Lagarde F, Roque d’orbcastel E, Ubertini M, Mortreux S, Bernard I, Fiandrino A, Chiantella C, Bec B, Roques C, Bonnet D, Miron G, Richard M, Pouvreau S, Lett C Recruitment of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in a shellfish-exploited Mediterranean lagoon: discovery, driving factors and a favorable environmental window MEPS 578:1-17 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Trimborn S, Brenneis T, Hoppe CJM, Laglera LM, Norman L, Santos-Echeandía J, Völkner C, Wolf-Gladrow D, Hassler CS
Iron sources alter the response of Southern Ocean phytoplankton to ocean acidification
MEPS 578:35-50 | Full text in pdf format
Boltovskoy D
Seasonality in the vertical flux and species composition of Radiolaria Polycystina (Protista): patterns and drivers
MEPS 578:51-72 | Full text in pdf format
Pascal PY, Dubois SF, Goffette A, Lepoint G
Influences of geothermal sulfur bacteria on a tropical coastal food web
MEPS 578:73-85 | Full text in pdf format
Dionísio G, Faleiro F, Bilan M, Rosa IC, Pimentel M, Serôdio J, Calado R, Rosa R
Impact of climate change on the ontogenetic development of ‘solar-powered’ sea slugs
MEPS 578:87-97 | Full text in pdf format
Rogers JGD, Pláganyi ÉE, Babcock RC
Aggregation, Allee effects and critical thresholds for the management of the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci
MEPS 578:99-114 | Full text in pdf format
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Individual variability in seabird foraging and migration
Editors: J. González-Solís, R. A. Phillips, F. Daunt, S. Lewis, R. P. Wilson
This Theme Section showcases the latest research on individual variability in foraging and migration in seabirds. The studies thus contribute to our understanding of the causes and consequences of movement, dietary and habitat variability among individuals, using a range of methods for quantification and analysis. These studies provide fundamental insights into key factors such as individual specialisation, plasticity in response to environmental change and seasonal carry-over effects.
MEPS 578:115-261
Complete Theme Section in pdf format
Contents page
MEPS 578:115 | Full text in pdf format
Phillips RA, Lewis S, González-Solís J, Daunt F
INTRODUCTION: REVIEW: Causes and consequences of individual variability and specialization in foraging and migration strategies of seabirds
MEPS 578:117-150 | Full text in pdf format
Carneiro APB, Bonnet-Lebrun AS, Manica A, Staniland IJ, Phillips RA
REVIEW: Methods for detecting and quantifying individual specialisation in movement and foraging strategies of marine predators
MEPS 578:151-166 | Full text in pdf format
Bogdanova MI, Butler A, Wanless S, Moe B, Anker-Nilssen T, Frederiksen M, Boulinier T, Chivers LS, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Descamps S, Harris MP, Newell M, Olsen B, Phillips RA, Shaw D, Steen H, Strøm H, Thórarinsson TL, Daunt F
Multi-colony tracking reveals spatio-temporal variation in carry-over effects between breeding success and winter movements in a pelagic seabird
MEPS 578:167-181 | Full text in pdf format
Camprasse ECM, Cherel Y, Arnould JPY, Hoskins AJ, Bustamante P, Bost CA
Mate similarity in foraging Kerguelen shags: a combined bio-logging and stable isotope investigation
MEPS 578:183-196 | Full text in pdf format
van Bemmelen R, Moe B, Hanssen SA, Schmidt NM, Hansen J, Lang J, Sittler B, Bollache L,
Tulp I, Klaassen R, Gilg O
Flexibility in otherwise consistent non-breeding movements of a long-distance migratory seabird, the long-tailed skua
MEPS 578:197-211 | Full text in pdf format
Krietsch J, Hahn S, Kopp M, Phillips RA, Peter HU, Lisovski S
Consistent variation in individual migration strategies of brown skuas
MEPS 578:213-225 | Full text in pdf format
Camprasse ECM, Cherel Y, Bustamante P, Arnould JPY, Bost CA
Intra- and inter-individual variation in the foraging ecology of a generalist subantarctic seabird, the gentoo penguin
MEPS 578:227-242 | Full text in pdf format
Navarro J, Grémillet D, Ramirez FJ, Afán I, Bouten W, Forero MG
Shifting individual habitat specialization of a successful predator living in anthropogenic landscapes
MEPS 578:243-251 | Full text in pdf format
Young RC, Orben RA, Will AP, Kitaysky AS
Relationship between telomere dynamics and movement and behavior during winter in the thick-billed murre
MEPS 578:253-261 | Full text in pdf format