Bowden DA, Clarke A, Peck LS, Barnes DKAAntarctic sessile marine benthos: colonisation and growth on artificial substrata over three years MEPS 316:1-16 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Kaehler S, Pakhomov EA, Kalin RM, Davis S
Trophic importance of kelp-derived suspended particulate matter in a through-flow sub-Antarctic system
MEPS 316:17-22 | Full text in pdf format
John DE, Wawrik B, Tabita FR, Paul JH
Gene diversity and organization in rbcL-containing genome fragments from uncultivated Synechococcus in the Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 316:23-33 | Full text in pdf format
Billerbeck M, Werner U, Bosselmann K, Walpersdorf E, Huettel M
Nutrient release from an exposed intertidal sand flat
MEPS 316:35-51 | Full text in pdf format
Hubas C, Davoult D, Cariou T, Artigas LF
Factors controlling benthic metabolism during low tide along a granulometric gradient in an intertidal bay (Roscoff Aber Bay, France)
MEPS 316:53-68 | Full text in pdf format
Ellis J, Ysebaert T, Hume T, Norkko A, Bult T, Herman P, Thrush S, Oldman J
Predicting macrofaunal species distributions in estuarine gradients using logistic regression and classification systems
MEPS 316:69-83 | Full text in pdf format
Ohi N, Mizobuchi A, Taguchi S
Light absorption of Isochrysis galbana (Prymnesiophyceae) under a day-night cycle with ultraviolet radiation
MEPS 316:85-93 | Full text in pdf format
Leichter JJ, Genovese SJ
Intermittent upwelling and subsidized growth of the scleractinian coral Madracis mirabilis on the deep fore-reef slope of Discovery Bay, Jamaica
MEPS 316:95-103 | Full text in pdf format
Carson HS, Hentschel BT
Estimating the dispersal potential of polychaete species in the Southern California Bight: implications for designing marine reserves
MEPS 316:105-113 | Full text in pdf format
Barreiro A, Guisande C, Frangópulos M, González-Fernández A, Muñoz S, Pérez D, Magadán S, Maneiro I, Riveiro I, Iglesias P
Feeding strategies of the copepod Acartia clausi on single and mixed diets of toxic and non-toxic strains of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum
MEPS 316:115-125 | Full text in pdf format
Feinberg LR, Shaw CT, Peterson WT
Larval development of Euphausia pacifica in the laboratory: variability in developmental pathways
MEPS 316:127-137 | Full text in pdf format
Palma AT, Pardo LM, Veas R, Cartes C, Silva M, Manriquez K, Diaz A, Muñoz C, Ojeda FP
Coastal brachyuran decapods: settlement and recruitment under contrasting coastal geometry conditions
MEPS 316:139-153 | Full text in pdf format
Faria C, Almada VC
Patterns of spatial distribution and behaviour of fish on a rocky intertidal platform at high tide
MEPS 316:155-164 | Full text in pdf format
Villanueva RD, Yap HT, Montaño MNE
Intensive fish farming in the Philippines is detrimental to the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis
MEPS 316:165-174 | Full text in pdf format
González-Zevallos D, Yorio P
Seabird use of discards and incidental captures at the Argentine hake trawl fishery in the Golfo San Jorge, Argentina
MEPS 316:175-183 | Full text in pdf format
Ford JKB, Ellis GM
Selective foraging by fish-eating killer whales Orcinus orca in British Columbia
MEPS 316:185-199 | Full text in pdf format
Ocean biodiversity informatics (OBI)
Idea and coordination: Costello MJ, Vanden Berghe E, Browman HI
MEPS 316:201-310 | Complete Theme Section in pdf format (7,2 MB)
Costello MJ, Vanden Berghe E, Browman HI
MEPS 316:201-202 | Full text in pdf format
Costello MJ, Vanden Berghe E
‘Ocean biodiversity informatics’: a new era in marine biology research and management
MEPS 316:203-214 | Full text in pdf format
Fabri MC, Galéron J, Larour M, Maudire G
Combining the Biocean database for deep-sea benthic data with the online Ocean Biogeographic Information System
MEPS 316:215-224 | Full text in pdf format
Arvanitidis C, Valavanis VD, Eleftheriou A, Costello MJ, Faulwetter S, Gotsis P, Kitsos MS, Kirmtzoglou I, Zenetos A, Petrov A, Galil B, Papageorgiou N
MedOBIS: biogeographic information system for the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea
MEPS 316:225-230 | Full text in pdf format
Lleonart J, Taconet M, Lamboeuf M
Integrating information on marine species identification for fishery purposes
MEPS 316:231-238 | Full text in pdf format
Halpin PN, Read AJ, Best BD, Hyrenbach KD, Fujioka E, Coyne MS, Crowder LB, Freeman SA, Spoerri C
OBIS-SEAMAP: developing a biogeographic research data commons for the ecological studies of marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles
MEPS 316:239-246 | Full text in pdf format
Stevens D, Richardson AJ, Reid PC
Continuous Plankton Recorder database: evolution, current uses and future directions
MEPS 316:247-255 | Full text in pdf format
Costello MJ, Bouchet P, Emblow CS, Legakis A
European marine biodiversity inventory and taxonomic resources: state of the art and gaps in knowledge
MEPS 316:257-268 | Full text in pdf format
Guinotte JM, Bartley JD, Iqbal A, Fautin DG, Buddemeier RW
Modeling habitat distribution from organism occurrences and environmental data: case study using anemonefishes and their sea anemone hosts
MEPS 316:269-283 | Full text in pdf format
Kaschner K, Watson R, Trites AW, Pauly D
Mapping world-wide distributions of marine mammal species using a relative environmental suitability (RES) model
MEPS 316:285-310 | Full text in pdf format