Inter-Research > MEPS > v18  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 18 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1984 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Sherman, K., Smith, W., Morse, W., Berman, M., Green, J., Ejsymont, L.
Spawning strategies of fishes in relation to circulation, phytoplankton production, and pulses in zooplankton off the north-eastern United States
MEPS 18:1-19 | Full text in pdf format

Bengtson, D. A.
Resource partitioning by Menidia menidia and Menidia beryllina (Osteichthyes: Atherinidae)
MEPS 18:21-30 | Full text in pdf format

Ammerman, J. W., Fuhrman, J. A., Hagström, Å., Azam, F.
Bacterioplankton growth in seawater: I. Growth kinetics and cellular characteristics in seawater cultures
MEPS 18:31-39 | Full text in pdf format

Hagström, Å, Ammerman, J. W., Henrichs, S., Azam, F.
Bacterioplankton growth in seawater: II. Organic matter utilization during steady-state growth in seawater cultures
MEPS 18:41-48 | Full text in pdf format

Poulet, S. A., Martin-Jézéquel, V., Head, R. N.
Distribution of dissolved free amino acids in the Ushant front region
MEPS 18:49-55 | Full text in pdf format

Cote, B., Piatt, T.
Utility of the light-saturation curve as an operational model for quantifying the effects of environmental conditions on phytoplankton photosynthesis
MEPS 18:57-66 | Full text in pdf format

Bates, S. S., Piatt, T.
Fluorescence induction as a measure of photosynthetic capacity in marine phytoplankton: response of Thaiassiosira pseudonana (Baciliariophyceae) and Dunalielta tertiotecta (Chlorophyceae)
MEPS 18:67-77 | Full text in pdf format

Brady-Champbell, M. M., Campbell, D. B., Harlin, M. M.
Productivity of kelp (Laminaria spp.) near the southern limit in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 18:79-88 | Full text in pdf format

Slater, J., Capone, D. G.
Effects of metals on nitrogen fixation and denitrification in slurries of anoxic salt-marsh sediment
MEPS 18:89-95 | Full text in pdf format

Warwick, R. M., Gee, J. M.
Community structure of estuarine meiobenthos
MEPS 18:97-111 | Full text in pdf format

Yamada, S. S., D'Elia, C. F.
Silicic acid regeneration from estuarine sediment cores
MEPS 18:113-118 | Full text in pdf format

Montagna, P. A.
In situ measurement of meiobenthic grazing rates on sediment bacteria and edaphic diatoms
MEPS 18:119-130 | Full text in pdf format

Blankley, W. O.
Ecology of the starfish Anasterias rupicola at Marion Island (Southern Ocean)
MEPS 18:131-137 | Full text in pdf format

McCourt, R. M.
Niche differences between sympatric Sargassum species in the northern Gulf of California
MEPS 18:139-148 | Full text in pdf format

Russell, G., Veltkamp, C. J.
Epiphyte survival on skin-shedding macrophytes
MEPS 18:149-153 | Full text in pdf format

Roesijadi, G., Young, J. St., Drum, A. S, Gurtisen, J. M.
Behavior of trace metals in Mytiius edulis during a reciprocal transplant field experiment
MEPS 18:155-170 | Full text in pdf format

Sprung, M.
Physiological energetics of mussel larvae (Mytiius edulis). III. Respiration
MEPS 18:171-178 | Full text in pdf format

Sprung, M.
Physiological energetics of mussel larvae (Mytiius edulis). IV. Efficiencies
MEPS 18:179-186 | Full text in pdf format

Fang, L.-S., Shen, P.
Foreign elements in a clam shell: a clue to the history of marine pollution events
MEPS 18:187-189 | Full text in pdf format

Grizzle, R. E.
Pollution indicator species of macrobenthos in a coastal lagoon
MEPS 18:191-200 | Full text in pdf format

Fisher, N. S., Bone, M., Teyssie, J.-L.
Accumulation and toxicity ol Cd, Zn, Ag, and Hg in four marine phytopiankters
MEPS 18:201-213 | Full text in pdf format

Checkley, D. M. Jr.
Relation of growth to ingestion for larvae of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus and other fish
MEPS 18:215-224 | Full text in pdf format

Schmitt, R. J., Holbrook, S. J.
Ontogeny of prey selection by black surfperch Embiotoca jacksoni (Pisces: Embiotocidae): the roles of fish morphology, foraging behavior, and patch selection
MEPS 18:225-239 | Full text in pdf format

Nicol, S.
Population structure of daytime surface swarms of the euphausiid Meganyctiphanes norvegica in the Bay of Fundy
MEPS 18:241-251 | Full text in pdf format

Shafee, M. S., Conan, G.
Energetic parameters of a population of Chlamys varia (Bivalvia: Pectinidae)
MEPS 18:253-262 | Full text in pdf format

Petraitis, P. S.
Laboratory experiments on the effects of a gastropod (Hydrobia totteni) on survival of an infaunal deposit-feeding polychaete (Capitella capitata)
MEPS 18:263-268 | Full text in pdf format

De Jong, L, Admiraal, W.
Competition between three estuarine benthic diatom species in mixed cultures
MEPS 18:269-275 | Full text in pdf format

Karentz, D., Smayda, T. J.
Temperature and seasonal occurrence patterns of 30 dominant phytoplankton species in Narragansett Bay over a 22-year period (1959-1980)
MEPS 18:277-293 | Full text in pdf format

Taylor, P. R., Hay, M. E.
Functional morphology of intertidal seaweeds; adaptive significance of aggregate vs. solitary forms
MEPS 18:295-302 | Full text in pdf format