Inter-Research > MEPS > v417  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 417 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 417 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2010 Inter-Research. Published November 04

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.

Glud RN, Berg P, Hume A, Batty P, Blicher ME, Lennert K, Rysgaard S
Benthic O2 exchange across hard-bottom substrates quantified by eddy correlation in a sub-Arctic fjord
MEPS 417:1-12 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Severin I, Stal LJ
Spatial and temporal variability in nitrogenase activity and diazotrophic community composition in coastal microbial mats
MEPS 417:13-25 | Full text in pdf format

Jackson AC, Underwood AJ, Murphy RJ, Skilleter GA
Latitudinal and environmental patterns in abundance and composition of epilithic microphytobenthos
MEPS 417:27-38 | Full text in pdf format

Piña-Ochoa E, Koho KA, Geslin E, Risgaard-Petersen N
Survival and life strategy of the foraminiferan Globobulimina turgida through nitrate storage and denitrification
MEPS 417:39-49 | Full text in pdf format

Lyons DA, Scheibling RE, Van Alstyne KL
Spatial and temporal variation in DMSP content in the invasive seaweed Codium fragile ssp. fragile: effects of temperature, light and grazing
MEPS 417:51-61 | Full text in pdf format

Balestri E, Vallerini F, Lardicci C
Effect of seed density and sediment nutrient heterogeneity on recruitment and early patch growth in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa
MEPS 417:63-72 | Full text in pdf format

Graham SA, Mendelssohn IA
Multiple levels of nitrogen applied to an oligohaline marsh identify a plant community response sequence to eutrophication
MEPS 417:73-82 | Full text in pdf format

Hill NA, Pepper AR, Puotinen ML, Hughes MG, Edgar GJ, Barrett NS, Stuart-Smith RD, Leaper R
Quantifying wave exposure in shallow temperate reef systems: applicability of fetch models for predicting algal biodiversity
MEPS 417:83-95 | Full text in pdf format

Chu JWF, Leys SP
High resolution mapping of community structure in three glass sponge reefs (Porifera, Hexactinellida)
MEPS 417:97-113 | Full text in pdf format

Nygård H, Wallenschus J, Camus L, Varpe Ø, Berge J
Annual routines and life history of the amphipod Onisimus litoralis: seasonal growth, body composition and energy budget
MEPS 417:115-126 | Full text in pdf format

Carrasco NK, Perissinotto R
Spatial and temporal variations in the diet of the mysid Mesopodopsis africana in the St. Lucia Estuary (South Africa)
MEPS 417:127-138 | Full text in pdf format

Kininmonth S, Drechsler M, Johst K, Possingham HP
Metapopulation mean life time within complex networks
MEPS 417:139-149 | Full text in pdf format

Pérez-Matus A, Shima JS
Density- and trait-mediated effects of fish predators on amphipod grazers: potential indirect benefits for the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera
MEPS 417:151-158 | Full text in pdf format

Walther K, Anger K, Pörtner HO
Effects of ocean acidification and warming on the larval development of the spider crab Hyas araneus from different latitudes (54° vs. 79°N)
MEPS 417:159-170 | Full text in pdf format

Waldbusser GG, Bergschneider H, Green MA
Size-dependent pH effect on calcification in post-larval hard clam Mercenaria spp.
MEPS 417:171-182 | Full text in pdf format

Rayssac N, Pernet F, Lacasse O, Tremblay R
Temperature effect on survival, growth, and triacylglycerol content during the early ontogeny of Mytilus edulis and M. trossulus
MEPS 417:183-191 | Full text in pdf format

Coll M, Santojanni A, Palomera I, Arneri E
Ecosystem assessment of the North-Central Adriatic Sea: towards a multivariate reference framework
MEPS 417:193-210 | Full text in pdf format

Martin CS, Vaz S, Ellis JR, Coppin F, Le Roy D, Carpentier A
Spatio-temporal patterns in demersal elasmobranchs from trawl surveys in the eastern English Channel (1988-2008)
MEPS 417:211-228 | Full text in pdf format

Swearer SE, Shima JS
Regional variation in larval retention and dispersal drives recruitment patterns in a temperate reef fish
MEPS 417:229-236 | Full text in pdf format

Zhang T, Bailey KM, Chan KS
Recruitment forecast models for walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma fine-tuned from juvenile survey data, predator abundance and environmental phase shifts
MEPS 417:237-248 | Full text in pdf format

Jenkins GP, Conron SD, Morison AK
Highly variable recruitment in an estuarine fish is determined by salinity stratification and freshwater flow: implications of a changing climate
MEPS 417:249-261 | Full text in pdf format

Hogan JD, Thiessen RJ, Heath DD
Variability in connectivity indicated by chaotic genetic patchiness within and among populations of a marine fish
MEPS 417:263-275 | Full text in pdf format

Pajuelo M, Bjorndal KA, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Seminoff JA, Mangel JC, Bolten AB
Stable isotope variation in loggerhead turtles reveals Pacific-Atlantic oceanographic differences
MEPS 417:277-285 | Full text in pdf format

Kolb GS, Ekholm J, Hambäck PA
Effects of seabird nesting colonies on algae and aquatic invertebrates in coastal waters
MEPS 417:287-300 | Full text in pdf format

Kerr et al., Vol. 349: 245-253, (2007)
MEPS 417:301 | Full text in pdf format