Inter-Research > MEPS > v694  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 694 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 694 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2022 Inter-Research. Published August 11
Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.
Nilsson P, Pernet B
Echinoid larvae can express food-conditioned morphological plasticity at ecologically relevant culture densities
MEPS 694:1-12 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


van Denderen PD, Törnroos A, Sciberras M, Hinz H, Friedland R, Lasota R, Mangano MC, Robertson C, Valanko S, Hiddink JG
Effects of bottom trawling and hypoxia on benthic invertebrate communities
MEPS 694:13-27 | Full text in pdf format

Duermit-Moreau E, Bojko J, Behringer DC
Cyanobacterial blooms alter benthic community structure and parasite prevalence among invertebrates in Florida Bay, USA
MEPS 694:29-44 | Full text in pdf format

Elsmore K, Nickols KJ, Ford T, Cavanaugh KC, Cavanaugh KC, Gaylord B
Macrocystis pyrifera forest development shapes the physical environment through current velocity reduction
MEPS 694:45-59 | Full text in pdf format

de la Barra P, Skov MW, Lawrence PJ, Schiaffi JI, Hiddink JG
Tidal water exchange drives fish and crustacean abundances in salt marshes
MEPS 694:61-72 | Full text in pdf format

Xu S, Men Z, Yu K, Chen H, Mo H, Chen B, Qin Z
Interspecific differences in the response of coral trophic status to the decrease in symbiotic zooxanthellae in summer
MEPS 694:73-87 | Full text in pdf format

Clements JC, George MN
Ocean acidification and bivalve byssus: explaining variable responses using meta-analysis
MEPS 694:89-103 | Full text in pdf format

Nolasco R, Dubert J, Acuña JL, Aguión A, Cruz T, Fernandes JN, Geiger KJ, Jacinto D, Macho G, Mateus D, Rivera A, Román S, Thiébaut E, Vazquez E, Queiroga H
Biophysical modelling of larval dispersal and population connectivity of a stalked barnacle: implications for fishery governance
MEPS 694:105-123 | Full text in pdf format

Mickle MF, Pieniazek R, Stasso JJ, Higgs DM
Anthropogenic sounds induce escape behaviour in southern stingrays Hypanus americanus
MEPS 694:125-132 | Full text in pdf format

Fonseca-Ponce IA, Zavala-Jiménez AA, Aburto-Oropeza O, Maldonado-Gasca A, Galván-Magaña F, González-Armas R, Stewart JD
Physical and environmental drivers of oceanic manta ray Mobula birostris sightings at an aggregation site in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico
MEPS 694:133-148 | Full text in pdf format

Kaartvedt S, Christiansen S, Røstad A, Aksnes DL
Mesopelagic fishes in a hurry at low latitudes
MEPS 694:149-156 | Full text in pdf format

Gorecki R, Schrandt MN, Switzer TS
Evidence of shared trends in juvenile fish recruitment to nearshore seagrass habitats of the eastern Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 694:157-174 | Full text in pdf format

Arronte JC, González-Irusta JM, Somavilla R, Fernández-Feijoo J, Parra S, Serrano A
Habitat use by Gadiculus argenteus (Pisces, Gadidae) in the Galician and Cantabrian Sea waters (NE Atlantic)
MEPS 694:175-191 | Full text in pdf format

Cherel Y, Carrouée A
Assessing marine ecosystem complexity: isotopic integration of the trophic structure of seabird communities from the Southern Ocean
MEPS 694:193-208 | Full text in pdf format