol Theory Appl Journal of Informetrics --> J Informetrics Journal of Infrastructure Systems --> J Infrastruct Syst Journal of Infusion Nursing --> J Infus Nurs Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease --> J Inherit Metab Dis Journal of Innate Immunity --> J Innate Immun Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry --> J Inorg Nucl Chem Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers --> J Inorg Organomet Polym Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry --> J Inorg Biochem Journal of Insect Behavior --> J Insect Behav Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology --> J Insect Biotechnol Sericology Journal of Insect Conservation --> J Insect Conserv Journal of Insect Physiology --> J Insect Physiol Journal of Insect Science --> J Insect Sci Journal of In-service Education --> J In-service Educ Journal of Institute of Economic Research. J. S.S. Institute of Economic Research --> J Inst Econ Res Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics --> J Inst Theor Econ Journal of Instructional Psychology --> J Instr Psychol Journal of Insurance Medicine (New York, N.Y.) --> J Insur Med Journal of Integral Equations and Applications --> J Integral Equ Appl Journal of Integrated Care Pathways --> J Integr Care Pathw Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences --> J Integr Environ Sci Journal of Integrative Neuroscience --> J Integr Neurosci Journal of Integrative Plant Biology --> J Integr Plant Biol Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability --> J Intellect Dev Disabil Journal of Intellectual Capital --> J Intellect Cap Journal of Intellectual Disabilities --> J Intellect Disabil Journal of Intellectual Disability Research --> J Intellect Disabil Res Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems --> J Intell Robot Syst Journal of Intelligent Information Systems --> J Intell Inf Syst Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing --> J Intell Manuf Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures --> J Intell Mater Syst Struct Journal of Intensive Care Medicine --> J Intensive Care Med Journal of Interactive Learning Research --> J Interact Learn Res Journal of Interactive Marketing --> J Interact Market Journal of Interactive Media in Education --> J Interact Media Educ Journal of Interactive Online Learning --> J Interact Online Learn Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs --> J Inter Am Stud World Aff Journal of Intercultural Studies (Melbourne, Vic.) --> J Intercult Stud Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research --> J Interdiscipl Cycle Res Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics --> J Interdiscip Econ Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research --> J Interferon Cytokine Res Journal of Interferon Research --> J Interferon Res Journal of Intergenerational Relationships --> J Intergenerational Relationships Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply --> J Interlibr Loan Doc Deliv Inf Supply Journal of Internal Medicine --> J Intern Med Journal of Internal Medicine. Supplement --> J Intern Med Suppl Journal of International and Intercultural Communication --> J Int Intercult Commun Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation --> J Int Account Audit Tax Journal of International Affairs --> J Int Aff Journal of International Biotechnology Law --> J Int Biotechnol Law Journal of International Business Studies --> J Int Bus Stud Journal of International Consumer Marketing --> J Int Consum Mark Journal of International Criminal Justice --> J Int Crim Justice Journal of International Development --> J Int Dev Journal of International Economic Law --> J Int Econ Law Journal of International Economic Studies --> J Int Econ Stud Journal of International Economics --> J Int Econ Journal of International Entrepreneurship --> J Int Entrep Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money --> J Int Financ Mark Inst Money Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing --> J Int Food Agribus Mark Journal of International Insurance --> J Int Insur Journal of International Management --> J Int Manage Journal of International Management Studies --> J Int Manag Stud Journal of International Migration and Integration --> J Int Migr Journal of International Money and Finance --> J Int Money Finance Journal of International Policy Solution --> J Int Policy Solut Journal of International Relations and Development --> J Int Relat Dev Journal of International Society of Life Information Science --> J Int Soc Life Inf Sci Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy --> J Int Wildl Law Policy Journal of International Women's Studies --> J Int Womens Stud Journal of Internet Cataloging --> J Internet Cat Journal of Internet Commerce --> J Internet Commerce Journal of Interpersonal Violence --> J Interpers Violence Journal of Interpretation --> Journal of Interpretation (Rockville) Journal of Interprofessional Care --> J Interprof Care Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology --> J Interv Card Electrophysiol Journal of Interventional Cardiology --> J Interv Cardiol Journal of Intravenous Nursing --> J Intraven Nurs Journal of Invertebrate Pathology --> J Invertebr Pathol Journal of Investigational Allergology & Clinical Immunology --> J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol Journal of Investigative Medicine --> J Investig Med Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling --> J Invest Psychol Offender Profiling Journal of Investigative Surgery --> J Invest Surg Journal of Investing --> J Invest Journal of Investment Management --> J Invest Manag Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice --> J Invitational Theory Pract Journal of Iranian Psychologists --> J Iranian Psychologists Journal of Iron and Steel Research International --> J Iron Steel Res Int Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering --> J Irrig Drain Eng Journal of Islamic Studies --> J Islamic Stud Journal of J J Group of Hospitals and Grant Medical College --> J JJ Group Hosp Grant Med Coll Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists --> J Jpn Soc Hosp Pharm Journal of Japan Hospital Pharmacists Association --> J Jpn Hosp Pharm Assoc Journal of Japan Korea Association of Applied Linguistics --> J Jpn Korea Assoc Appl Linguist Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution --> J Jpn Soc Air Pollut Journal of Japan Society of Pharmaceutical Machinery and Engineering --> J Jpn Soc Pharm Mach Eng Journal of Japan Soy Sauce Research Institute --> J Jpn Soy Sauce Res Inst Journal of Japanese Linguistics --> J Jpn Linguist Journal of Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science --> J Jpn Soc Nutr Food Sci Journal of Japanese Society of Stoma Rehabilitation --> J Jpn Soc Stoma Rehabil Journal of Japanese Studies --> J Jpn Stud Journal of Jewish Communal Service --> J Jew Communal Serv Journal of Jewish Education --> J Jew Educ Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice --> J Jungian Theory Pract Journal of Kanazawa Medical University --> J Kanazawa Med Univ Journal of Knowledge Management --> J Knowl Manage Journal of Korean Medical Science --> J Korean Med Sci Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment --> J Korean Soc Atmos Environ Journal of Labelled Compounds --> J Labelled Compd Journal of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals --> J Labelled Comp Radiopharm Journal of Labor Economics --> J Labor Econ Journal of Labor Research --> J Labor Res Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law --> J Land Use Environ Law Journal of Language and Social Psychology --> J Lang Soc Psychol Journal of Language, Identity, and Education --> J Lang Identity Educ Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. Part A. --> J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A Journal of Laparoendoscopic Surgery --> J Laparoendosc Surg Journal of Laser Applications --> J Laser Appl Journal of Latin American Anthropology --> J Lat Am Anthropol Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology --> J Lat Am Caribb Anthropol Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies --> J Lat Am Cult Stud Journal of Latin American Lore --> J Lat Am Lore Journal of Latin American Studies --> J Lat Am Stud Journal of Latinos and Education --> J Lat Educ Journal of Law and Ethics in Dentistry --> J Law Ethics Dent Journal of Law and Health --> J Law Health Journal of Law and Medicine --> J Law Med Journal of Law and Policy --> J Law Policy Journal of Law and Social Deviance --> J Law Soc Deviance Journal of Law and Social Policy --> J Law Soc Policy Journal of Law and Society --> J Law Soc Journal of Law Economics and Organization --> J Law Econ Organ Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies --> J Leadersh Organ Stud Journal of Learning Disabilities --> J Learn Disabil Journal of Learning Disabilities (London) --> J Learn Disabil (Lond) Journal of Legal Education --> J Legal Educ Journal of Legal Medicine --> J Leg Med Journal of Legal Medicine & Forensic Sciences --> J Leg Med Forensic Sci Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law --> J Leg Pluralism Unofficial Law Journal of Legal Studies Education --> J Leg Stud Educ Journal of Legislation --> J Legis Journal of Legislative Studies --> J Legis Stud Journal of Leisure Research --> J Leis Res Journal of Lesbian Studies --> J Lesbian Stud Journal of Leukocyte Biology --> J Leukoc Biol Journal of LGBT Health Research --> J LGBT Health Res Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling --> J LGBT Issues Couns Journal of LGBT Youth --> J LGBT Youth Journal of Librarianship --> J Libr Journal of Librarianship and Information Science --> J Librarian Inform Sci Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning --> J Libr Inf Serv Distance Learn Journal of Library Administration --> J Libr Admin Journal of Library and Information Science --> J Libr Inform Sci Journal of Library Automation --> J Libr Autom Journal of Library End-User Services & Support --> J Libr End-User Serv Support Journal of Library History (Tallahassee, Fla.) --> J Libr Hist Journal of Life Science --> J Life Sci Journal of Light Construction --> J Light Construct Journal of Light Metals --> J Light Met Journal of Lightwave Technology --> J Lightwave Technol Journal of Limnology --> J Limnol Journal of Linguistic Anthropology --> J Linguist Anthropol Journal of Linguistics --> J Linguist Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching --> J Linguist Lang Teach Journal of Lipid Mediators --> J Lipid Mediat Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling --> J Lipid Mediat Cell Signal Journal of Lipid Research --> J Lipid Res Journal of Lipids --> J Lipids Journal of Liposome Research --> J Liposome Res Journal of Liquid Chromatography --> J Liq Chromatogr Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies --> J Liquid Chromatogr Relat Technol Journal of Literacy Research --> J Literacy Res Journal of Location Based Services --> J Locat Based Serv Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming --> J Log Algebraic Program Journal of Logic Language and Information --> J Log Lang Inf Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants --> J Long Term Eff Med Implants Journal of Loss and Trauma --> J Loss Trauma Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries --> J Loss Prev Process Ind Journal of Low Temperature Physics --> J Low Temp Phys Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease --> J Low Genit Tract Dis Journal of Luminescence --> J Lumin Journal of Machine Learning Research --> J Mach Learn Res Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability --> J Mach Manuf Reliab Journal of Macroeconomics --> J Macroecon Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry --> J Macromol Sci Part A Pure Appl Chem Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics --> J Macromol Sci Part B Phys Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C: Polymer Reviews --> J Macromol Sci Part C Polym Rev Journal of Magnetic Resonance (San Diego, Calif.) --> J Magn Reson Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging --> J Magn Reson Imaging Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Series A. --> J Magn Reson A Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Series B. --> J Magn Reson B Journal of Magnetism --> J Magn Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials --> J Magn Magn Mater Journal of Maintenance in the Addictions --> J Mainten Addict Journal of Mammalian Evolution --> J Mamm Evol Journal of Mammalogy --> J Mammal Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia --> J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy --> J Manag Care Pharm Journal of Management --> J Manage Journal of Management & Organization --> J Manage Organ Journal of Management Development --> J Manage Dev Journal of Management Education --> J Manage Educ Journal of Management Engineering --> J Manage Eng Journal of Management History --> J Manage Hist Journal of Management in Medicine --> J Manag Med Journal of Management Information Systems --> J Manage Inf Syst Journal of Management Inquiry --> J Manage Inq Journal of Management Science & Policy Analysis --> J Manag Sci Policy Anal Journal of Management