Inter-Research > MEPS > v712 > p35-47  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 712:35-47 (2023)  -  DOI:

Diversity of benthic diatoms in the Baltic Sea: alpha and beta diversity, environmental drivers, and diversity-biomass relationships

Leena Virta*

Tvärminne Zoological Station, University of Helsinki, 10900 Hanko, Finland
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Benthic diatoms are crucial for the functioning of ecosystems, but their diversity patterns along large gradients are poorly studied. By using 3 self-collected data sets along large environmental gradients in the Baltic Sea, represented over spatial scales of 60, 1300, and 2300 km, I investigated whether different aspects of diversity follow general patterns or are context- and region-specific. General diversity patterns along different gradients would likely indicate high resilience of benthic diatoms against differences and changes in the environment, whereas context-dependent patterns would possibly suggest that environmental change is likely to modify diatom communities and that region-specific differences should be considered when designing ecosystem management. I investigated the effect of environmental conditions on taxonomic and functional diatom diversity with distance-based redundancy analyses, variability of taxonomic diversity with species accumulation curves, taxonomic and functional aspects of spatial beta diversity with pairwise Bray-Curtis dissimilarity indices and Mantel tests, and diversity-biomass relationships with generalized linear models. The effect of environment on diatom communities was context-dependent, and different factors controlled communities along different gradients. Diversity varied along gradients and correlated with salinity in a U-shaped way. Beta diversity followed a general pattern of high taxonomic but low functional beta diversity along all gradients. Relationships between diatom diversity and ecosystem biomass were weak along all gradients. These results suggest that although the regional diversity of diatoms seems resilient, environmental change is likely to modify the local diversity of diatom communities. Finding out how these changes will affect ecosystem functioning requires further investigation.

KEY WORDS: Benthic diatoms · Baltic Sea · Brackish · Taxonomic · Functional · Salinity · Biomass

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Cite this article as: Virta L (2023) Diversity of benthic diatoms in the Baltic Sea: alpha and beta diversity, environmental drivers, and diversity-biomass relationships. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 712:35-47.

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