Ashley ST, Meentemeyer V
Climatic analysis of Lyme disease in the United States
CR 27:177-187 | Full article in pdf format
Lu A, He Y, Zhang Z, Pang H, Gu J
Regional structure of global warming across China during the twentieth century
CR 27:189-195 | Full article in pdf format
Rinke A, Marbaix P, Dethloff K
Internal variability in Arctic regional climate simulations: case study for the SHEBA year
CR 27:197-209 | Full article in pdf format
Pappas C, Hatzianastassiou N, Katsoulis BD
Analysis of cold spells in the Greek region
CR 27:211-223 | Full article in pdf format
Tsuang BJ
Data archive strategy for computing the long-term means of nonlinear functions in geophysical problems
CR 27:225-230 | Full article in pdf format
Bednorz E, Kossowski T
Long-term changes in snow cover depth in eastern Europe
CR 27:231-236 | Full article in pdf format
Gustafsson BG
Sensitivity of Baltic Sea salinity to large perturbations in climate
CR 27:237-251 | Full article in pdf format
Unger J
Intra-urban relationship between surface geometry and urban heat island: review and new approach
CR 27:253-264 | Full article in pdf format
McKitrick & Michaels, Vol. 26: 159-173 (2004)
CR 27:265-268 | Full article in pdf format