Studies --> J Manage Stud Journal of Managerial Issues --> J Manag Issue Journal of Managerial Psychology --> J Manag Psychol Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics --> J Manipulative Physiol Ther Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering --> J Manuf Sci Eng Journal of Manufacturing Systems --> J Manuf Syst Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management --> J Manuf Tech Manag Journal of Map & Geography Libraries --> J Map Geogr Libr Journal of Marine Animals and their Ecology --> J Mar Anim Ecol Journal of Marine Biology --> J Mar Biol Journal of Marine Biotechnology --> J Mar Biotechnol Journal of Marine Research --> J Mar Res Journal of Marine Science --> J Mar Sci Journal of Marine Science and Technology --> J Mar Sci Technol Journal of Marine Systems --> J Mar Syst Journal of Marital and Family Therapy --> J Marital Fam Ther Journal of Marketing --> J Mark Journal of Marketing & Public Policy --> J Mark Public Policy Journal of Marketing Channels --> J Mark Channels Journal of Marketing Communications --> J Mark Commun Journal of Marketing Education --> J Mark Educ Journal of Marketing for Higher Education --> J Mark High Educ Journal of Marketing for Mental Health --> J Mark Ment Health Journal of Marketing for Professions --> J Mark Prof Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice --> J Mark Theory Pract Journal of Marmara University Dental Faculty --> J Marmara Univ Dent Fac Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling --> J Marriage Fam Couns Journal of Marriage and the Family --> J Marriage Fam Journal of Mass Media Ethics --> J Mass Media Ethics Journal of Mass Spectrometry --> J Mass Spectrom Journal of Material Culture --> J Material Cult Journal of Materials Chemistry --> J Mater Chem Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance --> J Mater Eng Perform Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering --> J Mater Civ Eng Journal of Materials Processing & Manufacturing Science --> J Mater Process Manuf Sci Journal of Materials Processing Technology --> J Mater Process Technol Journal of Materials Research --> J Mater Res Journal of Materials Science --> J Mater Sci Journal of Materials Science and Technology --> J Mater Sci Technol Journal of Materials Science Letters --> J Mater Sci Lett Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics --> J Mater Sci Mater Electron Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Medicine --> J Mater Sci Mater Med Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing --> J Mater Synth Process Journal of Maternal-fetal Investigation --> J Matern Fetal Investig Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications --> J Math Anal Appl Journal of Mathematical Biology --> J Math Biol Journal of Mathematical Chemistry --> J Math Chem Journal of Mathematical Economics --> J Math Econ Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics --> J Math Fluid Mech Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision --> J Math Imaging Vis Journal of Mathematical Logic --> J Math Log Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms --> J Math Model Algorithms Journal of Mathematical Physics --> J Math Phys Journal of Mathematical Psychology --> J Math Psychol Journal of Mathematical Sciences --> J Math Sci Journal of Mathematics and Physics --> J Math Phys Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University --> J Math Kyoto Univ Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education --> J Math Teach Educ Journal of Maxillofacial Orthopedics --> J Maxillofac Orthop Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery --> J Maxillofac Surg Journal of Mechanical Design --> J Mech Des Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science --> J Mech Eng Sci Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology --> J Mech Med Biol Journal of Mechanisms --> J Mech Journal of Mechanochemistry & Cell Motility --> J Mechanochem Cell Motil Journal of Mechatronics and Applications --> J Mechatron Appl Journal of Media and Religion --> J Media Relig Journal of Media Economics --> J Media Econ Journal of Media Practice --> J Media Pract Journal of Media Psychology --> J Media Psychol Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences --> J Med Dent Sci Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology --> J Med Vet Mycol Journal of Medical Biography --> J Med Biogr Journal of Medical Case Reports --> J Med Case Reports Journal of Medical Economics --> J Med Econ Journal of Medical Education --> J Med Educ Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology --> J Med Eng Technol Journal of Medical Entomology --> J Med Entomol Journal of Medical Entomology. Supplement --> J Med Entomol Suppl Journal of Medical Ethics --> J Med Ethics Journal of Medical Genetics --> J Med Genet Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences --> J Med Imaging Radiat Sci Journal of Medical Internet Research --> J Med Internet Res Journal of Medical Microbiology --> J Med Microbiol Journal of Medical Primatology --> J Med Primatol Journal of Medical Science --> J Med Sci Journal of Medical Sciences (Faisalabad, Pakistan) --> J Med Sci (Faisalabad, Pak) Journal of Medical Screening --> J Med Screen Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology --> J Med Speech-Lang Pathol Journal of Medical Systems --> J Med Syst Journal of Medical Technology --> J Med Technol "Journal of Medical Toxicology ; Official Journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology" --> J Med Toxicol Journal of Medical Ultrasound --> J Med Ultrasound Journal of Medical Virology --> J Med Virol Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry --> J Med Pharm Chem Journal of Medicinal Chemistry --> J Med Chem Journal of Medicinal Food --> J Med Food Journal of Medicine --> J Med Journal of Medicine and Law / Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University --> J Med Law Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies --> J Mediev Early Mod Stud Journal of Medieval History --> J Mediev Hist Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology --> J Mediterr Archaeol Journal of Mediterranean Studies --> J Mediterr Stud Journal of Membrane Science --> J Membr Sci Journal of Memory and Language --> J Mem Lang Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality --> J Men Masculinities Spiritual Journal of Men's Health & Gender --> J Mens Health Gend Journal of Men's Studies --> J Men's Stud Journal of Mental Deficiency Research --> J Ment Defic Res Journal of Mental Health (Abingdon, England) --> J Ment Health Journal of Mental Health (Ichikawa) --> J Ment Health (Ichikawa) Journal of Mental Health Administration --> J Ment Health Adm Journal of Mental Health and Aging --> J Ment Health Aging Journal of Mental Health Counseling --> J Ment Health Couns Journal of Mental Imagery --> J Ment Imagery Journal of Metallurgy --> J Metall Journal of Metals --> J Met Journal of Metamorphic Geology --> J Metamorph Geol Journal of Meteorology --> J Meteorol Journal of Microbiological Methods --> J Microbiol Methods Journal of Microbiology (Seoul, Korea) --> J Microbiol Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology --> J Microbiol Biotechnol Journal of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection --> J Microbiol Immunol Infect Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems --> J Microelectromech Syst Journal of Microencapsulation --> J Microencapsul Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems --> J Microlithogr, Microfabr, Microsyst Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering --> J Micromech Microeng Journal of Microscopy --> J Microsc Journal of Microsurgery --> J Microsurg Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health --> J Midwifery Womens Health Journal of Military Ethics --> J Mil Ethics Journal of Milk and Food Technology --> J Milk Food Technol Journal of Milk Technology --> J Milk Technol Journal of Mind and Behavior --> J Mind Behav Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences --> J Mineral Petrol Sci Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology --> J Minim Invasive Gynecol Journal of Mining Science --> J MinSci Journal of Mixed Methods Research --> J Mixed Methods Res "Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods ; JMASM" --> J Mod Appl Stat Methods Journal of Modern Greek Studies --> J Mod Greek Stud Journal of Modern Italian Studies --> J Mod Ital Stud Journal of Modern Jewish Studies --> J Mod Jew Stud Journal of Modern Literature --> J Mod Lit Journal of Modern Optics --> J Mod Opt Journal of Molecular and Applied Genetics --> J Mol Appl Genet Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology --> J Mol Cell Cardiol Journal of Molecular Biology --> J Mol Biol Journal of Molecular Catalysis --> J Mol Catal Journal of Molecular Catalysis A Chemical --> J Mol Catal Chem Journal of Molecular Catalysis. B, Enzymatic --> J Mol Catal, B Enzym Journal of Molecular Cell Biology --> J Mol Cell Biol Journal of Molecular Endocrinology --> J Mol Endocrinol Journal of Molecular Evolution --> J Mol Evol Journal of Molecular Graphics --> J Mol Graph Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling --> J Mol Graph Model Journal of Molecular Histology --> J Mol Histol Journal of Molecular Liquids --> J Mol Liq Journal of Molecular Medicine --> J Mol Med Journal of Molecular Medicine (Berlin, Germany) --> J Mol Med Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology --> J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol Journal of Molecular Modeling --> J Mol Model Journal of Molecular Neuroscience --> J Mol Neurosci Journal of Molecular Recognition --> J Mol Recognit Journal of Molecular Signaling --> J Mol Signal Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy --> J Mol Spectrosc Journal of Molecular Structure --> J Mol Struct Journal of Molecular Structure THEOCHEM --> J Mol Struct THEOCHEM Journal of Monetary Economics --> J Monet Econ Journal of Money, Credit and Banking --> J Money Credit Bank Journal of Moral Education --> J Moral Educ Journal of Mormon History --> J Mormon Hist Journal of Morphology --> J Morphol Journal of Motor Behavior --> J Mot Behav Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development --> J Multicult Couns Devel Journal of Multicultural Social Work --> J Multicult Soc Work Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation --> J Multidisciplinary Eval Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare --> J Multidiscip Healthc Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development --> J Multilingual Multicult Dev Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders --> J Multilingual Commun Disord Journal of Multinational Financial Management --> J Multinat Financ Manag Journal of Multivariate Analysis --> J Multivariate Anal Journal of Muscle Foods --> J Muscle Foods Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility --> J Muscle Res Cell Motil Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions --> J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain --> J Musculoskeletal Pain Journal of Museum Education --> J Mus Educ Journal of Music Therapy --> J Music Ther Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs --> J Muslim Minor Aff Journal of NAL Associates --> J Nal Assoc Journal of Nanobiotechnology --> J Nanobiotechnology Journal of Nanomaterials --> J Nanomater Journal of Nanoparticle Research --> J Nanopart Res Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology --> J Nanosci Nanotechnol Journal of Nanotechnology --> J Nanotechnol Journal of Narrative and Life History --> J Narrat Life Hist Journal of National Black Nurses' Association --> J Natl Black Nurses Assoc Journal of Natural Fibers --> J Nat Fibers Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry --> J Nat Gas Chem Journal of Natural History --> J Nat Hist Journal of Natural Medicines --> J Nat Med Journal of Natural Products --> J Nat Prod Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education --> J Nat Resour Life Sci Educ Journal of Natural Toxins --> J Nat Toxins Journal of Nature Conservation --> J Nat Conserv Journal of Navigation --> J Navig Journal of Near Eastern Studies --> J Near East Stud Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy --> J Near Infrared Spectrosc Journal of Near-Death Studies --> J Near Death Stud Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine --> J Negat Results Biomed Journal of Nematode Morphology and Systematics --> J Nematode Morphol Syst Journal of Nematology --> J Nematol Journal of Neonatal Nursing --> J Neonatal Nurs Journal of Nepal Geological Society --> J Nepal Geol Soc Journal of Nephrology --> J Nephrol Journal of Nephrology --> J Nephrol Journal of Nephrology Nursing --> J Nephrol Nurs Journal of Network and Computer Applications --> J Netw Comput Appl Journal of Network and Systems Management --> J Netw Syst Manage Journal of Neural Engineering --> J Neural Eng Journal of Neural Transmission --> J Neural Transm Journal of Neural Transmission. Parkinson's Disease and Dementia Section --> J Neural Transm Park Dis Dement Sect Journal of Neural Transmission. Supplementum --> J Neural Transm Suppl Journal of Neural Transplantation --> J Neural Transplant Journal of Neural Transplantation & Plasticity --> J Neural