Faunce CH, Serafy JEMangroves as fish habitat: 50 years of field studies MEPS 318:1-18 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Mace AJ, Morgan SG
Larval accumulation in the lee of a small headland: implications for the design of marine reserves
MEPS 318:19-29 | Full text in pdf format
Tillin HM, Hiddink JG, Jennings S, Kaiser MJ
Chronic bottom trawling alters the functional composition of benthic invertebrate communities on a sea-basin scale
MEPS 318:31-45 | Full text in pdf format
Yeung C, McConnaughey RA
Community structure of eastern Bering Sea epibenthic invertebrates from summer bottom-trawl surveys 1982 to 2002
MEPS 318:47-62 | Full text in pdf format
Hill JM, McQuaid CD, Kaehler S
Biogeographic and nearshore-offshore trends in isotope ratios of intertidal mussels and their food sources around the coast of southern Africa
MEPS 318:63-73 | Full text in pdf format
Aksnes DL, Troedsson C, Thompson EM
A model of developmental time applied to
planktonic embryos
MEPS 318:75-80 | Full text in pdf format
Aksnes DL, Troedsson C, Thompson EM
Integrating developmental clocking and growth in a life-history model for the planktonic chordate Oikopleura dioica
MEPS 318:81-88 | Full text in pdf format
Bode A, Alvarez-Ossorio MT, Varela M
Phytoplankton and macrophyte contributions to littoral food webs in the Galician upwelling estimated from stable isotopes
MEPS 318:89-102 | Full text in pdf format
Aeby GS, Santavy DL
Factors affecting susceptibility of the coral Montastraea faveolata to black-band disease
MEPS 318:103-110 | Full text in pdf format
Glassom D, Chadwick NE
Recruitment, growth and mortality of juvenile corals at Eilat, northern Red Sea
MEPS 318:111-122 | Full text in pdf format
Hereu CM, Lavaniegos BE, Gaxiola-Castro G, Ohman MD
Composition and potential grazing impact of salp assemblages off Baja California during the 1997-1999 El Niño and La Niña
MEPS 318:123-140 | Full text in pdf format
Miao AJ, Hutchins DA, Yin K, Fu FX, Harrison PJ, Wang WX
Macronutrient and iron limitation of phytoplankton growth in Hong Kong coastal waters
MEPS 318:141-152 | Full text in pdf format
Dworjanyn SA, de Nys R, Steinberg PD
Chemically mediated antifouling in the red alga Delisea pulchra
MEPS 318:153-163 | Full text in pdf format
Dobretsov S, Dahms HU, Harder T, Qian PY
Allelochemical defense against epibiosis in the macroalga Caulerpa racemosa var. turbinata
MEPS 318:165-175 | Full text in pdf format
Gribben PE, Wright JT
Invasive seaweed enhances recruitment of a native bivalve: roles of refuge from predation and the habitat choice of recruits
MEPS 318:177-185 | Full text in pdf format
Hoover RS, Hoover D, Miller M, Landry MR, DeCarlo EH, Mackenzie FT
Zooplankton response to storm runoff in a tropical estuary: bottom-up and top-down controls
MEPS 318:187-201 | Full text in pdf format
Kamimura S, Tsuchiya M
Effects of opportunistic feeding by the intertidal gastropods Batillaria zonalis and B. flectosiphonata on material flux on a tidal flat
MEPS 318:203-211 | Full text in pdf format
Peck LS, Clarke A, Chapman AL
Metabolism and development of pelagic larvae of Antarctic gastropods with mixed reproductive strategies
MEPS 318:213-220 | Full text in pdf format
Kater BJ, Geurts van Kessel AJM, Baars JJMD
Distribution of cockles Cerastoderma edule in the Eastern Scheldt: habitat mapping with abiotic variables
MEPS 318:221-227 | Full text in pdf format
Parry M
Feeding behavior of two ommastrephid squids Ommastrephes bartramii and Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis off Hawaii
MEPS 318:229-235 | Full text in pdf format
Choat JH, Davies CR, Ackerman JL, Mapstone BD
Age structure and growth in a large teleost, Cheilinus undulatus, with a review of size distribution in labrid fishes
MEPS 318:237-246 | Full text in pdf format
Louzao M, Igual JM, McMinn M, Aguilar JS, Triay R, Oro D
Small pelagic fish, trawling discards and breeding performance of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater: improving conservation diagnosis
MEPS 318:247-254 | Full text in pdf format
Georges JY, Fossette S
Estimating body mass in leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea
MEPS 318:255-262 | Full text in pdf format
Wallace BP, Kilham SS, Paladino FV, Spotila JR
Energy budget calculations indicate resource limitation in Eastern Pacific leatherback turtles
MEPS 318:263-270 | Full text in pdf format
Martínez-Abraín A, Velando A, Oro D, Genovart M, Gerique C, Bartolomé MA, Villuendas E, Sarzo B
Sex-specific mortality of European shags after the Prestige oil spill: demographic implications for the recovery of colonies
MEPS 318:271-276 | Full text in pdf format
Danil K, Chivers SJ
Habitat-based spatial and temporal variability in life history characteristics of female common dolphins Delphinus delphis in the eastern tropical Pacific
MEPS 318:277-286 | Full text in pdf format
Adams AJ, Dahlgren CP, Kellison GT, Kendall MS, Layman CA, Ley JA, Nagelkerken I, Serafy JE
Nursery function of tropical back-reef systems
MEPS 318:287-301 | Full text in pdf format
Sheaves M, Baker R, Johnston R
Marine nurseries and effective juvenile habitats: an alternative view
MEPS 318:303-306 | Full text in pdf format
Layman CA, Dahlgren CP, Kellison GT, Adams AJ, Gillanders BM, Kendall MS, Ley JA, Nagelkerken I, Serafy JE
Marine nurseries and effective juvenile habitats
MEPS 318:307-308 | Full text in pdf format
Gallager et al., Vol 267:27-43 (2005)
MEPS 318:309 | Erratum