Inter-Research > MEPS > v136 > p303-304  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 136:303-304 (1996)  -  doi:10.3354/meps136303

Xenobiotic excretion in fish with aglomerular kidneys

Christiansen JS, Dalmo RA, Ingebrigtsen K

Foreign chemicals in teleost fish are primarily excreted via urine and bile. Xenobiotics and their metabolites excreted via urine are filtered in the glomerulus and/or secreted by tubular transport within the kidney. Contrary to most fish species, such as the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, the polar cod Boreogadus saida displays a complete absence of the glomerular apparatus. We examined the excretory routes in an aglomerular (B. saida) vs a glomerular (G. morhua) gadoid fish. Using an inert polysacharride as a model compound, it is demonstrated that this xenobiotic is excreted solely via the urine in G. morhua and via the bile in B. saida.

Polar fish . Aglomerular kidney . Xenobiotic excretion . Environmental pollutants

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