Inter-Research > MEPS > v638 > p51-63 > Supplementary Material
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MEPS 638:51-63 Supplementary Material

Vortical feeding currents in nauplii of the calanoid copepod Eucalanus pileatus

Jiang H, Paffenhöfer GA
MEPS 638:51-63 | Full text in pdf format

Supplementary Video Group S1

High-speed videos of the beat pattern of mouth appendages of nauplii of the copepod Eucalanus pileatus. Videos were originally taken at 1000 frames per second but play here 40 times slower.
  • Event A: A perfect ventral view of a nauplius performing a “double draw-and-cut” beat pattern that involves its second antennae, mandibles, and posterior surface.
  • Event B: A latero-ventral and then a ventral view of a nauplius performing a “double draw-and-cut” beat pattern that involves its second antennae, mandibles, and posterior surface.

Supplementary Video Group S2

  • Event A: High-speed video of the beat pattern of mouth appendages of an early copepodite of Eucalanus pileatus. The video was originally taken at 1000 frames per second but plays here 40 times slower.

Supplementary Video Group S3

MicroPIV measurements of the vortical feeding current created by a free-swimming nauplius of the copepod Eucalanus pileatus.
  • Video A: High-speed video of a nauplius swimming in a suspension of 3-micron diameter polystyrene spheres. The video has been inverted for PIV processing. The video was originally taken at 2000 frames per second but plays here 50 times slower.
  • Video B: The vortical feeding current over one beat cycle. Shown here are equal-length velocity vectors overlapping with velocity magnitude color contours.
  • Video C: The vortical feeding current over one beat cycle. Shown here are equal-length velocity vectors overlapping with vorticity color contours.

Supplementary Video Group S4

High-speed videos of Eucalanus pileatus nauplii capturing algae. Videos were originally taken at 1000 frames per second but play here 40 times slower.
  • Event A: A nauplius beats its appendages to entrain and capture an alga, and then reorients itself to redirect and capture another alga. The left panel shows the original video, while simultaneously the right panel showing the video overlapped with trajectories of the algae and nauplius’ posterior and anterior tips.
  • Event B: A nauplius turns from an upside down to an oblique posture to entrain and capture an alga that locates initially a horizontal distance away. The left panel shows the original video, while simultaneously the right panel showing the video overlapped with trajectories of the alga and nauplius’ posterior and anterior tips.
  • Event C: A nauplius adopts an upright posture while beating its appendages to entrain and capture an alga from the horizontal direction. The left panel shows the original video, while simultaneously the right panel showing the video overlapped with trajectories of the alga and nauplius’ anterior tip.
  • Event D: A nauplius swims obliquely upward while maintaining a ventral side upward posture to entrain and capture a Rhizosolenia alata cell. Later on, the nauplius draws in another alga but reject it. The left panel shows the original video, while simultaneously the right panel showing the video overlapped with trajectories of the R. alata cell and nauplius’ anterior tip.

Supplementary Video Group S5

High-speed videos of Eucalanus pileatus early copepodites interacting with algae.
  • Event A: An early copepodite swims in a hover-and-sink fashion. When hovering, the copepodite creates a downward feeding current by beating appendages to push against its excess weight. Note that the right- and left-side appendages beat slightly differently in response to two algae entrained from different sides. The video was originally taken at 2000 frames per second but plays here 40 times slower.
  • Event B: An early copepodite swims in a hover-and-sink fashion. The copepodite beats appendages to subsequently draw in two algae, pauses for several times during the process, restarts to beat appendages aiming at slightly different directions, but eventually rejects both algae. The video was originally taken at 1000 frames per second but plays here 40 times slower.