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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 177 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 177 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN:0171-8630; Online ISSN:1616-1599)
Copyright © 1999 Inter-Research
Published February 11

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Günther S, Gleitz M, Dieckmann GS
Biogeochemistry of Antarctic sea ice:a case study on platelet ice layers at Drescher Inlet, Weddell Sea
MEPS 177:1-13 | Full text in pdf format

Mock T, Gradinger R
Determination of Arctic ice algal production with a new in situ incubation technique
MEPS 177:15-26 | Full text in pdf format

Lamy F, Bianchi M, Van Wambeke F, Sempéré R, Talbot V
Use of data assimilation techniques to analyze the significance of ectoproteolytic activity measurements performed with the model substrate MCA-Leu
MEPS 177:27-35 | Full text in pdf format

Kelly-Gerreyn BA, Hydes DJ, Trimmer M, Nedwell DB
Calibration of an early diagenesis model for high nitrate, low reactive sediments in a temperate latitude estuary (Great Ouse, UK)
MEPS 177:37-50 | Full text in pdf format

Shimeta J, Sisson JD
Taxon-specific tidal resuspension of protists into the subtidal benthic boundary layer of a coastal embayment
MEPS 177:51-62 | Full text in pdf format

Ólafsson E, Modig H, van de Bund WJ
Species specific uptake of radio-labelled phytodetritus by benthic meiofauna from the Baltic Sea
MEPS 177:63-72 | Full text in pdf format

Duplisea DE, Drgas A
Sensitivity of a benthic, metazoan, biomass size spectrum to differences in sediment granulometry
MEPS 177:73-81 | Full text in pdf format

Jones RJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O
Effects of cyanide on coral photosynthesis:implications for identifying the cause of coral bleaching and for assessing the environmental effects of cyanide fishing
MEPS 177:83-91 | Full text in pdf format

Hsieh HL, Hsu CF
Differential recruitment of annelids onto tidal elevations in an estuarine mud flat
MEPS 177:93-102 | Full text in pdf format

Reid K, Watkins JL, Croxall JP, Murphy EJ
Krill population dynamics at South Georgia 1991-1997, based on data from predators and nets
MEPS 177:103-114 | Full text in pdf format

Croxall JP, Reid K, Prince PA
Diet, provisioning and productivity responses of marine predators to differences in availability of Antarctic krill
MEPS 177:115-131 | Full text in pdf format

Hirst AG, Sheader M, Williams JA
Annual pattern of calanoid copepod abundance, prosome length and minor role in pelagic carbon flux in the Solent, UK
MEPS 177:133-146 | Full text in pdf format

Escribano R, McLaren I
Production of Calanus chilensis in the upwelling area of Antofagasta, northern Chile
MEPS 177:147-156 | Full text in pdf format

Cieri MD, Stearns DE
Reduction of grazing activity of two estuarine copepods in response to the exudate of a visual predator
MEPS 177:157-163 | Full text in pdf format

Dupuy C, Le Gall S, Hartmann HJ, Bréret M
Retention of ciliates and flagellates by the oyster Crassostrea gigas in French Atlantic coastal ponds:protists as a trophic link between bacterioplankton and benthic suspension-feeders
MEPS 177:165-175 | Full text in pdf format

Overholtzer KL, Motta PJ
Comparative resource use by juvenile parrotfishes in the Florida Keys
MEPS 177:177-187 | Full text in pdf format

Durand JP, Carvalho FP, Goudard F, Pieri J, Fowler SW, Cotret O
210Po binding to metallothioneins and ferritin in the liver of teleost marine fish
MEPS 177:189-196 | Full text in pdf format

Wagner CM, Austin HM
Correspondence between environmental gradients and summer littoral fish assemblages in low salinity reaches of the Chesapeake Bay, USA
MEPS 177:197-212 | Full text in pdf format

Arnal C, Morand S, Kulbicki M
Patterns of cleaner wrasse density among three regions of the Pacific
MEPS 177:213-220 | Full text in pdf format

Munk P, Larsson PO, Danielssen DS, Moksness E
Variability in frontal zone formation and distribution of gadoid fish larvae at the shelf break in the northeastern North Sea
MEPS 177:221-233 | Full text in pdf format

Nevitt G
Olfactory foraging in Antarctic seabirds:a species-specific attraction to krill odors
MEPS 177:235-241 | Full text in pdf format

Waugh SM, Weimerskirch H, Cherel Y, Shankar U, Prince PA, Sagar PM
Exploitation of the marine environment by two sympatric albatrosses in the Pacific Southern Ocean
MEPS 177:243-254 | Full text in pdf format

Westgate AJ, Tolley KA
Geographical differences in organochlorine contaminants in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena from the western North Atlantic
MEPS 177:255-268 | Full text in pdf format


Pechenik JA
On the advantages and disadvantages of larval stages in benthic marine invertebrate life cycles
MEPS 177:269-297 | Full text in pdf format


Leclercq N, Gattuso JP, Jaubert J
Measurement of oxygen metabolism in open-top aquatic mesocosms:application to a coral reef community
MEPS 177:299-304 | Full text in pdf format


Ianora A, Miralto A, Poulet SA
Are diatoms good or toxic for copepods?
Reply to comment by Jónasdóttir et al.
MEPS 177:305-308 | Full text in pdf format

Huuskonen H
Is otolith microstructure affected by latitude?
MEPS 177:309-310 | Full text in pdf format