Vidal M, Duarte CM
Nutrient accumulation at different supply rates in experimental Mediterranean planktonic communities
MEPS 207:1-11 | Full text in pdf format
Kahru M, Leppänen JM, Rud O, Savchuk OP
Cyanobacteria blooms in the Gulf of Finland triggered by saltwater inflow into the Baltic Sea
MEPS 207:13-18 | Full text in pdf format
Conde D, Aubriot L, Sommaruga R
Changes in UV penetration associated with marine intrusions and freshwater discharge in a shallow coastal lagoon of the Southern Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 207:19-31 | Full text in pdf format
Riisgård HU, Nielsen C, Larsen PS
Downstream collecting in ciliary suspension feeders: the catch-up principle
MEPS 207:33-51 | Full text in pdf format
Verity PG, Williams SC, Hong Y
Formation, degradation, and mass:volume ratios of detritus derived from decaying phytoplankton
MEPS 207:53-68 | Full text in pdf format
Kubanek J, Pawlik JR, Eve TM, Fenical W
Triterpene glycosides defend the Caribbean reef sponge Erylus formosus from predatory fishes
MEPS 207:69-77 | Full text in pdf format
Stæhr PA, Pedersen MF, Thomsen MS, Wernberg T, Krause-Jensen D
Invasion of Sargassum muticum in Limfjorden (Denmark) and its possible impact on the indigenous macroalgal community
MEPS 207:79-88 | Full text in pdf format
Nilsson PG, Levinton JS, Kurdziel JP
Migration of a marine oligochaete: induction of dispersal and microhabitat choice
MEPS 207:89-96 | Full text in pdf format
Lima M, Brazeiro A, Defeo O
Population dynamics of the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides: recruitment variability, density-dependence and stochastic processes
MEPS 207:97-108 | Full text in pdf format
Qian PY, Rittschof D, Sreedhar B
Macrofouling in unidirectional flow: miniature pipes as experimental models for studying the interaction of flow and surface characteristics on the attachment of barnacle, bryozoan and polychaete larvae
MEPS 207:109-121 | Full text in pdf format
Grutter AS, Lester RJG, Greenwood J
Emergence rates from the benthos of the parasitic juveniles of gnathiid isopods
MEPS 207:123-127 | Full text in pdf format
Moku M, Kawaguchi K, Watanabe H, Ohno A
Feeding habits of three dominant myctophid fishes, Diaphus theta, Stenobrachius leucopsarus and S. nannochir, in the subarctic and transitional waters of the western North Pacific
MEPS 207:129-140 | Full text in pdf format
Sullivan MC, Cowen RK, Able KW, Fahay MP
Spatial scaling of recruitment in four continental shelf fishes
MEPS 207:141-154 | Full text in pdf format
Layman CA, Smith DE, Herod JD
Seasonally varying importance of abiotic and biotic factors in marsh-pond fish communities
MEPS 207:155-169 | Full text in pdf format
Rodary D, Bonneau W, Maho YL, Bost CA
Benthic diving in male emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri foraging in winter
MEPS 207:171-181 | Full text in pdf format
Yves Cherel, Henri Weimerskirch, Colette Trouvé
Food and feeding ecology of the neritic-slope forager black-browed albatross and its relationships with commercial fisheries in Kerguelen waters
MEPS 207:183-199 | Full text in pdf format
Gjøsæter J, Lekve K, Stenseth NC, Leinaas HP, Christie H, Dahl E, Danielssen DS, Edvardsen B, Olsgard F, Oug E, Paasche E
A long-term perspective on the Chrysochromulina bloom on the Norwegian Skagerrak coast 1988: a catastrophe or an innocent incident?
MEPS 207:201-218 | Full text in pdf format
Tolimieri N, Jeffs A, Montgomery JC
Ambient sound as a cue for navigation by the pelagic larvae of reef fishes
MEPS 207:219-224 | Full text in pdf format
MEPS 207:225-309 | Complete Theme Section in pdf format (2,2 MB)
Pawlik JR
Marine chemical ecology
MEPS 207:225-226 | Full text in pdf format
Wright JT, de Nys R, Steinberg PD
Geographic variation in halogenated furanones from the red alga Delisea pulchra and associated herbivores and epiphytes
MEPS 207:227-241 | Full text in pdf format
Cetrulo GL, Hay ME
Activated chemical defenses in tropical versus temperate seaweeds
MEPS 207:243-253 | Full text in pdf format
Assmann M, Lichte E, Pawlik JR, Köck M
Chemical defenses of the Caribbean sponges Agelas wiedenmayeri and Agelas conifera
MEPS 207:255-262 | Full text in pdf format
Puglisi MP, Paul VJ, Slattery M
Biogeographic comparisons of chemical and structural defenses of the Pacific gorgonians Annella mollis and A. reticulata
MEPS 207:263-272 | Full text in pdf format
Engel S, Pawlik JR
Allelopathic activities of sponge extracts
MEPS 207:273-281 | Full text in pdf format
Krug PJ, Zimmer RK
Larval settlement: chemical markers for tracing production, transport, and distribution of a waterborne cue
MEPS 207:283-296 | Full text in pdf format
Finelli CM
Velocity and concentration distributions in turbulent odor plumes in the presence of vegetation mimics: a flume study
MEPS 207:297-309 | Full text in pdf format