Transplant Plast Journal of Neuro-Aids --> J Neuro-Aids Journal of Neurobiology --> J Neurobiol Journal of Neurochemistry --> J Neurochem Journal of Neurocytology --> J Neurocytol Journal of Neuroendocrinology --> J Neuroendocrinol Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation --> J Neuroeng Rehabil Journal of Neurogenetics --> J Neurogenet Journal of Neuroimaging --> J Neuroimaging Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology --> J Neuroimmune Pharmacol Journal of Neuroimmunology --> J Neuroimmunol Journal of Neuroimmunology. Supplement --> J Neuroimmunol Suppl Journal of Neuroinflammation --> J Neuroinflammation Journal of Neurolinguistics --> J Neurolinguist "Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy ; JNPT" --> J Neurol Phys Ther Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation --> J Neurol Rehabil Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) --> J Neurol Sci Turish Journal of Neurological Surgery A --> J Neurol Surg A Journal of Neurological Surgery B --> J Neurol Surg B Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports --> J Neurol Surg Rep Journal of Neurology --> J Neurol Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry --> J Neurol Psychiatry Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry --> J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry Journal of Neuro-Oncology --> J Neurooncol Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology --> J Neuroophthalmol Journal of Neuropathic Pain & Symptom Palliation --> J Neuropathic Pain Symptom Palliation Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology --> J Neuropathol Exp Neurol Journal of Neurophysiology --> J Neurophysiol Journal of Neuropsychiatry --> J Neuropsychiatry Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Supplement --> J Neuropsychiatry, Suppl Journal of Neuropsychology --> J Neuropsychol Journal of Neuroradiology --> J Neuroradiol Journal of Neuroscience Methods --> J Neurosci Methods Journal of Neuroscience Research --> J Neurosci Res Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics --> J Neuroscience Psychology Econ Journal of Neurosurgery --> J Neurosurg Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine --> J Neurosurg Spine Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology --> J Neurosurg Anesthesiol Journal of Neurosurgical Nursing --> J Neurosurg Nurs Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences --> J Neurosurg Sci Journal of Neurotherapy --> J Neurother Journal of Neurotrauma --> J Neurotrauma Journal of Neurovirology --> J Neurovirol Journal of Neuro-Visceral Relations --> J Neurovisc Relat Journal of New Business Ideas and Trends --> J New Bus Ideas Trends Journal of New Music Research --> J New Music Res Journal of New Seeds --> J New Seeds Journal of Nippon Medical School --> J Nippon Med Sch Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids --> J Non-Cryst Solids Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials --> J Nonlinear Opt Phys Mater Journal of Nonlinear Science --> J Nonlinear Sci Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics --> J Non-Newt Fluid Mech Journal of Nonparametric Statistics --> J Nonparametr Stat Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing --> J Nonprofit Public Sect Mark Journal of Nonverbal Behavior --> J Nonverbal Behav Journal of Non-white Concerns in Personnel and Guidance --> J Non-white Concerns Pers Guid Journal of North African Studies --> J N Afr Stud Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science --> J Northwest Atl Fish Sci Journal of Nuclear Biology and Medicine (Turin, Italy) --> J Nucl Biol Med Journal of Nuclear Cardiology --> J Nucl Cardiol Journal of Nuclear Energy --> J Nucl Energy Journal of Nuclear Materials --> J Nucl Mater Journal of Nuclear Medicine --> J Nucl Med Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology --> J Nucl Med Technol Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology --> J Nucl Sci Technol Journal of Nucleic Acids --> J Nucleic Acids Journal of Number Theory --> J Number Theory Journal of Numerical Mathematics --> J Numer Math Journal of Nurse-Midwifery --> J Nurse Midwifery Journal of Nursing Care Quality --> J Nurs Care Qual Journal of Nursing Ethics --> J Nurs Ethics Journal of Nursing History --> J Nurs Hist Journal of Nursing Law --> J Nurs Law Journal of Nursing Management --> J Nurs Manag Journal of Nursing Measurement --> J Nurs Meas Journal of Nursing Quality Assurance --> J Nurs Qual Assur Journal of Nursing Scholarship --> J Nurs Scholarsh Journal of Nursing Science --> J Nurs Sci Journal of Nursing Staff Development --> J Nurs Staff Dev Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics --> J Nutr Diet Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism --> J Nutr Metab Journal of Nutrition Education --> J Nutr Educ Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior --> J Nutr Educ Behav Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly --> J Nutr Elder Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine --> J Nutr Environ Med Journal of Nutritional Immunology --> J Nutr Immunol Journal of Nutritional Medicine --> J Nutr Med Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology --> J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) Journal of Obesity --> J Obes Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders --> J Obsessive-Compulsive Relat Disord Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing --> J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology --> J Obstet Gynaecol Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa --> J Obstet Gynaecol East Cent Africa Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Tokyo, Japan) --> J Obstet Gynaecol Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada --> J Obstet Gynaecol Can Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India --> J Obstet Gynaecol India Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth --> J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire --> J Obstet Gynaecol Br Emp Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research --> J Obstet Gynaecol Res Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Supplement --> J Obstet Gynaecol Suppl Journal of Occupational Accidents --> J Occup Accid Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene --> J Occup Environ Hyg Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine --> J Occup Environ Med Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology --> J Occup Organ Psychol Journal of Occupational Health --> J Occup Health Journal of Occupational Health Psychology --> J Occup Health Psychol Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (London, England) --> J Occup Med Toxicol Journal of Occupational Medicine. --> J Occup Med Journal of Occupational Psychology --> J Occup Psychol Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation --> J Occup Rehabil Journal of Occupational Science --> J Occup Sci Journal of Ocean Technology --> J Ocean Technol Journal of Ocean University of China --> J Ocean Univ China Journal of Oceanography --> J Oceanogr Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Straits --> J Oceanogr Taiwan Journal of Ocular Pharmacology --> J Ocul Pharmacol Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics --> J Ocul Pharmacol Ther Journal of Offender Counseling, Services & Rehabilitation --> J Offender Couns Serv Rehabil Journal of Offender Rehabilitation --> J Offender Rehabil Journal of Official Statistics --> J Off Stat Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering --> J Offshore Mech Arctic Eng Journal of Oil Palm Research --> J Oil Palm Res Journal of Oilseeds Research --> J Oilseeds Res Journal of Oleo Science --> J Oleo Sci Journal of Oncology --> J Oncol Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice --> J Oncol Pharm Pract Journal of Operational Psychiatry --> J Oper Psychiatr Journal of Operations Management --> J Oper Manage Journal of Ophthalmic Nursing & Technology --> J Ophthalmic Nurs Technol Journal of Ophthalmology --> J Ophthalmol Journal of Opioid Management --> J Opioid Manag Journal of Optical Communications and Networking --> J Opt Commun Netw Journal of Optics --> J Opt Journal of Optics. A, Pure and Applied Optics --> J Opt A, Pure Appl Opt Journal of Optics. B, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics --> J Opt B Quantum Semiclassical Opt Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications --> J Optim Theory Appl Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials --> J Optoelectron Adv Mater Journal of Optometric Vision Development --> J Optom Vis Dev Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery --> J Oral Maxillofac Surg Journal of Oral Biosciences / JAOB, Japanese Association for Oral Biology --> J Oral Biosci / JAOB, Jpn Assoc Oral Biol Journal of Oral Medicine --> J Oral Med Journal of Oral Pathology --> J Oral Pathol Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine --> J Oral Pathol Med Journal of Oral Rehabilitation --> J Oral Rehabil Journal of Oral Science --> J Oral Sci Journal of Oral Surgery --> J Oral Surg (Chic) Journal of Oral Surgery (American Dental Association) --> J Oral Surg Journal of Oral Surgery, Anesthesia, and Hospital Dental Service --> J Oral Surg Anesth Hosp Dent Serv Journal of Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology --> J Oral Ther Pharmacol Journal of Organizational and End User Computing --> J Organ End User Comput Journal of Organizational Behavior --> J Organ Behav Journal of Organizational Behavior Management --> J Organ Behav Manag Journal of Organizational Change Management --> J Organ Change Manage Journal of Organizational Computing --> J Organ Comput Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce --> J Organ Comput Electron Commerce Journal of Organometallic Chemistry --> J Organomet Chem Journal of Oriental Studies (Hong Kong) --> J Orient Stud (Hong Kong) Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics --> J Orofac Orthop Journal of Orofacial Pain --> J Orofac Pain Journal of Orthodontics --> J Orthod Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine --> J Orthomol Med Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry --> J Orthomol Psychiatry Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing --> J Orthop Nurs Journal of Orthopaedic Research --> J Orthop Res Journal of Orthopaedic Science --> J Orthop Sci Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery (Hong Kong) --> J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research --> J Orthop Surg Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma --> J Orthop Trauma Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology --> J Orthop Traumatol Journal of Orthoptera Research --> J Orthoptera Res Journal of Orthotics and Prosthetics --> J Orthot Prosthet Journal of Osaka Dental University --> J Osaka Dent Univ Journal of Osteoporosis --> J Osteoporos Journal of Outcome Measurement --> J Outcome Meas Journal of Paediatric Dentistry --> J Paediatr Dent Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health --> J Paediatr Child Health Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy --> J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother Journal of Pain and Symptom Management --> J Pain Symptom Manage Journal of Pain Management --> J Pain Manag Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists --> J Pak Assoc Dermatol Journal of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences --> J Pak Inst Med Sci Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society --> J Pak Psychiatr Soc Journal of Paleolimnology --> J Paleolimnol Journal of Paleontology --> J Paleontol Journal of Palestine Studies --> J Palest Stud Journal of Palliative Care --> J Palliat Care Journal of Palliative Medicine --> J Palliat Med Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing --> J Parallel Distrib Comput Journal of Parasitology Research --> J Parasitol Res Journal of Parenteral Science and Technology --> J Parenter Sci Technol Journal of Pastoral Care --> J Pastoral Care Journal of Pathogens --> J Pathogens Journal of Patient Account Management --> J Patient Acc Manage Journal of Patient Safety --> J Patient Saf Journal of Peace Education --> J Peace Educ Journal of Peace Research --> J Peace Res Journal of Peanut Science --> J Peanut Sci Journal of Pediatric & Perinatal Nutrition --> J Pediatr Perinat Nutr Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology --> J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism --> J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition --> J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr Journal of Pediatric Health Care --> J Pediatr Health Care Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology --> J Pediatr Hematol Oncol Journal of Pediatric Neurology --> J Pediatr Neurol Journal of Pediatric Nursing --> J Pediatr Nurs Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing --> J Pediatr Oncol Nurs Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology --> J Pediatr Ophthalmol Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus --> J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. Part B --> J Pediatr Orthop B Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics --> J Pediatr Orthop Journal of Pediatric Psychology --> J Pediatr