Vergés A, Alcoverro T, Ballesteros ERole of fish herbivory in structuring the vertical distribution of canopy algae Cystoseira spp. in the Mediterranean Sea MEPS 375:1-11 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Fraschetti S, D’Ambrosio P, Micheli F, Pizzolante F, Bussotti S, Terlizzi A
Design of marine protected areas in a human-dominated seascape
MEPS 375:13-24 | Full text in pdf format
Lauzon-Guay JS, Scheibling RE, Barbeau MA
Modelling phase shifts in a rocky subtidal ecosystem
MEPS 375:25-39 | Full text in pdf format
Pusceddu A, Dell’Anno A, Fabiano M, Danovaro R
Quantity and bioavailability of sediment organic matter as signatures of benthic trophic status
MEPS 375:41-52 | Full text in pdf format
Duhamel S, Moutin T
Carbon and phosphate incorporation rates of microbial assemblages in contrasting environments in the Southeast Pacific
MEPS 375:53-64 | Full text in pdf format
Mann DA, Grothues TM
Short-term upwelling events modulate fish sound production at a mid-Atlantic Ocean observatory
MEPS 375:65-71 | Full text in pdf format
Hsu CB, Chen CP, Hsieh HL
Effects of sediment compaction on macroinfauna in a protected coastal wetland in Taiwan
MEPS 375:73-83 | Full text in pdf format
Tunin-Ley A, Ibañez F, Labat JP, Zingone A, Lemée R
Phytoplankton biodiversity and NW Mediterranean Sea warming: changes in the dinoflagellate genus Ceratium in the 20th century
MEPS 375:85-99 | Full text in pdf format
Stewart HL, Fram JP, Reed DC, Williams SL, Brzezinski MA, MacIntyre S, Gaylord B
Differences in growth, morphology and tissue carbon and nitrogen of Macrocystis pyrifera within and at the outer edge of a giant kelp forest in California, USA
MEPS 375:101-112 | Full text in pdf format
Teixidó N, Pineda MC, Garrabou J
Decadal demographic trends of a long-lived temperate encrusting sponge
MEPS 375:113-124 | Full text in pdf format
Guinan J, Grehan AJ, Dolan MFJ, Brown C
Quantifying relationships between video observations of cold-water coral cover and seafloor features in Rockall Trough, west of Ireland
MEPS 375:125-138 | Full text in pdf format
Purcell JE, Hoover RA, Schwarck NT
Interannual variation of strobilation by the scyphozoan Aurelia labiata in relation to polyp density, temperature, salinity, and light conditions in situ
MEPS 375:139-149 | Full text in pdf format
Tovar E, Suárez-Morales E, Carrillo L
Multiscale variability of the Chaetognatha along a Caribbean reef lagoon system
MEPS 375:151-160 | Full text in pdf format
Metian M, Bustamente P, Hédouin L, Oberhänsli F, Warnau M
Delineation of heavy metal uptake pathways (seawater and food) in the variegated scallop Chlamys varia, using radiotracer techniques
MEPS 375:161-171 | Full text in pdf format
De Bruyn C, Rigaud T, David B, De Ridder C
Symbiosis between the pea crab Dissodactylus primitivus and its echinoid host Meoma ventricosa: potential consequences for the crab mating system
MEPS 375:173-183 | Full text in pdf format
Clavier J, Castets MD, Bastian T, Hily C, Boucher G, Chauvaud L
An amphibious mode of life in the intertidal zone: aerial and underwater contribution of Chthamalus montagui to CO2 fluxes
MEPS 375:185-194 | Full text in pdf format
Hazen EL, Craig JK, Good CP, Crowder LB
Vertical distribution of fish biomass in hypoxic waters on the Gulf of Mexico shelf
MEPS 375:195-207 | Full text in pdf format
Sonnenholzner JI, Ladah LB, Lafferty KD
Cascading effects of fishing on Galapagos rocky reef communities: reanalysis using corrected data
MEPS 375:209-218 | Full text in pdf format
Skjæraasen JE, Mayer I, Meager JJ, Rudolfsen G, Karlsen Ø, Haugland T, Kleven O
Sperm characteristics and competitive ability in farmed and wild cod
MEPS 375:219-228 | Full text in pdf format
Wijekoon MP, Puvanendran V, Ings DW, Brown JA
Possible countergradient variation in growth of juvenile cod Gadus morhua from the northwest Atlantic
MEPS 375:229-238 | Full text in pdf format
Gerpe MS, Ponce de León A, Bastida R, Moreno VJ, Rodríguez DH
Sharp accumulation of heavy metals after weaning in the South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis
MEPS 375:239-245 | Full text in pdf format
Freitas C, Kovacs KM, Ims RA, Fedak MA, Lydersen C
Deep into the ice: over-wintering and habitat selection in male Atlantic walruses
MEPS 375:247-261 | Full text in pdf format
Boersma PD, Rebstock GA
Foraging distance affects reproductive success in Magellanic penguins
MEPS 375:263-275 | Full text in pdf format
Anderson ORJ, Phillips RA, McDonald RA, Shore RF, McGill RAR, Bearhop S
Influence of trophic position and foraging range on mercury levels within a seabird community
MEPS 375:277-288 | Full text in pdf format
Torres LG
A kaleidoscope of mammal, bird and fish: habitat use patterns of top predators and their prey in Florida Bay
MEPS 375:289-304 | Full text in pdf format
Corkeron PJ
Reconsidering the science of scientific whaling
MEPS 375:305-309 | Full text in pdf format