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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 137 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 137 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN:0171-8630; Online ISSN:1616-1599)
Copyright © 1996 Inter-Research
Published June 27

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Ainley DG, Spear LB, Allen SG
Variation in the diet of Cassin's auklet reveals spatial, seasonal, and decadal occurrence patterns of euphausiids off California, USA
MEPS 137:1-10 | Full text in pdf format

Gallego A, Heath MR, McKenzie E, Cargill LH
Environmentally induced short-term variability in the growth rates of larval herring
MEPS 137:11-23 | Full text in pdf format

Meekan MG, Fortier L
Selection for fast growth during the larval life of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua on the Scotian Shelf
MEPS 137:25-37 | Full text in pdf format

Sheaves M
Do spatial differences in the abundance of two serranid fishes in estuaries of tropical Australia reflect long-term salinity patterns?
MEPS 137:39-49 | Full text in pdf format

Clarke RD
Population shifts in two competing fish species on a degrading coral reef
MEPS 137:51-58 | Full text in pdf format

Roa R, Ernst B
Age structure, annual growth, and variance of size-at-age of the shrimp Heterocarpus reedi
MEPS 137:59-70 | Full text in pdf format

Buffan-Dubau E, de Wit R, Castel J
Feeding selectivity of the harpacticoid copepod Canuella perplexa in benthic muddy environments demonstrated by HPLC analyses of chlorin and carotenoid pigments
MEPS 137:71-82 | Full text in pdf format

Vetter EW
Enrichment experiments and infaunal population cycles on a Southern California sand plain:response of the leptostracan Nebalia daytoni and other infauna
MEPS 137:83-93 | Full text in pdf format

Vetter EW
Secondary production of a Southern California Nebalia (Crustacea:Leptostraca)
MEPS 137:95-101 | Full text in pdf format

Bertness MD, Gaines SD, Wahle RA
Wind-driven settlement patterns in the acorn barnacle Semibalanus balanoides
MEPS 137:103-110 | Full text in pdf format

Freire J, Sampedro MP, González-Gurriarán E
Influence of morphometry and biomechanics on diet selection in three portunid crabs
MEPS 137:111-121 | Full text in pdf format

Vercauteren K, Blust R
Bioavailability of dissolved zinc to the common mussel Mytilus edulis in complexing environments
MEPS 137:123-132 | Full text in pdf format

Beninger PG, Dufour SC
Mucocyte distribution and relationship to particle transport on the pseudolamellibranch gill of Crassostrea virginica (Bivalvia:Ostreidae)
MEPS 137:133-138 | Full text in pdf format

Griffiths CL, Klumpp DW
Relationships between size, mantle area and zooxanthellae numbers in five species of giant clam (Tridacnidae)
MEPS 137:139-147 | Full text in pdf format

Olesen NJ, Purcell JE, Stoecker DK
Feeding and growth by ephyrae of scyphomedusae Chrysaora quinquecirrha
MEPS 137:149-159 | Full text in pdf format

Walters LJ, Wethey DS
Settlement and early post-settlement survival of sessile marine invertebrates on topographically complex surfaces:the importance of refuge dimensions and adult morphology
MEPS 137:161-171 | Full text in pdf format

Karakassis I, Smith CJ, Eleftheriou A
Performance of neutral model analysis in a spatio-temporal series of macrobenthic replicates
MEPS 137:173-179 | Full text in pdf format

Nielsen LP, Glud RN
Denitrification in a coastal sediment measured in situ by the nitrogen isotope pairing technique applied to a benthic flux chamber
MEPS 137:181-186 | Full text in pdf format

Isaksen MF, Finster K
Sulphate reduction in the root zone of the seagrass Zostera noltii on the intertidal flats of a coastal lagoon (Arcachon, France)
MEPS 137:187-194 | Full text in pdf format

Burke MK, Dennison WC, Moore KA
Non-structural carbohydrate reserves of eelgrass Zostera marina
MEPS 137:195-201 | Full text in pdf format

Marbà N, Duarte CM, Cebrián J, Gallegos ME, Olesen B, Sand-Jensen K
Growth and population dynamics of Posidonia oceanica on the Spanish Mediterranean coast: elucidating seagrass decline
MEPS 137:203-213 | Full text in pdf format

Andreassen I, Nöthig EM, Wassmann P
Vertical particle flux on the shelf off northern Spitsbergen, Norway
MEPS 137:215-228 | Full text in pdf format

Townsend DW, Keller MD
Dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in relation to phytoplankton in the Gulf of Maine
MEPS 137:229-241 | Full text in pdf format

Israel AA, González EL
Photosynthesis and inorganic carbon utilization in Pleurochrysis sp. (Haptophyta), a coccolithophorid alga
MEPS 137:243-250 | Full text in pdf format

Havskum H, Riemann B
Ecological importance of bacterivorous, pigmented flagellates (mixotrophs) in the Bay of Aarhus, Denmark
MEPS 137:251-263 | Full text in pdf format

Peletier H
Long-term changes in intertidal estuarine diatom assemblages related to reduced input of organic waste
MEPS 137:265-271 | Full text in pdf format

Robarts RD, Zohary T, Waiser MJ, Yacobi YZ
Bacterial abundance, biomass, and production in relation to phytoplankton biomass in the Levantine Basin of the southeastern Mediterranean Sea
MEPS 137:273-281 | Full text in pdf format

Jeffrey WH, Pledger RJ, Aas P, Hager S, Coffin RB, Von Haven R, Mitchell DL
Diel and depth profiles of DNA photodamage in bacterioplankton exposed to ambient solar ultraviolet radiation
MEPS 137:283-291 | Full text in pdf format

Arbones B, Figueiras FG, Zapata M
Determination of phytoplankton absorption coefficient in natural seawater samples:evidence of a unique equation to correct the pathlength amplification on glass-fiber filters
MEPS 137:293-304 | Full text in pdf format

Gundersen K, Bratbak G, Heldal M
Factors influencing the loss of bacteria in preserved seawater samples
MEPS 137:305-310 | Full text in pdf format

Gutt J, Starmans A, Dieckmann G
Impact of iceberg scouring on polar benthic habitats
MEPS 137:311-316 | Full text in pdf format