Psychol Journal of Pediatric Psychology --> J Pediatr Psychol Journal of Pediatric Surgery --> J Pediatr Surg Journal of Pediatric Urology --> J Pediatr Urol Journal of Pelvic Medicine and Surgery --> J Pelvic Med Surg Journal of Pension Economics and Finance --> J Pension Econ Finance Journal of Peptide Science --> J Pept Sci Journal of Performance Measurement --> J Perform Meas Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities --> J Perform Constr Facil Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing --> J Perianesth Nurs Journal of Perinatal Education --> J Perinat Educ Journal of Perinatal Medicine --> J Perinat Med Journal of Perinatology --> J Perinatol Journal of Periodontal Research --> J Periodontal Res Journal of Periodontal Research. Supplement --> J Periodontal Res Suppl Journal of Periodontology --> J Periodontol Journal of Perioperative Practice --> J Perioper Pract Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss --> J Pers Interpers Loss Journal of Personal Injury Law --> J Pers Inj Law Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management --> J Pers Sell Sales Manage Journal of Personality --> J Pers Journal of Personality and Social Psychology --> J Pers Soc Psychol Journal of Personality Assessment --> J Pers Assess Journal of Personality Disorders --> J Pers Disord Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education --> J Person Eval Educ Journal of Pest Science --> J Pest Sci Journal of Pesticide Reform --> J Pestic Reform Journal of Pesticide Science --> J Pestic Sci Journal of Petroleum Geology --> J Pet Geol Journal of Petroleum Science Engineering --> J Petrol Sci Eng Journal of Petroleum Technology --> J Pet Technol Journal of Petrology --> J Petrol Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis --> J Pharm Biomed Anal Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain & Symptom Control --> J Pharm Care Pain Symptom Control Journal of Pharmaceutical Finance, Economics & Policy --> J Pharm Finance Econ Policy Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management --> J Pharm Mark Manage Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology --> J Pharm Sci Technol Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences --> J Pharm Sci Journal of Pharmacobio-Dynamics --> J Pharmacobiodyn Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics --> J Pharmacokinet Biopharm Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics --> J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods --> J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods Journal of Pharmacological Methods --> J Pharmacol Methods Journal of Pharmacological Sciences --> J Pharmacol Sci Journal of Pharmacotherapy --> J Pharmacother Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences --> J Pharm Pharm Sci Journal of Pharmacy Practice --> J Pharm Pract Journal of Pharmacy Teaching --> J Pharm Teach Journal of Phase Equilibria --> J Phase Equilibria Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion --> J Phase Equilibria Diffus Journal of Phenomenological Psychology --> J Phenomenological Psychol Journal of Philippine Development --> J Philipp Dev Journal of Philippine Statistics --> J Philipp Stat Journal of Philosophical Logic --> J Philos Log Journal of Philosophy of Education --> J Philos Educ Journal of Phonetics --> J Phonetics Journal of Photochemistry --> J Photochem Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry --> J Photochem Photobiol Chem Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews --> J Photochem Photobiol Photochem Rev Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology --> J Photochem Photobiol B Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology --> J Photopolym Sci Technol Journal of Phycology --> J Phycol Journal of Physical Activity & Health --> J Phys Act Health Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data --> J Phys Chem Ref Data Journal of Physical Chemistry --> J Phys Chem Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance --> J Phys Educ, Recreat Dance Journal of Physical Oceanography --> J Phys Oceanogr Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry --> J Phys Org Chem Journal of Physical Therapy Science --> J Phys Ther Sci Journal of Physics --> J Phys Journal of Physics: Conference Series --> J Phys Conf Ser Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids --> J Phys Chem Solids Journal of Physics Condensed Matter --> J Phys Condens Matter Journal of Physics of the Earth --> J Phys Earth Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General --> J Phys Math Gen Journal of Physics. A, Proceedings of the Physical Society. General --> J Phys, A Proc Phys Soc, Gen Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical Nuclear and General --> J Phys A Journal of Physics. B, Atomic and Molecular Physics --> J Phys B Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics --> J Phys At Mol Opt Phys Journal of Physics. B, Proceedings of the Physical Society. Atomic and Molecular Physics --> J Phys, B Proc Phys Soc, At Mol Phys Journal of Physics. C, Proceedings of the Physical Society. Solid State Physics --> J Phys C, Proc Phys Soc, Solid State Phys Journal of Physics. C. Solid State Physics --> J Phys C Solid State Phys Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics --> J Phys D Appl Phys Journal of Physics. E, Scientific Instruments --> J Phys E Sci Instrum Journal of Physics. F, Metal Physics --> J Phys F Met Phys Journal of Physics. G, Nuclear and Particle Physics --> J Phys G Nucl Part Phys Journal of Physics. G, Nuclear Physics --> J Phys G Nucl Phys Journal of Physiological Anthropology --> J Physiol Anthropol Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science --> J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry --> J Physiol Biochem Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology --> J Physiol Pharmacol Journal of Physiology, Paris --> J Physiol Paris Journal of Phytopathology --> J Phytopathol Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy (Pierre Fauchard Academy. India Section) --> J Pierre Fauchard Acad Journal of Pineal Research --> J Pineal Res Journal of Plankton Research --> J Plankton Res Journal of Planning Education and Research --> J Plann Educ Res Journal of Planning History --> J Plann Hist Journal of Planning Literature --> J Plann Lit Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology --> J Plant Biochem Biotechnol Journal of Plant Biology --> J Plant Biol Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection --> J Plant Dis Prot Journal of Plant Growth Regulation --> J Plant Growth Regul Journal of Plant Interactions --> J Plant Interact Journal of Plant Nutrition --> J Plant Nutr Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science --> J Plant Nutr Soil Sci Journal of Plant Pathology --> J Plant Pathol Journal of Plant Physiology --> J Plant Physiol Journal of Plant Research --> J Plant Res Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research --> J Plasma Fusion Res Journal of Plasma Physics --> J Plasma Phys "Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery ; JPRAS" --> J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg Journal of Podiatric Medicine --> J Podiatr Med Journal of Podiatric Medicine & Osteopathy --> J Podiatr Med Osteopath Journal of Poetry Therapy --> J Poetry Ther Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology --> J Police Crim Psychol Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations --> J Police Crisis Negot Journal of Policy Analysis and Management --> J Policy Anal Manage Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities --> J Policy Pract Intell Disabil Journal of Policy History --> J Policy Hist Journal of Policy Modeling --> J Policy Model Journal of Policy Practice --> J Policy Pract Journal of Political and Military Sociology --> J Polit Mil Sociol Journal of Political Ecology --> J Polit Ecol Journal of Political Economy --> J Polit Econ Journal of Political Ideologies --> J Polit Ideologies Journal of Political Marketing --> J Polit Mark Journal of Political Philosophy --> J Polit Philos Journal of Political Science --> J Polit Sci Journal of Political Science Education --> J Polit Sci Educ Journal of Polymer Research --> J Polym Res Journal of Polymer Science. Part A, Polymer Chemistry --> J Polym Sci A Polym Chem Journal of Polymer Science. Part A-1, Polymer Chemistry --> J Polym Sci A1 Journal of Polymer Science. Part A-2, Polymer Physics --> J Polym Sci, A-2, Polym Phys Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics --> J Polym Sci, B, Polym Phys Journal of Polymer Science. Part B: Polymer Letters --> J Polym Sci B Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Physics Edition --> J Polym Sci, Polym Phys Ed Journal of Polymer Science: Part A, General Papers --> J Polym Sci A Journal of Polymer Science. Part C, Polymer Letters --> J Polym Sci C Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Letters Edition --> J Polym Sci Polym Lett Ed Journal of Popular Culture --> J Pop Cult Journal of Population --> J Popul Journal of Population Economics --> J Popul Econ Journal of Population Research --> J Popul Res Journal of Population Studies --> J Popul Stud Journal of Porous Materials --> J Porous Mater Journal of Porous Media --> J Porous Media Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines --> J Porphyr Phthalocyanines Journal of Portfolio Management --> J Portfol Manage Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions --> J Posit Behav Interv Journal of Post Anesthesia Nursing --> J Post Anesth Nurs Journal of Post Keynesian Economics --> J Post Keynes Econ Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute --> J Postgrad Med Inst Journal of Postgraduate Medicine --> J Postgrad Med Journal of Poverty --> J Poverty Journal of Power Sources --> J Power Sources Journal of Practical Psychiatry and Behavioral Health --> J Pract Psychiatry Behav Health Journal of Practice Teaching in Social Work and Practice --> J Pract Teach Soc Work Pract Journal of Pragmatics --> J Pragmatics Journal of Precision Teaching & Celeration --> J Precis Teach Celeration Journal of Pregnancy --> J Pregnancy Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health --> J Prenat Perinat Psychol Health Journal of Presbyterian History --> J Presbyt Hist Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community --> J Prev Intervent Community Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine --> J Prev Soc Med Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene --> J Prev Med Hyg Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health = Yebang Uihakhoe Chi --> J Prev Med Pub Health Journal of Preventive Psychiatry --> J Prev Psychiatry Journal of Prison & Jail Health --> J Prison Jail Health Journal of Prison Health --> J Prison Health Journal of Private Equity --> J Priv Equity Journal of Private Portfolio Management --> J Priv Portfol Manage Journal of Probability --> J Probab Journal of Probability and Statistics --> J Probab Stat Journal of Process Control --> J Process Contr Journal of Product and Brand Management --> J Prod Brand Manage Journal of Product Innovation Management --> J Prod Innov Manage Journal of Production Agriculture --> J Prod Agric Journal of Productivity Analysis --> J Prod Anal Journal of Products and Toxics Liability --> J Prod Toxics Liability Journal of Products Liability --> J Prod Liability Journal of Professional Activities --> J Profl Activities Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research --> J Prof Couns Pract Theory Res Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering --> J Prof Issues in Engrg Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice --> J Prof Issues Eng Educ Pract Journal of Professional Nursing --> J Prof Nurs Journal of Professional Practice --> J Profl Pract Journal of Professional Services Marketing --> J Prof Serv Mark Journal of Progressive Human Services --> J Prog Hum Serv Journal of Projective Techniques --> J Proj Tech Journal of Projective Techniques & Personality Assessment --> J Proj Tech Pers Assess Journal of Promotion Management --> J Promot Manage Journal of Property Finance --> J Property Finance Journal of Property Research --> J Property Res Journal of Propulsion and Power --> J Propuls Power Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics --> J Prosthet Orthot Journal of Prosthodontics --> J Prosthodont Journal of Protein Chemistry --> J Protein Chem Journal of Proteome Research --> J Proteome Res Journal of Proteomics --> J Proteomics Journal of Psychedelic Drugs --> J Psychedelic Drugs Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing --> J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Journal of Psychiatric Education --> J Psychiatr Educ Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care --> J Psychiatr Intensive Care Journal of Psychiatric Nursing --> J Psychiatr Nurs Journal of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services --> J Psychiatr Nurs Ment Health Serv Journal of Psychiatric Practice --> J Psychiatr Pract Journal of Psychiatric Research --> J Psychiatr Res Journal of Psychiatric Treatment and Evaluation --> J Psychiatr Treat Eval Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience --> J Psychiatry Neurosci Journal of Psychoactive Drugs --> J Psychoactive