Inter-Research > MEPS > v377  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 377 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 377 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2009 Inter-Research. Published February 26

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.

Dunn DC, Halpin PN
Rugosity-based regional modeling of hard-bottom habitat
MEPS 377:1-11 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Pringle JM, Lutscher F, Glick E
Going against the flow: effects of non-Gaussian dispersal kernels and reproduction over multiple generations
MEPS 377:13-17 | Full text in pdf format

Shiozaki T, Furuya K, Kodama T, Takeda S
Contribution of N2 fixation to new production in the western North Pacific Ocean along 155°E
MEPS 377:19-32 | Full text in pdf format

Johnson DS, Fleeger JW, Deegan LA
Large-scale manipulations reveal that top-down and bottom-up controls interact to alter habitat utilization by saltmarsh fauna
MEPS 377:33-41 | Full text in pdf format

Horinouchi M, Mizuno N, Jo Y, Fujita M, Sano M, Suzuki Y
Seagrass habitat complexity does not always decrease foraging efficiencies of piscivorous fishes
MEPS 377:43-49 | Full text in pdf format

Reiss CS, Hewes CD, Holm-Hansen O
Influence of atmospheric teleconnections and Upper Circumpolar Deep Water on phytoplankton biomass around Elephant Island, Antarctica
MEPS 377:51-62 | Full text in pdf format

Brugel S, Nozais C, Poulin M, Tremblay JE, Miller LA, Simpson KG, Gratton Y, Demers S
Phytoplankton biomass and production in the southeastern Beaufort Sea in autumn 2002 and 2003
MEPS 377:63-77 | Full text in pdf format

Flynn KJ, Irigoien X
Aldehyde-induced insidious effects cannot be considered as a diatom defence mechanism against copepods
MEPS 377:79-89 | Full text in pdf format

Incera M, Olabarria C, Troncoso JS, López J
Response of the invader Sargassum muticum to variability in nutrient supply
MEPS 377:91-101 | Full text in pdf format

Giménez L
Uncertainty relationships in the estimation of settlement rates of mobile marine organisms
MEPS 377:103-111 | Full text in pdf format

de los Santos CB, Pérez-Lloréns JL, Vergara JJ
Photosynthesis and growth in macroalgae: linking functional-form and power-scaling approaches
MEPS 377:113-122 | Full text in pdf format

McKone KL, Tanner CE
Role of salinity in the susceptibility of eelgrass Zostera marina to the wasting disease pathogen Labyrinthula zosterae
MEPS 377:123-130 | Full text in pdf format

Farina S, Tomas F, Prado P, Romero J, Alcoverro T
Seagrass meadow structure alters interactions between the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and its predators
MEPS 377:131-137 | Full text in pdf format

Imai N, Takyu M, Nakamura Y
Growth, crown architecture and leaf dynamics of saplings of five mangrove tree species in Ranong, Thailand
MEPS 377:139-148 | Full text in pdf format

Adams LM, Cumbo VR, Takabayashi M
Exposure to sediment enhances primary acquisition of Symbiodinium by asymbiotic coral larvae
MEPS 377:149-156 | Full text in pdf format

Metaxas A, Mullineaux LS, Sisson J
Distribution of echinoderm larvae relative to the halocline of a salt wedge
MEPS 377:157-168 | Full text in pdf format

Strain EMA, Johnson CR
Competition between an invasive urchin and commercially fished abalone: effect on body condition, reproduction and survivorship
MEPS 377:169-182 | Full text in pdf format

Choi KH, Kimmerer W
Mating success and its consequences for population growth in an estuarine copepod
MEPS 377:183-191 | Full text in pdf format

Fischer S, Thatje S, Brey T
Early egg traits in Cancer setosus (Decapoda, Brachyura): effects of temperature and female size
MEPS 377:193-202 | Full text in pdf format

Love JW, Luers DF, Williams BD
Spatio-temporal patterns of larval fish ingress to Chincoteague Bay, Maryland, USA during winter and spring 2004 to 2007
MEPS 377:203-212 | Full text in pdf format

Kaplan DM
Fish life histories and marine protected areas: an odd couple?
MEPS 377:213-225 | Full text in pdf format

Robert D, Castonguay M, Fortier L
Effects of preferred prey density and temperature on feeding success and recent growth in larval mackerel of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence
MEPS 377:227-237 | Full text in pdf format

Schaber M, Hinrichsen HH, Neuenfeldt S, Voss R
Hydroacoustic resolution of small-scale vertical distribution in Baltic cod Gadus morhua—habitat choice and limits during spawning
MEPS 377:239-253 | Full text in pdf format

Riding TAC, Dennis TE, Stewart CL, Walker MM, Montgomery JC
Tracking fish using ‘buoy-based’ GPS telemetry
MEPS 377:255-262 | Full text in pdf format

Bacheler NM, Paramore LM, Buckel JA, Hightower JE
Abiotic and biotic factors influence the habitat use of an estuarine fish
MEPS 377:263-277 | Full text in pdf format

Kingsford MJ, Hughes JM, Patterson HM
Otolith chemistry of the non-dispersing reef fish Acanthochromis polyacanthus: cross-shelf patterns from the central Great Barrier Reef
MEPS 377:279-288 | Full text in pdf format

Ramos R, Ramírez F, Sanpera C, Jover L, Ruiz X
Feeding ecology of yellow-legged gulls Larus michahellis in the western Mediterranean: a comparative assessment using conventional and isotopic methods
MEPS 377:289-297 | Full text in pdf format

Wang SW, Iverson SJ, Springer AM, Hatch SA
Spatial and temporal diet segregation in northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis breeding in Alaska: insights from fatty acid signatures
MEPS 377:299-307 | Full text in pdf format