Chang YS, Lo CF, Peng SE, Liu KF, Wang CH, Kou GH
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) PCR-positive Artemia cysts yield PCR-negative nauplii that fail to transmit WSSV when fed to shrimp postlarvae
DAO 49:1-10 | Full text in pdf format
Liu W, Wang YT, Tian DS, Yin ZC, Kwang J
Detection of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) of shrimp by means of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific to an envelope protein (28 kDa)
DAO 49:11-18 | Full text in pdf format
Bangrak P, Graidist P, Chotigeat W, Supamattaya K, Phongdara A
A syntenin-like protein with postsynaptic density protein (PDZ) domains produced by black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon in response to white spot syndrome virus infection
DAO 49:19-25 | Full text in pdf format
Hellberg H, Koppang EO, Tørud B, Bjerkås I
Subclinical herpesvirus infection in farmed turbot Scophthalmus maximus
DAO 49:27-31 | Full text in pdf format
Aguayo J, Miquel A, Aranki N, Jamett A, Valenzuela PDT, Burzio LO
Detection of Piscirickettsia salmonis in fish tissues by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using specific monoclonal antibodies
DAO 49:33-38 | Full text in pdf format
Sohlberg S, Ingebrigtsen K, Hansen MK, Hayton WL, Horsberg TE
Flumequine in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar: disposition in fish held in sea water versus fresh water
DAO 49:39-44 | Full text in pdf format
Kim KH, Kim CS
Cimetidine enhances the plasma praziquantel concentration and treatment efficacy against Microcotyle sebastis in cultured rockfish Sebastes schlegeli
DAO 49:45-49 | Full text in pdf format
Allen MB, Bergersen EP
Factors influencing the distribution of Myxobolus cerebralis, the causative agent of whirling disease, in the Cache la Poudre River, Colorado
DAO 49:51-60 | Full text in pdf format
Gruebl T, Frischer ME, Sheppard M, Neumann M, Maurer AN, Lee RF
Development of an 18S rRNA gene targeted PCR based diagnostic for the blue crab parasite Hematodinium sp.
DAO 49:61-70 | Full text in pdf format
Sithigorngul P, Rukpratanporn S, Longyant S, Chaivisuthangkura P, Sithigorngul W, Menasveta P
Monoclonal antibodies specific to yellow-head virus (YHV) of Penaeus monodon
DAO 49:71-76 | Full text in pdf format
Johansen R, Poppe T
Pericarditis and myocarditis in farmed Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus
DAO 49:77-81 | Full text in pdf format