Drugs Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment --> J Psychoed Assess Journal of Psycholinguistic Research --> J Psycholinguist Res Journal of Psychological Practice --> J Psychol Pract Journal of Psychological Trauma --> J Psychol Trauma Journal of Psychological Type --> J Psychol Type Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality --> J Psychol Human Sex Journal of Psychology and Christianity --> J Psychol Christ Journal of Psychology and Judaism --> J Psychol Judaism Journal of Psychology and Theology --> J Psychol Theol Journal of Psychology in Africa --> J Psychol Afr Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies --> J Psychol Chin Soc Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment --> J Psychopathol Behav Assess Journal of Psychopharmacology (Oxford, England) --> J Psychopharmacol Journal of Psychophysiology --> J Psychophysiol Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services --> J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv Journal of Psychosocial Oncology --> J Psychosoc Oncol Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology --> J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol Journal of Psychosomatic Research --> J Psychosom Res Journal of Psychotherapy Integration --> J Psychother Integration Journal of Public Administration: Research and Theory --> J Public Adm Res Theory Journal of Public Child Welfare --> J Public Child Welf Journal of Public Economic Theory --> J Public Econ Theory Journal of Public Economics --> J Public Econ Journal of Public Health --> J Public Health (Bangkok) Journal of Public Health (Oxford, England) --> J Public Health (Oxf) Journal of Public Health Dentistry --> J Public Health Dent Journal of Public Health Management and Practice --> J Public Health Manag Pract Journal of Public Health Medicine --> J Public Health Med Journal of Public Health Pharmacy --> J Public Health Pharm Journal of Public Health Policy --> J Public Health Policy Journal of Public Policy --> J Public Policy Journal of Public Policy & Marketing --> J Public Policy Mark Journal of Public Relations Research --> J Public Relat Res Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management --> J Purchasing Supply Manage Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra --> J Pure Appl Algebra Journal of Quality Assurance --> J Qual Assur Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism --> J Qual Assur Hosp Tourism Journal of Quality in Clinical Practice --> J Qual Clin Pract Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering --> J Qual Mainten Eng Journal of Quality Management --> J Qual Manage Journal of Quantitative Anthropology --> J Quant Anthropol Journal of Quantitative Criminology --> J Quant Criminol Journal of Quantitative Economics --> J Quant Econ Journal of Quantitative Linguistics --> J Quant Linguist Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer --> J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf Journal of Quaternary Science --> J Quaternary Sci Journal of Radiation Research --> J Radiat Res (Tokyo) Journal of Radio Studies --> J Radio Stud Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry --> J Radioanal Nucl Chem Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry --> J Radioanal Chem Journal of Radiological Protection --> J Radiol Prot Journal of Radiology Nursing --> J Radiol Nurs Journal of Range Management --> J Range Manage Journal of Rare Earths --> J Rare Earths Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy --> J Ration-Emot Cogn-Behav Ther Journal of Rational-Emotive Therapy --> J Ration Emotive Ther Journal of Reading --> J Read Journal of Reading Behavior --> J Read Behav Journal of Real Estate Literature --> J Real Estate Lit Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management --> J Real Estate Portfol Manage Journal of Real Estate Research --> J Real Estate Res Journal of Reality Therapy --> J Real Ther Journal of Real-Time Image Processing --> J Real-Time Image Process Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction Research --> J Recept Signal Transduct Res Journal of Receptor Research --> J Recept Res Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery --> J Reconstr Microsurg Journal of Reform Judaism --> J Reform Jud Journal of Refractive and Corneal Surgery --> J Refract Corneal Surg Journal of Refractive Surgery (Thorofare, N.J.) --> J Refract Surg Journal of Refugee Studies --> J Refug Stud Journal of Regional Policy --> J Reg Policy Journal of Regional Science --> J Reg Sci Journal of Regulatory Economics --> J Regul Econ Journal of Rehabilitation --> J Rehabil Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine --> J Rehabil Med Journal of Rehabilitation of the Deaf --> J Rehabil Deaf Journal of Rehabilitation R&D --> J Rehabil R D Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development --> J Rehabil Res Dev Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. Clinical Supplement --> J Rehabil Res Dev Clin Suppl Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites --> J Reinf Plast Compos Journal of Relationship Marketing --> J Relationsh Mark Journal of Religion & Abuse --> J Relig Abuse Journal of Religion & Aging --> J Relig Aging Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work --> J Relig Spiritual Soc Work Journal of Religion and Health --> J Relig Health Journal of Religion and Popular Culture --> J Relig Popular Cult Journal of Religion Disability & Health --> J Relig Disabil Health Journal of Religion in Africa. Religion en Afrique --> J Relig Afr Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging --> J Relig Spirit Aging Journal of Religious & Theological Information --> J Relig Theol Inf Journal of Religious Gerontology --> J Relig Gerontol Journal of Renal Care --> J Ren Care Journal of Renal Nutrition --> J Ren Nutr Journal of Reproduction & Fertility. Abstract Series --> J Reprod Fertil Abstr Ser Journal of Reproduction and Fertility --> J Reprod Fertil Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Supplement --> J Reprod Fertil Suppl Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology --> J Reprod Infant Psychol Journal of Reproductive Immunology --> J Reprod Immunol Journal of Research and Development (Srinagar) --> J Res Dev (Srinagar) Journal of Research and Development in Education --> J Res Dev Educ Journal of Research in Character Education --> J Res Character Educ Journal of Research in Childhood Education --> J Res Child Educ Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency --> J Res Crime Delinq Journal of Research in International Education --> J Res Int Educ Journal of Research in Medical Sciences --> J Res Med Sci Journal of Research in Music Education --> J Res Music Educ Journal of Research in Nursing --> J Res Nurs Journal of Research in Personality --> J Res Pers Journal of Research in Reading --> J Res Read Journal of Research in Rural Education --> J Res Rural Educ Journal of Research in Science Teaching --> J Res Sci Teach Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs --> J Res Spec Educ Needs Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards --> J Res Natl Bur Stand Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards --> J Res Natl Bur Stand Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. B, Mathematics and Mathematical Physics --> J Res Natl Bur Stand, B Math Math Rhys Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. C, Engineering and Instrumentation --> J Res Natl Bur Stand, C Eng Instrum Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. D, Radio Propagation --> J Res Natl Bur Stand, D Radio Propag Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. Section A. Physics and Chemistry --> J Res Natl Bur Stand, A Phys Chem Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology --> J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey --> J Res US Geol Surv Journal of Research on Adolescence --> J Res Adolesc Journal of Research on Christian Education --> J Res Christ Educ Journal of Research on Technology in Education --> J Res Technol Educ Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera --> J Res Lepid Journal of Research Practice --> J Res Pract Journal of Research, National Bureau of Standards. Section D, Radio Science --> J Res Natl Bur Stand, D Radio Sci Journal of Retail & Leisure Property --> J Retail Leis Property Journal of Retailing --> J Retailing Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services --> J Retailing Consum Serv Journal of Rheology (New York, N.Y.) --> J Rheol (NYNY) Journal of Risk and Uncertainty --> J Risk Uncertain Journal of Risk Research --> J Risk Res Journal of Robotic Surgery --> J Robot Surg Journal of Robotic Systems --> J Robot Syst Journal of Robotics --> J Robot Journal of Rubber Research (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) --> J Rubber Res Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Journal of Rural Cooperation --> J Rural Coop Journal of Rural Development --> J Rural Dev Journal of Rural Studies --> J Rural Stud Journal of Russian & East European Psychology --> J Russ East Eur Psychol Journal of Russian and East European Psychiatry --> J Russ East Eur Psychiatry Journal of Russian Laser Research --> J Russ Laser Res Journal of Russian Phytopathological Society --> J Russ Phytopathol Soc Journal of Safety Research --> J Safety Res Journal of Sandplay Therapy --> J Sandplay Ther Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention --> J Scand Stud Criminol Crime Prev Journal of Scheduling --> J Sched Journal of Scholarly Publishing --> J Sch Publ Journal of School Choice --> J Sch Choice Journal of School Leadership --> J Sch Leadersh Journal of School Psychology --> J Sch Psychol Journal of School Public Relations --> J Sch Public Relat Journal of School Violence --> J Sch Violence Journal of Science --> J Sci Journal of Science & Technology in the Tropics --> J Sci Technol Tropics Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport --> J Sci Med Sport Journal of Science Education and Technology --> J Sci Educ Technol Journal of Science Teacher Education --> J Sci Teach Educ Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research. C Biological Sciences --> J Sci Ind Res, C Biol Sci Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research --> J Sci Ind Res (India) Journal of Scientific Computing --> J Sci Comput Journal of Scientific Exploration --> J Sci Explor Journal of Scientific Instruments --> J Sci Instrum Journal of Screenwriting --> J Screenwrit Journal of Sea Research --> J Sea Res Journal of Second Language Writing --> J Second Lang Writ Journal of Secondary Gifted Education --> J Second Gift Educ Journal of Security Education --> J Secur Educ Journal of Sedimentary Petrology --> J Sediment Petrol Journal of Sedimentary Research --> J Sediment Res Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section B: Stratigraphy and Global Studies --> J Sediment Res Sect B Journal of Sedimentary Research. Section A, Sedimentary Petrology and Processes --> J Sediment Res Sect A Journal of Seismology --> J Seismol Journal of Semitic Studies --> J Semit Stud Journal of Sensors --> J Sens Journal of Sensory Studies --> J Sens Stud Journal of Separation Science --> J Sep Sci Journal of Service Research --> J Serv Res Journal of Services Marketing --> J Serv Mark Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy --> J Sex Marital Ther Journal of Sex Education and Therapy --> J Sex Educ Ther Journal of Sex Research --> J Sex Res Journal of Sexual Aggression --> J Sex Aggress Journal of Sexual Medicine --> J Sex Med Journal of Shandong University. Natural Science --> J Shandong Univ Nat Sci Journal of Shellfish Research --> J Shellfish Res Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University --> J Shenyang Pharm Univ Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery --> J Shoulder Elbow Surg Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology --> J Signal Process Syst Signal Image Video Technol Journal of Signal Transduction --> J Signal Transduct Journal of Skin Cancer --> J Skin Cancer Journal of Sleep Research --> J Sleep Res Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development --> J Small Bus Enterprise Dev Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship --> J Small Bus Entrep Journal of Small Business Management --> J Small Bus Manag Journal of Smooth Muscle Research --> J Smooth Muscle Res Journal of Snake --> J Snake Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy --> J Soc Adm Pharm Journal of Social and Biological Structures --> J Soc Biol Struct Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology --> J Soc Clin Psychol Journal of Social and Economic Studies --> J Soc Econ Stud Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems --> J Soc Evol Syst Journal of Social and Personal Relationships --> J Soc Pers Relat Journal of Social and Political Psychology --> J Soc Polit Psych Journal of Social Archaeology --> J Soc Archaeol Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance --> SAHARA J Journal of Social Behavior and Personality --> J Soc Behav Pers Journal of Social Casework --> J Soc Casework Journal of Social Development in Africa --> J Soc Dev Afr Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless --> J Soc Distress Homeless Journal of