Shanks AL, Brink LUpwelling, downwelling, and cross-shelf transport of bivalve larvae: test of a hypothesis MEPS 302:1-12 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
Thrush SF, Hewitt JE, Herman PMJ, Ysebaert T
Multi-scale analysis of species-environment relationships
MEPS 302:13-26 | Full text in pdf format
Nylund GM, Cervin G, Hermansson M, Pavia H
Chemical inhibition of bacterial colonization by the red alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera
MEPS 302:27-36 | Full text in pdf format
Hepburn CD, Hurd CL
Conditional mutualism between the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera and colonial epifauna
MEPS 302:37-48 | Full text in pdf format
Carney LT, Waaland JR, Klinger T, Ewing K
Restoration of the bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana in nearshore rocky habitats
MEPS 302:49-61 | Full text in pdf format
Dorenbosch M, Grol MGG, Christianen MJA, Nagelkerken I, van der Velde G
Indo-Pacific seagrass beds and mangroves contribute to fish density and diversity on adjacent coral reefs
MEPS 302:63-76 | Full text in pdf format
Smith JE, Runcie JW, Smith CM
Characterization of a large-scale ephemeral bloom of the green alga Cladophora sericea on the coral reefs of West Maui, Hawai’i
MEPS 302:77-91 | Full text in pdf format
Seuront L
Hydrodynamic and tidal controls of small-scale phytoplankton patchiness
MEPS 302:93-101 | Full text in pdf format
Descroix A, Harvey M, Roy S, Galbraith PS
Macrozooplankton community patterns driven by water circulation in the St. Lawrence marine system, Canada
MEPS 302:103-119 | Full text in pdf format
Dreyer JC, Knick KE, Flickinger WB, Van Dover CL
Development of macrofaunal community structure in mussel beds on the northern East Pacific Rise
MEPS 302:121-134 | Full text in pdf format
Labarta U, Fernández-Reiriz MJ, Garrido JL, Babarro JMF, Bayona JM, Albaigés J
Response of mussel recruits to pollution from the ‘Prestige’ oil spill along the Galicia coast. A biochemical approach
MEPS 302:135-145 | Full text in pdf format
Pradillon F, Zbinden M, Mullineaux LS, Gaill F
Colonisation of newly-opened habitat by a pioneer species, Alvinella pompejana (Polychaeta: Alvinellidae), at East Pacific Rise vent sites
MEPS 302:147-157 | Full text in pdf format
Böttger-Schnack R, Schnack D
Population structure and fecundity of the microcopepod Oncaea bispinosa in the Red Sea—a challenge to general concepts for the scaling of fecundity
MEPS 302:159-175 | Full text in pdf format
Ladah LB, Tapia FJ, Pineda J, López M
Spatially heterogeneous, synchronous settlement of Chthamalus spp. larvae in northern Baja California
MEPS 302:177-185 | Full text in pdf format
Pikitch EK, Chapman DD, Babcock EA, Shivji MS
Habitat use and demographic population structure of elasmobranchs at a Caribbean atoll (Glover’s Reef, Belize)
MEPS 302:187-197 | Full text in pdf format
MacNeil MA, Skomal GB, Fisk AT
Stable isotopes from multiple tissues reveal diet switching in sharks
MEPS 302:199-206 | Full text in pdf format
Porter SM, Ciannelli L, Hillgruber N, Bailey KM, Chan KS, Canino MF, Haldorson LJ
Environmental factors influencing larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma feeding in Alaskan waters
MEPS 302:207-217 | Full text in pdf format
Chen Q, Chan KS, Lekve K, Torstensen E, Gjøsæter J, Ottersen G, Stenseth NC
Population dynamics of cod Gadus morhua in the North Sea region: biological density-dependent and climatic density-independent effects
MEPS 302:219-232 | Full text in pdf format
Powers SP, Peterson CH, Christian RR, Sullivan E, Powers MJ, Bishop MJ, Buzzelli CP
Effects of eutrophication on bottom habitat and prey resources of demersal fishes
MEPS 302:233-243 | Full text in pdf format
Lescroël A, Bost CA
Foraging under contrasting oceanographic conditions: the gentoo penguin at Kerguelen Archipelago
MEPS 302:245-261 | Full text in pdf format
Velando A, Munilla I, Leyenda PM
Short-term indirect effects of the ‘Prestige’ oil spill on European shags: changes in availability of prey
MEPS 302:263-274 | Full text in pdf format
Herman DP, Burrows DG, Wade PR, Durban JW, Matkin CO, LeDuc RG, Barrett-Lennard LG, Krahn MM
Feeding ecology of eastern North Pacific killer whales Orcinus orca from fatty acid, stable isotope, and organochlorine analyses of blubber biopsies
MEPS 302:275-291 | Full text in pdf format
Sheaves M
Nature and consequences of biological connectivity in mangrove systems
MEPS 302:293-305 | Full text in pdf format
Tuya F, Haroun RJ, Boyra A, Sanchez-Jerez P
Sea urchin Diadema antillarum: different functions in the structure and dynamics of reefs on both sides of the Atlantic
MEPS 302:307-310 | Full text in pdf format