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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 150 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 150 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN:0171-8630; Online ISSN:1616-1599)
Copyright © 1997 Inter-Research
Published April 30

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Glassom D, Branch GM
Impact of predation by greater flamingos Phoenicopterus ruber on the meiofauna, microflora, and sediment properties of two southern African lagoons
MEPS 150:1-10 | Full text in pdf format

Guinet C, Koudil M, Bost CA, Durbec JP, Georges JY, Mouchot MC, Jouventin P
Foraging behaviour of satellite-tracked king penguins in relation to sea-surface temperatures obtained by satellite telemetry at Crozet Archipelago, a study during three austral summers
MEPS 150:11-20 | Full text in pdf format

Bost CA, Georges JY, Guinet C, Cherel Y, Pütz K, Charrassin JB, Handrich Y, Zorn T, Lage J, Le Maho Y
Foraging habitat and food intake of satellite-tracked king penguins during the austral summer at Crozet Archipelago
MEPS 150:21-33 | Full text in pdf format

Scheel D, Hough KR
Salmon fry predation by seabirds near an Alaskan hatchery
MEPS 150:35-48 | Full text in pdf format

Campana SE
Use of radiocarbon from nuclear fallout as a dated marker in the otoliths of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus
MEPS 150:49-56 | Full text in pdf format

Lombarte A, Aguirre H
Quantitative differences in the chemoreceptor systems in the barbels of two species of Mullidae (Mullus surmuletus and M. barbatus) with different bottom habitats
MEPS 150:57-64 | Full text in pdf format

Frederick JL
Post-settlement movement of coral reef fishes and bias in survival estimates
MEPS 150:65-74 | Full text in pdf format

Shiomoto A, Tadokoro K, Nagasawa K, Ishida Y
Trophic relations in the subarctic North Pacific ecosystem:possible feeding effect from pink salmon
MEPS 150:75-85 | Full text in pdf format

Brierley AS, Watkins JL, Murray AWA
Interannual variability in krill abundance at South Georgia
MEPS 150:87-98 | Full text in pdf format

Atkinson A, Schnack-Schiel SB, Ward P, Marin V
Regional differences in the life cycle of Calanoides acutus (Copepoda:Calanoida) within the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
MEPS 150:99-111 | Full text in pdf format

Mohammadian MA, Hansson S, De Stasio BT
Are marine planktonic invertebrates food limited? The functional response of Mysis mixta (Crustacea, Mysidacea) in the Baltic Sea
MEPS 150:113-119 | Full text in pdf format

Feldman KL, Armstrong DA, Eggleston DB, Dumbauld BR
Effects of substrate selection and post-settlement survival on recruitment success of the thalassinidean shrimp Neotrypaea californiensis to intertidal shell and mud habitats
MEPS 150:121-136 | Full text in pdf format

Anderson TJ
Habitat selection and shelter use by Octopus tetricus
MEPS 150:137-148 | Full text in pdf format

Kojima S, Segawa R, Hayashi I
Genetic differentiation among populations of the Japanese turban shell Turbo (Batillus) cornutus corresponding to warm currents
MEPS 150:149-155 | Full text in pdf format

Beninger PG, Dufour SC, Bourque J
Particle processing mechanisms of the eulamellibranch bivalves Spisula solidissima and Mya arenaria
MEPS 150:157-169 | Full text in pdf format

Avila C, Paul VJ
Chemical ecology of the nudibranch Glossodoris pallida:is the location of diet-derived metabolites important for defense?
MEPS 150:171-180 | Full text in pdf format

Cusson M, Bourget E
Influence of topographic heterogeneity and spatial scales on the structure of the neighbouring intertidal endobenthic macrofaunal community
MEPS 150:181-193 | Full text in pdf format

Grémare A, Amouroux JM, Charles F, Dinet A, Riaux-Gobin C, Baudart J, Medernach L, Bodiou JY, Vétion G, Colomines JC, Albert P
Temporal changes in the biochemical composition and nutritional value of the particulate organic matter available to surface deposit-feeders:a two year study
MEPS 150:195-206 | Full text in pdf format

Murray AL, Spencer T
On the wisdom of calculating annual material budgets in tidal wetlands
MEPS 150:207-216 | Full text in pdf format

Ogilvie B, Nedwell DB, Harrison RM, Robinson A, Sage A
High nitrate, muddy estuaries as nitrogen sinks:the nitrogen budget of the River Colne estuary (United Kingdom)
MEPS 150:217-228 | Full text in pdf format

Kemp WM, Smith EM, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Boynton WR
Organic carbon balance and net ecosystem metabolism in Chesapeake Bay
MEPS 150:229-248 | Full text in pdf format

Kepkay PE, Jellett JF, Niven SEH
Respiration and the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of a phytoplankton bloom
MEPS 150:249-261 | Full text in pdf format

Hobson LA, McQuoid MR
Temporal variations among planktonic diatom assemblages in a turbulent environment of the southern Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada
MEPS 150:263-274 | Full text in pdf format

Fuhrman JA, Davis AA
Widespread Archaea and novel Bacteria from the deep sea as shown by 16S rRNA gene sequences
MEPS 150:275-285 | Full text in pdf format


van Treeck P, Schuhmacher H
Initial survival of coral nubbins transplanted by a new coral transplantation technology-options for reef rehabilitation
MEPS 150:287-292 | Full text in pdf format

Styan CA
Inexpensive and portable sampler for collecting eggs of free-spawning marine invertebrates underwater
MEPS 150:293-296 | Full text in pdf format

Volumes 141-150 (1996-1997)
MEPS 150:297-308