Social, Evolutionary, & Cultural Psychology --> J Soc Evolut & Cultur Psychol Journal of Social History --> J Soc Hist Journal of Social Hygiene --> J Soc Hyg Journal of Social Philosophy --> J Soc Philos Journal of Social Policy --> J Soc Policy Journal of Social Problems --> J Soc Probl Journal of Social Sciences --> J Soc Sci Journal of Social Service Research --> J Soc Serv Res Journal of Social Studies Research --> J Soc Stud Res Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law --> J Soc Welf Fam Law Journal of Social Work --> J Soc Work Journal of Social Work & Human Sexuality --> J Soc Work Hum Sex Journal of Social Work Education --> J Soc Work Educ Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation --> J Soc Work Disabil Rehabil Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care --> J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care Journal of Social Work in Long-Term Care --> J Soc Work Long-Term Care Journal of Social Work Practice --> J Soc Work Pract Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions --> J Soc Work Pract Addict Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation --> J Soc Work Res Eval Journal of Socio-Economics --> J Socio-Economics Journal of Sociolinguistics --> J Sociolinguist Journal of Sociological Studies --> J Sociol Stud Journal of Sociology (Melbourne, Vic.) --> J Sociol (Melb) Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare --> J Sociol Soc Welf Journal of Soil and Water Conservation --> J Soil Water Conserv Journal of Soil Science --> J Soil Sci Journal of Soils and Sediments --> J Soils Sediments Journal of Solar Energy Engineering --> J Sol Energy Eng Journal of Solar Energy Science and Engineering --> J Sol Energy Sci Eng Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology --> J Sol-Gel Sci Technol Journal of Solid State Chemistry --> J Solid State Chem Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry --> J Solid State Electrochem Journal of Solid Waste Technology Management --> J Solid Waste Technol Manag Journal of Solution Chemistry --> J Solution Chem Journal of Sound and Vibration --> J Sound Vibrat Journal of South American Earth Sciences --> J S Am Earth Sci Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies --> J South Asian Middle East Stud Journal of South Asian Development --> J South Asian Dev Journal of South Asian Natural History --> J South Asian Nat Hist Journal of South China Agricultural University --> Hua Nan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences --> J Southeast Asian Earth Sci Journal of Southeast Asian Studies --> J Southeast Asian Stud Journal of Southern African Studies --> J South Afr Stud Journal of Soviet Nationalities --> J Sov Natly Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets --> J Spacecr Rockets Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies --> J Span Cult Stud Journal of Special Education in the Asia Pacific --> J Spec Educ Asia Pac Journal of Special Education Leadership --> J Spec Educ Leadersh Journal of Special Education Technology --> J Spec Educ Technol Journal of Speech and Hearing Research --> J Speech Hear Res Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR --> J Speech Lang Hear Res Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology --> J Speech Lang Pathol Audiol Journal of Spinal Disorders --> J Spinal Disord Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques --> J Spinal Disord Tech Journal of Spiritual Formation --> J Spirit Form Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health --> J Spiritual Ment Health Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology --> J Sport Exerc Psychol Journal of Sport & Tourism --> J Sport Tourism Journal of Sport and Social Issues --> J Sport Soc Issues Journal of Sport Behavior --> J Sport Behav Journal of Sport History --> J Sport Hist Journal of Sport Psychology --> J Sport Psychol Journal of Sport Rehabilitation --> J Sport Rehabil Journal of Sports Economics --> J Sports Econ Journal of Sports Media --> J Sports Media Journal of Sports Sciences --> J Sports Sci Journal of Staff Development --> J Staff Dev Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods --> J Stat Econon Methods Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation --> J Stat Comput Simul Journal of Statistical Mechanics --> J Stat Mech Journal of Statistical Physics --> J Stat Phys Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference --> J Stat Plan Inference Journal of Statistical Software --> J Stat Softw Journal of Sterile Services Management --> J Sterile Serv Manage Journal of Steroid Biochemistry --> J Steroid Biochem Journal of Stored Products Research --> J Stored Prod Res Journal of Strategic & Systemic Therapies --> J Strateg Syst Ther Journal of Strategic Marketing --> J Strateg Mark Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research --> J Strength Cond Res Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases --> J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics --> J Struct Funct Genomics Journal of Structural Biology --> J Struct Biol Journal of Structural Chemistry --> J Struct Chem Journal of Structural Control --> J Struct Contr Journal of Structural Engineering --> J Struct Eng Journal of Structural Geology --> J Struct Geol Journal of Structural Learning --> J Struct Learn Journal of Structural Learning and Intelligent Systems --> J Struct Learn Intell Syst Journal of Student Financial Aid --> J Stud Financ Aid Journal of Studies in International Education --> J Stud Int Educ Journal of Studies on Alcohol --> J Stud Alcohol Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs --> J Stud Alcohol Drugs Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Supplement --> J Stud Alcohol Suppl Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology --> J Submicrosc Cytol Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology --> J Submicrosc Cytol Pathol Journal of Substance Abuse --> J Subst Abuse Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment --> J Subst Abuse Treat Journal of Substance Use --> J Subst Use Journal of Sugar Beet Research --> J Sugar Beet Res Journal of Sulfur Chemistry --> J Sulfur Chem Journal of Superconductivity --> J Supercond Journal of Superhard Materials --> J Superhard Mater Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management --> J Supply Chain Oper Manag Journal of Supramolecular Structure --> J Supramol Struct Journal of Supramolecular Structure and Cellular Biochemistry --> J Supramol Struct Cell Biochem Journal of Supramolecular Structure and Cellular Biochemistry. Supplement --> J Supramol Struct Cell Biochem Suppl Journal of Supramolecular Structure. Supplement --> J Supramol Struct Suppl Journal of Surface Analysis --> J Surf Anal Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques --> J Surf Invest X-ray, Synchrotron Neutron Tech Journal of Surgery Pakistan --> J Surg Pak Journal of Surgical Education --> J Surg Educ Journal of Surgical Oncology --> J Surg Oncol Journal of Surgical Oncology. Supplement --> J Surg Oncol Suppl Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances --> J Surg Orthop Adv Journal of Surveying Engineering --> J Surv Eng Journal of Sustainable Agriculture --> J Sustain Agric Journal of Sustainable Forestry --> J Sustain For Journal of Sustainable Tourism --> J Sustainable Tourism Journal of Symbolic Computation --> J Symbolic Comp Journal of Synchrotron Radiation --> J Synchrotron Radiat Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan --> J Synth Org Chem Jpn Journal of Systematic Palaeontology --> J Syst Palaeontology Journal of Systemic Therapies --> J Syst Ther Journal of Systems and Software --> J Syst Softw Journal of Systems Architecture --> J Systems Archit Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics --> J Syst Eng Electron Journal of Systems Science and Complexity --> J Syst Sci Complex Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering --> J Syst Sci Syst Eng Journal of Taiwan Museum --> J Taiwan Mus Journal of Teacher Education --> J Teach Educ Journal of Teaching in International Business --> J Teach Int Bus Journal of Teaching in Marriage & Family --> J Teach Marriage Fam Journal of Teaching in Physical Education --> J Teach Phys Educ Journal of Teaching in Social Work --> J Teach Soc Work Journal of Teaching in the Addictions --> J Teach Addict Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism --> J Teach Travel Tourism Journal of Teaching Writing --> J Teach Writ Journal of Technical Physics --> J Tech Phys Journal of Technical Topics in Civil Engineering --> J Tech Topics Civil Eng Journal of Technology and Teacher Education --> J Technol Teach Educ Journal of Technology in Human Services --> J Technol Hum Serv Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare --> J Telemed Telecare Journal of Terramechanics --> J Terramechs Journal of Testing and Evaluation --> J Test Eval Journal of Texture Studies --> J Texture Stud Journal of Thai Association for Voluntary Sterilization --> J Thai Assoc Volunt Steriliz Journal of Thanatology --> J Thanatol Journal of the A.I.E.E. --> J AIEE Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science --> J Acad Mark Sci Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia --> J Acad Nat Sci Phila Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology --> J Acad Rehabilitative Audiol Journal of the ACM --> J ACM Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences --> J Aeronaut Sci Journal of the Aerospace Sciences --> J Aerosp Sci Journal of the Aero-Space Transport Division --> J Aero-Space Transp Div, Am Soc Civ Eng Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society --> J Afro Am Hist Geneal Soc Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association --> J Air Waste Manage Assoc Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association --> J Air Waste Manag Assoc Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association --> J Air Pollut Control Assoc Journal of the Air Transport Division --> J Air Transp Div Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science --> J Ala Acad Sci Journal of the Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists --> J Alta Soc Pet Geol Journal of the All-India Ophthalmological Society --> J All India Ophthalmol Soc Journal of the American Academy of Audiology --> J Am Acad Audiol Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry --> J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry --> J Am Acad Child Psychiatry Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology --> J Am Acad Dermatol Journal of the American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts --> J Am Acad Med Hypnoanal Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners --> J Am Acad Nurse Pract Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants --> J Am Acad Physician Assist Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Neurology --> J Am Acad Psychiatry Neurol Journal of the American Academy of Religion --> J Am Acad Relig Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association --> J Am Anim Hosp Assoc "Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science ; JAALAS" --> J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci Journal of the American Association of University Teachers of Insurance --> J Am Assoc Univ Teachers Insur Journal of the American Audiology Society --> J Am Audiol Soc Journal of the American Auditory Society --> J Am Aud Soc Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine --> J Am Board Fam Med Journal of the American Ceramic Society --> J Am Ceram Soc Journal of the American Chemical Society --> J Am Chem Soc Journal of the American College Health Association --> J Am Coll Health Assoc Journal of the American College of Cardiology --> J Am Coll Cardiol Journal of the American College of Neuropsychiatrists --> J Am Coll Neuropsychiatr Journal of the American College of Nutrition --> J Am Coll Nutr Journal of the American College of Radiology --> J Am Coll Radiol Journal of the American College of Surgeons --> J Am Coll Surg Journal of the American College of Toxicology --> J Am Coll Toxicol Journal of the American Concrete Institute --> J Am Concr Inst Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association --> J Am Deaf Rehabil Assoc Journal of the American Dental Association (Edizione Italiana) --> J Am Dent Assoc (Ed Ital) Journal of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology --> J Am Dent Soc Anesthesiol Journal of the American Dietetic Association --> J Am Diet Assoc Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society --> J Am Geogr Stat Soc Journal of the American Geriatrics Society --> J Am Geriatr Soc Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia --> J Am Hist Soc Ger Russ Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology --> J Am Inst Crim Law Criminol Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers --> J Am Inst Electr Eng Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy --> J Am Inst Homeopath Journal of the American Institute of Planners --> J Am Inst Plann Journal of the American Mathematical Society --> J Am Math Soc Journal of the American Medical Association --> J Am Med Assoc Journal of the American Medical Association --> JAMA Journal of the American Medical Directors Association --> J Am Med Dir