Inter-Research > DAO > v73 > n1 > p73-76  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 73:73-76 (2006)  -  doi:10.3354/dao073073

Bopyrid isopods do not castrate the simultaneously hermaphroditic shrimp Lysmata amboinensis (Decapoda: Hippolytidae)

Ricardo Calado1,2,*, António Vitorino2,3, Maria Teresa Dinis1

1CCMAR Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8000-117 Faro, Portugal
2Templo Aquático, Rua de Santa Marta No. 27, 1150-291 Lisboa, Portugal
3Universidade Lusófona, Departamento de Ciências Naturais e Biológicas, Campo Grande, 376-1749 Lisboa, Portugal

ABSTRACT: This study evaluates possible parasitic castration induced by a bopyrid isopod of the genus Parabopyrella, which parasitizes the branchial chamber of the simultaneously hermaphroditic shrimp Lysmata amboinensis. Parasitized shrimp (PS) carried embryos and produced significantly fewer larvae (mean ± SD: 363 ± 102; p = 0.002) than formerly parasitized shrimp (FPS) (1297 ± 143) and unparasitized shrimp (US) paired with other US (1409 ± 102), with PS (1362 ± 234) or with FPS (1384 ± 157). Starvation trials revealed no significant differences in the quality of larvae produced by PS, FPS and US paired with other US, PS and FPS. Host embryo production is only quantitatively, not qualitatively, affected, probably due to nutritional drain and/or endocrine disruption caused by the parasite. The host male sexual system remains fully functional and ‘reproductive death’ does not occur. The feminization of pleopods that prevents parasitized males of gonochoric species from successfully copulating seems to have no effect on L. seticaudata: pleopods are always feminized during their transition from male to simultaneous hermaphrodite phase, with adults being able to successfully fertilize broods. Parabopyrella sp. significantly affects the female sexual system of its host, but does not cause castration, as recorded for L. seticaudata parasitized by the bopyrid isopod Eophryxus lysmatae (an abdominal parasite).

KEY WORDS: Parabopyrella · Bopyrid isopods · Parasitic castration · Simultaneous hermaphroditism · Lysmata amboinensis

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