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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 280 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 280 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2004 Inter-Research
Published October 14

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Castro-González M, Farías L
N2O cycling at the core of the oxygen minimum zone off northern Chile
MEPS 280:1-11 | Full text in pdf format

Reitzel AM, Miner BG, McEdward LR
Relationships between spawning date and larval development time for benthic marine invertebrates: a modeling approach
MEPS 280:13-23 | Full text in pdf format

Cook PLM, Butler ECV, Eyre BD
Carbon and nitrogen cycling on intertidal mudflats of a temperate Australian estuary. I. Benthic metabolism
MEPS 280:25-38 | Full text in pdf format

Cook PLM, Revill AT, Butler ECV, Eyre BD
Carbon and nitrogen cycling on intertidal mudflats of a temperate Australian estuary. II. Nitrogen cycling
MEPS 280:39-54 | Full text in pdf format

Cook PLM, Revill AT, Clementson LA, Volkman JK
Carbon and nitrogen cycling on intertidal mudflats of a temperate Australian estuary. III. Sources of organic matter
MEPS 280:55-72 | Full text in pdf format

Glibert PM, Heil CA, Hollander D, Revilla M, Hoare A, Alexander J, Murasko S
Evidence for dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphorus uptake during a cyanobacterial bloom in Florida Bay
MEPS 280:73-83 | Full text in pdf format

Kim JS, Jeong HJ
Feeding by the heterotrophic dinoflagellates Gyrodinium dominans and G. spirale on the red-tide dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum
MEPS 280:85-94 | Full text in pdf format

Wetz MS, Wheeler PA, Letelier RM
Light-induced growth of phytoplankton collected during the winter from the benthic boundary layer off Oregon, USA
MEPS 280:95-104 | Full text in pdf format

Hoegh-Guldberg O, Muscatine L, Goiran C, Siggaard D, Marion G
Nutrient-induced perturbations to ?13C and ?15N in symbiotic dinoflagellates and their coral hosts
MEPS 280:105-114 | Full text in pdf format

Becerro MA, Paul VJ
Effects of depth and light on secondary metabolites and cyanobacterial symbionts of the sponge Dysidea granulosa
MEPS 280:115-128 | Full text in pdf format

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD, Boland GS
Expansion of coral communities within the Northern Gulf of Mexico via offshore oil and gas platforms
MEPS 280:129-143 | Full text in pdf format

O'Dea A, Herrera-Cubilla A, Fortunato H, Jackson JBC
Life history variation in cupuladriid bryozoans from either side of the Isthmus of Panama
MEPS 280:145-161 | Full text in pdf format

Decker MB, Breitburg DL, Purcell JE
Effects of low dissolved oxygen on zooplankton predation by the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi
MEPS 280:163-172 | Full text in pdf format

Shimeta J, Witucki PF, Hippe KR
Influences of nutritional state and temperature on suspension-feeding rates and mechanics in the spionid polychaete Polydora cornuta
MEPS 280:173-180 | Full text in pdf format

Dando PR, Southward AJ, Southward EC
Rates of sediment sulphide oxidation by the bivalve mollusc Thyasira sarsi
MEPS 280:181-187 | Full text in pdf format

Santini G, Burrows MT, Chelazzi G
Bioeconomics of foraging route selection by limpets
MEPS 280:189-198 | Full text in pdf format

Ianora A, Turner JT, Esposito F, Carotenuto Y, d'Ippolito G, Romano G, Fontana A, Guisande C, Miralto A
Copepod egg production and hatching success is reduced by maternal diets of a non-neurotoxic strain of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense
MEPS 280:199-210 | Full text in pdf format

Campbell RW, Boutillier P, Dower JF
Ecophysiology of overwintering in the copepod Neocalanus plumchrus: changes in lipid and protein contents over a seasonal cycle
MEPS 280:211-226 | Full text in pdf format

Fanelli E, Cartes JE
Feeding habits of pandalid shrimps in the Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean): influence of biological and environmental factors
MEPS 280:227-238 | Full text in pdf format

Bullard SG, Whitlatch RB, Osman RW
Checking the landing zone: do invertebrate larvae avoid settling near superior spatial competitors?
MEPS 280:239-247 | Full text in pdf format

Blanchard F, LeLoc'h F, Hily C, Boucher J
Fishing effects on diversity, size and community structure of the benthic invertebrate and fish megafauna on the Bay of Biscay coast of France
MEPS 280:249-260 | Full text in pdf format

Catry P, Phillips RA, Phalan B, Silk JRD, Croxall JP
Foraging strategies of grey-headed albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma: integration of movements, activity and feeding events
MEPS 280:261-273 | Full text in pdf format

Tornero V, Borrell A, Forcada J, Aguilar Á
Tissue distribution of retinoids in common dolphins Delphinus delphis
MEPS 280:275-283 | Full text in pdf format

Chaloupka M, Parker D, Balazs G
Modelling post-release mortality of loggerhead sea turtles exposed to the Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishery
MEPS 280:285-293 | Full text in pdf format

Volumes 271 to 280 (2004)
MEPS 280:295-306 | Full text in pdf format