Hahn L, Agostinho AA, English KK, Carosfeld J, da Câmara LF, Cooke SJ
Use of radiotelemetry to track threatened dorados Salminus brasiliensis in the upper Uruguay River, Brazil
ESR 15:103-114 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Endangered river fish: threats and conservation options
Wiersma YF, Skinner R
Predictive distribution model for the boreal felt lichen Erioderma pedicellatum in Newfoundland, Canada
ESR 15:115-127 | Full text in pdf format
Dow Piniak WE, Eckert KL
Sea turtle nesting habitat in the Wider Caribbean Region
ESR 15:129-141 | Full text in pdf format
Amori G, Chiozza F, Rondinini C, Luiselli L
Worldwide conservation hotspots for Soricomorpha focusing on endemic island taxa: an analysis at two taxonomic levels
ESR 15:143-149 | Full text in pdf format
Richards PM, Epperly SP, Heppell SS, King RT, Sasso CR, Moncada F, Nodarse G, Shaver DJ, Medina Y, Zurita J
Sea turtle population estimates incorporating uncertainty: a new approach applied to western North Atlantic loggerheads Caretta caretta
ESR 15:151-158 | Full text in pdf format
Gerrodette T, Eguchi T
Precautionary design of a marine protected area based on a habitat model
ESR 15:159-166 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Beyond marine mammal habitat modeling: applications for ecology and conservation
Pomerleau C, Patterson TA, Luque S, Lesage V, Heide-Jørgensen MP, Dueck LL, Ferguson SH
Bowhead whale Balaena mysticetus diving and movement patterns in the eastern Canadian Arctic: implications for foraging ecology
ESR 15:167-177 | Full text in pdf format