Wargo Rub AM, Sandford BPEvidence of a ‘dinner bell’ effect from acoustic transmitters in adult Chinook salmon MEPS 641:1-11 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Stortini CH, Petrie B, Frank KT, Leggett WC
Marine macroinvertebrate species-area relationships, assemblage structure and their environmental drivers on submarine banks
MEPS 641:25-47 | Full text in pdf format
Labry C, Delmas D, Moriceau B, Gallinari M, Quere J, Youenou A
Effect of P depletion on the functional pools of diatom carbohydrates, and their utilization by bacterial communities
MEPS 641:49-62 | Full text in pdf format
Blain CO, Shears NT
Differential response of forest-forming seaweeds to elevated turbidity may facilitate ecosystem shifts on temperate reefs
MEPS 641:63-77 | Full text in pdf format
Caillibotte R, Leredde Y, Vidussi F, Ulses C, Marsaleix P, Estournel C, Mostajir B
Impact of oysters as top predators on microbial food web dynamics: a modelling approach with parameter optimisation
MEPS 641:79-100 | Full text in pdf format
Cardona-Gutiérrez MF, Londoño-Cruz E
Boring worms (Sipuncula and Annelida: Polychaeta): their early impact on Eastern Tropical Pacific coral reefs
MEPS 641:101-110 | Full text in pdf format
Johnson DS, Shields JD, Doucette D, Heard R
A climate migrant escapes its parasites
MEPS 641:111-121 | Full text in pdf format
Zamora LN, Delorme NJ, Byrne M, Sewell MA
Lipid and protein utilization during lecithotrophic development in the asteroid Stegnaster inflatus, with a review of larval provisioning in lecithotrophic echinoderms
MEPS 641:123-134 | Full text in pdf format
Spyksma AJP, Shears NT, Taylor RB
Injured conspecifics as an alarm cue for the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus
MEPS 641:135-144 | Full text in pdf format
Sherman CS, Heupel MR, Moore SK, Chin A, Simpfendorfer CA
When sharks are away, rays will play: effects of top predator removal in coral reef ecosystems
MEPS 641:145-157 | Full text in pdf format
Runnebaum J, Tanaka KR, Guan L, Cao J, O’Brien L, Chen Y
Predicting bycatch hotspots based on suitable habitat derived from fishery-independent data
MEPS 641:159-175 | Full text in pdf format
Valenti JL, Grothues TM, Able KW
Juvenile fish assemblage recruitment dynamics in a mid-Atlantic estuary: before and after Hurricane Sandy
MEPS 641:177-193 | Full text in pdf format
Glass JR, Daly R, Cowley PD, Post DM
Spatial trophic variability of a coastal apex predator, the giant trevally Caranx ignobilis, in the western Indian Ocean
MEPS 641:195-208 | Full text in pdf format
Braun McNeill J, Avens L, Goodman Hall A, Fujisaki I, Iverson AR
Foraging and overwintering behavior of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta in the western North Atlantic
MEPS 641:209-225 | Full text in pdf format
Klappstein NJ, Togunov RR, Reimer JR, Lunn NJ, Derocher AE
Patterns of sea ice drift and polar bear (Ursus maritimus) movement in Hudson Bay
MEPS 641:227-240 | Full text in pdf format