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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 690 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 690 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2022 Inter-Research. Published June 02
Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.

Sabadel AJM, Décima M, McComb K, Meyers M, Barr N, Gall M, Safi K, Law CS
Amino acid nitrogen stable isotopes as biomarkers of coastal phytoplankton assemblages and food web interactions
MEPS 690:1-13 | Full text in pdf format

Rondeau S, Davoult D, Lejeusne C, Kenworthy JM, Bohner O, Loisel S, Gauff RPM
Persistent dominance of non-indigenous species in the inner part of a marina highlighted by multi-year photographic monitoring
MEPS 690:15-30 | Full text in pdf format

van Leeuwen SM, Beecham JA, García-García LM, Thorpe R
The Mediterranean Rhodes Gyre: modelled impacts of climate change, acidification and fishing
MEPS 690:31-50 | Full text in pdf format

Clayshulte Abraham A, Gochfeld DJ, Avula B, Macartney KJ, Lesser MP, Slattery M
Variability in antimicrobial chemical defenses in the Caribbean sponge Agelas tubulata: implications for disease resistance and resilience
MEPS 690:51-64 | Full text in pdf format

Brunner CA, Ricardo GF, Uthicke S, Negri AP, Hoogenboom MO
Effects of climate change and light limitation on coral recruits
MEPS 690:65-82 | Full text in pdf format

Gimenez LH, Rivera RJ, Brante A
One step ahead of sea anemone invasions with ecological niche modeling: potential distributions and niche dynamics of three successful invasive species
MEPS 690:83-95 | Full text in pdf format

Rogers TL, Gouhier TC, Kimbro DL
Distinct temperature stressors acting on multiple ontogenetic stages influence the biogeography of Atlantic blue crabs
MEPS 690:97-111 | Full text in pdf format

Navarro-Martínez ZM, Armenteros M, Espinosa L, Lake JJ, Apprill A
Taxonomic and functional assemblage structure of coral reef fishes from Jardines de la Reina (Caribbean Sea, Cuba)
MEPS 690:113-132 | Full text in pdf format

Guerra AS, McCauley DJ, Lecchini D, Caselle JE
Shoaling behavior of coral reef fishes varies between two islands with different predator abundance
MEPS 690:133-145 | Full text in pdf format

Coletto JL, Besser AC, Botta S, Madureira LASP, Newsome SD
Multi-proxy approach for studying the foraging habitat and trophic position of a migratory marine consumer in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 690:147-163 | Full text in pdf format

Rohner CA, Bealey R, Fulanda BM, Prebble CEM, Williams SM, Pierce SJ
Vertical habitat use by black and striped marlin in the Western Indian Ocean
MEPS 690:165-183 | Full text in pdf format

Searle KR, Butler A, Waggitt JJ, Evans PGH, Quinn LR, Bogdanova MI, Evans TJ, Braithwaite JE, Daunt F
Potential climate-driven changes to seabird demography: implications for assessments of marine renewable energy development
MEPS 690:185-200 | Full text in pdf format

Palmer E, Alexander A, Liggins L, Guerra M, Bury SJ, Hendriks H, Stockin KA, Peters KJ
A piece of the puzzle: analyses of recent strandings and historical records reveal new genetic and ecological insights on New Zealand sperm whales
MEPS 690:201-217 | Full text in pdf format

Trabue SG, Rekdahl ML, King CD, Strindberg S, Adamczak SK, Rosenbaum HC
Spatiotemporal trends in bottlenose dolphin foraging behavior and relationship to environmental variables in a highly urbanized estuary
MEPS 690:219-235 | Full text in pdf format