Renault T, Cochennec N, Chollet B
Marteiliosis in American oysters Crassostrea virginica reared in France
DAO 23:161-164 | Full text in pdf format
Chou HY,Huang CY, Wang CH, Chiang HC, Lo CF
Pathogenicity of a baculovirus infection causing white spot syndrome in cultured penaeid shrimp in Taiwan
DAO 23:165-173 | Full text in pdf format
Helmick CM, Bailey JF, LaPatra S, Ristow S
Histological comparison of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus challenged juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and coho salmon O. kisutch gill, esophagus/cardiac stomach region, small intestine and pyloric caeca
DAO 23:175-187 | Full text in pdf format
Helmick CM, Bailey JF, LaPatra S, Ristow S
The esophagus/cardiac stomach region:site of attachment and internalization of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in challenged juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and coho salmon O. kisutch
DAO 23:189-199 | Full text in pdf format
Schmale MC
Experimental induction of neurofibromatosis in bicolor damselfish
DAO 23:201-212 | Full text in pdf format
Santarém MM, Figueras A
Leucocyte numbers and phagocytic activity in turbot Scophthalmus maximus following immunization with Vibrio damsela and Pasteurella piscicida O-antigen bacterins
DAO 23:213-220 | Full text in pdf format
Bandín I, Rivas C, Santos Y, Secombes CJ, Barja JL, Ellis AE
Effect of serum factors on the survival of Renibacterium salmoninarum within rainbow trout macrophages
DAO 23:221-227 | Full text in pdf format
Blazer VS, Schrank CS
Malignant lymphoma in black bullhead from Allouez Bay, Superior, Wisconsin, USA
DAO 23:229-234 | Full text in pdf format
Kent ML, Rantis V, Bagshaw JW, Dawe SC
Enhanced detection of Enterocytozoon salmonis (Microspora), an intranuclear microsporean of salmonid fishes, with the Warthin-Starry stain combined with hematoxylin and eosin
DAO 23:235-237 | Full text in pdf format
Wang CH, Lo CF, Leu JH, Chou CM, Yeh PY, Chou HY, Tung MC, Chang CF, Su MS, Kou GH
Purification and genomic analysis of baculovirus associated with white spot syndrome (WSBV) of Penaeus monodon
DAO 23:239-242 | Full text in pdf format