Assoc Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association --> J Am Med Inform Assoc Journal of the American Medical Record Association --> J Am Med Rec Assoc Journal of the American Medical Technologists --> J Am Med Technol Journal of the American Medical Women's Association --> J Am Med Womens Assoc Journal of the American Medical Women's Association --> J Am Med Womens Assoc Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association --> J Am Mosq Control Assoc Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. Supplement --> J Am Mosq Control Assoc Suppl Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society --> J Am Oil Chem Soc Journal of the American Optometric Association --> J Am Optom Assoc Journal of the American Oriental Society --> J Am Orient Soc Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association --> J Am Pharm Assoc Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association --> J Am Pharm Assoc Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association --> J Am Pharm Assoc Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Practical Pharmacy Ed.) --> J Am Pharm Assoc (Pract Pharm Ed) Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Scientific Ed.) --> J Am Pharm Assoc (Sci Ed) Journal of the American Pharmacists Association --> J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash DC) Journal of the American Planning Association --> J Am Plann Assoc Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association --> J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Journal of the American Podiatry Association --> J Am Podiatry Assoc Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association --> J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association --> J Am Psychoanal Assoc Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt --> J Am Res Cent Egypt Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation --> J Am Sci Affil Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science --> J Am Soc Hortic Sci Journal of the American Society for Information Science --> J Am Soc Inf Sci Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology --> J Am Soc Inf Sci Technol Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry --> J Am Soc Mass Spectrom Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research --> J Am Soc Psych Res Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand --> J Am Soc Surg Hand Journal of the American Society for the Study of Orthodontics --> J Am Soc Study Orthod Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography --> J Am Soc Echocardiogr Journal of the American Society of Hypertension --> J Am Soc Hypertens Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Inc. --> J Am Soc Nav Eng Inc Journal of the American Society of Nephrology --> J Am Soc Nephrol Journal of the American Statistical Association --> J Am Stat Assoc Journal of the American Venereal Disease Association --> J Am Vener Dis Assoc Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association --> J Am Vet Med Assoc Journal of the American Water Resources Association --> J Am Water Resour Assoc Journal of the Anatomical Society of India --> J Anat Soc India Journal of the Arab Neonatology Forum --> J Arab Neonatol Forum Journal of the Arab Society for Medical Research --> J Arab Soc Med Res Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science --> J Ariz Acad Sci Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science --> J Ariz Nev Acad Sci Journal of the Arnold Arboretum --> J Arnold Arbor Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy --> J Asia Pac Econ Journal of the Asiatic Society --> J Asiat Soc Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal --> J Asiat Soc Bengal Journal of the Assam Science Society --> J Assam Science Society Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning --> J Assem Expand Perspect Learn Journal of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians --> J Assoc Acad Minor Phys Journal of the Association for Information Systems --> J Assoc Inf Syst Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation --> J Assoc Lab Autom Journal of the Association for Music & Imagery --> J Assoc Music Imagery Journal of the Association for Physical and Mental Rehabilitation --> J Assoc Phys Ment Rehabil Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology --> J Assoc Res Otolaryngol Journal of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation --> J Assoc Adv Med Instrum Journal of the Association for the Care of Children in Hospitals --> J Assoc Care Child Hosp Journal of the Association for the Care of Children's Health --> J Assoc Care Child Health Journal of the Association of Genetic Technologists --> J Assoc Genet Technol Journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators --> J Assoc Med Illus Journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses --> J Assoc Pediatr Oncol Nurses Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences --> J Assoc Polit Soc Sci Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences --> J Atmos Sci Journal of the Audio Engineering Society --> J Audio Eng Soc Journal of the Australian Entomological Society --> J Aust Entomol Soc Journal of the Australian Institute of Surgical and Dental Technicians (Melbourne) --> J Aust Inst Surg Dent Tech Journal of the Australian Population Association --> J Aust Popul Assoc Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System --> J Auton Nerv Syst Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society --> J Bahrain Med Soc Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology --> J BUON Journal of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery --> J Baltimore Coll Dent Surg Journal of the Biological Photographic Association --> J Biol Photogr Assoc Journal of the Board of Direction --> J Board Dir Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society --> J Braz Chem Soc Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society --> J Braz Comput Soc Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences --> J Braz Soc Mech Sci Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering --> J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists (BAP) --> J Br Assoc Psycother Journal of the British Dental Association --> J Br Dent Assoc Journal of the British Endodontic Society --> J Br Endod Soc Journal of the British Fertility Society --> J Br Fer Soc Journal of the British Grassland Society --> J Br Grassl Soc Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs --> J Br Inst Int Aff Journal of the California Dental Association --> J Calif Dent Assoc Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry --> J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies --> J Assoc Can Curric Stud Journal of the Canadian Association of Radiologists --> J Can Assoc Radiol Journal of the Canadian Dental Association --> J Can Dent Assoc (Tor) Journal of the Canadian Dietetic Association --> J Can Diet Assoc Journal of the Canadian Historical Association --> J Can Hist Assoc Journal of the Cardiometabolic Syndrome --> J Cardiometab Syndr Journal of the Catholic Nurses Guild of England and Wales --> J Cathol Nurses Guild Engl Wales Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan --> J Ceram Soc Jpn Journal of the Charles H. Tweed International Foundation --> J Charles H Tweed Int Found Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management --> J Chart Inst Water Environ Manag Journal of the Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa --> J Chem Metall Soc S Afr Journal of the Chemical Society --> J Chem Soc Journal of the Chemical Society Abstracts --> J Chem Soc Abstr Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan --> J Chem Soc Pak Journal of the Chemical Society Transactions --> J Chem Soc Trans Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry --> J Chem Soc, Dalton Trans Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions --> J Chem Soc, Faraday Trans Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions I --> J Chem Soc, Faraday Trans I Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry --> J Chem Soc, Perkin Trans 1 Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry --> J Chem Soc, Perkin Trans 2 Journal of the Chemical Society, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical --> J Chem Soc A Journal of the Chemical Society, Section B: Physical Organic --> J Chem Soc B Journal of the Chemical Society, Section C: Organic --> J Chem Soc C Journal of the Chemical Society, Section D: Chemical Communications --> J Chem Soc D Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications --> J Chem Soc Chem Commun Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions II --> J Chem Soc, Faraday Trans II Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa --> J Chem Metall Min Soc S Afr Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society --> J Chester Archaeol Soc Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society --> J Chil Chem Soc Journal of the Chinese Medical Association --> J Chin Med Assoc Journal of the Chinese Society of Animal Science --> J Chin Soc Anim Sci Journal of Chromatrography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences --> J Chromatogr B Journal of the City Planning Division --> J City Plng Div Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan --> J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Journal of the College of Radiologists of Australasia --> J Coll Radiol Australas Journal of the Colorado Dental Association --> J Colo Dent Assoc Journal of the Community Development Society --> J Community Dev Soc Journal of the Construction Division --> J Constr Div Journal of the Czech Geological Society --> J Czech Geol Soc Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa --> J Dent Assoc S Afr Journal of the Dental Guidance Council on the Handicapped --> J Dent Guid Counc Handicap Journal of the Dental School, National University of Iran --> J Dent Sch Natl Univ Iran Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship --> J Dev Entrep Journal of the Early Republic --> J Early Repub Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies --> J East Asia Soc Transp Stud Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute --> J Egypt Natl Canc Inst Journal of the Egyptian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology --> J Egypt Soc Obstet Gynecol Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology --> J Egypt Soc Parasitol Journal of the Egyptian Society of Toxicology --> J Egypt Soc Toxicol Journal of the Electrochemical Society --> J Electrochem Soc Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society --> J Elisha Mitchell Sci Soc Journal of the Energy Division --> J Energy Div Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division --> J Eng Mech Div Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia --> J Entomol Soc BC Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario --> J Entomol Soc Ont Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division --> J Environ Eng Div Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology --> J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol Journal of the European Ceramic Society --> J Eur Ceram Soc Journal of the European Economic Association --> J Eur Econ Assoc Journal of the European Mathematical Society --> J Eur Math Soc Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society --> J Evang Theol Soc Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior --> J Exp Anal Behav Journal of the Eye --> J Eye Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University --> J Fac Agric Hokkaido Univ Journal of the Faculty of Medicine, Baghdad --> J Fac Med Baghdad Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 1: Mathematics --> J Fac Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Ser 1 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 2: Physics --> J Fac Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Ser 2 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 3: Chemistry --> J Fac Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Ser 3 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4: Geology and Mineralogy --> J Fac Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Ser 4 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 5: Botany --> J Fac Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Ser 5 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 6, Zoology --> J Fac Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Ser 6 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics --> J Fac Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Ser 7, Geophys Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2: Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Geophysics --> J Fac Sci Univ Tokyo Sect 2 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 3: Botany --> J Fac Sci, Univ Tokyo, Sect 3 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 4: Zoology --> J Fac Sci, Univ Tokyo, Sect 4 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. Section 1, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry --> J Fac Sci, Univ Tokyo, Sect 1A, Math Astron Phys Chem Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. Section 1A, Mathematics --> J Fac Sci, Univ Tokyo, Sect 1A, Math Journal of the Faculty