Robertson DR, Cramer KLShore fishes and biogeographic subdivisions of the Tropical Eastern Pacific MEPS 380:1-17 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
van Oevelen D, Soetaert K, Franco MA, Moodley L, van IJzerloo L, Vincx M, Vanaverbeke J
Organic matter input and processing in two contrasting North Sea sediments: insights from stable isotope and biomass data
MEPS 380:19-32 | Full text in pdf format
Hillebrand H, Gamfeldt L, Jonsson PR, Matthiessen B
Consumer diversity indirectly changes prey nutrient content
MEPS 380:33-41 | Full text in pdf format
Fox SE, Teichberg M, Olsen YS, Heffner L, Valiela I
Restructuring of benthic communities in eutrophic estuaries: lower abundance of prey leads to trophic shifts from omnivory to grazing
MEPS 380:43-57 | Full text in pdf format
McKinnon JG, Gribben PE, Davis AR, Jolley DF, Wright JT
Differences in soft-sediment macrobenthic assemblages invaded by Caulerpa taxifolia compared to uninvaded habitats
MEPS 380:59-71 | Full text in pdf format
Zipperle AM, Coyer JA, Reise K, Stam WT, Olsen JL
Evidence for persistent seed banks in dwarf eelgrass Zostera noltii in the German Wadden Sea
MEPS 380:73-80 | Full text in pdf format
Corzo A, van Bergeijk SA, García-Robledo E
Effects of green macroalgal blooms on intertidal sediments: net metabolism and carbon and nitrogen contents
MEPS 380:81-93 | Full text in pdf format
Blanquer A, Uriz MJ, Caujapé-Castells J
Small-scale spatial genetic structure in Scopalina lophyropoda, an encrusting sponge with philopatric larval dispersal and frequent fission and fusion events
MEPS 380:95-102 | Full text in pdf format
Moses CS, Andréfouët S, Kranenburg CJ, Muller-Karger FE
Regional estimates of reef carbonate dynamics and productivity using Landsat 7 ETM+, and potential impacts from ocean acidification
MEPS 380:103-115 | Full text in pdf format
McClanahan TR, Ateweberhan M, Omukoto J, Pearson L
Recent seawater temperature histories, status, and predictions for Madagascars coral reefs
MEPS 380:117-128 | Full text in pdf format
Jacobsen HP, Norrbin MF
Fine-scale layer of hydromedusae is revealed by video plankton recorder (VPR) in a semi-enclosed bay in northern Norway
MEPS 380:129-135 | Full text in pdf format
Darling JA, Kuenzi A, Reitzel AM
Human-mediated transport determines the non-native distribution of the anemone Nematostella vectensis, a dispersal-limited estuarine invertebrate
MEPS 380:137-146 | Full text in pdf format
Tian RC, Chen C, Stokesbury KDE, Rothschild B, Cowles GW, Xu Q, Hu S, Harris BP, Marino MC II
Modeling the connectivity between sea scallop populations in the Middle Atlantic Bight and over Georges Bank
MEPS 380:147-160 | Full text in pdf format
Ochwada F, Loneragan NR, Gray CA, Suthers IM, Taylor MD
Complexity affects habitat preference and predation mortality in postlarval Penaeus plebejus: implications for stock enhancement
MEPS 380:161-171 | Full text in pdf format
Morgan SG, Fisher JL, Mace AJ, Akins L, Slaughter AM, Bollens SM
Cross-shelf distributions and recruitment of crab postlarvae in a region of strong upwelling
MEPS 380:173-185 | Full text in pdf format
Davis AR, Ward DW
Establishment and persistence of species-rich patches in a species-poor landscape: role of a structure-forming subtidal barnacle
MEPS 380:187-198 | Full text in pdf format
Hussey NE, Cocks DT, Dudley SFJ, McCarthy ID, Wintner SP
The condition conundrum: application of multiple condition indices to the dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus
MEPS 380:199-212 | Full text in pdf format
Carlisle AB, Starr RM
Habitat use, residency, and seasonal distribution of female leopard sharks Triakis semifasciata in Elkhorn Slough, California
MEPS 380:213-228 | Full text in pdf format
Tolimieri N, Andrews K, Williams G, Katz S, Levin PS
Home range size and patterns of space use by lingcod, copper rockfish and quillback rockfish in relation to diel and tidal cycles
MEPS 380:229-243 | Full text in pdf format
Duffy TA, McElroy AE, Conover DO
Variable susceptibility and response to estrogenic chemicals in Menidia menidia
MEPS 380:245-254 | Full text in pdf format
Luo J, Serafy JE, Sponaugle S, Teare PB, Kieckbusch D
Movement of gray snapper Lutjanus griseus among subtropical seagrass, mangrove, and coral reef habitats
MEPS 380:255-269 | Full text in pdf format
Baylis AMM, Nichols PD
Milk fatty acids predict the foraging locations of the New Zealand fur seal: continental shelf versus oceanic waters
MEPS 380:271-286 | Full text in pdf format
Watanabe Y, Lydersen C, Sato K, Naito Y, Miyazaki N, Kovacs KM
Diving behavior and swimming style of nursing bearded seal pups
MEPS 380:287-294 | Full text in pdf format
Volumes 371 to 380 (2009)
MEPS 370:295-308 | Full text in pdf format