Cook AM, Bundy AUse of fishes as sampling tools for understanding biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the ocean MEPS 454:1-18 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Leduc D, Rowden AA, Bowden DA, Nodder SD, Probert PK, Pilditch CA, Duineveld GCA, Witbaard R
Nematode beta diversity on the continental slope of New Zealand: spatial patterns and environmental drivers
MEPS 454:37-52 | Full text in pdf format
Leduc D, Rowden AA, Bowden DA, Probert PK, Pilditch CA, Nodder SD
Unimodal relationship between biomass and species richness of deep-sea nematodes: implications for the link between productivity and diversity
MEPS 454:53-64 | Full text in pdf format
Fernández-Reiriz MJ, Range P, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Espinosa J, Labarta U
Tolerance of juvenile Mytilus galloprovincialis to experimental seawater acidification
MEPS 454:65-74 | Full text in pdf format
Finstad AG, Jonsson B
Effect of incubation temperature on growth performance in Atlantic salmon
MEPS 454:75-82 | Full text in pdf format
Major HL, Chubaty AM
Estimating colony and breeding population size for nocturnal burrow-nesting seabirds
MEPS 454:83-90 | Full text in pdf format
Hinke JT, Polito MJ, Reiss CS, Trivelpiece SG, Trivelpiece WZ
Flexible reproductive timing can buffer reproductive success of Pygoscelis spp. penguins in the Antarctic Peninsula region
MEPS 454:91-104 | Full text in pdf format
Seabirds and climate change
Editors: W. J. Sydeman, A. Kitaysky
MEPS 454:105-307 | Complete Theme Section in pdf format (9.1MB)
Sydeman WJ, Thompson SA, Kitaysky A
INTRODUCTION: Seabirds and climate change: roadmap for the future
MEPS 454:107-117 | Full text in pdf format
Burthe S, Daunt F, Butler A, Elston DA, Frederiksen M, Johns D, Newell M, Thackeray SJ, Wanless S
Phenological trends and trophic mismatch across multiple levels of a North Sea pelagic food web
MEPS 454:119-133 | Full text in pdf format
Lynch HJ, Fagan WF, Naveen R, Trivelpiece SG, Trivelpiece WZ
Differential advancement of breeding phenology in response to climate may alter staggered breeding among sympatric pygoscelid penguins
MEPS 454:135-145 | Full text in pdf format
Surman CA, Nicholson LW, Santora JA
Effects of climate variability on breeding phenology and performance of tropical seabirds in the eastern Indian Ocean
MEPS 454:147-157 | Full text in pdf format
Thompson SA, Sydeman WJ, Santora JA, Morgan KH, Crawford W, Burrows MT
Phenology of pelagic seabird abundance relative to marine climate change in the Alaska Gyre
MEPS 454:159-170 | Full text in pdf format
Provencher JF, Gaston AJ, O’Hara PD, Gilchrist HG
Seabird diet indicates changing Arctic marine communities in eastern Canada
MEPS 454:171-182 | Full text in pdf format
Watanuki Y, Ito M
Climatic effects on breeding seabirds of the northern Japan Sea
MEPS 454:183-196 | Full text in pdf format
Grémillet D, Welcker J, Karnovsky NJ, Walkusz W, Hall ME, Fort J, Brown ZW, Speakman JR, Harding AMA
Little auks buffer the impact of current Arctic climate change
MEPS 454:197-206 | Full text in pdf format
Dorresteijn I, Kitaysky AS, Barger C, Benowitz-Fredericks ZM, Byrd GV, Shultz M, Young R
Climate affects food availability to planktivorous least auklets Aethia pusilla through physical processes in the southeastern Bering Sea
MEPS 454:207-220 | Full text in pdf format
Satterthwaite WH, Kitaysky AS, Mangel M
Linking climate variability, productivity and stress to demography in a long-lived seabird
MEPS 454:221-235 | Full text in pdf format
Smith PA, Gaston AJ
Environmental variation and the demography and diet of thick-billed murres
MEPS 454:237-249 | Full text in pdf format
Hass T, Hyman J, Semmens BX
Climate change, heightened hurricane activity, and extinction risk for an endangered tropical seabird, the black-capped petrel Pterodroma hasitata
MEPS 454:251-261 | Full text in pdf format
Sidhu LA, Dann P, Chambers L, Catchpole EA
Seasonal ocean temperature and the survival of first-year little penguins Eudyptula minor in south-eastern Australia
MEPS 454:263-272 | Full text in pdf format
Sandvik H, Erikstad KE, Sæther BE
Climate affects seabird population dynamics both via reproduction and adult survival
MEPS 454:273-284 | Full text in pdf format
Barbraud C, Rolland V, Jenouvrier S, Nevoux M, Delord K, Weimerskirch H
Effects of climate change and fisheries bycatch on Southern Ocean seabirds: a review
MEPS 454:285-307 | Full text in pdf format