of Science. University of Tokyo Section 5. Anthropology --> J Fac Sci, Univ Tokyo, Sect 5 Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition --> J First-Year Experience Students Transit Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada --> J Fish Res Board Can Journal of the Folklore Institute --> J Folklore Inst Journal of the Formosan Medical Association --> J Formos Med Assoc Journal of the Fort Logan Mental Health Center --> J Fort Logan Ment Health Cent Journal of the Franklin Institute --> J Franklin Inst Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association --> J Gay Lesbian Med Assoc Journal of the Geological Society --> J Geol Soc London Journal of the Geological Society of Australia --> J Geol Soc Aust Journal of the Geological Society of China --> J Geol Soc China Journal of the Geological Society of India --> J Geol Soc India Journal of the Georgia Dental Association --> J Ga Dent Assoc Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division --> J Geotech Eng Div Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences --> J Geophys Res Biogeosci Journal of the Germantown Hospital --> J Germantown Hosp Journal of the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies --> J Gulf Arabian Peninsula Stud Journal of the Hawaii Dental Association --> J Hawaii Dent Assoc Journal of the Hawaii State Dental Association --> J Hawaii State Dent Assoc Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora --> J Hell Diaspora Journal of the Highway Division --> J Hwy Div Journal of the Hillside Hospital --> J Hillside Hosp Journal of the History of Biology --> J Hist Biol Journal of the History of Collections --> J Hist Collect Journal of the History of Dentistry --> J Hist Dent Journal of the History of Economic Thought --> J Hist Econ Thought Journal of the History of Ideas --> J Hist Ideas Journal of the History of International Law --> J Hist Int Law Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences --> J Hist Med Allied Sci Journal of the History of Philosophy --> J Hist Philos Journal of the History of Sexuality --> J Hist Sex Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences --> J Hist Behav Sci Journal of the History of the Neurosciences --> J Hist Neurosci Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society --> J Hong Kong Branch R Asiat Soc Journal of the Houston District Dental Society --> J Houston Dist Dent Soc Journal of the Hydraulics Division --> J Hydraul Div Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science --> J Idaho Acad Sci Journal of the IES --> J IES Journal of the IEST --> J IEST Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology --> J Indian Acad Appl Psychol Journal of the Indian Academy of Dentistry --> J Indian Acad Dent Journal of the Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences --> J Indian Forensic Sci Journal of the Indian Academy of Geoscience --> J Indian Acad Geosci Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society --> J Indian Anthropol Soc Journal of the Indian Chemical Society --> J Indian Chem Soc Journal of the Indian Dental Association --> J Indian Dent Assoc Journal of the Indian Institute of Science --> J Indian Inst Sci Journal of the Indian Law Institute --> J Indian Law Inst Journal of the Indian Medical Association --> J Indian Med Assoc Journal of the Indian Medical Profession --> J Indian Med Prof Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry --> J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science --> J Indian Soc Soil Sci Journal of the Indiana Dental Association --> J Indiana Dent Assoc Journal of the Indianapolis District Dental Society --> J Indianap Dist Dent Soc Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India --> J Inland Fish Soc India Journal of the Institute of Actuaries --> J Inst Actuar Journal of the Institute of Brewing --> J Inst Brew Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka --> J Inst Chart Account Sri Lanka Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications --> J Inst Math Appl Journal of the Institute of Medicine --> J Inst Med Journal of the Institute of Metals --> J Inst Met Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University, Series G. Geoscience --> J Inst Polytech, Osaka City Univ, Ser G Geosci Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers --> J Inst Civ Eng Journal of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers --> J Inst Electron Telecommun Eng Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia --> J Inst Eng Aust Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers --> J Inst Public Health Eng Journal of the Institution of Sanitary Engineers --> J Inst Sanit Eng Journal of the Institution of Telecommunication Engineers --> J Inst Telecommun Eng Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management --> J Inst Water Environ Manag Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists --> J Inst Water Eng Sci Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology --> J Int Acad Periodontol Journal of the International AIDS Society --> J Int AIDS Soc Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology --> J Int Assoc Math Geol Journal of the International Association of Dentistry for Children --> J Int Assoc Dent Child Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care --> J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS Care Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (Chicago, Ill.) --> J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS Care (Chic Ill) Journal of the International Association of Special Education --> J Int Assoc Spec Educ Journal of the International College of Dentists --> J Int Coll Dent (Jpn) Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry --> J Int Fed Clin Chem Journal of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics --> J Int Fed Gynaecol Obstet Journal of the International Folk Music Council --> J Int Folk Music Counc Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society --> J Int Neuropsychol Soc Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition --> J Int Soc Sports Nutr Journal of the International Wine & Food Society (London) --> J Int Wine Food Soc Journal of the Iowa Medical Society --> J Iowa Med Soc Journal of the Iowa State Medical Society --> J Iowa State Med Soc Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons --> J Ir Coll Physicians Surg Journal of the Irish Dental Association --> J Ir Dent Assoc Journal of the Irish Medical Association --> J Ir Med Assoc Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute --> J Iron Steel Inst Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division --> J Irrig Drain Div Journal of the Italian Statistical Society --> J Ital Stat Soc Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute --> J Jpn Petrol Inst Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences --> J Jpn Soc Aeronaut Space Sci Journal of the Japanese and International Economies --> J Jpn Int Econ Journal of the Japanese Obstetrical & Gynecological Society --> J Jpn Obstet Gynecol Soc Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association --> J Jpn Phys Ther Assoc Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science --> J Jpn Soc Hortic Sci Journal of the Kansas Dental Association --> J Kans Dent Assoc Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society --> J Kans Entomol Soc Journal of the Kentucky Dental Association --> J Ky Dent Assoc Journal of the Korean Fisheries Society --> J Korean Fish Soc Journal of the Korean Physical Society --> J Korean Phys Soc Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Hypnosis --> J Korean Res Soc Dent Hypn Journal of the Korean Statistical Society --> J Korean Stat Soc Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society --> J Lanc Cty Hist Soc Journal of the Learning Sciences --> J Learn Sci Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association --> J Leban Dent Assoc Journal of the Lepidopterists Society --> J Lepid Soc Journal of the Less Common Metals --> J Less Common Met Journal of the London Mathematical Society --> J Lond Math Soc Journal of the Louisiana Dental Association --> J La Dent Assoc Journal of the Macomb Dental Society --> J Macomb Dent Soc Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society --> J Malays Branch R Asiat Soc Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan --> J Mammal Soc Jpn Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India --> J Mar Biol Assoc India Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom --> J Mar Biol Assoc UK Journal of the Market Research Society --> J Mark Res Soc Limnetica --> Limnetica Journal of the Maryland State Dental Association --> J Md State Dent Assoc Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society --> J Mass Dent Soc Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials --> J Mech Behav Biomed Mater Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids --> J Mech Phys Solids Journal of the Medical Association for Prevention of War --> J Med Assoc Prev War Journal of the Medical Association of Eire --> J Med Assoc Eire Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia --> J Med Assoc Ga Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand --> J Med Assoc Thai Journal of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama --> J Med Assoc State Ala Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA --> J Med Libr Assoc Journal of the Medical Research Institute --> J Med Res Inst Journal of the Mercer Dental Society --> J Mercer Dent Soc Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan --> J Meteorol Soc Jpn Journal of the Microscopy Society of America --> J Microsc Soc Am Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society --> J Miner Met Mater Soc Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science --> J Minn Acad Sci Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association --> J Miss State Med Assoc Journal of the Missouri Bar --> J Mo Bar Journal of the Missouri Dental Association --> J Mo Dent Assoc Journal of the Missouri Dental Association --> J Mo Dent Assoc Journal of the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York --> J Mt Sinai Hosp N Y Journal of the National Analgesia Society --> J Natl Analg Soc Journal of the National Association of Chiropodists --> J Natl Assoc Chiropodists Journal of the National Association of Seventh-Day Adventist Dentists --> J Natl Assoc Seventh Day Advent Dent Journal of the National Cancer Institute --> J Natl Cancer Inst Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs --> J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network --> J Natl Compr Canc Netw Journal of the National Malaria Society --> J Natl Malar Soc Journal of the National Medical Association --> J Natl Med Assoc Journal of the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba --> J Nat Hist Mus Inst Chiba Journal of the Neurological Sciences --> J Neurol Sci Journal of the New Jersey Dental Association --> J N J Dent Assoc Journal of the New Jersey Dental Hygienists Association --> J N J Dent Hyg Assoc Journal of the New York Entomological Society --> J NY Entomol Soc Journal of the New York State School Nurse Teachers Association --> J N Y State Sch Nurse Teach Assoc Journal of the New Zealand Society of Periodontology --> J N Z Soc Periodontol Journal of the Nigeria Association of Dental Students --> J Niger Assoc Dent Stud Journal of the North American Benthological Society --> J N Am Benthol Soc Journal of the North Carolina Dental Society --> J NC Dent Soc Journal of the Ocean University of Qingdao --> J Ocean Univ Qingdao Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan --> J Oceanogr Soc Jpn Journal of the Operations Research Society of America --> J Oper Res Soc Am Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan --> J Oper Res Soc Jpn Journal of the Optical Society of America --> J Opt Soc Am Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and Image Science --> J Opt Soc Am A Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, Image Science, and Vision --> J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical Physics --> J Opt Soc Am B Journal of the Oslo City Hospitals --> J Oslo City Hosp Journal of the Oto-Laryngological Society of Australia --> J Otolaryngol Soc Aust Journal of the Otto Rank Association --> J Otto Rank Assoc Journal of the Pakistan Dental Association --> J Pak Dent Assoc Journal of the Parenteral Drug Association --> J Parenter Drug Assoc Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society --> J Pat Trademark Off Soc Journal of the Patent Office Society --> J Pat Off Soc Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science --> J Pa Acad Sci Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System --> J Peripher Nerv Syst Journal of the Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners --> J Philipp Fed Priv Med Pract Journal of the Philippine Medical Association --> J Philipp Med Assoc Journal of the Philosophy of Sport --> J Philos Sport Journal of the Physical Society of Japan --> J Phys Soc Jpn Journal of the Physicians Association for AIDS Care --> J Physicians Assoc AIDS Care Journal of the Pipeline Division --> J Pipeline Div Journal of the Power Division --> J Power Div Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club --> J