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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 251 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 251 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2003 Inter-Research
Published April 11

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Backhaus JO, Hegseth EN, Wehde H, Irigoien X, Hatten K, Logemann K
Convection and primary production in winter
MEPS 251:1-14 | Full text in pdf format

Johnston EL, Keough MJ
Competition modifies the response of organisms to toxic disturbance
MEPS 251:15-26 | Full text in pdf format

Witte U, Aberle N, Sand M, Wenzhöfer F
Rapid response of a deep-sea benthic community to POM enrichment: an in situ experimental study
MEPS 251:27-36 | Full text in pdf format

Aberle N, Witte U
Deep-sea macrofauna exposed to a simulated sedimentation event in the abyssal NE Atlantic: in situ pulse-chase experiments using 13C-labelled phytodetritus
MEPS 251:37-47 | Full text in pdf format

Waters RL, Mitchell JG, Seymour J
Geostatistical characterisation of centimetre-scale spatial structure of in vivo fluorescence
MEPS 251:49-58 | Full text in pdf format

Winkler G, Dodson JJ, Bertrand N, Thivierge D, Vincent WF
Trophic coupling across the St. Lawrence River estuarine transition zone
MEPS 251:59-73 | Full text in pdf format

Jones EG, Tselepides A, Bagley PM, Collins MA, Priede IG
Bathymetric distribution of some benthic and benthopelagic species attracted to baited cameras and traps in the deep eastern Mediterranean
MEPS 251:75-86 | Full text in pdf format

Wawrik B, Paul JH, Campbell L, Griffin D, Houchin L, Fuentes-Ortega A, Muller-Karger F
Vertical structure of the phytoplankton community associated with a coastal plume in the Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 251:87-101 | Full text in pdf format

Schils T, Coppejans E
Spatial variation in subtidal plant communities around the Socotra Archipelago and their biogeographic affinities within the Indian Ocean
MEPS 251:103-114 | Full text in pdf format

Saburova MA, Polikarpov IG
Diatom activity within soft sediments: behavioural and physiological processes
MEPS 251:115-126 | Full text in pdf format

Moran SM, Jenkins GP, Keough MJ, Hindell JS
Role of physical disturbance in structuring fish assemblages in seagrass beds in Port Phillip Bay, Australia
MEPS 251:127-139 | Full text in pdf format

Rodríguez SR
Consumption of drift kelp by intertidal populations of the sea urchin Tetrapygus niger on the central Chilean coast: possible consequences at different ecological levels
MEPS 251:141-151 | Full text in pdf format

Jones RJ, Muller J, Haynes D, Schreiber U
Effects of herbicides diuron and atrazine on corals of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
MEPS 251:153-167 | Full text in pdf format

Ikeda Y, Arai N, Kidokoro H, Sakamoto W
Strontium:calcium ratios in statoliths of Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) as indicators of migratory behavior
MEPS 251:169-179 | Full text in pdf format

Schallenberg M, Hall CJ, Burns CW
Consequences of climate-induced salinity increases on zooplankton abundance and diversity in coastal lakes
MEPS 251:181-189 | Full text in pdf format

Choe N, Deibel D, Thompson RJ, Lee SH, Bushell VK
Seasonal variation in the biochemical composition of the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans from the hyperbenthic zone of Conception Bay, Newfoundland
MEPS 251:191-200 | Full text in pdf format

Kibirige I, Perissinotto R, Nozais C
Grazing rates and feeding preferences of the mysid shrimp Gastrosaccus brevifissura in a temporarily open estuary in South Africa
MEPS 251:201-210 | Full text in pdf format

Perovich GM, Epifanio CE, Dittel AI, Tyler PA
Spatial and temporal patterns in development of eggs in the vent crab Bythograea thermydron
MEPS 251:211-220 | Full text in pdf format

Brante A, Fernández M, Eckerle L, Mark F, Pörtner HO, Arntz W
Reproductive investment in the crab Cancer setosus along a latitudinal cline: egg production, embryo losses and embryo ventilation
MEPS 251:221-232 | Full text in pdf format

Peck MA, Buckley LJ, Caldarone EM, Bengtson DA
Effects of food consumption and temperature on growth rate and biochemical-based indicators of growth in early juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus
MEPS 251:233-243 | Full text in pdf format

Laurel BJ, Gregory RS, Brown JA
Predator distribution and habitat patch area determine predation rates on Age-0 juvenile cod Gadus spp.
MEPS 251:245-254 | Full text in pdf format

Arai T, Miller MJ, Tsukamoto K
Larval duration of the tropical eel Anguilla celebesensis from Indonesian and Philippine coasts
MEPS 251:255-261 | Full text in pdf format

Schultz ET, Lwiza KMM, Fencil MC, Martin JM
Mechanisms promoting upriver transport of larvae of two fish species in the Hudson River estuary
MEPS 251:263-277 | Full text in pdf format

Tremblay Y, Cherel Y
Geographic variation in the foraging behaviour, diet and chick growth of rockhopper penguins
MEPS 251:279-297 | Full text in pdf format

Woehler EJ, Raymond B, Watts DJ
Decadal-scale seabird assemblages in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
MEPS 251:299-310 | Full text in pdf format