In-press articles are listed online shortly after acceptance. Prepress abstracts are also made available. These have not yet been fully checked and copyedited and are therefore subject to change before actual publication. The article is however citable as "in press", using the DOI.
N 1380
Hobday AJ, Cvitanovic C, Hamann M
The future for Australia’s flatback turtles
Prepress abstract | Managing flatback turtles for the future
N 1381
Hobday AJ, Dunlop M, Thomas L, Cvitanovic C, Fossette S, Richards SA, Tucker AD, Whiting SD, van Putten EI
Flatback futures—scenarios and adaptation pathways for a marine turtle facing long-term change
Prepress abstract | Managing flatback turtles for the future
N 1382
Witt MJ, Beton D, Davey S, Fuller WJ, Godley BJ, Özkan M, Snape RTE, Stokes KL, Broderick AC
Phenological shift mitigates predicted impacts of climate change on sea turtle offspring
Prepress abstract
N 1383
Branch TA
Timing hypothesis explains the mystery of the missing blue whale calves
Prepress abstract
N 1384
Garcia ML, Tolkova I, Madhusudhana S, Rahaman A, Baker CS, Mayo CA, Hudak CA, Klinck H
Acoustic abundance estimation for critically endangered North Atlantic right whales in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts, USA
Prepress abstract
N 1386
Tillotson M, Lee CY, Garcia C
Evaluation of delta smelt distribution reveals association with other small pelagic species: implications for potential competitive dynamics and proxy monitoring
Prepress abstract
N 1387
Boulerice J, Bly K, Jepson S, Mahoney P, Alexander J, Messerly T, Shamon H
Detection of the endangered black-footed ferret Mustela nigripes using thermal-infrared cameras.
Prepress abstract
last update: January 23, 2025