Inter-Research > DAO > v40 > n3 > p229-231  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 40:229-231 (2000)  -  doi:10.3354/dao040229

Treatment of Microcotyle sebastis (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea) infestation with praziquantel in an experimental cage simulating commercial rockfish Sebastes schlegeli culture conditions

Ki Hong Kim*, Jae Bum Cho

Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, College of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University, Pusan 608-737, Korea

ABSTRACT: The antiparasitic efficacy of praziquantel against the blood-sucking polyopisthocotylean Microcotyle sebastis was tested in an experimental cage simulating commercial rockfish-culture conditions. Juvenile rockfish Sebastes schlegeli were separated into 4 pilot net-pens, and the fish in the groups were either fed a control diet (Group C), fed a praziquantel-adsorbed diet (Group F), bathed in 100 ppm praziquantel for 4 min (Group B), or bathed in 100 ppm praziquantel for 4 min and then fed a praziquantel-adsorbed diet (Group BF). The results of the present study indicate that feeding a praziquantel-adsorbed diet significantly reduces the abundance of M. sebastis infestation, and bathing in 100 ppm praziquantel for 4 min is effective for controlling M. sebastis infestation in practical rockfish culture systems.

KEY WORDS: Praziquantel · Microcotyle sebastis · Sebastes schlegeli · Treatment efficacy

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