Wade PR, Watters GM, Gerrodette T, Reilly SBDepletion of spotted and spinner dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific: modeling hypotheses for their lack of recovery MEPS 343:1-14 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Garcia N, Raimbault P, Sandroni V
Seasonal nitrogen fixation and primary production in the Southwest Pacific: nanoplankton diazotrophy and transfer of nitrogen to picoplankton organisms
MEPS 343:25-33 | Full text in pdf format
Takada Y, Abe O, Shibuno T
Colonization patterns of mobile cryptic animals into interstices of coral rubble
MEPS 343:35-44 | Full text in pdf format
Chassot E, Mélin F, Le Pape O, Gascuel D
Bottom-up control regulates fisheries production at the scale of eco-regions in European seas
MEPS 343:45-55 | Full text in pdf format
Finke GR, Navarrete SA, Bozinovic F
Tidal regimes of temperate coasts and their influences on aerial exposure for intertidal organisms
MEPS 343:57-62 | Full text in pdf format
Winemiller KO, Akin S, Zeug SC
Production sources and food web structure of a temperate tidal estuary: integration of dietary and stable isotope data
MEPS 343:63-76 | Full text in pdf format
Sonnenholzner JI, Ladah LB, Lafferty KD
Cascading effects of fishing on Galapagos rocky reef communities - ARTICLE RETRACTED
MEPS 343:77-85
Karpouzi VS, Watson R, Pauly D
Modelling and mapping resource overlap between seabirds and fisheries on a global scale: a preliminary assessment
MEPS 343:87-99 | Full text in pdf format
Granek EF, Ruttenberg BI
Protective capacity of mangroves during tropical storms: a case study from ‘Wilma’ and ‘Gamma’ in Belize
MEPS 343:101-105 | Full text in pdf format
Vergés A, Becerro MA, Alcoverro T, Romero J
Experimental evidence of chemical deterrence against multiple herbivores in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica
MEPS 343:107-114 | Full text in pdf format
Biber PD
Transport and persistence of drifting macroalgae (Rhodophyta) are strongly influenced by flow velocity and substratum complexity in tropical seagrass habitats
MEPS 343:115-122 | Full text in pdf format
Baker DM, MacAvoy SE, Kim K
Relationship between water quality, d15N, and aspergillosis of Caribbean sea fan corals
MEPS 343:123-130 | Full text in pdf format
Hill RW, Dacey JWH
Processing of ingested dimethylsulfoniopropionate by mussels Mytilus edulis and scallops Argopecten irradians
MEPS 343:131-140 | Full text in pdf format
Riisgård HU, Larsen PS
Viscosity of seawater controls beat frequency of water-pumping cilia and filtration rate of mussels Mytilus edulis
MEPS 343:141-150 | Full text in pdf format
Tyler PA, Young CM, Dove F
Settlement, growth and reproduction in the deep-sea wood-boring bivalve mollusc Xylophaga depalmai
MEPS 343:151-159 | Full text in pdf format
Le Goff-Vitry MC, Chipman AD, Comtet T
In situ hybridization on whole larvae: a novel method for monitoring bivalve larvae
MEPS 343:161-172 | Full text in pdf format
Chiu JMY, Ng TYT, Wang WX, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY
Latent effects of larval food limitation on filtration rate, carbon assimilation and growth in juvenile gastropod Crepidula onyx
MEPS 343:173-182 | Full text in pdf format
Colson I, Hughes RN
Contrasted patterns of genetic variation in the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus along two putative post-glacial expansion routes
MEPS 343:183-191 | Full text in pdf format
Cresswell KA, Tarling GA, Burrows MT
Behaviour affects local-scale distributions of Antarctic krill around South Georgia
MEPS 343:193-206 | Full text in pdf format
López-Duarte PC, Tankersley RA
Circatidal swimming behaviors of fiddler crab Uca pugilator larvae from different tidal regimes
MEPS 343:207-220 | Full text in pdf format
Sonin O, Spanier E, Levi D, Patti B, Rizzo P, Andreoli MG
Nanism (dwarfism) in fish: a comparison between red mullet Mullus barbatus from the southeastern and the central Mediterranean
MEPS 343:221-228 | Full text in pdf format
Jorde PE, Knutsen H, Espeland SH, Stenseth NC
Spatial scale of genetic structuring in coastal cod Gadus morhua and geographic extent of local populations
MEPS 343:229-237 | Full text in pdf format
Starr RM, Sala E, Ballesteros E, Zabala M
Spatial dynamics of the Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus in a Caribbean atoll
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Craig JK, Rice JA, Crowder LB, Nadeau DA
Density-dependent growth and mortality in an estuary-dependent fish: an experimental approach with juvenile spot Leiostomus xanthurus
MEPS 343:251-262 | Full text in pdf format
Zamzow JP
Ultraviolet-absorbing compounds in the mucus of shallow-dwelling tropical reef fishes correlate with environmental water clarity
MEPS 343:263-271 | Full text in pdf format
Barbee NC, Swearer SE
Characterizing natal source population signatures in the diadromous fish Galaxias maculatus, using embryonic otolith chemistry
MEPS 343:273-282 | Full text in pdf format
Wetherbee BM, Gruber SH, Rosa RS
Movement patterns of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris within Atol das Rocas, Brazil: a nursery characterized by tidal extremes
MEPS 343:283-293 | Full text in pdf format
Mattern T, Ellenberg U, Houston DM, Davis LS
Consistent foraging routes and benthic foraging behaviour in yellow-eyed penguins
MEPS 343:295-306 | Full text in pdf format
Henson et al., Vol. 313:73-84 (2006)
MEPS 343:307 | Full text in pdf format
Kimmerer, Vol. 324:207-218 (2006)
MEPS 343:308 | Full text in pdf format