Zamon JE, Greene CH, Meir E, Demer DA, Hewitt RP, Sexton S
Acoustic characterization of the three-dimensional prey field of foraging chinstrap penguins
MEPS 131:1-10 | Full text in pdf format
Grecay PA, Targett TE
Effects of turbidity, light level and prey concentration on feeding of juvenile weakfish Cynoscion regalis
MEPS 131:11-16 | Full text in pdf format
Clark BM, Bennett BA, Lamberth SJ
Factors affecting spatial variability in seine net catches of fish in the surf zone of False Bay, South Africa
MEPS 131:17-34 | Full text in pdf format
Clark BM, Bennett BA, Lamberth SJ
Temporal variations in surf zone fish assemblages from False Bay, South Africa
MEPS 131:35-47 | Full text in pdf format
Malloy KD, Yamashita Y, Yamada H, Targett TE
Spatial and temporal patterns of juvenile stone flounder Kareius bicoloratus growth rates during and after settlement
MEPS 131:49-59 | Full text in pdf format
Peebles EB, Hall JR, Tolley SG
Egg production by the bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli in relation to adult and larval prey fields
MEPS 131:61-73 | Full text in pdf format
St John MA, Lund T
Lipid biomarkers:linking the utilization of frontal plankton biomass to enhanced condition of juvenile North Sea cod
MEPS 131:75-85 | Full text in pdf format
Cheng PW, Tzeng WN
Timing of metamorphosis and estuarine arrival across the dispersal range of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
MEPS 131:87-96 | Full text in pdf format
Rakitin A, Kramer DL
Effect of a marine reserve on the distribution of coral reef fishes in Barbados
MEPS 131:97-113 | Full text in pdf format
Vance DJ, Haywood MDE, Heales DS, Kenyon RA, Loneragan NR, Pendrey RC
How far do prawns and fish move into mangroves? Distribution of juvenile banana prawns Penaeus merguiensis and fish in a tropical mangrove forest in northern Australia
MEPS 131:115-124 | Full text in pdf format
Burgeot T, Bocquéné G, Porte C, Dimeet J, Santella RM, Garcia de la Parra LM, Pfhol-Leszkowicz A, Raoux C, Galgani F
Bioindicators of pollutant exposure in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
MEPS 131:125-141 | Full text in pdf format
Norkko A, Bonsdorff E
Rapid zoobenthic community responses to accumulations of drifting algae
MEPS 131:143-157 | Full text in pdf format
Irigoien X, Castel J, Gasparini S
Gut clearance rate as predictor of food limitation situations. Application to two estuarine copepods:Acartia bifilosa and Eurytemora affinis
MEPS 131:159-163 | Full text in pdf format
Forward RB Jr, DeVries MC, Rittschof D, Frankel DAZ, Bischoff JP, Fisher CM, Welch JM
Effects of environmental cues on metamorphosis of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus
MEPS 131:165-177 | Full text in pdf format
Hawkins AJS, Smith RFM, Bayne BL, Héral M
Novel observations underlying the fast growth of suspension-feeding shellfish in turbid environments:Mytilus edulis
MEPS 131:179-190 | Full text in pdf format
Nandakumar K
Importance of timing of panel exposure on the competitive outcome and succession of sessile organisms
MEPS 131:191-203 | Full text in pdf format
McLachlan A
Physical factors in benthic ecology:effects of changing sand particle size on beach fauna
MEPS 131:205-217 | Full text in pdf format
Kuwata A, Kanazawa H, Takahashi M
Method for estimating the in situ growth rate for a large pelagic diatom of Rhizosoleniacea
MEPS 131:219-224 | Full text in pdf format
Pan Y, Subba Rao DV, Mann KH, Brown RG, Pocklington R
Effects of silicate limitation on production of domoic acid, a neurotoxin, by the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries. I. Batch culture studies
MEPS 131:225-233 | Full text in pdf format
Pan Y, Subba Rao DV, Mann KH, Li WKW, Harrison WG
Effects of silicate limitation on production of domoic acid, a neurotoxin, by the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries. II. Continuous culture studies
MEPS 131:235-243 | Full text in pdf format
Maritorena S, Guillocheau N
Optical properties of water and spectral light absorption by living and non-living particles and by yellow substances in coral reef waters of French Polynesia
MEPS 131:245-255 | Full text in pdf format
Garcia-Pichel F, Bebout BM
Penetration of ultraviolet radiation into shallow water sediments:high exposure for photosynthetic communities
MEPS 131:257-262 | Full text in pdf format
Schmaljohann R
Methane dynamics in the sediment and water column of Kiel Harbour (Baltic Sea)
MEPS 131:263-273 | Full text in pdf format
Osinga R, Kwint RLJ, Lewis WE, Kraay GW, Lont JD, Lindeboom HJ, van Duyl FC
Production and fate of dimethylsulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate in pelagic mesocosms:the role of sedimentation
MEPS 131:275-286 | Full text in pdf format
Steward GF, Smith DC, Azam F
Abundance and production of bacteria and viruses in the Bering and Chukchi Seas
MEPS 131:287-300 | Full text in pdf format
Gradinger R
Occurrence of an algal bloom under Arctic pack ice
MEPS 131:301-305 | Full text in pdf format
Stefels J, Dijkhuizen L
Characteristics of DMSP-lyase in Phaeocystis sp. (Prymnesiophyceae)
MEPS 131:307-313 | Full text in pdf format
Aksnes DL
Natural mortality, fecundity and development time in marine planktonic copepods - implications of behaviour
MEPS 131:315-316 | Full text in pdf format