Cheung WWL, Watson R, Morato T, Pitcher TJ, Pauly DIntrinsic vulnerability in the global fish catch MEPS 333:1-12 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Meyer CG, Holland KN, Papastamatiou YP
Seasonal and diel movements of giant trevally Caranx ignobilis at remote Hawaiian atolls: implications for the design of Marine Protected Areas
MEPS 333:13-25 | Full text in pdf format
Jessopp MJ, McAllen RJ
Water retention and limited larval dispersal: implications for short and long distance dispersers in marine reserves
MEPS 333:27-36 | Full text in pdf format
Valentine JF, Heck KL Jr, Blackmon D, Goecker ME, Christian J, Kroutil RM, Kirsch KD, Peterson BJ, Beck M, Vanderklift MA
Food web interactions along seagrass-coral reef boundaries: effects of piscivore reductions on cross-habitat energy exchange
MEPS 333:37-50 | Full text in pdf format
Hollows CF, Johnston EL, Marshall DJ
Copper reduces fertilisation success and exacerbates Allee effects in the field
MEPS 333:51-60 | Full text in pdf format
Zheng GM, Tang DL
Offshore and nearshore chlorophyll increases induced by typhoon winds and subsequent terrestrial rainwater runoff
MEPS 333:61-74 | Full text in pdf format
Long JD, Trussell GC
Geographic variation in seaweed induced responses to herbivory
MEPS 333:75-80 | Full text in pdf format
Jorgensen P, Ibarra-Obando SE, Carriquiry JD
Top-down and bottom-up stabilizing mechanisms in eelgrass meadows differentially affected by coastal upwelling
MEPS 333:81-93 | Full text in pdf format
Spilmont N, Migné A, Seuront L, Davoult D
Short-term variability of intertidal benthic community production during emersion and the implication in annual budget calculation
MEPS 333:95-101 | Full text in pdf format
Pradillon F, Schmidt A, Peplies J, Dubilier N
Species identification of marine invertebrate early stages by whole-larvae in situ hybridisation of 18S ribosomal RNA
MEPS 333:103-116 | Full text in pdf format
Stergiou KI, Moutopoulos DK, Casal HJA, Erzini K
Trophic signatures of small-scale fishing gears: implications for conservation and management
MEPS 333:117-128 | Full text in pdf format
Moriceau B, Garvey M, Ragueneau O, Passow U
Evidence for reduced biogenic silica dissolution rates in diatom aggregates
MEPS 333:129-142 | Full text in pdf format
Guzner B, Novoplansky A, Chadwick NE
Population dynamics of the reef-building coral Acropora hemprichii as an indicator of reef condition
MEPS 333:143-150 | Full text in pdf format
Jeong HJ, Song JE, Kang NS, Kim S, Yoo YD, Park JY
Feeding by heterotrophic dinoflagellates on the common marine heterotrophic nanoflagellate Cafeteria sp.
MEPS 333:151-160 | Full text in pdf format
Vopel K, Vopel A, Thistle D, Hancock N
Effects of spatangoid heart urchins on O2 supply into coastal sediment
MEPS 333:161-171 | Full text in pdf format
Langston WJ, Burt GR, Chesman BS
Feminisation of male clams Scrobicularia plana from estuaries in Southwest UK and its induction by endocrine-disrupting chemicals
MEPS 333:173-184 | Full text in pdf format
Fujikura K, Amaki K, Barry JP, Fujiwara Y, Furushima Y, Iwase R, Yamamoto H, Maruyama T
Long-term in situ monitoring of spawning behavior and fecundity in Calyptogena spp.
MEPS 333:185-193 | Full text in pdf format
Zumholz K, Klügel A, Hansteen T, Piatkowski U
Statolith microchemistry traces the environmental history of the boreoatlantic armhook squid Gonatus fabricii
MEPS 333:195-204 | Full text in pdf format
Eberl R, Carpenter EJ
Association of the copepod Macrosetella gracilis with the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp. in the North Pacific Gyre
MEPS 333:205-212 | Full text in pdf format
Cordell JR, Rasmussen M, Bollens SM
Biology of the introduced copepod Pseudodiaptomus inopinus in a northeast Pacific estuary
MEPS 333:213-227 | Full text in pdf format
Hung OS, Thiyagarajan V, Zhang R, Wu RSS, Qian PY
Attachment of Balanus amphitrite larvae to biofilms originating from contrasting environments
MEPS 333:229-242 | Full text in pdf format
Feary DA, Almany GR, Jones GP, McCormick MI
Coral degradation and the structure of tropical reef fish communities
MEPS 333:243-248 | Full text in pdf format
Knutsen H, Olsen EM, Ciannelli L, Espeland SH, Knutsen JA, Simonsen JH, Skreslet S, Stenseth NC
Egg distribution, bottom topography and small-scale cod population structure in a coastal marine system
MEPS 333:249-255 | Full text in pdf format
Tyler RM, Targett TE
Juvenile weakfish Cynoscion regalis distribution in relation to diel-cycling dissolved oxygen in an estuarine tributary
MEPS 333:257-269 | Full text in pdf format
Rivers DO, Short FT
Effect of grazing by Canada geese Branta canadensis on an intertidal eelgrass Zostera marina meadow
MEPS 333:271-279 | Full text in pdf format
Ropert-Coudert Y, Wilson RP, Yoda K, Kato A
Assessing performance constraints in penguins with externally-attached devices
MEPS 333:281-289 | Full text in pdf format
Davis RW, Jaquet N, Gendron D, Markaida U, Bazzino G, Gilly W
Diving behavior of sperm whales in relation to behavior of a major prey species, the jumbo squid, in the Gulf of California, Mexico
MEPS 333:291-302 | Full text in pdf format
Hoareau TB, Lecomte-Finiger R, Grondin HP, Conand C, Berrebi P
Oceanic larval life of La Réunion ‘bichiques’, amphidromous gobiid post-larvae
MEPS 333:303-308 | Full text in pdf format
Marcoux M, Whitehead H, Rendell L
Sperm whale feeding variation by location, year, social group and clan: evidence from stable isotopes
MEPS 333:309-314 | Full text in pdf format